GRAHAM, N. C., Feb. 28,1918. "•noOmr T.OB tot 1.00 fc. a. aud 4.00 to 8.00 p. m J. X. MoOKACKEN, Pottmartcr. P"" RAIIiROAD^OTEDULB~ ooi*d *a*t — . No. 112 (mixdd) due 1:46 a- m. GOING WH3T— No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. All trains carry mail, and Nog. * 31, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. d; ♦♦»♦♦♦»•♦■' ■*+++++++++++•! +++ Ik* , IOCAI. .NEWS. ♦ uH; " + W —The farmers are now busy plowing for early spring planting. —The County Commissioners will mSet in regular monthly session next Monday. —lt continues spring like and house-holders are making prepara tions for gardening. —Misses Annie Ben and Mattie G. Long entertained Monday night in honor of Misß Lucile Holmes. ■ —March Term of Alamance Su perior Court will convene Monday for the trial of criminal cases. ' Judge W. A. Devin will preside. —The United Daughters of the Confederacy will hold their regblar monthly meetiug on Thursday after noon, March 7th, at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. P. McClure. —Occoneechee Farm, at Hillsboro, wijl have an auction sale of well bred v 'farnr horses on March 4th—an occa sion that should be of prime interest to farmers. r—The Ladies' Aid Society and Woman's Mission Study diss of the Graham Christian church will meet Wednesday, March 6th, at 3 o'clock with Mrs. C. D. Johnston. -—Maggie Hester, colored, wife of John Hester, died here last week. She was the mother, it re learned, of twenty-three children, sixteen of whom survive her. v.. —Mr. Jesse Hughes came up last night from Hillsboro on the look for a black mare stolen from his stable Tuesday night. Sheriff Story Be lieves he has the stolen animal lo cated near Spoon's mill in Coble township. —ln the regular series of ser mons on Revelations at the Baptist church the subjects for Sunday will be aa follows: "Fear Not."—Rev. 1:17-18, eleven o'clock. 7:30 p. m. v "The Tree of Life." —Rev. 2:7. At tention is'called to the change of the evening,.service to 7:30, The public ia- invited. Sunday school 9:45. Come. —The burning of Whitsett Insti tute on Sunday morning, the 17th inst., will be learned with regret by the hundreds of former* students scattered over this country and else where. Dr. W. T. Whitsitt had spent more than 25 years in build ing up his school and the loss iB great. Only SO,OOO insurance was cairied on building and furnishings, about one-third of the loss. "The Man From Painted Post." ' Mr. R. L. Holmes, Manager of the Mexican, has booked some speciil attractions for the Mexican Thea tre. The first one iB "The Man Prom Painted Post," featuring Douglas Fairbanks. This is one of his best productions—better than "Wild and Wooly." Will be shown i Friday, March Ist. These attractions will be shown on Fridays and Saturdays. Boy Scout Night at The Mexican- Mr. R. L. Holmes, Mgr., has ar ranged a special all-star cast feature for next Wednesday night, March 6. A certain per cent, of the. proceeds will be given the Boy Scouts. Watch for posters and announcements. Woman's Club to Meet. There will be a meeting of the Woman'B Club of Graham at the Red Cross Room on Tuesday after noon, March sth, at 3 o'clock. There is business to be attended to, and every member is urged to attend this meeting. Senior Class Graham High School Entertained. The Senior Class of the Graham High School was entertained on Friday evening on Feb. 22, from 8.00 to 10.30 p. m., at the home of Miss Eunice and Mr. Alvis Rich. After a few hours pleasantly spent in games and music, refreshments, consisting of fruits and candies were served by the hostess assisted by Misses Ethel Rich and Mary Phillips. Among those present be sides the twelve members of the graduating class, were Prof. C. *V. Rankin, Master Charles Rankin, Misses Josephino Thomas an"l Ad elaide Morrow, and Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Earnhardt. Mr. W. G. Pool Dead. On Monday night Mr. W. O. Pool, aged 23 years, passed away here at the home of his father, Mr. K. B. PooL Ile had been in declining health for months. The funeral was conducted yesterday afternoon from the home of the deceased's father by Revs. U. L. Weston and R. 8. Trox ler. The burial service was taken in charge of by the Juniors of Gra ham, the beautiful and solemn service of the Order being used in a most impressive manner. Deceased held his membership in the Jr. Order in Newport, Kentucky, and the mem bers of the Order here attended in a body to pay the last tribute to a deceased brother. Died Suddenly. Emma Mabry, colored, widow of the late George 8. Mabry, died sud denly about noon Monday. She had beAn down street and died a few minutes after reaching home. She waa a very estimable woman and en joyed the friendship of both white and colored. She was about 03 years •M^-M"M^+++++l»*+fH+»f+++ :'♦ P ERS (4 NAI. + ♦ ♦ . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mr. Chas. P. Cates. near Mebane, ,was in town yesterday. Mr. L. 1). Eippy. near Altamahaw, 1 was here Tuesday. Dr. J. L. Kernodle of Greensboro was here l^iasday. Mr'. J. Elmer Long: spent the firtt of the week in Raleigh and Dur ham. Mr. Ed. L. Dailey of Pleasant Grove was in town Monday. Dr. W. A. Harper, Prest. of Elon College was here Monday. Rev. L. I. Cox of Elon College was here yesterday. Mr. W. C. Weatherly of Mebane was here Saturday on business. Mr. J. Kernodle of Morton township was in town-Sat urday. Mr. W. P. Smith returned Satur day, from Enfield, where he spent several days. Mr. J. Dolph Long is in Oxford todiiy on legal business. Miss Margie Montague of Raleigh is visiting Alien "Blanche Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. R. Harden of Greensboro spent yesterday here. S. H. Webb, near Oaks, was in town the first of the week. Mr. A. T. Whitsettof Greensboro was here a short while one day last week. Mr. Wilson Williamson of ✓ Camp Sevier spent first of the week here ou furlough. Mrs. J. R. Jones and Maater Talmage are visi'ing relatives in Lillington, N. C. Mr. Dolph MoOre of Greensboro spent Sunday here at the home of his father, Mr. W. C. Moore. Messr-i John C. Griffin H. Thompson of the Snow Camp community were in town Saturday. Miss Dora Cooke, Higher First Grade teacher, has gone to her home in Greensboro, being ,eick with mumps. N Mrs. J. W. Griffith and Mrs. Robt. M. Denny of Greensboro spent the latter part of last week here visiting Mrs. Mcßride Holt. Mr. Eugene McCracken of JVin aton-Salem spent Sunday here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCracken. Mrs. J. Dolph Long and' Master George returned th s morning from Philadelphia, where they for the past two weeks. Mrs. Ynla Fuller of Atlanta, Ga-, speaking in behalf of Red Cross work, spent Wednesday night here with Mrs. C. S. Hunter. Miss Mary Walker, nt the State N. and I. College, Greensboro, spent Saturday at home with her mother, Mrs. Ida Walker. Miss Lucile Holmes, iu school at Meiedith College, Raleigh, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R L. Holmes. Miss Louise Moore, in* school at the Normal College,Greensboro,spoilt the week-end at home with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs W. C. Moore. Mr. Mike A. Nicholson, Druggist, at Troy, N. C., was here from yes terday afternoon till this morning visiting his father, Mr A. B. Nichol son. , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., Miss Blanche Scott and guest, Miss Margie Montague, spent Tuesday in Msbane with Mrs. J. Mell. Thomp son. Mrs. Alexander H. Graham of Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C., spent from Tuesday until today here with her parents, Col. and Mrs. J. A. Long. " / Mr. D. A. McDonald of Carthage was here yesterday afternoon and this morning. He spent the night with his brother-in-law, Mr. Jas. A. Foust, south of town. Lieut. M. W. Veach, Co. I, 120 th Inft., Camp Sevier, Greenville, 8. C , spent Sunday and Monday here. He was a member of the Headquarters Co., which spent a few weeks here last summer. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Taylor and the latter's mother, Mrs. Bynum, were called to Raleigh Sunday on account of the serious illness of Mrs. W. S. Rives, daughter of Mrs. Bynum. Mrs. Rives is better. * Mr. Euclid Cooke left Sunday on hi 9 return to Camp Sevier after a day or two's furlough among rela tives and friends here and at Swep wnville. Arkansawyer Gets Alamance Wife. Mr. John L. Morris of Arkansas was here Tuesday to get a marriage license and was married the same evening to Mrs. Minnie R. Dicky near Mebane. Mr. Morris was born and reared in Orange county, 12 miles Southwest of Hillsboro. He went to West Tennessee in 1869 and a few years ago he crossed over the "Father of Waters" into Arkan sas and lives in the county on the opposite bank of the river from the county in which he lived in Tenn. He ia a farmer. WILL YOU Thousands of thoughtless people neglect colds every winter. A cough follows; they get rundown—then stubborn sickness sets in. Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be curad and if jrou will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of pom jrwiwifl find your whole system strengthened. It wffl fortify your lungs A and throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism* It is AfjL powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. {R-f Don't neglect taking Scott todmy. JLL tmu a anrx. Ml vmHU. K. J. I WDd Chase For Boom. Sheriff Chas. D. Story and Dep uty H. J. Stockard had a wild and exciting chase after booze haulers Tuesday evening juat after sunset. They received a tip that a flivver would be in from Chatham and went down the Sutphin road to receive them. They came upon their game near Maxey's Chapel. The officers left their car and waited at Mary's Creek for the booze wagon and they didn't have long to wait. The flivver came flying toward the officers. Stockard stepped into the road with gun leveled and commaqd-1 *d it (them) to halt. Two of the occupants tumbled out behind and took to the tall timber and the driver pulled the throttle wide open and whizzid by. Story Jeaped for tho car, but failed to get a firm hold. Hia overcoat caught on the flying car and the sleeve was nearly torn off. They boarded their own car near by and gave a hot chase. Stockard with his Winches tor began to pump lead at the tires of the flee ing car. He was standing on the running board and was jostled off, and took a fall of about twenty feet. Hiß head and hands were skinned and one leg of his pants was torn off in the fall. The pursued went into a hole and the driver' went through the windshield and left like a blue streak. They limped into town about 9 o'clock bringing the deaert ed car and six or raujre gallons of liquor. Ed. Graves, one of the liquor deal ers, was caught yesterday and ia in jail. The othera were Morris Graves and Cooper—all negroes- Mr. Win,. I. Ward Weds Miss Georgia Whiteseil. What happened on the 20th inst., a week ago yesterday, was a,genuine surprise, especially to the frienda of Mr. Ward in Graham. He slipped away quietly a week before destined for Staunton, Virginia, the home of Miss Georgia Whiteseil, a bright, pretty and attractive young lady. The readers of this paper know Mr. Ward is a prominent young lawyer of this place. A telegram and a' brief note told aimply of the mar riage on the 20th. They are some where South on a wedding trip and they have beet wishes of all their friends. Unproclaimed by bugle blast, Nor 'nounced by dainty card — In matrimony sure and fast, Miss Whitesell's linked to Ward. May theirlivea with rapture May dame fortune come and dwell, Always with Ward and Whiteseil. MEXIACN PROGRAM The following is the program for the week beginning Monday, March 4. MONDAY NIGHT. Butterfly. In 6 Parts. ** Current Events—tPart. TUESDAY NIGHT. Fatal Ring featuring Pearl White in 2-pans L-KO. 2 parts. Nestor—Comedy—l Part. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Bluebird. , .In 5 Parts. Weekly—l Part. THURSDAY NIGHT. Vengeance and the Woman in 2-parts Lonesome Luke Comedy—2 parts. Current Events— lPart. FRIDAY NIGHT, Arms and the Girl. Artcraft—6 Parts. Billie Burke SATURDAY NIGHT. Call of the East. Paramount—S Parts. Juseky Hayukua. Mrs. Tripp Dies In Greensboro and Buried Here. Mrs. Grace D. Tripp, aged 48 years,/died Monday night at 12 o'clock in Greensboro, where shtr has lived for a number of years, after an illness of two weeks. She was the widow of Mr.'W. C. .Tripp, who ' died here about ten years ago Funeral services waro conducted at the residence yesterday morning and the remains and funeral party ar rived hers a few minutes before 12 o'clock and the internment was mads in Linwood Cemetery. Rev. C. E. Hodgin of Greensboro and Rev. U. L. Weston conducted the burial ser vice. Several friends of the family were in the funeral party. Mrs. Tripp is survived by three daugh ters—Mrs. W. 8. Vestal, who lives Southeast of Graham on the Swep sonville road, Mrs. J. M. Ellis of .Lynchburg, Va, and Miss Ivora Tripp of Greensboro, all of whom were present at the fuueral. Eyes For The Navy. Navy ships need binoculars and spy-glasses to help n>»vy men "stand watch" on destroyers. The Govern ment asks the loan of them. Glasses will be returned at termination of the war, if possible. One dollar will be paid for each one accepted. Tag each article with your name and ad dress and mail or express to Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ass't Sej'y of the Navy, care of Naval Observa tory, Washington, 1) C. Red Cross Members The following is a complete list ( of the members of the Graham Chapter of the Bed CrOM? together with the colored auxiliary: J. Harvey White. Annie Laurie Fnrrell. Mrs. 0. P. Noyes. Mrn J. Harvey White. Kathleen Long. Mr*. Chas. A. Thompson . Mr*. C. W. Rankin. Mrs. Margie Gray Scott. J. J. Henderson. Mrs. J. J. Hemderaon. Mra. Lynn B .Williamson, James L. Ergle. Mra. Jack Moon. W. B. Green. W. I. Ward. B. N. Cook. Chas. A. Switzer. Roy Long;. W. Ernest Thompson. L. B. Holt Lynn B. Williamson. Mrs. R. H. Farrell. Mrs. J. D.. Vaughn. .. Mrs. E. L. Henderson. Mrs. M. R. Rive*. • Cora Pearl Jeffcoat. J. B. Robertson. R. L. Holmes. A. R. Henderson. Mrs. M. P. Winner. Mrs. B. D. Scott. Mrs. J. Doiph Long. J. Dolph Long. P. M. Moore. C. P. Albrights, Mrs. C. P. Albright. Mrs. B. S. Parker. Mrs. B. S. Parker, Jr. J. L. Scott. Mrs. J. L. Scott. Blanche Scott. H. W. Scott. Mrs. H. W Bcott. Mamie Parker. Aliens Lonj. L. G. Turner. 0 J. Elmer Lon?.> Jas. N. Williamson. J. M. McCracken. J. D. Kernodle. W. P. Smith. B. M. Roger* Chas. A. Scott. W. E. Bason. Margaret Clegg. R. G. Poster. J. S. Cook. E. D. Scott. H. E. Myers. C. W. Rankin. J. H. Hadley. W. E. White. Mrs, W. E .White. Mi's. J. W. Menefee. Mrs. E. P. McClure. Mrs. JT. 8. Cook. Mrs. J. D. Kernodle. Mrs. J. O. Corbett. Mrs. A. K. Hardee. Mrs. J. M. McCracken. Duke McCracken. Lorena Kernodle. Dr. J. N. Taylor. Eek. . Carolyn Parker. Oladyß Poster. Julia Cooper. Mrs. T. C Moon. Mrs. W. P. Smith. Mrs. Mcßride Holt. A. W. Norwood. Mrs. C. H. Phillips. J. M. Phillips!. Mrs. W. T. Kzell. E. P. McClure. Mrs. C. S. Hunter. Mrs. J. Elmer Long. Minnie Long. Mrs. R. L. Holmes. Lucille Holmes. Naomi Hocutt. Mrs. Walter R. Harden. Mrs. J. N. Taylor. Mrs.' W. S. Rives. Mrs. John Porlines. > Ida Scott. Enita Nicks. Prances Moore. Mrs. Allen Tate. Mrs. R ,B. Tate. Martha Holt. Lucille Johnston. Mrs. J. K. Mebane. Marce Goley. M. R. Rives. J. W. Menefee. W. S. Rives. B." J. Williamson. Mrs. W. R. Goley. . Mrs. J. J. Barefoot. C. A. Thompson. J. A. Shaw. Mrs. Ida Walker. Kate Bason. Mary Hunter. • Mary Estlow. A. B. Nicholson Mrs. Cork Goddard. A. K. Hardee. Allen D. Tate. Mrs. J. N. Williamson. Dr. T. M. McConnell. Rebecca Scott. P.. S Parker, Jr. A. W. Moser. Emma Harden. Jessie Phillips. Arthur P. Williams. Mrs. Arthur P. Williams. Dick Tinnin. A. Lacy Holt. L. O. HannaW. Mrs. Al. O. Wllkerson. W. T. Jeffreys John L. Scott, Jr. Haywood Henderson. Mrs. J .P. Goodman. Thomas Wharton. Maxlne Holmes. Dr. Brown. William Scott. Mrs. Rov Long. Robert Holmes. Margaret Hunter. > 1 Joy Steele. Allie Cooper. Losson Perry, Garland Henderson. Lee Henderson. Mrs. J. V. Pomeroy. Coy Williams. Annie Williams. Pannle Fount. Eunice Cooper. Charlie Moore. Carrie Nicholson. Clara Hushes. Seymour P. Holt. Dr. W. R. Goley. W. H. Boswell. Mrs. J. A. Shaw. W. H. Ausiey. Don E. Scott. John 0. Turner. Mrs. J. E .Hornbuckle. W. A. Rich. Fannie Bradshaw. Minnie Bradshaw. Adelaide Morrow. Mrs. Mamie Martin. Eleanor Williamson. Heenan Hughes. H. J. Stockard. M. C. Terrell. J. D. Albright; J. J. Barefoot. Mrs. A. J, inompson. Nell Thompson. Aloerta Thompson. A. J. Thompson, Jr. Mra. C. P. Harden. W. 8. .Long, Jr. Walter Story. J. K. Mebane. Mrs. L. Banks Holt. Kate Meoane. Doris Holt, W. T. Bzell. - Mrs. J. B. Montgomery. W. W. Garrett. Allen Mebane. Mcßride Holt. Ada Denny. Haftie Hester. Mrs. J. O. Walker. Maoel Walker. Izora Nicholson. Lizzie Bradshaw. Master Blllv Scott. Mra. O. S. Rogers. A. T. Willlamr ' \ J. M, Crawford. I YOUiMu HORSES t . ft For Sale At Auction ' * "* " • . . ■ i We will offer at public auction, TEN' YOUNG HORSES, three and four years old, on Monday, March 4,1918 At 11 o'clock at the COURT HOUSE HILLSBORO, N.C. All sired by Percheron Stallion. Be sure to attend the sale. OCCONEECHEE FARM HILLSBORO, N. C. Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because It oontaltn no opiates, no lead, DO' belladonnn, no polsonoua drug. All other Pile medicine containing tnjurnu* imrootlc and other polaons oause eonntlpaUon sncWclaniago all who uie them. K-KU-SA cures or 160 paid. Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N. C. WarPricesOnCannedGoods! Brookdale Yellow Cling Peaches $2.00 per doz. Pocahontas Sugar Corn $2.00 per doz. 1 Snow Floss Kraut—none better—s2.oo .per doz. No. 4 i'H" Brand Canned Beans—i*io strings—heavy weight—s2.oo per doz. No. 4 "4" Brand Country Canned Tomatoes-full pack— s2.oo per doz. - ~ • Canned Apples $1.50 per doz. June Peas $2.00 per doz. BEST GRADE OF TRUCK FERTILIZER Garden Seed-Seed Potatoes First Class Line Of Other Groceries, Dry Goods And Notions. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. I E. E. McAt'amu. Mrs. A. Lacy Holt. Mrs. Jno. Murray. Beatrice Murray. W. H. Holt. Mrs. Orant Estlow. J. B. Farrell. COLORED BRANCH. Ida Shoffner. Herman Shoffner. Lealma Shoffner. James Barham. Manila Shoffner. Emma Mabrey. T. M. Duck. Margaret Duck. Greene Vincent. Liilio Vincent. Ida Womack. Eliza Don net I, Julius Gregg. AUce Gre:fg. Adeline Tinnin. Aline Duck. Mary Long. P. J. Chandler. Allen Freeland. Henry Thompson. Eva Miller. William Long. Edward Tate. Hattv Gibson. W. H. Allen.* Beatrice Isley. Mary K. Woods. Rlfhard McAdoo. Early Clay. Myrtle Teague, Wm. E. Walker. Callie Brandon. Lee Shoffner. " Nora Ruffin, Hijndy Senior. Alice Freeland. Maggie B. Rogers. Cornelia Packinghum. Henry Hunter. Emellne Tinnin. Mattie V- Russell. Rev. Wilson. Nannie Averv. Bertha Sherrill. Bertha Rogers. Color F. Russell. James Duck. O. T. Rogers. If any names are omitted that should appear in this list pleise notify Mrs. W. F. White,, N. C. Boschee's German Syrup Win quiet your cough, soothe the inflammation of a fclire throat ana lungs, stop irritation in the bron chial tubes, Insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy ex pectoral ion in the morning. Made and sold in America for fifty two years. A wonderful prescrip tion, assisting nature in building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially uiiseful in lunor trouble, nsthmi, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Gra ham Drug Co. Ex-Congressnvin R. N. Page is as sisting Col. Fries in the man ment of the War Savings campaign. DOUBLY PROVEN. (•rshstn Hradera Can V) Ijmgrr Itunbt the Kvidenre. This Graham citizen testified long ago. Told of quK'k relief—of undoubt ed benefit. The facts are confirmed. Such testimony Is complete—the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proa. of merit. Mrs. R. C. Phillips. Guthrie St., Graham, sa.v*: "I suffered a greai deal from pains in the small of m.v back and dull headaches. I was nervous and my sight was nffecteu. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they soon made me feel better in every way." Over aeveny eats later Mrs. Phil- Hp* added: "There isn't anything better for oackache than Doan s Kidney Pill*. Whenever I have needed a kidney medicine or when I have had pain in my back a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills have relieved the trouble." Price 60c at atl dealers. Don't •imply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—the kino Mrs. Phillip* ha* twice publicly i recommended. Foater-Milburn Co., Prop*., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. Summons by Publication I North Carolina—'Alamance County. In tile Superior Court, Before the C lerk. IT RM Albright. Ilrvant Albright, HOM Al hriirht, Mm. A. (J. Wllwm and himtmnd A. U. Wilson, Deole Albright, Pearl Robertson, Walte Itoberson aid wife Km am Robertson, Tbomaa Hobortson and Lucy Koberiaon. Violet Albright, Jewel Albright. ilelon Fon Albright, (ilenn Albr ght, Mayo Fowler and Adelu Fowler. Thodefendants, Helen Fon AlbrlKbt and Olenu Albright, above nsined, will takn no* tlos that au action, entiled an above. HAS been commenced In Tbe Hunerlor Court of AU nianoe County, I« fore tbe Clerk. to sail, for partition, the lands devised to the petitioners and tbe defendants by the l*st Will and Testament of the late A. C. Albright; and tbe said defendant* will further tak* notice that they are required to apoear before *ald Clerk on the iOth day of M roh, ItflH and answer or demur to tbe petlon In suld atl>n. or tho l>etltloijer4 will apply to the Court lor the re» lief demanded In said petition. This Feb. 14, IftlA. Slfebit J. U KEKNODLK.C. H. C. Timber and Wood Wanted! If yon have any timber, woo/1, or timberland to nell, let mo bear from you. I want to buy the same. W. V. THURSTON, 3janSt nurlington, N. 0. For Sale. One pair Stimaon Computing Scales — nlmoNt n* good HH new. These are atttiidnrd scale*, an I a groat convenience. Will bn aobl at a bargain. I'bono '2(H)-J, or call oil T. C. MOON, 14feb4t (irabam, N. C,. tyr Sale. Stock of general merchandise and fixture**. Inventory over $5,000.00. In town of two tbouaaod population, having weekly pay-roll of over Ifi,- 000.(X), with good back country. Purchaser (fan rent large light corner brick store building. Healed bida received until 12 o'clock Friday, March 1, 1!)18. Privilege reserved to reject ill bida For further pirticulars, apply to J. A. IX)N4, Itecoiver, 21 fob'.'t Haw River, N. C. The shoals of Cape Hatteras claimed another victim Wednesday when the British tramp nteamer Eturia, Capt. Frank Millis. was driven ashore In a neavv fog. The officers and crew, 7 men nil told, were removed from, the wreck ! steamer without cwmlllM, oat tlie vessel and cargo, several thousancf tons of nitrates, were a compile loss. Corporal Thos. F, I'.agley, 20 vears %ld, died of asphyxiation al the home of his mother, In Wilmington. It is believed that a gas fixture became accidentally detached. HAVE HAIR LIKE "20" It's never to'j late to get :i-l of gray in the hair. Thousand! iiave benefitted by this scientific dlctov ery. Why don't you? Gray, faded bedrabble I h i ' • in be change«l to a uniform, lustrous beautiful, dark color, so in appearnee '.>y applying Q-ban Hair Color Restorer. Safe, simple ga aranteed harmless-all read/ to use—soc a large bottle. B>l I by Hayes Drug Company and all iao(f drug stores. Try Q-ban Tonic. Q-ban Liquid shampo >, Q-ban Toilet Soap, Q-ban Depilatory. Qtfom t>Wl. it. ktiiol f. Rid S Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmefs Calls answered anywhere day or night Day 'Phone No. 107 Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 480-J Jas. H. Rich 54.J-W You need it- Ve sell it -■ Mer J THE"POCKET CyVrß AB TILLING" ■ I Z. T. HADLEYjI Re-Sale of Real Estate Un der Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deca of trust, executed to the under signed Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, Trustee, bv" Oeo. R. Sutton and his wife, JUma Sut ton on the 17th day of April, 1917, duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamanc4 county, in Book of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust No. 71, at pages 1 to 7, default having bean made in the payment of the bond mentioned and described in ana secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company will, on MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1019, at 12 o'clock M„ at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highes*-. bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-v/it: " Beginning at a stone in public road running northward toward Bethlehem church 35 deg. E. 9 rods to a stone In sai'l rotd; theiicf southeastward 6 rods to ir stone, Jan. . Bateman's corner; thence aouthwestward 15 rods and 10 feet to a stone in said road, Mrs. Eliz abeth Sutton's line corner, and on George W. Sutton's lino; northward 18 3-1 derj. W. 7 rods to the beginning, and containing one hali ncre. more or less. These di mensions are taken from plat fur ni«hed by S. L. Sutton. Term* of sale" CASH, Place of sale : Court house door, Graham, North Curollna. Time of sale. Monday, March 18th, 1018, at 12 o'clock M Alamance Ins. fi Heal Estate Co., Trustee. February 12, 191fc Re-Sale of Landt Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court of Alamance county, made in a special proceeding there in pending, enti.led J. O. Holt ana wife, Minnie B. Holt and. others, vs. fiettle Boggs ana others, where to all the devisees of Ocorge M Noah are duly constitute! partiert the undersigned commissioners wi'f sell to the highest bidder at public siuction, on SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918., at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In Graham, all of the following described real properly, to-wit: Three certain tracts or parcels of land, lying aud being In Patter son township. Alamance county North Carolfna. The said three tracts adjoining each other, and constituting one tract of 269 acres, more or less, and is known as the Jerry Noah place. TERMS OK SALE One-third of the purchase price to be paid In cash, the other two-thirds to .">e fisid in instalments within six and wclve months. Deferred pay ments to be evidenced bv oonrfs of purchaser bearing interest at ( percent. Sale subject to confirma tion by th# Court. This it a re-sale and bidding will start at $999.00. This Kebriiarv 11. 1918. J. DOLPH LONG, I. C. MOSER. Commissioners. EXECUTORY NOTICE. Having uualinrd a* Kji-cuUn of th* Isat Will an'i TfatatDi'iit m William O. Wilson, dn-asaM. lalanf Alamance munljr. N.C.. title la In notify alP|x>r«,n bavins claims against •aid estate to eihllilt them to tha under •limed. or hli aiutnieyi, l/tmu k Loni, at 'imhNtii. N *.. on or tu tors ttm IMh «1»y of Krtiriiftftjr. It 111. or th g notli*«* will bjr p|Mf#wf in lur of fhifir rMOVfrf. All p«raoni Indrbt to said eiUk will m«\« I rnrri«-l im !*♦ wtiJe mtni. Tb|« K«bni»rr l*l9|ft. 001,15 H V. fcrgHKLla. FICHU U>r. l/jng it Loaf, Atto rnmym. 14f*h6t NOTICE TO CREDITORS or JUIIWNTOW TIIOMI'XItW MTOIir. CO. All creditor* of th* Joftuatou-THompaon Htor* Company, lltw IU?«r, S. will !*•»»♦- by ink* ii'»iic« thai the «rralr» *r« ImMiiit wound up, ** l»y |«w provided for m-olrant corporation!, by th« undersigned, Kim luiy appointed. «| i*lifled and ai'tlfttf K«-ralvrr of (bit raid romp* y. They will further take nolle* Ihat nil claim* attain «t the a* Id Johnston Thompson rtioi* Co, tuift ho filed wlili |ii* undersigned at Haw ttlfrr, N. C\, on or lN>fur« April 13, IVIH, >r thf* p»ik*«' w»l| Im- iiifiulfNi in bir of tlwlr rijo\ery Uy ordi-r of t hi*' our I Tlla tn* l-'tli d*y of KMyruitrr, 191* J. Alt 111 K J/)Jf). 21ft- bit Krc*lv*r. A f >M INISTKATOW* NOTICE. Ifuvlnjr |iullll«'«t »« Administrator* of th* wUlu of J. w, Jobn*t>n. il'i'vaivtl. the un>J«r*ljrri' d hvr-hy noilfien nil person* hold ing claims u*alu*l th* atl'l estsU u» prcent the taine, .inly amount kmu*d, on ir before the i>ui amy of Kali , lIM9, or thl* notice will tHr picad«-d lr. Ur 4/»tlifir raooveryj and *ll persona Indebted t#?**ld iiuto ur* request ied to tusk* l (mm*) lata settlement. , TbU Jan. «ih, lilt «. IL JOIISBTON, Adm'r of J. W. Johnston. doo'd I Dixon's Lead Pencil* are the ! I are THE BEST. Try them | I and be convinced. They are I I for sale at this office.—sc. i i _ I tachmcnL J IK THE BCPERIOR N COURT. Walter Wood, trading under the j* name of R. D. WodN u Company, B. Van Steenburg and Ida D. Van 'i Steenburg. The defendants in the above enti tled action will take notice that on the iibth day of January, 1918, a summon■ In said action was ismied against laid defendants by J, U. Kernodle, Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, said plaintiff claiming the sum of ni2,600.0u due him on account of breach of contract upon the sale of certain goods, which said sum mons is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court of Alamance County to be held In Graham, N; C., beginning on the first Monday in March, IHIB. The said defendants will also take notice that a Warrant of At tachment was issued by the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Ala mance County, on the 28th day oi January, 1918, against the proper ty of said defendants, which War rant is returnable to the said t;rm of the Superior Court of Alamante County, at the time and place nam ed for the return of sola Summons, when and where the defenndUnts are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. Done this the 31st day of Jan uary, 1918. J. D. KERNODLE, CX 8. C., Alamance County. Road Tax Notice! All person* liable for special road tax, or who in event or (allure to pay, must work on the public roads, are notified that unless they pay this special tax to W. P. Smith, County v Treasurer,, on or before April In, 1918, the law re-)uirln£ them to work upon the roads will be enforced strictly. Yqu must pay $1.25 or work two daysTand if you prefer paying the cash, you must pay this sum to the County Treasurer at Graham before April Ist. Take notice ana do not complain because the coun ty authorities enforce the law. B. M. ROGERS, Clerk to Board County Com'rs. Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom Tbeae Presents May Come— -0 retting! Whereaa, It appear* to my mu«faotlon, by duly authenticated record of Uie proceeding* for the voluntary dlaaolutlou tderisuf by the unanimous uonmntol all lite xtockholdrr*. de- IMMlled In my office, that tbe Snow Camp Mu tual Telephone Co., a corporation of Ihta Bta'«,whfae principal uffloe la ii United at Ko hlrect, In tba village of Know Camp, coun ty of Alamance, ttlatn of North Carolina (■verettn. llurhaSi. In lnK the aifent therein Alia In charge thereof, upon wnom proueaa may be nerved), ban compiled with the re quirement* of Chapter SI, Kevlaal of ISu:,, en titled "I'oriwratlona," preliminary to. tbe iMUInt or this Oertlllcate of Diaaolullon ; Mow, therefore, 1, J. Bryan Urlmee, Hecre tary of Mtate of tne Mate of North Carolina, do hereby certify that tbe laid corporation did, un tbe JSth day of Jan., WIS, Hie in my office a duly executed and alte»t»d consent In wrlttnif to the dlwolutlon of aald oorpor* Uon, executed by all tbe atookbolder! there of, which Mild ninient and the record or the urmeedluipa aforeuld are now on Bla la my Mid office aa provided by lair. ;n testimony whereof, I have hereto aet ay nd and afHa*d mv official Heal at Halelub, tbiattth day of January, A. D., Ms. [Seal of Hute. l J. lilt VAN ORIMKH, "foWt Secretary of State. ■ \ " DICESTONEINE'! Nature's Restorative, i tlU Up. Not only fives quick, sure relief from indura tion's ilia «—Heartburn, Diziincae. Sour (luinp. Acid Mouth. Sleepless ness. etc., but builds up appetite ami entire system. Thousands KNOW. Follow their lead— Mr/arCTrnnmiff? k)/W*A/* UAUm*V[". Vsjf " Tha K*T to IUUW " 2a I am ImproTloc lo baaJtb im I bare IMO taking four atedleto. It baa b«l|«d ma ao msrb. I eas't tall {"" bow thankful I am. I da not lilnk I rnuld pit along wttkoat It. I hara nnimnMdHl It to many alnca It baa doM ma m much (ml. WILLIS TOWNS. Xaaaoo. No. Cm. | DifdmHm fnr mm* BACK Fc Ixtbv coavwin, FACTS, m HAYBB DRUa COMPANY, GRAHAM, X. C." J * tmj NOTICE 1 Notice in hereby given that ap plication will bo made to the Gov ernor for the conditional pardon at Jim White, who was convicted and sentenced at the November Term, 1917, of Alamance Superior Court. ' , 'JJU This the llth day of Feb., 1918 14feb2t. • Sale of Property Under and by virtue of the power * of iwle contained in a certain trun tee'» deed from Currie Smith and ' Duisy Smith, hi* wife, to the undersigned trustee, dated the Ist ilay of February, l#U, and regis tered in the office of the register of Deeds for Aiamauce county, in Bofc of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 59, pages MS to 29, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby, I will, on FRIDAY, MARCH 82, I9IS, Al 1,30 o'clock p. m. ill the court houin- door in Graham, N. t'., (m-II for cash, at public auc tion to Hi" highest lilddor, a par cel of land lying and being in the county and Statu aforesaid, and bounded as follows, to-wlt: A certain lot or parcel of lana in Burlington township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands oT Spring St., R. A. Free man, A. P. Barrett, W. A. Irwjb and others, bounded as follows: lie/inning at an Iron bar on the Southeast side oi said street, cor ner with said Erwin, running thence N. 53* deg. 8: 95 ft. 4 In. to a rock, corner with said Freeman on Southeast side of said street, thence S. 3#K deg. ii. 1(3*4 ft to a stake, corner with R. A. Freeman on A. P. Barrett's line; thence with A. F. Barrett's Uno 53* deg E. 95 ft. 4 in. to a stake, corner with Aj, F. Barrett on colored Methodist Parsonage line; thence 3«% deg. w. 142 feet to beginning, par lot No. 90, plot of said town. This February 18, 1918. WALTER E. SHARPE, Trustee,