Postoffiee Bous. OOe'opsa TM a.m. toT.OOp. m. inudaytUW totLOOa.a. and 100 tq&OOp. m J.tL MoOBACKBH, Postmaster. ' RAILROAD SCHEDULE. OOINO EAST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a. m. " 108 " 9:17 M " 22 " 5:00 p.m. OOINO WOT— r No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. " 21 "11:13 " " 139 " 6:16 p. m. All trains carry mail, and Nos. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. »«»»»«.« m . «._s..a. «- t t I J e liifciti I Ii I TTTTTVTTT' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ♦ ♦ ♦ LOG AI, NIWB. + Mtnum I 111 limn Mill —Mr. Curry Moore received a let ter a day or two ago from hia son Earl, who wrote from "somewhere" in France. He is in the U. S. Navy. —The sugar shortage continues. Only one grocer hare, so far as known, has had any this week. They have distributed it in 2-lb. packages. —Messrs. Edwin D. Scott and Thos. Holt Wharton have volun teered to join the* aviation corps. Both are grandsons of Mr.~L. Banks Holt. —The cold snap caught many un prepared—short on wood and coal. Then some forgot their water pipes Sunday night and Monday morning they were in trouble. —Lonnie Ezzell, son of Mr. Chas. Ezzell, arrived here last Thursday evening on furlongh for a few days. He is of the U. S. Battleship Ne vada, where he has been for the past ten months. —Dr. E. G. Moore, a prominent physician of Elm City, was here Tuesday and bpught from Messrs. ...Green & MoClure their fine buck skin horse. The horse was shipped yeeterday morning. —Mr. Chas. D. Johnston killed two hogs last week whose weights aggregated 811) pounds, the heavi er one weighing 410 pounds The extraordinary weight of these two fine porkers is no doubt due to the excellent attention 'given them by Mrs. Johnston. —Winter is here in real earnest. It turned very cold Sunday night and the. thermometer dropped to 8 degrees above zero. Tuesday and yeeterday morning there was a rise of about 3 degrees, but this morn ing, with the snow to help keep things cool, it was about the same temperature a« on Monday morning. —Several new names appear in the list as having Joined the fled "Cross. There are many more whose namea should be enrolled. Our sol dier boys need your help and en couragement now. If you put it off, something might happen to you and you could nevefr give it, or something might happen to them and they would never know that you extended a.helpiiig hand. Now, today, is the time. —Last week we mentioned that several persons from here attended Court at Hillsboro on Thursday as witnesses in the case of Clarence Sloan against our townsman, Mr. Peter Hughes. Clarence Sloan is a boy about 14 years of age and lost a loot by stepping in front of a mow ing machine driven by Mr. Hughes. His action was for (8,000 and the the parents sued for $3,000 for loss of services. Both were tried to gether. In the the latter the jury gave nothing and the verdict of the jury was $2,600 in the former. A Christmas Carol. The boys and girls of the High School will give Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" at the School next Wednesday evening the 19th, at 8 o'clock. Everyone should see this favorite of Christmas stories dramatized. An admission fee of 15c. and 25c. will be aaked. Little Boy Waited by Roadside to KOI the Kaiser. Some days ago Master Charley Foushee, son of Mf. C. D. Foushee, about a mile South of Graham, arm ed with a corn knife and a twenty two rifle, took his seat at the mail bos on the roadside. When asked what he was doing he said that he waa going to kill the Kaiser and was waiting for him to come along. The little patriot and enemy of the Kaiser is not yet 3 years old by some three months. Bioest Snow in Years Toeeday evening about sunset snow begin falling and continued almost all night, and yesterday morn ing it was about 8 inches deep on a level. There was no wind, conse ritly no drifting. It is still here, it wae cold yesterday and the senshine made little or no impres sion, and today it has been hazy and cold, and about noon there waa a slight fall of hail. At The Mexican. Mr. R. L. Holmes, Mgr. of the Mexican Theatre has booked for this week in addition to Reptivo, the World-Famed Accordionist, ex tern pictures. On Fridav night will be run "Lvdia Gilmore" a story of love and adventure, featuring Miss Pauline Federici. Saturday, mati nee and night, "The Mysterious Miss Terry," a story of fun aud frolic, featuring Hiss Billie Burke Beetivo, will appear,' Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This is a treat for the music lovers, especially is Graham as he seldoms stops in s town the size of Graham, His aoogs an the latest, and he will play your favorite selection if you leave your requeat at the ticket office. Admission is 10 and 15cta. I ++++++■»+.!■+,!■ ++.++++»»+++ * ' + ♦ PERSONAL. + ♦ Mr. John W. Crawford of Greens boro wis hen yesterday. Sergt. Roy Cotes of Camp Sevier ■pent Saturday and Sunday here. Mr. John W. Nicholson of Me bane was in Graham yesterday on business. Mrs. E. 0. Murray of Alamance Church, Goilford county, visited friends here last week. Misses Agnes Liner and, Molene Hughes spent the week-end in Greensboro with friends. Messrs. John G. and W. T. Clark, near Hnow Camp, were in town a day or two ago on business. Sergt. Geo. Holt of Camp Sevier spent yesterday here. He is a son of Mr. Geo. E. Holt of Mebane. Mrs. D. F. Noyee of Construction, N. C., arrived Wednesday to viait her Bister, Mrs. C. A. Thompson. Mr. John Scott has returned from New York and other points North, West and South, after an absence of a few weeks. Mr. Geo. Denny of Savannah, Ga., spent the first of the week here with his sisters, Mrs. Mcßride Holt and Miss Ada Denny. Mr. R. G. Hives of Greensboro, representative of Edwards & B rough ton i'nntiuK Co., was a business visitor in Graham yesterday. Mr. Palmer Bailey stopped off here Saturday on his way to his home at Garvsburg. He spent several weeks here last Summer with the Headquarters Co. Mrs. C. B. Irwin, after spending several uuys here with friends, leu Tuesday for Fayetteville to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs L. Banks Williamson, who recently moved there from Burlington. The corner stone of the new bailding for the State School For the Blind, in Raleigh, was laid Monday by the grand lodge of Masons. Arnold A. McKay of Maxton has been appointed United Statescon sul Ht Valparaiso, Chile, and will sail for his post soon. The salary is $2,600. Mr. R. L. Jarvis, who accident ally shot himself about a month ago, died last week at his home at Elkin of blood poison, the result of his wouuds. The 4-year-6ld sou of J. L. Bailey, of the Sandy Run section of Wilson county, was playing in a wagon bed when the bed fell on him and crushed him to death. Everett R. Rogers, a young white man of Henderson, was killed by a Seaboard train in Charlotte Sunday night. Rail road men say Rogers attempted to cateh the train while it was moving. J. A. Rozier, 44 years old, was found dead in the woods, in the vicinity of his home, four miles from Lumberton. Had gone into the woods to gather fuel and suc cumbed to heart disease. The Boone Democrat makes cor rection of a former statement that the average weight of a drove of Watauga turkey was 43 pounds. Thirteen pounds was the figure, the Democrat says, which is some fall. In Duplin Superior Court, at Kenansville, Frank Moore, negro, was convicted of the murder of Walter Heath, white, and sent enced to death. Three white men are also implicated in the murder and the negro is a witness against them. The Greensboro Daily News proudly floats a "service flag" on its building, showing that nine men have gone ou t of the News offlcn into Uncle Sam's fighting forces since war was declared. Of the nine two are first lieutenants and two sergeants. Boys"pla fully" threw the piece of iron, with rope attached, on the railroad track near Weleetka, Ok la., that catfsed the wreck of a train and killed two trainmen. It was first reported that train wreck ers had tied a piece of iron on the track. A soldier at Camp Jackson, Columbia, made his will aud gave it to a Y. M. C. A. secretary to be sent to his home county. The secretary asked permission to read the will, which was granted. It provided that, in case of the sol dier's death, all his property, in cluding 430 acres of land, should be sold and converted into a fund to educate young men for the ministry. A Grippe Epidemic Every winter Health Boards warn against this weakening disease which often strikes those who are least prepared to resist it You should strengthen yourself against grippe by taking CCOTT'G OBDILSHMO which is the cream of cod Brer ofl, refined, purified and so skilfully prepared that it enriches the blood streams, creates reserve strength and fortifies the lungs and throat. Don't delay—lt nay mean much. k Use SCOTT'S M. Refuse Substitutes DEATHS. Mr. Charlie Boswell died at Dia per Monday and the remains were brought here for interment Tuesday. He is survived by his widow aud three stpall children. He was »l brother of Chief of Police W. H. | Boswell and lived here a number of years. " T Paul Crawford, son of Mr. W. Graham Crawford, near Baxapahaw, diied in the hospital in Greensboro early yesterday morning, aged 16 years and 7 months. He was affect ed with a rising in his head and bad undergone a number of operations. He bad heen in the hospital about nine weeks. The body wss brought down yesterdsy morning and carried to the home of his father aud the burial was at Phillips Chapel about noon today. He was a l>roher of Mr. John M. Crawford of Graham. Newton Maulden died at Swep sonville Monday evening, aged 44 yean. The body was carried to Bear Creek, Chatham county, for burial. His wife died a year or two ago and he left no children. More Sweaters Needed. The War Council of the Ameri can Red Cross recently sent the following statement to all Division Managers: "It is imperative that all of the sweaters, wristlets and Bocks that can possibly be made by the wo men of tho country should be turned in to the Supply Depart ment at the earliest possible date. With the cold weather coming on, the demand, for sweaters espe cially, has been beyond the ca pacity of all our resources to sup« ply. We have forwarded prompt ly all knitted artioh's received from the Chapters and have in addition been compelled to buy in the market 550,000 sweaters, of which about 250,000 have been delivered. The-e sweaters are machine knit and the yarn used is a mixture of cotton and wool, so that it does not withdraw any con siderable amount of yarn from the women knitters of the Red Cross. We are buying all the yam we are able to secure that is suitable for knitters and sending it out to the Chapters as fast as we can get de livery of it. We have received from the Chapters about 200,000 sweaters, approximately the same number of machine-made sweat ers, all of which have been de livered to the men iu the cainps and training stations, with the exception of a few thousand which we have had to send to France. The requests of our organization in France for sweaters aud knit ted goods have had to remain un satisfied on account of out in ability to secure enough for men in,our own Army and Navy. We call upon the women to give us their very b»»st effort from now until at least January Ist, that we may be able to fhrnish our own men with these comforts and have some to spare for the dire needs in France." Naval Reserves soon will man all American ships transporting troops aud supplies under a plan now being worked out by Secre tary Daniels and the shipping board, to avoid having civilians aboard vessels engaged iu war work. Editor Rutledge of the Yadkin ville Ripple drove a friend's new Ford to Winston-Salem and while the editor's back was turned some body ran away with the Ford. The Landmark's sympathy is with Editor Rutledge—if he has that car to pay for. The Maximalist coininissiounrs who are attempting to govern Rus sia have proclaimed the abolition of class titles, distinctions and privileges. All persons hence forth are "citizens of the Russian republic." The corporate prop erty and property of uobles, mer chants and burgesses, according to the proclamation, must be hand ed over to the State. For Rent. I will rent half of my hoyse for light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished. For particulars 'phone 382. The difference between a skin deep beauty and the other kin J iB that you get the other kind at the drug stores. A syndicate is making prepara tions for the development of what is believed to be a rich vein of iron ore, located in the northern part of Dorham eouuty. The ore has been analyzed by mining ex perts and is declared to be very rich in iron. Will Grubb, a Forsyth county man, who persuaded his sou, a soldier, not to return to camp when the boy was at home on a furlough, was fined S2O in the Federal court at Greensboro. The boy was returned to camp after his father bad been indicted. Green's August Flower Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stom ach and inactive liver, such as si»k headache, constipation sour stom ach, nervous indigestion fermen tation of food, palpitation of ths heart caused by gases in the stom ach. AUGUST PIXWEfI Is a gen tle laxative, regulates die«Upn gestlon both in stomach and intes tines, cleanses and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stim ulates the liver to secrete th- bile and impurities from the blood. 23 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. Judging oy those we have seen so far, ft won't be necessary for the surgeons snd sculptors to make over the faces of any of tjie fled Cross nurses. German "victories" on the West em front will not cease until the last German typewriter is captur ed. I V Southwest Alamance. Cor. of The Gleaner. Mt. Zion Baptist church present ed their pastor, Rev. W. H. BUer, ten dollars in /joljl tor a Christ mas sift. | The sugar famine is akinj the Christmas cake problem 'julte a serious matter. * The Oakdale and X-roids com munities are speaking of Christmas trees and entertainments some time during the holidays; but where are the toys, to aome from In this bl£h cost of living time? Walter Neese and Ethel Coble were married Wednesday Bth. 'Es'i. W. A'. Tinnin performed the cere mony. Congratulations. Our community has quite a num ber of fine porkers, nnd a few have already been killed. Rez Murray is all smiles over a fine baby girl. Taking up the eighth grade work at Qakdale is a step; in the right direction. Those people , always know how to do things. Other im provements may be expected in the future. There is no better place to train the morals of girls and boys than a good country school, and the Oakdale people are well aware of that fact. tfew Members For Red Cross. EDITOR GLEANER : The American Red Cross must double their membership. Not one-fifth of those in Graham who should belong, do belong. By joining the Red Cross the only pledge you take is to pay One Dollar per year so long as you con tinue a member, and 10 enroll your name as one of those who wants our soldior boys to have proper care and nursing when sick, or wounded. There is no promise on your part to do more than give the dollar, and that you must do before your name is en rolled ; and by the payment of this dollar your name Is placed upon the roll of th,ose who not only want, but who have helped, to care for our wounded and sick boys. Beginning now, a drive for new members will be madgt A list of those now members can be seen in Postofflce. Commencing in next week's issue, we will publish the list of the new members in this column. Heenan Hughes. H. J. Stockard. M. C. Terrell. . , J. D. Albright. J. J. Barefoot. Beer-Soaked Brutes. Manufacturers' Record, i A Baltimore physician gives as his opinion that Germany's bru tality has been largely developed by the fact that for generations by the fact t!hat for generations its people have been steadily soaked in beer. While this beer drinking habit has not made them out-and out drunkards, in his opinion it has kept them-Bo soaked in alcohol that fiber of the nation hasi been large ly destroyed through this evil in (luencc. J. A. Clark, a boss at the Cham pion Fibre Company, Canton, Hay wood county, hud nine children in liis car, taking them for a ride. He lost control of his car, it ran off an embankment, turned over twice aud landed in a creek 60 feet below. One child suffered a broken collar bone and the car was completely demolished. STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following : "I have never found anything so tyiod for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimu late the liver and keen on™'s body in a healthy condition," writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn N. Y. Ycj need it- We .sell it § THE' POCKET FILLING" Waterman's II Ideal; I Fountain Pen |z. t.hadley" ITS YOURS—USE "Dltulamlnt." * Nsture'i retentive sad a«/«abort, cut to quick relief from atomach ills: Htartbwn, Dizxuwm. Aod Mouth. Lost Appetite, SlceplewneM, etc. Known, trusted and tried by thous ands the whole land over. I in\MPCTnMPTIiig- Ttl> to to "fill; fm lhat I Sa»a tha aMdWa* I (ram »am. Moat mt tt to nnHast aatf to * ULkwJSac*. Wadtor. Oa. Man oats* niaxitooete* mr "twnati baa •topped borUas M aad I Joat ras cat aafftila* tut I want to. I fcav* baj ta4ta*attoa tor 20 rasra. DfWIIJ.IAMS, ill Hot >2. Ttfar.Ga. HAYES DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C. 1 . Hi) RESTIVO / ¥ ' ■ w • The World Famed Accordionist Will Appear At The MEXICAN Thursday, Dec. 13, Friday, Dec. 14, Saturday, Dec. 15. This is a real treat to the music lovers of Graham. In addition to Restivo we will run all features. Friday Pauline Frederick in "Lydia Gilmore" Saturday Matinee and Night Miss Billie Burke in that Artcraft success ''The Mys terious Miss Terry. Admission 10 and 15cts Legal Notice ! ALAMANCE COUNTY,- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Citizens Bank, which sues on* be half of itself, and all other cred itors of the defendant who will make themselves parties to this action, against Southern Structural Steel Corpora tion, defendant. State of Nerth Carolina— To the Sheriff of Alamance County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon the defendant above nam ed, If it be found within your county, to be mid appear before the Judge of the Superior Court, at the court hous* in Oraham. on the second Monday hefor the first Monday In September. 1017, and answer the complaint of the plain tiff within the first three days of the Term, and In default thefeo' the plaintiff will apply to the Court for such relief as may ,)e entitled to. • Herein fail not and of this sum mons make due return. Given under mr hand and seal of the Court 21st day of Mav, 1917. J. D. KEHS'ODLE.C.B. C- Alamance County. Notice of Receivership. The stockholders, creditors, deal ers with, and all other persons in terested in the affairs of South ern Structural Steel Corporation, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Ala mance county, summons at above was duly served, pud the tinker—- signed was duly appointed receiv er of the defendant, an I has made his bond and under order nt Court publishes this notice to the ena that all persons who mat be inter ested may make themaelv • parties to this action, or answer !b« com plaint therein Hied on or before I 23rd day of January, 1018. All per sons having claims afvinut the de fendant will present the same to me properly authenticate'!. This the 12th day o/ December, 1917. WM. f. WARD, .Receiver So. Structural Steel Corp. decl36ts. Cotton Ginning. We have inxtallel a motor to run our 4in at Mebane and can do prompt and efficient service. TBOLIXGBK & MONTCOMKHT. Bnov2m ' Land. Under and by virtue o/'tlie pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of 'trust made and entered Into the lTth day of November, 1916 and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages an't Deeds of Trust No. 71, page 181. wherein the undersigned Alamance insurance and Real Estate Com pany is Trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Dead of Trust the said trustee will, on MONDAY, DEC. 24, 1917, at 1.30 o'clock p. m„ at the court house door in Graham, N. 0. oi fer tyr-sale at auction to the higa ; est bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: A tract of land In the county of Alamance, State of North Carolina In Burlington township, b?lng part of the C. R. Murlett property, sold by Glendale Real Estate Companv, a diagram of which property ap pears in Book of Deeds No 33, pp. 592-593, and bounded as foil >wn : Lot No. S of Block No. 3, begin ning at a otake, the N. E. co.'ner of Tot No. 4, of block No. 2. nn.i running theneo N. 78 ileT. E. 50 ft to a stake; thence N. W. corner of lot No. 8 o' same block; thence S 12 oeg. E. 147 ft. to a stake on the N. fide of a 10 ft." alley; theme with-said allev S. 78 deg. W. 50 ft. to a stake; thence N. 12 147 ft. to the beginning. Lot No. 0 of block No. 2, begin ning at a stake on Mebane 8t„ N. K. corner of lot No .5, of same block, and running thence with saia Mebane St., R. 50 ft. to a stake; thence 8. with Harrison St 117 ft. to a 10 ft. alley; thence with sain alley W. 50 ft. to a stake; thence N. 12 deg. W. 147 ft to the begin ning. This 16th day of November, 1017. Alamance Inß. & Rent Estate Co, Trustee. Re-sale of Valuable Real - Estate in Patterson Township. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made In the Sneelal Pro ceeding wnereln Robert Clapp and 2thers are plaintiffs and Alfred rouse and others are defendants, the undersigned commissioner wllf, pD THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 27, 1917, at 12 o'clock M.i at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gf.v ham, N. C., offer tor sale at public auction to the highest bidder, A certain tract or parcel of land lyini and being in Alamance county, N. C., In Patterson township, ntljoii i >» the lands of Robert Clapp, Henry Patrum, Mike Coble. AlfredCYouse, and others, containing forty acres more or less; the same being known and designated as the Anderson Clapp land, Terms of Sale : One-third cash, one-third in nine months from date of sale, and balance in eirriitem months from date of sale; interest at 6 per cent, to be collected on deferred payments, and tjtla re served until purchase; prlco la pala, with option to purchaser to pay all cash upon confirmation of court and receive deed. Bidding will begin at $715.00. Time of sale, Thursday,. December 27, 1917.' at 12 o'clock M., Pla.-C of sale, Court House Door, Ornhltn, North Carolina. E. S. W. DAMERON, Commissioner. This December 3, 1917. Another He-Sale! Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of Alamanco county, made In a special proceeding there in pending, enti.led J. G. Holt ariu wife, Minnie E. Holt, and others, vs. Bettle Boggs ana others, where to all the devisees of George M. Noah are duly constituted parties, the undersigned commissioners wllf sell to the highest bidder at public auction ( on SATURDAY, DEC. 2ft. 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In Graham, all of the following described real property, to-wlt: Three certain tracts or parcels of land, lying and in Patter son township, Alamance county North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning a*, a rock, Amos No ah's corner and running thence N. 24 deg. E. 3b chains 50 links to a stone in W. D. Holt's line, Isaac Noah's corner; thence with Holt's line S. 70% deg. W. li. chains to a hickory, Holt's corner; thence N. 88 deg. W. 11 chains to a slake; thrnce H. 40 chains to a stake; thence E. 11 chains GO links to a hickory; thence N. 10 chains 30 Iks to the beginning, and containing 6ft acres, more or less. Also another tract or parcel of land in said township, county atui State, on the waters of Varncll's creek, adjoining the lands of the heirsof the late George Noah, Hen ry Isley, and others, and boundeu follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stake on Hcrrnon road and running thenoo H. 32 chs. to a hickory; thence E. 10 chs. to a stake: thence N. 15 chs. to a hickory; thence E. 31 chs. to a hickory; 'thence N. 30 chains to a white oak; thence W. 7. chs. to » hickory; thence S. '2l* deg W. II chains and '*o links to a stone pile; thence N. 85 deg. W. 5 chs. 90 links to a white oak: thence N. 'li% deg. W. 6 chs. 25 links to David Hoi Us line; thence 8. 08 deg. W. 22 chs. 80 links to the beginning, and containing 100 acres, more or less. Also another tract of land in saio township, county and State, on the waters of Rock Creek, adjoining the lands of William Patterson arm others, bounded as follows, to-uf. Beginning at a post oak, O. Holr* corner, and running thence fir 8b deg. 12. 25 chains 60 links to stake; thence N. 10 chains to a stake in J. Noah's line; thence N. 88 deg, W. 21 chains 60 links to a hickory; thence S, 6 deg. W. 15 chs. 40 links to a Spanish oak; thence W. 10 chains to a hickory; thence 8. with Patterson's line 7 chs. 80 links to a rock, I'atterson's cor ner; thence 8. 15 chs. 60 links to the beginning, and containing 100 acres, more or less; anil the whole containing 209 acres, more or less. AU ftf the aforesaid several tracts of land go to make up what is known as the Jerry Noah place. TERMS OK SALE One-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash, the other two-thirds to je paid in Instalments within six ana twelve months. Deferred pay ments to be evidenced by oonefs of purchaser bearing Interest at 6 percent. Sale subject to confirma tion by the Court. Bidjling will begin at $671. This December 12, 1971. V J. DOLPH LONG, I. C. MOSER, Commissioners. Christmas j Suggestions | Manicure Rolls, if Toilet Sets in White Ivory, Odd Pieces of White Ivory, I Shaving Sets, Fountain Pens, Stationery, Nunnally's Candies, i Story Books for Children, , vjj Cards, Seals, Tags, Holly Paper, +& Gardenglo Perfumes and Toilet Waters, Flash Lights, . > ffM Tobacco and Cigars for •> The Soldier. —v* I - Graham Drug Company j Prescription Druggists GRAHAM, N. C. j RjmhmaAJDMMAAMHMAAJM ■■ ii i i iAfl ■■ ■■ tf $5,500.00 REWARD This sum is the reward of a little systematic 4 saving which will be distributed within the next * few aays among the members of the Christmas Savings Club of the Citizens Bank. The ma turity of this year's Club shows a substantial * gain over preceding years and the members are to be congratulated on their spirit of thrift. We . advise all of them, who can do so, to lay aside £ part of their savings. Buy a Government certi- , ncate or leave part of your savings on certificate of deposit or savings account. We are now ready to register members for the 1918 Club. Call in to see us a%d become a mem ber of the Christmas Savings Club for 1918. Pay ments will be 25cts., 50cts. and $1 per week for 50 weeks. Citizens Bank J R. N. COOK, Cashier I Annual Statement 1917 In accordance with the requirement# of Section 1320 of Revisal of 1905, of North Carolina, I, H. M. Rogers, Register of Deeds and ex-offlcio Clerk to tlie lioaril of Coanty Coinmissionen of AlemAnce County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that' the following state ment is true and coirect, to-wit: Ist. The Number of days each member of the Hoard met with the Hoard. 2nd. Tlie Number of days each member served on a Committee. 3rd. The Number of miles traveled by each member respectively, W. K. HOLT. To 2'-i days as Commissioner at SJ.uO per day $ 40.00 To 3 days on Committe at SJ,MI [»er day 0.00 ' To 111 miles traveled at sct*. por mile 5.70 $57.70 W. J. GRAHAM. To 22 days as Commissioner at 12.00 per day $ 44.00 To 2 days on Committee at $4.00 per day 4.00 To 582 miles traveled at ficts. per inile 29.10 "I 77.10 W. O. WARREN. To 23 days as Commissioner at $2.00 per day . .. $40.00 To 2 days on Coiumitte at $2.00 per day 4.00 To 44' miles travel* dat scts. per mile 22.00 $ 78.30 W. C. MICHAEL. To 21 days as Commissioner at $2.00 per day $ 42.00 To 308 iniles traveled at Sets, per mile 16.40 $ 57.40 JOHN M. COBI.E. To 22 days as Commissioner at >2.00 por day $ 44.00 To GiJO miles traveled at octs. per mile.. 33.00 $ 77.00 Grand total 13*135 In the above is given 23 days the total number of days that the Board of County Commissioners of Alamance Coanty, North Carolina was in session from December 4th, 1916, to November 30th, 1917. Witness my hand at (Mice in Graham, November 30, 1917. B. M. ROGERS. Register of Deeds and Ex-officio Clerk to t he Board of Connty Commissioners. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having q.-'lnol » Executor of tli will oc J. W. sialnbeeh. deceased, ail pvrsoDa boldi..* oialias against said eslata ar« hereby notified to preauut the same, uul> authenticated, on or before the 10th day ol Dec.. MM. or this notloo will be pleaded li their recovery; and .11 persons In •.. T.ted to aald estate are IVoueeted to maka Unmx)lAt« Mttl«OMQt. TU||)»n. S. WMT WALTBB K. BTAI S BACK, K*'r I SUBSCRIBE POB THB GLKANBB •1.00 A YBAR ' EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. . u executrix of the will of J«a-W. WyaU.deo"d, the uudereicned hereby not!lie* all persons holding claims nthiil JS uld estate to present the same, duly authen- "iv tic*led. oa or before the IMfa day of Dec !» V or th 4' nuMoe will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pernoi Indebted to aaM eef te ate requested to nsaXe Immediate apt. Uemeut. This Jane 18.1117. MBB. EMMA WTATT, BxVX - JH Mecdt ot J as. W. w'yatt. dec'd. 91) BBCBIBB TOR THB GLBAMBB, H.M A YBAB

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