THE GLEANER " = GRAHAM, N. 0., April 24, 1919, '■ * 1 Postofllce Hours. Offlo opeir'-OO a. m. t07.00p. m. Bnud*y 9.00 to 11-00 n. m and 4.00 to 640 p. m R. N. COOK, fortiuiter. RAILROAD SCHEDULE. GOING EAST — No. 112 (mixed) due 1:45 a- m. » 108 M 9:17 " " 22 " 5:00 p. m. GOING WEST — No. 11l (mixed) due 5:23 a. m. " 21 " 11:13 " " 139 " 6:15 p. m. -Ail trains carry mail, and NOB. gl, 22, 108 and 139 carry express. ♦++++++++• ++++++++++++++++ ♦ + + LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ + ♦+♦+++++++++•}+++++++++++++ —Fiße weather Sunday last for the display of Easter hats and frocks. —Mr. J. D. Albright is home from the hospital and is getting along nicely. —On not one Easter in a dozen his vegetation been so far advanced a3 at the Easter just passed. —There were both ice and frost Saturday morning last (19th), but it does not appear that any vegetation was badly hurt. —Easter Monday was a fine day and generally observed as a holiday. Some went fishing and others attend ed the bail games. —Oak Ridge and Carolina Fresh men played ball at Piedmont Park Monday. Oak Ridge won by a score of Bto 4. A big crowd at tended the game. —lt is usually reckoned in this latitude that the leaves will be full grown by the 10th of May, but this year the weather is going "tea bet ter" and they will be full grown, from all appearances, by the Ist of May. . New Motor Hearse. The undertakers, Messrs. Rich & Thompson, have purchased a hand some new motor hearse. It arrived yesterday. The Fair Department Store Occupies the whole of the 4th page of THE GLEANER this week in telling about its big ten-days' cut price sale. Look over the ad. carefully and find out where you can save money on your purchases. Dinner For Confederate Veterans and Soldiers of European War July 4th. All Confederate veterans and all soldiers of the European War resid ing in Alamance county are cordially invited to attend a dinner to be given by the- Graham Chapter United -Daughters of the Confederacy and the people of the town, in Graham, on Friday, July 4th, 1919. Still Captured in Full Blast. Last Saturday about 12 o'clock Deputy H. J. Stockard captured a still near Manndale to the Chatham line. It was still and the fires we e burning ready for a "run." The still was cut up and the worm and cap were brought to town. Two men were found at the still. Leonard Jones was ar res'ed and gave bond for a hearing today. There was a negro man at the place, but he got away. Graduate Recital at Elon College Tonight. The graduate recital of the De partment of Piano is to be given this evening (April 24) at 8:30. Those who will participate in the recital are : Mrs. W. A. Harper, Mi«s Vara Oldham, and Miss Gladys Peace. The Music Department is alse pre paring to give an oratorio at ihe ap proaching commencement. It will be given on Monday evening, May 19th. The subject of the oratorio this time is "The Suffering Savior." Col. Don E. Scott Speaks at Court House To-night (Thursday). To-night (Thursday at 8:30 o'clock) Col. Don E. Scott of the famous 30tb Division will speak iu the court house. He will tell about Eu ropean War. He was there and in the thick of it and will be heard with interest and pleasure by his numer ous friends here in his home town. It was the Old Hickory, the 30th Division, that took the most con spicuous part in breaking the Hin denburg Line. All the soldier boys are especially invited to be present in their uniforms. The music for the occasion will be furnished by the Elon College Band. Building Notes. Workmen are busy working over the old Oneida store building for 'occupancy by Green & McClure Furniture Co. Already the electric elevator has been installed. Mr. Phil. S. Dixon is building on the vacant lot between his tailoring store and the west end of the Opera House. The building will be used for an automobile sales room. The Graham Ice Co. plant that was partially destroyed by fire sev eral months ago will begin operation again soon, the damage having been repaired. Mr. Claud D. Moore is putting the material on tLe ground for building a nice bong low. It is on E Harden St., next to Mr. John M. Crawford's. Hotel Graham is going to be over hauled and improved. New steel girders will be placed across the front. This material has already been receiyed. RESIDENCE FOR SALE—The residence of the late Dr. G. W. Long is for sale. Apply to Jacob. A. Long, Agent. Car Load 7 per cent, cotton S3ed meal at T. C. Moon's. • : ♦ PERSONAL. J ♦ I Mr. Robt. L. Holmes spent Satur day in Raleigh. , Miss Eslelle Brown spent th» week-end in Spencer. Rev. W. T. Hurst of Manndale was in town Monday. Mr. R. F. Wakefield of "Charlotte spent the first of the week here. Miss Fauuie Foust is finishing out the term teaching at Barium Springs. Mrs. James E. Boyd of Greens boro spent a short while here Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey White at tended the parade in Winston-Salem : yesterday. Mr. Roy Long of Hickory s^.ent > Sunday here with Mrs. Long and ' the baby. Fannie Porterfield .spent from Friday till Monday afternoon ' at Mebane. ' Mr. John Sc >tt spent yesterday in 1 Winston-Salem attending the parage of the 105 th Engineers. [ Mr. Garland Green cf Raleigh spent the week-end here at the homo of his aunt, Mrs. J. N. Taylor. Mr. J. W. Menefee returned Mon day after spending more than a month in New York on busines. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Turner, living at Ocean View, Va., arrived here Monday and returned yesterday. Mr. J. D. Kernodle, Jr., left Thursday and returned yesterday from a flying visit to Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Graham Harden, after spend ing a few days at home, returned the first of the week to the Uni versity of Pa. Mrs. Herbert Jackson of Coving ton, Ky., is here visiting her grand parents, Capt. and Mrs. Jas. N. Williamson. Miss Emma Geanes and Mr. Charlie Jones spent Tuesday in Ral eigh visiting the former's brother, Mr. Edwin Ueans. Col. Don E. Scott, Mrs. Scott and their little daughter arrived here this morning from Winston-Salem, where Col. Scott toolc a part in the parade yesterday. Miss Louise Moore and her guest, Miss Hazel Burgess of Spencer, spent the Easter holidays here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moore. Misses Lucile Holmes and Mildred Boaslfey, in school at Meredith Col lege, Raleigh, spent the Easter holi days with Miss Holmes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Holmes. Mr. K. T. Martin and family went to Winston-Salem yesterday to see the parade of the 105 th Engineers of which Mr. Martiu's son, Winfrey Martin, is a member. Mr. and Mrs. Walter It. Harden and little daughters, Elizabeth and Annie Ruth, attended sun-rise Easter services at the Moravian church in WiHston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs ; Don F. Noyes of Bridgewater are spending a few days here at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson's. Mr. Noyes is still suf fering from a recent operation. Soldiers Home From Overseas The following soldiers have re turned from Frauce iu the past, few days: Prvts. Dewey Turner, Giles Brad shaw, Amnion Moser, Thomas Cooper and Charles Jones, and Sergts. Sam Bason and Robert Harden cf Head quarters Company returned Friday. First Sorgt. Cecil Cooke, Co. I; First Sergt. Joe Robinson, Co. D, (cited for bravery and wearing a medal); Corp. Talmage XV. Cornell, Co. I, Prvts. Gladdis Foster, Co. I, Johnnie Black, Co. I, Broadie Cook, all of the 120 th Inft.; Roy Blaylock, Co. D, 119 th lnft., June Perry, 10f»th Supply Train. Prvt. Curtis Wrike of the 120 th Inft., Headquarters Co , arrived here yesterday afternoon. He goes back to his old position with the Graham Drug Co. Democrats and Republicans Name Candidates for Town Officers. On last Thursday night at a well; attended convention in the court house the Democrats named the fol lowing for town officers : Robert L Holmes for Mayor and -J. Ilarvey White, J. Elmer Long, Jim 11. Rich, J. Clarence Walker and Arthur P. Williams for Commissioners It is believed to be a winning ticket. On the following night the Repub licans a'so met in the court house ind nominated the present Mayor, Heenan Hughes, and the present Commissioners, R. G. Foster, C. G. Guthrie, l'"red Foust, Seymour S. Holt and Joseph S. Holt. YOUTH-TIME The important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood is while lifn is young and the body develop ing. A growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health* To a , developing child SCOTTS EMULSION comes with particular help. Thousands of die strong men J and women of today were in : yoath-tim* nourished and strengthened to withstand the inroads of disease br the Tw > nawistrnt use of Scott'*, v 4JL | aswaasßSß^■»■«!! . »* Alamance County Educational Day SATURDAY, APRIL 26th. Exercises On Graham Graded School Grounds. L'BOOBAU 11 O'CLOCK A. M. 1. Community Singing Mr. Alexander, Leader. ' Music by Eion Brass Band. 2. Educational Address by Hon. O. Max Gardner, Lieut.-Gov. 3. Music. 4. Awarding of certificates of Graduation and Certificates of Perfect Attendance. DINNER ON THE GROUNDS AFTERNOON AT 2:00 O'CLOCK. 1. Music. 2. Public School Reading Con test. 3. Music. 4. Public School Recitation and Declamation Contest. 5. Music. 6. High Pch Recitation and Declamation Contest. 3:30 O'CLOCK. Baseball game for, county cham pionship. Also Girls' Barket Ball game for county- championship. VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN. Now Officially On in Alamance Coun ty—The County's Quota is $358,150.00. The attention of the people of Ala mance county is called to the fact tbftt the Government is now offering the Fifth and last issue of Liberty Loan or War Bonds. The present issue runs for only four years, and bears interest at the rate of four and three-fourths (4 34) per cent per annum payable semi-annually, with the privilege of paying for same up to the loth of November, 1019, with denominations running as low as Fifty Dollars ($50.00), thus making it a privilege to the people of small means to bny these bonds. Patri otic people everywhere want to make this last issue me re successful than previous loans. These bonds are practically tax free, whereas, all moneys in homes and in banks must be listed for pur poses of taxation on May Ist, next. The S*-ate and county taxes are more than one dbllar on the hundred, and when you add to this the city and town taxes, you have abjut 92 S(J on every hundred dollars you own. From this you can see the advantage of investing in these bonds at once. It seems unnecessary to make au in tensive campaign aB heietofore. Op portunity will be afforded to all per sons to subscribe through the banks of the county, at Campaign Commit tee Headquarters, Stores and Post offices. All persons are urged to subscribe at once so as to close ho campaign at an early date. We are permitted to subscribe for f358,150.00 in Ala mance county. Let every patriotic man, woman and child rally to this call. VV. H. CARROLL, Chairman. Car Load 7 per cent, cotton seed meal at T. C. Moan's. Hellel Iu Hli Hour* Distressing Kidney aud IJladdei Disease relieved in six hour* by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE" It ii t great surprise on account of it» exceeding oromntness in relie\in/ pain in bladder, kiGDeys and back in male or female. Ri-lieves reten tion of water almost immediately If you want quick relief and cur* this ia the remedy Sold by Ora bam Drue Cn adv. Car Load 7 per cent, cotton seed meal at T. C. Moon's. i OPEN an ice-cold bottle of Orange- Crush today. Fill your gl iss to the » brim with this sparkling, tliirst t tempting delicious drink. The glowing goodness of it will refresh , and invigorate you. • Sparkling and satisfying Orang*- I Crush is the perfect thirst quencher. Served ice-cold. Oranga-Cru h re freshes and invigora'e*. Its flavor ' is that of the natural orange. But I Orange-Crush is more zeatfuf; skill- I fully carbor-a ed by a npecial prooesss I Orange-crusH Wc bottle Orange-Crush in striit conformity with the most modern health requirements. Order a case of Orange-Crush today after you've tried an ice-cold bottle. Obtainable J wheiever soft drinks are sold. i Graham Chero-Cola Bottling Co. 5c by the bottle- Lcss by the case To The Voters of Graham « f * It is being charged that there is some arrange ment existing, whereby, if i am elected Mayor, I will resign to permit some one else to serve. 1 want to say that no such arrangement has been i made, or has ever been suggested. - If I am elected, I shall endeavor to serve the people of Graham by living in Graham, conduct ing my business in Graham, and administering the office of Mayor to the best of my ability. Any person-who is spreading these charges is wilfully making false statements to mislead you, or does not know whereof he speaks. f Very Respectfully, i 1 ROB'T L. HOLMES. April 23, 1919 : _ \ UN ISSUE IS ; AT ACUTE STAGE | DECISION CANNOT LONGER IB DELAYED WHICH EITHER WAY 18 FRAUGHT WITH PERIL. THE HIT BEHIND ORUXOD Determination la Firm to Becur* For Italy Adaquata Protactlon. Along the Adriatic Coaat. Paris. —The Italian Issue over tha Adriatic has reached an acute stage, , where a decision one way or the other ; cannot longer be defarred, and a de cision either way is fraught with se rious consequences. Despite the Easter calm, which , brought vast crowds to the churches { and boulevards, the council of tour continued Its sessions at the "whit* house." The Italian premier, Vltorto Orlando and the Italian foreign mtn ' ister Baron Soonlno, were both pres ' ent, and made it known that tiie opon ' ing of the Italian parliament has - necessitated their leaving Paris with ) definite knowledge of what Is going to be done. Baron Sonnino continued to occupy : the extreme position, insisting upon i the Integral fulfillment of the secret treaty of London, giving to Italy the entire Dalmatian coast and Islands, , and also claiming the city of Plume without intemetionallatlon or division ; with the Jugo-Slavs. ( . Premier Orlando was rather more donclllatlng, though a telegram which he had received from the heads of the Itittyiii army declared that the entire army was behind him In upholding Italy's aspirations. President Wilson's position was said to be equally determined against any recognition of the secret treaty ol London. Reports of a compromise on the basis of the Italians getting the Ital ian quarters of Flume and the Jugo Slavs getting their districts were nol confirmed, as It was «ald that this was the ptan put forward to the Italians but not accepted. But early reporti Indicated that the season might b prolonged through the day In an et fort to reach a middle ground. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. Beware of Counterfeits I Some are Talcum Powder. DONT FEAR • "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." Quick Relief —with Safety f For Headache Colds Neuralgia Grippe Earache Influenzal Colds Toothache Neuritis Achy Gums Lame Back Lumbago Joint-Pains Rheumatism Pain! Pain 1 Adults—Take one or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat dose three ' times a day, after meals. Since the original introduction of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" millions s- upon million* of thess genuine tab e lets have bttm prescribed by physi cians and taken by the people each year, with perfect safety. ■ -S-0H : ASPIRIN A*plrfo It ffc® tr»«U mark of Bay** tuic of Mooo>cctiad4tiUr ol Solkylkood Ask for and Insist Upon t "Bayer Tablet* of Aspirin." J American Owned, Entirely.) a SO oeni paefcag*— J*rj*r O1M« OU 0 ■ *- M, v OU WANT A HEW STOMACH? If you do "Digestoncine" w 11 give you one. For full particulars egard inr Miis wonderful Remedy *vhich ho* 'benefited thousands, apply to HAYES DRUO CO. BUY WAR SAVING STAMF3 Trustee's Sale ol Real Estate. Uuder and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by J. A. Huffman and wife for the.purpose of securing the payment of three certain bonds, which deed of trust Is recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds' of Trust No. 65, at page 120, Public Registry of Alamance county, default having been made In the payment of said bonds, the undersigned trustee will, on TUESDAY, MAY 0. 1919, at twelve o'clock noon, at thecourt bouse door of Alamance county at Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain tractor lot of land iu Burlington township, Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of E. A. Benson and others and bouned as follows: Beginning at a rock on the east side of Ireland Street, corner with the D. I. Cash lot, and running thence 8 89 J deg E 4 ( lis to a rock; thence 8 80' Wls chs to a rock, corner with E. A. Benson; thenee N 89J deg W 4 chs to a rock, corner with said Benson on east side of said Ireland Street; thence N 80" E li chs to the beginning, and containing one-balf acre, more or less, on which is situated a modern cottage. This April 2nd, 1919. Alamance IDS. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. $125 A MONTH Youg Men, Young Women (Fill out and mall tbla) JNO. F. DRAUQHON, Founder of Drati|hoiTa Bull nttt Colleges, Nashville, Tenn.: Send Fit HE book about your NEW, RAH v. quick METHOD for training mo,at my borne ©r at oollege, for guaranteed position, m book keeper or •tanoifrai'her. at $66 to 9125 a month, and tell me why your home-training oouraea are better than eouroe at other ool ' legee and why buelneee men prefer to employ I those you train. I I [Yturnauie) , (Your adtfreoej Map) lOt l , -0 Mortgagee's Land Sale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Q. 8. Mabry and Emma J. Mebry, his wife, to the undersigned, se curing the sun) of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00), which deed of trust is recorded in ths oltlce of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Mortgage Dc«l Book No. 62 at page 181; default having Iran made on the payment of the bonds sc. cured bv said deed of trust, the under signed Trustee will sell to the highest bid dsr, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, at 12 o'clock noon, on SATURDAY. APRIL 2(1, 1919, the following described property: A lot or parcel of land in Oraham town ship, Alamance county, North Caroliua, I adjoining the lands of Alice Preelaud, a , . street, and others. Beginning at an iron bolt, corner with said Frecland, on south side of a street; running thence 81-2 deg W 8.59 chs to a rock, corner with said Free land : thence 8 88J deg E 2 chs to an Iron bolt, corner I with said ; tlience 8 ti j deg W 2.82 chs to an iron bolt on North | siae of n street; thence W 8.261 chs to mi iron bolt on North side of said street, 55 links Eof R. R. track; thence N 1 deg E 5.86 clyi to an iron bolt oil South side of street, 57 Iks East of said R. 1(. track; thence N 88J deg E 1.80 chs to the begin ning. containing 1.25 acres, more or less. This the 26th day of March, 1919. GRAHAM LOAN & THUBT CO., Trustee. For Sale! A Forma-Truck—Ford—in A 1 con dition. T. C. MOON, Phone 260J Oraham, N. C. ■€4 Educational Day \ Saturday APRIL 26th. Z. T. HADLEY Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. j Safest Druggist Sells E-RU-SA Pile Cure llecauae It eonUtlna no oplatca, no lead, no belladonna, no polaonoua drug. All other Pile medicine containing lnjnroua narcotic and other polaooe cauae conatlpallon and damage all who uae them, E-BU-AA cure* or |M paid. - HayesDrug Co., Sole Agents, G ratiam,N.C SOUTH INCREASES SAVINGS. Southern States Show Greater In crease in Savings Last Four Years Than Thrifty New England. ■ The South hits increased its per capita savings fotty-five in four yoars according to figures compiled by Millon W. Harrison ot the SHV iiu n Hank sect ion of the American Banker* Association. Mr. Harrikou has shown.tlie per capita savings in bankti and trust companies of tho United Slates for every State in tho Union anjl for each Miction. He shows also th«» amount of War Savings owmd per capita by each Stnto. One interesting fact revealed by Mr. Harrison's figures is that tho Southern States, which have often been derided forthe improvidence of their people, have increased their savings in four years more than four times that of New York, New Jersey,. Pennsylvania and Delaware and moro than twice as much as tho New England States, which have by far tho largest per- of savors to the popula-1 tion. But the Routliprn States are shown to otfn the smallest number of War Savings Stamps per capita -s(>.l4—while the East em States own 50, tho New England States 98.34 and tho Western and Pacific St-ttes over $lO, per capita A per capita savings for each section shows that the Southern States are again at the bottom of the list, with only $26 73 as their per capita sav ings against $295.93 per capita for New England, $174.14 for tho Eastern States, SIOO for tho Mid dle, $76.70 for the Western and $170.05 for the Pacific States. Land Sale! Under and by virtue of an order of sale, made by tho iSuperior Court of Alatnauco county, in a Special Proceeding therein pend ing, for the purpose of selling tho real estate hereinafter described, I will offer at public sale, to ■> highest bidder for cash, at thfl courthouse door iu Oraham, at twelve o'clock M. on FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1910, tho following residence property, to-wit: Beginning at a rock, 11. V. Sharpe'n corner in L. Banks Holt's line, running thence N. 1° and 40' E. 2.l2chain&toarock; thence 8. 88° 20' E. 2.25 chains to a rock; thenco 8. 1.40° ,W. 2.12 chains to a rock, corner Sharpo and Peter Kinney; thence N. 88° 20' W. with said Shnrpo's line 225 chains to the beginning, and containing one-half acre, more or less. Terms of Sale: Cash. Sale s'lb ject to confirmation of the Conit. Bidding begins at $825.00. This Hith day of April, 1919. J. S. COOK, Commissioner. NOTICE Of Town Election. I Ail persons entitled to vote in the I election in the Town of Oraham, N. ] C., will hereby take notice that the | regular election for a Mayor and | Board o( Town' Commissioners will be held-on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, the sumo being May 0, 1919. You will ulso take notice that Sam T. Johnston has been appointed ' registrar and will hold the registra | tion books open at his office for seven days prior to said election, at which time those who are entitled to vote in suid election, but who have not registered, will bo permitted to register. By order of: IIEENAN HIJOHES, Mayor, and Board of Town Commissioners, .1 M. Holt, 11. G. Foster, .1. Q._. Guthrie, Jos. S. Holt, l'Ved I'iaist. i nil n iiM Children Cry for Flftphert The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which lm been in use for over over 30 yean, has home the signature of snd has been made under his per tr 1 i *u>r7A Allow no one to deceive yon In thia All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is Astoria Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Syrups. It Is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it hss been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy an 4 natural sleep. The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Tears The Kind You Havs Always Bought Your Public Utilities. Let us solve your Laundry troubles with an ELECTRIC WASHER PIEDMONT POWER & LIGHT CO. • Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebsne, Elon College, Gibsonville. To Whom It May Concern: This in to notify all users of automobile, bicycle and motor cycle casings and tubes that they are doing their > bank account a fearful injustice iu not using Pennsyl vania Rubber Company's goods. The best—no others sold here equal to them. A written guarantee. Should one go bad, then the most liberal settlement. Ask those using Pennsylvania Rubber Company's goods. See mo or waste your money. Very truly, W. C. THURSTON, Burlington, . . N. C. Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under find by virtue of the) power of sale contained in n eer- j tain deed of truat executed by It.) E. Crutchlleld and wife to Ala mance Inmirance and Heal Estate Company, aa truatee, which deed of truat in recorded in Hook of Mort- ( Kageaand Doedaof Truat Mo. 77 at page 120, l'nblic Hngiatry of Ala mance county, default having been made in the payment of the botida according to their teuor that aaid deed of truat waa given to secure, I the undersigned truatee will, ou BATUHDAY. APRIL *2O, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court | bonne door of Alamance county,' at Graham, N. C., offer for aale at public auclion, to the higheat bid-. der, for caah, a certain tract orj parcel of land lying and l>eing in 1 jiurlington townabip, Alamance | county, North Carolina: The aame being lota numbered j I!) and 'JO aa shown in blue-print, which is duly probated and re- j corded in theoflleoof the Register j iyf I)e*ls for Alamance county, at j Graham, X. ('., in Hook of I'lals j No. I at page !», upon which is situated a four room cottage.! Hefference is made to aaiil blue- j • print for a particular description of said property by motes and 1 bounds. Alamance In*. & Heal lvatate Co., Trußtee. This March TJ, l!H!t.' WANT ADS. WASTED, CEDAR LUMBER AND LOGS —We are pleaacd to an nounce that we have raised prices to one-fourth aud oneMhird over our former prices on both lumber and loga. We urge you to market your cedar uow while prices are higheat and we are making our final drive on this territory. • We are continuing to buy, de t livered at R. R. or piled on public ' highways. Terms Cash. For information write or phone 11. C. Walker, Phone 541W Graham, N, C. • Geo. C. mown & Co., ' 3apltf - Greenboro, N. C. | Summons by Publication i NOKTII CAROLINA Ataman* f County. ■ In the Superior Court, 'J. K. Lane, irnding n* .1, K. Lane Co., *. Central Kngimering Co.. ami tire City of I HurlUigUM. 1 The lrfmlmil» above uuincil, jmi'ticu- Isrly Tin' Ontrul Enyim-erinjc Company, will takr notice tliut uii action entitled aa above, lihm been commenced tU lln- Su perior Com t of Almimiii e county, by the plaintiff, (or the purpose of recovering tile balance ' I in- plaint i tT, amounting to, approximately, $3,000.00, on*uecount of eruahed atone fuihialhd defendant* and I hikl uaed by defendant, Central Engineer- Infl Company, in doing street paving for the defendant, Tho City of Jiurlington. j And the defendant. Lent nil Kngineer ing Company, will further take notieo that it in required to appear at the term 1 of the Superior Court of Alamance coun jtv to foe held on the 12th Monday after I the fimt Monday in Man li, lUI9, being the ISOth day of May, 1019, at the court houAft j of said county, in (indium, North Caro- I lina, and amtwer or demur to the com l plaint tiled in naid action, or the plaintiff j will apply to the Court for the relief de manded iu said complaint. | This the VMJth day of .March, 1919. I> J. WALKER. I 27mar4t Clerk Huperior Court. I JAB. 11. Itich W. Ernest Thompson Rich 1 Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers ! Calls answered anywhere day ornigh Dav 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jan. 11. Rich 64tJ-W EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. llaviQ qualified aa Executrix of the will of John A.Warren.dec'd.the undersigned hereby notifies all persona holding claims again at aald eaiate to present ihe same, duly authen ticated. on or before tbe 6th day of April. IflBU, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per»ona indebted to aald eatate are requeated to make immediate aet ' Uement. Thia March 15.1919. ' I MKi. NOV ELLA PBTTIGREW.KxVx, of John A. Warren, dee'd. Parker & Long, A tt'ya. SaplOt Itch relieved in 89 minute* by Woodford'i Sa/iitary Lotion. Neve* rail*. Sold by Graham Drn» Co,

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