THE GLEANER m- ■■ jci. ■ ISSUED EVEBY THURSDAY. J. Q. KERNODLE, Editor." $ 05 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVEhTISINO It AT lis me squared In.) I time »1.00, T eaoj sno re) ijit Insertion &0 cents. For more ii« « n I longer time, rates furnished on apiillcu uu, Ljoal notices 10 uts. » line for flrsi MMt.on ; subsequent insertions 5 els.a llr.e transient advertisements must be paid for In -tdvsnce ri e editor will not l>e responsible for /lews xpresso'l by correspondents. Entered ut tip l'n tofllce at (Irslinni. S. »* w »"n oliiss matt- r. URAHAM, N'. April -•"> 1918. WAR NKWS IN BRIEF. Germany i* making a HiiprcjiH 1 effort to win the v»:u - in stik.nj all. The challenge bark to the Allies in tin* s*:nn • f »rni. Germany is ior \v » I I I »- minion, A merit-1 4*uf the Allies are fighting for freedom fto.i .iiti,-i.i --i ' 4 cy—for world democracy, Last week ficrmany hrl s>m • SUCce.'m i:i Flinders against tile Urltihh sector, the cfi'oit h sn;* 'Jo Wipe out the I.i i. :.:i I/• I cm trol of the BnxlKh Channel. That would he a disaster, tint . Ii" lit it - ish are contesting every inch of ground and st in ling like i w m of granite. Kvery success to 111 enemy comes at aw'ml sacriiitc. if* m Late in the we-k .he limit vere beaten hack and ground was taken On Saturday the American 'lin was savagely attacked along a _'n mile front. 1 lie line w'.ts driven hack out the lost gi'iiui.l wan re gained, The American casualty list was larger than at any lOt ini r ,imc. The Germans failed in their object German attacks were repulsed on all the fronts Satur.l ly an I .Sun clay. In fact last U'eek was on ■ ui re pulses to the Hermans an i' all along the line they failed In .heir objectives. The Allies are expecting an ither H* German offensive-th it events seem to he shaping* in that ilir c tlon. There his hciV m e.irn ordlnary fighting since S in.lay. hut artillery has hem very active. On Tuesday lin- Hrl'ish made a sweeping blow at 'h - Herman murine buses at Ostenii un'i Z-e brugge. OM-ttmc cmU-it were loaded with coiicre'unt sink i the entrances Th'*se |»| k were Olao shelled by uarnlii|ii I'iie ex tent of the success in njl known, but it is believed snn • reaiil'.s were obtained thi* may hive till ing effect. Yesterday heavy M,h'i'i{ « i. i ■- j£ (mined by .the Ucrinim. nj.iln.t Ii ■ y tHiiithern sector ol :hc (Irfeili liti s, making a drive ton ir I A n ens. LIBERTY LOAN DAY. Tomorrow, Friday, has been appointed Liberty l.onn Day by proelnmtitioii by I'reHiileul Wilson nml Governor IlicUett. A tlrlvn will bo made townnl Mecur lllg silbucriptions for the remain tier of the three billion l.itx rt. Hoikln. The Government hIWi hli ' iiißtoii is urging the people to lend their money to it mid wants %' to tieo the HiibMcription reach s.*>,- U0U,(j0U ( 00o. I' is n big mult r taking, bllt the 1 'lilted States antl lier allies have a hi({ job tin their handn to conquer the llunsaiitl fir they are eipial to the task, but the people, all of tliein, must pull together. Money in one of the chief sinews of war. Without it the war can not be successfully prosecuted and WOD. Every patriotic citizen must do hia part to the full limit. ■ Bonds or bondage which I That is tho pertinent t|iiestion everyone must answer. Are you t n slacker or a patriot; a coward v oraflghtur? If you can or would l^^boy LilK'rty Bonds, this is au in dex of how you sUud ami what I' you are K There 1» no da ihi .it alt at to (•: what the reaup will lv», if \mer,ei J (alia to help the Hriliah an I Krench whip the Huns on Kuropen.i m> l \ failure there means thai the battle Held will be transferred t > Amerl t a*. If you are nfit awake, it high time you get your eyes open. France has put ti denh 8010 b Paaha. a traitor to that country. There are Othera there, perhaps, and some In this country who may | meet the same fate if they jet their deserts. 3, • liurko Democrats have made the liepublicatiH a proposition to divide tho olllccs antl have a poli tioless year. Work began last week at Wil- I mlngtou to clear tho ground for the shipyard at which fabricated Bteel ships will bo built. Actual | oonstrnction of tho yard will be- as soon as the ground is 1 fleared 1 tlomeTbwn ytlgbs^ NO PLACE IN PARK SYSTEM Small Cities Make Mistake in Placing Public Building* in Their Beauti ful Breathing Places. •The first and most important law of landscape gardening Is to preserve open lawn centers. In city planning, us in all art, the same law prevails, und we have the modern civic center, with buildings around a smalt pork. Kan Francisco's new civic center Is u grand example of this type. Many of our smalt cities have simi lar aspirations und some have made a splendid beginning. One of these Is the little city of Inglewood, Cul. lhit now they are offered a Carnegie library and It Is purposed to place It In the center or middle of the park system. With such a precedent the whole urea may some time be covered with build lugs so tlmt where now is a generous and beautiful breathkjg place there will then be the most congested dis trict in the municipality. Or, tf but the one building Is allowed to violate the scheme ull other public buildings will be staring at this poor little structure, seemingly wondering why this one Impertinent Individual lias tieen allowed to so trespass und the riv malruler have been excluded. And all visitors will be struck with a like won der. Aside from the violation of the proper spirit, the fine long view, the system's greatest charm, will be de stroyed. The high and grammar schools, the city hull, engine house and other building lots now face the purk and It Is hoped that the city will secure "another lot for a library site. If this Is not done it will ever be a cause of regret und a step backward udmltted by all who know. Several citizens of taste have already objected to"'the proposed site. Other cities will do well to avoid muklng such mis takes. REMEMBER SPRING 'CLEANUP' Just Now la Not at All Too Early to Make Plana for Betterment of the Home City. With the approach of spring "city beautiful" work should have the atten tion of householders and others who appreciate the Importance of clean streets, clean yards tintl well-kept lawns. ItlrmlnKhnin Is noted for Its mountain-like scenery, Its elepint homes ond Its fine landscape effects. Kueti attractions form a tiuftlnct civic asset. In tho fushlonable' v *ectliins the grounds makltiK up the scltlnK for styl ish houses lire carefully tended, and In many of the humbler districts evi dences of Kood sanitation and retlned taste are seen; but flowers and green sward should be the rule everywhere. It costs little money to keep a pretty yard; hut many a Rruss plot "down town" Is marred by thoughtless pedes trians. Not only Is this so on tho cor ner lots, but tho spaces between the curbing and the sidewalk that should be lush and green during tin- greater part of the year Is soon ruined after the advent of spring by being trnmpled Upon. The public purks arc usually In ex cellent condition, ond It should he tho same way with the strip* of green along the sidewalks. The City Beauti ful association did a great educational work a few years ago and It should again display Its activity In tho llttlo things that contribute to tho quiet adornment "f Birmingham. Now Is the time to plan for n new educational drive In respect of the restful and the wholesome. —Birmingham (Ala.) Age- Herald. Urge* Need of Play. The necessity and desirability of suttletent play to relieve the strain of dally effort nre dwelt upon In a -bulle tin recently Issued by I>r. Samuel O. Dixon, health commissioner of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who says: "Most people would say that play's flrst requisite was that tt should con sist of something oue doesn't have to do. I'lay ts In reality, however, of all sorts and descriptions. Those that pro duce something useful besides giving rest ore greatly to lie preferred. There are many sorts equally stimulating to the mind and to the body and produc tive of valuable results. One essentlul to beneflclul play Is that It be whole some antl tie performed In n healthful environment, that Is, where we have pure-moving air of the right tempera ture nml preferably aunllght. Women Planners of Home*. Women folks nre taking an active hand In the nffnlrs of the world today more than ever before. II Is quite of ten the cose thai the building of a new home M left largely In the hands of its mistress. There are several good ond practical reasons for such on arrangement. In the first place, the woman doe* or should spend more time In the house than her husband, it Is her duty and most always her pleasure to keep the Inside of the liotiae In order. She Is usu ally a closer observer tn *uch matter* ami nearly nlway* ha* better taste tlmn In r husband. Another mighty go«d reason, from the husband's stand point, I* Hint he will not hove to listen to the disagreeable phrase, "I told you «u I" t'utsrrlial lirilutM t'snaul lie t urrtl lijr local secllcett'iiis, »» llirr * I.njt il'll' h tin- illim-smkl portion ol the esr. Ttiei* !• only one ws> to i st«rrtuil*i)«iifti *«. sua ttml is liv a constitutions! retoiilv. Illi.irf(III lie liiih I, esonil by nn InOnuieU e'lllilltlon ■ t tlis lollcimi tlnlns el tlll- Kiimsi hurt Tills*. I When im inilsmsil >-ou li.*sea rqiii bllns sound or lin [>■ r f ,-t heating, nml n 'II- n It l» mltrely eKusnl, Ih-nfnens ts Ills n>nll t'nless llm tatiMrnstinn enli lie rnluee-l sail tills Cuts' restored to It* nnitUAl Oflfidlllon, tiearlim will t»- destroyed forever. M ny esses of ilmfie-ss nre isuseO l>y oatMrrh, which Isan lunatic ti eotelllioti of the mucous surfnecs llnll's rslsrrh Medicine sets thru llw blood on tl,e iniknus surfaces of the sys tem. W'e will give ttne Hundred Itollars lor nay ess*, itf l>*ufnc*s Hint ennnot lie cured by llnll's4'nlnrrh Medicine. I ltcu:nrs free. All Dru«dsl». ?u>. V J. CIIKN BY A CO.. Toledo. O. \ Jo. Jackson, a negro boy 1y« ars old, was driving a harrow on a farm iu McDowell county, when in some way lie became entangled in the harrow ami was killed, lie was dead when found.' BUB-MT-TISM- Antiseptic, Re lieves Rheumatism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. BUBSCRIBB FOR THK OLBANER WAR INFORMATION SERIES From Which University Gets Hij»h • Praise—Gov. Bickett Speaks '\ May 11th. Cor. of The Oloaner. ■ Chapel Ilill, N. '., April 23 The University of North Caro lina's Extension War l!nllctihi* have during the pant week come in for high praise from two well known sources—Tlieo. H. Price'* . I publication, Commerce arid Fi nance, and the Philadelphia Pub lic I .wilier. The former speaks of Ihe University's service hh fol lows : t 'Because we cannot resist the impulse to commend really good things, we go out of our way to say I haft the University of North Carolina iH doing a very great service in the publication of the leaflets issued by its extension' service. They are bo iutorcMing and stimulating that we could write xeveral pages about litem, but lack of space prevents. Thcsi leaflets are so educational and auggest ive that we should think many readers of this paper would be gi.ttl lo receive tliein." " Referring to a recent puhliea tion of tho University booklet N'.> It in till) war series, entitled "National Ideals in British mi l American Literature," the I'hil.i llelphia Public Ledger calls ii •• i truly splendid thing," and "a iv:.l step forward in promoting a real | understanding between Hit! Kn, lixli and American peoples " It further speaks of the booklet as giving patriot ism the material out of which real patriots are made. "Tho ureal value ol'this lino ell'ort ill getting together ma terials that will lead to au tlinlor- NliiudiiiK of our cousins is shown in 1 lint the syllabus deals witb the literature of tho people, in "which tin; ideals of the various centuries are revealed. And iliis is done with a penetration antl e!ot|tieuci) that tiro quite over whelming" Number 15 in this series yf war information bulletins is hii out line study of France and its insti tutions, which has been used im 11 basis for the special extension studies ill the Winston Salem and Kaieigh centers. It, is of speoial use to those who wish to get a bet ter insight into the life of the French people. The bihl ii ii iii bur of this war in formation series to coine front the press, number 1(1, is concerned with the (Join in unity Pageant. At a time when commencement sea sons draw near and outdoor pa geants become possible, it will prove of great use to teachers and clubs. Prof. Edwin Greenlaw writes the first part, which is a study ol i lie pageant and its edu cational value. Prof. A. Vermont of the AslieVille High School writes the second part, which is a carefully prepared guide for those why are preparing pageants and want to know how to work out the details. It gives a model scene, as presented at the Summer School here last year, and a list of tiselul books on the subject. Governor Thomas Walter liick ett luts consented to address the Confederate veterans of Orange in their reunion here .May 11. lie will have in his audience, besities the old soldiers, the new soldiers of tho University military bat talion, and the day will be matin a patriotic occasion. WANTED I Ladlia or men wiui rigs or auto mobiles to represent a . Sautiicrn Company. Those with selling ex perience preferred, tho' not ticces aary. l'ast selling proposition. Brand new article. Kxciil.'i)t pa.\ for hnatlera. Address Mr. ory, too -4th Ave. N Nashville. Tenn. ' Col. William II Simmons, com inatuliiig the ,'l2'itli infantry and ranking officer of the lanlry brigadeof theß2d division, was found dead in his tiuarters at Camp Gordon, at Atlanta, Friday. Hullet wound in the head. Hi-I Itriurd) lor WliuupliiK Cough ' List winter when my little boy Inn! the whooping couuh 1 guvo him Chamberlain's Cough ibnnedy," writes Mrs J. B. Robert', lCust St. ami relieved him o( those dreatlful coughing spells. It Is only cough medicine I keep ill the bouse becatiso 1 liavo the muat confidence in it. This remedy is nlao good fcr coltls and croup. Walter Onion, formerly Atto n -v ticneral of Louisiana, h»s he»n ap pointed United States Senator from that H ate to succeed H. P. Urns sard, deceased. Calomel Salivates and Makes You SiGk Acta like dynamite on a slug gish liver and you lose a day's work. There a no reaaon why a per son should take aickening, salivat ing calomel when a le\i cents luivna largo bottle of Dodaon'a Liver Tune a perfect aubatltute for calomel It la a pleasant vegetable liquid which will atart vour liver Just as surely a* calomel, but it docan't make you sick, und cannot aati vate. Children and grown folk* can take Dodaon'* Liver Tone, because it i* perfectly harmlcaa. Calomel i* a dangerous drug. It i* mercury and uttack* your bone*. Take a dose odf masty calomel to day anil you will feel weak, sick anil nauseated tomorrow. Don't loso a day* work. Take a spoon ful of Dodaon'a Liver Tone inatead ond you will wake up feeling great. No more biliouancis, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue, or *our stomach. Your druggist say* if you don't find Dodion's Liver Tone act* better than hoiVlble calomel your money I* waiting (or you. Safety "DonV For Mothers. Don't dry-clean in the house. Don't get, off a cur backward. Don't touch an electric light ith wet hands. Don't lock up the children alone in the house. .. . Don't leave broken glass, crock ery, or tin scattered around.. DHI'I allow children to coast down inclines into the street. Don't allow children hold on to moving vehicles. Don't allow children to skate in the street. „ I Don't allow children to jump on I moving cars j Don't put pencils, money', or pins in the inot'th. I Don't use go-carts without : springs and ba"k-supports. ■ Don't allow unsafe chimneys, lines, or stove pipes in your homo. Don't allow children to handle 1 firearms, fireworks, or matches. \ There's.danger in all. Don't keep gasoline or kerosene iii ihe house, or allow their use in cleaning flrtiden or starting tires. Don't use a thermos bottle for i ho liaby's milk. Don't rely on @tliers to observe Gallic rules; use your head. I (iiii't ' Value your' time more ili.m your lif« at crossings. l)o label all medicines. Keep poisons out of children's reach. Avoid unsanitary soda I'oun i iiui. Watch traffic signs. Cross the street at crossings only. Avoid crowded and poorly ven t.luted places .of amusement. .Withers, always look out for \ mi r children. I Prevent Fires—Suggestions Specially For Ftrmers. I.i; litiiin« Your property should bo protected by lightning roils. They should bo properly creeled and efficient, in which case they will bo valuable, affording a very high degree of protection. Thi|» applies to farm houses, and especially barns when tilled with hay or feedstutTs. Heating—All arrangements for heating should be safe. Are your chimneys aud Hues safely con structed? Terr.i-cotta and brick on-edge flues are not. Are your stoves protected from wood and the pipe* safe and well wired? How übout your fireplaces? Don't start lires with kerosene. Lighting—What kind do you use? Is it safe? Electric wirintr standard? Do you use kerosene oil? If to, are your lamps kept clean aud filled by daylight only? Get a good, safe lauteru aud keep it clean; or, better, get a flash light. Closets—What "is the condition ot your closets and pack-rooms? Don't carry Hghted candles or lamps into them- Smoking should not be done about farm buildings. It is the cause of innumerable fires. Such a lire, iu this year particularly, is a crime. Matches should not be lighted Mi a barn or warehouse, nor kept there, nor carried loose in the pocket. Use safety matches. Use only safe lanterns and light them at sate distances. Lanterns —Discard tho old lan tern and the suspicious lantern. Provide perfectly safe and con venient places to hang your lan terns, or place them in tho barn, aud never hang or place them ..elsewhere. Antomobil.tH and gasoline trac tor* must not lie housed in or ad joining a building where grain or slock in kept. Keep your gaso line supply at mi absolutely safe distance. Threshing, hay-making, a id silo filling timed are times of danger when the farmer must be all vigi lance if ho wishes to l>e safe". Write for literature and sug gestions lo JAM KB K YOUNU, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Trailed m a spy suspect for two years by Department of Justice agents, George von Rottweiler, vice-president and manager of a motorcycle manufacturing plant, was jailed at Rochester, N. Y., shorily after ho had been commis sioned a captain in the United Stales army. liis companion and employe, Frank 11. Newbert, a skilled mechanic, was Arrested and jailed at the same time. Both men are said to be subject* of Germauy and failed to register under the alien enemy act. DON'T MISTAKETHE CAUSE Many t.raliatn People Hair kldnc; Trouble and l>o Xot know 11. Do you have backache? Are you tired and worn out? Feel di*7.y, nervous and depress ed? Are the kidney accretions Irreg ular? Highly colored, contain sedi nent? Likely your are at fault. Weak kidney a give warning of distress. Heed the warning; don't delay Use a tested kidney remedy. Head thi* Burlington testimony. John W. King, near Fair Grounds, Burlington, N. C„ aays; ' I have taken l)oan'a Kidney Pills off and on for several y ears, when my back caused me pain and misery ana have always found them to be all that la claimed for them. Some times my back gets so stiff ana lame that I can hardtx straighten up after stooping. OoTr»V,Kidn«»y Pills never failed to fit ftw; in good shape." \ Price 60c at all deal.-ra. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy j —get Roan's Kidney "Pills—the same Mrs. King has twice puollcly recommended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Un For Over 30 Years "IT HAS MADE MY LITTLE BOY SPRY AS A RABBIT!" Six-Year Old Boy Was Thin and Puny —Father Gave Him Dreco and I Can Almost See Him Grow Now," He Says. As the school term reaches its height, attention is directed to the oft-repeated advice of leading edu cators warning teachers, parents and schoiaJs against the fearful results of exhaustive brain work among young people. ' - To thousands of boys and unnerved by the strain of school life, Dreeco —the wonderful new Herbal medicine, has been found a ble.-siug, making them well and strong, feeding the brain and nerves, and enriching and purify ing the blood. The recent recommendation of Dreco by leading authorities and the equally outspoken praise of this greatest of remedies by scores of parents throughout the South are the best recommendations any medicine cau have. Nothing in the world so strength ens tho weak, so readily restores lost nerve force, so surely makes the ailing and peevish young wo man or growing boy well and cheerful as a treatment by Na ture's own beneficent methods. "My little bou, Varney, was in a fcerribly rundown condition," de clares It. I. Lewis, the highly re spected farmer of It. F. D. No. 3, 'Winston-Salem . "lie has always been a puny and delicate child and I couldn't get anything to make him grow. But Dreco has hit the spot and be is improving wonderfully every day. Discolor is good, appetite fine, and 1 can almost see him grow. It lias made him as spry as a rabbit, and I told him the other day I would have to slow him up as he was get ting too alive." Dreco does its curative work in a simple, straightforward way. It wastes little time in getting all its energies to work feeding the tired, worn-out nervous tract, filling the arteries with rich, new blood, and building up the body for its fight against disease. Dreco is sold throughout the country by leading druggists and is particularly recommended in Graham by Graham Drug Co. Seventeen race horses, valued at $50,000, perished in fire which destroyed a largo stable atable at Howie, Md. Lantern exploded and started the tire. When an army truck carrying 20 soldiers of Camp Wadswortii overturned near Reidvilte, 15 miles from Spartanburg, two were killed and six injured. Boschee's German Syrup will quiet your cough, soothe the inflammation of a sore throat ana lungs, stop irritation in the bron chial tubes, insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold in America for fifty two years. A wonderful prescrip tion, assisting nature in building u|> your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially uuscful in lung, trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale by Gra ham Drug Co. The chamber of commerce of Montgomery, Ala., through its membership council, has pledged 000 homes Montgomery to ab stain froin the use of wheat until next harvest. THE EAHUEST.BIO gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best dne or the ever bearing kinds; bears the best lla vored berries trora Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina 17febRt Col. Roosevelt has received llio German bullot which shattered the gun of his son, Capt. Archie Roosevelt, while the latter was pulling men from under (ire. Capl. Roosevelt will soon bo ablo for duty again, it is said. Proper Food I'or Weak Mtomaelni. The proper food for one man may lie all wrong for another. Kvciy one should adopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. Those who have weak stomachs need to be especially careful and should eat slowly arid masticate their food thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regular. When tbey btcomo coustipated or when they feel dull and stupid after eating, they should thnke Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stomach and move tho bowels. They are easy to lake and pleasant in effect. H'hoGerman-American Alliance, which has been the storm of center of congressional investigation for some time, will disband and give I he $30,000 now in tho treasury to the Red Cross recording to an an nouncement from Philadelphia. Itld of Your l(heiiniall*ni. Now is the lime to get rid of your rheumatism. You will lind Cham berlain's Liniment a great help The relief which it affords is alone Worth many times its cost. The house of bishops of the I'rotestant Episcopal Chuich hasj accepted the resignation of Bishop Paul Jones, of the missionary province of Utah. The house of bishops requested the resignation ! several mouths ago, pending nu! inquiry into Bishop Joues' alleged i utterances of pacifist sentiments, and his counectiou with "ques tionable organizations." tun know What Yon Are Taking When you take Orove'l Tasteless | Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle •bowing that It U Iron ard Qui-1 Din* Id a tasteless form. No I cure, no pay.—49c. adv. SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of saje contained in a certain mortgage deed from Martha Shep herd, and her hu.banu, L. P. Shep herd, to Mrs. Daisy Hoffman, guardian, dated the Ist day of May, 1916, and recorded in tha office of the Register of Deeds for Aip mance county, in Book of Mort gages ad Deeds of Trust No. 70, page 14, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby r thj undersigned, will, on , . . MONDAY, MAY 13, 1918, at 1.30 o'clock p. m., offer for sale at public; auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., certain pieces of land lying and being in Alamance county, Scats of North Carolina, in Boon Station town | Bhip, and described as follows, to wit: Adjoining the lands of W. W. Sut ton, Kobert WebstJr, Dilly Wat lington, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone in the Elon College road, Dilly Watlington s corner, thence S. '£ deg. E. 1 chain 2 links to a stone; thence S. 70 deg. VV. 14 chains and 90 links to a stone; thence S. 75 deg. VV. 3 chains and 50-links to a stone, W. \V. Sutton's corner; thence wnh his line N.. 2% deg; JJ. G chains and 4 links to a In the old road"; thence N. 7J 2-3 dog E. 4 chains and 4 links' to a; thence N. i 55 deg. E. 5 chains anilj 75 links to a stone; ihenee N. deg. E. 4 chains and 15 links to a stone, Dilly Watlin'ton's corner; thence with her line S. I'i deg. E. 4 chain 3 and 85 links to the beginning, con taining eight acres, more or less. Lot. Bcginninng at a stone in the Elon College road, Dil ly VVatlington's corner, thence S. % dog. K. 9 chains to a stone in said road; thence N. St 3-3 deg. E. 6 chains and 64 links to a stone cor ner; thence with this line S. 71'( deg. W. 5 chains and 17 linka to the beginning, containing six acres, more or less. Upon these li'.s, of land is situ ate a t-r >o:n frame dwelling in good repair, \v hieh has been recent ly painted. ' This April 11, 111 S. Mrs. Dai-.y IToffman, Guardian, Mortgagee. NOTICE! NOTICE TO HEIUS OF JOHN FUGLEMAN: Take notice that the undersigned bought at a sale of lands in Alamance county, tax's for 1910, on the first Monday in July, 1917, a lot of laud in Coble township, said Ala mance county; that notice is hereby given that the time will expire for redemption on the 2nd day of July, 19IS, and unless the costs, expenses and taxes shall be refunded to the undersigned on or before that date he will apply for deed for the same. ■lap4t S. L. MURRAY. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor and administratrix, c t. a., of John M. McCracken, late of Alamance county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said es tate, to present them, duly proven, on or before the first day of April, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all per sons indebted to said estate ' are requested to make prompt settle ment of the same. This March 7, 1913. t Eugene R. McCracken, Ex'r Duke M. McCracken, Adm'rx c. t. a. of the will oi HmchOt John M. McCracken. RE-SALE OF Valuable Real Estate Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court oi Ala mance county, in a Special Pro ceeding entiiled John vV. Murray, et al vs. Sallie Barnwell Murray.; same being an action for division of the estate of the lat3 E. C. Murray and hU first wife, Nancy Shaw Murray, the undersigned commissioner will, on SATURDAY, MAY 18; 1918, offer for sale at public uuctian to the Inquest biider, cue foliotvmg tracts ui real estate, to-wic : Ist Iraet—A certain tract of land in Pleasant drove Township, Ala mance county, known as tne houie place of ti. c. Murray, and better Known as the Shaw lauds, contain ing' approximately JXJ acres. Upon tlus tract is tue.uouia residence 01 the late K. C. Murray, a bi.i-room dwelling, also appropriate out houscß, ourns, etc. ibis tract wi.l bo cut into two or more divisions, and sold separately, and then as a whole. i!nd Tract—Adjoining the above tract and k'nown as the Howell tract, containing tii acres. Upon this is situate the store building ot the late E. C. Alurray o: Cq., also one tenant dwelling house. 3rd iruct—A tract of land known as the Jeffreys land, containing 47 acres. Upon this is three firSt class tobacco barns and one dwell ing house. the above tracts of land are all contiguous, and represent the land ed estate of the late E. C. Alurray and his first wife, Nancy Shaw Murray, all lying in Pleasant Grove township, Alamance county; about 10 Miles north of Mebane, N. C. A complete survey and blue print will be had and displayed on the day of sale to all persons inter ested. The sale will js at 12 o'clock M., upon the premises, at the store of the late K. C. Murray & Co. This is your opportunity to invest in some of the best tobacco land of the bright belt of North Carolina, This is a re-sale on account of ar» advanced bid. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in six months and one third in twelve months. All per sons desiring further information see or write the undersigned. In spection of premises requested. T.. C. CARTEK, Com'r, Mebane, N. C. February 17, 1918. Germany and her allies are un dertaking to overcome their short age of cotton by developing the production of cotton in Bulgaria. Road to HapplnfM lie aniable, cheerful and good natured and you are much more like ly to be happy. You will find this this difficult, if not impossible, how ever, when you are constantly trou bled with constipation. - Take Chamberlain's Tablets and get rid of that and it will be easy. These tablets not ouly move the bowels, but improve the appetite ditil strengthen the digestion* Safest Dftigglst Sells E-RU-SA. PDe-CuMi \ poison! cause const!paUon and damage all who use them, L v E-80-SA cures or tW . - Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N. C Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of Ibe Su perior Court of Alamance county. m«|e In the"pecl»l Proceedlngentltled V K AHirl li'. Dryaut Albright, KOSB Albright, Mrr. A. O. Wilson and her husband. A. O. Wilson, Oeole Albright, I'earl Itobertson. Walte Hohert-on and Els wife. Emma Robertson, rhi>m is UobertHoo and Lucy Robertson vs. Vlo'et Albright. Jewel Albright. Helen ton Al bright, Glenn Albright, Mayo Fowler and Adele Fowler, the same being No. npon theHpcclal Proe« dings Docket of sal'l court, the undersigned Commissioner will, ou SATURDAY, MAY, 4, lUIB, at J2 o'elock M., on the premises, offer for sale to the highest bidder, upon the terniß hereinafter stipulated, that certain tract or land, lying and being In Patterson townßhlp, Alamance county and State ot North (>aro- Una. and more partlsularly defined and de scribed as follows, to-wil: A part of Jhe Louisa Albright Dower Tract, beginning at a rock pile. Dixon's corner; thence N 78 deg E 53 polos to a gum tree or rock; thence N M deg K 3fl poles to a red oak: thence N 045 poles to I*ley's corner; thence w about 66 poles to a rock. Pike's corner; tuence in a western direction with the various courses of the creek. 80 poles lo Eullss' corner: thence 8 14 dog E with Bulls* line 88.poles oi a rock, his corner; thence w 65 deg h 20 pol«*s to a white oak, his corner; thence ri 19 deg w 56 uolcs to a white oak, Albright s corner; thence 8 1# deg uoler\p a rock at the road; thence 8 20 deg tt-ftfpoiei to the beginning, containing one hundred and el*, htyfive aores (186), buL to be the same be ti ere ii.ore or less: ' Terms of One-thiixl cash on day or sale, one-third in eix months from day of s le, and the remaining one-third lu twolve months I rom day of sale; the deferred pay mebts to be »r interest at six percent, per an num from date of confirmation of said-sale, and title reserved until all the purchase price and Interest are paid. The purchaser to have the privilege to pay the deferred payments on the ot confirmation. This March 3 ith, 1918. W. H. ALBRIGHT, Commissioner. Long & Long, Att'ys. Liberty, N. C. Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom These Presents May Come— Greeting: Whereas, It appears to ray satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedinga for the voluntary dissolution thereof by tbe unanimous consent ol all tbe stockholders, de posited In ray office, that the Graham Christo Cola Bottling Co.. Inc. a corporation of this Bta e.whose principal olllce Is Eituated at No. street, in tbe town of Graham, coun ty of Alamance, ?*tate of North Carolina (VV. Ernest Thompson.being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upjn wnora process inay be served), has compiled with the re quirements of Chapter 21, Kevlsal ol 1905, en titled ••Corporations," preliminary tp tbe Issuing of this Certltlcate of Dissolution : Now, therefore, I, J. Br} an GrJmeM, i-eero tary of State of tne State of Nortn Carolina, do hereby certify that tbe said corporation did, on the Ist day of April, 1918, Hie In my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of s.iid corpora-; tlon, executed by all the stockholders there of, which said eon>entand the record of the proceedings aloresuid are uow on 11 le In -ray said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, 1 have hcroto set my hand and affixed inv official seal at Kaleigh, this Ist day of April, A. 1;., 1918. [Seal of wtate.) J. lIIIYAN GUIMES, 4apl4t fcecretary ol state. Sale ol Valuable Real Estate. • Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a ccriain mortgage deed from Augustus Isley and wile, Francis isley; to lieu M. Hoffman, ditted the 13th day of Janu ary. 1915, and recorded In the office of the Itegitfter of Deods for A'amance county. North Carolina. In Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 66, page 596, default hav ing been made in the payra» nt. of the indebt edness secured thereby tbe undeisigned will, on MONDAY, MAY 13, 1918, a 4 2 o'clock p m M offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Urahain, N. )., a certalu tractor parcel of land In Graham. Alamance county, Slate of North Carolina, adjoining the lands known as the Austin Whltsett place, Ed Tate, Ed 11am and Monroe Harden and others, boumed as follows : Beginning at a stone on Wlilisett llue, cor ner with ECHTate; thence 3 159 feet to a stone; thence 864 feet to a stone on Ed Hain's'llne: thence N .59 feet to VVhilsett line; thence W with Whltsett llue 04 feet to ihe beginning, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less. This 11th day of April, 1918. BEN At. HOFFMAN, Mortgagee. Mrs. Daisy Hoffman, Guardian, Goncl Holder. Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of the power confnr, reu upon rae by tbe will of James W. Wyatt deceased, duly admitted to probate the 18ih day of June. 1917, and recorded In the office of the Clerk of the auperi.-r Co irt lor Ala mance county In Book of Wills No. 5, page 309, the undersigned Executrix will, on MONDAY, APRIL 2'J, 1918, at 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the court house door In Graham, N, C. offer lor sale at public auc ilou to the highest bidder for cash, a Certain tract or parcel of land lying aud being in Alamance county, Pleasaut Grove Township, Not lb Carolina, described as lollows; Aojolulug the lauds of John Itodgers, Dr. McKnightttiid others aud bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the great road run ning North with Benson's line forty-lour chains and sixty links to black jack; thence South 60 deg. West thirty one chains anfl tlily links to a rock on the North side of the great road; thence with suld road to the llrsi sta tion, containing 64 acres, more or i ss. This is a Hecorui ie .-ale. This the inn day ot April, 1918. EM MA VV VAT I, Executrix. SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. U war and by virtue of the power of iale contained in a certain mortgage deed from Henry Newlin and wife, Mary Jane Newlin, to John K. Hoffman, dated the 18th day of December, 191j, and record ed in the office of the Register ol Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 68, page 311, default hav ing been made in the payment oi the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, MAY 13, 1318, at 2 o'clock p. m., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C\, two certain &ieces br tracts of land lying and eing in Newlin township, Ala mance county. State of North Car olina, and defined and described as follows, to-wit : Tract No. 1. Beginning at a whiteoak tree, corner with said Braxton Stout, running thence N. deg. E. (B. S. 16 2-3) 16.5 chains to a rock, corner with said Brax lon, Dixon and Thompson; thence E. 72 2-3 deg. VV. (B. S. 72Jj) 17 chains to a rock; thence S. loft deg. VV. (B. S. 17) 30 chains to a rock on the N. side of the old roau thence with said road as it mean dors N. 7»tf deg. E 4.20 chains N. 63 deg. E. 5 chains N. deg E. 12.70 chains to the beginning, con taining 38.21 acres, but to be the same, be there more or less. True; .No. 2. Known as the W. H. Thompson land adjoining the lands of Phoebe Ellington, Cicero Thompson and fathers; beginning at a stone; thence N. It dcg. E. 10.90 chains to a stone, Ellington's cor ner; thence N. 23 deg. W. ».«5 chs. to a stone in Thompson's line; thence E. 10.15 chains to the first station, and containing 15.50 acres, but to be the same, be there more or less. This April 11, 1918. JOHN R. HOFFMAN, " Mortgagee Mrs. Daisy Hoffman, Guardian, Bond Holder Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— Alamance County. I In the Superior Court, , Special Proceedings. Edward Johnson et als., Petitioners vs. I Baxter Mcßane, Donnie Mcßans Ef lctt ana husband, Mark Ellett; Mamie Mcß. McPherson and hau abnd, Lonnie McPherson; ana Kenneth Jones, et als. The defendants above named will take notice that an action eatitlea as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Alamance county to sell the lands of Thos. W. Mc- Bane, late of saiJ county, to make assets, and for partition of the re mainder, said Hnd being in New lin township, and the said defend ants will fur;her take notice that the/ are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Alamance county, on or before the 23rd day of April, 1918, ana answer or demur to the petition which will be filer* in said action, or the peti tioners will apply to the Court for the rel ef demanded in said peti tion. This March 19. 1918. » J. D. KERNODLE, Clerk Supeior Court. Summons by Publication. NOHTII CAROLINA— Alamance County. In the Superior Court, Daisy Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Johnson, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commencea in the Superior Court of Alamance County for the pupose of obtaining an absolute divirce from defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the twelfth Jlonday after the first Monday of March, 1918, to-wit, on the 27th day of May, 1918, at the court house of said county, in Gra ham, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This March 18, 1918. J. D. KERNODLE, Clerk Superior Court. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by \irtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed irom Belli Iho.nas ami net' husoand, S. B. J. nomas', to Mrs, Daisy Hoffman, guardian, da ted the 25th day of September, 1916, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, North Carolina, in book of mortgages and deedß of trust No. '7O, page 515, default having been maae in the payment of tne in debtedness secured thereby, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, MAY 13, 1918, at 1.45 o'clock p. m., offer for Bale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in Graham, N. C., a cer tain .piece or tract bf lana lying and being in Burlington township, Alamance county, State of Nortli Carolina, adjoining the lands of James G. Neese, Worth Street ana others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on Worth Street, 25 It. from C. C. Townsend'B corner; thence with said street in a northeasterly direction 25 ft. to a stake on said street; thence in a northwestern direction 60 ft. to a stake; thence in a southwestern direction 25 ft. to a stake; thence 60 ft. to the beginning, containing 1,500 sq. ft. more or less. The same being known aB a part of lot No. 133, in the plan of said town, upon which there is situate a two story brick building. For further description see Deed Book for Ala mance county, No. 15, pages 572-573. This April 11, 1918. Mrs. Daisy Hoffman, Guardian, Mortgagee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Thos. W. Mc- Bane, deceased, late of Alamance county, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tilied to .present the same, duly proven, to the undersigned, on or before the Ist day of April, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all persons in debted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This February 28, 1918. W. H. JOHNSON, Adui'r of Thos. W. Mcßane, dec'i, llmach6t Siler City, W. C. Route No. i. Sale of Valuable Farm Lands. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court oi Alamance county, .North Carolina, made in a Special Proceedings whereto the heirs and widow oi Thos. W. Mc- Bane, deceased, join with the ad ministrator upon the estate of sa>u intestate, for the purpose of selling the lands of said Thos. W. Mcßane, deceased, to make assets and for division, the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder at the court house door in (iraham, on SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 191", at 12 o'clock M„ the following val uable real estate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of John Braxton, Curl and others, ancf bounded as follows: Beginning at a blackjack, John Braxton's S. W. corner, running thence N. with said Braxton's line 184 poles to a dogwood; thence W. 88 poles to a blackjack; thence 92 poles to a dogwood; thence IJ. 48 poles to a persimmon; thence S. 132 poles to a' stone; thence E. 128 poles to Curl's corner; thence N. with said Curl's line 40 poles to a redoak in Braxton's line; thence W. with said Braxton's line 88 poles to the first station, and containing by estimate 10554 acres. Upon this property is situate a dwelling late ly occupied by said Thos. W. Mr- Bane as his home. Terms of Sale : One-third cash, one-third in six monthß and one third in twelve months, deferrea payments to carry interest at six per cent, from day of sale till paid, and title reserved until fully paia for. Sale subject to confirma tion by Court. - This April 23, 1918. J. S. COOk, Commissioner.

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