Auction Sale! n OF— ... 10 Business Lots IN GRAHAM, N. C. This property is owned by Mrs. Corinna Hunter and is located right |on Mam Street, of Graham, N. C. Business houses on either side of this property make it the most valuable business property to be had in that thriving city. This property is to Graham what tne McAdoo property is to Greensboro, one of the most desirable in the city. * Mrs. Hunter has placed this property in our hands for sale with no strings to it, but says sell when the last bid is placed on it. It has been subdivided into business lots having ample frontage on Main street and if you ever intend owning property of real worth in the city of Graham be sure and own one of these lots at the end of the sale. Saturday, Dec. 14th AT 10:30 A. M. Brass Band Concert. Sold on Easy Terms. Sale Rain or Shine. Sale Conducted By The American Auction & Realty Co., Thomas Bros., The Twin Auctioneering Force GREENSBORO, N. C. PROVED SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY Voluntary Basis of Food Saving Showed Heart of America Beat True for Freedom. To tho voluntary aorvlce and sacri fice of the American people muat be attributed the . continued health, atrength and morale of the Allied ar ■nlea and the civil populace. Upon thl» spirit of service and sac rlflce will depend Kurope'a fate In the months to come. In the pant year we have carried out an export program, the magnitude of which la be yond comprehension. But with the new demand* that have come, with the liberation of natlona freed from German oppreaalon, our exports muat be almost doubled. Instead of 11,820,- 000 ton*, we muat ahlp twenty million tona of food to Europe in the coming year—us much as can be pushed through our porta. If the, Alllea had not been fed by America, It would have l>een linpos albte for them to maintain their de fense against Germany. Meeting this world need on a purely voluntary basis, thA American people have conclusively proved that democ racy la a succeiM ann that In time of need It will rise to Ita own defenae. If thero wero no other accompllah moot to Ita credit the very fact that It haa shown the atrength of democracy haa In Itself more than Justified the existence of the Food Administration In the eyes of the world. Less than four months after the United States declared war the United States Food Administrator expressed his determination to meet Amerlca'a food problem on a basis of voluntary action and reiterated hifa confidence that awokened democracy would prove Irresistible. "Many thinking Americans," said Mr. Hoover, "and the whole world have been watching anxiously the last four months In the fear that demo cratic America could not organize to meet autocratic Germany. Germany tms been confident that It could not he done. Contrary proof la Immediately •t our door, and our people liavo al ready demonstrated their ability to mobilise, organise, endure and prepare voluntarily and efficiently In many di rections and upon the mere word of Inspiration aside from the remarkable aaaeablace of our Army and finances." The history of the Food Administra tion has clearly shown that the trust of thoae who put their faith In democ racy baa not been misplaced. • senso of voluntary sulf-sacrifice as In America—that waa shown in the abstinence from wheat Find mora wheat It came; more pork. It came • save sugar, Jt waa done. 80 Americans answered the challenge of German starvation. Good will rules the new world as fear governed the old world. Through •baring food America helps make the whole world kin. Food control made sufficiency from shortage, kept the rein on food price*, gave the nation's full stien|t)i exer> SHE KEPT THEM ON THE JOB SAVE 16.000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT THAT FORMERLY WAS LOST IN THRESHING Farmers, Urged by Food Administra tion, Provide Seven Extra Loaves of Bread for Every American. I By adopting cleaner threshing meth- j ods and by literally combing harvest ! fields to gather grain formerly wast ed, threshcrincn and farmers of the ' United Htates this year saved fully j 10,000,000 buskela of wheat, estimated I aa equivalent to about seven one-pound i loaves of bread for every person In the country. This result, accompanied ' by corresponding anvlngs of barley, 1 oats, rye and other grains, Is ahown by | reports from 33 grain states to the IT. 8. Food AdinlnlatFatlon. Other states, although not prepared to furnish defi nite figures of conaervatlon In the grain fields, report greatly reduced harvest losses. This rural food saving achievement, accomplished In scarcely nix months' time, was In direct response lo re quests by the Kood Administration, which asked farmer* and thrcslieanien > to reduce harvest losses from About' 6% per cent. —the estimated average j In normal times—to the lowest possl-j ble minimum. Country grain thresh ing committee* carried Into every grain growing community the' official recommendations for accomplishing the results desired. In numerous Instance* driver* of reeks with leaky bottom* were sent from the fields to repair their equip ment ami frequently had order thresh ing mnrhlnes were stopped until the cause of waste was removed. But In proportion to the number of person* engaged In gathering the nation's grain I crop, eases of compulsion were com- I pare tiwly rare. The Food Adminis tration freely attribute* the success of | the grain threshing campaign to ! trtotlc aenrlee by farmers, thresher i men a.MI their crewa. Incidentally | grain growers of the United States are ; many million* of dollar* "In pocket" j aa a result of the grain saved. NO ONE SUFFERED HERE. | The marvel of onr voluntary food saving, now that we are "getting re | suits," Is that no one ever actually suffered any hardship from It; that we all are better In liealtn and aplrlt and better satisfied with ourselves be cause of our friendly self-denial. Kood control In America held the price of broadstuffs steady, prevented I vicious speculation and extortion and preserved tranquillity at home, „■ BUY WAR 8 A VINO STAMPS THE RED CROBB ROLL CALL When "the greatest mother In the world" calls the roll the week of December 16-28 the hope of the American Red Cross Is that the ahswer for th* entire American people will be: "AH present, or accounted for." It will be the occasion for 22.000,000 adults and 8,000,000 children to renew their member ship and for all others td Join. One happy slogan of the roll call announces that "all you need Is a heart and a dollar." Why does the Red Cross at Christmas conduct a member ship campaign? liecause It unites the people In an Intimate way with the organization they have supported so magnificently. In other countries one of the most Impressive things about the American Red Crosa Is the size of Its membership, attesting truly popular approval. This Christmas, "* when our country Is out of the deep waters of the war, every dollar paid for an annual membership In the Red Cross will be a direct Chrlstmaa gift to our land, air and sea force* and to those who have felt the sting of war In a way that we In this country have not experienced. The min istrations of the lted Cross will be as good a substitute for Christmas at home as can be furnished under the circum stance*. The women of America, see- Ing In th* lted Cross an exten sion upon a universal scale of the mothering Instinct, will be quick to answer "Here" to the roll call, because service and sacrifice are womanly qualities and they are Red Croaa quali ties. ('resident Wilson, as president of the American Red Cross, says: T summon you to th* romrartmhlp I" "I think if the people of Aniertr* rould only aee and reallte what Urn boy* are doing out here," aald a C«iv tain after Chateau-Thierry, "thi-j would gladly back them up with theli laat dollara and their Uvea If HCH aarj." Y THRIFT BIT*. A man who won't lend li the Kale er'a friend. Lead by buying W. S. 8. Pay up your W. 8. 8. pledge and gel It off yoar hand*. The fellow who feel* beet feela a War Saving* certificate In hla pocket Better than money becanae the; earn money—War Savlnge Stampe Bare tor old age and Old Olory, Buy War Baring* Stampe. All 100 per ceet Americaa* art m * k1 — «ood their War Sartagi >M|it **• » better American U yet War Barlnga pledge. Itch relic red In M minute* b; Woodford'• Sa/Jlary Lotion. Neve; fail*. Sold by Graham Drue Co. Bt T Y WAR SAVING STAMPS Auction Sale! OF Valuable Property At HAW RIVER, N. C. The Jonathan Thompson, consisting of one 9-room dwelling a Foundry and all equipment, and seven vacant lots right in the heart of the thriving village of Haw River, and is the most valuable property to be had in or around the town." This foundry should be a very profitable investment for some hustling, energetic young business man as there is lots of foundry work to be done for the Cotton Mills at this place. > This property is just across the street from the Christian church, has a good road frontage on two streets, and should appeal to a person want ing a home or a home site, or the wise investor for business property in the future. - This property will positively be sold when you are through bidding. The terms are very easy: One-third cash, balance one and two years. We invite you out to this sale. Saturday, December 14 AT 2:00 P. M. Brass Band Concert. Sold on Easy Terms. Sale Rain or Shine. Sale Conducted By The American Auction & Realty Co. Thomas Bros., the Twin Auctioneering Force GREENSBORO, N. C. CANTEEN AT FRONT FOR AMERICANS MEN" American flying men In France are to receive special attention from the American Red Cross as the result of a request for such service that has been received from Genera! Patrick, Chief of the Air Service. Because of the necessity of keeping aviators over seas In the very best mental and physical condition for their hazardous work officials of the aviation branch of the service have long felt they should have more comforts and opportunities for relaxation than are provided by the ordinary canteen. In compliance with the request the lied Cross Is establishing special com bination mess and recreation canteens at all points In France where our avi ators, either students or officers, are stationed. Extra comforts and atten tion will be provided for our "bird men" at these canteens. They will be -•presided over by American women of Intelligence and cheerful personality, whose chief duty will be to create as much home atmosphere aa possible In the circumstances. The American Red Cross Is to have oole charge of these aviation canteens. ASK THE SOLDIERS. That the soldiers, sailors and ma rines ure deeply appreciative of the canteen service of the American Red Cross Is given ample evidence many times every day. The keynote of their appreciation la perhaps beat expressed on the post cards which they send to the "folks back home" when en route to potnta of embarkation. From a j dozen picked op at random the follow. | Ing sentiments were taken and "speak for themselves:'* •, "Red Cross are sure treating as great en route." "Red Croaa are sura making It happy for ns.'* "Support Red Crass In everything." "For Cod's sake never say 'No' to the Red Cross. They're wonderful." I "Long live the Red Cross." "The Red Cross are angels to us the way they treat us." "Canteen service 100 per cent In Toledo; fifteen carloads of ua well taken care of." "Red Crosa serving coffee. Oh, they do so much for us I" "Do all you can for Red Croaa —they j do so much for ua." HAVE HAIR LIKE "20" It's never toa late ta get rid of 1 gray in tho hair, Tliojaands have benefitted l.y this acicntific diccov ery. Why don't you? Gray, faded, be.lrnliblei hiir can be changed to a uniform, lustrous beautiful, dark color, so natural in appearnce by applying Q-ban Hair Color Restorer. Safe, simple ga aranteed harmless—all ready to use—soc a bottle. S ild by Hayea Drug Company and all goou drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Q-ban Liquid ahampos, Q-ban Toilet Soap, Q-ban Depilatory. Q&aai HtHHMHH I 9 S Used 40 Years 9 CARDIII J The Woman's Tonic { l} Sold Everywhere Z • ...I hhmhmhi H triMto nmr!:i and cv. nht |r*l or M | ■ fire. 1..| t.iudvl, fckfti '.ai or pl» urn and U> H ■ Bcripi.on f.,r rRfcS LZAHCH and rapott ■ ■ or p*UmtnUiity. Ilaak nrfwm**. ■ PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES tor ■ | ■ you. Oar frrv bookt«C« toll how. wbMfotaivral H I ■ AND MVO you money. Wrlto today. ■ ID. SWIFT & co. I PATENT LAWYERS, ■ r 1 '• I i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.; I Having qualified as Administrator of the . estate of Alvln Dixon, deceaaed. tbe undersigned hereby notifies all persons hold- I tog olalma against tbe aald estate to present tbe aame, uuly authentic, ted, on or before tbelAihdar i.f No*"., lBI»,or tbla notice will bt pleaded In bar of their recovery; and mil peraona Indebted bias Id estate are request ed!' make Immediate settlement. Tbls Oct. 31, IS 8. K. W. VINCENT, Adm'r ltnovflt Of Alvln Dixon, deo'd ■ | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having quallfled as Adtnlnlatraior of the eatsU? of I. W. A. I-a) ore, dec'd, tb~ under signed hen by notifies all p raona holding Claliua Igal n»t laid estate to preaent tbe aame duly auui rthclwl, on or before the IMb day of Nov., mm, or this liouce win bo pleaded Id bar of their recovery. AU pereo a Indebted to aald estate are requested to make Im mediate sei tleraeut. This Nov. i itb, mm. ',. . «, I-. BAYNK3. Aim'r | Itaoqdt of L. W. A. Hayoes, deo'd".' \nfflHi| JH wsH BV wM HV i J Dixon'a Lead Pencil* are the are THB BEST. Try tliem and be convinced. They are for aale at tbla office.—Sc. j BUY WAR SAVINO STAMPS k NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. L Under and by virtue of the pow [ er of sale contained in a certain I j mortgage executed by R. T. Shofi'- ■ 1 ner, and his wiie, Lula Shoff- L ner, to Claude Cates, op April 16, P 1917, for the purpose of securing the payment of a bond of even I date therewith, which , Jbond and I mortgage was by Claude Cates du ly transferred to the Alamance In surance & Real Estate Company, on June 15, 1917, and default having been made in the payment of said bond at maturity, the undersigned will, on I MONDAY, JANUARY, 6, 1918 at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at ■ public auction to the highest b:l | der for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Gra * ham, N. 0., a certain -piece or | tract of land lying and being in Alamance county, North Carolina, I in Burlington township, and de scribed %nd defined as follows: Beginning at a roek in the road corner with John Morton and Wil ' liam Boon, and running thence S. 16 1-4 deg. Wl 2 chs. 40 links to a" stake, corner , with Baxter Day; thence S. 85 d'eg. W. 4 chains 25 links to a stone; thence N. 3 1-4 deg. E. 2 chains 25 links to a rock, corner , with William Boon; thence N. 85 deg. E. 4 chains and 75 links to the beginning, and con taining one acre, more or less, upon which is situated a 3-room frame dwelling. CLAUDE CATES, Mortgagee. Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company, Assignee of Mortgagee. This December 4, 1918. Summons by Publication ! North Carolina, Alamance County, [ In the Superior Court, i January Term, 1919. Alice Hill, Plaintiff, vs. James Hill, Defendant. The defendant above named wilt take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Ala mance County for the dissolution of i the bonds of matrimony a vinculo matrimonii between the plaintiff and the defendant; and said de fendant will further take notice that he la required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the sixth Monday before the first Monday in March, 1919, at the court house of •aid county in Graham, N. C„ ana answer or demur to the complaint in the aaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demaded in said complaint. This November 12, 1918. J. D. KERNODLE 14nov4t Clerk Superior Court. " EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor nt' the will of J. W. Teague, deceased, the undersigned hereby notifies all persona holding claims against the said estate, to present them, duly authenticated, on or before the Ist day of December, 1919, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebtea to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement. This Nov. 28, 1918. . ... CL A Y TEAGUE. Ex'r of the will of J. W. Teague, Route No J„ Liberty, V.C 28nov6t. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS , SALE OF REAL ESTATE UIfDER DEED OF TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power ■ of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed January 1, 1917, by John A. Burton and Lula C. Burton, his wife, to Alamance Insurance & Heal Estate Company, i Trustee, for the purpose of secur the payment of four certain bonds due January 1, 1918, which deed of trust is duly probated and recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 71, at page 223, in the I Public Registry of Alamance coun ty default having been made in the payment of said bonds at ma turity and the interest thereon, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door of Alamance county, in Gra-- - ham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance coun ty, State of North Carolina, in . South Burlington township, adjoin ing the lands of Oak and Cameron Streets, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the Northeast side of Oak Street, cor ner with Mrs, Jennie Terrell; .run ning thence with the line of Oak Street North 29 deg. 40 min. West 81 1-2 feet to corner on Oak and Cameron Streets; thence with the Une of Cameron Street North 64 deg. 40 min. East 150 feet to cor ner on Lot No. 33; thence with the °l ot No - 33 Sojth 29 deg, 40 min. East 81 1-2 feet to corner on Lot No. 33 and Mrs. Terrell's cor ner; thence with Mrs. Terrell's line South 55 deg. West -150 feet to the beginning and being Lots Nos. 13 M ? , 14 2 , hat is know n as With erdale heights. Upon this lot is situated a 5-roo-n cottage. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., This November 21, 1918. Trustee - WANT k NEW STOMACH? I II you do "Digestoneine" w'll give I you one. For full particulars ecard- I»» wonderful Remedy -rhich | ha* benefited thousands, apply to . HAVES DRUG CO. jl: GRAHAM DRUG Co. SUMMER COMPLAINT. During the hot weather of the summer months some member of almost every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural loose ness of the bowels, and it is of the greatest importance that this be treated propmptly, which can only be done when the medicine is kept on hand. Mrs. F. p. Scott, Scotts rl Ue ' £•, y-f « tate ». Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as much as five years ago. At that tltne I had a severe at « 5 summer complaint ana was suffering intense pain. One dose relieved me. Other members of my family have since used it with like results ' For sale by al dealers. I UP-TO-DATB JOB PRININo't I DONB AT THIS OFFICE. ! IMQiva P» A TRIAL. j

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