vol. XLIV ■ If '""W—B— Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles by using HAGAN'S MagnoliaJsjl'' Balm. Acta intftantly. Stops theburning. Clear* your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is betft of all beautificrt and heals Sunburn Quickest Don't be without it a ay longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail diredt 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO., 40 So. sth St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. EUREKA j : Spring Water ] FROM 2 • EUREKA jSPRING, t |; Graham, N. C. | J! A valuable mineral spring I J; has been discovered by W. H. J » Ausley on his place in Graham. 2 11 It tvas noticed that it brought 1 J1 health to the users of the water, J > and upon being analyzed it was 2 !I found to be a' water strong in $' 11 mineral properties and good „i > for stomach and blood troubles. « J! Physicians who have seen the J | analysis and what it does, Y i recommend its use. ! I Analysis and testimonials j j | will be furnished upon request, j i > Why buy expensive mineral t ! i waters from a distance, when . ' \ there is a good water recom- J 1 ' mended by physicians right at i! home ? For further inl'orma- J! tion and or the water, if you J 1 > desire if apply to the under- • > signed. 1, I! W. H. AUSLEY.' J >...... . BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, (Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &c., &c. For Sale At I The Gleaner Printing Oitice Grabam, N. C. Eu/litth Spavin Liniuinet re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Hone, StifUs, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save S6O by use of one bot. tie. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Company adv TJ»e fuel problem declines to tske a summer vacation this year. ■ If ou.* dark skin boys don't hurry up they will not be able to claim the name of "Black Devils." The Italian Arditi are becoming known as "Ulaek Fiends" aud "Red Fiends," according to their fancy in color. You Can Cure That Backache. !**ln along the back, dizziness, headache ari'l gennerai languor. Uet a package of toother iiray's Australia l>eaf, thu pk-anai t root and herb cure for Kidney, liladder and Urinary troubles. Whan you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use tbls remarkable combination f nature, herbs and ruoia. As a regulator It has ih qual. Mother Orsy's Australian is old by Druggists or sent by mail for &octs ample aent free. Address, The Mother ray to.. Le HOT. N. V. Some of these fine days the Kaiser will simultaneously dis cover that both the United States army and the well known acean are much larger than he expected. Army service puts up the su*, preine test for ,the mau who en- UeMVors to make a "show of au thority" take a place of deinon- Btrat .on of efficiency. DOING GOOD. Few medicines have met with more favor or accomplished more Sood than Chamberlain's Colic ana liarrhoei Remedy. John T. Jant zcn, Delroeny, Sas M says of it. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for myself am family, and. on recommend it as being an exceptionally fine prepa ration. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. OUTWITTING nmi A/LICUTCNANT RIK~I PAT O'BRIEN- JR.! c,>*9,tfmrAWAcmK/e/f CHAPTER 111. Captured by the Hun*. I shall not forget the 17th of ( August, 1017. t killed two Huns In J the double-seated machine in the [ morning, another In the' evening, and j then I Was captured myself. I may have spent more eventful days in my life, but I can't recall any Just now. That morning, In crossing the line on early morning patrol, I noticed two German balloons. I decided that as soon as my patrol was over I would go oft on my own hook and see what a, German balloon looked like at close quarters. These observation balloons are used j by both sides In conjunction with the artillery. A man sits up fn the bal loon with a wireless apparatus nnd di rects the firing of the guns. From his point of vantage he can follow the work of his own artillery with a re • markahle degree of accuracy and et the same time he can observe the ene my's movements and report them. The-Germans are very good at this j work, and they use a great number of I these balloons. It was considered a very important part of our work to keep them out of the sky. There are two ways of going after a •bnlloon In a machine. One of them is to cross the lines at a low altitude, Hy ing so near the ground that the man with the antiaircraft gun can't bother you. You fly along until you get to the level of the balloon and if, in the meantime, they have not drawn ftie balloon down, you open fire on It and the bullets you use will set it on fire If they land. The other way Is to fly over where you know the balloons to be, put your machine In a spin so that they can't hit you, get above them, spin over the balloon and then open fire. In going back over the line you cross at a few hundred feet. This Is one of the hardest Jobs In the service. There Is less danger in attacking an enemy's aircraft. Nevertheless, I had made up my mind to either get those balloons or make them descend, and I only hoped that they would stay on the Job until I had a chance 'at them. When our two hours' duty Was up, therefore, I dropped out of the forma tion as we crossed the lines and turned back again. I was at a height of 15,000 feet, con siderably higher than the balloons. Shutting my motor off, I dropped down through the clouds, thinking to find the balloons at about five or six miles behind the German lines. Just as I came out of the cloud banks I saw below me, about a thou sand .feet, a two-seater hostile ma chine doing urtjllery observation and directing the German guns. This wus at a point about four miles behind the German lines. Evidently the German artillery saw me and put out ground signals to at tract the Hun machine's attention, for ( s#w the observer quit his work and grab his gun, while their pilot stuck the nose of his machine straight down. But they were too late to escape me. t was diving toward them at a speed of probably two hundred miles an hour, shooting all the time as fast as possible. Their only chance lay In the possibility thnt the force of my drive might break my wings. I knew my danger In that direction, but as soon as I came out of my dive the Huns would have their chance to get me, und I knew I had to get them first and take a chance on my wings hold ing out. Fortunately some of my first bullets found their murk, and I was ajile to come out of my dive at about four thousand feet. They never came out of theirs! But right then came the hottest sit uation In the air I had ever experi enced up to that time. The depth of my dive had brought me within reach of the machine guns from the ground, and they also put a barrage around me of shrapnel from antiaircraft guns and I Jiad an opportunity to "ride the barrage," as they call it In the It. F. C. To make the situation more Interest ing, they began shooting "flaming on ions" at me. "Flaming onions" are rockets shot from a rocket gun. They are used to hit a machine when It Is flying low, nnd they are effective up to about five thousand feet Some times they are shot up one after an other in strings of about eight, and they are one of the hardest things to go through. If they hit the machine, It Is bound to catch fire and then the Jig Is ,up. Ail the time, too, I was being at tacked by "Archie"—the antiaircraft gun. I escaped the machine guns and j the "flaming onions," but "Archie," the antiaircraft lire, got me four or five times. Every time a bullet plugged me, or rather niy machine. It made a loud bang, on account of the tension on the material covering the wings. None of their shots hurt me until I was about a mile from our lines, and then they hit my motor. Fortunately, I still had altitude enough* to drift on to our own side of the lines, for my motor was completely out of cau)mis sion. They Just raised the dickens with me all the time I was descend ing, and I began to think I would strike the ground before crossing the I line, but" theTe was a~s!lght wind In j my favor, and Ji carried nie two miles | behind our lines. There the balloons I had gone out to get had the satisfaf | tion of "pin-pointing" me. Through j the directions which they were able to I give to their artillery they commenced ' shelling my machine where It lay. This particular work is to direct the fire of their artillery, and they are used Just as the artillery observation airplanes are. Usually two men are stationed in each balloon. They ascend ' to a height of several thousand feet about five miles behind their own lines I and are equipped with wireless and I signaling apparatus. They watch the ' ! burst of their own artillery, check up the position, get the range, nnd direct the next shot. When conditions are favorable they are able to direct the shots so accu rately that It Is quick work destroying the object of their attack. It was such a balloon as this that got my position, marked me out, called for an artillery shot, and they commenced shelling my I machine where It lay. If I had got : the two balloons tnstend of the air plane, I probably would not have lost my machine, for he would In all proba bility have gone on home and not both- \ ered abftut getting my range and caus ing the destruction of my machine. I landed in a part of the country that was literally covered with shell holes. Fortunately my machine was not badly damaged by the forced land ing. I leisurely got out, walked around it to see what the .damage was, and concluded thnt it could be easily re paired. In fact, I thought if I could find a space long enough between shell holes to get a start b*fore leaving the ground (hat I would be able to fly on from there. I was still examining my plane and considering the matter of a few slight repairs, without any particular thought for my own safety In that unprotected Bpot, when a shell came whizzing through the air, knocked me to the ground and lnnded a few feet away. It had no sooner struck than I made a run for cover and crawled Into a shell hole. I would have liked to get farther away, but I didn't know where the ncKt shell would burst, and I thought I was fairly safe there, so I squatted down and let them blaze away. The oflly damage I suffered was from the mud which splattered up In my face and over my clothes. That was my Introduction to a shell hole, and I resolved right there that the in fantry could have all the shell-hole fighting they wanted, hut it did not appeal to mo, though they live In them through many n long night and I had only sought shelter there for a few minutes. After the Germans had completely demolished ipy machine and ceased firing, I waited there a short time, feartng pethaps they might send over a lucky shot, hoping to get me after all. But evidently they concluded enough shells had been wasted on one man. I crawled out cautiously, shook the mud off, and I looked over In the direction where my machine hnd once been. There wasn't enough left for a decent souvenir, but nevertheless I got a few, "such as they were," und read ily observing that nothing could be done with what was left, I made my way back to lnfuntry headquarters, where I wus able to telephone In a report A little "later one of our nutonio blles came out after me and took me back to our airdrome. Most of my squadron thonght I wus lost beyond I Joubt, and never expected to see me again; brkmy friend, Puul Ituney, had field out that I was all right, and us ( was afterwards told, said, "Don't •end for another pilot; that Irishman will be back. If he has to walk." And he knew that the only thing that kept me from walking was the fact that our own automobile had bP?n"Sent out to bring me home. I had lots to think about that day, and I had learned many things; one was not to have too much confidence In my own ability. One of the men In the squadron told nie that I hud bet ter not take those chances; "that it was going to be a long war and I wonld have plenty of opportunities to be killed without deliberately "wishing them on" myself. Later I was to learn the truth of his statement. That nhiht my "flight"—each squad ron Is divided Into three flights, con sisting of six men each —got ready to go out again. ' As I started to put On my tunic I noticed that I was not marked up for duty as usual. I asked the commanding officer, a mpjor. what the reason for that wan, Und he replied that he thought I had done enough for one day. However, j I knew that If I did not go, someone else from another "flight" would have ; to take my place, and I Insisted upon ! going up with my patrol as usual, and the major reluctantly consented. Had he known what was In store for me, I am sure he wouldn't have changed his mind so readily. I As It was we had only five machines for this patrol, anyway, because as we crossed the lines one of them had to drop out on account of motor trouble. Our patrol was up at 8 p. in- and up to within ten minutes of thnt hour It had been entirely uneventful. At 7:50 p. m., however, while we were flying at a height of 13,000 feet, we observed three other English ma- GRAHAM, N. C.,THURSDAY, JULY 18. 1918 i chines which were about 8,000 feet below us pick a fight with nine Hun machines. I knew right, then that we were In for it, because I could see over toward the ocean a whole, flock of Hun ma chines which evidently had escaped the -attention of our scrappy country men below us. j So we dove down on those nine Huns. "*-• I At first the fight was fairly even. There were eight of us to them. But Boon the other machines which I had seen in the distance, and which were flying even higher than we were, arrived on'the scene, and when they. In turn, dove down on us, there wus Just twenty of them to our eight! .Four of them singled me out. I was diving, and they dived right down after me, shooting as they came. Their tracer bullets were coming closer to' me every moment. These tracer bul lets are balls of flte which ennble the shooter to follow the course his bul lets are taking and to correct his aim accordingly. They do no more harm to a pilot If he is hit than an ordinary bullet, but If they hit the petrol tank, good night! When a machine entches lire In flight tljere Is no way of put ting It out It takes le*s than a min ute for the fabric to burn off the wings and then the machine drops like nn arrow, leaving a trail of smoke like a comet. • As their tracer bullets came closer and closer to me I realized that my chances of escape were nil. Their very next shot, I felt, must hit me. j Once, some days before, when I was flying over the line, I had watched a fight above me. A German machine was set on fire, and dived down through our formation In flames on Its way to the ground. The Hun wus div ing at such a sharp angle that both his wings came off, and as he passed .within a few hundred feet of me I saw the look of horror on his face. Now, when I expected any moment j to suffer a similar fate, I could not | help thinking of that poor Hun's lust 1 look of agony, i | I 1 | ————^—W—s^^————in— Lieutenant O'Brien In the First Machine He Used in Active Servi"*. With Him Is Lieutenant Atkinson. I realized that my only chance lay In mnklng un Immelman turn. This maneuver was Invented by a German — one of the greatest who &er flew and who was killed in action sometime be fore. This turn, which I made success fully, brought one of their machines light in front of me, and as he sailed along barely ten yards away, I "had the drop" on him, and he knew it His white face and startled eyes I can still see. He knew beyond ques tion that his last moment had come, because his position prevented his tak ing aim at me, while my gun pointed Straight at klin. My first tracer bullet passed wfthln a yard of his head, the second looked as If It hit his shoulder, the third struck him in the neck, and then I let him have the whole works, and he went down In a spinning nose 1 j dive. All this time the three other Hun ' i muehlnes were shooting away at me. I could hear the bullets striking my 1 machine one after another. I hadn't I the slightest Idea that I could ever ' beat off those three Iluiis. but there ' j was nothing for me to do but fight, nnd ' my hands were full. ' | In flgb'ing. your t machine is drop ' i ping, dropping all the time. I glanced ] at my Instruments, and my altitude ; , was between 8,000 and 9,000 feet ' | While I wus still looking at the In | struments, the whole blamed works disappeared. A burst of bullets went | Into the Instrument board and blew I It to smithereens, soother bullet went through lay upper lip, came out of the , j roof of |ny mouth and lodged In my j throat, and the next thlug 1 knew was | when I came to In a German hospital . the following morning at five o'clock, 1 German time. I was a prisoner of war. CHAPTER IV. Clipped Wings. The hospital In which I found my self on the morning after ray capture was a private house made of brick, 1 very low and dirty, and not at all 1 adapted for use as a hospital. It had evidently been used but a few doys on ! account of the big push that was tak ing place at that time of the year, and In nil probability would be abandoned as soon as they hud found a better place. , In all, the house contained four; rooms and a stable, which was by far the largest of all. Although I never looked Into this "wing" of the hospital, I was told that it, too, was filled with patients lying on beds of straw around on the ground. Ido not know whether they, too, were officers or privates. The room In which I found myself contained eight beds, three of which were occupied by wounded German of ficers. The other rooms, I imagined, hud about the Bame number of beds as mine. There were tjo Red Cross nurses In attendance, Just orderlies, for this was only un emergency hospital and too near the firing line for nurses. The orderlies were not old men nor very young boys, as I had expected to find, but young men In the prime of life, who evidently hud been medical stu dents. One or two of them, I discov ered, were able to talk English, but for some reason they would not tnlk. Perhaps they were forbidden by the officer In charge to do so. In addition to the bullet wound In my mouth I had a swelling from my forehead to the back of my head al most as big as my shoe—and thnt is suying considerable. I couldn't move nn inch without suffering Intense pain, and when the doctor told me that I had no bones broken I wondered how a fellow would feel who had. German officers visited me that morning and told me that my machine went down In a spinning nose dive from a height df .between 8,000 and 9,000 feet, and they had the surprise of their lives when they discovered that I had not been dashed to pieces. They had to cut me out of my machine, which was riddled With shots and shat tered to bits.. A German doctor removed the bullet from my throat, and the first thing he said to me when I came to was, "You are an American I" There was no denying It, because the metal Identification disk on my j wrist bore the Inscription: "P. O'B. U. S. A. It. F. C." Although I was suffering intense agony, the doctor, who spoke perfect English, Inslsteif upon cohverslng with me. '* "You may be all right as a sports man," he declared, "but you are a d d murderer Just the siune for be ing here. You Americans who got Into this thing before America came into the wur are no better than common murderers and you ought to be treated the snme way!" The wound In my mouth mude It Im possible for me to answer blin, and I was suffering too much pain to be hurt very much by anything he could say. He asked me If I would like an apple! I could Just us easily hsve eaten a brick. When he got no answers out of me, he walked away disgustedly. "You don't have to worry uny more," he declared, as a parting shot. "For you the war Is over." I was given a little broth later io the day, aud as i begun to collect my thoughts I wondered what hud hap pened lo my comrades In the buttle which had resulted so disastrously to me. As I bi-gati to realize my plight I worried less about my physical con dition than the fact that, lis the doc tod had [Kilnted oOt, for me the wur was practically over. I hud been In It but a short time, and now I would be ■ a prisoner for the duration of the war! The next day some German flying i officers visited me, and I must say they treated me »ith great consideration. They told me of the man I had brought down. They sold he wus a Bavarian 1 and a fairly good pilot. They gave me his hat as a souvenir and compliment ed me 'to the fight 1 had put up. My helmet, which wus of soft leather, HIIS split from front to bail by a bullet from a machine gun, nnd they examined It with great Interest. When they brought me my uniform 1 found that the star of my rank which had been on my right shoulder strap hail been shot off clean. The one on | my left shoulder strap they asked me for as n souvenir, as also my It. F. C. badges, which I gave them. They al lowed me to keep my "wings," which I wore on my left breast, because they . were aware that that Is the proudest • possession of a British flying officer. I think I am right In saying that the only chivalry In this war on the Ger- I man side of the trenches has been dls | played by the officers of the German j flying corps, which comprises the pick l of Germany. They pointed out to me j that 1 and mv comriifled were flchtlnt purely for the love of It, whereas they were fighting in defense of their coun try, but still, they said, they admired us for our sportsmanship. I had a no tion to ask them If dropping bombs on London and killing so many Innocent people was In defense of their country, but I was In no position or condition to pick a quarrel at that time. That same day a German officer was 1 " brought Into the hospital and put In the bunk next to mine. Of course t ei casually looked at him, but did not pay particular attention to him at that time. He lay there for three or four hours before I did take a real good look at him. I was positive that he could not speak English, and naturally I did not say anything to him. Once when I looked over In his direction his eyes were on me, and to my surprise he snld, very sarcastically, "What the h—l are you looking at" and then smiled. At this time I was Just be ginning to say a few words, as my wound had prevented me from talking, but I sold enough to let htm know what I was doing there and how I happened to be there. Ho evidently hnd heard my story from some of the others, though, because he said It wus too bad I had not broken my neck; that he did not have much sympathy with the flying corps anyway. He asked me what port of America I came from, nnd I told him "California." After n few more questions he learned that I hailed from Hun Fran cisco, nnd then added to my distress by saying, "How would you like to have u good, Juicy steuk right out of the Hofbrau?" Naturally I told him it would "hit the spot," but I hnrdly thought my mouth was In shape Just then to eat It. I Immediately asked, of course, what he knew about the Hofbrau, and he replied, "I was con nected with the place a good mnny years, and I ought to know all about It- After that this German officer nnd I became rather chummy; Ulat Is, as far as I could be chUmmy with an enemy, and we whllcd away a good many long hours talking about the days we had spent In Bnn Francisco, and frequently In the conversation one of us would mention some prominent Callfornlun, or some little Incident oc curring there, with which we were both famlMar. He told me when wnr was declared he wus, of course, Intensely putrlotlc and thought the only thing for him to do was to go back and aid In the de fense of his country. He found that he could not go .directly from Hun Francisco, beenflse the water wus too well guarded by the English, so hu boarded u boat for Bouth America. There he obtulned a forged passport and In the guise of u Montevldean took passage for Ne\9 York and from there to England. He passed through England without any difficulty ou his forged pussport, but concluded not to risk going to llol lund for feur of exciting too much sus picion, so went down through the Htralt of Gibraltar to Italy, which was m-ulral ill lbjit Urn-, uj> to Austria, aud thence to Germany. lie said when they put in at Gibraltar, after leaving England, there were two sus|ts(.'ts taken off the ship, men that he was sure were neutral subjects, but much to his relief his own passport and cre f >n / >0 . 66 Squadron, ' Royal Plylni.Corßf / l/i XJJLI-I-I-O-a-X—QJL.-I_l_X •j a/ll«ut. 4.o'Brlan, R.P.O. (B|R.) RaportaA *U»U( 17-8-1? I Kufctfl In Itmi a Kit* Frjiu*. 1 Shirt. 4 Tlltl. A Pro. Pant*. 5 Pro* Co»hlnation*. - 1 Right Shirt. , , • Towel*. 1 Pr. Short*. 1 Pr. Puttee* . 3 Pr*. Breeches. , 1 Pr. Trousaro. 1 Strap. 1 Suit olvlllan oloth**. 1 Belt. ■ 1 ■ -~ "" 1 Tunlo. 1 American Tunlo. 1 Pr. Ankl* Root*. 1 British War* Coat. -i* 8 P*. Ooggl**. 1 San Brp«n« Rait. 1 Can*. 1 Bos Dantrlflot. 3 Blanket*. i£r CQBoandlng Wo. 36 Bjuadro», Royal Plying Corp*. Photogrtph of Official Memorandum, Belongings of Lieutenant O'Brien, tenant Raney When O'Brien Was dentials were examined nnd [mused O. K. The Hun s|>oke of Ills voyage from America to Kngland as lielrig excep tionally pleasant, ntid said he had a fine time, liecause he associated with the English passengers on board, his fluent English readily admitting him to several spirited arguments on the subject of the war, which he keenly enjoyed. One little Incident he related revealed the retriarkuble tact which our enemy displayed In his associa tions at sea, which no doubt resulted advantageously for him. As he ex pressisl It. he "made a hit" one evening | when the crowd lias assembled for a I little music by suggesting that they j sing "God Have the King."' Thereafter Ills popularity was assured and the de sired effect accomplished, for very soon a French officer came up to hlrn and said, "It's too bad that England and ourselves haven't tnen In our army like you." It was too bad, he agreed, In telling me about It, because he was confident he could have done a whole lot more for Germany If be hnd been In the English army. In spite of his apparent loyalty, however, the man didn't seem very enthusiastic orer the ' ■- _ , Be j$ aw Hk Hn Pat O'Brlsn and Paul Ransy. war a'nif frankTy admitted one diiy that the old political battles waged In Cali fornia were much more to hla liking than the battle* he had gone through over here. On aecond thought he luughed as though It were a good joke, but he evidently Intended me to Infer that he had taken a keen Interest In politics In San Francisco. When my "chummy enemy" first started his conversation with me, the German doctor In charge reprimanded htm for talking to me, but he paid no attention to the doctor, showing that some real Americanism had soaked Into Ills system while he had been In the U. H. A. 1 nsked him one day what he thought the German people would do after the war; If he thought they would make Oerrnany a republic, and much to my surprise he said very bit terly, "If I had my way about It, I would moke Iter a republic today and hang the d d kulser In the bar guln." And yet he was considered an excellent soldier. I concluded, how ever, that he must have been a Ger man socialist, though he never told me 80. On one occasion I asked hint for his name, but he said that"lwmild probably never see him agatn and It didn't matter what his name was. I did not know whether he meant that the Germans would starve me out, or lust what was on his mind, for at that time I am sure he did not figure on dying. The first two or three days I was In the hospital I thought surely he would be up and gone long before I was, but blood poisoning set In about that time, and Just a few hours before I left for Courtrul he died. One of those days, while my, wound was still very troublesome, I was given an apple; whether It was just to torment me, knowing that I could not eat it, or whether for some other rea son, I do not know, Hut anyway a Oertnan flying offlcer'there hud several In his pockets und gave me u nice one. Of course there was no chance of my eating It, so when the officer had gone and I discovered this Han Francisco fellow looking at It rather longingly, I picked It up, Intending to toss It over to him. Hut he slioolt his head and said, "If this was San Francinco 1 would take It, but I cannot take It from you here." 1 was never üble to understand just why he refused the apple, for he was usually sociable und a good fellow to talk to, but appttr- ■ , Olvlnfl an Inventory of the Personal , Which Were Turned Over to Lieu a Reported Mlaalng on Auguat 17, 1917. enfly" fit- raulil not forget' tiiat f was lila enemy. However, tlinl illil nut atop one of the ordeMes fn.ui eating the apple. Olio practice about the hoK|;ltul lin pri'xxxl me |nirilnilnrl). That wax. If a German aoldler tllil nut Ktiuid much rliunrt of recovering sufficiently to fillip lila place again In the war, the (lociora illil not exert themselves to nee Hint he got well. ISut If a mnn had a fairly K'W M 1 chance of recovering und tlwy thought liu iniKht he of Home fur ther nxe, everything tluit medical skill erniM poaalhly do was done for him. I don't know whether thia waa done under orders or whether the doctors Juat followed tlinir own Inclinations In audi ciiaes. My teeth had lieen badly Jarred up from the shot, and I hoped that I might huve a chance to have them fixed when I reached Courtrni, the prison where I wa* to be taken. So I asked the doctof If It would be possible for me to have this work done there, but he very curtly told me that, although there were several dentists at Cour -1 . ** Continued to Page 4 NO. 23 m GRAHAM CHUHCH DIRECTORY Graham Baptist Church—Rev. L. U. Weston, Pastor. Preaching every first and thira Sundays at 11.00 a. m. und 7.01) p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m. W. I. Ward, Supt. Prayer meeting every Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. Graham Christian Church—N. Main Street—Rev. F. C, Lester. Preaching services every Sec ond ana fourth Sundays, at li.utt a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 10.00 a. M.—W. K. Harden, Super intendent. New Providence Christian Church —North Main Street, near Depot— Rev. F. C. Lester, Pastor. Preach ing every Second and Fourth Sun day nights at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday at Mi a. m.—J, A. Bayiiff, Superin tendent. Christian Endeavor Prayer Meet .nsevery Thursday night at 7.45. Friends—North of Graham pub lic School, Rev. John M. Permar, Pastor. Preaching Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sun days at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9.45 a. m.— Belle Zachury, Superin tendent. r „ Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal, south—cor. Main and Maple Streets, Rev. D. E. Ernhart, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11.0* i. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at Ml a. m.~ W. B. Green, Supt. M. P. Church—N. Main Street. Rev. R. S. Troxler, Pastor. Preaching first and third Sun days at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at Mi a. in.—J. L. Amiclt, Supt. Presbyterian —Wat Elm Street— Rev. T, M. McConnell, pa a tor. Sunday School every Sunday at Mi a. m.—Lynn B. William JOU, Su perintendent. , P . r .? ,b tf. t#rUn (Travora Chapel)-, I. W. Clegg, paator. " • Preaching every Second and Fourth Sundays at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at - 4.30 p. m.—J. Harvey White, Su perintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Olllcc over "1111811 BASIC el ALAAMM J", s. cooz, Attarney-wt- Law, • SRAHAM, * N. a Ornoo Fstteraoo Building Bocond Pleor DR. WILL S.LOMI, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Iraham, - - - ■ Nerth Carallaa 'FFICK IN HJMMONB BUILDING ACOB A. LONG. J. ELMEB LOK G LONG A LONG, 4ttomi>7« und CouriMlort at Liw GRAHAM, N. C. JOH N H. VERNON Attorney and (ounaelor-at-Law POM4WOBIre USJ Residence 3*l BURLINGTON, N. C. " DIGESTONEINE'! Nature's Re* tore live, will Ma. Not only rve« quick. Hire relief from indices' tion's ilia Heartburn, Dizzine*, Sour Riiinp, Acid Mouth. Sleepless ness, etc.. but builds up appetite and entire system. Thousands KNOW, Follow their lead— Ipßgl V&J "Tlx Key to RnlUf* iHI , I am Improving la health ilaee I a bar* br*u taking your mwUftar. It 1 I baa h*lprd •«» mwb. 1 can't tou M J*.'* thankful I am. I do not 1 I tlilnk I mold «»l along without It. 1 1 Hav* r»«mim»iMW It to tnanjr aloe* It l*ai doo« utt to UiG'L guutf. WILLIS TOWNg. Hanson, No. Car. ! tdlilln—m pm mm, BACK FV* lunho COMMUNE FACTS, aaa / HAYES DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM. N. C." ' * Itll 1 LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS I Thin book, entitled aA above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min i intent in the Christian Church ' with historical references. An ' interesting volume—nicely print i ed and bound. Price per copy: 1 cloth, 12.00; gi)t top, $2.60. By 1 mail 20c extra. Orders may be ' seut to 1 P. J. KKRNODLK, 1012 K. Marshall St., , Richmond, Va. i Orders may be left at this office. i > HeUefla till Hours t Distressing Kidney and Bladder 1 Diabase relieved in six houra h/ , the "NEW GREAT 80UTH AMER . ICAN KIDNEY CURE." It la • great surprise on account of its exceeding oromntness in relieving ' pain in bladder, kianeva and back, > in male or female. Relievea reten tion of water almoat immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Gra ham Drue Co, adr,

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