vol. XLJV Get Rid of Tan, Sanborn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm. Acts initandy. Stop* the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is left of all beaut ifiers and beats Sunburn ouickest Don't bo without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail dire ft. ' 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO., 40 So. Sth St., Brooklyn. N.T# EUREKA | Spring Water FROM EUttCKA SPRING, Gra&un, N. C | A valuable mineral spring has been discovered by W. H. Ausjey on bis place in Graham. It was noticed that it brought health to the users of tbe water, autl upon being analyzed it was found to be a water strong in | mineral properties and good > for btomach and blood troubles, t Physicians who have seen the | analysis and what it does, recommend its use. Analysis and testimonials will be furnished upon request. Why buy expensive mineral waters from a distance, when there is a good water recom raeuded by physicians right at home? For further informa tion and or the water, if you desire if apply to the under signed. W. & AUSLEY. ij'vj BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Sma|l Books, Pocket Memo., Vest, Pocket Memo* &C*, &c. For Sole At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. Knlisli Spavin Liniinuet re move's Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splinte, Sweeney, King Bone, StifUs, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by uue of one bot. lie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drag Company adv Ortain Raleigh churches have iigrued to bold Sunday evening union services on the capitol square in that city. Pastors of different cburcbes will alternate in holding the services. Von Can Cure Tb«t Backache. Pain along the back, dizziness, hsadacL* and gennerai languor. Oct a package of Mother Oray's Australia Leaf, tne pleasant root and herb cure for Kidney, Bladder and Orlaary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy uw this reaurkable combination ,1 nature, aerbsaod mots. As a regulator ni qual. Mother Orsy's Australian-Leaf Is old by Druggists or seat by mall (or Mots ample sen free. Address, The Mother ra 7 Co., La ROT. If. T. Thos. J. Hark ins and Judge Henry B. Stevens, Bepubliean and Democratic candidates, respec tively, -for the State Senate in Buncombe county, have mutually agreed to tnake no political speeches in the campaign. DOING GOOD. Few medicine* have met with more favor or accomplished more good than Chamberlain's Colic an a Diarrhoea Remedy. John T. Jant zen, Delmeny,' Bas„ says of it, "I have used Chambfcrlaln's CeUc and Diarrhoea Remedy for myself am iamily, and can recommend it as being ah exceptionally fine prepa ration. Sauerkraut, Mr. Hoover saya, is Dotch It is also in Dntch. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. Fighting the Hun in the Air ' 1 ' 1 1 f|T Flying maneuvers most frequently used by *5 w Trifl'l'KT AIIT *D A AIDDTFII allied aviators in their combats with enemy fliers, DJT.LILUiLriAriI MT A 1 UDIULTI JJ including the "O'BRIEN LOOP." / f^V^;.*/ j»f Lieut. Pat O'Brien, who wag shot down and captured by the German* on the 17th of August, 1917, and who on the Bth of September Jumped through the window of a German prison train which was (feeding him to a German prison camp add made his escape, tells In the following article of the evolutions which he used when engaged In air combat. The evolutions described are those which are customarily used when an aviator is flying a single seater, and in the type of'a machine known as • "fighting scout," and which la capable of a speed of from 110 to 160 miles an boor. Those machines are very light, some of them weighing not over 760 pounds, and with a wing spread of 16 feet These machine* are equipped with two machine guns, one shooting through the propeller, the other mount ed atop one of the wings and so placed Boschee's German Syrup will quiat yaur cough, loithe the inflammation of a tore throat ana lung*, stop irritation in ths bron chial tubes, insuring a gcod night's rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold in America for fifty two years. A wonderful prescrip tion, assisting nature in bu'lding up your general health an J throwing off the disease. Especitlly aoseful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For snle by Gra ham Drug Co. Marion H. Brant, engineer on the Atlantic Count Line road, was shot and dangerously wonndod by Ed. W. Kennedy, telegraphic ojierator for I he Heabo ird Air Line Hilton, near Wilmington. They quarrel-d about a train oider. BUB MV-TIBM-Antiseptic, Re lieves Rheninal ism, Sprains, Neu ralgia, etc. Subscrioe for THE GLEANER—I. [ as to permit the pilot to shoot straight ahead, or when beneath an enemy ma chine to so operate the gun as to shoot straight upward, or It can he operated from an angle of 45 degrees. The VfejPM \.y Flying parallel with (round turn ulilewtne without losing by giving machine rudder and banking with stick at the Mime time. You then right machine. Thla maneuver can be made either by rudder manipulation or by stick manipulation. % Temporary Improvement of Sand Read* to Be Mad* by U** of Straw, Hay or Wlrs Orass. For the first time an experiment la j temporary Improvement of deep sand road* by use of a carpet of strawj hay. ♦ or wire grass, sprinkled with tar or bituminous produce, will be tried on Wisconsin highways In the vicinity of Rla, Columbia county. It Is hoped to devise methods which will fit the road for travel at amall expense, and R la predicted that thla straw carpet will ! last three years where traffic Is not heavy. Other experiments In resur facing highways are to be tried on the Baraboo-Kllbourn road. Thirty four hundred sections have been staked out, and treatment of each will be different. Road Post* In Ohio. Main road* and cross road* Jo Ohio will be marked with east Iron poets carrying enameled signs. The designs for these posts have been approved. County commissioners will be asked to send a list of all the signs needed la their country. (SUBSCRIBE FOR TUB OLBANBB i * 1 GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918 I equivalent of thaw ■coot machine* with the two machine guna give* the aviator an added advantage. It la Important that an aviator be qnlck of mind and of ejre and able to SO DECEPTIVE^ ' Many ;raham People Kail Te Realise The Mertoannem. t Backache it so deceptive. | It come* and —keeps you guessing. Learn the cause—tb/n curz It. Possibly it'* weak kidenys. That's why Doan'* Kidney PII* are ao effective. They're especially for weak or disordered kidneya. Here'* a Graham cane. ' Mrs. A. Bradshaw, Mill St, Gra ham, says: I had palna In my back and aides that hurt me all the time. My kidneys were irregular in action and I was nervous and unable to sleep well . Doan'a Kidney Pills made me feel better than I had In years. I have given Dosns Kid ney Pills to the children and know tbey are a safe medicine. Price Me at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same Mrs. Bradshaw had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Subscri e for TUB OLEANER—I. loop f * Bank your machine until absolutely vertical, with the nose of the muchlne slightly down. Motor vertically down In No. 8 position; the rudder Is the elevator, the elevator the rudder. The "Joy stick" Is neutrul. The motor Is then put on full power and before machine starts to side slip put on all oppo* site rudder from direction In which you are turning, and machine will go over In rf"Blde loop. The advantage of this maneuver Is to deceive enemy as to direction. This evolution la only possible uqd practicable In one make of machine, a Supwlth Pup. make his decisions instantly. The more quickly he Is able to maneuver his machine the greater his advantage over his adversary., Presume, for in stance, that a Hun was diving down on you from the rear. A pilot who Is quickly able to make the loop comes out of the loop above and behind his adversary, and In turn Is able to dive down upon him usually before be can complete his dive and perform a conn |1» TURKS W«HT 'v % . Flying parallel with ground, turn nose of machine up and start loop. When completely upside down at top of loop you make a half roll by manipulating rudder and stick, bringing you in upright position, and going In oppqsite direc tion than you were going at the start of the loop. You change direction and gain altitude. A very essential maneuver in combat ter revolution which would place you at a disadvantage. The evolutions described in this page are those most frequently used by svlators piloting these "fighting scout" machines. That Is, with the exception of the O'Brien loop. This loop has the advantau of throwing the adversary "off." if/ executing this loop his natu ral Inclination Is to believe that you \ * Jfr/r7Zm^ Bank machine sharply until vertical. Put on opposite rudder from direc tion In which you are turning to bold none of machine up. The rudder In this erolutlon become* your elevator and your elevator the rudder. Tbla maneuver la uaed In making sharp turn* and fliftire B'h. ' AMERICAN TROOPS STORM GERMAN TRENCHES ' American troop* stormed Oerman trenches and machine (on nests In front of Cantlgny, In the Montdldler sector. Those of the Oerman garrl son who remained to light and carry out their orders to hold the positions at any cost, were killed by rlOa and machine gun Are and bayonet. The Americans also took prisoner*. The American artillery put down a heavy bos barrage on the rear of the enemy poaltlon*. A few minute* later the Infantry swarmed over the top and rnshed the trenche*. Some of the Oerman* had tried to escape through the barrage, craahlng to their rear, but few of theem got through. for nu merous Oerman dead were found later. Prlsoneers captured declare that they had orders to bold on at all coats, and this war apparent by the desper ate manner In which they fought. Break! your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. Subscribe for THE OLEAVEP.-l. are going to make a turn, when In fact you bank your machine and loop side wise Instead of "flat surface on" as you do In executing the ordinary loop. The disadvantage In the O'Brien loop Is that It requires u very light machine with an exceedingly strong and sensi tive rudder, for the reason that In exe cuting the O'Brien loop your rudder answers the purpose of the elevator. All these maneuvers with one excep- tlon have been originated by avlatort who might be classed as "allied avia tors." The Immelman turn was In vented by a great Oerman flyer of that name who is now dead. This Immel man turn Is a decidedly Important ma neuver, requiring quick thought, quick action, and If successfully completed, giving you positive dominance ovet your adversary. sloo—Dr. B. Deletion's Ariti-Diu retic may be worth more to you —more to you than 1100 if yoa have a child who soils the bed ding from incontinence of wster during eieep. Cures old snd voung alike. It arrest* tbe trouble at I once, tl 00. Hold by lirahsiro l)r :g | Company. aov. Seven-cent car faro and increas ed khm rate* for Wiliiiingtou and ftuburbM are granted by the cor poration committal on. A request for aitnilar increaaea have Ix-en made by other place* in the State and this action of the copitniaaion would indicate that the requests will probably be granted. | CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DI ARRHOEA REMEDY. Now i» the time to buy n bot tle of thia remedy ao as to be pre pared in caee that any one of your yfamily should have an attack of colic or diarrhoea during the sum mer month*. It ia worth an hun dred times its cost when needed. An aviator flying at the front Will And It Important and necessary to be perfectly familiar with all these ma neuver*. In fact, so thoroughly should he be acquainted with them that he must be able to perform them almost automatically. The successful and quick maneuvering of his machine will not only save him In many a tight pinch, but will Increase bis chance* of bringing down the enemy. •In the Royal Flying corps "stunting" Is en couraged and the chap who Is able to accomplish the most evolntlons has his reward In not only the great popu larity he achieves but In the number o£ machines chalked up to his credit. \ I x' * ' f v f i N i \* \/ Flying along parallel with ground start climb with motor off. Vou go only a little ways In climb when ma chine stalls, "joy stick" Is back us far as It will go. Put on all rudder iwmslhle, machine begins to fall nine down, due to the fact that motor Is the heaviest part of the machine. You fall In a spin. To Increase speed of spin put motor on. To go out of the spin put control neutral. Direction of spin to right or left determined by rudder control. After the Present War is Over There will be n > mora w.irs in this (feneration except the wir on the great whit'? plii'?j", on sump tion. I CREOSOTE is a treatment for I consumption. Creosote is si Tu berca killer, Crcir.i ilihiin co.it iins I creosote. At this sen m of tlie year you cannot treat even lh'* slightest cough wi'h contempt. Dry hack ing coughs, bronchial astlirm, ami catarrhal bronchitis y'.el h le i-Jily to Creomulshun. If youarethin and unlrr weight, have weak I yaur brsttoniK painful and coughing incessant, get a bottle of Creomulshun. Don't wait, delays are dan gerous. We recommend Creomulslln for diseaees of the thr.iat an 1 iunjjs, evei: consumption Creomuision soothes and heals the lining of the throat and kills the germ. Creomuision is guaran teed to give satisfaction or your money back. For sale by Oraham Drug Company. 5-30U NO. 21 GKAIIAM CHUKt II DIKKtTOKY ' Graham Baptist Church—Rev, U. Weston, Pastor. Preaching-every first and third 19 Sundays at 11.00 a, m. and 7.01) 9kfM Sunday School every Sunday at H 8.45 a. m. W. I. Ward, Supt. Prayer meeting every Tuesday at ™ T. 30 p. in. Qrahain Christian Church—N. Main . Street—Bev. F. C. Lester. Preaching service* every Sec* : oad and tourth Sundays, at 11.04 | Sunday every Sunday ut 10.00 a. M.—W. K. Harden, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church —North Main Street, near Depot- Rev. P. C. Lester, Pastor. Preach ing every Second and Fourth Sun day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.46 a. m.—J, A. Baylift, Superin tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet- ■ 9 mg every Thursday night at 7.45. o'clock. Friends—Worth ot Graham Pub lic School, Itev. John M. Permar, Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sun- • % days at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. -i Suuday School every Sunday at !M5 a. m.—Belle Zacliary, Superin tendent . Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal, south—cor. ■ Main and Maple Streets, Rev. D. '■ E. Ernhart, Pastor. Preaching every Sdnday at 11.0# s. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at M 5 a. m.— VV. B. Green, Supt. {3 M. P. Church—N. Main Street. I Rev. R. S. Troxler, Pastor, Preaching iirst and tliird Hun- ■ days at 11 a. m. uud 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at •.45 a. m.—J. L. Amick, Supt. Presbyterian—Wst Elm Street— \ Rev. T, M. McConnell, pastor. Sunday School every Sunddy at 9.45 a. m.—Lynn B. William joh, Su perintendent. Presbyterian (Travora Chapel)— /. W, Clegg, pastor. Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. in. Sunday 8choo! every Sunday at a.30 p. m.-J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorn ey-at-Law GRAHAM. N. C. 1 Olllc* over National Bask of Hamuli j\ s. c 002 c, : Attornay-iit-Law, r l GRAHAM, N. 0. • Ofllcw I'atUrton Building Pccoud Floor DK. WILL S. LONCI, JB. ... DENTIST ... Ire ham, . - - - Nertb Carallna >FFICE in SJMMONB BUILDING ACOB A. LONG. J. ELMKB LONG LONG A LONG, \.ltorii«ajrM Htiil Cuunwilors at Law GKAHAM N. C. JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and (uuiticlor*i(»Law PtTNUK-oMra nr.-J ltr>ldenr« 331 IJUKLINGTON, N. C. PAST fO GET, EAST TO KEEP— U.SE "DIGESTONEINE" AND WIN tu/t rc tcf from heartburn, sour, p'»y atunurh. tlknmcu and other ails, 'lone your entiro tyitcm, »'ir up your appetite by fol lowing the lead of thousands- IjO^BSTD^il li"Th« Key to R*lUf" jjj I bat* m»Ti»r tnken nnjthln* that gar* in# rvh quU k relief, ami 1 hurt frpafit hur ijrrda of dollar* with otfur rrm«*]|«. karv l»#n b-'Ui-n -i a r*r flva jrar* «rIKJa whai wan pronmoc«d (metritis. I oto food that 1 koenr , whi id rail* gu» «.» uty rnnmack. *> to in* »urjirU»» mft'-r lurlag taken M thr d'iM of your ' lU*« »ton«l®e" X liwl no ilium* wliaft-rrr. J All KM W. KTOKE#, Gallatin*, Mo. XfflJf*. fcn/tf— 4 M VST itiLjg •> «&rut Fir ptmtl, au Hayes Drug Company Graham 1 • '*l M LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min ister* in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gi?* top, $2.60. By mail 20c extn*. Orders may b« sent to P. J. Kkknodlk, 1012 K. Marshall St., Richmond, Va. Orders may be'left at this office. Heller ID Six Hoars Distressing Kidney and Bladdei Disease relieved in six hour* by the "NBW GREAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CUBE." It is a great surprise on account of it a exceeding DromDtness in relieving pain in bladder, kiaDeva and back, in male or female. Relieves reten tion of water almost immediately If you want quick relief and cum this is the remedy. Sold by Qro ham Drue Co.