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' Physicians who have seen the * analysis and what it -does, j i > recommend its use. * ~ Analysis and testimonials \ will be furnished upon request, j i > Why buy expensive mineral ' I > waters from a distance, when '. | [ there is a good water recotn- ' ' > mended by physicians right at i! home ? l''or further inl'orma- | \ tion and or the water, if you ; > desire if apply to the undor- I signed. , I !» W. H. AUSLEY. J BLANK | BOOKS ——— 1 Journals, Ledgers, ft I Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., | &c., &c. For Sale At « The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. English Spavin Linimuet re woven Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes troin horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King lione, Slid- s, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save tbO by use ol one foot, tie. A wonderful Bleniish.Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv Now that the bo.vs have a chance to light they will do their best to get out oi the trenches IWore Christmas. To Cure u told in mie i>«). Iske Laxative tiromo yuuniie tablets. All druggists reluud tUe money it it (ails to cuio. E. VV. Grove's signature i» «n each box it centi. aJV It is often only a single ste ( i from the Mage. Don't wibh the war was over, wish to whip the Kaiser. Xeliefin Mil lluura Distressing Kidney ant! Bladdef Disease relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE." Jt is a great surprise on account of lis exceeding promptness in relieving pain to bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves reten tion ot water almost immediately U you want quick relief and cure this ia the remedy. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. adv. Before the selection of General Foch as supreme commander in Vrance, the Allied armies were alll limbs without a head. Now they form a complete, perfect and tre mendously formidable organism. Break jour Cold or LnGrippe with few doses of 666. Now little Wilhellmina. don't you cry, youH get your Dutch ships back again by and by. " • • ; * i 17* THE ALAMANCE GLEANER IFIMFLWTPAIL VTZAZrIB &JT TffitiE JV&S9ZW MacLEOD RAINE Copyright, HOT, by WlllUm MacLeod Rata*. v SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I—As a representative of the government Gordon Elliot Is on his \vay to Alaska to Investigate coal claims". On the boat ho meots and becomes In terested In a fellow passenger whom he learns Is Sheba O'Neill, also "going In." Colby Macdonald, active head of the land gvnbbing syndicate under Investigation, comes aboard. Macdonald Is attacked by mine laborers whom he had discharged, and the active Intervention of Elliot prob ably saves his life. CHAPTER IT—Elliot and Macdonald become In a measure friendly, though ttie latter does not know that Elliot Is on a mission which threatens to spoil plans of Macdonald to acquire millions of dollars through the unlawful exploitation of Im mensely valuable coal fields. Elliot also "gets a line" on the position occupied by Waly Selfrldge, Macdonald's right-hand man, who is returning from a visit to "tho States," where he had gone In an effort to convince the authorities that there was nothing wrong In Macdonald's' methods. CHAPTER lll—Elliot secures an Intro duction to Miss O'Neill and while the boat is taking on freight the pair set out to climb a locally famous mountain. They venture too high and reach a position from which it Is impossible for Miss O'Neill to go forward or turn back. CHAPTER IV—Elliot leaves Sheba and at imminent peril of his life goes for as sistance. He meets Macdonald, who had become alarmed for their safety, and they return and rescue Sheba. CHAPTER V—Landing at Kuslak El liot finds that old friends of his, Mr. and Mrs. Paget, are the people whom Sheba has come to visit. Mrs. Paget is Sheba's cousin. At dinner Elliot reveals to Mac donald the object of his coming to Alas ka, The two men, naturally antagonistic. , now also become rivals for the nand or Sheba. / CHAPTER Vl—Macdonald, foreseeing failure of. his financial plans if Elliot learns the facts, sends Selfrldge to Ka ir.atlah to arrange matters so that Elliot will be deceived as to the true situation. CHAPTER Vll—Elliot, on his way to Kamatiah, wanders from the trail. He loses his horse in a marsh and is com pelled to throw away rifle and provisions and all unnecessary—Clothing. After long struggles he realizes that ho will nevfer reach Kamatiah, and resigns himself to death. CHAPTER VIII—At Kamatiah, Gideon Holt, old prospector and bitter enemy of Macdonald, learns of Elliot's coming and determines to let him know, t'.e truth. Selfrldge has Holt k!dnaped and taken on a "prospecting" expedition. Elliot, bare ly alive, wanders into their camp and Is cared for. CHAPTER IX—Holt recognizes Elliot and tho two overpower the kidnapers and reach Kamatiah. Holt gives Elliot the real facts concerning the coal lands deal. CHAPTER X—Having all the informa tion he wanted. Elliot, with Holt as guide, goes back to Kuslak. On the way they meet a squaw, Metcetse, with her child, who Is Macdonald's son. Reaching Kti- Blak Elliot becomes convinced that Diane (Mrs. Paget) is doing her utmost to in duce Sheba to marry Macdonald. He de- termines to win her for himself. CHAPTER Xl—Macdonald confesses to Sheba that he had wronged her fathor in a mining traction and makes financial restitution. Macdonald and Sheba be come engaged, and Elliot is sent down iho river on official, business. CHAPTER Xll—Genevieve M<ory, adventuress, who has determined to win Macdonald, learns of Meteetso and her child and sends for them to confront Macdonald. They visit Sheba end she learns tho truth. Macdonald blames El liot for bringing tho Indian woman to Kuslak. Sheba breaks the engagement. CHAPTER Xlll—Convinced that Elliot had induced Metcetse to visit Sheba Mac donald sends Selfrldge to warn him to leave Kusiak at once, threatening to shoot him on sight. Elliot refuses to go, and purchases a revolver. CHAPTER XlV—Macdonald. carrylnii large sum of money to pay employees, la BHsaulted and badly hurt. Elliot rescues him and cnrrles him to Kuslak. Elliot Is arrested, charged with attempt to murder Macdonald. CHAPTER XV—Sheba and Diane visit Elliot and assure him of their belief in his Innocence. Macdonald's attitude puz zles Dlano. CHAPTER XVl—Elliot learns that pa pers have been taken by Selfrldge from his room at the .hotel. He breaks Jail | and recovers them, and Is again arrested. . CHAPTER XVTI Macdonald glvei bonds and arranges for Elliot's release. , On a business trip. Elliot Is compelled to , stele shelter In a miners' camp. The men ; seeing in him an enemy of their Interests, attempt to kill him. He escapes. CHAPTER XVlll—Official orders from Washington suspend Elliot from govern ment service, flhoba leaves Kuslak for o visit at a camp near Katma. Gideon Holt comes to Kusiak and purch«UK»s fin est dog team that can be bought. CHAPTER XlX—Mrs. Selfrldge enter tains all the 'socially elect" of Kuslak at a dinner-dance. That night Macdon ald's bank Is robbed and the cashier, Rob ert Milton, killed. Elliot and Holt leav« Kuslak hurriedly. Macdonald, believing t hem the murderers of Milton, pursue*. CHAPTER XX—The party with which Sheba Is Journeying I* caught In a btls zard, and they take refuge in an aban doned cabin. " " CHAPTER XXl—Etllat and Holt, whe bnve learned of Bheba's dnnger, hurry to rescue. Holt breaks hi* leg, but convey* him on Hied to where thejnpneet Sheba and her companion*. Elliot learnr that Sheba love* hl:n. CHAPTER XXII. A Menage From the Dead. Macdonald drove Ills team Into the teeth of the storm. The wind came In gtiwls. Sometime* the Bale wus ho gtlff that the dog* could (scarcely crawl for ward against It; again there were mo ments of comparative stillness, fol lowed by »|tia!l* that slapped the driver In the face like the whipping of a loose sail on a catboat. High drifts mnde the trail difficult. Not once but flfty time* Macdonald left tie gee-pole to break a way through snow-waves for the Hied. The best he could get out of hi* dog* vcm iJarec mile* an h>,ur, and he that there wn* not another team or driver in the North could have done so well. It was close to noon when he reached a division of the road known a* the Fork. One trail ran down to the river and up It to the distant creek*. The other led across the divide, struck the Yukon, and pointed a way to the coast. White drifts hod long since blotted out the trnrk of the sled that hal pre ceded him. Had the fugitives gone up the river to the creeks with Intent to "hole themselves op for the winter? Of was It their pnrpose to cross the divide and go out over the Ice to the coast? The pursuer knew tLat Old Holt was wise as a weasel. He could follow blindfolded the paths that led to every creek In the gold-fields. It might be taken as a certainty that he had not plunged into such a desperate venture without having a plan well worked out beforehand. Elliot had a high grade of Intelligence. Would they try to reach the coast and make their get away to Seattle? Or would they dig themselves In till the heavy snows were past and come back to civiliza tion with the story of a strike to account for the gold they brought with them? Neither gold dust nor nuggets could be Identified. There would be no way of proving the story false. The only, evidence against them would be that they had left at Kuslak and this was merely of a corroborative kind. There would be no chance of convict ing them upon It. To strike for Seattle was to throw' away all pretense of Innocence. Fugi tives from justice, they would have to dlsuppear from sight In order to es cape. The hunt for them would con tinue until at last they were unearthed. One fork of the road led to compara tive safety; the other went by devious 'windings to the penitentiary and per haps the gallows. The Scotsman put himself In the place of the men he was trailing. Olven the same conditions, he knew which path he would follow. Macdonald took the trail that led down to the river, to the distant gold creeks which offered a refuge from man-hunters In many a deserted cabin marooned by the deep snows. Even the Iron frame and steel muscles of the Scotch-Canadlnn pro tested against the task he had set them that day. It was a time to sit snugly Inside by a stove and listen to the howling of the wind as It hurled Itself down from the divide. But from day light till dark Colby Macdonald fought with drifts and breasted the storm. He got Into the harness with the dogs. He broke trail for them, chaerad them, soothed, comforted, punished. Long after night had fallen he staggered into the hut of two prospectors, his parka so stiff with frozen snow that It had to be beaten with a hammer before the coat could be removed. "How long since a dog team passed —seven huskies and two men?" was. his first question. "No dog team has passed for four days," one of the men answered. "You mean you haven't seen one," Macdonald corrected. , "I mwn none has passed—unless It went by in the night while wc slept. And even then our dogs would have warned us." Macdonald flung his Ice-coated gloves to a (able and stooped to take oft his mukluks. His face was blue with the cold, but the bleak look In the eyes came from within. He said nothing more until he.was free of his wet clothes. Then he sat down heavily and passed a hand over his frozen eye brows. "Get me something to eat and take care of my dogs. There Is food for them on the sled," he said. While he ate he told them of the bank robbery and the murder. Their resentment against tho men who had done It was quite genuine. There could be no doubt they told the truth when they said no sled had preceded his. They were honest, reliable pros pectors. He knew them both well. The weary man slept like a log. He opened his eyes next morning to find one of his hosts shaking him. "Six o'clock, Mr. Macdonald. Your breakfast Is ready. Jim Is looking out for the huskies." Half an hour later the Scotsman gave the order, "Mush I" He was off again, this time on the back trail as far as the Narrows, from which point he meant to strike across to Intersect the fork of tho road leading to the di vide. The storm had poased and when the late sun rose It was In a blue sky. Fine enough the day was overhead, but the slushy snow, where it was worn thin on ttie river by the sweep of the wind, made heavy travel for the dogs. Mac donald was glad enough to reach the Narrows, where he could turn from the river and cut across to hit the trail of the men he was following. He had about five miles to go before he would reach the Smith Crossing road and every foot of It he would hava to break trail for the dogs. This was slow business, since he had no partner at the gee-pole. Bnrk and forth, back and forth he trudged, beating down the loose snow for tile runners. It was a hill trail, and the drifts were In most places not very deep. But the Scots man was doing the work of two, and at a killing pace. Over a ridge the team plunged down Into a little park where the snow was deeper. Macdonald, breaking trail across the mountain valley, found his feet weighted with packed Ice slusb so that ho could hardly move them. When at last he had beaten down a path for his dogs he stood breathing deep at the summit of the slope. Before thein lay the main road to Smith's Crossing, scarce fifty yards away. He gave a deep whoop of triumph, for along It ran tfco Traverlng tracks left by a sled. He was on the heel* of hU enemy at ,Mt . ihi As he turned back to his Siberian hounds, the eyes of Macdonald came to abrupt attention. On the hillside, not ten yards from him, something stuck out of the snow like a signpost. It was the foot of i nut Slowly Macdonald moved toward it. ne knew well onn«ieb wh«» ' GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1918 Slowly Macdonald Moved Toward It that In the North are likely to be found In the wake of every widespread bliz zard. Some unfortunate traveler, blind ed by the white swirl, had wandered from the trail and had staggered up a draw to his death. With a little digging the Alaskan uncovered a leg. The man hnd died where he had fallen, face down. Mac donald scooped away the snow and found a pack strapped to the bnc)( Qf the burled man. He cut the thongs and tried to ease It away. But the gunnysnck had frozen to the parka. When he pulled, the rotten sacking gave way under the strain. The con tents of the pack spUled out. The eyes In the grim face of Mac donald grew bard and steely. He had found, by some strange freak of chance, much more than he had ex pected to find. Using his snowshoe as a shovel, he dug the body free and turned It over. At sight of the face he gave n cry of astonishment. • •••«•• Gordon overslept. His plan had been to reach Kuslak at the end of a long day's travel, but that bad meant get ting on the trail with the first gleam of light. When he opened his eyes Mrs. Olson was calling him to rise. He dressed and stepped out Into the cold, crisp 'morning. From the hill crotch the sun was already pouring down a great, fanlike shaft of light across the snow vista. Swlftwater Pete passed behind lilm on his way to the stable and called a cheerful good morning In his direction. Mrs. Olson had put the stove outside the tent and Gordon lifted It to the spot where they did the cooking. "Good morning, neighbor," he called to Sheba. "Sleep well?" The little rustling sounds within the tent ceased; A face appeared In the doorway, the flaps drawn discreetly close beneath the chin. ■ "Never better. Is my breakfast ready yet?" "Come and help me make It. Mrs. Olson Is waiting on Holt." "When I'm dressed." The smllinff face disappeared. "Dublin Bay" sound ed In her fresh young voice from the tent. Gordon Joined In the song as he lit and sliced bacon from a frozen slab of It, The howllilflf of the huskies Inter rupted the song. They had evidently heard something that excited them. Gordon listened. Was It In his fancy only that the breeze carried to him the faint Jingle of slelgh-b&l*? The sound, If It was one, died away. The cook turned to his Job. He stopped sawing at the meat, knife and bacon both suspended In the air. On the hard snow there had come to him the crunch of a foot behind him. Whose? Sheba was In the tent. Swift water at the stable, Mrs. Olson In the house. Slowly he turned his head. What Elliot saw sent the starch through hi* body. He did not move on Inch, still But crouched by the fire, but every nerve was at tension, every muscle taut. For he was looking at • rifle lying negligently In brown, steady hands. They were very sure' hands, very competent ones. He knew that because he had seen them In action. The owner of tho hands wos Oclby Macdonald. The Scotch-Canadian stood at the edge of a willow grove. His face was grim as the day of Judgment. "Don't move," he ordered. Elliot laughed Irritably. He was both annoyed and disgusted. "What do you want?" he snapped. "You." "What's worrying you now? Do you think I'm Jumping my bond?" "You're going back to Kuslak with me—to give a life for the one you took." "What's that?" cried Gordon, sur prised. "Just as I'm telling you. I've been on your heels ever since*u>u left town. You and Holt are going back with ine as my prisoners." "But what for?" "For robbing the bank and killing Bobeft Milton, as you know wall •aough." Ts this another plan arranged for me by you and Selfrldge?" demanded Elliot. Macdonald Ignored the question and lifted his voice. "Come out of that tent, Holt—and come with your hands up unless you want your head blown off." "Holt Isn't In that tent, you Idiot. If you want to know—" "Come now, If you expect to come alive," cut In the Scotsman ominously. He raised the rifle to his shoulder and covered th« shadow thrown by the stin on the figure within. Oordon flung out a wild protest and threw the frozen stab of bacon at the head of Macdonald. With, the same mo tion he launched his own body across the stove. A fifth of a second earlier the tent flap had opened and Sheba had come out. The sight of her paralyzed Macdon ald and saved her lover's life. It dis tracted the mine-owner long enough for him to miss his chnnce. A bullet struck the stove and went off at a tnngent through the tent canvas not two feet from where Sheba stood. A second went speeding toward the sun. For Gordon hnd followed the football player's Instinct and dived for the knees of his enemy. They went down together. Each squirming for the upper place, they rolled over and over. The rifle was forgotten. Like cove men they fought, crushing and twisting each other's muscles with the blind lust of prlmor dlnls to kill, As they clinched with one arm, they struck savagely with the other. The Impact of smashing blows on nnked flesh sounded horribly cruel to Sheba. She ran forward, calling on each by name to stop. Probably neither knew she was there. Their whole attention was focused on each other. Not for an Instant did their eyes wander, for life and death hung on the Issue. Chance hnd lit the spark of their re sentment, but long-banked passions were blazing fiercely now. They ®ot to their, feet nnd fought toe to toe. Sledge-hummer blows beat upon bleeding and disfigured faces. No thought of defense as yet was In the mind of either. The purpose of each was to bruise, malm, muke helpless the other. But for the Impotent little cries of Sheba no sound broke the stillness ; save the, crunch of their feet on the hard snow, the thud of heavy fists on flesh, and the throaty spsrl of their deep, Irregular breathing. Old Holt, from the-window of the cabin, watched the battle with shining eyes. He exulted In every blow of Gordon; he suffered with him when the smashing rights and lefts of Mac donald got home. He Bhouted Jeers, advice, threats, encouragement. If he had had ten thousand dollars wagered on the outcome he could not have been more excited. Swlftwater Peter, drnwn by the ctles of Shebn, came running from the stuble. As he pnssed the window, Holt caught him by the arm. "What are you almln' to do, Pete? Let 'em alone. Let 'em go to It. They got to have It out. Stop 'em now and they'll get at It with guns." 1 Shebn run up, wringing Mr hands. "Stop them, please. They'ro killing each other." "Nothing of tho kind, girl. You let ! 'em alone, Pete. The kid's there every I minute, ain't he? Gee, that's n good i one, boy. Seven—eleven —ninety-two. 'Attaboy I" Macdonald had slipped on the snow ana goue down to his hnnds and knees. Bwlft as a wildcat the lounger man •was on top of him. Hampered though he was by his parka, tho Scotsmnn struggled slowly to his feet again. He wus much the heavier man, and In spite of his years the stronger. The muscles stood out In knots on his shoulders and ncross his back, whereas on the body of his more slender oppo nent they flowed and rippled In round ed symmetry. Active us u heather cat, Elliot was far the quicker of tho two. Half-blinded by the hammering he hnd received, Gordon changed his method of fighting. He broke away from the clinch and sidestepped the bull-like rush of his foe, covering up as Welt as he could from the onset. Macdonald pressed the attack and wos beaten back by hard, straight lefts and rights to tho unprotected face. Tho mine-owner shook the matted hair from his swollen eyes and rushed again. caught an uppcrcut flush on the end of the chin. It did not even atop him. The weight of his body wus Liks Cave Man Thay Fought. In the blow he lashed np from his aide. The knees of Elliot doubled up un der him like the blade of a Jack-knife. He sank down slowly, turned, got to his hands nnd knees, nnd tried to shako off the tons of weight that seemed to be holding him down. Macdonald seized him about the waist and flung him to the ground. Upon the Inert body the victor dropped, his knees clinching the torso of tho unconscious man. ' "Now, Pete. Go to him!" urged Holt wildly. But before Swlftwater could move, before the great fist of MRcdonald could smash down upon the bleeding face upturned to his, a sharp blow struck the flesh of the raised forearm and for the moment stunned the mus cles. The ScotchrCanadlan lifted s countenance drunk with rage, passion tossed. Slowly the light of reason came back Into his eyes. Sheba was standing be fore him, hi* rifle In her hand. She had struck him with the butt of It "Don't touch him! Don't you dare touch him I" she challenged, | Ho looked at her long, then let his I eyes fall* to the battered face of his enemy. Drunkeoly he got to his feet and leaned against a willow. Hl* fornes were spent, his muscles weight ed as with lead. But It was not this alone that made his breath come short and raggedly. Sheba bad flnng herself down beside her lover. She nS3 caugat film' tightly j In her arms so that his disfigured face lay against her warm bosom. In tile eyes lifted to those of the mine-owner I was an unconquerable defiance. "He's mine—mine, you murderer," j she panted fiercely. "If you kill him, you must kill me first." The man she had once promised to marry was looking at a different wom an from the girl he had known. The soft, shy youth of her was gone. She was a forest mother of the wilds ready to fight for her young, a wife ready to go to the stake for the husband of her choice. An emotion primitive nnd poignant had transformed her, His eyes burned at her the question his parched lips and thront conld scarcely utter, "So you . . . love him?" But though It was In form a question he knew already the answer. For the first time In his life he begun to taste the bitterness of defeat. Always he had won what he coveted by /brutal force or his stork will. But It was be yond him to compel the love of a girl who hnd glveh her heart to another. "Yes," she answered. Her hair In two thick braids wos flung ncross her shoulders, her dark head thrown back proudly from tho rounded throat. Macdonald smiled, but there was no mirth In his savage eyes. "Do you know what I want with him —why I hnve come to get him?" "No." "I've come to take him back to Ku slak to be hnnged because he mur dered Milton, the bank cashier." The eyes of the woman blazed at him. "Are you mad?" "It's the truth." Macdonald's voice was curt and harsh. "He and Holt were robbing the bank when Milton came back from the dance at the club. The cowards shot down the old roan like a dog. They'll hang for it If It costs me my last penny, so help me God." "You say It's tho truth," sjie retort ed scornfully. v Do you think I don't know you now—how you twist and dis tort facts to suit your ends? How long Is It since your Jackal had him arrest ed for assaulting you—when Wally Sel fridge knew—and you knew—that he hod risked his life for you and hnd dnved yours by bringing you to Diane's after he hod bandaged your wound*?" "That was different. It was part of tho gnme of politics we were plnying." "You admit that you and your friends lied then. Is It like you cou|d persuade me that you're telling tlje\ truth now?" The big Alaskan shrugged. "Be lieve It or not as you like. Anyhow, he's going bock with mo to Kuslak— and Holt, too. If he's here." An excited cackle cut Into the con versation, followed by a drawling an nouncement from the window. "Your old tllllcmn Is right here, Mac. What's the uso of waiting? Why don't you hnve your hnnglng-bee now?" CHAPTER XXIII. Holt Frees His Mind. Mncdonnld whirled in his tracks. Old Old Holt was lennlng on his el bow with his head out of the win dow. "You better come and beat me up first, Mac," he JeeretV. "I'm all stove up with a •busted lalg, so you can wallop me good. I'd come out there, but I'm too crippled to move." "You're not too crippled' to go back to Kuslak with me. If you enn't wnlk, you'll ride. But bnck you go." "Fine. I been worrying about how to get there. It's right good of you to bring ono of these here taxis for me, as tho old sayln' Is." "Where have you cached the gold you stole?" "I ain't seen the latest papers, Mac. What Is this stuff nbout robbln' a bank and shoot In' Milton?" "You're under arrest for robbery and murder." "Am I? Unload tho particulars. When did I do it all?" "Yon know when. Just before you left town." Holt *hook hi* head slowly. "No, sir. I enn't seem to remember It. Sure It nln't soine one else you're thinking about? Ilowcotne you to fix on tne ija 4ne of the bold, bad bandits?" "Because you hnd not sense enough to cover your tracks. You might Just B* well hnve h ft . :.ofe saving von dIC It First you • >ii • I.i town nnd buj one of the fnslcst "log teams In Alaska Why?" on easy one. I bought Ihill ((■hi to win the Alaska sweepstake* from yon. And I'm gi )' to do It. Th» team wasn't handled right or It would have «%i«inst time. 1 got to mullin' It over nnd figured that old Old Holt wn> the dog puncher that could land tho** huskies In front. See?" "You bought It to make your get away after the robbery," retorted Mac donald. "It's a difference of opinion makes horse race*. What else have you got against ns?" "We found In your room one of the sacks that had held the gold you took from the bank." "That's right. I took It from the bank In the afternoon, where I had bad It on deposit, to pay for tho tea' • 1 bought. Milton's Iws.k* will show But you didn't find any sack I t .-.i when your hank was robbed—lf It was robbed," added the old man signifi cantly. "Of course, I knew you would havf an alibi. Have yon got one to explain why you left town so suddenly the night the bank was robbed? Milton was killed after mblnlglit. Before morning you and your fflend Elliot routed out Ackroyd nnd bought a lot of supplle* from him for a hurry-up trip. You slipped around to the rorrol and hit the trail right Into the bllzxard. Will you tell me why you were In such n hurry to get aw ay, If It wasn't to es cape from the town where you had murdered a decent old fellow who never had harmed a soul?" "Sure I'll tell you." The black eyes of the little man snapped eagerly. "I came *o p. d. q. liecanse that side fiard ner of mine Gordon Elliot wouldn't let me wait till mornln'. He had a reason for lenvln' town that wouldn't wait a minute, one big enough to drive blm right into the heart of the blizzard. Me, I tagged olong." 'T can guess his reason," Jeered the Scotsman. "But I'd like to hear you put a name to It." Holt grinned maliciously and waved a hand toward the girl who was pillow ing the head of her lover. "The name of his reason Is Sheba O'Neill, but It's to be Sheba Elliot soon, looks like." "You mean—" The Uttle miner took the words tri umphantly out of his mouth. He leaned forward and threw them Into the face of the man be hated. "1 mean that while you was dnncln' and phllan derln' with other women, Gordon Elliot was buckln' a blizzard to save the life of the girl you both claimed to love. He was mushln' Into fifty miles of frozen bell while you was flllin' up with potted grouse and champagne. Simultaneous .with the lame goose and the monkey slnglestep you was doln', this lad was wlndjammln' through white drifts. He beat you at your own game, man. You're a bear for the outdoor stuff, they tell me. You chew up a blizzard for breakfast and throttle a pack of wolves to work up an appetite for dinner. It's your spe cialty. All right. Take your hat off to that chechncko who has Just whaled you blind. He has outgamed you, Col by Macdonald. You don't run in Ills class. I see he Is holding his hald up again. Give him andther half-hour and he'll bo ready to go to the mat with you again." The big Alaskan pushed away a feor that had been lingering In his mind ever since he. had stumbled on that body burled In the snow yesterday after noon. Was his enemy going to escape him, after all? (JoulTl Holt be telling the true reason why they had left town so hurriedly? He would not let him self believe It. "You ought to work up a better story than that," he said contemptuously. "You enn throw a husky through the holes In It. How could Elliot know, for Instance, that Miss O'Neill was not safe?" "The some way you could a' known It," snapped old Gideon. "He phoned to Smith's Crossln' and found the stage hadn't got In and that there was a whale of a storm up In the hills." Macdonald set his face. "You're lying to me. You stumbled over the stage while you were making your get away. Now you're playing It for an alibi." Elliot had risen. Sheba stood beside him, her hand in his. Shu spoke quietly. "It's the truth. Believe It or not as you please. We care nothing about Sheba Had Gone Over to the Enemy. The stab of her eyes, the carrloge of the xliin, pliant figure with Its sugges tion of line gallantry, challenged her former lover lo do his worst. On the hnttcrcd face of Gordon was a smile. So long us Ills Irish sweet heart stood liy him he illil not care If he were charged with high treason. It was worth all It cost to feel the warmth fit her brave, Impiil hlvo trust. The deep-set eyes of Murilouald clinched with those of Ills rival. "You cached the rest of the gold, I sti|i|>ose," he said doggedly. Willi a lilt of his shoulders the younger man answered lightly: "There are none so hllnil us those who w ill not aee, Mr. Macdoniild." He turned to Bheb«. "Come. We must'inukc break fast." "You're going to Knuluk with me," his enemy said bluntly. "After we liuve eaten, Mr. Maeilon ald," returned Elliot with an Ironic bow. "Perhaps, If you have not hud breukfast yet, you will Join us." "We slurt In half un hour," an nounced the lulne-owiicr curtly, und lie turned on bin heel. The rifle lay where Khchu had dropped It when she run to gather her strl'-k'-rj 'over Into her arms. Macdon ald picked It up and strode over the brow of the hill without a backward Icok. nc wim too proud to slay and watch them. It was Impossible to en.-, cape him In the deep snow that Oiled the hill trails, and he was convinced they would attempt nothing of the kind. The Scotsman felt for the first time In his life old and S|>ent. Under tre mendous difficulty he had mushed for two days and had at last run his men down. The lust of vengeance had sat on his shoulders every tnlle of the way and hud driven him feverishly for ward. But the salt that hud lent a savor to his passion was gone. Even though lie won. he lost. For Sheba bad gone over to the enemy. To be continued. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the hack, dlzxlne**, headache and gennertii languor. (i«t a package of Mother (sriiy'n Au»trali» the plea*v t rOotand b» rb cure for Kidney, Madder and (Trtnary trouble*. Whan you feet all rundown, tiied. w«ak am! without energy u»e thin remarkable combination . f nature, herb* and root*. A* a regulator It ha* ns qual. Mother Gray'* Auatrallan-Leaf t* old by Drufryl*ta or *ent by mall for 60ct» ample- tent free. Addreaa, Ttie (Mother ra y Co., I e HOT. N. T. NO. 10 GRAHAM CHURCH DIRECTORY | Graham Baptist Church—Rev) L.f| U. Weston, Pastor. . JrM Preaching every first and thiraff Sunday* at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 Sunday School every Sunday asm 9.45 a. m. W. X. Ward, Supt. , Prayer meeting every Tuesday at*l 7.30 p. m. Graham Christian Church—N. Main j Street—Rev. P. C. Lester. Preaching service* every See- | und ano bourth Sundays, at 11.00 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. M.—W. R. Harden, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church * —North Main Street, near Depot- Rev. P. C. Lester, Pastor. Preach- >» ing every Second and Pourth-Sun day nighfs at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at 4.45' a. m.—J, A. bayliff, Superin tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet- i tng every Thuruday night at 7.15, o'clock. Friends—North of Graham Pub lic School, Rev. John M. Permar, j Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Buo •days at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at i.45 a. m.—Belle Zachary, Superin tendent. Prayer meeting every evening at 7.30 o'clock. . Methodist Episcopal, south-cor. Main and Maple Street*, Rev, I). E. Krnhart, Pastor. Pxeaehing every Sunday at-ll.ot i. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 1.45 a. in.— W. M. Green, Supt. J M. p. Church—N. Main Street. Sev. R. 8. Troxler, Pastor. Preaching first and third Hun- ! days at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at }.45 a. in.—J. L. Amiclc, Supt. Presbyterian—Wst Elm Straet—, Hev. T. M. McConneli, pastor. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—Lynn B, Williamson, Su perintendent. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— I. W, Clegg, pastor. Preaching every Second and fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 1.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N. C.. jP Kalloul Bank of Alaaaacc BTi's . BURLINGTON, N. C, Boon I*. Ist National Bank lalMtaa, 'Phone 171 JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorn ey-at-Law GRAHAM, N. C. / llllcc over National Baak ol JUMWM J", S. C O OK, Attorn ay-at-Law, IRA HAM, N. 0. Office PBttetftOli liulldlCfc docoiul Kltor nil. WILL U#M,JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Iraham, . - - - North Carolina 'H IC K i.s MMMON'S BUILDIAt* ACOB A. LOm. J. KIMKULONO LONG & LONG, 'kttor nttym unci ;ouna»*lorai a I I nvr GkAHAM, N. C. JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and (on iutloi-at-1 au POMuP-Oice (loJ Ktaldeiirt 33) BUHMNUTON, N. C. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Osteopathic Physician 11. 12 ami n f Hal National Baal.li Hl t* BURLINGTON, N C. Stomach ami Nervous diseases a Specialty. 'PhoDi-a, Office 385,—res idence, 302 J,v -■-u LIVKS OF CHRISIIAN MINISTERS This lxH>k| entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, #2.oo;gl!£ top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. 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