if HE GLEANER IBBOKD EVEBY THUBBDAT. J. P. KEKNOPLE, Editor. 91.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. I ADVBhTISINO KATKB : >nu Square (1 In.) 1 tyme 11.00. cieujiuth »|u«nt Insertion SO cent*. For mora (Mr* an 1 loncsr time. rate* f nrnlsbed on applira wi. Local not loss 10 oil. a Una for Bmi j ftaeitoon; fubaequent Insertion! 6 eta. a line Transient advertisements muit be paid for la advance Theedl not be responsible for fpm* expressed by correspondent*. loured at ne Po loffloe at Graham. H. 0., as aecon alas* matter. QftAHAU, N. C., Jan. 17,1918. FUEL CRISIS CALLS FOR DES PERATE REMEDY. Wednesday evening United .States Fuel Administrator Garfield issued a far-reaching order to relieve the fnel famine. Tho order ia made un der the provisions of the Lever Food Control bill and ia approved by tlie President and Secretaries Baker and Daniels. It provides for the closing down of many manufacturing plants and other businesses for live days be ginning at 12 O'clock tonight and for a suspension of business of the concerns affected for each Monday thereafter up to and including March 25th, except they may use sufficient fuel to prevent damage by Ineiing. The order further provides that .fnel will be furniahed the' following in order named, to-wit, railroads, honaeholds, hospitals, charitable in stitutions, army and navy camps, public utilities, strictly government enterprises, public buildings, facto ries producing foods foj immediate consumption, and it a'pplies to all States East of the Miasissippi. A severe penalty la provided for the non-observance 'of the order. The step Is drasftc, but the situ- I ation in fuel had grown acute and the desperate situation called for a desperate remedy. Wherever the order can be modi fied in justice to all concerned, and eondltlans will permit, modifica tions Will no doubt be mude. NAVY IN GOOD SHAPE. Without mentioning the name of the Secretary of the Navy Jose phua Daniel* in n report b.v a ape daily appointed committee by Con* great to investigate the progress of equipment and preparation of thi* department for war, the committee found that the work had gone for ward with wonderful rapidity. Nothing, it seem*, wax found to criticise, but there w»» a sum ming up of the many ac complished, which showed the Na v; to be in a /moat satisfactory condition and u revelation to the committee. Two to three year* a;|o a certain mag a line publiahed articles full of Violent attack* against the Sccre • tary of the Navy, charging incom petence and all aorta of things det rimental to the g?od name and fame of the Secretary. It Is grati fying tq note that Secretary Dan iela had the presence of mind to ■ay nothing to If!* truducers, but kept his own counsel and pushed hla department to efficiency. ENCOURAGING. A dispatch from London yester day Bays there had boon a marked decrease in sinkings of merchant men by mine or submarine the past week. The report says «yily aix merchantmen of over 1,000 tons and two uuder 1,600 tons and two flailing vessels were sunk. The week previous there were eighteen, three and four, respec tively, of each class sunk, and for tho week ending January 2 there were 21—18 of them ovor 1,000 tons. This iaan encouraging situation but it may not continue. The weather may have had much to do with submarine activity, but it is hoped the worst of it is past, as preparations for successful)) com batting the submarine are being ateadily enlarged and improved by America and her allies. Some, no doubt, will charge the •cute fuel situation up to the Government's tnking over the operation of the railroads, but what about the severost weather in twenty years aud the abnormal demands upon the railroads on •eoonnt of the war V Peace parlying is still going on between Russia and Germauy with no definite ends reached. Cold wnather haa gripped the war fronts and military opera tions are practically at a stand- "TAGjT OUR-SHOVEL DAY." Fuel Administration Urges Saving of Goal—The Reason. Greensboro—January, 30th has been set/*iitl!& *» NAtional "Tag- Your-^hovel-Day" by „ the United States fuel administration. On that | day school children will tie taga bearing Instructions for £oal saving to every coal shovel in the country, the purpose of this being to remind each man, woman and child, who uses a coal shovel that every shovelful of coal saved means Just so much additional power and health and support for the Ameri can soldier and sailor on the firing Une. "Any worthy cause which enlists the sympathy of the children is already half cwon," says Fuel Ad ministrator McAllster. "Their en thuslams and eagerness is sponta neous and catching. When the 21,- 000,000 school children of the United States start to spread the word of fuel economy throughout the coun try, we may be sure that it will be spread. It is only sane opti mist to believe that practically every eoal shovel in the country will be tagged, and the message of conservatim thus carried will hard ly be lightly regarded or forgot ten." m- UnitcdStates Fuel Administrator, Harry A. Oarfield. in a recent state ment stressing the importance of "Tug-YOur-Shovel Day," said "The United -tfrati-a is mining a record breaking amount of coal in an attempt to supply the record breaking demanJ caused by the war. Coal is the great force >:•• hind the men In the trenches; be hind the battleship, the transports the munition factories and the rail roads. The war demands a hitherto un heard of amount of coal. The fue administration is doing itn utmosi to supply the emergency demand.' Through the adjustment of labor troubles at the mine the increase oI of the available number of coal car# and the speeding up of coal transportation,the fuel administra tion is endeavoring to supp.'.v army and navy needs and keep factories running and homes warm. "The miners are doin£ their part to aid the fuel administration in it* tack. v They are mining more coal than ever before. The over burdened railroads are grappling with the problem of transporting this unuual |uantity of coal, in addition to the great amount o.' war freight which is congesting their lines. "As a reult of all theße efforts an extra million car loads of coal have been mined this year. Thil is 50,000 000 tons more coal than has ever been mined before in any year in the history of the l.'nlted States. "We need another million car loads. It is a physical Impossi bility to produce thl* additional amount at once. It must be saved from the coal already available. "The American people are asked to do their port In this emergency by saving shovelful by shovelful in factory und home this additional coal for war needs, and this is the reason for "Ta{-Your-Shovel Day. STATUS OF CHILD LABOR Law Is Explained by U. S Attorney Hammer. Owing to a misunderstand! "13 oy some manufacturer* and shipper* in lntcr-Ptate commerce a* to the opinion of the t'nltcd State* Judfc for the Western District of North Carolina, who has held that the so called federal Child Labor Law i» unconstitutional, f write this let ter to say that I have prepared a case on appeal and the same ha* jbeen served on the appellees, and the case J* now in the Supreme (Court of the United States for fi 'pal determination. . 1 , For Information of the public it IS well to say that the policy of the Department of Justice i* to treat a* a valid law every* act of Con gress until finally declared Invalid, and this policy will be pursued as to the Keating Child Labor Law, pending the appeal of this North Carolina case, which is now in the Supreme Court. Accordingly, ex cept In the Western District of North Carolina, United States At torneys throughout the country will be expected to prosecute any cases o eurring In theit respective districts. It Is well to n >te' the following : 1. Where goods have been deliv ered for shipment but stopped he fore bring sh'pped. the prosecution must be in the district in which the delivery Is made.- 8. When an Inter-State shipment has actually '.wen mn-» nroresMi tion may be either in the district where delivery for shipment I* made or I*. any district through •vhirh m lato which it pasvA Where, however. th« fact of iu » comes t > the knowledge of a li«- rlct attorney. In a district .'.the than that In which the s'doment i* made, the matter should be report ed to the Attorney General, win will determine In which district to prosecute. S. The injunction against tho, dis trict attorney for the Western Dis trict Qf North Carolina will not in terfere with o prosecutions in o'.h"r districts even for shipments made •to or through auch districts from the Western District of North Car olina. WM. C. HAMMER, V. S. Attorney. Asheboro, N. C. Although the sun is slow in liv ing every morning, it is always on time. To Change Gray Hair! Here's the simple, easy safe way to surely change gray, faded or lifeleaa hair to a uniform, dark, lustrous, b6autlful shade—per feet [ly natural in appearance. Merely do as thousands have done and ap ply Q-ban. Not a quick actfng dye. out de fies detection. Guaranteed harm less— 60c a large bottle. Sold bv Hayes Drug .Company, and all good drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair Ton ic L/Q-ban Liquid Shampoo; Q-ban Soap. Also Q-ban Depilatory. i\-% Try -T Receipts and Expenditures of South - era Railway. 'Washington, D. C., Jan. 10. — The Southern Railway Company disbursed during November, 1917, for labor, material, supplies and other purposed, $7,120,001 of which55,941,711,0r83.37 jxrcent. WAS paid to individuals and indus tries looted in the South, this sum being J512,920 in excess of the total moneys contributed by the ■South for transportation purposes, according to figures announced l»y Comptroller A. 11. Plant. For improvements to itn road way and structures, the Southern spent $1,258,552.70 in November, 1917, as against $1,400,150.42 dur 1 ing Noveinbar, 1916; during the 1 five months ended November 30, ' >7,140,350 58 as against $0,137, 383 80 in 1910. Kesufts ot operation, exclusive ' of interest, rentals, ami other in come charges, were as follows: Qross revenue, November, 1917, $8,409,702, >in increase as com -1 pared with 1916, of 81,383,204, or 19.52 per cent.; operating expen ses, taxes and uncollectible rail way revenue, $5,998,247, an in ' crease of $1,274,171, or 20.97 per cent. Gross revenue for the five mouths' period, $40,802,500, an ■ increase hS compared with 1910 of $8,021,849, or 24 42 per cent.; operating expenses, taxes and un collectible railway revenue $29,- 087,279, an increase of $0,104,058, or 20.02 per cent. Ambassador Francis Stood Off Rus sian Mob. Speaking in St. Louis Saturday, Chas. 11. Crane of the Americm mission to lltissht, told how Ameri can Ambassador Francis stood at the door of the American embassy in Petrograd and stood off a Rus sian mob with a pistol. The in cident occurrd months ago but has not heretofore been published. Mr. Crane said that a mob, be lieving that a man named Muni (in reality Mooney, the San Fran cisco dynamite suspect), was to be executed in this couutry, started for the American embassy. Petrograd authorities warned the ambassador by telephone that the mob was approaching. Guests begged him to flee with them, but he refused, said Mr. Crane. Mr. Francis told a negro servant to get a revolver. With this weapon, the ambassador met the mob at the door. "Your government is going to hang Muni, and we are going to cleau out the Ameri can embassy," said the leaders. "No you are not"! replied Am bassador Francis. "This is Ameri can soil and I will kill the lirst man who crosses the lino." Mr. Crane said the mob then dispersed. He said he heard the noise at the embassy, and arrived there just as the crowd went away. From the negro servant, Mr. Crane learned the details. Boschee's German Syrup Why use ordinary cough reme dies, when BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP ha* been used so success fully for fifty-one years in all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled in the throat, especially lung troubles. Tt gives the patient a good night'* rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the in flamed parts, throw off the disease hepling the patient to regaih Ids health. 25 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Six-year-old Helen White,daugh ter of H farmer in the Pink Hill section of Lenoir county, wa» killed by a fall from a wagon. In Asheville last week the roof of a garage collapsed under the weight of snow and wrecked the building and contents. Sixteen cars wore in the wrecked building atpl the estimated damage to cars is ».I,OCO to >I,OOO. The inmates of the State home for Confederate women, near Fay etteville, are knitting soCks for the soldiers. Recently 11 pairs of socks knitted by tho old ladies in this home were turned over to a Red Cross society. Buncombe county commission ers have asked Gov. Bickett to pardon 6 convicts on the Bun combe chain gang on the ground that 80 womeu and children, com prising the families of the«ix men, havo to IHI maintained by the county while the six men on whom they are dependeut work for the county. The commissioners think the cost is too heavy and they are willing to call it off if the Gover nor will agree. GRAHAM IS NO EXCEPTION (.rshssi People t'owr Out A* frankly Here Ai Klwwhtre. (Iraham people publicly recom mend Doan's Kidn»v Pills. This paper is publishing Graham case* from week to week. It is the same everywhere. Home testimony In home papers. Doan's are prais ed in 5rt,000 signed statements pub lished in 3,000 communities. Gra ham people aro no exception. Here is a Graham statement. J. N. H. Clendenin, retired farmt r. S. Main St., Graham, says: ' "I was bothered a great deal by weak kidneys. I had little control over the kidney action and had to get up many times during the night on that account. In the morning, my back was so aoro and lame that I could hardly get out of bed. 1 read of Doan's Kidney Pills ana bought a supply at the Graham Drug Co. A few doses relieved the pain in my back and one box cured me." . Price 60c at all dealers. Don"; ! simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills—the same that cured Mr. Clendenin. Ftoster- Mll burn Co., Prop*., Buffalo, N. T. RICHARD A. BLOUNT " | Richard Allen Blount, son of R. E. Blount of North Carolina, who cap tured 30 Germans single-handed while fighting with the for«lgn legion at Ver dun. Young Blount Joined the foreign legion over a year ago and has aaen heavy fighting. NO "DEMANDS" OR STRIKES NEARLY ALL CLASSES OF ORGAN IZED RAILROAD LABOR TO\ MAKE REQUEBTB. Many Pending Wage Disputes Will Be Traneferred to Government —Many Rate Revisions Will Soon Become Neceesary. Washington.—Hither wages will be asked of the railroad adminißt-ation soon by nearly all classes of organized railroad labor/ It was learned that many pending wage disputes will be transferred Jto the government from railway execuUve's' boards, and In oth er cases new demands will be formu lated for presentation to Director Gen eral McAdoo, who pubbably will deal with them through Investigation boards. Strikes are not contemplated by any organization. It Is said, and wage ques tions will not be put up to the direc tor general as demands. Railroad la bor leaders are represented as not seeking to take advantage of govern* ment operation to press for more pay, but rather as pointing out the neces sity of wage Increases to keep em ployes from being attracted to other Industries. Up to the present, the only general demands for wage increases consid ered by Director General McAdoo are those presented by the four railway brotherhoods and the switchmen's unloji, whose president, S. E. Heber ling, conferred with Mr. McAdoo. The brotherhoods' rase will be investiga ted by a board of four to be named by the director general, and he also may ask this body to Inquire into the switchmen's demand, which now is be ing considered by a committee of rail road executives reprelentlng all roads. The director general announced that ha expected to name railroad directors for certain sections of country to as sist him In administering government operation, but said he had not deter mined how many would be appointed nor what territory each director would supervise. It Is considered probable, however, that not more than six or sev en will be named. Mr. McAdoo said specifically that he did not plan to name state directors. Thousands ol applications for positions as state rail road supervisors have been received within the past few days. PAYROLL OF U. 8. BOLDIERB NEARLY 1100,000,000 MONTHLY. Ineludss Salaries ef Officer* and Men In Army and Navy at Home and Abroad. Washington.—The payroll of the lighting forcrs of the United Stateai Is Is now nearly 100,000,000 a month. This sum Includes salaries of offi cers and enlisted men In the army and navy serving both In this country and nbroad, family allotments and com pensation for certain services render ed. hat does not take Into account "family allowances" paid by the gov erament toward the support of fam illes of oallsted men. under specified conditions, nor does It Include any ol the special compensatory features ol the military and naval insurance act Rn listed men are paid stated sumt for re-enllstment, with (5 50 for the first re-enllstment and $3.30 for each subsequent re-enllstment, if they art a clttxen of the United States and completed the previous enlistment Beamen gunners get 91-20 extra ft month stewards or cooks who hof,l certificates of qualification and arc cltlsens of the United States get 96-50 a month extra and enlisted men re ceive 81 costs a month extra for each good, conduct me^al. Mea performing specified duties on shipboard receive extra compensation ranging for 33 cents jtf month te 930. How's Thlat Wo otfer One Hundred Hollars Howard for >n» COM* of lOtsrrli Iboi cannot bo cured by Holt's Catarrh Cure. K. J, CIIKVKV * CO.. Toledo, O. Wo. the undersigned. have known K. J. Cheney (or lhe last It jreon), end believe him perfectly honorable in oil business transac ilons onu financially able to carry out any obligations maie by hi* Broi. NATIO»AI. tuna or Costumes, Toledo, 0. It* I s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actlngdlrectly u|Wm the blond and mucous •urroteoof the system. Testimonlala east free. Priee 7S cent* per Iwiltlto. Hold by all Oruxxtata. Take Hall's Family Pills for couatlpation. kit The roaring suffragists want to become members of the human race whereas the socialists arc divorc ing themselves from it. All a mat tor 61 taste.. tea &.now What Yon Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula if plainly printed on every bottle •bowing that It It Iron and Qui nina ID a tasteless form. No ni*. BO pay.—s#=. adv. CHARLOTTE NAN GAINS TEN POUNDS. C. S. Pritchett Tells How He Was Delivered From Terrible Stomach Pains, and Kidney Disorder. Thousands of men and women have stomach trouble and don't know it. They pay little or no attention toSj the small warning signals which come lo them after every meal—that heavy, uneasy feeling, flight gas formation in the stomach, acid risings, and other symptoms which gradually grow worse as time wears on until finally, the victim finds himself in the grasp of that most common of all humau ailments, Indigestion. This, even with the best of care, is likely to develop inlo kidney complaint, constipation, rheuma tism, liver trouble and other seri ous ills. "I am a painter," says C. S. Pritchett of 700 North Graham street, Charlotte. "For a long time I suffered from iudigestion which soon spread to my bowels and kidneys. My stomach seemed to bloat with gas until the pain was almost unbearable. Then I became costive and was forced to take powerful laxatives. But all ■ny troubles are over now because I have found a medicine that has corrected all these faults. It's! name is Dreco. I am no longer troubled with that gassy, bloated feeling and the pains in my stom ach are gone. My bowels now have a regular normal action. Formerly I had to get up during the night as mauy as 8 or 10 times to relieve my kidneys, but Dreco has stopped that. '•I now sleep sound and well and don't have that drowsy feel ing mornings. I now eat many things that I couldn't before. "1 had 'Painters Colic' often hut since taking Dreco that never bothers me. "I gained 10 pounds iu weight.' Mr. Pritchett is a prominent member of the First/ Baptist Church of Charlotte and is well and favorably known among his large acquaintanceship. He is most enthusiastic in hiß praise of the new herbal medicine, Dreco, and urges all his friends to try it. Dreco is sold by almost every good druggist aad is strongly reccommended in Graham by Gra ham Drug Co. Six fanners of German descent, - who refused to join the lied Cross, were taken from their wagons and ' flogged by a Committee of citizens • of Brenham, Texas, who acted in ' daylight and without masks, ac cording to a report from Brenham. ° The whippings did not occur at the same time but at various times during the campaign. PREFERS CHAMBERLAIN'S. . "In the coarse of a conversa tion with Chamberlain Medicine Co.'s representative to-day, we had ' occasion to discuss in a general s way the merits of their different • preparations. At his suggestion I I take pleasure In expressing my es , timation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have a family of six children and have used this reme " dy in my home for years. I con • sider it the only cough remedy on . the market, ana I have tried nearly all kinds."—Earl C. Ross, Publishar 1 Hamilton County Republican-News i Syracuse, Kansas. ' Vilhjalmur Stefanssou, the Arc- I tic explorer, last heard from in I March, 1916, has arrived with his party at Fort Yukon, according . to word received by the uaval de- I partmeut of Canada. Stefansson, i head of the Canadian Arctic ex- I peditiou, has been in the far north since 1013 and lately there has 1 been some anxiety as to his safety. SOON OVER HIBJJOLD. Everyone speaks well 6t Cham , berlain's Cough Remedy after hav ing used it. Mrs. Geo. Lewis, of Pittsfield, N. Y.. has this to say 1 regarding it: "Last winter my lit tle boy, S years old, was sick with a cold for two or three weeks. I i doctored him and used various i cough medicines but nothing did him much good until I began us sing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He then improved rapidly and in a few days was-over his I , - Walter Cottle, an enlißted man of the United States navy, at his home iu Dupliu county, ou a fur lough, shot and perhaps fatally [ wounded G. B. Parker, a wealthy , citizen of Duplin, and then killed himself. The shooting was said , to be the result of a grudge. Parker indicted Cottle two years i ago for hunting on his land. i ■ ' ARE YOUR SEWERS CLOGIOEDT The bowels are the sewerage sys ' tem of the body. You can well im -1 agine the result when they arre 1 stopped up as is the case in con ) atipation. As a purgative you will find Chamberlain's Tablets "ex ! cedent. They are mild and gentle in their action. They also improve | the digestion. ; i There is no law to limit the Christinas spirit merely to Christ mas time. Sale of Real Estate U Oder and by virtue of tie terms of a aer ials mortgage deed executed aud delivered to Alamance Inaurance * Heel Ketate Oonj. uaojr recorded In Book No. •!. of Mortrnke Ueeda, pare 90. In the o»oe of tbe KrvTater of Deed• fur Alamance county, to aeeure an Indebted neaa evidenced by a certain note tbt-n-ln described, default bavin* been made In Ike iay men I of aald Indebtedneaa, Us undrnlsned will, on MONDAY, JAN. 28, 1918, at 13J o'clock p. m, at the court bona* door In Unlua, N. U. offer for aale at publle outcry lo tbe big beat bidder, lor cub. the followlna deecriqed land aod premiers, to wn: Adjolnluc Holt and Sellara H,recta. Alamance Inaurance and Heal Kit ate com pany, and otb re, bounded aa follow,; lb (ln Inr at an Iron aUke on tbe North corner of Hollars and Halt street*; tunning thence with Ibe line of «ald Sellers street nortbeaat ISO feat to corner on aald atreet; tbenee aoutbeaat parallel wlta Holt street as loot jo a oornar on Alamance I oauranoe and Heal ksute Company's line; tbe nee with tbeir line aouthwevt IWleet ruputng parallel with Hellars Street lo corner on Holt ittiaet; tbence wltb tbe line of HoltSlreet north west «feet to tbe bealnnlnf. belts a part of lot No Bin tbe new survey of the oily of Bar llngton, on wblob Is duiated a modern eiffbt room bungalow. 1 ALAMANCB'INB. *KKAL' CBTATB CO„ Mortgagee. ! Re-Sale of Land! Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of AUunanc* county, made in a special proceeding there in pending, entijed J. a. Holt ana wife, Minnie B. Holt, and others, va. Settle ana others, where to all the devisees of Qeorge M. Noah are duly constituted parties, the undersigned commissioners will sell to the highest bidder at public auction, on SATURDAY, Jan. 2ft 1918, at 12 o'clock? noon, at the court house door in Graham, all of the following described real property, to-wit: Three certain tracts or parcels of -land, lying and beiitrf in Patter son township, Alamance county,. North Carolina. The said three tracts adjoining each other, and constituting: one tract of 269 acres, more or less, and is known as the Jerry Noah place.. TRRMS OF SALE: Ons-third of the purchase price to be paid in cash, the other two-thirds to be paid in instalments wKhin six ana twelve months. Deferred' pay ments to be evidenced by oonds of purchaser hearing interest at 6 percent. Sale subject to confirma tion by the Court. This is a re-sale, and bidding will start at $771.10. This the 10th day of Jan., 1918. J. DOLPH LONG, I. C. MOSER, Commissioners. Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of the poWer confer, red upon me by the will of James W. Wyatt deceaaed, duly admitted to probate the 18th day of June. 1017, and recorded In the offloe of the Clerk of the Oo irt for Ala mance county In Hook of Wills No. 6, page 309, the undersigned Executrix will, on MONDAY, FEB. 4, 1918, at 1:80 o'clock p. m.. at the court house door In (Jraham. N, C. offer for sala at public auo tion to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Alamance county. Pleasant Q rove Townsblp, No tta Carolina deacrlood as follows; Adjoining the lands of Jobn Hodgers, Dr. McKolght itud otbers and bounded as follows: Beginningaca stake on tho great road run-' ning North with lipnson'it line forty-lour chains and sixty links 90 a black Jack; thenoe i Houth 60 deg West thirty one chains and fifty; links to a rook on the North side of the great road; thence with said road to the first sta- ; tion, containing 64 acres, more or ltss. This the 2nu day or Januarys 1018. EMMA WYATI, Executrix. Legal Notice! ALAMANCE COUNTY,- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Citizens Bank, which sues -on be half of itself, and all other cred itors of the defendant who will make themselves parties to this action, against Southern Structural Steel Corpora tion, defendant. State of Nerth Carolina— To the Sheriff of Alamance County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon the defendant above nam ed, if it be found within your county, to be and appear before the Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in GVaham, on the second Monday befor the first Monday in September, 1917„ and answer the complaint of the plain tiff within the first three days of the Term, and in default thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for such rolief as may oe entitled to. Herein fail not and of this sum mons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of the Court 21st day of May, 1917. J. D. KERNODLE, C. S. C., Alamance County. Notice of Receivership. The stockholders, deal ers with, and all other persons in terested in the affairs of South ern Structural Steel Corporation, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of ,Ala mance county, summons as above was duly served, and the under signed was duly appointed receiv er of the defendant, and has made his bond and under order of. Court publishes this notice to the ena that all persons who may be inter ested may make themselves parties to this action, or answer the com plaint therein filpd on' or before 23rd day of January, 1918. All per sons having claims against the de fendant will present the same to me properly authenticated. . This the 12th day of Decern oer, 1917. ' WM. 1. WARD, Receiver So. Structural Steel Corp. decl36ts. Re-Sale of Land! . Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county in a special proceeding en titled Edward Guthrie, et al„ vs. Will Guthrie,et a]., the undersigned commissioner will otter at public auction, to the high&t bidder, on SATURDAY, JAN. 18(, 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the premises, in Newlin Township, the following described tracts of land, to-wit- TRACT NO. 1 A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Mary s Creek, adjoin ing the lands of Mary Wright, Ma ry Shaw and others, ana containing 43 acres, more or less. , TRACT No. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the waters of Mary T s Creek, adjoin ing the lands of Stafford, Mary Woods, Rachel Thompson, and oth ers and containing 37 acres, more Hess. TRACT NO. 3. A certain tract or parcel of (and lying and being on the waters of Mary's Creek, known Bathe saw mill and cotton gin jLract, and contains one acre, more or less. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in elx months and one third in twelve months. Defferred payments to bear interest. Sale subject to the confirmation of the Court. This December 147*1917. J. J. HENDERSON, Commissioner Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom These Presents May Come— Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly sutbentlcated record of tbe proceedings for tbe rolutftary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of sit tho stockholders, ilei-oalted in myofßee, that tho Gates Hosiery Compauy, a corporation of this Htate, whoso principal offlfte la situated at Mo —-. Street, in U» city of Burlington, county of Alamance, Btale of North Carolina (Walter U Gates, being tbe M.ntUimla ana In charge thereof, upon wtiom process may be aervod). baa compiled with tbe re quirements of Chapter 11. Hevisal of 1(06, en titled "Corporations," prellmlnsry to tho Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now. therefore, I, J. Bryan Urimes, nonro tary of Slats of toe State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said oorporation did. on the aith day of Dec, 1»17, flle In mr office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution or Mid oorpora ttoo. executed by all tbe stockholders there of, which said conaent and the record of tbe proceedings afore*.id are now on Die In my asid office as provided by law. ' In tealliuon. whereof, 1 bare hereto sot ay lawtfMasvs & r* MSa&ssa* ur*»» — —--wm - - WW t C \m ' 1 i 1 ' The Greensboro Daily News ; , Gives a Greater News Service i • * Through the addition of several new* ( 1 ' features The Greensboro Daily News ia offer to North Carolina readers a in oat comprehensive newspa per, bristling with interest from the first to the very j t ( ' last page. In fact it is the greatest news value ever . , offered by a state daily. At a great expense we have , secured the simultaneous publication rights for the * following. V London Times-Philadelphia Ledger Cabfe Service, giving a clear- J i insight into the great world war from the European standpoint. ( David Lawrence's Washington Articles, copyrighted by The New ( ' York Evening Poet, handling the war from the J • American government. I J CoL Theodore Roosevelt's Editorials for the Kansas City Star, | discussing current topics ia his usual clever, piercing atyle. Sergeant Empey's Stories about trench life' in France, written 1 ' 1 after 18 month actual fighiting experience. All of the above are Big News features —a Super Newa Servioe i j I • which augments and supplements the splendid service of the Associated Press, the excellent work of P. R. Anderson at our Washington Bureau, our v I | l | • interesting Raleigh service by W. T. / Boat and our splendid state news service. ' _ Write immediately for sample copy. Subscription rates are still , the same: Daily and Sunday $7 per year; Daily only 15 per year. Greensboro Daily News > I" 'it | Greensboro, N. C. * Only North Carolina Newspaper Having Two ( Leased Telegraph Wires / Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because it contain* no opiates, no lead, no belhUjyma, no poisonous v drug. Another Pile medicine containing lnjurons narcotic and other poisons cause constipation and damage all who use them, K-RU-SA euros or S6O paid. if Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N.C. To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and . motor cycle casings and tubes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best —no others sold here equal to them" A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask ihose using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me or waste your money. X Very truly, W. C THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C. - I Promise Every accommodation consistent with Safe Merchandising. . I Want Your Business The proper service will retain it. Your Dollar / Will buy as much from me as the other fellows. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. a MULES FOR SALE. Always from 100 to 300 Head of Horses and Mules of all description For Sale at my Stables in YORK, Pa. 65p.26t J OC Kindig, r Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed and deliv ered to Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, as Trustee, ana recorded in Book No of Mortages and Deeds of Trust, page ister of Deeds for Alamance coun ty to secure an indebtedness evi denced by twenty-five bonds therein described, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, the undersigned trus tee will on MONDAY, JAN. 2% 19X8, at 1.45 o'clock P. M., at the court house door in Graham, N. C„ offer for sale at puolic auction to the highest Didder for cash,- the fol llowing described land, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county, Burlington township, and State of North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Ireland Street, Mis* Etta Ireland. J. A. Ireland and Miss Florine Robert son, and others, and bounded as follow*: Beginning at the corner of Miss Btta Ireland on the northeast side of Ireland Street, running thence with the line of said Btta Ireland northeast 213 feett o corner on J. AA. Ireland's line; thence with the line of said Ireland West 66 feet to corner of Florine Robertson; thence with her tin* southeast 313 feet to corner on n-eland Street; thence with the line of Ireland Street 66 feet to the beginning, be a part of the land conveyed by J. R. Ireland, deceasedt o St. Clair Ireland, and recorded in book of Wills in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina. , Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co. This TJecember 24, 191^° Timber and Wood Wanted! If you have soy timber, wood, of timber land to sell, let me hear from you. I want to buy the same. W. C. Thubston. 3janßt Burlington, N. 0. When the Kaiser pulled the trig» ger in 1914 he did not Juow that the kick of the gun Was going to put autocracy out M business. EAST f 0 GET, EAST TO USE "DIGESTONEINE" AND WIN sulc4 relief from sour, r.aiiy stomach, dimnese and tlim indigestion ilk Tons your entire •ystem, stir up your appetite by iol- * lowing the lad of thousand*-- hJJ -nwiuyf jumr* iHJ I ban nerer taken anrthlnf (bat "dl hsn •prot hundrel, of dollars Witt other * bothered ow ST* jean with what wu wmmwi Sad no * JAMJtS W. STOKES, Oallatia*, lU. J Hayes Drug Company Graham * ' % lISI llbujiesd it- it., I ter I THE"POCKET SELF FILLING" mmmmm