jjrr ,*>- ■ ■;. - * .» i... WH . XLIY Get Rid of Tan, - Sunburn and Freckles ' by using HAGAN'S Balm, Acta initaady. Stops die burning. Clean your complexion of Tan and. Blemishes. Yoa eanhot know how good it ia until you try it Thous ands of women sagr it i» betft of all beautifiera and becds Sunburn Quickest Don't bo without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direA. 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LTON Mfa CO, « S» a* NX EUREKA : Spring Water ? FROM V EUREKA SPRING, J! Graham, N. C. MjU I' - 11 ,! ' A valuable mineral spring ! ; has been discovered by W. H. ] Ausley on his place in Graham. ' i I It was noticed that it feroaght I' ; | healthlo the users of the water, ]; i > and upon being analyzed it was ! | found to be ar water strong in ' ; mineral properties and good ; i > for stomach and blood.troubleS. , 1 Physicians who have seen the ] ; analysis and what it does, | i ' recommend its use. ! ! Analysis and testimonials ! will be furnished upon request. ] ' ■ Why buy expensive mineral ! • waters from a distance, when 1 ; there is a good water recom mended by .physicians right at • !! home ? For further informa- , ; ! tioir and or the water, if you ; ' desire if apply to the under- 1' signed. •\ i W. H. AUSLEY. J English Spavin Linimnet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lamps and Blemishes fronrhorsee; also Blood Spavinß„Cur bs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stiflte, —-Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save 950 by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company -adv~ Kentucky has increased the pay of its convicts. Still, there is no wild scramble for the jobs. WHOOPING COUGH. In this disease it is important that the cough be kept loose and expec toration easy, which can be done by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mna. P. H. Martin, Peru, Ind., writes, "My two daughters had whoophig cough. I gave them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it ' worked like a charm. WliHt makes the average Qght fau so sore on Jess Willard is that it took so long to find out that he's a humorist instead of a pngilist. CHOLERA MORBUS. This is a very painful and dan gerous disease. In almost every neighborhood someone has diid Jrom it before medicine could be obtained or «a physician summoned. The right way is to have a bottle of Chamberlain's Colis and Diar rhoea remedy in the house so as to prepared for it it. Mra Charles Enyert, Huntington, lnd., writes : 'During the summer of 1911 two of my children were taken sick with cholera morbus. I used Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem edy and it gave them immediate relief." Wonder how many persona re member that last June was an ex ceptionally cold month for the seiiston of the year. Something to worry about: House Leader Kitchin refuses to ,-retract-bis preposterous charge . that .the {frees maintains a lobby at Washington. You Can Core Tbal Backache. Pain Along lb* back, dlulneaa, beadacb* and rentier*! languor. Get » package or Mothar Ormj'l Australia Leaf, the pHxuant root and herb cure for Kidney, Bladder •i d Urinary trouble*. Wb»n you feel all rundown, tired,weak and without energy me thta remarkable combination of nature, herb* and root*. A* a regulator It ha* n« qual. Motbei Gr*jr'a Auatrsllan-Ltaf la r* r Co.. I * BOT. H. T. Remember, it is not so much the heat that distressea us, but the humidity. Two submarines lurking for American transports near the French Coast were sunk within half an honr by an American de stroyer. « SOUR STOMACH. , This Is a mild form of indiges tion. It is usually brought on by eating too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your diges tive organs. If you will eat slow ly, masticate your food thoroughly and eat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the sour stom ach without taking any' medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach take one of Chamberlain'*' Tablets to aid digestion. ' • ' -■■ , * 'V'\, THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. \ * / ~ !f " II i __ii -•" j jf the Huns Were Marching on North Carolina ' How muih of yonr money would you lend to your government to prevent your mother and father from being ; shot down like dogs? What would it jbe worth to you to preserve the honor of your daughter? How much to pre ; ent that lovely infant from dangling on the point of a German bayonet? You would knock down the man who, ; dared suggest that you measure such things in terms of money. Then how happy we should be to think that a [ little of our money, LOANED to Our Government will hasten the end of this awfulness. (Can you Think of a Cheaper Price to Pay Than Mere Money? If you haven't begun to buy War-Savings Stamps, why haven't you? What does your conscience have to eay about the matter? Just recently the German Fiends brought the war to our own land—right to your front door. ft North Carolina War Saving Week I J 1 June 23rd to 28th Designated by President Wilson, Secretary McAdoo, Governor Bickett and cne mayofs of cities and towns North Carolina's quota of War-Savings Stamps is forty eight million dollars and must be raised by pledge arte purchase during that week Buy War-Savings Stamps as you love your Country and your God. W. S. S. Cost $4.17 in June, Worth $5.00 January 1, 1923. , jgjjT* —• • , ■>*>»-„t 73! £"«? - Ml Will Send Ships—Will Save Soldiers J c i ■ihmk * hmhhmk / ■^ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ i Read Limit. Pat O'BHaii'. RnmrkaH. ATTn^inTTIU/' 1 W*tftl TJTTTXT : sb - ;rjrsss'JtrAJ-ss OUT Wl l l iNu THE HUN . ; Lieut. O'Brien, a brave young Irish-American was wounded in an air battle with enemy fliers. He was captured 1 but made his escape and m this great story he tells in his own way his remarkable experiences in making his way to Holland and thence to the United States. His narrative is without a parallel in the annals of the war. i—— DONT MISS THIS GREAT STORY! OUR NEW SERIAL! C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In For Over 30 Years t ___ . HAS OOOD OPINION O"* CHAM BERLAIN'B TABLETS. ! "Chamberlain's Tablets are a wonder, I never sold anything to I beat them," writes P. B. Tressey I Richmond, Ky. When troubled with 1 indigestion or constipation give them a trial. 1 Subscribe for THE OLEANER-1. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1918 sloo Dr. E. Detchon's Anti-Dlu- J retic may be worth more to you —more to yoti than 1100 If you have a child who soils the bed ding from incontinence of water dnrlnar sleep Cures old sod »ouor alike. It srreets the trouble at once. SI.OO. Hold by (Jraham Drug Company., sdv Subscri .o for THE OLEANER-1. COMPLETE DEfEAT WIH ML LOSS A SIGNAL DEFEAT OF AUSTRIAN# ON ITALIAN FRONT ON PIAVI RIVER INFLICTED. 45,000 POISOK ARE TAKEN In Addition to Prisoners, Lossss In Man Killed and Wounded Ars Enormous. The defeat of the Austrian armlss on the western bank of the Plare rWer Is complete. Admission Is made by the Austrian war ofTtco that the troops of Emperor Charles have bocn forced to evacuate the Montello plateau, over which they had hoped to press their way and gain the Venetian plains, and "some sectors" of the positions they attained last week on the bank of the river between the plateau and the point where the stream empties Into the Adriatic. Bad weather and the rising of the Plave under the heavy rainfalls are v assigned as the reasons tor the with drawal of the Austrlans But the Rome war offlco axsorti that It was tho Impetuous attacks of the Italians that brought about the failure of an operation which was started with the Intention of crushing the armies of Oenoral I)laz and forcing the Italians, like the Russians, to accept a Teu tonic allied peace. All along the river the Italians have I The Kaiser'* army omits no do-1 tail. Notwithstanding the tre mendous land drive and the ac tivity of U-boata in Western i waters, the Huns found time to j bomb another hospital Sanday. • " Subscrioe for THE OLEANER —I. pressed back the Invaders' of their territory until only small units remain ' on the western bank, and across the stream King Victor Emmanuel's men are keeping well on the heels of the retrestlnk enemy who Is fleeing In disorder. Again the cavalry has been thrown into the lighting and Is sorely harassing the enemy, while machine guns from the ground and from air craft, some of the latter operated by American aviators, are working havoc among the fleeing Austrian columns. The losses to the army are describ ed as enormous, both In men killed, wounded snd msde prisoner. An offi cial statement from Rome to the Ital ian embassy In Washington asserts that the Austrlans have lost 45,000 men In prisoners alone. The Italian war office communication mentions only 40.000 Austrlans as having been captured, but It Is probsble that this ' communication antedated that sent to 1 the embassy and that the captives in the hands of the Italians greatly ex ceed this figure. The probability that this Is true Is enhanced by the fact that the river was swollen out of bouhds and most of the few bridges that had not been carried away by the freshet had been shot to pieces by the Italian guns, compelling the enemy either to sur render or take his chances of being , able to swim the turbulent streum. So hurried was the retrograde movement of the Austrlsns at some 1 points that they did not take tlmo even to attempt to save their guns and stores. As yet there has been no sign that the enemy purposes again to renew at an early date another offensive In the mountain region, notwithstanding the fact that reports emsnstlng from Switzerland have said thst he was bringing up large reinforcements snd great quantities of supplies along the front behind the lines from the Swiss border to uooer reaches of the Plave. t | American aviator who fell 2000 feet sustained only a few bruises. |No wonder the tired German* i come in and surrender. When speakiug of the superdays of June it is conceded that Poet j J-owcll "said a mouthful." Siibscri* for AMERICANS IN POSSESSION OF BELLEAU WOOD W*shin*ton.—With the American forces on the Marne. American troops on the Marne front captured the western pert of Belleau wod. The Americans cleared this strategic posi tion of all Germans, captured some prisoners and took ve machine guns. They are now in cojpplete posses sion of the wods. The attack was began with a hearjr barrage after which the Americans went over al most Immediately. . MAJ. THEO ROOBEVELT. JR. CITED FOR GALLANTRY Washlnton. With the American Army In France. —Major Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., has been cited by the •neral commanding the troops to which his unit Is attached for "con splcuous gallantry" In action, during the (iterations connected with the cap ture and subsequent defense of (Via- Hgny. . In lion. K>2 other members of the First division and two entire bat teries of Held artillery are cited. THREE MILLION DOLLARS LOST BY GERMAN PLOTTERS New York. —German plots to hide , enemy assets uiider the cloak of "Am erican corporations organized or loan ed for the purpose was revealed here when A. Mitchell Palmer, alien prop erty custodian, took over three Ger man-owned concerns with an eggre gate capitalization of $3,500,000. The companies In the group taken over today were Dleckerholt, RalTloer ft Co.. Importers and manufacturers of notions, at 560 Broadway; RalTloer. Erbsloh * Co.. cordage manufacturer*, of the same address, with plants In Cuba, and the Amorlcan Storage Co, > of Havana. Germ a us, characteristically enough, are using artillery to put through their peaceful penetra tion of the Ukraine. America is the land of perforin- j ance as well as of promise. 1 I SuWriw for THE OLE AVER—I. I NO. 20 PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON I Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM, N. C. §9 Office over National Bhnk of Alamaata raj J", s. c OOHnM Attorney-at-Law. GRAHAM, i . . . . N. C.-1 Offlco Fatteraon Building tsocond Floor ' OR. WILL S. LO\(J, JIL . DENTIST : Graham, - - - - Nsrth Carall— | OFFICE in BJMMONS BUILDING 'ACOB A. LOIS. J. ELMER LOS a LONG A LONG, 4ttorn«f« and Councelora at Law , GRAHAM, *. C. p JOHN H. VERNON t Attorney and CoiiOielor-it-Liw POXKK-Oflire 65J Residence 33) | . BURLINGTON, N. C. I " DICESTONEINE"! Nature*. '1 Restorative, uiU Up. Not bnly f| fives quick, sure relief from iikS«a- 4 jS tian's ills Heartburn, Dizziness, * J Sour Riancs, Acid Mouth, Sleepless* . nest, etc., but builds up appetite nl ■ > entire system. Thouuods KNOW. , Follow their lead— * * % MrgpcVn\n?T\T^ "Ths K«y to lUHaf " i=3 i . I |sß . 1 *■» tmpnriut la btaltk aim I I rm bu krlpcd Be m Back. I oi'l Mt C I K? •kJßk'ol laa. Ido not 1. M tklak Iraold art alna wllknot It- 1 ¥ : *39 fcar* nnumM It ta maajr aim ' 1M It baa aoM aw mu unefc goud. f ' WILLIS TOWSS. Msaaoo, *o. car. pf Oil I ili BACK , Fo tutrix, FACTi. m, y • 3 HAYES DRUG COMPAVY, - J . GRAHAM, K. C* Notice oi Election and New Registration of 1 Voters in Town of Gra ham for special School'. 1 Tax. At a regular meeting of the 'i Mayor and iCommiuiuum of the town of tiraham, a petition, with the proper number of signer*, hav ing been presented requesting that 1 a apecial election b* held in aakl J town to determine the question as | to whether there should be levied, in addition to all other taxes at i present levied in said town, a ape cUl tax of not more than Ijc on lh« ' liw of property valuation, ana tSc on the luxaoie polt, the proceed* of said tax to be used exclusively for school purposes, i was ordered -1! that such election be called and -«al held on Tuesday, th? -ad day ot ! July, Ms.' fror the purposes oi said vlrction, it was ordered that !> new tion of the voters of said town be - had. For such election, John It. Crawford was appoirm-.i Registrar, '5 and A. !). N'ich ,|.suu an 1 W. B. H. Urwn. poll holders I The election will be held in that -|| room in the Northweit corner of 5 the court house ' where municipal . 1 elections are generally held/ and and will be conducted under the law regulating municipal election*. '■ The registration books will be opened for registration of voter# S between th? hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock I', M. on ea?b d«y 1 (rum June It to June 21, both datei inclusive; and on S.iuirJsy June 15, they will be open from i o'clock A. M. until 9 o'clock P. M . On Saturday, June ti (the *x- ind Sat urday, before elections, the regia tration books will be kept open at ; J| the pilling place for the ...illcng- i; Ing of voter*. Those persous favoring the lerjr- ing of such smtnl tat. will vote a ballot upon which wilt be written or printed, oa white paper, the words. -For Special School Tax.* And those opposed to said tax will vote a like ballot upon which shall Ibe written or printed, the words, "Against Special School Tax." In nil respects this election is $ called an 1 held under thi pro visions of Chapter li, of the Pub- ...,j lie L\vs of HIT. By order of the B >»r i of Com missioners of the Town of Gra- ; ham, this the 14th dav of May, I'lS. K. !. POST KH, --aH CU'rk fur the hoard of Com'rs of Town of Graham. 5 may 16 td. I LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS I Thi» hook, entitled as above, jotitiiiiiri over 200 meuioirti of Min- Bter» iu the Christian Church with historical inferences. • An ; intore&ting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: elpth, $2.00; gi!t top, (2.50. By mail 2Uc extra. Orders may be sont to P.J. KKRNODUK, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. BeUeria Six Hours Distressing Kidney and Bladdei Disease relieved in six hours b/ 5 the "NKW UREAT SOUTH AMBK- ,1 ICAN KIDNEY CURE." ft is a great surprise*on account of its exceeding Dromptness in relieving pain in bladder, kianevi and back in mala or female. Relieves reten tion ot water almost Inunediatelv ■: "j If you want quick relief and cute this is the remedy. Sold by Ora bam Drue Co. sdr,

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