THE GLEANER- I. j ISSUED EVIiBV THURSDAY. J, O. KERNODLE, Editor. Sl.oo A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISING KATRS J lie Btjuart' (1 In.) 1 tlnio ■ r ear. hiiU rquont liiHortlon 50 cent*. For more upon n I longer ttmo, rates furnished on applici i.u. Local notices 10 cts. a lino for Mrs nsertion ; subMquont Insertions 5 cts. h Mm Irantlent advertisements inuetbe i»al«l foi n 'id vance rbe editor will not he refc|>nn»l'>le for» /lews xpressed by correspondents. Kntcreit ut in- P" tolllre at (iraUnm. N. an (»"«->( i clans matt' r. QRAIIAM, N. June «1, 191*. A YOUN(; PATRIOT. A Ik! (J 10, Munis Linn Johnnon of Miiin'tif, uhn 111. in to :i I'fxulur i.nfanlry aim in in 111 * * trenchoH in Fraiiff, write# Imrni- t'» liih ni'dhrr. Iwo or his h'tliTH a|»|»« mi» «I in tin* ( hurlottf Ol»hitviT a few fl.i vh nifn In Willing, iiinong olhi-i thing# In- Halt I "111 ho homo if I 1 don't worry ahoiit nit* for it it for my fountry." In anollu'r Ifltcr hi* Haiti w 'J'hoy hnvfn't mo afraid of them yet. I \t ill he on the, joh an lonic as I l int. That*# all I ean do.iHn t it? Will !«» my part. Don't "worry ahoiit ine. It h for the Hake of my country that I'm over hen*, and I will follow th«- Stars and Stripes wherever tiny I I'")/ ffir.the day uhin I can wt the Stars and Stripes waving over Her )in, and I believe I uill see it . A brave wiul that, lie's no nliieker. A leal patriot and loyal to his country to the limit —willing to sacrifice his >ountf life f«»r "my count ry."- The many u Im», upon one or an other flimsy pretext, arf* trying to evade their patriotic duty should hang their heads in shaine in the prenenee of so luave and unselfish a boy as this. NO I.OAFKKS NOW. 'l'liero is no cxcuno for loafiti).' now, unless one is physically unfit to work. Neither tlu State nor tlio nation is looking upon the hiiliitunl shirker with iiny' degree of favor. The parasite will have to get busy at some gainful ami imxluctive occupation. He will not lie permitted to consume what energetic and industrious people produce. The £jvornmenl from tlio top down is after the jobless lie will have t> jj''l a job or he will lie given one -it may be on the county roads. The ('ouuty Commissioners look a step at their meeting this week, tuxler net of Congress, to see that the loafer gets for hiuisell a dif ferent sort of job. AMERICAN SOLDIERS UNDER I IRK in the past, few days the ae count's of Amerieuu troops in the thick of the light have been more frequent. No true, red-blooded American lielieved that they would do other wise than their uliolo duty, anil they have not been disappointed The "Sammies" move like an ava lauehe and shoot accurately. They are in France to tight, and do their part, and they are doing both. j 011ß NATIONAL CREED. William Tyler Page. 1 believe in the i"nited Stati n of America as a government of th" people, by the people, f«»r the peo ple; whose Just power# are deriv ed from the consent of the govern ed; a democracy in a republic; li sovereign nation of many sover jcign state#; a perfect I'viu ni, one atid inseparable; e#tubli«ih *d upon those principles of freedom, e pol ity* justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrifice! their live# and fortunes. " I therefore believe it is my duty to my country t » love it. to sup port its con*tilution. to obey its laws, to respect its flag and to de fend it against all enemies. U-BOAT AT OUR DOORS. The lierman submarine' has come in sight of our shores. Four teen const-wise steamers and sai boats have been sunk and a num ber of lives lost. This luis hap pened this Veok. Is America iu no danger? What have the in different to say? Will they wait till tlio house is afire ami in full blaze before they move ? The war is at our very doors! Seven car loads of German pro fs pagatula destined for distribution in Mexico have been caught in the mail censorship not at San An tonio, Texas, ami burned since February 1. WAR SAVINGS DRIVE JUNE 23 TO 28. Present Wilson and Governor Bick ett Issue Proclamations Urging Every Citizen to Subscribe Utmost. Nebraska Plan of House-to-house Canvass Used. Winston-Salem, May 111. —On or b 'fore June every tax-pa}er 'and householder in Nort|i Caro lina will have made his sufiSferip tion to the War Savings Campaign or given his reasons for not doing so. President Wilson has pro claimed Friday, June -iSth, as National War Savings Day and has requested every man, woman and child to pledge himself on or before the 28th, to save and buy War Savings Stamps to the utmost of his ability. Governor 1 tick ot t lias designated I lie week of June j.'ii'd to Mtli as War Savings Week and urges every tax-payer to pledge himself to buy all the War Savings Stamps that iu his honest opinion lie will lie able to pay for during the remainder of the year. The purpose of the President's proclamation, likewise that of the Governor's is that the W/U'Siv iii«s Campaign shall bo made to go over the top through the ef forts of an intensive campaign lo he conducted from State Head quarters, beginning the week of I line L'! and culnnuat ion .1 line 2*. Instead of taking a year and a month to subscribe this loan to die Government, National and ■«tate Oirectors ol' the War Sav ings Campaign decided that it diall he put over within.a week, and that with the same big suc cess that met the r • •out drive of the Liberty Loan and Un»l Cross. The plun by which Nebraska •uicecedeil in oversubscribing her quota by four mill ion dollars and' raising over fifty percent, of her ■tales by April 1, is the plan that will bo adopted not only iu North Carolina but in every Sta'e iu the I'nion. What Nebraska has done it is believed at State Headquart ers and all War Savings workers that Norlh Carolina can di. Con-! •tequently the plans for an iuteii ■tive State-wide drive have been carefully worked out and are now being executed by State, County iml Township Chairmen. The chief principle of the plan adopted is a house to house can vass and the taking of subscrip tions from every tax payer iu the township, or his excuse for not subscribing. A record of every man's pledge and support of this cause will bo kept. On Friday, June 2S, every tax payer will be summoned to appear at the school house iu his school district for the purpose of either celebrating the occasion of his township's raisinu its quota, or if that be not the ease, to finish rais ing the township quota. The towifship will be the unit of or ganization in the campaign, ami "Kvery township'over the top' by I one '!S, iti War Savings pledges" will be the tnotlo. Wireless Communication Bclwecn Italy and United States. London Chronicle. The announcement thai Italy and the United Slates have re cently been connected by wirel. ss telegraphy deserves more notice than it has received. This achievement probably makes a back uuml>er of the great wireles* station at Nation, near llerlin, which has been so useful to Germany, and which, when the war broke out, claimed to lie the most powerful in the world, with an effective range of between li,- hi HI and i,ooo miles. From the nearest point in Italy (o the I' nited States trans-Atlantic itation at Arlington, near Wash ington, is not less than (5,200 miles, mid to send an intelligible mes sage across that distance might lie mote than even N'aiien could accomplish. Owing to the hostility between the ether waves which eaity wireless messages anil suu 'shine, it is always easier to send messages long distances iu north erly latitudes than iu those more south, and the power required to cover a given distance iereases with nearness lo tho equator. The wireless route between Itomo and Arlington is for a good part of the way at least Mm miles nearer Ihe equator than that be tween Niiuen and the United States, which fact considerably idds to the achievement of the Italian and American exjerts. Calomel Dynamites A Sluggish Liver Crashes into sour bile, mak ing you sick and you loose a day's work. Calomel inUvutet! It's mercury, Calomel act* like dynamite on u sluggi*h liver. When calomel comes. In contact with soar bile it crallies into it causing griping and nausea. lt«you feel bilious, headachy,con stipated and all knocked oat,just KO to your iliuKi;i»i and get u ootlle of Dodson's Li. er Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful an«l if it doesn't start your liver and straighten vou up better and quicker than nasty calomel, and without makinj yoa sick, you just go and get your money back. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besodes it may salivate you, while If you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It's harmless, pleasant and I safe to give to children; they like I it adv, Preacher Taiks to Lord About Con * ditions The Charlotte Observer record's tlio following prayer of KeV. Wil iirtm Black, I'resbyioriati Evange list, in h Charlotte church on last Thursday—the "lay of prayer and fasting: "We conic unto Time, ) Lord, [confessing our sins We confess diiily, and yet. we do those name sins over again. We vio 'luted the Sabbath day before the war and are continuing to violate it. Wo builded our camps for the soldiers who are to fight jur cause, on the Sabbath day. There are many who have, iM'd are, charg ing exorbitant prices— extortion ists. Men are doaJing dishonestly along these lines with those who have given their sons to protect the homes of America. We have been full of braggadocio. "Men are hoarding supplies; are overcharging for. the neces sities of life. They are not con tent with a fair profit, but are ex torting. Many of us who have sent our boys to the front have not always lived up lo the stand ard that we knew was right. We have not set the example that we should hav»t v Some of our boys are in France, some are on th ■ Mexican border, some on the l'a cific, some crossing the Atlantic. Of the whereabouts of many we do not know. We trust tleuij In Thy care and keeping We con fess our sins. Help us Oji Lord, to lie sincere, (live us strength to be strong for the right and strong against the wrong We, us t Christian nation, liave departed from the faith. We have gone astray. Have mercy upon us and forgive us and help us in this our hour oj need." Stirvation Kills More Than Bullets. The greatest human decimation in Kurope has not been wrought by Herman bullets but by starva tion and its attendant diseases in tlio districts overrun by the Her man miliary power, declared Fo d Aduiiiiistiator Hoover in nil nd- I dress to the National Daily , League in New York. Pointing out the service which the dairy men of the uatiou "aro morally drafted to fulfill," he said lie was convinced that "if the war were to cease tomorrow the toll of ac tual (load from starvation and at tendant diseases would double or treble the . r »,0(il),000 or «,000,000 killed by Hormany and her allies." Calling upon the dairymen to do their part iit maintaining the I'nitcd States as "reservoir, of food,"'Mr. Hoover said: "It is worse than folly to put f>,000,000 of our boys inlo France| if the civilian population of our allies is not also to bo maintained iu strength and morale with our food. "During this fiscal J ear North America will have supplied ap proximately JiO per cent, iu nu tritive values of the foodstuffs im ported by the allies and 50 per cent, canio from more remote markets. Before the war we con tributed probably less than 10 per cent. "North America stands unii|Ue in one great particular. We are independent of sea transport for feeding stulTs for our animals. We grow them side by side. Here the great economic difference between ourselves and Europe and this is ouo reason why we can and must be the great filial reservoir of supplies." *>Then They Shelled the Nuls. Chicago Tribune. My brother wrote me about a dinner some of the soldiers gave for two visitors at camp, members of a famous Canadian regiment, who were home on sick leave. The sergeant had been carefully coached about giving the toast, but became llustratod, and this is what he made of it: "Here's to the gallant Eighth, last on the Held and first lo leave it." Silence reigned, then the cor poral came gallantly to the res cue: "Ooutleinen," lie began, "you must excuse the sergeant; he never could give a toast decently; he isn't used to public speaking. Now I'll give a toast. Here's to the gallant Eigth, e|ital to none " Catarrh Cannot Hi- t'tut-d loc*l Application*, n* they cam.ot rc«i'h Iliv aval of the «»t»•»*••. (Viurrii In it local •»*• *©, Kft fttiy UiMumiwl by coiinlltu llonal romllllon*, «n! In order lo curr It >».u tit«»• i t»»kf an iiiKrnal r«*me«l)', luii'n i « tnrrh >!• «ll«|i»«* in Uk n Internally ft ml acU thru the liliHMt on Ihu iduomii »ur(«ro «•( |hc Hall'* Catarrh Mmll lo«* w.m pn- MiiiM tl b\ one o( Ihe'lMrX pli)ilclaii* In ihi* rouiitri lor ji«i*. I'l» coin|x»el ot kom« a of tho Iml tonict ki)6wn a ctHuliint-U with »«»me ot ihr Im Nt li.ihhl portlier*. Tlwt |h ifeoe cum Mimtlmi of ili» liitrifttcnt* in \ tar-h MUm>o U «vli«i proilUiM*« kui'l) woitiUrf.J r«*uli« in (Rianlial co-dUD»u». beml I r t-ni lmni.iti.».4n-«v K. J. « HKN BY k i »>, I'n pi, Ti»i «•«!*». o, All hruKtfUtA. llnli a }mml'> I*Jfor Pon«ll|M»!lnri. Tobafcco ha# boon i las#et 1 jy th government as a neccMnily ana producer* will be given preferen tial fuel supplies, Senator Swans3u ol Virginia hi* been imormed by the war industries»T in re sponse to ah inquiry that the boara w:i» working out with th* fuel ad ministration, a plan for supply the industry with roil. CHOLRKA MORBI'H. ThU is a very painful snJ dan gerous disease. In alm>si every neighborhood someone It ts li *U from it be/ore medicine coal J be obtained or a physician The ritfht way ia to have a bottle 01 Chamberlain's Cplis and Diar rhoea remedy in the house so as to prepared for it it. Mra. Charlea Enyert, Huntington, in 1., *wriie + "lv.nin/ the summer of two of my children were lakeo sick with cholera morbus. I use I (*h*i n berl-.lin*» Colic and Diarrhoea Rem edy anJ it them immediate relief." 9TIBSCRIUB FOR TUB ULBANER UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT WEEK 31st Summer School Opens June llth Fine Features for Session - New Head for Debat ing Union. Cor. ■>T The Gleaner. Chapel Hill, N. C\, June 4. with the commence ment exercises of tho University of North Carolina being held this week, and made memorable. by the fact that 1,200 students and former students have entered the seivfce, the University is com pleting plans for the opening of the ;:flst session of the Summer School on Juno 11. Prominent among the special instructors who will be present during the session are Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, Professor of Eng lish at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Dr. Edwin Minis, Professor of English at Vanderbilt Universjty, and Dr. Ivlwiu Greenlaw, head of the Knglish Department of the Uni versity. These three teachers, widely known throughout North Carolina and the South, are to jgivo a total of twenty lectures throughout the session on the gen eral subjects: Studies in Ameri canism, Literature as a National A '.feiit, American Ideals in Ameri can Literature, Five Interpreters of the Moderq Spirit. In addition to tho rogular fea i tires of school, special inter est will center on the Fourth of July pageant onti'led France in World Affairs. A new course is also offered in Social Work and i'rti riotic Activities in War Times by Mrs. T. W. I,ingle, former president of tho North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs. Plans have recently been ap proved by the Stale Building Com mission for the erection of a new Physics, Engineering, and Mathe matics building, and tho contract has been let. The University Law School under the direction of Deau L F. MeGeheo will open on June 13th, and the Summer Military Train ing Camp at Aslioville, under the direction of Captain J. Stuart Allen, will open on June 14th. It is the purpose of tho University in these various ways to make the entire plant of use throughout the coming Summer. Mr. E. It. Ilauktn, organizer and secretary of tho North Carolina School Debating Union since 1»12, has entered the service at Camp Jackson. The work of the Debating Union will be vigorously prosecuted next year under the direction of Dr. L. A. Williams, of the School of Education. Army and Equipment. Speaking in Chicago, Senator James Hamilton Lewis of Illinois said that the United,. States now lias 1,000,000 soldiers in foreign lands, and that by December 1 it will lie numerically equal to that or 10 ii glaud. Ho sa «l that 700,000,000 pounds of explosives are in process of manufacture. The ordnance de partment has spent, he said, fc77(i,- 000,000 for projectiles, and 75,- 000.000 projectiles are on their way to General Pershing. Ono thousand rilles are being manu factured daily and 3,500,000,000 rounds of small arm aniunitiou has been contracted for. Last montlj, ho said, we produced 275,- 0)0,0(iD rounds. He placed the machine guns contracted for at 350,000 and added that, 100,000 have been delivered. By July 1, he added, we shall be producing 18,000 a mouth. The Americau navy, the speaker said, has climbed from fourth to second position among the world's fleets. Wo have 150 warships in European waters and 50 others of a war character. There are 400,- 1)00 men in the navy and by Octo ber 1 there will be half a million, lie added. Validity of Federal statutes pro hibiting sale of alcoholic li piors to soldiers was in effect sustained by the Supreme Court which )ui» de clined review proceedings con \icting Cornelius O.'Sullivan, u ho tel proprietor of Sanlt Ste Marie, Michigan, of violating the law. I'robably the railroad presidents thought they had one of those cel ebrated "gentlemen's agreements with Director General McAdoo. The House Military Committee approves measure to give Presi dent Wilson sole power over the size of the army. Who in thunder ought to have supreme power over the army and everything else in time of war but the Commander in-Chief. TOLD IN GRAHAM 1 lt«ftl«teut ot .r»Usui, kuiiuii to Alt Our Krmrr* llelulct An Ek|wrltnc«. ' Headers of The" Cllean-.'r have been told .again and again of the merits o(. that reliable time-proved kidney remedy—Doan's Kidney Pills The experiences told are not thoi; •if unknown persons living far away. The cases are Oraham cases are Graham cases told by Oraham people. \\. W. Garrett, prop'r restaurant, 8. Main St., Oraham, says: "Aoout a year ago 1 had an attack of kidney complaint and suffered se verely. 1 thought my, back was broken and 1 was laid up for days at a time, unable to help myself. My kidneys were weak and cause! me a lot of troublo. Doan's Kidney Pills did me more good than any thing else I have ever taken. The.v strengthened my back anu my kidneys acted properly. When e\cr I have noticed my kidneys being out of fix since, a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills havo gi 'cn me relief." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same tnat Mr. Garrett had. Foster-Mil'.mrn Co., Prop's, Buffalo, N. Y adv. ' Congress Dominated By North Car- ! olio tans Maurice H. Judd, Republican, writing the New York Evening Sun nay* : "Viewed from all angles, lh? State of North Carolina exercises more influence at th? present,Ume in the making of the Nation's' laws than any State the Union. This deduction is a natural one when a comparison is made of length of service, committee chairmarfshipa, and the standing of men in the va rious State delegations. "North Carolina Representatives and Senators control no less than six of the most important commit tee chairmanships in the two houses. Seven of the delegation of twelve members have nerved an average of more than 16 yearßeach in Congress, and by the inevitable rule of seniority they have all risen to places of commanding import ance in the affairs of. Congress. ' Senator Simfhons, with 17 years' service to his credit is chairman of the finance committee, by all odds the most important at the capitol. Senator Overman is chairman, of the rules committee, and lately has become the administration spokes man in the Senate. 'Representative Kitchin is ma jority leader of the House, chair man of the ways and means com mittee and ex-officio th.' head of the Democratic steering committee. Ho is in line next to Champ Clark for the speakership of the House, if the Democrats remain in control. "'Representative Pou is chairman of the rules committee, which is still regarded as tha second most important committee in tha Housa, for, through agreement with the Democratic leaders, its majority membership dictates the order and manner in which legislation shall be taken up in the House. ' Representative Webb is elu'rarin of the judiciary committee, wnich considers many important matters, sueli as all bills relating purely to to the penal code. Representative Small is chairman of the Rivers ana harbors committee. "North Caroling* is able to exer eis§_the influence she does through its practice of keeping men in office." In addition to a member of the cabinet, North Carolinians hold nu merous other posts of honor under the administration, at horn® anu abroad. SOUR STOMACH. This is a mild form of indiges tion. it is usually, brought on by eating too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your diges tive organs. If you wiil eat slow ly, masticate your food thoroughly and eat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the sour stom ach without taking atjy medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid digestion. Mrs. Rose I'as tor Stokes, wife of J. G. Phelps Stokes, wealthy New York socialist, convicted of violation of espionage act, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. At liberty uuder bond pending application for new trial. In line with the increase in pas senger fares to three cents a mile, the Pullman company shortly will raise the minimum overnight rate of sleeping berth from $1.50 to $2. Other Pullman rates will not be changed materially. HAS QOOD OPINION O? CHAM BERLAIN'S TABLETS. "Chamberlain's Tablets are a wonder. I never sold anything to beat them," writes P. B. Tressey. Richmond, Ky. When troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. Business backs Crowder order.— Headline. Thereby showing the business head on business. For if we alt do not either work or light there'll be no business worth speaking of. Put to the test American chem ists have outdone the Germans. So have our financiers, ayd our sol diers arc starting out to finish the jol>. 'Committee Asks For Salary of Creel Bureau.- Headline. What next? WIIOOPi NO COUGH. In this disease it is important that the cough be kept loose and expec toration easy, which can be (lone by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. p. H. Martin, Peru, ( ind„ writes, "My two daughters had whooping cough. I gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it worked like a charm. Seagulls materially help in indi cating the presence of U-boats. The Kaiser will probably declare war against the gulls. The tireless ■•Oook.'r is about to be succeeded by the fuelless mo tor. it is recalled that in the insur ance situation Mr. Hughes shows that utmost fearlessness, money, rank, position or influence not de terring him for an instant. This is pleasant reading for the public no matter how the other fellows i look at it. After the Present War is Over There will ba no more wars in this generation except the war on the great wiii'.j plague, consump tion. CREOSOTE is a treatment for consumption. Creosote is a Tu berca killer, Creomulshun contains creosote. At this seism of the year you cannot treat even the slightest cough wi'h contempt. Dry liaek -1 ing coughs, bronchial asthma, and catarrhal bronchitis yields to Creomulshun. If you are thin and under weight, have weak lungs, your brfcnhfng painful and coughmg incessant, get a bottle of Creomulshun. Don't wait, delays are dan gerous. We recommend Creomulsion for diseases of the throat and lungs, even consumption Creomulsion soothes and heals the lining of the throat and kills the germ. Creomulsion is guaran teed to give satisfaction or your money back. For sale by Graham Drug Company. ' " 5-30tt NORTH CAROLINA FARMER , I WANTS ALL TO KNOW 1 "My Wife Suffered So She Could Not ] Rest at Night; Dreco Cured ] Her," Says Noah Goodwin. Backache, rheumatism, urinary ] disorders, are caused from weak, inactive kidueys, which fail to , filter oat the impurities and.keep the blood pure, and the only way on earth to permanently and posi tively cure such troubles, ie to remove the cause. " The great herb medicine, Dreco, accomplishes this because it ' reaches the very roots of the dis- . ease. It soaks right into the stop ped tip, inactive kidneys through 1 the walls and linings; cleans out the little filtering cells and glands, neutralizes and dissolves the poisonous acid substances and drives all the waste matter out of the System. "My wife suffered so she could not rest at night," declared Noah Goodwin, the well known farmer of Elmwood, N. C., in a signed statement. "She had pains in the back and litffbs, and loss of sleep made her nervous and great ly run down. "On the advice of a friend she got a bottle of the new herb medi cine, Dreco, and after taking only half a bottle the pains were ri« lieved and now she rests line at night. I think Dreco a wonder fill- medicine and have asked my druggist to get some in stock so I can buy more and send my friends to him for it." So sure, so positive, so (juick and lasting are the results obtain ed from the use of Dreco, that three doses a day for a few days are often all that is required to correct the worse case of back ache, or rheumatism, regulate the most annoying bladder disorders and overcome tho numerous other similar conditions. You can obtain an original pack age of Dreco at trifling cost from almost any first-class drugstore. It is dispensed and particularly recommended in Graham by Gra ham Drug Co. HICKORY CHIPS. Besides providing food, the war garden gives the home defender 'practice in' trench digging. "I am you," he murmured. to that idea," said the gir}, "and we will get aloug fine.'V^ "A wortan once came stealiug silently ifito my life"—"l know it was the girl you want to marry." "No, no, it was a female pick pocket." Only a few years ago the news paper headline "Battle of T.anks" , would have meant nothing more than a "free-for-all" fight in a ■ saloon. 1 Without doubt, the best way to get rich quick is to go slow. The longest periods in a small boy's life are those between meals. Next we hear Hiudenburg ex plain that his path to that Paris | dinner was blocked by the Ger man dead, i Hindenburg carries concrete slabs for paving the roads of Flan ders. They also make suitable tombstones for his savages. Speaking of mean men, there is the fellow who steals the Liberty loan pin from somebody else's lapel. Garden hint: In time of war prepare for peas. Warm iveatlior is tho best sub stitute for coal. This gear's Paul lieyeres are riding aeroplanes. When an Englishman ejaculates "By George," ono doesn't know whether he is referring to tho saint, the king, or the premier, We would think that some of tho Ilohenzollern family would manage to got wounded, or some thing just as a guarantee of good faith. Buying liberty bonds till it hurts, is only a minor fprm of sacrifice. Why the Germane bombard Aniieus Cathedral ? It fiau't hit back. Sail Francisco cheerfully lets the world know that it has no nfouopoly on earthquakes. The best use for that Frederick the Great statue presented to us would be to melt it into guns. The city of Denver has taken unto itself an official chaplain. Who says now that a city govern ment is a souless corporation? As Von Tirpilz gazes upon the concrete ship program and notes the lightning like rapidity of con struction he reflects bitterly that Schwab has gone the Ilun one bet ter, by reverting to the Stone age ' —not the age o£ savagery. It is a wise movie star who knows his own family, now adays. Somehow we can't help feeling that it would be a joke on Ireland if Irish members of Parliament should "go on strike" and refuse to sit at Westininst r. Six deaths were caused by avia tiou accidents in American flying fields during the week ending May 15. e Ilenry Ford is said to be in the race for tho United States Senate, equipped no 'doubt, with a self starter. No, Cordelia, wo can't all be hero worshipers, some of us have to be heroes. Some men have so much respect for the truth that they always keep a distance from itT War Prices On Canned Goods 3 Brd&kdale Yellow Cling Reaches $2.00 per doz. Pocahontas Sugar Corn $2.00 per doz. Snow Floss Kraut —none better—s2.oo per doz. No. 4 "H" Brand Canned Beans—no strings-heavy weight—s2.oo per doz. _ No. 4 "4"'Brand Country Canned Tomatoes - full pack— s2.oo per doz; * t , Canned Apples $1.50 per doz. June Peas $3.00 per doz. BEST GRADE OF TRUCK FERTILIZER Garden Seed-Seed Potatoes First Class Line Of Other Groceries, Dry Goods And Notions. J. W. HOLT, - Graham, N. C. To Whom II May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and tubes-that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best —no others sold here equal to-tliem. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask thoso using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me.or wasto your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C. WANTED! Cedar Lumber and Logs I will continue to buy Cedar Logs delivered on good roads at convenient places to reload on truck, also deliverd on selected miil yards..^ Will pay more than list price for logs delivered at R. R. Stations. All logs promptly checked up and paid for. For prices and information write or 'phone. H. Q. WALKER, 'Phone 541 r'W. Graham, N. C FED AVALON FARMS HOG-TONE Q ~The Liquid Hog Conditioner, Fcttcnar rind Worm Removmr — I# . 1 _ —THE RUNT WASN'T THEY both started life at the same l : r.ic and weight. They were given the same feed under the s:.iro conditions - writh one excep tion. Thr big one got his rcguh.r do: t f /■ VALON FARMS HOG-TONE— the Liquid Hog Tonic, Conditioner and Fatteiu r -tmd the runt didn t. The big one is the kind th;it tops r;~- n ir.nte (he worms that are the hog rais kets and brings big profits to the poi Uis c'"» grf nu si foe to profits. Splendid for of the hog raiser. The runt com more to' p ' "nam r.r.w—hefof to produce health raise than he will ever bring in ihe inflr* i. •. lurdk*r pigs. Come in the store ket. And the difference wis brought t. 1 : n* Ihc number of your herd—and we 8 by 2!) cc,T v",;:. . : AVAI o N v„li .i,v- you enough HOG s TONE to FARMS HOG-TONE. i iOC TCNrI ;• : yuur hogs 60 duvs You don t puts new life int.. h.-gs -them eat ;■ ms a I'erny now If the results of v more and grow fut :*t nn tfrv.fldrg pt. i. treatment foil to s>utis- It helps them to combat discu:* and . f . you, it will cost you nothing. » Lm for SA:.'-- BY Graham Drug Company s Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure Because it contains no opiates, no lead, no belladonna, no poisonous drug. All other Pile medicine containing Infftrous narcotic and other' ' poisons cause constipation and damage all who use them, E-RU-SA cures or SSO paid. Hayes Drug Co., Sole Agents, Graham, N.C J MORTGAGEE'S SALE OP LAND. 3 ' Under and by virtue of the power 3 of sale in a certain mortgage deed executed by John Hester and wife, Maggie Hester, to the Graham Loan f & Trust Co., dated September 29 1 1917, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance * County, in Book of Mortgage Deeds * No. 73, at page 197 and default hav ing been made in the payment of the debts secured by said mortgage deed, the undersigned mortgagee f will sell at ipublic auction, at the : court house door, in Graham N. C., on s I SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, the , following H described tract of land, to-wit : A certain tract of land adjoining the lots of J. H. Hawkes, Elm St., in the town of Graham, N. C„ and boundy! aB follows: Beginning at ' stake on the North Bide of said H street 12 feet West of a one-story cottage on said Bide of said street; thence N. 160 feet; thence East to a [l stake; thence South 100 feet to said street; thence West with said street ° to the beginning. Being that certain lot conveyed to the said John Hester by l. S. B Thompson and wife, Lillie Thomp son, by deed dated September 29, 8 1917. Terms of sale: CASH, t Graham Loan & Trust Co., Mortgagee. This May 11, 1918. 6 : t'" ! S M 40 fa" S CARDUI' 3 The Woman's Tonic { Sold Everywhere 2 • r . S '' : twmiMmt » . SUBSCRIBE FUR THE GLEANER j Notice of Sale v Valuable Land Within One half Mile of Corporate Limits of Graham on Macadam Road. Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court, in a Special Proceed ing entitled ElizwbetU A. yaaken bush and others, vs. John El more, the dame being No oil the Special Proceedings Docket of said Court, the undersigned com missioner will, on S SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, offer for sale to the | highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter stated, that certain tract or parcel of land lying anu being in Granam township, county and State aforesaid, and more par ticularly defined and described as follows, to-wit: Situate on the macadam load leading South Irom the town of Graham, about one and one-half miles from the corporate limits of said town, adjoining the lands of the heirs of the late John W. \Vhrt->~ sett, Lewis Worth, D. V. Quaken bush ana others, known as the Wil liam J. Quakeubush home place, upon which is situate a ' good dwelling house, all necessary houses, fruit trees, vineyard, etc., and contains 9.81 acres. The undersigned commission ?r will, upon the above date, offer for sale, upon terms to be stated at sale a certain small tract tit belonging to D. V. Quakenbush, one of the petitioners in said Special Proceeding, which said tract ad adjoins the above tract and contains about three-fourths of an acre. Terms of Sale: One-half cash on day of sale, the remaining one-h.ih" to be paid November 1, 1918, th - deferred payment to bear interest at the rate of six percent per an num from the date of confirmation, and title is reserved until all the purchase price and interest are paid. The purchaser to have the privilege to pay the deferred pay ment any tim> after the confirm i tion. J. ELMER LONG, Commissioner. r + UP^TO- + DATE + JOB + PmmNG + * 1 DONB AT THI3 OFFICE. | I % GIVE US A TRIAL. | +++++ l l» HI ft*