PTHE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. P., Dec. 27, t9X». i PostoHice Hoars. Offloopan 7.00 *. m. t07.00 p. mf ■nudajr 1.00 to 11.00 ». a. and LM to a I. U. MoOKAOUN, Poltmutor. RAILROAD BCHEDULE. oouro KAST— No. 112 (mixed) due 1:46 a. m.. " 108 " 9:17 " '• 22 " 6:00 p. m. aoiNO w«rr — No. 11l (mixed) dne 5:23 a. m. " 21 "11:13 " " 139 " 6:15 p.m. All trains carry mail, and Noa. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦++♦••!•+++- **+•:•♦♦♦+++♦+++++ ♦ ♦ ♦ LOCAf. »»WB. + ♦ + ++++++++++-* f-W-V++++++++* + + —The Christmas here has b3en observed in an orderly way. —Mr. Peter Hughes has not oeen very well for some days and has gone to Ralney Hospital 'or treat ment. —The United Daughters oi the Confederacy will meet Thursday, January 3rd, with Mrs. John J. . Henderson, at 3 o'clock. —Christmas marriages have been quite numerous, but the holiday season is not over yet, so the full liaE"will be reserved for our next issue. —Those who have had occasion to' use the railroads for getting about say that the travel has been abnormal and that standing room ia hard to get. r-The Ladies' Aid Society and La dles' Mission Study Class will meet Wednesday afternoon, Janu ary 2nd, at 3 o'clock with Mrs. W. R. Harden. —Mr. Julius Thompson of the Thompson Garrage and Machine Shop Is moving here to-day-from Haw River. He will occupy the J. Sam Albright cottage north of Graded School. —The usual 6th Sunday meeting will be held at the Presbyterian -church on Dec. 30th and an address will he delivered by Dr. Vardell, President of Flora McDonald Col lege. i i i i It —The teachers of the Qraded School left the latter part of last week for their homes to spend the holidays, and it is hoped everyone of them will have a de lightful vacation. —The absence of fireworks this Christmas is notable. A few fee ble ones of small size have been heard. There was a little shoot ing too. Powder is in too great on the firing lines in Eu rope to be wasted in useless noise making. —Mr. Geo. C. Woodworth moved to the Jps. V. Pomeroy residence a few days ago. The David E. Sampson residence from which he moved has been bought by and is now occupied by Mr. Jas W. Holt and family. —Mr. Chas. Menefee of the Am bulance Corps, Camp Jackson, at home on furlough for a few days, had the misfortune to get his right arm broken some two weeks ago while cranking an ambulanck truck. He is recovering from the injury in good shape. —Two weeks ago Tuesday night night was when the B-ineh snow felL Though two weeks haa elapsed, .there was some of it here •t)ll Tuesday night when it begun to hail and ended up with nearly two inches of enow. It was almost as cold as at any time during the former cold spell. —On last Thursday night Mr. Walter R. Harden, Supt. of Graham Christian Church Sunday School, entertained the officers and teach ers of the school at a delightful supper at his home. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed and the ! host snd hostess and the occasion *lll be borne in pleasant reraem- Vance by all whose good fortune it was to be present. . —A colored man here a day or •o ago was suspected of dealing ha booze. An officer got on the trail and went In search. He went to the dealer's domicile. The door was closed good and fast. Before the officer effected an en trance the dealer had smashed most of the bottles and vessels containing the contraband and lit out for the tall timber, but before he made good his get-away he took him. The officer says some of the Juice was trickling through the floor of an upper room where some of the containers were bro ken, but the dealer says that was only melted snow which blew in during the heavy snow. Be that as it may, the dealer left a SIOO deposit In lieu of bond that will not likely be called for. Birthday Dinner. Mr. Peter Hughes gave his an nul birthday dinner Sunday, the anniversary of his TBth birthday A large number of his friends were present to enjoy bis hospitality ana to wish him many returns of the occasion. Two Marriafca- Mlss Cserina Murray, daughter of Mr. John I>. Murray, and Mr. Percy Amick were united In marriage yesterday, Rev. D. B. Barn hart offi ciating. Miaa Mattie Fogleman and Mr. Jack Fogleman were unitedjn mar riage Monday. The ceremony was performed by Bev. Chas.. Jones, now residing in the Bastern part ot the State. ' ♦ * ♦ PBRBONAL. ♦ ♦ _ ♦ Mr. L. J. Michael, near Hillaboro, is in town today. Misa Margaret Snyder of Durham ia here viaiting relatives. Mrs. Will E. White is spending the week in Charlotte with rela tives. Mr. Boyd Harden, in school at Chapel Hill, ia at home for the holi days. Misa Mart* Gotey, teaching in High Point, ia at home for the holi days. Miss Lorena Kernodle ia at home for the holidays. She teaches in Gaston ia. Mrs. J. J. Barefoot and children spent Wednesday and Thursday in Charlotte. Mr. J. A. Sh*w left yesterday for Richmond, Va.,on business, and will return Saturday. Mrs. Mary A. Martin of Moorea boro is here visiting her brother. Mr. C. P. Albright. Prof. J. H. Allen and family of Reidsville are spending the holi days here with relatives. Rev. Joseph G. Walker of Greens boro spent Christmas here with his mother, Mrs. Ida ,v alker. Mr. Lacy Moore and family of Charlotte spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore. Misses Izora and Dora Nicholson, who live in Charlotte, are spending the holidays at their home here. Prof, and Mrs, Chas. W Rankin and childrpu are spending the holi days with relatives at China Grove. Mr. Tom Sreele, who is now locat ed at Norfolk, Va., is spending a few days with relatives and friends. Miss Minnia Long spent Wednes day and Thursday- in Durham as the guest oi Miss Helen Simmons. Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and son Melvin are visiting Mrs. Thomp son's parents, Mr. "and Mrs. J. L. Scott. / Miss Lillian Turner of Raleigh spent the first of t he week here with her sister, Mr*. H. W. Scott. Mr. Coy Wil'iaras, Principal of .the Selma Grided School, is spending the Christ nas holidays at his home here. Misses Myrtle Cooper and Jessie Phillips, iu school at Asheville Normal School, are homa for the holidays. Mr, John G. Turner aud Max Turner spent .Sunday i-n Greensboro and Monday and Tuesday in Raleigh with relativos. Mr. Wade Perry of Hopewell, Va., is spending Christinas here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph: Isley of Balti more are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Isley was Miss Emmie Snyder be fore marriage. Mr. Dewey Farrell, druggist in Greensboro, spent Sunday here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mra. R. H. Farrell. Mr. and Mr*, Dulph Moore and children of Greensboro are here visit ing Mr. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Moore. Mr. Graham Harden, attending the Medical .School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, is spend ing the holidays at home. Mr. DeWitt Holt of Troy has been here this week and v.sited at the home of his father, Mr. Gilbert M. Holt, in Southern Alamance. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holt and children of Keidsville have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Holt's father, Mr. A. B. Nicholson. Rev. and Mrs. N. G. Newman of Elon College spent Christmas day here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Clendenin. . Mr. W. Giles Mebane, editor and publisher of the Beaufort News, speut tbe first of the week here with his sister, Mrs. E. S. Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Ross and Master George ol Jackson Springs spent Christibas day here with Mrs. Ross' parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Goley. Prof. Frink Fouet, Principal of New- Garden Slate High School, spent Christmas at the home of hia parentH, Mr and Mrs. T. C. Foust, near here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson and children of Spencer spent Christmas here with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. R. Clapp, and other relatives. Mrs. C. W. Causey and Masters Spencer and Frank of Anderson, 8. C., arrived this morning for a visit to Mrs. Causey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott. Young Mother m Reserve strength for mother hood is of two-fold importance and thoughtful women before and after maternity take CCOTTC JENULSIONJ It supplies pure cod liver o3 for rich blood and contains Ume and soda with medicinal glycerine, all important ingredi ents for strengthening the nervous system and furnishing abundant nourishment. fit is free from alcohol Insist on the genuine. Tfee KooresUn end B*er «U la ScatTa KmWm U nam vetoed In 9m laboratories .kick akajipnallMla . aoMaawt.aMhM.irj. n-a Mr and Mrs Chas. G. Thompson and tirnr two little Bona of Albright township were the gteata of Mr. and Mra. J. N. H. Clendenin, Mrs. Thompson's parents, Christmas Day. Mr. and Mra. George L. Clen denin and their three sona and two daughters arrived here Saturday night on a visit to the former'a pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Clen denin. They left yesterday for their home at Lincolnton. Mr. John Phippa and Mra. E F. Craven of Greensboro a pent Chriat mas day here with their aisteT, Mra. W. R. Harden, and another sinter, Mies Mary Phippa of Richmond, Va, is here with Mra. Harden for a few days. Mra. Don. £. Scott will arrive this afternoon from Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. 8., to viait the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., and attend the marriage of his sister, Mias Rebecca Scott, to Mr. Edward Farrior Powell of Whiteville Saturday evening. Boy Scoots Distribute Gifts and Take Hike. Graham Troop of Boy Scouts un der the leadership of Scoutraaater Lon. G. Turner, have been getting a two-fold pleasure out of the holiday occasion. For Chriatmas they dis tributed a lot of useful and dainty things among those who could not afford them, and on yesterday, the cold and snow notwiths'anding. they took a lb mile hike and enjoyed the outing. Christmas Carols. On Chriatmas morning a team of singers numbering thirty-seven rose about 4 o'clock and went all over town singing-appropriate Christmas songs. The team was made up from all the churches in town and was lead by Dr. Will S. Long. It was an appropriate thing to do and it is hoped it will become a fixed Christmas custom. Christmas Entertainments at TTie Churches. On last Friday night the M. E. Church Sunday School gave a Christmas entertainment consi*ting of songs and recitations and a treat. Sunday afternoon at the Pies by terian church the exercises consisted of songs and short speeches followed by a treat. On Monday night: At the M. P. Church there was a Christmas bell and a treat; at the Baptist church the children were given a treat; at the Christian church there was a drill, song and recitation exercise and the treat for the school was dis played on a Christmas tree. Soldiers Home For Holidays. Nearly all the boys in camp from Graham were fortunate enough to get furloughs for a few days'dnring tbe Christmas holidays. The follow ing have been at home: Sergt. Cur tis Wrike and Charley Jones and Privates Thos. Cooper, Willard Go ley, Ammon Moeer Cam Moser, James Ergle, Buddie Gates, June Perry and Gales Uradshaw of Camp Sevier; Clifford Cooke of Ft. Cas well; Chad. Menefee of Ambulance Corps, Private Albert Harden and Sergt. J. D. Kernodle, Jr., of Camp Jackson. The time of some of them has expired and they have returned to camp. *2Ahout five day* was the limit allowed them. It was a pecu liar pleasure to have them, even though the time was short. Desperate Struggle. Manufacturer's Record. Former President Taft in a re cent addrees said the war rasy last three to five years, anil that we i may have to raise nu arniy of 5,- 000,000 to 7,000,000 meu. Con gressman Charles P. Caldwell of New York, a member of the House committee on military affairs, is quoted in the N ew York Timee as saying "it will be a long war and A war to the bitter end. It may take from 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 men from America. It will prob ably last from five to ten yeais longer. The price is going to be high, but liberty is cheap at any price." Germany has gone to the point .where its people know they have the world's loathing and bat*; they know that uothiog but vic tory, it matters not what tbe price they may now pay, can possibly give tbem any vantage ground for generations to come. The Ilohen zollerns and the Hapsburgs and all their crew know that defeat would mean their own death aud the death of their dynasties, and so they too feel that they tatter fight on to the last available soldier raU>er than givo up. Everything, therefore, in Ger many is keyed up to carry the struggle to the Ja*t desperate notch, and nothing but overwhelm ing defeat will make them yield. We must therefore face the situa tion of liberty or slavery, of civil ization or barbarism, and carry the fight to victory full and com plete. If by tremendous prepared ness and throwing into the strug gle every Ounce of strength we can shorten the straggle, so much tbe better. Bat let us nerve out selvee and prepare for a long and desperate contest. A 7-year-old negro girl, shot with a toy pistol »t Wilson, in ex pected to die. In Gaston county, Friday night, Fayette Rankin wan shot and killed by Fred Lineberger. Both young negroes Capt. John Clement, a well known citizen of Mocltsville, died suddenly Wednesday a week. Ho was in bis 90th year. Six chil dren survire. Pershing's army ,is now like Congress. Every Stale has fall "representation. New ttombwi For Red Croat. EDITOR GLEANER : The American Bod Cross uiust donbln their membership. Mot oue-liflh of those iu Graham who should belong, do belong. By joiuiug the Bed Crooa the only pledge you take is to pay One Dollar per year so long as yon con tinue a member, ■ and to enroll yoar name as one of those who wants onr soldier boys to hav% proper* care and nursing when sick, or wonnded. There is -no promise on yonr part to do more than dive the dollar, and that you must do before your name is en rolled ; and by the payment of this dollar your name is placed upon the roll of those who not only want, but who have helped, to care for oor wounded and sick boys. Beginning now, a drive for new members will be made. A list of those now members can be seen in Postoffice. Commencing in next week's issue, we will publish the list of the new members in this column. Heenan Hughes. H. J. Stockard. M. C. Terrell. J. D. Albright. J. J. Barefoot. Mrs. A. J. Thompson. Miss Nell Thompson. Miss Alberta Thompson. A. J. Thompson, Ji*. Mrs. C. P. Harden. W. S. Long, Jr. Walter Stor.v. J. K. Mebane. Mrs. L. Banks Holt Miss Kate Mebane. Miss Doris Holt. W. T. Bzell. Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. W. W. Garrett. Allen Mebane. Mcßrlde Holt. -Miss Ada Dennv. Miss Hattie Hester. Mrs. J. C. Walker. Miss Mabel Walker. Atlantic Coast Inventors. The following patents were just issued to Atlantic Coast clieuts reported by D. Swift A Co., Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. C., who will furnish copies of any patent for ten cents apiece to our readers. Chermak, Prince George, planting wheel; B. R. Dickenson, Grant, collapsible shaving set; T. U. Ellington, Bice, padlock protector. North Carolina—J. W. Butler, Salemburg, tally machine; J. L. Comer, Leaksville, automatic win dow; W. A. Daniel, Charlotte, Necktie holder; W. D. Jenkins, Durham, peanut digger. South Carolina —C. B. Ilarvin, Manning, automatic scale for weighing cotton seed; B. B. Mc- Entire, Irmo, locomotive revers ing dovice; B. J. Postou, George town, cotton chopper. lie venue officers destroyed eight distilleries in Wilkea county with in a week. Two large ones were found Friday. Near Laurel Bluff, a few miles from Alt. Airy, Mr*. Bennett was fatally burned when her clothes caught from au open flro. Mrs. llodges, a member of the Third Reformed church of BaM tnore, bequeathed $2,000 to tne Nazareth Orphanage—the orphan age of the Reformed Church at Crescent, Rowan connty. I In a cafe at Asheville Furman Means, a cook, stabbed Worth Greer, a dlahwasher, the reanlt of a quarrel about a cigarette atnb, and the latter died in » few mo menta. Means waa chased to Bwaunanoa and arrested. Both colored. Leuiue, of course, has hia eye on the munitions shipped from thia country, with the intention of placing them in the hands of the Kussiau government. And Germany has her eye on Lenine as the possible recipient of so val uable a consignment. If the dead German found near the exploded naval inazagine waa responsible for the Halifax disas ter, there ia in his case no room for debate on the old question, "la auicide a crime? Col. Houae tried his hand very successfully in a competition of marksmanship abroad. Evidently the colonel is more sociable in French than he is English. Ou the whole, there uever was a more represeible vice-president than Mr. Marshall., Voa Know Wbat Yua Arc Taking Whan you Uke Orove'i Tasteless Chili Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that tt is Iron and Qui nine In a tasteless form. No enre. no pay —adv. Green's August Flower Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stom ach and Inactive liver, such aa air-k headache, constipation, sour stom ach, nervoua indigestion, fermen tation pf food, palpitation of the heartcaluaed by gaaes In tho stom ach. AUGUST Ff/OWKR |a a gen tle laxative, regulates digestion gestlon both In stomach anl intes tines, cleanses and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stim ulates the liver to secrete th" bile and Impurities from the blood. 15 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by Ors ham Drug Co. Road Tax Notice! All persons liable for apecial road tax, or who in event or failure to pay, must work on the public road* notified that unless they p-iv this special tax to W. P. Smith, County Treasurer, on or before April Ist, tilt the law re-|tilrin? them to work upon tho roads will be,enforced strictly. You must pay 11.25 or work two days, and if you prefer payfn rthe cash, yau must pay this sum to fhe County Treasurer at Oraharo before April Ist. Take notice ano do not comoiain because the coun ty authorities enforce the liw. - B. M. ROGERS, Clerk to Board County Cora'r*. Hooor Roll for Graham Graded School, November, 1917. FIRST GRADE- Berry, Gladys. s Holt, Fred. Foushee, Myrtle. Hornbuckle, Ludie. Moser, Doris. Nicholson, Lealie Pomeroy, Elisabeth Robertson, Evelyn ' Rich. Worth. Sutton, Junius. Terrell, Edna. Whitfield, lone. Welch, Martha.. Williams, Adele. Burke, Edith. Davis, Gladys. Johnston, Eaith. 1 Johnston, Lonnie. 1 Smith, Julia May. Howell Eugenia. Hill, May Belle. Johnston, Lonnie. Shatterly, Nannie. HIGH FIRST GRADE- Burke, Lois. Bogge, Agnes. Dixon, Opal. Guthrie, Elite May. Harden, Edward. Holt, Frank. Mcpherson, Cardew. McAdams, Malcolm. 0 McAdams, lone. Rich, Frank. Rich, Ilia Mac. Reavis, Albert. Riley, Ruth. Stanfield, lone. Walker, Clara. Boggs, Ethel. Holt, Kuhl. McCoy„ James. Poole, Edgar. Llnnens, Robert. Core, Dell. Ray Henry. Foust,. Annie June. Andrews, Dean. SECOND GRADE.- Allred, Lucy. Ausley, Elva. Black, Walter. Black, lola. Buckner, Louise. Clapp, Lou. Core, Bemlss. Corbett, James. Davis, Garland. Fonville, Pryor. Foushee, Emma. Harden, Annie Ruth. Hadley, Annie Boyd. Henderson, Ruth. Hanks, Arthur. Longest, Mae. Moon, Edith. McPherson, Wlllard. Parrlsh, Annie-Laurie. Stanfield, Lillian. Tate, Virginia. Thomson, Ivan. Welch, Walter. Sutton, May. Williams, Teddy. Wilkerson, Ruth. Watson, Katberine. Fogleman, Dora. Evans, Don. Florence, Aubrey. Roney, May. Andrews, fiasaell. THIRD GRADE- Harden, Virginia. Johnston, Margaret. Lone, Elizabeth. Lovett, Helen. Moore. Mabel. Mann, Carllsley. Neece, Bryce. Ray, nazellne. Hornaday, Mary. Harden, Elizabeth. Moore, Delia. Trollnger, Mildred. Thompson, A. J., Jr. Taylor, Wallace. Allison, Maggie. Bain, Ruth. Conklln, Thelma. Hannah, Thelma. Hunter, Elmer. Murray, Ethel. McPherson, Duvoy. Robertson, Freeman. Thomas, Vera. FOURTH GRADE- Corjett, Lois. Harden, William. Montgomery, Elizabeth. Parrlsh, Martha. Reavis, Nellie. Stockard, Margaret. Fogleman, Martha. Hancock, Beatrice. Howell, Hazeiine. Hollie, Jesse. Hon, Don. Jones, Dewey. Linnena, Roy. McPherson, Agnes. Noah, Winona. Poole, Virginia. Phillips, Josephine. Roark, Joy Belle. Smith, Bernie. FIFTH ORADE- Cornell, Beulah. Geanes, Ercelle. Hornbuckle, Cornelia. Johnston, Minnie. Moser, Flossie. Parker, Carolyn. Vaughn, Madge. Wilson, Wllllie May. Poust, Dolar. Rogers, Nellie. Robinson, Cletus. Watson, Ruth. Welch, Hattie. Whitfield, Hattie. SIXTH GRADR- Moore, Edith. 9uakenbush, Nina, homas, Lou. Teer, Ethel. Moser, Darrell. Taylor William. Hughes, Mary Tom. Vest Samuel. Wrenn, Oscar. SEVENTH ORADK- Burke, Otis. Boswell, Flossie. Guthrie, Mamie. Pogleman, Fannie. Ezell, Lessie. Co»per, Watt. Guthrie, Mamie, Harden, George. Harden, Kathleen. Ward, Leila. KianTH GRADE- Boone, Wlllard. Kstlow, Lenora. Harden. John. Moore, Margaret. Moore, Mildred. Phillips, John Woodworth, Dora Hasden Margaret, Ray, Sam, NINTH ORADE- Jordan, Sallie. Martin, AUie. Reavis, Robert. Walker Lelia. TENTH GRADE- Barnweli, Annie. Farreli, Hal. Henderson, Dallle. Long, Mattle. Moore, Fannie. Ni-ks, Enlta. Rich, Eunice, Thompson, Alberta. U* In Burlington or between Barling ton and Haxapahaw, a rim and tire from Allen Automobile. Reward, if returned to J. W. Gates, Burling ton, N. C. You need ft> We sell it 9 tor J THE"POCKET SELF ; FILLING" 3, \ PAST TO GET, EAST TO KEEP— ; USE "L'IGESTONEINE" AND WIN I uUk re icl from hortbura;' low, | iu«y t'.onuch, dirzinea snd »Um | indii«ticn ilk Tons your cntiio | (ytte.-o, »:ir up TOUT appetite byfoU 1 lowing the lead of tnouwndt— . , a I have n*ver taken anything tkal faro me am-h quick relief. Audi kart I »twot hurdrede of dollars with other 1 lea. have »>een bothered over ove wllh . wh#t WM pwfonnca# gaalrltla. I .to food that Tknew would ralae gaa on my atoraach. eo to m 7 ■orprtiMi after harlag taken the doee of yonr "Dlceetoneine" X had no dlatreaa whatever. u J AMIS W. STOKES, Gallatin*, lie. 1 Hayes Drug Company Graham I * ■ * 1101 Re-Sale of Land! Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county in a special proceeding en titled Edward Outhrie, et al.. vs. Will Outhrie,et al.. the underti?ned commissioner will offer at public auction, to the highest bllder, 011 SATURDAY, JAN. I*. 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, nn the premises, in Newlin Township, the following described tracts of land, to-wit- TRACT NO. 1 A certain tract or parcel of land lying and beinz on the waters of Marys Creek, adjoin ing the lands of Mary Wright. Ma ry Shaw and others, ana containing 43 acres, more or less. TRACT No. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land lylnx and being on the waters of Mary's Creek, adjoin ing the lands of Stafford, Mary Woods, Rachel Thompson, and oth ers and containing 37 acres, more Hess. TRACT NO. 3. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Mary's Creek, known tasthesaw mill and cotton gin I'r.i't, 2nd contains one acre, more or less. Terms of Sale; One-third cash, one-third in six months and one third in twelve months. Defferreo payments to bear Interest. Sale subject to the confirmation of the Court. This December 14, 1017. J. J. HENDERSON, Commissioner Cotton Ginning. We hare installed a motor to run our Gin at Mebane and can do prompt and efficient service. TROLINOKK & MONTOOMKHY. Bnov2m For Rent. I will rent half of my hoyse for light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished. For particulars 'phone 382. Nice Xmas Present for Our Readers. We are pleased to aunounce that our rent I era can tmcure H 1918 I'ocket Diary free of char#*, by sending the pontngo therefor, two centa in ntampn, to I). Swift A Co, l'Hteut Uwyora, Washing ton, D. C. The diary in a "gold mine" of useful information, and in addi tion to inemorauda for each of the 305 day* in the year, coutalun much uaeful information, such an "health hint*," netting forth hu eaay way to increaae or reduce your weight aud promote health at the name time. How to cure catarrh, rheumatism. etc. Given a synopsis of business lawn, pat ent lawn, I'arcel l'o»t Chart, etc State* the amount of our wonder ful crops rained in 1017, the great eat any nation ever produced. Shown the amount of corn, wheat, oata, jjotatoea, tobacco, hay and cotton produced by each SUito. Also maps allowing wet, dry, woman's suffrage, Democrat)-.: and Republican States. For three cents in starajM), we will send a nice l!»18 Wall Calen dar, size 10 by 11 inches. Send five (5) one cent ntatnp*, and get the pocket diary and Wall Cal endar, STOMACH TROUBLE AND CONSTIPATION. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and conciliation should read the following U I have never found anything so good lor stomach trouble and constipation a* Chamberlain'* Tablet*, i have n*cd them off and on now for the past two year*. The.v not only regulate the action of the bowel* but *timu late the liver and keep on"'* body in a healthy condition." write* Mr*. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn N. Y. Aufttralia. which i* a colon.v of ] Great Britain, ha* voted against conscription. Man.v volunteer* from Australia are In the Brltiah army and that country prefers to stick to the volunteer method. In accordance with the requirement* of Section 1326 of Reviigl|H 1906, of North Carolina, I, B. If. Rogers, Register of Dee&*j|H| ex-offlcio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of AlatHMafl County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the following iiient is true and correct, to-wit: Ist. The Number of days each member of the Board met with the 2nd. The Number of days each member served on a 3rd. The Number of miles traveled by each member reepeotiva^^H W. K. HOLT. To 23 days ritf Commissioner at 12.00 per day $ 46.00 To 3 day h on Comraitte at $2.00 per day 0.00 To 114 miles traveled at Sets, per mile 5.70 i 57.70 W. J. GRAHAM. To 22 days as Commiss'oner at 12.00 per day I 44.00 , I To 2 days on Committee at $2.00 per day 4.00 To 582 miles traveled at acts, per mile 29.10 $ 77Jffl| W. O. WARREN. To 23 days as Commissioner at $2.00 per day. . .. $ 46.00 |j To 2 days on Coinmitte at $2.00 per day 4.00 To 440 miles traveled at scts. per mile -.. 22.00 $ 72.30 | W. C. MICHAEL. To 21 days as Commissioner at $2.00 per day..... $ 42.00 To 308 miles traveled at scts. per mile 16.40 ♦ 67.40" § JOHN M. COBLE. To 22 (lays as Commissioner at $2.00 per day $ 44.00 To 600 niilnß traveled at finis. per mile.. ... 33.00' $ 77.0Q Grand t0ta1..... ->■' $341.50 In the above is given 23 days the total number of days that the | Hoard of County Commissioners of Alamance County, North Carolina :• was in session froiu December 4th, 1016, to November 30th, 1917. * Witness my hand at Office in Graham, November 30,1917. B. M. ROGERS, || Register of Deeds and Ex-offioio Clerk to % the Board of County Commiaaionera, To Whom II May Concern: Thiß is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and 41 motor cycle casings and tabes that they are doing thdx 2 bank account a fearful injustice in not using PennsyU - vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no others Hold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should ' one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Aalc % those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. . See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C I Promise Every accommodation consistent with Safe Merchandising. I Want Your Business The proper service will retain it. Your Dollar Will buy as much from me as the other fellows. FULL UNE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES. | J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. j , i n>,: MULES FOR SALE. Always from 100 to 300 Head of Horses and Mules of all description For Sale at my Stables in YORK, Pa. ° B '» Joe Klndig, Certificate of Dissolution To All ta Whom Tlieae PremiU May Corne ll reeling: Whereaa, It appear* to ray MUnfaclion, try duly authenticated recorder the proceeding* for the voluntary dliaolutlon thereof by to* unaiilmou* oonaant ul all Ilia Mockboldera, dcpoeit el In ray office, that tha Uate* lloatary Company, a corporation of thl* Htate, wboaa principal office la dluatedat No—, Mlreet, In tfie city of Burlington, courtly of Alamance, Htate of North arollna (Waller U ''at#*, being the agent thereto •ml In charge thereof, upjn wuotn proueaa may lie Mrved), baa compiled with the re •lulremeuteof Chapter HI, Kevlaal of IIMj, en tilled "t'orporaUona," preliminary to the luulug of thla Certificate of Ulaaolutlon : Nov, therefore, I, J. Ilryau Orlmee, heor*- tary of ittale of tie Htate of North Carolina, do hereoy certify that tba Mid corporation did. on the 4Mb day of Ike., NIT. ale |n mv office a duly executed and at lei led oouaeat In writing to t»e dlaaolutloo of wld corpora tion, executed by all the aUichholdera there of, which aald content and tba nx»r4 of tbo proceeding* aforeaald are now on Ola In tay •aid office aa provided by law. In leetltuonr whereof. I have hereto Ml my »anl and alllxed tar official Mai at llaleigh. tblalOth day of December, A. £>., 1917. J. lilt VAN CHIME*. KdecU ceuretary or Htate. Sale of Real Estate tfodar and bjr virtue of V-m term* of a o«r- Uln mortgage daed «»xc« ntad and delivered to Alamance IfiMjraix* 4 Ileal K»l*te Cora wiriy raoordad In Hook N'o. M. of Mort#*«a Itoidi, ptifi IKL In tb« office of the lCrgiater or !>*«sa for Alataana*- county, to aaotira an Indchtednew evidfiiced t,y a certain note therein dwcrlM, default having bfun made In tb* payment of tald Indahuxinoaa, thr und«'mlgnad will, on MONDAY, JAN. 28, 11)18, at IJlu'olMk ii. in . it th« court b'juw door In lirahain. N. C\. off'-r (or ,alc at public outcry lo the hlicbeat bidder, lor ra»b, the following dcecrl|cl lan i atnd ureuilaee, to wit; Adjoining Holt *nd Hollar* Ktrwta, A iarziancf Inaurance and it«al Kaiato Com pany, and otb n, bounded a* follow,; Hrglm log at an Iron »tak» on the North corner of Hellara aod Holt atreeU; running thence wltii the llneof aald Hellara atreet nortbeaat ISO I pet to corner on aald afreet) thence aoutboaat parallel with Holt H tree I M feet to a corner on A lam • noe I uauraooe and Heal Haute Compauy'a line; tfeenoe with their line aoutbwett lab leet running parallel with Sellara Street tp uoruer on Holt Htraet; thence wiui the llqe of Holtstreet oortbwoat M feet to the beginning. being a pari of lot No £1 |n the new aurrey of The city of Bnr- II niton, on whlob la altuated a modern e.ght roocn bungalow. Th.a the rrth Hay of Dec., HIT. ALAMANCE INS. * HKAL EMTATB CO., Mortgagee. Nearly eight million new mem bers were added to the rolla of the Red Cross for the week ending Sat i urday night. In the Southern State* of Florida, Oeorgla, North ; and South' Carolina and Tennessee, 1 438,000 member* were added. Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the pow er of qato contained in a certain deed of truet executed and deliv ered to Alapiance Insurance ft Real Estate Company, aa Trustee, ana recorded In Book No of Mortage* and Deed* of Trust, pave in the office of the Rem itter of Deeds for Alajnaaee coun ty to secure an indebtedness evi denced by twenty-five bond* therein described, aefault having been made in the payment of auff. indebtedness, the undersigned true to? will on MONDAY, JAN. 2% Ml, at 1.46 o'clock P. H, at the court house door If Graham, N. C- offer for sale at puolic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing desertoed land, to-wlt:' A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, Burlington . township, and State of North Car olina, adjoining the landa of rreland Street, Mlsa Etta Ireland. J. A. Ireland and Miss Plorlne Robert son, and others, and oounded aa follows: | Beginning at the corner of Mil* Etta Ireland on the northeaat) aide of Ireland Street, running thence with the line of said Etta Ireland northeast 213 feett o corner on J. AA. Ireland's line; thence with the line of said Ireland West M feet to corner of Plorlne Robertson; thence with her line southeast 913 feet to corner on Ireland Street; thence with the line of Irelana Street M feet to the beginning, be lt part of the land conveyed by J. R. Ireland, deceased* o St. Clair Ireland, and recorded in book of Wills In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, North, Carolina. Alamance Ins: & Real Eatate Co. Mortgagee. This December 34, 1917. Gen. Pershing reports the loss of two soldiers swept overboard and drowned from a transport at sea, December IT, and the death of two others from gunshot wounds. Six have died from natural causes. The Supreme Court of Ariraoa :i has decided the contest for the governorship of Ithat State in la- Jjj vor of G. W. Hunt. Hunt contest ed the election of Governor Camp bell, who now holds the office. Hunt is a Democrat,