VOL. XLV i £ -i Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles i by using HAGAN*S MagnoliaJgjF' Balm. Acts instantly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is beft of all beautifiers and heals Sunburn Quickest Don't be without it a ay longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail diredt 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE.\' 4 LYON MFG. CO., 40 So. sth St., Brooklyn. N.T. EUREKA \ Spring Water f FROM EUREKA SPRING* ► Graham, N. C. [ A valuable mineral wing ► has been discovered by w. H? ► Ausley on his place in Graham. J It was noticed that it brought ► health to the users of the water, ► and upon being analyzed it was ! olund to be a water strong in | mineral properties and good ► for stomach and blood troubles. [ Physicians who have seen the | analysis and what it does, ► recommend its use. | Analysis and testimonials | will be furnished upon request. ► Why buy expensive mineral ! waters from a distance, when | there is a good water recom ► mended by physicians right at ► home? For further informa- I tion and or the water, if you ► desire if apply to the under ► signed. I W. H. AUSLEY. $125 A MONTH . m- Young Men, Young Women (Fill out and mall this) JNO. F. DRAUGHON, Founder of Draughon'f Bull* nets Colleges, Nashville, Tenn.: Send FKEE book about your NEW, EASY, quick ME'l HOD for training me, at my home or at college, for guaranteed position,&B book keeper or stenographer, at $65 to $125 a month, and tell me wny your home-training courses are better than course at other col leges and why business men prefer to employ those jou train. I Your name| I Your address | WapllOt PROFESSIONAL CAEDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-af-Law GRAHAM. N. C. Office over National Bank of Alamance j, s. cook:, Attornay-at- Law, UIiAHAM, N. C. Offlos Patterson Building Second Floor UK. WILL S.LOM. . . . DENTIST : : ; Sraham, - - - - Narth Carallna OFFICE IN SJMMONS BUILDING ;ACOB A. LONG. J. F.IMKB LOW; LONG & LONG, Attorney* and Counaelow at Livr GRAHAM, N. C. " DIGESTONEINE'" Niture'a Rettorativc, will kelp. Not only gives quick, «ure relict from indiges tion's ills Heartburn, Dizziness, Sour Risinn, Acid Mouth, Slcepleta neu, etc, nit builds up appetite and entire iy«tem. Thousands KNOW. Follow their lead— IgnAHngl "Th. HMJ to tuiu/" JjrU I am Improving In baalth nine* I . t»T« bm taking roar mMlclw. It bu MM rn» w much. 1 can't tell 1 f«u bow thankful 1 an. I do not " taluk I could gi-t along without It. 1 ' hare rf.'omm«oted It to many linen It baa dona ma «o much good. WILLIS TOWNS. Manaon. No. car. Dlimlm+m Mtlfta-ar gmr tmnm BACK Fat IwtW a—ladst FACTS, way HAYES DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C." LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely prints ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to P. J. KERKODLK, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va Orders may be left at thia office. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. "1 "**j" j River i • . ! When the Colorado • J Burst Its Banks and ■ • Flooded the Imperial J { Valley tf California J Ssi \ ■ EDNAH AIKEN ! (Copyrifbt. Bobbi-Merrill Company. ) BYNOPBI3. CHAPTER I-K. C. Rlckard, an engi neer of the Overland Pacific, Is called to the offlce of President Marshall In Tuc •on. Art*. "Casey" is an enigma to the offlce force; he wears "dude" clothes, but he had resigned * chair of engineer ing In the East to go on the road as a fireman and his promotion had been spec tacular. While waiting: for Marshall Rlck ard reads a report on the ravages of the Colorado, despite the efforts of Thomas Hardin of the Desert Reclamation com pany. This Hardin had been a student under Rlckard and had married Qcrty Holmes, with whom Rlckard had fancied he was in love. CHAPTER ll—Marshall tells Rlckard the Overland Pacific has got to step In to save the Imperial Valley and sends him to the break. Rlckard declines be cause he does not want to supplant Har din, but is won over. "Stop the river; damn the expense," says Marshall. CHAPTER lll—Rlckard Journeys to Calexlco, sees the irrigated desert and learns much about Hardin and his work. CHAPTER IV—At the hotel he meets Mr. and Mrs. Hardin and Innes Hardin, Hardin's half sitter. Disappointed in her husband and an incorrigible coquette, Mrs. Hardin sets her cap for her former lover and Invites him to dinner. CHAPTER V—Rlckard visits the com pany's offices and takes control. He finds the engineers loyal to Hardin and hos tile to him. Estrada, a Mexican, son of the "Father of the Imperial Valley," tells him of the general situation. CHAPTER Vl—Rlckard attends a meeting of the directors and asserts his authority. Hardin rages. Estrada tells Rlckard of his foreboding that his work will fall. "I can't see it finished." CHAPTER Vll—lnnes Is discovered In her garden. She tries to cheer up Hardln # who is furious asralnst Rlckard. CHAPTER X—The Hardin dinner to Rlckard discloses further the family char acteristics. Hardin Is surly and sulky. Innes Is hardly polite. Qerty plans a "progressive ride" in Rickard's honor. CHAPTER Xl—Rlckard encounters the Insubordination of the company's engi neers. He is stirred by the Indians' state ment that this is the hundredth year of a cycle, when the Great .Yellow Dragon, the Colorado, grows restless. He makes various preparations, pushes work on the Calexlco levee and is ordered by Marshall to "take a fighting chance" on the completion of Hardin's pet project, a gate to shut the break in the river. CHAPTER VIII—A family" luncheon of the Hardlns which throws light on them. CHAPTER IX—4lardln discovers that Rlckard is planning a levee to protect Calexlco and puts him down as Incom petent. Qerty thinks her lord jealous. CHAPTER XlT—San Francisco Is de stroyed by earthquake and fire, and dredge machinery, which Rlckard had ordered Hardin to have shipped. Is burned through Hardin's neglect. Rlckard secretly equips the big water tower as a signal station. CHAPTER Xlll—Gerty Hardin decides that Rlckard still lov«*s her and plans a campaign that promises trouble. CHAPTER XlV—The progressive ride is begun under adverse conditions—wind and dust, with the guest of honor absent. Then Maclean, Rlckard's secretary, brings word that the river Is raging and •very man Is wanted on the levee. CHAPTER XV—Hardin motors off with & load of dynamite, leaving everything In confusion on the levee. Innes, through a friendly engineer, Issues orders In her brother's name, to save her brother's face. The levee and the signal tower save Calexlco till Rlckard's return. CHAPTER XVl—Gerty Hardin begins to get really Interested in Rlckard. The wind blows a gale and the levee Is In danger again. ■r- CHAPTER XXIX. A Glimpse of Freedom. The siding was deserted. The Pal myra had run c.ut to Tuscon. Marshall had gone without npprehenslon. They did not expect now to nave setbucks, to have to extend the time set for the ultimate diversion. The days were flowing like oil. The encampment was filling up with visitors, newspaper men who came to report the spectaculai capture of the river. Rlckard's day badly begun, piled up with vexations. Ily sundown, he was wet to the skin, and mad us a sick Ari zona cat. v In this Jaundiced Juncture, Mnt> Lean, Jr., brought down his dlspatcbei to the river. He rend of the burnlnn of a tralnlond of railroad ties. Rlckard ■wore. "Anything else plensant?" "A letter from the governor—from dad." Mac Lean read that his fatliei begged a small favor of Rlckard. "Godfrey, the celebrated English tenor, Is on my hands. Ills doctort have beon advising outdoor occupa tion. I am sending him to you, ask ing you to give him any Job you maj have. lie is willing to do anything Put him at something to keep him oc cupied." Mac Lean saw Rlckard's face turn red. "Suffering cats! A worn-out opera singer! What sort of an opera does he think we're giving down here? Why doesn't he sentl me a fur coat, or a pair of girl twins? Give the tenor a role I Anything else? Pile It all on." "Oh, and one from Godfrey himself. He's In Los Angeles. He says he'll be here tomorrow." He did not wait for his chiefs reply. At the supper table, Rlckard, dry and in restored humor, alluded to the Invasion of high notes. "Pity the part* are all assigned! The only vacancy Is In the kitchen. I wonder how he would like to be understudy to Ling I ' The next day when the Incident had been forgotten, nod while Rlckard was up at the Crossing oh the concrete gate, Godfrey blew Into camp. He wan like a boy out on o lnrk. Hl* brown eyes were dancing over the ad venture. He explored the camp and came back bubbling. "It'* the blgge*t I ever raw. But any, Junior, that'* what they call you. Isn't It? I'm the only Idle man here. Can't you give me Home thing to do? I'll do anything. I'd like the bo** to find me butty when he come* In." )lacLenp softened the offer. Perhaps Godfrey Blew Into Camp. until Mr. Godfrey learned the ropes he could be of general use. They were short-handed the present moment— there was another hesitation—ln the kitchen 1 Ling, the Chinese cook, was overcrowded —so many visitors — "Great," crowed Godfrey, slapping him on tlie shoulder. "I don't want to feel In the way. I want to earn my board. Lead me to the cook I" That evening, the dinner was helped on Its way oy the best-paid singer of England. In an apron, borrowed of Ling, lie was "having the time of his life." Ling, pretending to scold, hud been won Immediately. Rlckard, hear ing of the jolly advent, forgot Ills vex ation, and Immediately on his return made his way to the mesquit Inciosure —to greet the frienl of George Mac- Lenn. After dinner, Mn'.-Lean curried off his prize to the Delta, where Godfrey earned his welcome. Gcrty Hardin for got to flirt with the engineers; sho had discovered a new sensation. The wondertcl voice twisted ner heart strings; It told her that the heart that uas truly loved never forgets, and slie knew that she could never have really loved, yet, because the youth In her veins was whispering to ner that she could still forget. Godirey saw a mo bile plaintive face turned up to the gibbous moon; he swept It with thrills and flushes. She was a wonderful au dience ; she was also his orchestra, the woman with the plaintive eyes. He played on her expressions as though she were a harp. i.,ater, he was presented to Mrs. Hardin. She told him that the camp would no longer be dull j thnt she nad ten every afternoon Ir her rnniaoa. She convicted nlin archly of British hood. "She krjew he must have his tea 1" "You American women are the won ders of the world! Nothing daunts you. In the desert, and you Rive afternoon teas. I'll oe there every day!" He gave her open admiration; she looked young and wistful In her soft flowing mulls, the moonlight helping her. She fell Into a delicious flurry of nerves and excitement Later, she wandered with him from a rude gaping World Into a heaven of silvered decks and gleaming waters. He told her of himself, of his loneliness; his music had dropped him to self-pity. Gerty Hardin heard her bars drop behind her. She snatched her first glimpse of freedom. CHAPTER XXX. The Dragon Scores. The Palmyra was once again on Its Riding. Marshall was at the front again; having made another ot his swift dashes from Tucson. This time ho expected officially to close the gate. Claudia was with hlrn. She never left the caft unless It were to step out to the platform to see what she could from there of the river work. Hardin and Rlckard had been devot ing anxious weeks. A heavy rainfall and cloudburst In the mountains of northern Arizona had swollen the feed ers of the Gila river which roared down M the Colorado above Yuma. The eroding moun tains Id tolutlon whl/h settled against the t»at a scour parting above arid | below It Belief liiiX to be given on | the Jump. A spur truck was rushed across the by-pass above the gate, as the closing of the 111-fated gate with the flashboards was no longer possible. A rock-flll was the only means of closure. In the distant quarries men were digging out rock to Oil the call from the river. Marshall came down to see the com pleted spur. ISefore he reached the Intake, the first rock train bad moved onto the spur track. Tin* trestle had settled, the train bad neen thrown from the rails and wrecked. Marshall came In from the damaged trestle, bringing Rlckard and Crothers. Mrs. Marshall had Invited Innes Har din to dine with them. Innes fell to flushing, and chilling, as a lithe-mus cled figure came directly to her. Ills eyes—where was the look she had I feared, of possessive tenderness? The quizzical gleam was gone. On guard! A solemn business, loving, when you know that It means—life! On guard, though, to her! She pulled her fin gers from his strong lingering clasp, and Joined Mrs. Marshall. Rlckard had his soldier look on. She was watching him covertly as he talked with his host and Crothers, as though she were not there; as though something were not waiting for him to claim. How could he be talking, ob livious of everything else In the world except the river? Was that —loving? Could sbe think of anything else when he was In the same room with her? He was a soldier of the modern army. It came to her, a sort of tender divi nation, that he would not divide his thoughts, even with her. with love, un til his battle was won. Well, couldn't she understand that? What her accu sation against Gerty? Sex honor— keep off the track l Wasn't that b*r GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1919 own notion? Ouglitn't she to be proud of him? She had brought n nest of waßplsh thoughts tumbling about her ears. Qertyl He hod loved Oerty. He couldn't love her. If his thoughts hacV ever lingered, with that same serious ly solemn look on the falso little face of her sister-in-law. After dinner they were standing In the shnde of the Palmyra. It was a soft still afternoon. The fierceness of the savuge desert had melted to her days of'lure. Beyond, the turbid wa ters of the Colorado bore a smiling sur face. There wag nothing to hint of treachery. It was n minute of pleasant lassi tude, snatched from the turmoil. Rlck ard had succumbed to the softuess of the dity and his mood. He was enjoy ing the thought of Innes' nearness, though she kept her face turned from him. He knew by the persistence of those averted eyes that she was as acutely conscious of his presence t.s lie was, restfully, of hers. Deliberately, he was prolonging the Instant. A stir on the river had caught the ulert eye of Tod Marshall. He swore a string of picturesque Marshallinn oaths. Itlckard's eyes Jumped toward the by-pass. The placid waters had suddenly buckled. Majestically tlio gate rose und went out. Months ot work swept away! The gate drifted n hundred feet or more. Some unseen obstruction caught it there, to mock at the labors of man. Innes, aghast, turned toward Rlck ard. His face was expressionless. There was a babel of excited voices behind them, Bodefeldt, Mac Lean, Tony, Crothers, Bangs, all talking at once. Her eyes demanded'something of Rickard. A fierce resentment rose agnlESt '.ils calmness. "He knew It." she rebelled. "He's been expecting this to happen. It's no tragedy to him I" There was a stab as of physi cal pain; she was visualizing the blow to Tom. She heard Marshall's voice, speak ing to Klckard. "Well, you're ready (or this." She did not hear the an •wer, for already Klckard was needing Rickard Was^ the By-Psss. for the by-pass. Marshall and the young englueerg followed him. To Innes that wreck down yonder was worse thnn failure; It was ruin. It Involved Tom's life. It was his life. This would be the final crushing of his superb courage—her thoughts released from 'heir paralysis were whipped by sudden fear. She must find him, be with him. The next Instant she was speeding toward the encampment Kxtrada met her on the run. Had Oerty heard? The pity that she must know! She would not be ten der to Tom; her pride would be wounded. She must ask her to be ten der, generous. Her footsteps slack ened as she came In sight of the tents. She heard voices In the ramnda, a man's clear notes mingling with Ger ty's childish treble. "Godfrey I" Iler mind Jumped to other tete-a-tetes. Of cotiraei So that was what was going on. And she not aeelngl If not one man. then another! Horrid little clan destine affairs I The meeting was awkward. Speed ily Innes got rid of the news. Mrs. Hardin shrugged. "I believe I'll go out." Plaintively, she made the an nouncement, as though It were JuMt evolved. "Now, the camp will be hor rid. Kverybody will be cross and everybody will be working." As she left the tent beyond, Innes could hear the vibrant voice of God frey persuading Mrs. Hardin to stay there u few weeks longer. She could hear blm say, "This will delay the turn ing of the river at the most but a few weeks. Itlckard told me so a week ago. And think what It would be here with out you I" "They were all expecting It I" resist ed Innes Hardin. Hhe turned back to ward the river. She must find Tom. CHAPTER XXXI. A Sunday Spectacle. Trouble with the tribes was well grown before It was recognized. Dis affection was ripe, the bucks were heady, the white man's sliver acting like wine. Few of the braves had dreamed of ever possessing sums of money such as they drew down each Sunday morning. Rickard began to suspect liquor again. In the Indian camp Sunday was a day of feasting, followed by a gorged sleep; the next day one of languor, of growing Inco besion. Rickard spoke of It to Coronet. "Like small baby," hunched the old shoulder*. "Happy baby. Pretty soon stop." With the next wages went a repri mand. then a warning. Still followed bad Mondays. Rickard then Issued a formal warning to all the tribes. "The situation with the Indians Is serious," said Rickard to Mac Lean. "They're getting liquor In here, soma wsy, the Lord only knows how. Any way, they're not At for burning Mon day morning. I've just sent them word by Coronel that It's got to quit, or they do." _ ... "Suppose they do?' MocLean was stßrtled. Not ail Indian could be spared at that stage of the game. "Bluff I" Rlckard got up. "They won't take the chance of losing that money. I'm oft now to the Crossing. I'll leave you In charge here." The next morning Wooster broke In to the ramada where MacLcan sat clicking his typewriter. "Everything's up. Rickard's done It now. Sent some all-Bred, Independent kindergarten orders to 'the Indiana. Says they have to be In bed by ten o'clock, or somo such hour on Satur day and Sunday nights. It's a strike, their answer. That's what his monkey ing has brought down on us." "They're not going to quit?" "They've sent word they won't work on MoAduys, and they will go to bed when they choose Saturday nights. Losing orrf day a week I We can't stand (or that. Luck's been playing Into his hands, but this will show htm up. Thls'll show Marshnll his pet clerk. Tell Casey there'll be no In dians tomorrow." He sputtered an> grlly out of the office. Rlckard seemed pleased when Mac- Lean made the announcement a fen hours la'er. His secretary was weighing him l 'Wliat do you intend to do about ltT" "Call tlie'r bluff," grinned Cnsey, showing teeth tobacco had not bad a chance to spoil. "Boycott'"them." MacLenn found Wooster at the river bank with Tom Hardin. The two men were watching a pile-driver sot a re- He Found Wooiter at the River Bank. helllou* pile. Two new trestle* were to Hupplement the one which hud been hent out of line by the weight of net tling drift. Marshall's plan wa* being followed, though Jeered at by reclama tion men and the engineer* of the D. It. company. "Btop the mattress weaving and dump like hell!" had been his order*. "Boycott the Indium*, well I'm Mowed," the beady eye* sparkled at Hardin. "Now he's cut bin own throat." "By the eternal!" swore Hurdtn. MacLeun left the two engineer* match ing oath*. There wax an omlnoti* quiet the nest day. Not un Indian offered to work at the river. A few stolid buck* came to their tank* on Tuesday morning; they were told by Itlcknrd himself that there was no work for (hetn. Illckard appeared Ignorant of the antagonism of the engineers. An unfathered rumor started that Rlrkurd was 111 with the Ilecloinatlon Service men; that he wanted the work to fall; to bo udopted by the Hervlce. Marl.cmi broke a lance or two against the absurd slander. He was making tne discovery that a man's friendship for a man may be deeper than a man'* love for a woman. He was a Illckard man. He was made to feel the re proach of It. Wednesday not an Indian reported. Coronel passed from camp to camp, his advice unpopular. Scout* sent out to watch the work on the river report ed It was crippled. The white man would be sending for tlu/ Indian soon. The waiting brave* sat on their haunches, grinning and smoking their f/lpes. Saturday night the camp went gloomily to bed. On the Indian side there wa* no revel, no feasting or dancing. Illckard did not turn In until after midnight, planning alternative*, lie was sleeping bard when Mael>eun, at dawn, dashed Into his tent. "Quick, what doe* thl* meon?" It was a splendid spectacle, and staged superbly. For background, the sharp-edged mountains flushing to (■lnks and purples against a one-hued iky; the river-growth of the old chan nel uniting them, blotting out miles .if desert Into a flat scene. On the op posite batik of the New river, live hundred strong, lined up formidably, their faces grotesque and feroclou* with pnlnt, were the seven trllies. The sun's rays glinted up from their fire arms, shotguns, revolvers. Into a mot ley of defiance! Cocopah*, with streaming hair, blanketed NiivaJ"">, short-haired I'lnias those Iri front rein ing in their silent pinto ponies, and all motionless, silent In that early tnoru tfig light "What doc* It mean?" whispered Mail-can. Illckard did not answer. He had one nauseous Instant as he looked toward Inne*' tent. Then he broke Into laughter. "See, the white horse, no. In front—" "By Jove," Macl-ean *l*pped hi* thigh. "Coronel! They had tne buf faloed. Whot do you think It Is?" Illckard stepped oft Into the wash of morning air anil waved o solemn salute across the river. Gravely It was returned by Coronel. "What doe* It mean?" demanded Maclean. "It mean* we've won," chuckled his chief, coining back Into his tent. An hour later Coronel led In a picked group of the tribe*. If the white chief would recall the boycott the Monday strike wa* over. The white man's «ll* ver had won. To b« continued. " . ' Sweat the Tly. GIVE GRENADE BANKS TO SCHOOL CHILDREN Millions to ba Distributed by Treas ury Department to Encourage Hsppy Habit of Thlrft. Hand grenades made by the United States government to bomb the Huns lo destruction are now to be used to ttoom thrift. Millions of the little tna ;hlnes of destruction, with the explos !ves carefully removed, are to be ftven to the school children of the United States to encourage the saving habit. The grenades are being con verted Into miniature savings banks. They will hold pennies and nickels tad dimes which can be converted Into Thrift Stamps. The Thrift Stamps In turn can ba converted into War Savings Stamps. Distribution ot the grenade* tn the laveral Federal Reserve Districts will tte left In the hands of the district Sav ings Directors. In this district the War Loan Organisation, with head (uarters In Richmond. Va., hits so ar- HAND QRENAOE SAVINGS BANK ranged that a grenade bank. will be swarded to each child, who, during the vacation parlod, earns enough money to buy a War .Savings Stamp. Some hank In every community will lend each child a grenade and at the cloae of the vacation period the child will return It, with the money It con tains, to the bank. There the money will bo counted. If the child has saved enough to buy a War Suvlngs Stamp the grenade-hank will be his, but In all events the cash must be In vested In Thrift Stamps If not enough has been saved to pay for a War Sav ings Stamp. The grenade hanks are of considerable value and will be splendid souvenirs of the great war, and tht War Loan Organization of the Fifth Federal Reservo District is anx ious to place them in the hands of as many children as possible. Thrift Is not miserliness. It Is get ting a hundred cents worth out of every dollar. Are you aendlng out ships, or Just hoping that somebody else's will get stranded on your shore? buy W/ 8. 8. and watch your own come In. Don't forget the squirrel—ssva sotne of your nuts for the winter that always follows the summer.—lluy W S. 8. Thrjft Is the wise use of money— Improvidence Is Its abuse. Iluy W. S, 8. BRITISH THRIFT. Tile Ilrttlnh War Havlnit* Com,- mlttec ha* become * permanent Institution In Kinland and the fol -1 lowing declaration has been Issued { explaining the Kngllsh fcttltude I toward thrift: "Quite an lmiK)rtant. both ss a source of revenue and a* a noclal movement, in the restraint of lux ury, and growth of economy and simplicity of life among the well-to do, OtherwHie good* and services will be wasted. War savings ap plies to all claases and-appeals to all Incomes" A Oreat Man. A great rnnn In he who chooses the right In Invincible resolution, who re •lst* the sorest ("'inflations from with in and without, who bears the heaviest burden* cheerfully, who Is cnlmcst In ■torm* nnd must fearless under frown*, whoso reliance on truth, on virtue, on Ood, Is most unfaltering. J belleye thl* greatness to be most com mon among the multitude, whose name* aro never heard.—W, E. Cbau- Dlrif. HOW SAVINGS HABIT HELPS EVERYBODY Money Invested Thl» Year In Thrift Stamp* Returns In Five Yeara Vastly Increased. On Now Year's day 1923, there will begin a remarkable series of divi dend payments to American people Hundreds of millions of dollars of War Savings Stamps sold dßring 1918 will then be redeemable. On each News Year's day thereafter for a num ber of years there will undoubtedly be huge returns to the American poo- Pie of the money borrowed with in terest. These great dividend days bring American bankers new opportunities and also responsibilities. How can new thrift habits be linked to thrift Institutions? How can thle money, the product of thrift, be mobilized for further work? Already the bankers are working with the Treasury Department to continue thrift habits. For people who save money there Is a wide range of thrift Institutions that will take charge of funds, put them to work safely, and return good earnings. As the government plans to borrow by general education of thrift in every kind, so the banks and thrift Institu tions can aid the government by en couraging general thrift and building bigger business themselves. One of the first stops to bo taken by bankers Is that of spreading Informa tion about banks, life Insurance, build ing and loan associations, federal farm loans, and all other thrift institutions. The beht way to meet Uncle Sum's borrowing needs Is to promote thrift on the broadest possible lines. Kverv dollar deposited In a savings bank becomes available for national finance. Kvery life insurance policy sold Is equivalent to an indirect loan to the government. Kvery obligation assumed by thrifty people such as a building mortgage Is a stimulus to production and saving, und therefore, as much a national service as the di rect purchase of government securi ties, In placing these matters eloarly before everybody la his community the banker will live up to his opportu nities and bis responsibilities In the new thrift movement. When the bil lion dollar New Year Days arrive he will be ready. TELLS HOW SHE BUYS WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Woman Tells How by Intelligent Sav ings Plan She la Able to Accumu late Money Which Waa Formerly Wasted. "Save while the money is warm" la the motto of a woman who haa I'wtab llshed u reputation both for herself and her family by the number of Wur- Sarin** Stamps ahe bought without apparently stinting In tha least, Here I* her system. V "The only way to nave la to Have. When I have actually saved a quarter I put It Into a Thrift Stamp without delay. If I save that quarter on one thing and then spend It carelessly for something also, I have not saved any real money. "For example the other day I went down town expecting to pay 110 for a pair of apeclal shoes. To my sur prise, I found there was a sale that day. and got the very pair of shoes I wanted for 17,75 1 had saved $2 2b. But how to keep II saved. I kn«»w that If 1 simply regarded It mentally as saving, before the end of the month it would be spent miscellaneously, 1 went right down atalrs lo the store and bought nine Thrift Stamps «nd stuck those quarters In the Thrift etird where they could not get sway before the end of the month. "J do the same thing when I have saved a single quarter or half dollar, and 1 am seriously thinking of Ketting a little penny bank to hold saved pen nies or dimes until they grow to Thrift Stamp size. What Is more, I am get ting a whole lot of fun out of thli most fascinating game, the Knme of "Getting Ahead " (Jet that happy feeling—lt* waiting for you with your firm W. 8 8 The roan who puts hi* money into W. 9. 8. Is never "broke " Watch yonr ont-go today and yeur future Income will take care of Itself. Buy W. S. 8. and you will neither •ante nor want. Writ* Agricultural Bureau. We wonder If one could raise forage for a nightmnre In a garden of dream*. —Columbian Mlssourlnn. Th* Other Side. If j6u want to make yourself oolld with other folks don't atop to tell them what wonderful thing* you have done, bat just say, "You fellow* have th* world beaten for big thing* I" ... T NO. 18 KEEPJT SWEET] Keep your itanadi nrart H today and ward otf tbe indU [a gestion of tomorrow—try , KinoiDS the new aid to digM«io«.l| As pleasant and as safe to I take as candy. v maoc by soorr a aowNt Land Sale! Pursuant to an order of the Superior-*! Court of Alaiuunce county, made in a J8 special proceeding therein |>endlng, ea.jM titled "Louisa Warren and others against|H Luther Warwick and others," the under-"9 signed commissioner will offer for sale afrjS public auction, to the highest bidder, OU^S MONDAY, JUNE 80, 1919, lit 12 o'clock, noon, on the premises, tlie home place of the late J. A. Warren, 'M in Pleasant Grove township, Alamance *9 county, N. C„ the following described real property ; A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in Plea Hunt Grove township, 9 Alamance county, N. C., on 'tliu. water»'3S of Quaker Creek, adjoining the lands of M Win. I. Anderson, Win. Mahan, and oth-U ers, and being a part of the Anderson !**■ MIU liell tract, and iiounded ns follows, '^ lieginnlng at a rock by tbe fence, oaee||l a ( orner of Nancy Mitchell's, and near *Va gale; thence 8. 88 dag. E. 21 chs. to a 1 rock in Polly Mitchell's line; thence 8. |S9 deg. W. 11 chs. u) a double persimmon - S by the public road and said Polly Mitch- raj ell's corner; thence N. 74 deg. W. with*!® George Jones'line 4.10 chs. to a stake, § bis corner; thence S. 5 deg. E. with hi* % line 15.10 chs. to a stake in said Wm. L Anderson's line; thence N. 89 deg. W. 14.H0chs. toa rcdoak, his comer; thence 3 N. 2} deg. E. with his and Polly Mitch ell's line ID'lO chs. to a stake by the pub- ,'3 lie road; thence with said road 8. BSf 1 deg. W. 19 chs. 8. 644 deg. w. 5.50 chs. 1 to a rock; thence N. 12.20 ulis. to a rock; 1 thence W. 4.90 chs. to pointers In Wm. 1 Maban's line; thence his line N. 1 deg. E. 'M 8.90 ehs. to a stamp, bis corner; thence N. 89 deg. E. 10.HO chs. to a wlilteoakby tbe road ; thence S. 01 deg. E. 10 chs. lO 9 a rock in'the old line; thence E. 0.90 chs. to the lieglnning, con.ainlng 77 as: ret, J more or less Terms of Sale: One-third cash, to be paid on day of sale; one-third in six ; months; one-third in twelve month*; de- ; fern (I payments to l>e evidenced by bond* of the purchaser, bearing Interest at six per cent, from date of confirmation ot sale; said sale subject to advance bid* and subject to continuation by the court; title reserved until the purchase price i* fully paid. This the 27th day of May, 1919. J. DOLPH I/ONG, Commissioner. •? Trustee's Sale. Under and by virtue of the power 4 of gale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Nellie B. Rive* and husband, W. S. Rives, to the undersigned, bearing date May 6, 1915, and recorded in the office of the Register af iJoods for Alamance county, in Mortgage Deed Book No. 07 at page 278, said deed of trust having been executed to secure tbe payment of a curtain bond of even date therewith, payable to the Qrs- ' : -- ham Home Building Company, in ■{ the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars 1 (IISQO.OO), default having been, made in the payments as provided" in said bond, tbe undersigned trus tee will offer for Hale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, at 12 o'clock, noon, on MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1019, the following described real prop erty : A lot or parcel of land in the town of Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, on the south side of Al bright Avenue, adjoining the lot heretofore conveyed by L. Banks Holt, Guardian, to J. W. Harden, Jr., the lot of Joe Allen, colored, and other land, and bounded as follows; Beginning at a stake on south side of said Albright Avenue, the nortb eust corner of said lot of J. W. Harden, Jr.; running thence east with the southern margin of said Albright Avenue 00 feet to a stone; thence 8 15.H ft to a stake in said Joe Allen's land; thence W with his line 00 ft to a stake in his line, southeast corner of said J. W. Harden, Jr.; thence X with his line to the begin ning, containing 'JIW square feet, more or less, upon which is situate a two-story frame dwelling house. This loth day of May, 1919. E. S. PARKER, Jit., Trustee. PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an invention to frtitcnt please acod us a model or sketch, with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, Your disclosure and all huHiness is strictly con fidential. and will receive our prompt and 1 personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON. D. C. ,ji . i A PRE 1199 CALENDAR. Owing to thu very high cost ot paper, calendars are quite scares this year, so we take pleasure in announcing that any of our read ers can secure a nice 10x11 in. cal edar by sending the postage there for, 3c in stamps, to D. SWIFT & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. ThoHe who were crowing recent#- ly over the "victory" of Orlando and Sonnio in the Fiume matter are now trying to tail their crow t , off into a squawk of protest. ,i»i ■ -. Ik

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