THE GLEANER ISBOEP EVEBY THCBBDAT. . J. Pr KEBNOPLE, Editor #I.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ADVBKTIBINQ RATBB >uo square (1 la.) 1 tlm* SI.OO, c» eaoj sub quunt Insertion M cents. For more spsce »d longer time, rates famished oa applies ua. Loosl notices 10 ets. a line for tlrsl ntertlon ; subsequent lasertlons 5 ots. a line Oaatleut advertlsemeuts must be paid for n idvsoce "rbe editor will not be responsible for /lews x pressed by oorieepondeots. Bnleredst be Po toffloe st Grsliam. N. 0., as seoon olsss matter. GRAHAM, N. C., July 11, 1918. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. The Democrats of Alauianee county are called to meet in uiam convention on Saturday, August 3, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House in Graham, for the' purpose of nominating candidates for legislative and county offices. All persons who intend to affili ate with the Democratic party in the elections of 1918, are invited to participate in this Convention. Ily order of the Executive Com mittee of Alamance county. E. S. I'AKKKK, Jit., Chtn'n County Dem. Kx. Com. Save a billion dollars ? It is not an impossible undertaking. One hundred million of people— the population of tho United States In round numbers—can save this stupendous sum in a single year with no appreciable self-denial. How?—is the natural inquiry. To do it means that each individual, old or young, must save $lO. See how small the sav ing for each day is—less than two and three-fourths cents —less than the postage stamp you place on your letter. Save it from what and how?—in and from the food you consume; by taking caro of everything, permitting no waste, using substitutes that are cheaper and plentiful and that are just as wholesome, nourishing and satis fyiog. _ You can do this "bit" to help wiu the war. The wheat crop in reduced by 40,000,0W> bushels its sliowu by the Government forecast for July a» compared wiili the June fore cast. The July forecast places the production at 931,000,000 buHhela, which is largely ahead of the average production of 809,- 000,000 bushels for the past. live years. The estimated corn crop for this year is 3,100,000,000. From these figures on (he two leading staple crops it appears there will be plenty to bread the folks at home, our soldiers and sailors and Allies. Late war new* indicates further successes of allied armies on West and Italian front*, the most active theatre the last day or two being on the Italian front. The French, English. American* and Italian* have all ndvnnced their line* and taken valuable positions from the enemy and nr holding them. • The enemy ha* beon greatly aaaed and no doubt the contemplat ed drive, spoken of lately, ha* been delayed on accounnt of the alii -d tactic*. Thecouutr.t 'aabip-building pro gram ia going on on an itntnena« scale, aud soon it appears Ihcio will be no lack of ships lo trans port men and supplies. This im mense preparation no doubt strikes terror to the hearts of Prussian war lords. Washington Is, it la Indlevi d, arranging to help Husaia, .but the policy of the Ooveruinent haa not ■ yet been made public. It appears now that Russia haa had enough of "German made peace." The Kaiser must have been reading Walt Whitman on "loaf ing and Inviting his soul," when be was writing from "amid my armies." He could take the lines of Walt as a kind of motto: "I celebrate Myself .... I chant tho chant of dilation or pride." The L W. W. according to testi mony at the trial, waa planning an enormous strike in the steel industry. The time seems to be approaching as the evidence piles np, when the government will feel justified in doing some striking. Of eourse you have long since realized that the conscientious ob * jector to war is usually a coi - jeleutlouß objector to work. * T 1 J ■■ I—r. ■■ I mm m ■ ■ ■ State Register* 16,248 EHfibles. North Carolina registered 16481! young men In the data of June S, 1918, according to final registration flgurea by countica given out yes terday. Questionnaires to most of the now registrants have been mailed and the work of classifying them for military service w;il follow whan the questionnaires have been re turned. Gaston county, with 391, has the largest number of rgistrants who attained their 21st birthday since June S, 1917, and prior to the re cent registration. The smallest number registered by any local board, was 26, in. New Hanover, out this number ia exclusive of those registered in the city of Wilming ton. By counties the registration was Alamance 169, Alexander 82, Alle ghany 42, Anaon 187, Aah»> 139, Avery 87, Beaufort 231, Bertie 151, Bladen IT2, Brunswick 62, Buncombe No. 1, Buncombe No. 2, 98, Burke 143, Cabarrus 220, Caldwell 107, Car teret 93, Camden J5, Caswell 107, Catawba 198, Chatham 114, Cherokee 118, Chowan 44, Clay 32, Cleveland 248, Columbus 281, Craven 135, Cum berland 191. Currituck 44, Dare 36, Davidson 169, Davie 71, Duplin 170, Durham 324, Edgecomb 202, Wins ton-Salem 311, Forsyth 180, Frank lin 185, Gaston 391, Gates 71, Gra ham 37, Gram ille 181, Greene 109, Guilford No. 1, 129, Guilford No. 2, 203, Guilford No. 3, 128, Halifax 300. Harnett 163, Haywood 121. Hender son 112, Hertford 103. Hoke 77„ Hyde 72, Iredell 226, Jackson 92, Jonston No. 1, 129 Johnston No - . 2, 181, Jones 11 Lee 89, Jenolr 156, "McDowell 111, Macon 102, Madison 131, Martin 138, Charlotte 357, Meck lenburg 199, Mitchell 56 Montgom ery 91, Moore 113 Nash 201, Wil mington 166, New Hanover 26, Northampton IH, Onslow 14**, or ange 113, Pamlico 76 Pasquotank 80, Pender 101 Perquimans 77, Per son 125, Pitt 2GI, I'Olk 45, Randolph 187, Richmond 153, Robeson No. 1, 167, Robeson No. 2, 143", Rockingham 279, Rowan 280, Rutherford 198, Samson 199, Scotland 79, Stanly 238, Stokes HO, Surry 216, Swain 90, Transylvania 42, Tyrrell 39, Union 240, Vance 207, Wake No. 1, 322, Wake No. 2, 128, Warren 152, Wash ington, 51. Watauga 78, Wayne 280, Wilkes 232, Wilson 300, Yadkin 113, Yancey 86. , Wilson Third Term Speaking of President Wilson succeeding himself, Col. Al Fair brother says in his Greensboro Record: "And .so it comes quickly. A week a*o we wrote that, Wilson woultjrrun, be forced to run for a third term, because he is the war president and tho American peo ple were not going to swap horses while crossing a stream. And this woek Vice-President Marshall presented his name to a demo cratic convention in Indiana, and the cheers were teirilic. It goes without saying that the Wilson boom for 1920 has been launched, and it further goes without saying that he will bo tho democratic nominee and tho next president. .No other man in America has proven as big as Wilson. Kight now h« has more on his hands than any other man, aud by divine assistance lie takes care of his stu pendous job with apparent ease. The war will not bo over by 1920, tho Germans aro largely whipped, but there is so much to do, that Wilson should continue. "Roosevelt is tlio only republi can who will ruu, anil he wilt not be elected. The American people are uot juat now caring much about politics. They want to win the war and they are not golug to allow politicians to mix things up. For President in 1920, Wood row Wilson, of New Jersey." How's This! w. oiler One Hundred I hill*!* Howard fur any case of Catarrh thsl cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. ll* I s Catarrh Medicine bis boon tsken by catsrrli sufferer* for tl>* past thirty-five rears, sod has become known as the most re liable remedy for Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Medicine ants thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling lb* Poison from tbc Hiood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medi cine for a Short time you will see a (real Im provement In your general health, start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at unce and yet rid ol catarrh. Send for testimonials, A J. I'll KNKV * CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Hold by all Druggists, Tfcc. adr Keiliter U. K-agati, an automo bile mechanic of Ureenaboro, re ceived injuries in a wreck last Sunday a week that caused his death. In passing another ma chine his car went into a ditch aud turned over, the steering whoet striking him in the atomach. He was about 30 years old aud leaves a wifo and two small chil dren. , Calomel Dynamites A Sluggish Liver Crashes into sour bile, mak ing you sick and you loose a day's work. Calomel aallvateal It's mercury. Calomel acta tike dynamite on a sluggish* "liver. When calomel come* in contact with *our bile it craah** Into it cauaing griping and nausea. If yott feel bilious. headachy, con ■tlpatod and all knocked out, just go to your rlruggiac and grt a Dottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which i*n harmles* vegetable aubiUtute for dangerous calomel. Take a apoonful and if It doeint ■tart your liver and straighten vou up better and quicker than naity calomel, and without making you aick, you lust go and get your money back. If you take calomel today you'll be aick and nauseated tomorrow; besodea it may aallvate you, while U you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of arabiUon and ready lor work or play. It'* harmless, pleasant and aaf* to give to ohildren; they like It . adv, BRITISH FRONT IS STORM CENTER OERMANB REPULSED IN ATTEMPT TO RETAKE VILLAGE OP HAMEL ANP WOODS.. ITALIANS' STEADY ADVANCE Operations In Lowlands Nsar Mouth of Plavo Are Progressing and Line Has Been Extended. The British front east of Amiens, on each side of the Avre and along the Somme river, seems to be the storm center of the battle front In France. Here the Australians, assisted by American detachments, surged for ward on July 4 and drove the Germans out of the village of Hamel and the Valro and Hamel woods, to the south, at the same time launching a second ary attack on the German positions north of the Somme. Since that time the lines before Amiens have been very active. The Germans have been rspulsed In attempt to retake the village of Hamel and the wooded positions of the Aus tralians further south. The British official report says that the enemy was stopped easily but the Germans claim to have checked the British forces east of Hamel and to have thrown them back to their original lines at Vlllers-Brotonneux. With the exception of aerial com bats the American front has bean calm. The German official statement tells of British attack In the Ypres region, adding that these assaults were re pulsed. Heavy artillery fire In this neighborhood reported from London, don. In the meantlfne tho French liavo been content to hold and consolidate their new positions near Moulln-Sous- Totent and Autreches, northwest of Soissons, whero In two recent French attacks the Germans suffered sever# casualties and lost many prisoners. The French war office says that dar ing the past day there has been heavy artillery firing In the neigh borhoods of Outry and Mont Qobert, which is on the front southwest of Soissons, where the French won ground by a dashing attack last week. Italian forces operating In the low lands near the mouth of the Plave are making steady progress, accord lag to the statement issued by the war office today. In the mountain section of the front the statement says that the Italians have extended their lines at the head of Calclno val ley and havj held tho ground thus gained In spite of heavy counter-at tacks by the Austro-Hungarlans. ARMY TRANSPORT SUNK AND SIX MEN ARE MIBBINQ Washington.—The American army transport Covington, homeward bound after landing several thousand soldiers In France, was torpedoed and sunk In the war zone recently. Six mem bers of the crew tre missing, but all the other men, with the ship's officers, have been landed at a French port. No army personnel or passengers were aboard. The missing men are: Krnest C. Anderson, fireman, Lynn. Mass.; Joseph P. Bowden, seaman. Mountain Lake. N. J.; Ambrose C. Ford, fireman, Somervllle, Mass.; Wil liam Henry Lynch, Jr., flflreman, Man chester, N. H.; Albert S. Payne, sea man, Staten Island. N. Y.; Lloyd H. Sllvernall, seaman, Balnbrldge, N. T. U. 8. SHIPBUILDERS WENT BEYOND THEIR OBJECTIVE Washington.—The. shipping board announced that the workmen started out with the expectation of the launching of 439,886 deadweight ton*, but late report* to the'board showed that 747,464 torn had been gotten ready to be put overboard. The ac tual number of thlp* launched waa 82. The lauchlng of 11 other* waa held up by a freahet In the Columbia river while two other* stuck on the way*. They are expected to be re leased without great delay. PRESIDENT CARLTON WANTS HIS POLICY CONTINUED New York. —While asserting that he did not w!*h through any act of hla "to add an hour'* delay to the nation'* telegraph aervke," New comb Carlton, president of the West ern Union Telegraph company, de clared la a statement dealing with th* telegrapher*' atrlke ichedoled for Monday, that It li of the "hlghe*t Importance" that the policy hi* com pany haa pursued should be contlo fled EIGHT MILLION BOND BILL IS PASSED BY CONQRESS Waahlngton. —An administration bill authorizing lnuanc* of $1,000,000,- 000 additional In Liberty bond* and providing an additional {1,600.000.009 for loan* to th* allie*. recantly paaa- Ed by the houie, wan passed by the senate without amendment. The bill Increase* to f52.000.000.000 the an thorliatloa* (or bond IIIQH mads sines the war began. The new bonds will bear Interact at net mora thaa 4\4 P*T cent RUU-MV-TlSM—Antiseptic, K* llevea Rheumatism, Sprains, N'fti ralgia, eU« Judge Frank Carter, who loaves the bench for newspaper work, will offer hia resignation, to take effect August 3. Ilia sneceaaor will be elected in November and Gov. Dickett will name a man to fill the vacancy to January 1. Judge Carter will give hia whole time to hia paper, the Albemarle Enterprise, on which he is now doing fine work. CAUSE OP DESPONDENCY. Deapondeocy la otten caused by Indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappear* when Chsmber lain'a Tablets are taken. These tab let* strengthen the digestion and move the bowels llefore the war the Germana made the beat mapa, bat we wont have the mapa they »re trying to make now. KONENKAMP HIS. POSTPONED STRIKE THREATENED STRIKE OF TELEG RAPHERS POSTPONED BY PRESIDENT OP ORDER. CHEERFULLY GRANT REQUEST Decision Ralaee Load of Care Prom Mind of Offlelale and the Country. Washington. lndefinite postpone ment of the strike of telegraphers em ployed by the Western Union 1"el8- graph Company was announced by Secretary of Labor Wilson. Sceretary Wilson said that Mr. Konenkamp, who Is In Chicago, bad given him every assurance that the strike order would not be put Into effect and that any walkout woudl be postponed Indefinitely. It was under stood that the union president agreed to this course because Congress now Is considering a new resolution au thorizing the President to take over and operate during the war all tele graph, telephone, cable and radio sys tems. In a final (ffort to avert tfle strike, Mr. Wilson sent Mr. Konenkamp a tel egram urging delay and later called In Samuel Oompers, president of tho American Federation of Labor. Mr. Wilson's telegram to Mr. Konen kamp said: "I earnestly request, In rlew of the general situation and the Imperative neceftslty of avoiding Interference with the prompt transmission of communi cations which may be of vital import ance in the prosecution of the war, that steps to prevent any strife be taken until I can have a conference with you and others. The Congreß3 Is now dealing with the subject and undoubtedly exact Justice will be done all the parties at Interest. This re quest Is made in the interest of our country. I feel sure it will be heeded by you." Mr. Oompers' telegram follows: "Secretary Wilson, of the depart ment of labor, invited me to confer with him In regard to the threatened telegraphic situation and' he showed me the telegram he sent you. A strike of the telegraphers at this time and while therp Is a fair chance of an early, fair and honorable adjust ment, would be most unfortunate, and generally held to be unjustifiable and perhaps defeat Its very objects. To avoid any hindrance to our govern ment's war program even in the slightest Is my warrant to urge you to at once exercise your every power to postpone the strike for a time." S. J. Konenkamp sent the follow ing reply to Secretary of Labor Wil son: » > . , "Your telegram has been received and would flay that the commercial telegraphers have been most anxious at aH times to do everything within their power to avert a strike and your request under the circumstances you have mentioned will be cheerfully complied with." YANKEES CAPTURE MORE PRISONERS AT THIERRY Washington.—Capture of additional Gorman prisoners by American pa trols In the Chateau Thierry region was reported in General Pershing's communique at the war department. In the Woevre a hostile party suc ceeded in entering an American out post position but wag driven out. ADJOURNMENT BLOCKED CONQREBB GETS TO WORK Washington.—With midsummer re cess plans unexpectedly blocked by the house Congress will buckle down to work with a view to cleaning up Its legislative ijote so as to get oc casional respites of a few days at a time while the senate Interstate com merce committee Is holding hearings on the house resolution providing for government control during the war of telegraph, telephone, cable and radio systems. WILL RATION ALL COAL USED BY HOUSEHOLDERS Washington.—Rationing of coal »o householders was announced by the fuel administration as among plans designed to prevent a threatened shortage of coal next winter. Each domestic consumer will be allowed oply as much coal as Is found to be scientifically necessary to heat his house to C 8 degrees, provided every conservation rulf has been obeyed. The allowances for each householder will be sufficient for comfort. THREE TEUTON ARMIES TO ASSIST AUSTRIAN FORCES Paris ((lavas Agency)— Germany will send three army corps to the aid of Austria, according to a Borne dis patch to tho Tempe. These will be put under the direct orders of Qeneral Otto von Below, the commander-la- rfclef on the Italian front and will he assigned to the Alps sectors, It Is stated. The Trentlno railways have been put under German control and will be need exclusively for German troo»e GRAHAM IS WO EXCEPTION (irabsn People Cease Oat As Frsakly Here As Elsewhere. Graham people publicly recom mend Doan'a Kidney Pills. This paper la publishing Graham cases from week to week. It la the same everywhere. Home testimony in home papers. Doan'a are prais ed in 50,000 signed statements, pub lished In 3,000 communities. Gra ham people are no exception. Here la a Graham statement. J. N. H. Clendenin, retired farmer, S. Main St., Graham, aays: U I was bothered a great deal by weak kidneya. I had little control over the kidney action and had to get up many timea during the night on that account. In the morning, my back «M so sore and lame that I could hardly set out ot bed. I read of Doan'a Kidney Pills ana bought a aupply at the Graham Drug Co. A few doses relieved the pain In my back and one box curea me." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply aak for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pllla—the aame that cured Mr. Clendenin. Foster- Milburn Co., Prop*,, Buffalo, N. Y, FRENCH GAM NEW FRONT OF 8 HUES BY A SUDDEN ATTACK ENEMY WAS DRIVEN BACK ALMOST TWO MILES. HAVE STRAIGHTENED OUT ANGLE Australian* Drive the German* and Straighten an Awkward Angle * In Thalr Llna. Continuing their aggressive defense In the face of the Impending Ger man offensive along the western bat tle front, the French have once more attacked the enemy southwest of Solssons. Launching their blow from the eastern side of the Rets forest, north of Longpont, the French have advanced over a front .of approxi mately two mllea, taking Chavlgny farm and the slopes to the north and south of It Several hundred prison ers were captured by the French In their sudden attack. The assault may ybe linked up closely with the recent offensive op erations at St. Pierre Aigle and gives the French a new front line from Longpont north as far as the southern limits of Ambleny, a distance of al most eight miless. Australian troops holding positions astride the Somme river east of Ami ens and north of Hamel have swept the Germans back over a front of more than a mile and straightened out an awkward angle held by the Ger mans. Italian forces operating on the ex treme left wing of the allied line In Albania, have struck hard at Austrian positions along the Voyusa (Vojutza) river, which flows Into the Adriatic about 20 miles north of the town*of Avlona, one of the most Important places In southern Albania. Vienna admits that the Austrian "advanced posts have been withdrawn to their main positions." This report from Austrian headquarters probably re fers to the action mentioned in the French official statement on Sunday night. It was said by the war office at Paris that French and Italian forces had seized heights In western Albania and had held them against counter-attacks. Germany seems on the eve of rele gating the Brest-Lltovsk peace treaty Into the "scrap of paper" category, for there are indications that German troops may be sent to Moscow in the near future. There are large Teutonic forces within 800 miles of Moscow and It Is reported that they are being heavily reinforced. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF COTTON PRODUCTB Washington.—Prices for cotton products showing reductions of from 20 to 30 per cent as compared with market prices were approved by President Wilson. The prices were agreed upon at conferences between the price-fixing committee of the war Industries board and a committee rep resenting cotton goods manufacturers. The new prices afreet chiefly cotton place goods of which the government Is a heavy purchaser. They apply, however, to civilian as well as gov ernment purchases. The price-fixing oommlttee's actlofi with regard to fin ished cotton Is believed to be the forerunner of price-fixing on virtually all other commodities of which the government is a large purchaser. BELIEVE ARGENTINA WILL SEEK STRONGER ALLIANCE Washington.—Ambassador Naon, of Argentina, Is returning to resume his post at Washington and as head' of the mission to negotiate for Improved financial and commercial relations with America. Cable dispatches from Buenos Aires have stated that the ambassador would seek a loan here oi $40,000,000 and would offer the re sources of Argentina to the United States and the allies in return for ex ports of manufactured goods. AMERICA'S PART IN WAR APPRECIATED BY ALLIES Washington.—Warm sentiments for America and appreciation of Its ef forts In the war for world fredeom rre expressed In Independence Day mes sages to President Wilson from Presi dent Polncare of France, King Albert of Belgium, King Emmanuel of Italy, King Alexander of Greece, President Menocal of Cuba and Premier Venl zelos of Greece. The messages with the Preeldent's replies shave been made public. TWO YANKEE AVIATORS ARE KILLED IN FRANCE With the American Army in France. —Alan Ash. of Chicago, a member f the LaFayette flying sijnadron ha* been killed In combat with several German maehiaes over Sotssons. His machine when falling was seen to burst into flames. Warren T. Hobbs, of Worcester, Mass., another menaber of the Lafayette flying squadron, was Wiled Jen* M. Forced to fly Urw be cause ef engine trouble he was brought down by anti-aircraft go a*. Green's August Flower has been a household remedy all over the civilized World for more than a half a century for con stipation, Intestinal troubles, tor pid fiver and generally depressed feeling that accompanies such dis orders. It Is a most valuable rem edy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpitation of the heart, and many other aymptoms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you. It ia a gentle laxative. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. Hollis Hilton, the young substi tute clerk at the Salisbury post office, who got in bad some days ago by wrongfully handling mailed letters, will be given a chance to make good. His liberation has been secured through the kind offices of a friend and young Hil ton has been gives an opportunity to enter the fighting ranks of the sorvioe. Subscrl m for THH GLEANER—I. FARMER TRAVELS 30 MILES TO GET DRECO FOR WIFE. Prominent North Carolinian Tells WhT He Came All the Wajr From Yadkinville to Winston , Salem For Medicine. O'Hanlon's Drug Store iu VViu ston-Salem was crowded with men and Komen early one moroing not many days ago when E. J. Eaton, r.he prominent and influential planter of Yadkinville, R. F. D. 2, came in and told an interesting story of bow his wife wan relieved from a sevens and particularly painfnl case of stomach trouble of years standing. \ "I came 30 miles this morning, all the way from Yadkinville," declared Mr. Eaton in answer to questions from a number of his friends who happened to be pres ent. "The reason for the trip was that my wife had just finished the first bottle of this wonderful medicine, Dreco, and wanted a fresh supply in a hurry. If you could see the difference thiß first bottle of Dreco has made in her you wouldn't wonder I was anxious to get her a fresh supply. "Why, for years she has been in declining health. Indigestion, pains in the back and limbs, heart flutterings and loss of rest seemed to drag her down and down. She is 54 years old and although she h;is tried many differeut remedies nothing seemed to help her until just lately when a friend told her about Dreco. She has only taken one bottle of this medicine and already we can see splendid re sults. If she keeps on improving at the rate she is going she will soon be a well woman." Both Mr. and Mrs. Eaton are members of the Missionary Bap tist church and are most highly thought of in Yadkinville. They also have a host of friends in other sections who will be delighted to hear of the wonderful results Mrs. Eaton is securing from this won derful herbal medicine, Dreco. Dreco is recommended and sold in Graham by GraliAni Drug Co. Conversion j>f Liberty Loan Bonds— Interest Rates. Lfberty bonds of the first and second issues and those obtained by converting bonds of the first ißsue into 4 percent bonds can be .ton verted into 4K per cent. Liberty bonds during the six months' pe riod beginning May 9, and ending September 9, 1918. The new bonds will be dated May 9, 1918. After November 9, 1918, no .fur ther rights of conversion will at tach to the 4 per cent, bonds, ei ther the original or the second loan or those obtained by conversion of bonds of the first loan. All of the 4 1-4 per cent, bonds are noncon vertible. Bonds for conversion may be sur rendered at any Federal Reserve Bank or at the Treasury Depart ment. Registered bonds must be assigned to the Secretary of the Treasury for conversion, but Stieh assignment need not ba witnessed. On conversion of registered bonds registered bonds only will be de livered, neither change of owner ship nor change into coupon bonds being permitted. Coupon bonds, Jiowever, may be converted into registered bonds upon request. Coupon bonds must May 15 or Juno 15, 1918, coupons detached and all subsequent cou pons attached. Coupon bonds, is sued from conversion will have only tour interest coupons attach ed, and later must be exchanged for new bonds with the full num ber of coupous attached. Secretary McAdoo officially cor rects a statement appearing in va rious newspapers that the Fourth Liberty Loan will bear interest at the rate of per cent. He states that no thought has been enter tained of issuing bonds of the 4th loan at a higher rate of interest than 4X per cent. It is interesting to recall here the Secretary's appeal in his third Liberty Loan speeches that the rate of interest for Government loans be stabilized at A'A per cent. He said then that as an intelligent people we should make a stand for the financing of our Govern ment during the period of the war at a stabilized rate of interest, naming 4K per cent as the proper figure, ao that all investments ana business might be adjusted on that basis. In his letter ta Majority Leader Kltchin he strongly urges stabilizing the rate at 4' per cent. The Secretary of the Treasury has also asserted that he did not think that the patriotism of the American people was measured by the rate of interest on a Govern ment bond and the support the people gave the Third Liberty Loan seems to have justified his be lief. ARB YOU ONE Of THEM? There are a great many people who would be very much ueneflt ed by taking Chamberlain's Tab lets for a weak disordered stom ach. Are you one of them? Mra. M: R. Searl, Baldwiusville, N. Y., relates her cxpeiience in the uss .of these tablets: '"X had a bad spell with my stomach about six (honths ago, and was troubled for two or three weeks with gas ana severe pains in the pit of my stom ach. Our rfrugglst advised me to take Chamberlain's Tablets. I took a bottle home and the first dose relieved me wonderfully, and I kept on taking them until cured." whese tablets do not relieve pain but after the pain has been reliev ed may prevent Its recurrence. A man has to die to settle the question as to whether or not he is an indispensable man, and very few men can stand the "tomb stone teat." CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DI ARRHOEA REMEDY. Now ia the time to buy a bot tle of this remedy so as to be pre pared in case that any one of your yfamily should have an attack of colic or diarrhoea during the sum mer months. It is worth an hun dred timea its cost when needed. The real precious metals now in Germany are copper and steel. War Prices On Canned Goods! ■- >T Brookdale Yellow Cling Peaches $2.00 per doz. -^8 Pocahontas Sugar Corn $2.00 per doz. Snow Floss Kraut —none better—s2.oo per doz. "1 No. .4 "H" Brand Canned Beans—no strings—heavy jj weight—s2.oo per doz. J No. 4 "4" Brand Country Canned Tomatoes - full pack —" j $2.00 per doz. \ Canned Apples $1.50 per doz. June Peas $2.00 per doz. BEST GRADE OF TftUCK FERTILIZER Garden Seed-Seed Potatoes First Class Line Of Other Groceries, Dry Goods And Notions. J. W. HOLT, ■ Graham, N. C. To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and tabes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in Dot using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The beat—no others sold here eqnal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, _ Burlington, . . N.-C ■ WANTED! Cedar Lumber and Logs I will buy Cedar Logs delivered on good roads at convenient places to reload on truck, also deliverd on selected mill yards. Will pay more than list price for logs delivered at R. R. Stations. All logs promptly checked up and paid for. For prices and information write or 'phone. H. C.WALKER, 'Phone 54 l-W. Graham, N. C - PEACE INSTITUTE, Raleigh, N.C. For the Education and Culture of Young Women. Session begins September 12, 1918. For Catalogue and Information address, Miss Mary Owen Graham, President. NO. 8814. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP The National Bank of Alamance. At Graham, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on June 29, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (except those shown lnbaudo) $ 280.902.1 M Total loans .". . » 230,902.94 288,902.94 Overdrafts secured, 9 ; unsecured, 1334 46. 824.46 U. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $50,000.00 U. 8. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness owned and unpledged 10.000.00 t)0,000.0 0 Liberty Lran Bonds. 3% per cent, and 4 per cent., unpledged 200.00 Payments actually made on Liberty per cent Bond (Third Lib erty Loan) _. 28,400.00 2(1,00 .00 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (90 per cent of subscription) 1 2,100.00 Value ot banking h0u5e....... «... 5,500.00 Equity In banking house. ?. ' 5,500.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ...» 18,608.10 Cash In vault and net amounts due from National banks. 102,360.40 Net amounts due from banks and bankers, and trust companies other tJban Included in Items 18,14, and 15 7,000.00 Total of Items 14,16,18,11 and 18 »127,»'.8.40 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and • tiler cash Items. __ * U>4B.Bt Redemption flind with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer 2,500.00 Total 1...... * 470.899.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In "... t 60 000.00 Surplus fund- .......... ...... i 0,000.00 Undivided profits . , $15,144.98 Less current expenses. Interest, and faxes paid - 6,652.94 9,691.99 Amount reserved for aIL Interest accrued ..... 1,600.00 Circulating notes 0ut5tanding............ 50,000.00 Individual deposits subject to cheok 509.908.1 l Certified obecks 23J9 Cashier's checks 0ut5tanding............... - 806.15 Dividends unpaids...... 8,506.00 Total demand deposits subject to lie serve, Items 81,86, 36,37, 88. 89, 40, and 41 *.... $214,232.16 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 88.628.16 Other time deposits ... 86JM7A9 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 42,48,44, and 45 125,075.57 Total $ 470,806,71 State of North Carolina, County of Alamance, as: 1, Chas. A. Hcott, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, CHAM. A. BCOTT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Bth day of July, 1918. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Notary Public. My Commission expires Oct. 10,1919. (Notalal Seal) Correct—Attest: x - H. W. BCOTT. J. L. BCOTT, JJI, •v E. 8. PARKER, Jn„ Directors. IMPORTANT NOTICE! TO DELINQUENT 1917 TAX PAYERS This is to notify all persons who have not paid their 1917 Taxes that they are long past due, and the County Commissioners have given me notice I that I must settle on September Ist. Therefore, if these taxes are not paid during the month of July, I will be compelled to adver- • tise and sell all who are unpaid on August Ist. Please save this unnecessary cost by coming : forward and settling at once. C. D. STORY, Sheriff.

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