|*THE GLEANER t GRAHAM, N. 0., April 17,1919. Poetoflice Hours. Omoopenl.ooa.nl. t07.00 p. to, Bnilda/ >.OO totl.ooa. m. and 4.00 to 100 p. m B. N. COOK. Poatmaster. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. GOING •EAST- No. 112 (mixed) doe 1:45 a m. " 108 , " 9:17 " • " 22 " 5:00 p.m. ff?,, .. GOING WEST — No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. " 21 "11:13 " ' " 139 " 6:16 p. m. AIL trains carry mail, and Nos. 21, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦ ♦ + LOCAL NEWS. + iitiiiiniii'initiiniiiii —Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. —lt rained about all day last Fri - day. - —A new roof is being put on Gra ham Christian church. —The carnivaUeft Graham Satur day night. It afforded amusement for many, but the benefits derived from it are of doubtfnl quantity. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Scott at 10 o'd ck Wednesday morning a son. Mother and child both dojng well. Congratulations. —Rev. John G. Truitt, now pastor of Pleaaafit Grove church near News Ferry, Va., preached last Sunday morning at Graham Christian church of which he was formerly pastor. —On Saturday, 12th inst., Mr. Thomas Forshee and Miss Agnes Nelson, both of Graham, were united in marriage at the h9me of Mr. T. P. BradshaW, the officiating magistrate. —Little Miss Eugenia Banks, niece of Mrs. H. W. Scott, died 8t her home in Raleigh last Wednes day. She had visited here several times and was pleasantly remem bered. —Someone stole Mr. Allen Thomp* son's automobile Saturday hight. It was fouiid Sunday on the eastern outskirts of Mebane. It had not been appreciably damaged, but had a flat tire. The purpose of the per son or persons who took it doubtless wsb to Save themselves a ling walk —Miss Brona Coble, who made her home here for several years and has many friends here, engaged ixf war work about a year ago and went overseaa. News was received a few days ago of her recent appointment to the responsible position of regional director of the Y. M. C. at Bor deaux, France. Her excellent bus iness ability fits her for the work and no doubt accounts for her ap pointment. —The regular monthly union meeting of the Burlington and Gra ham Christian Endeavor waa held in the iGraham M. P. church Monday night. Mr. J. O. Corbett, president, presided. The address of the even ing waa delivered by Rev. Dr. Shaw. The banner for the best report of work last month was awarded to the Senior class of Graham Presby terian church. The next monthly meeting will be held with Piedmont Presbyterian church the second Mon day night in May. Hoisteins Arrived. On last Friday three pure brad Hoisteins came for Mr. E. L. Hen derson's farm some two and a half miles qpulh of Graham. The cows came from Wisconsin and had been on the road ten days. From Overseas. The following Graham boya reach ed home this week: Carom and Kenneth Moeer, sons of Mr. Henry M. Moser, and John Patrum. The laat named is on crutches from the effects of a shrapnel wound. Music ior County Commencement Elon College Band has been se cured to play at the County Com mencement and Mr. Alexander, Voice Instructor at Elon, will lead the singing on that occasion. Those who attend, therefore, are asaured that they will hear some good music. At the Virginia-Carolina Game. Among those from Graham attend ing the Virginia Carolina ball game in Greensboro laat Saturday were the following: Mesa. J. K. Mebane, E. S. Parker, Jr., J. H. Harden, J. D. Kernodle, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Henderson, Mr. and Mis. J. J. Hen derson, Misses Lynnette Fields, Mamie Parker, Caroline Parker, Eatelle Brown, Marce Goley, Lorena Kernodle, Minnie Long, Mary Weeka, Dora Cooke, and Josephine Thomas. Bank Changes Name and Trebles Capital Stock. At a meeting of stockholders of Alamance Loan ft Trust Co., Bur lington, this week it waa decided to change the name of the bank to Alamance Bank A Truvt Co., and to increase the capital stock from SIOO,- 000 to $300,000. This bank has been very successful and the increase in capital stock will make it one of the strongest banking institutions in the State. The change will take place July lat. Special at The Mexican. Mr. A. B. Thompson, Manager of Mexican Theatre, haa booked some big features: "The Sheriff," featuring Roecoe Arbuckle, for Saturday, Apnl 19. "The Still Alarm,' a big attrac tion for Wednesday, April 23. "A Dog's Life," a feature comedy featuring Charlie Chaplin, Saturday, April 26. All these " picturee are featurea. Mr. Thompson is giving the Theatre goers the beat pictures that can be bought fIKZSZSRHHMpN ♦ PBR3 iiAL, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦>»♦♦» ♦»♦+»♦♦♦♦♦«♦« »!♦ Mr. T. C. Carter of Kebue was here Monday. Mr. Will M. Satterfield q( Mebane «h here Tuesday. Maj. J. J. Henderson left thia morning for Charlotte on business. Mr. Boyd Harden, in school at Chapel Hill, spent last Sanday at home: Sheriff T. N. Fitch of CaaWell county-was here laat Saturday on buaineaa. Mr. Lovick U. Kernodle, in school at Chapel Hill, was at home Friday and Saturday. Mrs. M. J. Brady of Greensboro is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. Mrs. Frank Wiiaon of Dunn, N. 0., is here visiting her father, Mr. T. P. Bradshaw. Mr. J. Elmer Long went to Pitts boro Saturday on business and re turned Tuesday. Mr. Robt. N. Cook made a buai neaa trip to Lynchburg,VVat. t the lat ter part of laat week- Mr. M. C. Terrell, County Supt. of Schools, attended the State meet ing of County Superintendents in Greensboro yest rday. Miss Annie Wataon Moore, it stu dent of North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, spent th& week end at her home here. Dr. W. A. Harper, President of Elon College, ia here today looking after subscriptions to the endow ment fund of $250,000 for which a campaign is now on. Mr. Hraham Harden arrived last night from Philadelphia to spend Easter with his patents, Mr. aad Mrs. Junius v H. Hardcfn. He is in the Medical School of the University of Pa., from which he will graduate next month. Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes have ruled so high in price lor some months that they have come to be looked upon as a real luxury. Think of paying 50cts. to 75cts. per peck, $2.00 to $3.00 per bushel, for them. Surelj such prices should be a real incentive to every farmer and gardner to plaut enough to supply bis own table. The time waa in the memory of plenty people that SI.OO the bushel was considere4 a good price—a high price—for those which had been aaved through the winter. Some years ago fine potatoes were a drug on the market at 1 Sets, to 20cts. the bushel. Now ia the time of the year to make preparation for planting, Raise some. They are palatable, whether high-priced or low-priced. Mr. J. Calvin Walker Dead. The death of Mr. J. Calvin Walker will be heard with surprise by his friends throughout the county. He was carried to Rainey Hospital for treatment a few days before his death, which occurred Sunday morning. He was 71 years of ago and one of the county'* best citizens. His home was in the northeastern part of the county and he was a successful farmer and tobacco raiser and had accnmulated a nice estate. The re mains were buried at. Union Ridge Monday nftermon, funeral conducted by Dr. P. H. Fleming. He was never married. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. E. A. Trolinger, who lived with him, and Mrs. John W. Smith of Durham, and one brother, Mr. J. Monroe Wa'ke*, who lives in the West, and other relatives. Juror* for May Term. At the meeting of the County Commissioners on the first Monday the following were drawn to serve as jurors at the May Term of Alamance Superior Court: Patterson Township: Ist week - S. Y. Allred, D. A. Hindshaw, J. G. Pike; 2nd week —Cad Allred. ' Coble Tp.: Ist week—T. S.Over man, R. L. Coble; 2nd week—W. B- Sharps.' Boon Station Tp.: Ist week—H. B. Lucas, P. M. Gerringer; 2nd week—N. F. Hoffman, Princeton C. Dick. Morton Tp.: Ist week—W. A. Paschal, G. L>. Keck. Fancetie Tp.: Ist week—J. E. Story; 2nd week—Arthur Raacoe, E. L. Hughes. Graham T.: Ist week—W. L. Cooper, A. L. Isley, E. F. Jones. Albright Tp: Ist week —B. H. Hargis, W. A. Allen; 2nd week—Len Sharpe. Newlin Tp.: Ist L. Mc- Pherson, J. W. Holt; 2nd week—J. B. Bivins, W. M. Marlett, M. L. Cheek, J. 0. Thompson, R. W. Lindley, Geo. R. S'ockard, Gray Mc- Pberson, Jag. H. Pace, J. V. Rogers. Thompson Tp.: 2nd week —Thos. A. Burke. Melville Tp: Ist week—W. 8. James; 2nd week—W. T. Hunt, W. G. McAdams. • Tp.: Ist week—L. C. Blanchard, J. 11. .Turner; 2nd LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lottos cheaply for yoer face, neck. arms and baa 4«. At the coat of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarfer pint of moat wonderful lemon akin softener and complexion beautifler, by squeezing the juice of two freab lemon* into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a line cloth so lemon pulp geta In, then tbia Jo. tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach ami remove such blemishes ss freckles, sallownesa and tan and ia the ideal skin softener, whitcner and beautifler. Just try it' Get three ounces of orch ard white- at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothes rough, red . hands. ad v j week—P. 'W. McKinney, Eugene Anderson, M. T. Garrison. Burlington Tp.: lat week—T, O. Moody, N. A Paschal, A. V. Dixon, L. B. McAdama, J. Q. Gant, P. E. Moran; 2nd week—R. A. Freeman, Sampson Allen, E. C. Ingle. H. A. J. Wagoner. Haw River Tp.: Ist week—S. (j. Spoon. • Graham Well Represented In Char lotte Wednesday. The fact that Graham has a num ber of representatives in the 120 th Infantry, oommanded by Col. Don E. Scott, caused a large number of Graham people to go to Charlotte yesterday to see the parade. As far aa we have been able to learn the fol lowing went to Oharlotte: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., Mr. John Scott and Misp Blanche Scott, parents and brother and aiaterof Col. Scott, Mr. and M>a. Will E. White, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle, Mrs. J. J. Henderson, Misses Minnie Long, Emma and Lata Harden, Julia, Lola and Myrtle Cooper, Lorena Kernodle, Frances Moore, Duke McCracken, Margaret and Mary Hunter, and Chaa. A. Scott, Lynn B. Willianson, Wm. I. Ward, F. W. Terrell, Arthur P. Williams, Walter E. Bason, Arm strong Holt, W. A. Bradshaw, W. H. Albright, David Long and Robert Tate. : —i Col. Don E. Scott's Parents and Family in Charlotte Yesterday. The following from this morning's Charlotte Observer gives names of Col. Scott's family from Alamance who were interested spectators at the soldiers' parade in Charlotte yes terday : Mr. and Mrs. John fj. Scott, Jr., and daughter, Miss Blanche Scott, ot Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Causey, the latter a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bcott, arrived in the city Tuesday night to attend the cele bration hi honor of the 120 infantry. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson of Mebane and Mr. John Scott of Gra ham arrived' in the city yesterday morning. They all came especially to see Col. Don E. Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Scott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Causey's many friends will be interested to know that they have given up their resi dence in Anderson, S. C., where they have lived for the past eight years, and have moved to Greensboro. Mr and Mrs. Causey have four sons, Charles, Jr., Jack Scott, Spencer and Frank. Mr. Causey formerly lived in Charlotte and is pleasantly re membered here by a host of friends. Mrs. Causey, prior to her marriage, was Miss Bess Scott. Hhe ia u charming and attractive young wo man and is well known and popular in Charlotte. Colonel Scott's wife and little daughter, Jean Gray, who went to Columbia to meet him, arrived in Charlotte Tuesday night. Death of Mrs. Chas. I>. Johnston. Last Friday morning at 8 o'clock Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston passed away at her home here after an illness of about four weeks. She wai in the 40th year of her age. The funeral was conducted from the home at 11 o'clock Saturday morning by Dr. P. H. Fleming, assisted by Revs. F. C. Lester and J. G. Truitt, alter which the remains were laid to rest in Lin wood cemetery. Mrs. Johnston is survived by her husband and live small children—four girls and one boy, who mourn a devoted and faith ful wife and a loving and tender mother. Mrs. Johnston's maiden name was Smith. She was l>orn and roared in Rockingham county, where her father now lives. She is also survived by several brothers and sisters. Mrs. Johnston was a mem ber of the Christian church and a faithful and ever ready worker. Many friends came from different parts of the county to pay the last tribute of respect to her memory. The wealth of beautiful flowers placed upon her grave betokened the loye and esteem in which she was held by friends far and near. The sorely bereaved hus band, children and relatives have the heartfelt symp .thy of their many friends and acquaintancea. it Educational Day Saturday APRIL 26th. Z. T. HADLEY Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. I " I J..— . J—. Safest Druggist Sells E-RtJ-SA Pile Cure Bmut It coo Ulna no oplatcf, Do Uad, no belladonna, DO polaoooaa d rug. All other Pile medicine containing lojarou narcotic and other polaona cauM constipation and damage aU who uae tbem. K-BU-eA eon* or MO paid. > HayesDrug Co., Sole Agents, Graham ,N.C - ■ ' ' I'H.IH ■ mm*. .1 . Comfort of Body Many children and adults are coostaht sufferers from cold hands and feet and are acutely susceptible to every chill and sudden dimatic change. There Is definite help in SCOTTS EMULSION winch furnishes fuel to warm the body, helps make pufo, red blood and maintain the system in- a state of mhnstnssfr so that tbe buffeting winds or the sodden chill of evening are enjoyed rather than feared. - For comfort of body and bonyant health, Vjk take Scott'a Emtdtion. r Tuf Boott ft Soium, Hooifttld, y. t Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by J. A. Huffman and wife for tbe purpose of securing tbe payment of three certain bonds, which deed of trust is recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 65, at page 180. Public Registry of gAlamante county, default having been made in tbe payment oI said bonds, the undersigned trustee will, on TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1919, at twelve o'clock noon,, at the court house dpor of Alamance county at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain tractor lot of land In Burlington township, Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of E. A Benson and others ana bouned as follows: Beginning at a rock on the east side of Ireland Street, corner with the D. 1. Cash lot, and running thence 8 89i (leg E 4 chs to a rock; thence S 80'. W H chs to a rock, corner with E. A. Benson; thence N 89t deg W 4 chs to a rock, corner with said Benson on east side of said Ireland Street; (hence N 80" E 1$ chs to the beginning, and containing one-half acre, more or less, on which is situated a modern cottage. This April 2nd, 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Ustatc Co., Trustee. Land Sale! Under and by virtue of an order of sale, made by the Superior Court of Alamance oounty, in a Special Proceeding therein pend iug, for tbe purpose of selling the real estate hereinafter described, I will offer at pnblic sale, to?m highest bidder for cash, at tbe court house door in Graham, at twelve o'clock M. on FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1919, the following residence property, to-wit: Beginning at a rock, It. V. Sbarpe's corner in L. Banks Holt's line, running thence N. 1° and 40' E. 2.12 chains to a rock; thence S. 88° 20' £. 2.25 chains to a rock; thence S. 1.40° W. 2.12 chains to a rock, corner Sharpe and Peter Kinney; thence N. 88° 20' W. with said Sbarpe's line 2.25 chains to the beginning, and containing one-half acre, more or less. Terms of Sale: Cash. Sale snb ject to confirmation of the Court. Bidding begins at $825 00. This 10th day of April, 1019. J. 8. COOK, t Commissioner. For Sale! A Forma-Truck-iPord— In A 1 con dition. T. C. MOON, Phone*26oJ Graham, N. C. HeUefln Six Hoars Distressing Kidney and Bladdei Disease relieved in six hours b/ the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is S great surprise on account of its exceeding oromntnfess in relieving pain in bladder, kianeys and back, In male or female. Relieves reten tion of water almost immediately If you wantTjuick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Ora h»m Drue Co stfi Gossard Corsets tThe Original, Unequalled Front-Lacing Corsets are Hygienically Correct.' HEALTH should be the first consideration in the purchase of your corset. Only by a thorough appreciation of this fundamental fact can any woman guard herself against those bodily ailments that are so often the resuls of improper corsetry. The woman who buys her corset largely for appear ance without proper regard for its hygienic qualities is hospital every time she puts it 6n. There ere many reasons why you should wear Gossards besides /f =:fSs i\ the obvious one that they are a gratifying acquisition to the dain tiest wardrobe. The real value in these inimitable corsets can- /T^lniY not be measured in terms of cloth, boning and lace. They must / j? be measured in terms of health, comfort and style. ( FF JI\A During the war abnormal conditions made the material ques- I yy, ggSSf tion a serious one for every manufacturer. The tremendous de- \ / 1 J mand for Gossards grew trom day to day, adding to the manu- \A V facturer's problems. Huge factories working at capacity could \. • TWOS/ , not meet the situation. A tribute indeed to Gossard supremacy. -Qomrd ' CORSETS ThqyLaceJn Front ~ Our best efforts at production are stiil taxed by the demand that is growing larger day by day as women come to the fuller appreciation of what Gossards accomplished in sustaining Ameican womanhood Lw thru the world war. But now, happily, the war is over, and our raw material and labor problems are of the past. / .X X This year Gossards of quality, excelling even the highest standards \ of past yotrs, will be produced, and will attain a perfection never be fore reached in corset manufacture.. I R The name GOSSARD in your corset is your guarantee of health Tg \f .J depending on a hygienically correct support to the abdominal and H \\i I • back muscles that leaves no chance of undue pressure at the waist- ||| 1V / line. A healthy body is a correctly poised body; Gossard corsets in- IM , 111 f 1 duce correct posture, correct breathing and protect the jJfU ttMw organs of nutrition. / \\j COMFORT-assured by the exact science of Gossard 'ffccK' / designing for every type of figure. \Y V L /)A STYLE—only to be found in a correctly poised bo3y i \ * V indeed by a correctly designed and fitted corset. \ \\ You can be fitted Perfectly at the Fair Department Store GRAHAM, N. C. Proved safe by millions HEAD mot Pain Back of Head Frontal Headaches Neuralgia; face-neck Torment In Teeth Toothache, Earache Colds and Grippe Out of Pain to Comfort ASPIRIN Aoplrfn It tk« tra it mark of flayr Mannfte tan of MoaoamicacMcdUr of Saliryllcietrf Alalia —Tajte ona or two tablete anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dote three timed a day, aiUr meala. Ask for and Insist Upon "B*yer Tablets of Aspirin." American Owned, Entirely. ttaart package—Larger ilw\lm BAKER'S SARCASTIC COMMENTS At TO HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS Waahlngton—'ommentlii* on what tie termed "the very . Intemperate speech" of Senator Chamberlain, re tiring chairman of the aenate military committee, delivered at Natchez. Miss, in connection with the Ansell-Crowder court martial controversy, Be ret try Raker aald that In three year* m mo retary of arar ha rould not recnl' i dingle fsatanee in which ho Ii ' calved a helpful sagged lion ( ' tor Chamberlain. INVESTIGATING CHAROES | AGAINST WM. J. OLIVER Tenn - Investigation of fraud, aabotage and conapiracy charge* agalnat William J. Oliver and 10 other defendanta, officers and em ploy eea of the Oliver Manufacturing Company, will be completed by the federal grand Jury and a report la ex pected before the adjournment of the United Stated dlatrict court The grand Jury remained in (eaaloo until late sad many wltneaaea were exam 9mm, t Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of Hale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by K. K. Crut«hfleld and wife to Ala mance Insurance and Ileal Estate Company, as trustee, which deed of trust is recorded in Book of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust No. 77 at page 120, Public Registry of Ala mance county, default having been made in the payment of the bouds according to their tenor that said deed of trust was given to secure, the undersigned trustee will, ou SATURDAY. APRIL 26, HUD, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Oraham, N. C,, ofTer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, a certaiu tract or parcel of laud lying and being in Burlington township, Alqinance county, North Carolina: The same being lots numbered l'J ahd 20 as shown in blue-print, which is duly probated and re corded in theofficeof the Register of Deads for Alamance county, at Graham, N. C.*, in Hook of Plats No. 1 at page !t, upon which is situated a four-room cottage. Reference is made to said blue print for a particular description of said property by metes and bounds. Alamance Inn. & Heal I'.ntute Co., Trustee. This March 22, liil!). Mortgagee's Land Sale. Under and liy virtue of the power of nuli: contained in it certain 1 of triitl executed liy O M. Mniiry mid Kimiu J. Mebfy, bin wife, to the undeniignod, se curing tlio mini of He»ai Hundred Dollar* ($700.00), which deed of triidt in recorded in tlia office of the Itegiatcr of IJcnU for Alamance county, in Mortgage I)ced iiook No. A'i nt page I'll I default having been made on tiie |mynient of the bond* *>■ cured by nld deed of triidt, I lie under •igncd Trustee will full to the higlicit bid d.»r, for ca*b, at the court home door In Oraham. at 12 oVlmk noon, on HATLUDAY. Al'ltll, 2fl. I»l«, the following deacrllicd protierty: A lot or pared of land In Graham town •hip. Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the land* of Aiiee Kreelatnl, a •trot, and other* Beginning at an iron bolt, corner with Mid rreeland, on aoutli tide of u street; running thence S 12 deg W 8 W cha to a rock, corner with mid rreeland : thenceß W| ileg K 2 chllb an iron ImiH, corner with Mild ; thence S 5 dee W 2.82 did to an iron iiolt on North aide of a direct ; thence W 3.2f1j elm to na Iron bolt on North Hide of aaid «tre t, .V> link* KofK. H. track; thence N 1 deg I. 5 W ch* to an iron liolt on Kouth aide ol street, 67 Ik* Kant of aald It. H. track; thence N Wty deg K 1.80 cha to the begin ning, containing 1.25 acre*, more or lend. This the 24tb day of March, 1010, OHAIfAM U)AX Ac TKUBT CO., Trtulcc. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doies of 666. Your Public Utilities. Let us solve your Laundry troubles with an ELECTRIC WASHER PIEDMONT POWER & LIGHT CO. Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebane, Elon College, Gibsonville. To Whom II May Concern: Thin is to notify all user* of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings anil tubes that they are doing their bank account a fearful injustice in not using Pennsyl vania Ilubber Company's goods. The best—no othern sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See me or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C WANT ADS. WANTED, CEDAR LUMBER AN D LOOM —We are pleased to an nounce that wo have raised price# to one-fourth and one-third over our former prices on both lumber and logs. We urge jou to market your cedar now while prices are highest and wc arc making our final drive on thin lerritory. We are continuing to buy, de livered at R. R. or piled on public highways Terms Cash. For information write or phono 11. C. Walkku, Phone MIW Orabam, N. C. Gio. C. Bbowk & Co., ■'apltf Oreeuboro, N. C. Itch relieved in SO minute* by Woodford's Sa/diary Lotion. Nevei 'all*. Bold br Orabam Drug Co. "S, ~ BUY WAR BAVINO STAMPS HHNYHIO BHX HCUt H&IHDRfIQS .Jas. H. Rich W. Erneet Thompson Rich I Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls answered anywhere day or nigh Day 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Ja». 11. Rich 54!-W EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Ilarint qualified u Executrix of the will of John A.« arrrn.dcc'd.ihe underlined hereby not I flee ell pereoat holding claims against ■aid eeiaU to preeent the nine, duly authen ticated. on or before the 3th day of April, law, or thU notice wUI be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per iona Indebted to laid eetate are requeued to make Immediate eet "iSiriiarcb I&. Wl». MR*. NOVELLA PBTTIORKW,Kx'r'x, of John A. Warren, dee'd. Parker * Long. Atfya. lapUt BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS