THE GLEANER GRAHAM, 0., March V, 1918. . fostolflee tious. Offlo open TUB a.m. t07.00p. m. Pnudrny MS toll.OO a. a. sod 4.00 to M 0 p. n> J. H. McCRACKEN, Postmaster. '* railboad schedule. GOING SAST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a. m. .. 108 « 9;i7 « " 22 " 5:00 p. m. GOING WEST— No. HI doe 5:23 a. m. « 21 " 11:13 *' " 139 " 6:15 p.m. All trainß carry mail, and Nos. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦•+♦+++++•• ++++++++++++++++ * LOCAL BE-WB. + + , + ♦M M H'++'H , ++ + + +++++ +++++') , + i i' -rrtumb trees are in bloom and the trees, are showing a tinge of green. —Light phowers every two or three days reminds one of April weather. -„* —Mr. Wm. H. Holt and Dr. O, J. Paris have bought nice new automu bileriately. —Miss Fannie Porterfield was carried to St: Leo's Hospital yester day for an operation. —A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore last Fri day. Congratulations. —Sam Tnrrentine, colored, had (belittle finger on his left hand cut off Saturday while sawing wood. —The county teachers' meeting, the last for the school year, will -be held here next Saturday and will be addressed by Dr. W. A. Ilarper, " Prest. of Elon College. ■' —Wheat ia said to be looking fine. One farmer said he never saw it looking better. When the cold weather arrived bo early last fall it was prophesied that the crop had suffered heavy damage. Almost two months of sflow and ice covered everything and when it left the wheat prospect was not flattering. Among the Sick. Mr. John G. Longest is quite sick. He ia confined to his room. Little Miss Annie Ruth Harden is flick with an attack of grippe. _j Gone to Camp Sevier. 'Messrs. "J. L. Scott, .Jr., H W. Scott, Chaa. A. Scott, Lynn B. Wil liamson and Will E. White left last night for Greenville, S. C.-, to visit Camp Sevier. Among the soldiers at the Camp is Maj. Don. E. Scott, son of Mr; J. L. Scott, Jr. Mr. John M. McCracken Passes Away. After being confined by sickness for several weeks Mr. John M. Mc- Cracken passed away at his home on * North Maple St. at 11:30 o'clock . last Saturday night in the 51st year of his age. He had improved and went out to Rainey Hospital and ap peared to be doing well, but suffered a relapse and returned to his home on Monday preceding h a death. Hia sickness was known of but his death waa a shock as his illness was not thought to serious. For more than 25 years Mr. Mc- Cracken had made N bis home in Gra ham and he always took a keen interest in all public matters. For a number of years he was a Justice of the Peace and performed the du ties with credit to himself. He served for sometime on the board of trustees of Graham Graded School. He had been the efficient Postmaster of Graham for more than four years, receiving the appointment from President Wilson. The funeral was conducted from the home at 2 o'clock Monday after noon by Rev. L. U. Weston, Pastor of the Baptist church, after which the interment was in the family plot ip Linwood Cemetery. A large number of friends and acquaintances were present to pay their last tribute of respect. The court in session prolonged the noon recess to permit friends to attend the funeral. Beauti ful floral tributes coveied the mound over the grave. Mr. McCracken is 'survived by his widow and a son, Mr. Eugene McCracken of Winston- Salem, and a daughter, Miss Duke McCracken, who have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in their great bereavement. "Arms And The GirL" The Paramount Photoplay which is appearing on Friday night, March Bth, at the Mexican Theater, follows closely the stage version whiJh-«ret with such success a few years ago Hillie Burke is the star. Briefly the plot is as follows : An American girl is stranded in Bel glum at the opening of the present war, she innocently exchanges her passport with a Russim .girl—a spy Another American— a young man, also helps the Russian girl by the loan of hia automobile When the Germans seize the town the two Americans who have not been able to escape are h»ld for complicity, especially the man, who is ordered to be shot "The Girl" saves him by'declaring him to be the fiance she has boen wait ing tor, and as if to prove her i statement the German General or ders the two to be married at once This is done and the two young people find themselves in a most embarrassing position The hus band escapes however, while in the meantime the real fiance appear* The latter proves himself to be rather a cad, so the newly mar ried couple who are becoming fond of each other resolve to do nothing to annul the ceremony as they had planned Altogether. "Arms * and i the Girl" is one of the most charm -1 ingly humorous and vivid photo-] plays of the season Admission 10 and 15 cts UfllKiSAMr jpraig miiiinery. Miss Margaret Clegg will have ] her first display of Spring hats .Fri day March Bth. Her Millinery Opening will be announced at a , Jater date. j J-5-ff+++++++ + + +++++++++++++ ♦ PERSONAL. X t + + ++++++++++++++++++++++ + Mr. C. R. Palmer, near Liberty, waa in town yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Will E. White went to Charlotte last night. Chas. A. Hinee, Esq., of, Greens boro, was here Tuesday morning. Judge S. B. Adams of Greensboro was here yesterday attending court. Mr. M. J. Reitzel of Liberty, Seed Inspector, was here the first of the week. Mrs. J. C. Simmons of Durham 1 spent the week-end with friends hire. Mr. Coy Williams, teaching at Selma, spent Sunday here with relatives. 0 Miss Annie Laurie Farrell, in sch o at Elon College, spent Sun day at Home. M r - J Calvin Walker and Mrs. W. H, Irolinger, at Watson post office, were here today. Mr. John Scott, who hna been spending some time in Baltimore, returned home yesterday.* Privates Dewey Turner and Henry Guthrie, at Camp Sevier, Green ville, S. C., were at home the first of the week on furlough. Mr. and, Mrs. T. C. Moon and Mit-ses Julia and Lola Cooper spent Saturday in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. G, Wash. Denny of High Poiut jpeut Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Mcßride Holt. Mr. Roger Moore of Seneca, S. G, lis spending the week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G Moore. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rr Holmes, Misses Josephine Thomas, Mary Weeks and Helen Brown spent.Sunday in Ashe boro visiting Miss Bronna Coble. Mr. ind Mrs. L. Banks William son of Fayettev.lle spent the week end here with Mr. Williamson's mother, Mrs. Fannie A. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Rob bins of High Point spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Long, near here, and Mr. L >ng and daughter, Mrs, J. Ernest Thompson, went back with theuiun their auto and spent Sunday. Court Proceedings. The March Term of the Superior Court convened Monday for the trial of criminal cases. Judge W. A. Devin presided and Solicitor 8. M. Gattis was present and prosecu ting in behalf of this State. The business of the Court was transacted with dispatch and ended a'few min utes before six yesterday afternoon. The Grand Jury, with Mr. Chas. C. Thompson as Foreman, completed itß work about the same hour that the other business of the Court was finished. Among the matters disposed of are the following: 11. H. Shoe, trespass; convicted at a former term; 30 days in jail. W. G. Murray, house-breaking, &c; verdict guilty; 12 mos. in jail with leave to hire out and pay costs. Eloert Summers, disposing of mortgaged property ; guilty; pray er for judgt. cont'd, loss to be re stored and bond to appear at Aug. Term. Ebe Griffin, manufacturing liquor, not guilty. L. P. Gerringer, manufacturing li quor; pleads guilty; prayer for iudgt. cont'd, to pay costs and SSOO bond to appear at Aug. Term. Henderson Heath, house-breaking, larceny, etc.; pleads guilty; four years on roads. A. S. Oldham, alias Ej. C. Barnes, Jr., forgery; pleads months in jail. Carrance Banks, assault with in tent; guilty; not less than one nor more than five year* in States prison. Geo. and Lou Farrington, affray; plead guilty; judgt. susp'd on pay ment of costs. Watson Turk, Dan Sharks and Dock Wilson, gambling; pleaa guil ty; $lO fine each and payment of costs. Ed Graves and Al'Cooper, li enor for stole; plead guilty; former 6 mos. and latter 3 mos. on roads These are two of the parties chas ed in, automobile by Sheriff Story and Deputy Stockard the first of last week. J. T. Allred, manufacturing li juor; guilty; prayer for J'ldgt. cont's, to pay costs and fSOO bond to appe*r at Aug. Term. Charlie Linnens, false pretense; pleads guilty; paroled on good be havior. Walter Handy, honse-breiking. not guilty. Frank Alexander, three pleads guilty; 10 mos. on roads ag grprate sentence. Ida Terrell, nuisance; pleads J?uil tv; to be hired out not less than three nor more than six months. Card of Thanks- We desire to express our grateful appreciation of the many kindnesses by neighbors and friends shown to our beloved husband and father, the late John M. McCracken, and to >is during hia last illness and at his death. Sincerely, Mrs. Saraii M. McCracken, Eigkne R. MOCbackbn, Miss Dike M. McCracken. A Grippe Epidemic " Every winter Health Boards warn against this weakening disease which often strikes those who are least prepared to resist it. You should strengthen yourself against grippe by taking SCOTD? OEWLSICDIO which is the cream of cod Ever odL refined, purified and so skilfully prepared that it enriches the blood streams, creates reserve strength 'and fortifies the lungs and throat Don't delay—lt may mean much. A $ Use SCOTT'S ffl Refuse Substitutes I »—«»»»—. si hush. Commissioners' Proceedings Tax ' Listers Appointed. The Board met Monday in regular I monthly sea'ion with the following! members present, W. K. Holt, chair man, W. J. Graham, John M Coble and W. 0. Warren, and transacted bu'inees as follows: W. P. Lawrence of Elon College, appointed by the Clerk of the Su perior Court to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. C. Michael as a member of the Board," preeaented his commission and was duly inducted into office, j Columbus Myrick was allowed two . dollars per month for three months, to be furnished by A. W. Norwood. A petition by J. 8. Morton and others for a new road in Morton township was presented, aad the same was ordered filed and advm tised to be heard on first Monday in April. VV. 0. Warren and W. K Holt were appointed a committee to buy suitable mules for road work. The report of the committee on crushed stone far road work was re ceived and. filed. ThA Supt. of the County Home was instructed to receive Emeline Paul as an inmate. The following were relieved of taxes: K. P. Stockard of poll and road, oh account disabilities; David Johnson, poll tax, listed twice; Judge P. Isley, 750. Graded School, prop erty not in district; A. 0. Guthrie, one dog, error of lister; Julia Sharps, dog, error; Sherman Glosson, poll tax, over age; G. F. Stafford, poll, error in listing; J. M. Shaw, Graded School, 84c, property outside dis trict. The following were appointed tax listers for 1918 for the several town ships : Patterson: Robt J. Thompson. Coble: Green A. Nicholson. B on Staton: J. B. Gerringer. Morton: T. J. Gwynu. Faucetto: A. O. Huffman. Graham: J. Ernest Thompson. Albright: B. H. Hargis Newlin: E. P. Dixon. Thompson: Geo. T. Morrow. Melville: U. S Ray. Pleasant Grove: W. B Sellars. North Burlington: B. M. Walker. South Burlington: R A. Freeman. Haw River: G.-.A. Blackmon. The committee, W. K. Holt and W. J. Graham, appointed at the February meeting to confer with Mess. Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., and Joseph E. Gant in regard to the roads to the mills controlled by them made their report. An arrangement was made with the management of the Altama.iaw, Ossipeo. Glencoe, Carolina and liopedale mills for them to keep in repair the roads leading to these mills. They are to report to the C mmissionern, and the county will pay half the expense and the mills the other half. "The Warrior." During the first advance against Italy by Austrian troops a large number of inhabitants are cap tured, among whom is Maciste. They are all housed in sfn old sta ble By a ruse Maciste overpow ers the guards and the prisoners escape They find refuse in the castle Protolungo qwned by an old Italian Count The Austri ins fol low and again by a ruse Maciste draws the attacking force away from the castle in time to give the prisoners a chance to escape to the Italian side of the frontier Li ter he loins the army ana h as signed to the Alpino Corps Tie learns that the Austriins, lid bv Fritz Pluffer, are bent on wreak ing vengeance on the Count, who-n thev now hold a nrisoner in the castle, together with his beauti ful young niece Maciste, single handed enters the Austrian strong hold, and captures Pluffer, togeth er with- three others He returns to the Italian eamrt wPh his pris oners Learning that the Count's niece is in danger, the herculean Italian, In company with a num ber of Alpinos make a raid on the castle Vanquishing the eit n". Maciste enters the easily ins* ii time to rescue the gH from two Austrians who are fighting a duel over her See it at the Mexican, Saturday, March 9th Admission 10 and 15 cts Mr. and Mrs. Ward Return. Last week in these columns the marriage of Mr. Wm. I. Ward and Mias Georgiana Whitesel was men tioned. They were married on Tues day, Feb. 20, at llarrisbutg, Va. After a bridal .trip of ten days they arrived in Graham last Friday after noon and will make their borne here. Mrs. Ward ia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Whitesel of Harris burg, Va., and she ia cordially wel comed as a resident of this town. Conductor W. M. Arms of the Southern railway, who was ar retted in Charlotte on the cbaige of assisting in the illegal trans portation of liquor into that town, was dismissed when the case came to a hearing. Itch relieved lo 20 minute* bj Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. Neva* falls. Sold br Graham Drat Co, I PELi^Bn? i*"'' I ik ' ■■ '.*■ mf,,. ■ ■£ , j^ .- >1 S jL«sr 1 r '.? rc •' "-' $ * fi? V J& >* "IHt WAWIIOR"wrTH MACISTC,THC ST*ONG«T MNiatHiWOßia At The Mexicat Tteatre, Saturday, March 9th A Utter to U«d From Over There. Dan Cloud In The Lory. I have a letter from my boy who is "over there"—th'o (lr»t one He diesn't tell much—the knowledge that the leit.-r li' to 1» censored (lightens Hm. He wai still aboara the ship was safe; he was-well; . there was much to write; he.'d spent his first Christmas' away i'rom home;' tell mother he haa been reading his bible; the whole company was cheerful, "bat "you will write often and toll me every thing, won't you?" What? Nothing while in that? Say, you haven't a bjy at the front. Say, maybe you havent any boy at all? Nothlnj In that? You listen here: That letter's been censored. Th? corner of the envelope whera he had marked something was cut pt;. There was a foreign postmark, that was blurred. About the onlf legible mark on it was the clean, clear print of the A. E. P. censor ship stamp. Up in the fight-hand corner instead of a stamp were the words, "Soldier's Letter''. ' My boy's letter to me. Soldier? My lft-year-old boy? Soldier! De'-, fender? Look here, Mr. Man, X don't Hnow you. T don't know if I want to know you or not. What are you doing here at home to back up that boy of mine? How many Liberty Bonds did you buy? How much are you conserving food? What are ,you doing in this thrift stamp drive? Where were you when W3 were around after the Red Cross and Y. M. O. A. and Y. W. C. A. funds? I don't care what your officii! title is. It doesn't matter to me if you live in the big house on the hill. You may be a close-up friend of So-and-So's who's haa the big pull for years. These things don't count any more. What are you doing to help win his war for World's democracy? That boy of mine isn't much oi a diplomat He didn't slip any se crets of world wide importance 'by that censor. I don't think he even tried. He's Just a blue-eyed boy —our baby of yesterday—and he stands up straight and throws back his shoulders. They call him "The Kid", and when he Joined he wns so small they put him as bugler; he's grown Bince then—grown near ly two Inches. That was a long, long time ago. Let's see—that was almost nine months ago—eight any how—lt was when the first cal' came. (Jet* that? When the first call for men came that bov of ours be came a man, and now—he's in Prance. -He's over there wher men walk iflto hell with their eyes open. Over there wh?re th?y stand up to certain deith Just to save a few hours for more r-n 1 to come, and more men and more men, until some day when the Ger man lines have weakened, there will be men enough to push thru, and men enough to redeem this world for democracy—for civiliza tion—for those fine nrinciples that vou and I have claimed in such loud tones, but never demon strated. Nothing worth while? Listen here—you man : That boy of mine is over there ready to Jielp stop the beasts while we (jet ready to conquer them. He's right close up to the line. Maybe, for all I know, tonight.he's crawling through the trenches with a mes sage from the captain to Sergt. De Bruler. It's hell over there. Maybe out in No Man's Land, tonight, he's No! no! There's no use in such pictures till we have to look at at them. But you! Whit are vou doing to help" this bov of mine? Are you doinf? all you can? Or. are you siting with Bime of your cronies telling how It ought to bp done? How about you? Don't you sunpose I know mis takes are made? Don't you sunpose we all know mistakes arc belpg made? Sure wo do. We knew from the start thev would be but growling and or|tif*i*ing and telling h«w it might have been done doesn't get food an ammuni tion and lied Cross supplies antf more men over in back .up that bov of mine. I don't like iomc things as they are, but that's neither ymr nor my ousfness lust now. o'ir business is to back un that bov, from whom I Just got the fl>"s f letter. That's our business, and 'with Ood's helo we are zolnry to do it. I'm (roing to do It- anrf—you've got to help me. *' m Card of Thanks. During the sickness and deith of oar dear son on February 25th, we sincerely thank oar neighbors and friends for their kindness and heart felt sympathy toward us. We thank the kind Junior brothers for their kind service which is sincerely ap preciated. May ttod he their keep er in health and sickness. We thank all. K. B. POOL A*P FAMILY. Fire in Greensboro early Friday morning destroyed the repair shop of Coltraine «fc Doreett iand the garage of 8. B. Glenn. Loss heavy Twenty-two cars and trunks were burned in the latter place. j üBuMpL I - / A . 1 **THI WAfcRIOfc" WITH MAC»AT6,THC StftONOWT MAN c«rnt WORLO, r At The Mexican Theatre, Saturday, March 9th Miss Margaret Clegg Will Have Her First Display Of SPRING HATS Friday, March 8 Her Millinery Opening Will be Announced At A Later Date . i Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because It contains no opiates, no leud, no belladonna, no poisonous drug. All olber Pile medicine containing Injumun narcotic and other poisons cause constipation and damage all who use them, li-KU-SA euros or 160 paid. Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N.C. I , • * i War Prices On Canned Goods! Brookdale Yellow Cling Peaches $2.00 per doz. Pocahontas Sugar Corn $2,00 per doz. Snow Floss Kraut—none better—s2.oo per doz. No. 4 "H" Brand Canned Beans—no strings—heavy weight—s2.oo per doz. No. 4 "4" Brand Country Canned Tomatoes - full pack— ■ $2.00 per doz. Canned Apples $1.50 per doz. June Peas $2.00 per doz. BEST GRADE OF TRUCK FERTILIZER Garden Seed-Seed Potatoes First Class Lii\e Of Other Groceries, Dry Goods And Notions. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. The Lenoir News Hftys that while the son of Mr. Jas. Lackey was chopping at the home of his father near King's Creek, Cald well county, his little brother, 5 years old, walked up behind him. When the older boy brought the axe back over his shoulder, not knowing of the presence of his little brother, the blade struck the latter on the neck, severing the jugular vein. -The boy died in about an hour. Green's August Flower has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than a half a century for con stipation, intestinal troubles, tor pid liver and generally depressed feeling that accompanies such dis orders. It is a most valuable rem edy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpitation of the heart, and many other symptoms. A few doses of August Plower will relieve you. It is a gentle laxative. Sold by Orn jjpm Drug Co. The moulding department of the Lineberry Foundry and Ma chine Company at North Wilkes boro was burned Wednesday night of last week with a loss of about »1,000. CIIAMHERLAINW COUGH REME- I)Y A PAVORITK POR. COI-DS. J. L. Easley, Macon, 111., in speak ing of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy says, "During the past fifteen veiirs It has been my Miter's favor ite medP-jne for coughs and colds on the lungs, t, myself, have ta ken It a number of times when suffering with a cold and it has always relieved me promptly." * In Anson county Wesley Ben nett, colored, is making a canvass among his people for the sale o( War Savings Certificate*. 50,000 VOICES And Many Are the Voices ®f tirslism People* Piny thousand voi-ei-what a grand chorus. And that's the nu Ti ber of American m-n and wo nen who are publicly pral'!ng Doms Kidney Mils for relief from back ache, kidney and bladder i'ls They say it to friends. They t'-ll it in the home paper*. Graham people are in this chorus. Here's a Orab*>m case. • J. It. llorn'mekle, W. Harden St., Graham say«: My kidneys were weak aid I had Inflammation of the bladder. The kidney secretions were scanty and scalding in pas sage, highly colored and tontaln ed sediment. I was nervous and a few boxes of Dosn's Kidney Pills brough me wonderful benefit. My kidneys soon acted properly and my back (got stronger." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply aSk for a kidney remedy— Iget Doan's Kidney Pills— the ssme that Mr. Hornbuckle had. Foster- Mllbnrn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. RE-SALE OF Valuable Real Estate Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Courß of Ala mance county, iii a Speeiil Pro ceeding entitled John W. Murray, ot al vs. Sallie Barnwell Murray; same being an action for division of the estate of the latj E. C. Murray and his first wife, Nancy Shaw Murray, the undersigned commissioner will, on SATURDAY, MARCH IS, 1918, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bi lder, the following tracts of real estate, to-wit: Ist Tract—A certain tract of land In Pleasant Grove Township, Ala mance county, known as the home place of E. C. Murray, and better known as the Shaw lands, contain ing approximately 325 acres. Upon this tract Is the homo residence of the late E. C. Murray, a six-room dwelling, also appropriate out houses, barns, etc. This tract wi'l be cut into two or more divisions, and sold separately, and then a* a* whole. 2nd Tract—Adjoining the above tract and known as the Howell tract, containing 82 acres. Upon this Is situste the store building of the late E. C. Murray re Co, nlv> one tenant dwelling house'. 3rd Tract—A tract of land known as the Jeffreys land, contain! ig 47 acres. Upon this is three first class tobacco barns and one? dwell ing house. The above tracts of land (ire all contiguous, and represent th' - land ed estate of the l ite K. C. Murray and his first wife, Nancy Hhiw Murray, all lying In Pleasant Grove township, Alamance county, about 10 Miles n'irth of Mebane, N. C. A complete survey and blue print will be had and displayed on the day of sale to all persons Inter ested. The sale will je at 12 o'clock M,. upon the premises, at the stor* of the late E. C. Murray A (Vv This Is your opportunity to Invnst in some of the best tobacco land 'of the bright belt of North Carolina, Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third In slk months and one third in twelve months. All per sons desiring further Information sec or write the undersigned. In speetlon of premise* requested. This re-sale Is on account of on advanced bid and the blddin/ will start at $8,150 00 R. W. VINCKNT. Com'r. Mebane, V. C T. C. C.MtTKR. Att'y. Mebane, V. C. March 6, IHB THE PNEI'MOIA SEASON. The col I, damp weather of March seems to bo the most favor.ihl for the pneumonia germ Now |» the time to be careful Pneumonia of ten results fr)ni a cold. The quicker a cold i« gotten ri I of the ess din jer. As soon al the lirsl Indication of u coll anoair* tike I Chamberlain's Cot,!?h remedy. As Ito the value of this t>r«"»3-i j >», I ask anyone who has user) it. (»ov. Kdgo of New Jersey ha? appointed David Baird, Republi can, United States Senator to su« • !ceed W. It Hughes, deceased. Baird will hold olMee until his successor is elected in November. DESPONDENCY DUE TO CON STIPATION. Women often becomj nervous and despondent. When this Is due to consignation it. is easily correct ed bv taking an occasional dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. These tab ' lets are easy to take and pleasant • in effect. Jaa. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich 2 Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers Culls answered anywhere day or night Day 'Phone No. 107 Night 'Phones W. Krneat Thompson 489-J Jas. 11. Rich 54H-W You need it- We -sell it fl ter Jl THE'POCKET CVVr I SELF SB r ILLINO" ' ■ Waterraan-s^l Fountain Pen Z. T. HADLEYjI Re-Sale of Seal Estate Un der Deed ol Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In n certain deed of trust, executed to the under signed Alamance Insurance &. Real Estate Company. Trustee, by Oeo. R. Sutton and his wife,' Luna Sut ton on the 17th day of April, 1917, duly probated and recorded In the office of the Register of Doeds for Alamance county, In Book of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust No. 71, at pages I to 7, default having been made in the payment of the bond mentioned and described 1 in anjt secured by said deed of trust, th** undersigned Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company will, on MONDAY, MARCH 18, 191S, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highes 1 : bidder for cash, the following described rea! estate, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone in public road running northward toward Bethlehem church 35 dog. E. 9 rods to a stone in sal J; thence southeastward 6 rods to a stone, Jas. Bateman's corner; thence southwestward 15 rods and 10 feet to a stone in said road, Mrs. Eliz abeth Sutton's line corner,, and on George W. Sutton's line; thence northward 16 3-1 deg;. W. 7 rods to the beginning,,and containing one half acre, more or less. These di mensions are taken from plat fur nished by 8. L. Sutton. Terms of sile : CASH. Place of sale : Court house door, Graham, North Carolina. Time of sale. Monday, March 18th, 1918, at 12 o'clock M. Alamance Ins. & Heal Estate Co., Trustee. February 12, 1918. Summons by Publication North Carolina—Alamance County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk* Una Albrlirht. Ilrrant Albrlety. Hon Al bright, Mr*. A. l. Wllaon and buahand A. U. Wifioii. Itoclo Albright, I'earl Kot>ert*or, Walte Uoberaon aod wlfn Rrama Bnbertaon. Ttiofnu* Kobertaon anl l.uey Uobertaon. re. Violet Albright. Jewel Albrlabt. Helen Hon Albright. Olenti Albr gbt, Mayo Howler and Al»le Howler. The defendant*, Helen Hon Albright and Olenn Albright, above named, will tak- no tice that an action, entiled as above, ha* be«*n ooninuinced In The Muperlor Court of Ala mance County, t«fon» the Clerk, to *ell, for partition, the land*devHM»d to the petitioner* and the defendant* by the 4>**i Will and Testaox'iit of the late A 0. Albright; and the Mid defendant* will further tek" nolle* that they are required to apt>e*r before »ald Clerk on the Oth day ol M rob, Iftlß and anawftr or d*mur to the petlon In aald antlon, or the petitioner* will apply to the Omit tor the re lief demanded in *alrl petition. This Feb. 14. 1911). ttfeNt J. D. KKItSODLK, C. M. C. EX ECUTOR'B NOTICE, Having fiualHled aa Bxeoutor of the leal Will and Teatament of Wllllara O. WIUOII, deceaaed. late ot Alamance oeuuly. N.i., till* la to notify all peraon* having claim* ag-ilnm •aid e*tate to exhibit thetn )o the under signed. or hla attorney*. Long k (irahani. N. oti or beforo the 16th day of Hebiuary, Witt, or th a notice will by pleaded in bar of their recovery. All peraona Indebt ed to aald eatato will make Immediate arttle nient. Th|* February 4. Ifli, (M)LKH H. Kgecutor. I»ng k lAtug, Attorney*. ItfoMt NOTICE TO CREDITORS or JOIINMTOM TIIOMP*ON MTOHtt CO. All cr«*llbira of the Johuaton-Thompaon rttore Company. Maw Hirer. N.will here by take notice that the alfalra are ladng wound up, aa by Uw ppvldel for insolvent by the uuderalgned, the du y appointed, qualified and actlug llecelveruf the aald Com pa »jr. They will further take notice I hat all claim* against the *eld Joho*tou Thompson Mtore Co. must Ih> filed with the undersigned it llaw 1(1 irer, N. C. on or before Aprilli. Ittia, ,f U«l* notice will be pl«adel In b.r of their recovery by order of the Court Tbla tiie lith day of February. l#l*. J. Alt' 'II f K I.ONU. zlfebtt Hecelver, AOMINIHTHATOIW* NOTICE. Mm in* rjuji)lN»«) M A!n>fni«trtU»ni of the Mt«U of J W. JohnNfm. d«oea*«d. tbe uo4«r«(frn» fl brroby notlfle* ail j>er«oni hold ing cUimt »*%in»t thr «Mld to |»rr«e»l ib« '«uif, »»ulf »iiUM»n»ic-4tel. on or before tb« 55Hb d«y of F«b . 1119. or tbls notice will b* filfii'le'l lh bar of their r»oovery; a" J Alt p*r»ont Indebted to *•!! g»UU) *re rc|ie«t ed to m«ka lniui*dtate wllivmoni, 1 bin J*«ii. «h. 19. T. a it. JOHNSTON, Adm'r 'ilfelidt or J. VV Johntton. doo'd Timber and Wood Wanted! If you have any timber, wood, or timberland to sell, let ine hear from you. I want to l>uy the same. W. C. THUBKTON, 3janßt liurlingU n, N. C. For Sale. Ono pair Stimson Computing Scales—Hl most A* good as uew. These are standard scales, and a great convenience. Will be sold at a bargain. Phone 260-J, or call on T. 0. MOON, 14feb4t Graham, N. C. SUBSCRIBK FOB THB GLEANBB * SIM A TB4B .. m _ m AM fMM OI nLt" NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COUBf. Walter Wood, trading under the name of R. D. Wood A Company, VS. „ B. Van Steenburg and Ida D. Van Steenburg. The defendants in the above enti tled action will take notice that oa the 2ttth day ot January, 1018, a munitions in said action was issued against said defendants by J>. L>. Kernodle, Clerk of the "Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, said plaintiff claiming the sum of *2,600.00 due him on account of breach of contract upon the sale of certain goods, which said sum mons is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court of Alamance County to be held in Graham, N. C., beginning on the first Monday in March, 1»18. The said defendants will also take notice that a Warrant of At tachment was issued by the said Clerk ot the Superior Court of Ala mance County, on the 26th day of January, 1918, against the proper ty of said defendants, which. War rant is returnable to the said term bf the Superior Court of Alamance County, at the time and place nam ed for the return of said Summons, when and where the defenndants are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. Done this the 31st day of Jan uary, 1918. J. D. KERNODLE, C.8.C., Alamance County. Road Tax Notice! All persons liable lor special road tax, or who in event or failure to pay, must work on the public roads, are notified that unleaa they pay thla special tax to W. P. Smith, County Treasurer, on or before April Ist, 1914, the law them to work upon the roads will be enforced strictly. You must pay $1.25 or work two days, and if you prefer paying the cash, you must pay this sum to the County Treasurer at Graham before April Ist Take notice ana do not complain because the coun* ty authorities enforce the law. B. M. ROGERS, Clerk to Board County Com'rs. Certificate of Dissolution To All to Wbom Thau Presents May Come— Greeting: Where®., It appear* to my setlsfactlon, by tuly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all |malted la my offloe, that the Snow Camp Mu mal Telephone Co., a corporation of thla Hta'e,whose principal offloe I* situated at No Hireet, la Uw village of Snow Camp, coun ty of Alamance, Htate of North Carolloa iKverettM. Durham, being the agent therein •nd In char., th.reof, upon whom proceaa may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 21. Hevtaal of IMK, en titled "Corporations," preliminary to the luulng of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Qrlmea, Hecre tary of Htate of tbe BUM of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 2nih day of Jan., Hie, Die la my offloe a duly exeouted and attested consent In writing to the dlsaolutloo of said oorponl lion, executed by all the stockholders there of, which said coiuentaod the record of the proceedings afore.sld are now on llle In my said offloe as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto sat ay • and and affiled tor olßolal seal at Halelgh, thla 2Ath day of January, A. D„ WW. (Seal of Htate.] . J. BUVAN U RIM KM, Tfebtt Heoretary of Btate. I AST fOCBT, EAST TO KEEP— USE' UIGESTONEINE" AND WIN re'.irf from hesrtbuni; sour, Rstsy itonurh, dizziness and »Um iudi:estirn ills. Tone your entire iytem, a ir up your appetite by fol lowing the lead ol thousands-- * I h*r« nrri-r tßkeo anythlaf tka€ fare me «>nii qalrk r»ll#f. Audi bare »l«ot bnrdreda of dollar* with etbar iiava tawa bothered over tve yian with what waa piwwiMi faatrltla. I ata food that I kasw would ralae cma on tuy atotnacb, m to air rarpriaa after b*vtn« taksn the dam ot jour "Dlcaatoaelaa" X had no dlitma whatever. JAMES W. KTOKEH, U*llatlae f Ifo. Hayes Drug Company Graham * > [lOl NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that ap plication will bo made to the Gov ernor for the conditional pardon of Jim White, who was convicted and sentenced at the November Term, 1917, of Alamance Superior Cong. This the Hth day of Feb., 1918 HfebSt. Sale ol Properly Under and by virtue ol the power of Kale contained in a certain trus ter's deed from Currie Smith nna Daisy Smith, his wife, to the undersigned trustee, dated the Ist day of February, 1912, and regis tered in the office of the register of Deeds for Aiamance county, in Bo«{ of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 59, pages 425 to 429, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the Indebtedness secured thereby, I will, on FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918, At 1.30 o'clock p. m. at the court house door in Graham, N. C„ sell for cash, at public auc tion to the highest bidder, a par cel of land lytng and being in the county and State aforesaid, and bounded as follows, to-wlt: A certain lot or parcel of land in Burlington township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lanils ot Spring St., R. A. Free man, A. F. Barrett, W. A. Irwih and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bar on the Southeast side oT said street, cor ner with said Erwin, running thence N. 53)4 deg. E. 95 ft 4 In. to a rock, corner with said Freeman on Southeast side of said street, thenco : S. 36* deg. ». 113* ft to a stake, corner with R. A. Freeman on Aj. F. Barrett's line; thence with A. | F. Barrett's line 53* deg E. 95 ft. 1 4 in. to a stake, corner with A. ' F. Barrett on colored Methodist Parsonage line; thence 39* deg. w. 142 feet to beginning, par lot No. 90, plot of said town. This February 18, 1918. ' WALTER B. SHARPS,