vol. X.LIV Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S MagnoliaJgP Balm. Acta inAandy. Stop* the burning. Clear* your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you by it. Thous ands of women say it is beft of all beautifiers and heals Sunburn quickest. Don't be without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail diredt 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. CO.. 40 So. SthSt. Brooklyn. N.T. EUREKA | Spring Water j FROM I EUREKA SPRING, J Graham, N. C. A valuable mineral spring has been iliseuvered by W. H. ; Anslfy ou liis place in Graham. It was noticed that it brought ! heal ill to i lie users of the water, | ami upon being analysed it wan - found to be a water strong in ] mineral properties and good f'.>r_fc£ornai'h and blood troubles. 4 Physicians who have seen the analysis and what it does, j recommend its use. Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request, j Why buy expensive mineral « waters from a distance, when * there is a good w&ter recom- J mended by physicians right at home? For further informa- , tion and or the water, if you ] desire if apply to the under- 1 signed. "! W. H. AUSLEY. ; BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, ITlme Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, - Large Books, i Small Books, Pocket Memo* Vest Pocket Memo., &c., Ac. ||ljf For Sale At I® The Gleaner Printing Oltlce Graham, N. C - English Spavm Liuimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused *" Luwpstiud Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bone, Stlflts, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save tSU by use of one bot. tie. A wouderful Blemish Care. Sold by Graham Drag Company adv By uuaifinious decision the board - of trustees of Columbia College, a .Methodist institution for youug wotneil at Columbia, S. C , has abolished lbe department of tier iimu language aud literature. . WHOOPI.VU COUOH. In this disease it is important that the cough be kept loose and expec toration easy, which can be done by giving Chimber lain's Cough Remedy. Mra. P. H. Martin, Pera, Ind., writes, "My two daughters had whooping cough. I gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it - / worked like a charm. SB*Cy. • A bill Introduced in the Louisi ana Legislature to make the city . of New Orleans "dry" by estab lishing a. 2ft mile zone around Jackson barracks, Camp Nichoolls and the naval station, was defeat ed b> au overwhelming vote. ■ CHOLERA MORBUS. This is a very painful and dan gerous disease. In almost every neighborhood . someone has died from it before medicine could be obtained or a physician summoned. The right way is to have a bottle. of Chamberlain's Colls and Diar rhoea remedy in the house so as to prepared for it it. Mrs. Charles Bnyert, Huntington, Ind., •writes ; "During the summer of 1911 two -of my children were taken sick with cholera morbus. I used Cham berlain's Colic and.Diarrhoea Kenn edy and it gave them immediate THE ALAMANCE GLEANER CHIME AMERICANS WITH ESPIONAGE * ' i TWO GERMANS SUBJECTS ARE NAMED IN INDICTMENT AS CO-CONSPIRATORS. SOME PLEM NOT GUILH Operations Declared to Have Been Sensational—lndicted by New York Grand Jury. New York.—Five American citizens and two subjects of the German em pire, one of tbem a woman, are named as fellow-conspirators in two Indict ments returned by a federal grand Jury here. Investigators declared their operations the most sensational under taken by German intelligence agents since the war began. The Indictments allege conspiracy I to commit treason and conspiracy to' commit espionage. The assembling and-transmission of lnformatltfh rela tive to America's prosecution of the war; the destruction of American! piers docks and troop transports with 'fire bombs, destruction of quicksil ver mines in this country to hamper the manufacture of munitions ; as sisting Germany In taking an armed expedition in Ireland; fomentation ot a revolt against British rule in Ire land. raising of funds in this country with which to finance these aera tions, and destruction of munitions factories and mines in Great Britain are charged as ramifications of the in-. trigue. I The wording of the Indictments com prising SO pages, intimates that the conspiracy may be of even broader scope. This Is suggested by a para graph in the treason Indictment which alleges that in July last year, one ol the defendants sent a cablegram to Olten, Switzerland.' "Madame" do Vlctorlca, Rodlger, Robinson, Fricke and Kipper pleaded "not guilty" to both indictments be fore Judge Augustus N. Hand and were remanded to the Tombs to await trial today. » O'Leary, now wanted on three cbarges, and Ryan have not been ap prehended. The treason conspiracy Indictment charges that "Madame" de Vlctorlca and Rodlger, "from April 6, 1917, to the date of the presentation and filing of this indictment, were enemies o| the United States and spies for and secret representatives, secret agents and secret employes of said Imperial Oerman and still are. After naming Ryan, O'Leary, Rob inson, Fricke, Kipper, Binder and Schweitzer «a citizens owing allegi ance to the United States, the indict ment charges that they "and divers other persons within and without th« United States" whose names are un, known, conspired to commit treason. In that they "would knowingly and wilfully adhere and give aid and com fort" tp the Oerman government, and to Madame de Vlctorlca and Rodlgei by sending to the Oerman government communications "connected with and In prosecution of. the war," receiving from Oerman officials communications "connected with and in promotion of the war" and by furnishing money and credits to Rodlger and de Vlctorlca; by concealing the presence and actlvi ties of the two alleged from American authorities and/by furnishing messen gers to the two suspects. SUBMARINES CHASE TRANSPOPRT 12 HOURS An Atlantic Port —The story of a attack* they captured the Tillage* of transport's race up the Atlantic coast Mery, Belioy nad St. Maure and alto , closely hugging the coast, with dark, pressed forward and gained a footing ' ened lights at night and under a full In the village of Marquegllse, the lait pressure of stqam in order to elude named place representing the deepest Oerman U-boats, at least two of whom point of pentratlon since the offebdve gare chase, were told by men on ihor* began—between fve and (Is mile*. I leave here. The French *tlll are exacting a 1 Members of the crew declared heavy toll to live* from the Oerman* that they were warned in ample time a* they deliver their attack* In wave* by wireless of the nearness of the sea and are giving ground only when wolves and were advised to keep In forced to do so under superiority of close to the coast and to make all numbers. Nowhere has the enemy possible speed to this port. They lib. been able to pierce the front, which ed in return that the ship bd met at ha* been sent back in perfect order once by American destroyer*. whenever the necessity arose MOVE TO REDUCE COST OF FOOD TO CONSUMER Washington.—A country-wide move to reduce the cost of food to the con sumer and standardise methods ot compelling the observance by dealers of "fair price lists" was ordered by Food Administrator Hoover. Lists will be published In every county, town and city and consumers will be asked to cooperate with offi cials In forcing merchants to bring their prices to a uniform level. LLOYD GEORGE PRAISES VALOR OF AMERICANS London. —* Premier David Lloyd George, In replying to a toaat to the success of the entente silled arms at the dinner to the Printers' Society of London, said that Britishers have made sacrifices for a great purpose and * high Ideal. One of the most en couraging things, the premier contin ued, was the "superb valor ard the trai.icd oklll with which the Amerl eat.n have taken their part In the struggle. You Can Cure Tbtt Backache. Pain along thm bach, dlulniaa. taadieba ipA imintr*! languor. o»i * package of Motlter Gray's Auatrallt I aaf, HieVieuMi « root and s» rb our* for k'klaajr. Madder ai 4 Urinary inmhlea. Wh jo you feel all ruo dovn, tir.d. weak aixl without enargy ese»al. remarkable combination r nature. harb« and ruota As a n gulator It baa as I" 1 - *oUt; Or.» s Australian Lrtl la old by Drugglula or »»nt by mall for Mints amplr srit frr*. Addr»aa.TlM MoUmt ra y Co.. I • Eat .1. T. SI BSCHIBK FOR THE CI LEANER, IDE MM TOW AMERIGMIS OVERSEA SAKKR TILLS "SLUE DEVILS" THAT NUMBER HAS SAILED FOR PRANCE. ALPINE CHASSEURS FAREWELL War Secretary Says Hsrsaftsr Ws Are Gfelng to Ballsvs In Strength of Morsl Force. Washington. More than 700,009 American soldiers hsve gone overseas to carry back to France the encour agement and sssistance which Lafay ette and Roehambeau brought to America, Secretary Baker told the French Alpine Chassears la bidding them farewell hers at the base of the Washington monument. The war secretary's last announce ment some weeks sgo concerning the size of the Americkn forcss abroad was 600,000 men had sailed for ths battle front. Ths Alpine Chasseurs, better know* as the "Blue Devils" of France, cams to America last month to assist la the third Liberty loan campaign and since have toured the south and mid dle west; They were reviewed and received by the secretar yof war befors leaving tot their naUve land. "You soldiers ot Franc*," said Mr. Baker, in addressing the chasssars, "came to this country In order that the people of America might see with their own eyes in your persons the kind of men who hare written a new page In-the record ot human heroism and sucpess. You were welcomed In this country from on* end ot It to the other. r "You going back to your own country—stWl, thank Ood, your own— and when you get there you will And that the small beginning of our army which you left there has grown Into a mighty manifestation. When you left France, the American army was there in small representation, but now more than 700,0W Americans have sailed from their qbore to carry back to your army and your people the en couragement and assistance which La Fayette and Rochf mbeau brought to America In the early and struggling daya of American freedom. "Instead of bellevlnr In mere physi cal force, hereafter, we "are going to believe in the strength of-moral force. JAPANESE TO TAKE \ HAND IN SIBERIA Harbin, Manchuria.—Although It has been reported that General Bem enott, commander ot the forcea operat ing against bolshevlki In, Siberia, Is hourly expecting Japanese troops to support him, there Is no confirmation that these troops actually are on (ke way. It has been learned, howevMv that strong recommendations hav* been made by the diplomatic corps for the Immediate Intervention ot the Japanese In the face'of the growing Oermaa menace. These recomm«nda> tlons have been forwarded to the gov ernments of the respective diplomats, including the Washington government. LGROUND GAINED BY GERMANS Che Germans In the canter of their new attack on the front between Mont dldler and Noyon bare gained addi tional (round against the French, but on both the right and left wings they are being held. In violent successive FIRES AT SUBMARINE An Atlantic Port.—Aa American transport llred Ave shots at a Oermaa submarine 75 miles off the Jersey coast, with unknown resells, acoerd lng to Information brought here. The freight ship, sighted the submarine soon after 10 o'clock. Immediately full speed ahead was ordered. A few minutes later a United Steles army transport, opened Are on the subma rine. OERMAN U-BOAT ON THIS SIOE MO FEET LONQ Newport News, V»—One ml the Otr- BUI U-boata operating off the Atlantic coax U ISO feet long, carries two t lock COM and 76 moo and U proteet od with a hoary belt of armor a bore ty water Una, according to a uuua who waa held prisoner on the under water craft several days. The sea man aays 4* talked with a member of the er«*r aad waa Informed that too U-boat had bean In these waters aboM Us days. WANTED I • c Ladlte or men witn rig* or auto mobile* to represent a Southern Company. Those wllh selling ex perience preferred, tho' not neces sary. Faat aellin; proposition. Brand new article. Execiljn' pay for hustler*. Address Mr, Greg ory, 160 4th Ave. N Nashville, Toon. GBAHAM, N. C., TWBBDAY, JUNE 13,1918 NORTH CAROLINA "OVER THE TOP' IN WAR SAYINGS STAMPS JUNE 28 President Wilson Proclaims Jons 28 National War Savings Day.—Governor Blckett Designates Jane 23-28 War Bav # infs Week.—Every Person Will Be Asked to Pledge. The next big campaign that mmt be put over with the lint success that met the recent Red Croaa and Liberty Loan drive* U th» War Savings Cam paign. This mnat be done, President Wilson says, on or before Friday, JUM 28. He has proclaimed that day National War Havings Day and has called oa every man, woman and child to subscribe all that In hla honest opinion he will be able to pay during the remainder ot the year to the War Saving* Cam »algn. . * When Mr. Vanderlip and his associate* decided over a month ago that •he War Saving* Campaign ihould be made to go "over the top" now, Imtead •f taking a year and a month to do It, tbey sought a plan by which this could be done. The State ot Nebraska furnished the plan, for this state had already subscribed several million* dollar* over It* quota and had ralsd over BO per cent of It* *ale*. . Mr. Vanderlip at once aet about to know how Nebraaka did It. He called Into conference Mr. 'Ward M. Burgeis, Stat* Director of War Saving* for Nebraska, and Mr. Klddow, Mr. Burg***'a right-hand man. Together they atudled the plan In the light of a national plan, and with the experience of the two men who had worked It to a successful issue, they obviated mlatake* and such feature* as to make It even more thorough and practlceable for other State*. Comequently, not only North Carolina but other state* of the Union have been aaked to adopt this plan and put over the War Savlnsg Campaign June 11. When 001. F. H. Fries, War Saving* Director of North Carolina, was called to New York ceveral week* ago, with other *tate director*, to hav* this plan put before them, he was asked if North Caffollna could do It. "Sure," ■aid Colonel Fries, "what Nebraaka can do. North Carolina can do. Well put It over if It take* all the bunting aad the flag* and the drum* In the whole South to do It." With thi* conviction and determination, Colonel Frle* came back and set about tr perfecting the plan* to make them most suitable to North Carolina condition*. These plans have been presented through conferences held at convenient placee la the atate to the county chairmen aad other War Savings Workers. Every county chairman has in his hand* a detailed copy of the plans, and be has been advised to follow the In*traction* step by step as given \hlm to avoid confusion and to do the work with the' greatest possible eaae aad efficiency. Only one important change la the national plan did Colonel Friee think belt to make for North Carolina. That was to make the campaign last a week Instead of a day. Therefore, the week beginning June 21 contlaulng through June 21 has been dealgnated as North Carolina War Savings Week. The dovernoraof North Carolina has issued a proclamation oalllng for every citizen of the state to observe this week as War Bavlnge Week by subeeiib- Ing at this time all that he will be able to buy during the remainder of the year. The week begin* on Sunday, June 23. with a state wide appeal for War Savings la the churches and Sunday Schools. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, a house-to-house canvass will be made In every township la the State to secure War Savings pledges. Every taxpayer or householder will make his pledge or give his excuse for not doing so. A record of every per son's pledge will be taken aad kept. Oa Friday, June It, the drive will cul minate In a War Savings rally held at every school house in the state. The State Director has called on every person In the school district to attend this meeting either to celebrate the occasion of the township's subscribing its quota or if that be not the rase, to finish raising its quota. In other word*, there is but one thing for any township to do on that day, and that Is to sub scribe Its quota to the War Savings Campaign. Likewise, there is but ooe thing for every parson to do. and that Is to do hft duty to tha War Havings Campaign, which Is his utmost. The Government expects no less of svery man, woman and child In the state on this occasion. THE PRISIDIMTB WAR SAVINGS PROCLAMATION All Cltlxena Aaked to Piedg eto Sav* and Buy War Savings Stamp* Jun* 28. 'This war I* one of Nations, not of armies, and all of our «ne hundred mil lion p*opl* must be economically and Industrially adjusted to war condi tion* if thla Nation I* to play It* full put-in the conflict. The problem be fore us U not primarily a financial pffclwn. but rather a problem of In ereased production of war eaaentlalc aad the caving of the material* and the labor n*ce**ary for the support u>d equipment of our Army and Navy. Thoughtless expenditure of mooey for Boa-essentials uses up the labor of man. the products of U>e farm, mlnec aad factories, aad overburden* trans portation, all of which most be need to the atmost aad at their best for var purpose*.-* The great reeult* which we aeek can ha obtained only by th* participation »f ararr mam bar of tha aatlon, yonng aad eld, la a National concerted Thrift ■onqrat' I tharafora urga that our people ererywhera pledge thamaalvaa aa aug(«*at*d by tha Secretary of tha Traaatry to th* praetle* of Thrift, to **rr* th* Oorernaient to thalr ataaeat fa* la«r*aaln« production ta all field* ■*c—lary to th* wtaatac of th* war. HAS GOOD OPINION OF CHAM BBRLAI.VN TABLETS. "Chamberlain's Tablet* are a wonder. I never sold anything to beat them,!' write*. P. 11. Treaaev Richmond, Ky. Wh-n troubled with Indigestion or con*tl|>ation (five them a trial. TTie Huns are perfuming their poisonous Rase*. but if covered with rotten the liana would still amell to heaven to conserve food and fuel, and useful materials of every kind, to devote their labor only to the most necessary tasks, and to buy only those things which are essential to Individual health and efficiency, and that the people as evidence of their loyalty la vest all that they can aave In Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps. Tha securities Issued by the Treasury De partment are so many of them within the reach of every one that the door of opportunity In thla matter is wlda open to all of ua. To practlca Thrift In peace times Is a virtue, and brlnga great benefit to the individual at all times. With the desperate need of the civilised world today for mater ials and labor with which to end the war, the practice of individual Thrift la a patriotic duty and a neceaalty. "I earnestly appeal te every man, woman and child to pledge themeeivea en er before the twenty-eighth of June to aave constantly and te buy aa regu larly aa poeelble tha aecurttlee ef the Government and t* do thla ae far aa possible through membership In War Savlnge Societies. The twenty-eighth ef June ende thle Special period ef en listment In the groat volunteer army of production and saving her* at homo. May tharv be nana unenlieted en that day." (Signedj WOODROW WILSON. HOUR STOMACH. Thl* is a mild form of indiges tion. It is usually brought on by eating too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your diges tive organs. If you will eat slow ly, maatioato your food thoroughly and eat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the spiy stom ach wlthotit taking any medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach take one of Chamberlain'a Tablets to aid digestion.. AMERICAN MARINES DRIVE ENEMY BACK RESPONSIBLE FOR CHANOE ON ONE OP THE MOST IMPO*> BERLIN REPORTS "HQ CRARBE" Germans Compelled to Rslnforos Front—Msy Attack Othsr Amer losn Sectors. Although the latest German official communication announce! that the altuatlon on the battle (root la un changed, there has been a7!hange on one of the most Important sector* In PI card jr. And American marines were responsible (or It. Attacking on a front of about two and one-half mllea In a light that be gan Tharsday with the break of dawn, the marines In four hours drove back the enemy over a distance of virtually two and one-quarter miles and occu pied all the important high ground northwest of Chateau Thierry, which Tillage la a previous light the Ameri can machine gunners had turned Into •hambles by the accuracy of their aim aa the Germans tried to wrest • bridge from them. After » breathing space, the Ameri cans late In the afternoon returned to thefray and at laat accounts hard fighting was In progress tor this Im portant sector, which cpmminds the Marne at that part of the front where the battle line swings eastward toward Rhelms. The marines took 100 Ger mans prisoner In the early encounter, while the French troops on their left also gained an advantage over the en emy and made 1(0 of hla men cap tive*. So hard pressed have the Oermans been by the attacks of the Americans In the Chateau Thierry sector during the lait few days that they have been compelled strongly to reinforce their front, using three divisions of plcksd troops In an attempt to bold back the men from ove«*eaa. Thus far, bow ever, their efforts have been unavail ing. The Americans could not be denied their objectives. To the northwest around Vaully-La- Poterle, where recently the American* have dealt the German several savage blows and captured portions of the terrain they were occupying the en emy now seems fearful of another on slaught and is deluging the region with shells. No Infantry attacked by either side baa been reported, OPEN WARFARE TO ■■ •TRESSED IN CAMPS Washington.—American troops In training at home are being especially schooled now in preparation (or the forward movo of the allied armies ex pected to follow the ultimate crushing of Germany's offensive power. It was learned that orders hare been issued to division commanders to lajr greater stress upon training for open warfare, and reduce the time devoted to teach ing trench specialties. The nlen are being hardened to long marches, given target practice without end and thor oughly trained to take care of them selves In the give and take of open combat. Military observers say this change In the midst of the greatest ef fort of the German general staff of the entire war speaks significantly of the spirit of confidence that pervades the councils aad armies of the Amer icans and the allies. KIQHT BILLIONS BY TAXATION PLAN OF SECRETARY M'ADOO Washington. Secretary McAdoo recommended In a latter to Chairman Kltchln, of the bouse ways and means committee, that the new revenue bill be drafted to raise M,000,#00,000 by taxation, one-third of the estimated $>4,000,000.0)4 expenditures In the fis cal year I*ll. Ha also recommended that a new war profits tax be estab ed at a high rate to be superimposed upon existing excess profits taxes; that the normal Income tax on unearn ed incomes be raised; and (list heavy taxation be Imposed on luxuries. BRITISH SHIP BUNK BY GERMAN U-BOAT. Waahlngton.—Sinking of the Brltlah ateamsblp llarpathlan 100 miles off the Virginia capea waa announced at the navy department. The entire crew waa rescued by the steamer I'al mer. which arrived la Chesapeake bay. The submarine used a torpedo On* member of the Rrlltsh crew was In jured The llarpathlan waa a freight er of 2.D04 net tons. Only meager de talla had reached the department at laat report. SUBMARINE KPFORTS FUTILE •AYS POOD SECRETARY. Washington —Organliatlon of "I* yelopment battallona" at ayary na tional army, national guard and ragu lar army camp waa ordered by (ha war departmerit Th*** new unlta are dealgnated to take over all men not lmm*dlt*ly It for earyle*. with a rlaw to glrln* them Intenalve train ing to overcome their fault*, mental or pfcyiical. or to eliminate auch a* are unlit for either combatant or nn«i •ombatant rrle*. CASTOR IA For lafaata and Children In UM For Ov«r 30 YMI-S Great Britain ha* planted 100,- 000 Additional acres in Irish pota toes and Ireland 120,000 acres additional. BERMHS LMINCH NEW OFFENSIVE •■TWKIN MONTDIDIER AND NOV. ON OVER FRONT OP ABOUT TWENTY MILES. HUES IRE NOT SURMISED Fighting D*elar*d to be of Extromoly Sanguinary Character Qulot North of Mama. Tha armlM of Crown Prince Rap praeht of Bavaria again ara hitting tha alllad line in a new offenilve with Parli apparently their objectlvo. Between Montdidier and Noyon over a front of about 20 miles pre ceded aa usual by a heavy bombard ment with ihella of all callbors and with nozloua gaaaa, the enemy'a ini tial maneuver evidently haa In view the bending back of the ah.ed frort toward the town of St. Juit on the northern wing and toward the rail road junction of Compeigne on the aouthern flank, getting aatrlde of Olse river ad driving southwest to ward the French capital. .. . The French' troopi are resisting the Impact with their aiual valor, but the Oermani on their right and la the canter have been able to penetrate the line for dlataneee ranging from two-thlrd« of a mile aouth of Mont didier to relatively two and a half miles at Reaaona-Bur-Mats, in the center. Thence to Noyon, however, the allied line Is holding strongly. If success should rest with th* en emy on th* new battl* front. It po*- slbly might badly a(T*ct the stability of the lino of the defenders from th* Ols* to th* Marne and compel a tail ing westward from ths Olm to the region of the Marne northwest of Chateau Thierry In order to straighten out the deep salient that would then project eastward with the Bolsaons sector *s Its apex. The allied commauders, It Is aa- Mrted, were not taken unawares by the new offensive. Oa tha other hand they bad anticipated, since the fail ure of the army of the Oerman crown prince to gain lta objectives between Solssons and the Marne and thence en the southern part of the line run ning to Rhelms that the Oerman high command would decree another ma neuver it the north and prepaiatlona accordingly were made to withstand the sh~ck Tha fighting Is of extremey tan gulnary character, and Wiiat'nor It w.'ll be conflned to the area a', present af fected rimLlna to be aeon. A* last ac counts It had not spread nor.h of Montdidier. U. S. CASUALTIES IN FRANCS THUS FAR TOTAL 7.SIS Washington - Casualties among th* Amarlcan expeditionary forces thua far reported by Oeneral Persblng total 7,111, the war department announced In making public the first of regular weekly summaries of casualtlea. Deaths in action and from wound*, diseases, accidents and all other causes number 2,027, while 4,046 men have been wounded and 342 are miss ing In action, Including men held prla oners In Oermany. The departments recapitulation follows: Killed in action'. Including 291 at sea), 1.033. Died of disease, 1 192. Died of accidents and other eausea, 192. Wounded In action, 4.oit. Missing in action (Including pris oners), 342 Total, 7,318 SLACKERS AND DESERTERS HIDING IN ALABAMA Bcottsboro, Ala. —A gang of slackors and deserters, who are said to have organised a band to res.st capture, are hiding In the faatnesses of Band mountain near bare and officers are preparing to swoop down upon their lair. DEALERS AND CONSUMERS CLAMOR FOR SUPPLIES WaslilugtAs. Curtailment of th* production of leas essential articles has greatly atlmulatad the demand for them. The monthly buslncsH ootid! tlons report of tbo~ federal ree*T* board/says retail dealers and constant •rs clamor to raupplies before their are exhausted and place abnormally large orders, which manufacturer* ara unable to (111 This has been true of th* demand for pianos, talking ma chines and other musical inntruments. JAPANESE SHIP STRIKES ON LEDOE IN DENSE FOO A Paclllc Port. —Btrlklng on a lodge In a dense fog off the North Pacific coaat the Japaneae freighter Aikoka Maru, said to be the first Jupanes* vessel taken over by the United States shipping board. Is in a preca rious condition and may slip off to d ep water at high tide, according to a ntesasg* received by merchants' ex cham The vessel which recently ar rived here with cargo for the Orient wa* turned over to th* shipping board. ,WB HAVE THE EARLIEST. lllO gest, high class Strawberry grown. Also th* Best one or the ever bearing kinds; bears the brst I la yered berries from Spring until the snow flic*. Free Booklet. Wake field Plant Farm, Charlotte, North Carolina. ITfebSt Luther Burbank took the "aplne" out of the mctua. Pitv he cant put a aplne into some individuals. NO. 18 GRAHAM CHUBCH tl IHEfTftlvM Graham Baptist Church—Rev. U. Weston, Pastor. Preaching every first and thfnH Sundays at 11.00 a. m. und 7 - oa BflH Sunday School' every Sunday iH 9.45 a. m. W. I. Ward, Supt. Prayer maetitig every 7.30 p. m. ___________ graham Christian Church— Street—ReV. P. C. Lester. Preaching service* every See*9 ond and fcourth Sundays, at Sunday School every Sunday at I 10.00 a. M.—W. R. Harden, Super-. ,1 intendent. New Providence Christian Church —North Main Street, near Depot— g Rev. P. C. Lester, Pastor. Preach- .t u>g every Second and Fourth Sun- 3 day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at ».46 a. m._J, A. BayUff, Superin- m tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet- '% tag every Thursday night at 7.45. ' o'clock. it '*jends—Worth of Qraham Pub-• lie School, Rev. JohiT M. Pertnar/g Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Bun- S days at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. in. j Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.—Belle Zachary, Superin- ' : «Ss tendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday « evening at 7.30 o'clock. V. Spiscopoaouth—cor. 1 Main and Maple Streets, Rev. D. i? E. Ernhart, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.09 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 1 9.45 a. m.—W. B. Green, Supt. M. P. Church-N. Main Street,-J| Rev. R. S. Troxler, pastor. Preaching first and third »uo- M da y« at 11 a. m. aud 8 ;p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.46 a. m.—J. L. Amick, Supt, _ Presbyterian-Wst Elm Street-. Rev. IT. M. McConnell, pastor! Sunday School every Sunday at m.—Lynn B. Williamson, Su- . perlntendent. r P u? ,b /. t * riaD T ravor " Chapel)— J. W, Clegg, paator. J >re 'u Ch ' D * J ,ver y Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.50 p. m. 3 Sunday Sch'ool every Sunday at »sS M 0 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. . . . _ SAB PROFESSIONAL CARDS E. C. DERBY I Civil Engineer. GRAHAM, N.C. Nalloaal Mial Sleasaae* BURLINGTON, N. C, ***~" ■-« "-■*-,■! H M || frtltfM '>l 'f*Ml 47* JOHN J. HENDERSON Alloncy-al-Uw QRAHAM. N. C. Mllee ever Nallaaal luk ml "— rl ra ..H J"* s. c ooic, j Atterney-at- Law, 3RAHAM, N. C. : Pattoraon Building HcconU Klcor. Oft. WILL S.LMG, JR. ' * • • DgWTI »T . • . Irsksm, - - - - North Carellaa OFFICE MSJMMONS BUILDING ACOB A. LORO. J. ELMKB LOM | LONG * LONG, 4ttorn«7i And Counaelora at Law GRAHAM, N. C. JOH N H. VERNON - Attorney and ('ouDiclor-iUlav PONUK-Ottee a&j He. Idem* 33) Uuklinuton, N. C. DR. G. EUGENE HOLT Osteopathic Physician *l. UtMn.llul KtlUstllislklMa BURLINOTON, N C. Stomach and Nervous disease* a Specialty. 'Phones, Office 305,—re* idence, 302 J. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS Thin book, entitled as above, conUtlnH over 200 memoirs of Min isters •in the Christian Church with historical references. Aw Interesting volume—nicely print* ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gi.'i top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be ■tent to P, J. KERNODLB, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. Call and Get Your Vest Pocket j j - j We are pleased to advise onr adult readers that they can call at thia office and secure free of"charge, a uaeiul Vest Pocket Memorandum ' Book, full of valuable information ) Call quick before they run oat. $lOS—Dr. B, Detchon's Anti-Die- M retic may be worth mora to yofeifl —more to you than SIOO if yaiafll have a child who soils the bed-1 ding from incontinence of water® during steep. Cure* old and young % ' alike. It arreata the trouble at ii once. SI.OO, Sold by Qraham Dnuffl . Company,

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