THE GLEANER GRAHAM,N. P., June 16,1918. Postoftice Horn. omo OP^B».a. toT.OOp. nu foafej«JW toll-no*. A. atMIiJP to«.00p. m J. M. MeC&ACKBN. PMtmMter. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. . 001 NO (AST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a- m. " 108 " 9:17 «* " 22 " 5:00 p.m. OOINO WEBT—• No. 11l (mixed) due 5:21 a. m. . "-'••• 21 " 11:13 " " 139 " JB:16 p m. Ail trains carry mail, and Nos. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦♦♦♦♦«}•» *+++++++++++++++ ♦ ♦ ♦ LOCAI. .NEWS. ♦ ♦ ' + +++++++-H-+++++ —Quite a'number of townspeople had official cards on Sunday morn ing announcing the saf« arrival of soldier toys in France. —Wheat bar veto, is ou this week in real earnest ami farmers are ex .ceedingly busy. There is sotne excellent wheat,-but some of it is not aa good as it promixed to be about three weeks ag>. •r Army Trucks Pass. This afternoon twenty-four heavy army tracks passed through Graham on the way from Portsmouth, Va., to Camp Jackson, S. C. Chautauqua In Burlington. Chautauqua opened in Burlington last night and will continue for a week. The program consists of an aggregation of fine musicians and lecturers. The lecture subjects are such as appeal to the people at this time. » %. Eclipse. Last Saturday afternoon there was an eclipse of the sun that was total along a belt extending.from Florida to th» State of Washington. The snn's disc was more - than three fourths obscured here and at one time, more than an hour before sun set it was almost as dark as it is at ■unset. Colored Men Called. , Below is the list of colored men ordered to report to the Local Board for Alamance county, Gra , ham, N. C., June 18, 1918, for en- Ira inment on June 19th, 1918, for Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky.: 834 John Graham Latta, 712 317 Melvin Ward, 1981 1238 Wade Alston, 1584 1284 Lonnie Whittemore, 1844 1410 John Johnson, 1920 1430 John Madfcins, 483 1438 Grover Graves, 1598 1463 Sylvester Maynara, 1938 1468 William Woods, 1382 Registration for Additional School , Tax Election. Tomorrow, June 14th, the regis tration books will open for the regis tration of voters for the election to be held oa Tuesday, July 2nd, to vote oa the qnestioa of an additional levy of taxes in Graham for school purposes. The books close June 21st. Mr. John M. Crawford is the registrar. Lunch For Confederate Veterans Jul# 4th. The Gnham Chapter U. D. C. met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. U. W. Scott. After the usual business of the meeting was finished, plans wpre disused for a lunch to be given Confederate veterans on July 4th. After this a short me • morial exercise in honor of Jellorson Davis was held. Sugar Consumption Regulated—Two Pounds to Town and Five to Coun try Consumers Other Restric • tions. The followtog telegram dated at Raleigh yesterday and received this morning by County Food Adminis trator Lynn B. Williamson from State Food Administrator Ilenry A. Page explains itself and dealers and consumers will be governed thereby: "Announce to all dealers through local papers or otherwise maximum quantities of Bugar that may be sold reduced to five pounds for country consumers, two pounds to town con- pounds for can ning aud preserving purposes only upon certificates; do not wish pre serving and canning restricted, but desire utmost c ire iu use of sugar. I idividuuls requiring more than twenty-five pounds at one time will be allowed to purchase only upon approval of County Food Adminis tration. Instruct all dealers to keep detailed record of every sale * Jol sugar from this date." Each retail dealer must keep record of each sale of surgar with name of customer, date sold, pounds •old, and price charged. Eg \ Are you fighting fliea'( If not, why? They are peata tliat polute food and spread diwease. It ia of the utmost importance that the very beat of health prevail. Keeping the family well insures the ability of each member to do aome aervice. If a member of tbe family be aick, that member will not be able to do any sort of productive mrk; and it ia entirely probable that one or more of the family will be re quired to wait apon and care for the aick one, beaidee the expense of medicine of phyaiciaa's bills. The cost of aickmaa, therefore, mounts high. Tbe fly ia an ally of the Hun. The Gosernmeut ia apetding billions to relieve the wjrld of the menace of tha Ha i. The fly ally ia attacking . -e»ery hom* in thit country and every m imbjr o' evdry f unily eh Jul 1 wage a detth-Jaliig war agViott this PERSONAL. + tl lIHIIIIII 1111 I I I I Il lit Miss Annie Laurie Farrell ia visit ing in Greensboro. ' Mr Manly Lewis of Newlin town ship ia in town today. Miss Brace Walker, near McCray, waa in town Tuesday. Mr. T. C. Carter of Mebane was here Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mra. J. K. Mebane spent the week-end in Mebane. Miss Louise Moore of Charlotte spent Sunday at her home here. Mlbs Flonie Cooper of Raleigh spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Will K. White returned Monday from a visit to Morganton. Mr. F. W. Graves of Mebane was a business visitor in Graham this morning. Dr. Mrs. J. N. Taylor and children left Monday for a week at Beaufort. Mr. Coy Williams after spending two weeks with his parents here left Tuesday for Selma. » Miss Bronna Coble of Asheboro spent Tuesday and Wednesday here with Mrs. J. K. Mebane. Rev. E. L. Weston of Burgaw is spending the week here with his brother, Rev. L. U. Weston. Miss Mary Ruth Johnston came home last week from Thomasvillp where she has been teaching. Miss Lorena. Kernodle arrived home Friday night frjm Qastonia where she taught the past year. Miss Marce Goley returned home the part of the_ week from High Point, where she taught the past session. Mr. Edwin D. Scott returned yes terday evening from Augusta, Ga , to where he accompanied Mrs. Scott two weeks ago. Mr. J. Elm?r Long returned this morning from a visit of a few days to the home of Mrs. Thos. L. Peay neas Pittsboro. Mr. and Mrs. G. Oroon Rogers of Sanford arrived Wednesday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Rogers, near here. Miss Mary \yeeks of Greenville was here last Thursday and Friday visiting Mrs. J. J. Henderson. She left Friday afternoon for Goldsboro. « « Mrs. Grant Estlow and daughter, Miss Lenora, returned Monday from May's Landing, New Jersey, where they had beenj spending several months'with relatives. Prof. Zeno H. Dixon of Elkin was in Graham Tuesday. He had been on a visit to relatives in the Snow Camp community, where he was born and reared. NEWS OF SOLDIER BOYS, Mr. Murphy Nicholson, at Camp Sevier, is here on a ten-day furlough visiting 'his father, Mr. A. B. Nichol son. Mr. Clifford Cooke, stationed at Ft. Caswell with the Coast Artillery, who had been here on a short fur lough, returned Saturday. Lieut. J. D. Kernodle, Jr., recent ly transferred from Camp Jackson to Camp Sevier, has been transfer red from the latter to Camp Pike, Littlo Rock, Ark., to the Advanced Officers' Training Camp. It is learned that tbe members oi the Headquarters Co., 120 th I aft., who spent about 6ix weeks here last Summer, have all landed in France. Mr. Ben. Johnston, son of Mr. Chas. D. Johnston, who left for Camp Thomas, ]£y., April 4th, is now in France. Mr. Otis EdwarJs is now with the 113 th Machine G in Bat. in Frarci Graham Red Cross Work, j -Twenty-four earnest workers were present at tha lied Cross work room Tuesday, as follows: Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mrs. W. R. Goley. Mrs. H. W. Scott, i Mrs. J. W .Menefee. Mrs. J. K. Mebane. Mrs. C. H. Phillips. Mrs. W. T. Ezell. Mrs. J. D. Kernodle. Mrs. E. S. Parker. Jr. Miss Ida Scott. Mrs. W. E. Thompson. Mrs. R. B. Tate. Mrs. C. A. Thompson. Mrs. J. A. Lonfc. Mrs. W. E. White. Mrs. J. D. T/ce Mrs. Z. E. Ward. Mrs. Poy Long. Mrs. Mcßride Holt. Mrs. Walter R Harden. Miss Minnie Long. Miss Marce Ooley. Miss Eleanor Williamson. About eight suits of pajamas were entirely finished, and a number of single garments, and several partly finished. More and more interest is being shown in this work, but every woman and girl in Graham is asked to come and take advantage of this opportunity to help our soldier* and sailors Work room open on TIIM lay all day from !) to (I. Card of Thanks. I We wisli tii t'miik tho fiiruds, neiglibois and loved ni h who gave their love, sympathy and kind assist ance to tin in and during tbe time of the recent illness and Heath our of dear daughter and nibter, Mollie Clendenin. FATHER, MOTHKK, SISTKBS AND BROTHEB.S. [ 1 if' your children I ARE DELICATE OR FRAIL I tmdmr-uze or xxndtr-umght remember — Scott'* Emulsion is nature's grandest growing food; it strengthens'then bones, □lakes healthy blood and pro motes sturdy growth. Sentt a aiwww. alcomflcM. »■ J. Big Fire b Burlington Boras M. B» Lindsev's Plant and Poor Big Brick Buildings. Fire broke oat in the lumber plant of M. B. Lindaey in Burling ton yesterday morning and destroy ed his machinery and a big lot of and gutted four big brick bnildings which were formerly oc cupied by the railroad ahopsoF the North Carolina Railroad Co. Mr. Lindsey'a lumber plant occu pied one of the buildings. He wan well equipped with wood-working machinery and had th msands of feel of dressed lumber in storage in the building. His loas is between $25,- (XX) and $30,000, with SS,(XX) insu rance, and represents his efforts for years. Another building contained vast quantities of records belonging to the Southern Railway Co., several car loads of which were stored there but a few dnys ago. The four bnildings contained the shops of the N. C. R. R. Co. before the road was leased to the old Rich mond & Danville R. R. Co. and later to the Southern. Thev are of massive construction and the loas on them will amount to a good many thousands. They were erected nearly sixty years ago, and no doubt at that time were the largest brick buildings in the State. The fire is reported to have started from an exposed electric wire. Graham's Fire Company respond ed to a call for help, but they nor the Burlington .firemen could do much on account of the long dis tance from water connections Booze Plants Destroyed. Sheriff Story and Deputies Stock ard and llensley have have had a busy time for the pa t.week smash ing booze plants. Last Thursday the? raided one near the Guilford line. No still was found but the other equipment was there and demolished. On Saturday, not far from Bur lington, a welt furnished plant WUB laid to waste. A big copper still was taken in tow and several stands of beer were cut down. Another plant, complete with -top per still and coolers, corn mill, corn and malt was found in Faucette course the equipment was confiscated. Only one person was taken—not fleet-footed enough to out-run the officers. There appears to be quite a lot of blockading going on. The stuff at S2O to S3O a gallon offers such fas cinating profits that some cannot forego the temptation to make a "scoop." Black Walnut Timber Needed. The Agricultural Extensfcm Ser vice is going on a hant in the State for a supply of black walnut which is one of the most valuable timbers for the manufacture of air plane prope'lers and gnn stocks. Those farmers Of the State who have black walnut timber are urg ed to write to the Farm Forestry Division of the Extension Service, giving the quality, size and Quan tity of this timber. The War Department, the Forest ry Department of the Government and all the States and Boy Scouts, have all joined to find the black walnut timber. It is much needed, and very valuable in th 9 prosecu tion of the war. It can no longer be found in abundance, must oe culled, often as single trees from mixed hard wood forest growths. Individual trees may be found as far east as Connecticut, northward in New York to and beyond the Canadian line, southward almost to the Gulf of Mexico, and westward far into the Prairie States. The Ohio ana Mis sissippi Valley States, the Middle Atlantic States, and the Southern Appalachian region, however, are expected to furnish the bulk of the supply. Much of the available back wal nut is in farmers' woodlands. Trees from 12 inches in diameter up can be utilized. A good market awaits this clas of timber. The farmers of North Carolina can thus help materially in' the success of the War Department's construction pro gram, and at the same time, bene fit themselves in a financial way. Standardize Food Prices To The Consumer. A country-wide move to reduce the cost of food to the consumer and standardize methods ol com pelling the observance by dealers of "fair price-lists," has been or dered by Food Administrator Hoover. Lists will be published in every county, trfWn and ci'y and consu mers will asked to co-operate \Cith officials In forcing mei chants to bring their prices to a uniform level. If this can be accomplished, a statement issued by thi Food Ad ministration says, the average buy er will not only be protected but the patriotic merchant who has fol lowed the Fowl Administration's suggestion* regarding prices will be protected against th • unscrupj lous dealer wh'» hat attempted in take advantage of th? situation. In carrying out the ni>w ntinU ardization plan, thi* aJm n ttra.'ion will establish price interpreting committees composed of represent atives of wholesalers, rc t fil'rrj ana consumers. The boar) will deter mine fair retail pr ce» on basis com modities that cjnorisa a lirge part of the nation's diet. The published lists will g vu the of maximum sell.'n; prices, showing a reasonable mire which will reflect tha prices tha shoulo obtain in "cash and carry" stores and a higher price representing a fair ortee tor the "V-edit an I de liver" stores. The local adminis trator for each locality will act as chairman of the price board. Next Friday, 14th, is Flag Day, which will probably be more gen erally observed this year than usual. Hang out the flagtt. Fifty thousand persons are homeless as the result of a Are at Stamful, the Mohammedan section of Constantinople, Turkey. . --.v .■ • ' «■ 1 ! , 11 " ' ' ■ ■■! . I, . , ;j c - iKjf iJays of Jq y and Happiness Here. All Goods Must Be Sold BIG 7 - ' * -V,' | \ r Clean-up-Sale Come 10 Days of Bargains AT THE Fair Dept. Store GRAHAM BEGINNING Saturday, June 15 At 9 A. M., Sharp $15,000.00 Stock of-Men's And Ladies' Ready-to Wear These goods are fresh from the world's manufacturers, all bran new merchandise, and will be sold at a clean-up sale price. All we ask is that you come, times like this you need a sale, and these goods will be sold at a sacrifice. Tell your friends about it and come yourself. Remember the date, Saturday, June 15th, is the time and the Fair Department Store is the place. All $3.50 Ladies' Skirts this I All SO.OO Shoos or Oxfords,] sale only $1.89. black or tan, only $3.98. All $5.00 Boy's Pants, all All $2.50 Children's Oxfords, sizes, $3.39. .all styles, only $1.48. All $4.00 Ladies' shoes and All $2.75 Children's White Oxfords, all leathers, only $2.98. • Shoes, all sizes, only $1.09. Men's $4.00 Work Shoes, tan . DayS All $12.50 Ladies Dresses, all and black, all leathers, $2.89. OF BARGAINS spring styles, $7.89*. All Men's $18.50 suits, this DON'T '' AU32.50 Ladie«'WhiUiSkirts, sale only $».89. » all new styles $1 29. All $5.00 I tidies' Skirts only MISS TIIEM All $2.75 Men's Kants, all s''•49- —————————— sizes, to uleah up at $1.09. All SIB.OO Ladies' internes, ; All $2.75 Indies White Can- Georgettes, Crepes, etc., this ************************** vas Shoes and Oxfords, high or sale only $12.48. low heel,'only $1.74. All $2.50 Men's Hats this sale All $4.00 Men's Shoes, all only $1.48. (styles, to clean up $2.89. I Our entire stock goes on sale. Come, don't hesitate, for every piece of goods will be sold at a clean-up-price. Mark the date, Saturday, June 15, at 9 a. m. sharp, rain or shine. The Talk of the Town—Our Big 10-Day Sale—Come Fair Dept Store Graham, N. C. Next Door to Hayes Drug Co.—the Home of Good Drugs. I , ' Your Public Utilities. *: ; - T\ Use The Cars More. ALAMANCE RAILWAY COMPANY. Burlington, Graham, Haw River. . | H — • University Simmer Schools For Teachers - June 11-July 26 Law - - June 13-Aug. 23 Military Camp - June 14-July 26 Asheville, N. C. For Information Write ' University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. S You need it- WeseW it 9 Iff j THE"POCKET I SELF £f FILLING" Z£"'"W Fountain Pen V Z. T. HADLEY" IAST CO CET, EAST TO KEEP— USE "DIGKSTONEINE" AND WIN itilrl rc ief from heartburn, tour, (.'••SI etofnacli, dirnncM and other indigestion ills. Tone your entire tyitcm. atir up your aopetite by fol lowing the lead of trtouasnd*— , l/AV lAfi. UJIULULJIfII^s iy/ ** Tha Kmy to Rail*#" jHI t hare iwYrr faktt an/thln* that !•?»• m«t mk it qiilf k rHWf, ai>! 1 bafa »P»tt bnMr'il* ut ft" liar a with other *. have hoth*r#«l OT»r ffa yeara with vlul wa« |iroiKiuac«4 faalrltls I ale food that 1 ksaw *'« M ralw caa r*t% ntj atomae-h. ao to wir mir|ifl*«i utter haftof taken Ihe Onmrn ,4 fnt tr "MfretaMlDa" 1 had no tl«ir««a «haf»f«r. JAIf KM W. HTOKKM. CJallatlsa. Mo. jfcfcUZ&lsr TJttt; Hayes Drug (Company Graham •__ _ f 101 Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY. In the Superior Court— Herore the Clerk. Calvin 8. Whitted and wit*-, Robi Whitted. John 8. Whltied ana wife, Catherine Whitted, Dora M. Holt and husband, Sam'l Holt, v*. Spencer Thompson. Kali* Itosi ano husband. Will Hon*; Dais/ Shaw mil husband, Albert Shaw, Mag gie Wagstaff nml husband,, Sam uel Wugstaff, Saunders Thompson an'l wife, Willie Thompson. All of the respondents above named, and more particularly St.n uel Wagstall. Katie Rosi mil hus band, Will Ross, will take notice that a Spociil Proceeding, entitled as above, his been commence I in the Superior Court of Alamance county, tefore th t Clerk, for the purpose of obtaining an order o.' sale for division ot the real proper ty of the late George Whitted, sit uate in Melville township, sn:d county an I Stat"?, for division among his heirs-nt-law. AnTthe said respondents will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear at the officr of tnesaid Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance eojnty, at the court house in 0.-aham. on or before j Monday, the Ist day of July, 1118, and answer or demur to the peti-l tlon filed by the petitioners in said j Special Proceedings, or tha- said j petltipnera will apply to the court, for the relief demanded in said pe titlon. Done thia the 25th day of May, 1918. J. D. KERNODLE, June fl Clerk Superior Court. | Notice of Election and * New Registration of Voters in |own of Gra ham for special School Tax. At n regular meeting of the Mayor and Commissioners of the town of Qraham, a petition, with the proper number of signers, hav ing been presented requesting that u special election be held in saia town to determine the question a* to whether there should be levied, In addition to all other taxes at present levied In said town, a spe cial tax of not more than 16c on the (100 of property valuation, ana 45c on the taxable poll, the proceeds of said tax to be used exclusively for school purposes, i was ordered that such election be eailecf and held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of I July, 1918. For the purposes of said election, it was ordered that 1 new refla tion ot the voters of said town be had. For such election, John M. Crawford was appointed Registrar, and A. B. Nicholson and W. B. B. Green, poll holders. The election will be held in that room in the Northwest corner o? the court house where municipal elections ofe generally held, and and will be conducted under the • low regulating municipal elections. The registration books will be opened for registration of voters between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 5 o'clock P. M. on each day from June 14 to June 21, both dates inclusive; and on Saturday, June 15, they will be open from 9 o'clock A. M. until 9 o'clock P. M.. On Saturday, June 22 (the second Sat urday, before election), the regis tration books will be kept open at the polling place for the challeng ing of voters. Those persons favoring the levy ing ot such special tax, wijl vote a ballot upon which will be written or printed, on white paper, the words, "Pop Special School Tax." And those opposed to said tax will vote a like ballot upon which shall be written or printed, the words, "Against Special School Tax." In ail respects this election is called and held under th- pro-, visions of Chapter 102, of the Pub lic Laws of 1911 By order of the B jird of Com missioners of the Town of Gra ham, this the llth day of May, 1918. 1 R. O. POSTER, Clerk for the Board of Com'rs of Town of Graham, may lb td. NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL F.ST ATE UNDER DEED OP TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deea of trust executed by J. P. Smith and wife to the undersigned Ala mance Insurance & Heal Estate Co.. trustee, on May 15, 1916, tor the purpose of securing the payment of three certain bonds of even date therewith, default having been made in the payment of said bonds and interest on the same, said deeu of trust being duly prooated ana recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance coun ty, in Book of Mortgages ana Deeds of Trust -No. 71, at page 42, the undersigned Alamance Insu rance & Real Estate Company, will on s ,. «3rl MONDAY, JULY X, 1918, at 12 o'clock, M„ at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra ham, North Carolina, offer tor sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance county, State of North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Witherdale Heights and others, and described us follows: Fronting 50 feet on South side of, Oak Street and Vunning back par allel one hundred and fifty ana three-tenths feet on the West side lof said lot and one hundred and I fifty-six and six-tenths feet on ! East side of said lot to the prop j erty of H. R. May. ) Alamance Ins. 4 Real Batate Co., Trustee. I This May SO, 1»18.