vol. XLIV Get Rid of Tan, . Sunburn and Freckles j by using HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. Acta instantly. Stops the burning. Clears youi«comple*ion of Tan and Blemishes.' You cannot know how good it is until you try it Thous ands of women say it {a be4t of all , beautifiers and heals Sunburn 3* uickest. Don't be without it a ay longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail dire (ft 75 cents for either color, White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. , LYON MFC. CO., 40 So. Sth St. Broo':!/n. NX EUREKA * : Spring Water j FROM j| EUREKA SPRING, X Graham, N. C. % !! A valuable mineral spring i *; has been discovered by VV. H. t i. Ausley on hiß place in Graham. I 11 It was noticed .that it brought 2 ; | health to the users of the water, T > and upon being analyzed it was ! found to bo a water slroug in J 1 | [ mineral properties and gogtl j I (> for stomach and blood troußles. I i ]! Physicians who have seen the * | J analysis and what it does, 7 > recommend its use. \ !! Analysis and testimonials J J[ will be furnished upon request. J ~ Why buy expensive mineral ! I waters- from a distance, when \ \ | there is a good water recom- j • > mended by physicians right at o home? For further iul'orma- i J! tion and or the water, if you | desire if apply to the under- i ! > signed. 4 ! • W. H. AUSLEY. 1 I BLANK f BOOKS | Journals, Ledgers, . Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, I Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., | &c., &c. For. Sale At The Gleaner | Printing Otllce Graham, N. C. English Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spaviuß, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bone, Stifks, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by uwe of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv • Emperor Charles of Austfia ought to provide against further embarrassments by purchasing one of those books lor his mother in-law containing Helpful Letter wttting Hints. KeUelin Sin Hour* Distressing Kidney and uUUdei Disease relieved in six hours bj the "NEW GREAT HO U'i'U AMEK -ICAN KIDNEY CURB." It is a great surprise on account of ill exceeding Dromotness in relieving pain In bladder, luaneys and back, in male or lemale. Relieves reten tion ot water' almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Q ra ham Drug Co. adv. Bcrnstorfl's sou has married au American. The only defense for the American woman is that she had married so often —her third try—she bad becouieTeckless. Break! your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. When in doubt Germany takes a shot at Paris. It is up to the civilized world to remove the doubt. Cornbread properly made is an ambrosial delight. Cornbread im properly made tastes like German propaganda. German-American is self-contra dictory. Translated it is "enemy - Americau." THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. WILL NOT BE USED ' UNI COMPLETE ENTENTE ALLIES CONFIDENT OF THEIR ABILITY TO WITHSTAND ANY DRIVE FROM GERMANS. j FIELD AS ALL AMERICAN FOE Allies Bavlng Their Men While the Germans are Draining Their Country Dry. j - Ottawa.—So confident is the en tente of Its ability to wltstpnd any drive the Germans can launch that it | has been decided not to use ths Amer ican army untl! it becomes a complete and powerful force, according to a ca ble summary of operations on the 1 western front received here from the j war committee of the British cabinet. "The position -now Is," sfcld the ; t summary, "that the Germans, deter mined to concentrate every available ; unit on one enormous offensive, are | draining their country dry to force a decision before it is too late, while the entente are so confident that, hav , ing been given the choice of a small immediate American army for defense or waiting till they are reinforced by a complete, powerful, self-supporting American army, they have chosen latter. "To the sledge-hammer uses of masses of men by the enemy the allies j are opposing the strategy of meeting | the blow with the smallest force ca- I pable of standing up to the shock, j while keeping the strongest rese'rve possible. Troops on the wings are permitted to give ground within limits whenever the enemy has been made to pay a greater price than the ground Is worth, the whole aim being to re duce the enemy to such a state of exhaustion that our reserve,"'at the right moment, can restore the situ ation. What British Have Done. "In the present'operations, th 6 Brit ish army has withstood many times its own weight of enemy masses. It has retired slowly, exacting the full est price. Meanwhile, Foch holds the bulk of the French in reserve, sending units only to points hard pressed. This strategy has justified itself In that in three weeks it has seen the enemy brought to a standstill without a sin gle strategic objective being fulfilled and with losses so Immense that his reserve is in danger of proving Inade quate to his policy. "The German commander, seeing how nearly he is himself to the allied reserve, has been com pelled to accept temporary failure and call a halt. His position is tacti cally exposed in two dangerous sali ents on waterlogged ground. His countryment are dangerously dissat isfied at the immense price paid for his failure to terminate their suffer ings. His allies are on the verge of quarrelling and daily exhibit tlieir growing dislike and distrust of the task master who robs them of their lives and food. "His reserve* have nearly reached complete exhaustion. Those of the Franco-British are stiH in being, while the American preparations 'de velop. The time draws closer when defeat is inevitable. ■ Therefore, he must renew the offensive. His prep arations proceed feverishly but It takes months properly to organize such an offensive. He must be sat isfied with what he can do In weeks. We may, therefore, expect a renewed, furious onslaught before long. The enemy is so committed to his strate gical plans that we may await his main blow on the Arras-Amiens front while necessity compels him to try to , Improve his position in the Lys sector. "The allies may have complete con fidence In the result. For the enemy the issue Is a desperate endeavor to avoid defeat; for the allies the issue is only that of victory deferred. The coming battle may be a repetition of Verdun on a large scale and if both sides should be exhausted, the allies have vast powers of recuperation, while Germany has drafted her re sources already." AMERICAN ARMY OFICERB ARE FRANKLY DELIGHTED Washington.—News of the British statement that the entente is so con fident of its ability to hold thS Ger mans that the American army Is not to be usod until It bocomes a com plete and self-supporting force, was received by army officers here with frank delight, not only because of the sjipreme confidence Indicated by such a decision but on account of the keen desire of American military men to take the field as all-American foe. EVERY CITIZEN MAY ACT AS VOLUNTEER DETECTIVE Washington.—Every citizen may set as a volunteer detective to assist gov ernment officers In ferreting out per sona suspected of disloyal action or utterances, says a statement Issued by Attorney General Gregory. United States f.ttorneys have been told to co operate with newspapers in their dis tricts so *,lut pijblic. notice can be giver, c * 'he nearest offices of attor n -yt rr bureau of Investigation to v,l i:h citixens laay refer. You Can Cure Tbat Backache. Pain Along the back, dlzzlne**. haadaeba 1 anl genm rai languor, (iet a package of Mother Urajr'a Australia Ix-ef, tl.e pk-anai't root and herb cure for Kidney, Uladd«r a»id (frloarv troubles. Whan you fe#l all ! rundown, tired, weak and without energy uw thu remarkable combination . f nature, herbs and ruota. As a regulator It has n* qual. Mother Griy's Australian Lesf Is Old by Drugglstg or sent by mail for GO eta ample scbt free* Address, Tbe Mother rsy Co.. Le Hot. N. Y. Yes, the impact of a Liberty ' Bond subscription is (elt in Berlin. CK AVERTED B) VINDICATION OF PRIME MINIBTER LLOYO - OF SENSATIONAL CHARGEB BY ASQUITH. GERMAN ATTACK REPULSED British Improve Their' P6sitlons Along Bomme Front, Despite the Artlliery Fire. * The Lloyd George ministry has won vindication in the British parliament at a time when defeat would have meant a government crisis. A motion by former President Asqulth asking for the appointment of a special com mittee to Investigate sensational charges made by Major General Fred erick B. Maurice, published earlier in ' the week, was defeated by a .vote of, 293 to 106. While Mr. Asqulth disavowed any .intent to put the present government to a crucial test, it was felt that with an adverse vote the Lloyd George cab inet would have resigned. The Maurice Incident, involving charges of misrep resentation by the premier in bis ro ports to the house of commons, has stirred all England, and the section - of the press hostile to Mr. Lloyd George did not hesitateto say that If the present government fell would be an alternative cabinet ready to step into office. Germans Made Attack. The allied defense on the Flanders front to the southwest of Ypreshas again been tested by the Germans and has been found adequate. Two divisions of- Teuton troops were em ployed on a relatively short front and were sent into the fight under cover of a terrific artillery fire. The front chosen for the attack extended from the village of LaClytte to Voorme zeele, but the center of the assault seems to have been at Vierstraat, a hamlet northeast of Kemmel hill. The flank of the German attack ing line were stopped short by lire from the French and British artillery posted on high ground and which was able to enfilade the German regiments as they tried to advance. In the center, however, the Germans made quite a serious dent In the allied line. Wednesday night, however, the allies drove forward In a counter-at tack and the latest reports from Field Marshal Haig are to the effect that the line has been re-established. The Germans are reported to have loit very heavily during the fighting. COMPROMISE ON TIME LIMIT IS OUTCOME Atlanta, Ga. —With the disposal of the question of the time limit on min isters by the general conference of tbe Episcopal Church, South, were that the next big issue to reach the debate stage would be the demands of the woman for laity rights, already favorably act ed upon by the committee on re visals. The conference after a two-day par limanetary wrangle, adopted the mi nority report on the time limit pro posal, which inserts in the discipline a paragraph permitting bishops to ap point ministers Indefinitely, on recom mendation of quarterly conference, to gether with the vote of the majority of the presiding elders of the bishop's cabinet. The status of the presiding elders was allowed to remain unchang ed and they will continue to be forced to move at the end of four years. A movement to restrict the eldership ex clusively to four years was defeated. Change \> Creed Demanded. Showing (fle unanimity of the de mand for a change in the creed and other portions ot the ritual where the words 'holy Catholic church" appear, the conference wlthont debate and by a vote of 172 to 76, adopted the committee report recommending the substitution of the words "Church of Christ." The movemont for this change has been before the church for eight years. PERSHING ISSUES MOTHERS' DAY ORDER Gen. John J. Pershing has Issued the following order: "May 8. To all commanding offi cers: I wish every officer and soldier In the American expeditionary forces would write a letter home on Mothers' day. This Is a little thing for each one to do, but these letters will carry back our courage and cur affection to the patriotic women whose love snd prayers Inspire us and cheer us on to victory. (Blgned) "PERSHING" HAMSTEAD MERCHANT GETB YEAR IN PRIBON ———— Wilmington—For advising regis trants thst they could not be made to serve In France and promising ta supply them with provisions If tbey would "hide out" and for utterancea against tbeh government and favoring the kaiser, J. L. Bowers, 59, merchant of Hsmpst'jjd, N. C.. was sentenced to i year t:d a day In tbe federal prison In. Atlanta by Judge H O. Connor, ct tbe federal co«r« CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Usa For Over 30 Years Be an owner of Liberty B >nd* in order to avoid wealing slavery . bonds. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918 AMERICAN TROOPS USED AS BEFORE SECRETARY BAKER DENIES THAT AMERICAN TROOPS WILL NOT BE USED A 8 BEFORE. AT BEKERJU. FOGHS COMMAND Expedited Movement of Soldiers to France Is Proceeding Accord ing to Program. Washington. American officers were Inclined to characterize reports from London via Ottawa that Amert oan troops would not be used until a complete and powerful American araty Had been developed in France as au echo of the political controversy pre cipitated in England by the Incident of General Maurice. They cou'd see no other explanation since the state ment attributed to the "war commit tee" of the British war cabinet was promptly repudiated by Lord Read ing, British ambassador here, and later declared by Secretary Baker In a for mal statement to be at absolute vari ance with tbe facts as known here. Lord Reading's statement said he was confident no such announcement had been issued with the Knowledge of Premier Lloyd-George, adding that the views of the British government, which he was transmitting, were ex actly opposite. Secretary Baker said American troops were now being used In battle and would continue to be used as the supreme commander, Gen eral Foch, deemed best. Inquiry at the various bureaus of the war department showed that the expedited movement of men to Franco Is proceeding as planned after the an nouncement tbat American units would be brigaded with French and British divisions for Immediate oper ations as well as training. 1 ,' Since the decision to scatter Amor lean battalions or regiments in allied forces was made only because oi the cry for manpower from both thn Brit ish and Fronch governments the German onslaught was battering tho lines In Flanders and Plcardy, officials here were Inclined to find tbe tone of the announcement now attributed to the war cabinet distasteful. The whole American program In France has been subject to revision by rea son of that decision, the effect 'if which was to set aside national pride and the ambitions of American offi cers of high rank In order to furnish Immediate aid. Such sacrifices were not viewed lightly. It Is held, or to bo acceptod or 1 ejected at the whim of the moment in London or elsewhere. Just how this report may relate to the recent political crisis In England, American officers did not undertake to say: They have a strong feeling that English politics Is oehlnd the mys tery, however, and look to the Biit- Ish government to correct promptiv any misapprehension there may be about the n«ed for American aid RAILROAD RATES MAY BE RAISED 25 PER CENT. Waslngton.—Estimates made bj railroad administration officials lndl cate that an an Increase ot at least 26 per cent n freight and passenger rates will be necessary this year to meet the high costs of fuel, wages, equipment and other operating ei' penses, now set at between |600,000,. 000 and $750,000,000 more than last year. Recommendation that rates be rais ed by approximately this percentage has been made to Director General McAdoo by his advisers.| He Is ex pected to act within the next six weeks, and to put Increases Into effect Immediately. Shippers will be per mltted to appeal to the Intrestate commerce commission under the rati road act and final decision will be with the president. Such an increase as Is proposed would be the biggest In the history ol American railways, as the percentage Is larger than any ever sought by the railways under private management, and would apply alike to the entire country. Both class and commodity schedulos would be affected. NATURALIZATION PAPERS CANCELLED AFTER 35 YEARS Newark. N. J—Thirty five years af ter Frederick W. Wursterbarth, Ger man-born, obtained American citizen ship papers they were cancelled bj the federal court here. Wursterbarth, who. according to witnesses had re fused to buy Liberty bonds or contrlh ute to Red Cross or Knights or Colum bus funds, was recently removed af postmaster at Lake View, where h» lives, because of slleged proOerman sympathies. Women Orsnted Lslty Rights. Atlanta. Ga—After 40 years of ef forte women of the Methodist Eplsco psl church, south, ware granted, by action ef the general conference, full lay membership In the church. Para graphs In the discipline stating: "II Is not fn harmony with the spirit ol our lsw ftiat women be members of s general conference; It Is not lawful U. elect a woman a steward, and, a wo man msy be elected a superintendent o fa Tneday school, but Is not thereb) a member of the quarterly conference' ere ordere-.i from the book of laws WANTED I ll Ladibs or men witn rigs or auto mobiles to represent a 8-mthern Company. Thosa with selling ex perience preferred, tho' not neces sary. Past selling proposition. Brand new article. Excellent pay for hustlers. Address Mr. Ore/- ory, 160 4th Ave. N. Nashville. Tenn. Subscribe for The Gleaner. |I.OO a year, in advance. EIGHT SOLDIERS KILLED IN lEGK THE DEAD AND INJURED MEN WERE MOSTLY FROM THE TWO CAROLINAB AND TENNEBBEE. CAUSER RV SPEARINR RAIL Troops From Jackson Had Just Start ed to Camp Bevler, Greenville, — Military Inquiry Is Stsrted. Columbia, S. C. —Eight soldiers were killed and 26 Injured when a wooden passenger coach carrying members of the 3218t Infantry jumped a trestle at Camp Jackson. The soldiers had just entrained for Camp Sevier at Green ville and the train was pulling out of camp at a very low rate of speed. As It approached a trestle a big steel coach struck a spreading rail. This hurled the wooden coaches Im mediately in front down the em bankmont. A military inquiry Into the cause of the wreck was bogun by a bbard headed by Lieut. Col. Halsteadt of the 321 st Infantry, 81st dlvlalon, to which all of the dead soldiers were attached. All of the dead wore pri vates. List of Casualties. The official list of the dead and In jured fdllows: The dead are: Private Edgar Simpklns, Co. K. 321 st Infantry; father, Wm. E. Sim mons, Patmost, Arkansas. Private Phlletus C. Swann, Co. K, 821 st Infantry; mother, Mrs. Nlnna Swain, 10 1-2 North Park square, Asheville, N. C. Private Marlon O. Hawkins, Co. K, 321 st Infantry; father, S. A. Hawkins, R. F. D. No. 2, Marlon, N. C. Private William E. Lowery, Co. K, 321 st Infantry; rather, Samuel Low ery, Alta Pass, N. C. —3 Private Jess Reno.dSo. I, 321 st In -1 fantry. Father, Tom jteno, Soddy, Tenn. Private Andrew Hcogglns, sdpply company, 321 st In lan try; rather, Arch Scogglns, R. F. D. 1, Ooltewab, Tenn. Private Jame4*L. Leatherwood, Co. L, 321 st Infantry; brother, Thurman L. Leatherwood, Waynesvllle, N. C. Private Benton Goolsby, Co. A, 321 st Infantry; father, John Goolsby, Pauls Valley, Tenn. The Injured are: Thomas I. Fitzgerald, Trenton, Tenn.; L. P. Ramsey, Asheville, N. C.; Andrew Shoulders, Dierks, Ark.; E. M. Henry,' Wlilets, N. C.; John W. Frost, Gilllken, N. C.; George W. Stoke, Louisville, Miss.; Goorge 8. Thompson (Indian), Ella, N. C.; Franklin P. Polndexter, Mooresvlllo, N. C.; Charles M. Deal, Hickory, N. C.; Jacob Kluttz, East Sponcer, N. C.; John W. Rook, Robersonvllle, N. C.; William A. Brown, Ramseur, N. C.j Robert C. Harris, Rocky Mount, N. C.; W.. J. McKlnnon, Henderson, Tenn.; Dewey Kllpatrlck, Asheville, N. C.J Richard Grey, Shallotte, N. C.; Ches ter Blrcy, Todd, N. C.; W. C. Bryson, Candler, N. C.; Hugh Aldrldge, Bald win, Miss.; Robert A. Moore, Clio, 8. C.; Roscoe Braswell, Montezuma, N. C.; William South. Ashland City, Tenn.; Lonnle High, Whitesville, N. C.; John E. Hyatt, Weaversvtlle, N. C.; William Ledford, Almond, N. C. BAYB ATTEMPT TO BLOCK 08TEND WAS A FAILURE London.—Tbe German submarine base or Ostend on tho Belgian coast bas been blocked as a result of a new raid by the British naval forces, the admiralty announces. The obsolete cruiser Vindictive, filled with con crette, has been sunk across the en trance to the harbor. Berlin (via London). —The British attempt to blockade the harbor of Os tend was a failure, according to an of ficial statement. An old cruiser, en tirely battered to pieces, lies aground before tho harbor outsldo the naviga tion channel, and the entrance to the harbor Is quite free, the statement continues. TWO NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS ARE DEAO Greenville, 8. C. —Two deaths of sol diers in the 50tb division, both ct which occurred Wednesday evening, were announced st divisional head quarters, Camp Sevier. They were Private James It, ('ullum. 124 th Infan try, whose next of kin Is a sister, Mra E. A. Frazler. Durham, N. C., and Geruver Woodrlng, 105 th ammunition train, next of kin. father, 11. !>. Wood ring, ot Hands, N. C. SUBMARINE OPERATIONS ARE GREATLY HAMPERED German submarine operations from tbe harbor of Ostend, Belgium, hare been seriously hampered for a time If not rendered Impossible by a daring raid made on,the harbor by the Brit ish. An officials statement Issued hy the British admiralty says the chan nel leading out of the inner harbor I has been completely blocked by the bulk of tho old cruiser Vindictive, which wss maneuvered Into position under heavy Ore and then sunk. WK lIAVE THE EARLIEST, BKJ gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also the Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears tbe best lla ■vored berries from Spring until the snow flies. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. lTfebOt We must not keep any conscien tious objectors iu our pocket books. BOATSWAIN IS CITED F0«TH«l . , * HOW JOHN MACKENZIE SAVED THE REMLIK WHEN A DEPTH CHARGE BROKE LOOSE. HE CAPTURED THE BIG BOMB Delivery of Leeomotivea Ordered by Government Starts In July —Ger many Limits Spending Money of American Prisonsrs and Intsrned Civilians. (From CommltU* on Public Information.) Washington.—Many members of the United States army and navy are be ing commended for bravery In action or In emergencies. A typical case Is that of John Mackenzie, chief boat swain's mote, of the naval reserve force, described in a navy department statement. The case Is unique in that It has to do with oue of the latest engines of war. As Is well known, United States destroyers and other submarine fight ers carry depth, churges containing n large amount of high explosives which are dropped In the path of enemy sub marines und under water. These have proved effective weapons In the destruction of U-boats, and they are safe enough when the snfety pins are alflxod; but when tbey get beyond control and Uie safety pin comes out they are n source of serious danger to tbe vessels carrying them. It will be recalled that the men on the U. S. S. Mnnley who lost their lives In tho col lision of that destroyer with a British vessel were killed by the explosion of one of these bombs. In a heavy gale on the morning of December 17, 101T, a depth charge on the Remllk broke loose from Its posi tion on the stern. The box went over board, but the charge was hurled In the opposite direction and went bounc ing about tho deck. As It weighs hun dreds of pounds It wiis ImposKllile for nnyono to lift the bomb and carry It to safety. It was even dangerous for anyone to go to that part of the strip, as the seas were washing over the stern. As the officers and crew watched Iho bomb some one shouted: "The pin's come ont I" Realizing tho danger, Mackenzie, exclaiming, "Watch me; I'" Set It," duelled down tbe deck and flung himself upon the charging cylinder. Three times he almost had his arms about tbe bomb, bnt each time It tore from him, once almost crushing him. The fourth time he got u Arm grip on it and heaved It up right on one flat end. Then he sat on It and held It down. Tho charge might have broken loose again and exploded at any moment, blowing Blackenzle to bits, but bo held on (Irmly uuNl lines could be run to him and innn and lepth bomb safely lushed. Soon after ward the sblp was headed up Into the sea and the charge carried to a place of surety. Tho commanding olllcer of tho Rem llk, In his report recommending that the inedul of honor bo conferred on Mackenzie, says: "Mackenzie, In acting as he did, ex posed his life and prevented a serious accident to the sblp and probable loss of the ship and entire crew. Had this depth charge exploded on the quarter deck with the sea and wind that ex ited ot the time there Is no doubt that tie ship would have been lost." Money Intended for Interned civil tins and prisoners of war In Germany 'hould be remitted through the bureau >f prisoners' relief, American Red 'ross, Washington,'D. C. Remittance). [ o made will probably not be delivered o oddrcssees by the German govern nent In cash, but In the form of credit hi prison exchanges. According to the Spanish nuibassn lor at Berlin, the war department states that there are ho restrictions 'n regard to the remittance of money for civilian and military prisoners. Such money Is placed to prisoners redlt, and may bo spent under the ■dlowlng regulations: "Military prisoners. Sixty marks weekly may be spent by officers snd ■tbers of (linllur rank; M) marks • eekly by non-commissioned officers •nd men. "Civilian prlsonors. Sixty marks veekly for men of better social pcsl lon; HO marks weekly for others." . • A study Is being made of the for iiulae and manufacturing processes of nedlclnes requiring glycerin, and dans for the curtailment of tbe quan tity now used In case It becomes uec •ssary will be submitted to the general medical board of the Council of Nu tlonal Defense. It Is announced In the Bohemian press tbat experiments made with "paper clolh" have proved so success ful that Hungarian state railways afe to furnish their employees with sum | mer clothing of this fabric. In Its regulations governing tin prlee of wool the war industries board allows dealers to make a charge of three per cent of the selling price j If the wool Is not graded, and 314 ff j cent It graded. This commission Is to j cover all storage, cartage and Insur- j a nee. An additional credit of *8,290,000 J has been extended to Belgium by tbe United S»otes. making a total of 1101,- j 850.000 loaned to that country, aiyfl credits to all the allies »f1.258.H.V),000. | Delivery of the first of tbe I.CUS locomotives ordered by the railroad administration will start In July, and deliveries will continue monthly during tbe rest of the year. The locomotives | are of six standard types, with one | heavy and oue light style la eacff type, j They vary In weight from 290,000 | pounds to MO.OOO pounds, and the en tire order will cost about SOO/100,000. The six standard types are expected to eventually supersede the many kinds now In service, which embrace en vines built according to 500 or more " « «»■ specifications. According to tne rail road administration, this la the flrat real atep ever taken toward the wide standardization of locomotives. An order has also been placed for 100,000 freight car* of standard type to coat between *200,000,000 and *300,- 000,000. Negotiations for the construc tion of many thousand additional steel freight cars are still pending. The five types of cars ordered represent the standard forms of freight cars adopted by the railroad administration. The adoption of these standard types, It is believed, will eventually substitute a few scientifically worked out designs for the numerous miscel laneous varieties of cars, representing probably more than a thousand differ ent old styles and specifications now In use, the accumulations of the past. Before an airplane can be put Into military service It must be equipped with at least nine delicate aeronautic Instruments, some of which are abso lutely essential to exact Hying, and all contribute to the successful operation of a plane. One gives the pilot his lo cation as to height and direction; oth ers tell his s|>eed through the (llr, the speed of his propeller, the amount of gasoline carried, water temperature, operation of the oiling system, and tsulde his "banking" on turns. An other necessary article Is the oxygen supplying apparatus, without which an aviator could not climb to any great height. For operation of actual combat planes, such as observing, photograph ing, bombing, and lighting planes, other complicated and expensive In struments and seta of apparatus are necessary. Among them are machine guns, gun mounts, bomb racks, bomb dropping devices, bomb sights, radio and photographic apparatus, electri cally heated clothing, lights and flares. These bring the total cost of equip ment for an airplane to several thou sand dollars each, depending upon A* type of plane. Nearly 2,000 types and slies of farm Implements which have been gradually developed by manufacturers during peace-time competition have been rec ommended for elimination during the war by committees of the National Im plement and Vehicle association. The object, nccordlng to a statement by the tJouncll of National Defense, Is to conserve materials, labor, capital, and manufacturing facilities war use. In the report of the committee meet ings to the commercial economy board of the Council of Nutional Defense It was slated that no machinery recom mended for discard was believed to be necessary to modern economical agri culture. The lines considered By the committees consisted of steel and chilled plows, grain drills, seeders, and other Ullage Implements and farm cul tivators. Such of the recommendations as the board deems suitable, with others from different sources, are being brought to the attention of all Implement manu facturers and Jobbers, and as many re tafl dealers as may be reached, through questionnaires. A number of high-grade news pho tographers are urgently needed by tife signal corps. Theso men must have expert experience In the handling of speed cumeras, such as Oraflex, Graphic, and also understand speeds of lenses and various makes of cam eras and operation of some. Only those men who can furnish references as lo their actual experience as news photographers will receive considera tion. , The men selected for this branch of the so IT Ice will ho sent to a school for military training. Upon completion of the training they will be promoted to grades of sergeant, first class, and will be ordered overseas Is a short time. Applicants must be citizens of the United States between the sges of 21 and 31. All communications should be addressed lo Air Division, Training Section, Photographic Branch, Wash ington, D. C. Advice from Shanghai states that tho subscriptions to tho third Liberty lyoan there amount to over *OOO,OOO, and a report from the American em bassy In Mexico City states the sub scriptions thcr? are more than *8,10,000. Regulations for bread-making In Sweden permit only nine kinds, the weight and price being prescribed by law. Only rye, wheat, barley, or oat flour may be used, and for ordinary bread (he use of butter, lard or other fat, milk or cream Is prohibited. Recent contracts by the war depart ment authorize the manufacture of 8,500,000 pairs of metallic-fastened fleld shoes for overseas use. The aver age price was about *7.75 a pair. Contracts have sleo been awnrdi-d for the manufacture of 2.000.000 pairs of field welt shoe* for United States j and overseas service, the average price being 10.60. The Difference. I Boost, don't boest. one gets some thing, the other doern't.— Memphis I Commerelul Appeal. ! Where Net Furnished In Sufficient Quantities There Will Gurly Be Lsss Eggs Laid. When hens are fed and handled for I heavy egg production, and egg-shell | material U not furnished In sufficient quantity, there will be fewer eggs laid, ; and those laid will be too thln-shelied to market safely. The price of one 1 egg will now supply n good layer for a year. Green's August Flower has been n h usehold rem?4/ all | over the civilized worll for more ! than a htlf a century 10.- eoa " ilion, Intestinal troubles, tor- E liver and generally depressed ng that accompanies such «i 10— 'orders. It is a moat valuable rem edy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, on headache, coming up of food, palpitation of the heart, and many other symptoms. A few doses of August FlowefMU relieve you. It is a gentle laxative. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. NO. 14 GRAHAM CHUBCH DIRECTORV y Graham Baptist Church—Be v. IhjM XJ. Weston, Pastor. Preaching every first and thira Sundays at 11.00 a. m. and .7.00 Sunday School every Sunday at Y 9.48 a. ra. W. I. Ward, Supt? Prayer meeting every Tuesday at j 7.30 p. m. Graham Christian Church-N. Main Street—Rev. P. C. Lester. Preaching services every Sec- : bad ana fcourth Sundays, at U.OO a. m. Sunday School every Sunday *at 10.00 a. M.—W. B. Harden, Super intendent, New Providence Christian Church —North Main Street, near Depot- Rev. P. C. Lester, Paator. Preach ing every Second and frourUi Sun day night* at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at m.—J. A. Bayliff, Superin tendent. Christian Endeavor- Prayer Meet- Tbur » (la X night at 7.18. Friends—North of Graham Pub lic School, Rev. John M. Permar,' Pastor. Preaching lat, 2nd and 3rd Sun day# at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at " 9.48 a. m.—Belle Zachary, Superin tendent Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Methodist Bpiscopal, south—cor. Main and Maple Streets, Rev. D. K. Ernhart, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.0* a. m. and at JM p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at (.48 a. in.— W. B. Green, Bupt. M. P. Church—N. Main Street, Rev. R. S. Troxler, Pastor. t Preaching first and third Hun days at 11 a. m. and * p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.48 a. m.—J. L. Amick, Supt. Presbyterian—Wst Elm Street— Rev. T, M. McConnell, pastoT . Sunday School every Sunday at •.tta.m.-Lynn B. WiTliamaon, Su perintendent. f P l r .f ,b /. terI ' D (Travora Chapel)- J. W, Clegg, pastor. Preaching every Becond and Pourth Sundays at 7.50 p. ra. Sunday School every Sunday at iM p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N.C. Natleaal takri Alssuuk* ai'4'a BURLINGTON, N. C, ■•oai It. let *■— ---'I t.niiM 'PkiH m JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorneyat-Law .. , J". S. C OOE, Atterney-at- Law, GRAHAM, N. 0. Offloe PitUrson Building Booonti yisor. DR. WILLS.LOM,JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Cireham, . - . . North Csrellaa OFFICK in 81MMONB BUILDING JACOB A. I OHO. J. KMfKBLOMS LONG * LONG, A.t torn«y« tend Counaelora mi Liw GRAHAM, N, C. ' JOH N H. VERNON Attoracy and tiiuimclur-at-Law POKKM—>olre eSJ ResMeaee 111 Buklikgton, N. C. T-T ' | DR. G. EUGENE HOLT OaleopsrlMc Physician 11, 11 aad n riral National Daalk IMS BURLINGTON, N C. Stomach and Nervous diseaaea a Specialty. 'Phones, Office SOS,—reas idence, 362 J. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This liook, entitled an übova, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume — nicely print* i*l and bound. Trice per copy: cloth, $2.00; gi.»t top, $2.60. By muil 200 extra. Orders may b« sent to P. J. Kkbnodlb, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Ya. • JnlerH may lie left at this offloe. Call and Get Your Vest Pocket Goldmine Book. We are pleased to advise our adult - readers that they can call at thi« office and secure free of charge, a uselul Yeat Pocket Memorandum Book, full of valuable information,l Call quick before they run oat. 15oovtf f 100—Dr. B, Detchon's Anti-Diu retic may be worth more to yoa —more to you than 9100 it you have a child who soils the bed ding from incontinence of water during: sleep. Cure* old and youost alike. It arreeta the trouble at once. SI.OO, Bold by Graham Drag Company, adT.

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