AVAVAVAV * For Weak / Women 2 In use for over 40 years! \A Thousands of voluntary / fetters from women, tell- ing of the good Cardui has done them. This is / the best proof of the value / of Cardui. It proves that Cardui Is a good medicine y for women. / i There are no harmful or habit-forming drugs in y Cardui. It Is composed XA only of mild, medicinal / ! Ingredients, with no bad after-effects. _ Pi TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic " ■— 4 FARM t roOLTRY PURPOSE OF A SMALL FLOCK It l« Primarily for Egg* and Therefor# Fowl> Should Be Fed With Thl« End In View. (Prepared by the United fitatra Depart ment of Agriculture.> The actual purpose of keeping u smnil flock of fowls IK prlrnnrlly for egg production. Consequently they should ho fed with OIIH end In view. Practically every housewife has n quantity of tnble scraps, vegetable I peelings and "leftovers" Hint can ne i irfllized by feeding to hens. H tipple- i mentnry to such feod, however, ■ grain i •nd dry mash ahotild ho provided In order to pro«liico the host results. Uy , Purebred Fowla of Qeneral-PurpoM Typo Are Boat Adapted for Back- Yard Flocka. •applying tho fowla wllb nil available table scraps It will usually coal from 80 to 75 centa a year per fowl for (rait) and other feod*. A good egg laying ration ahould consist of the following: Three part* corn meal ami one part beef acrnp mixed together and fad In a dry-mash hopper to wbleh the fowla will have access at nil time*. In addition to thla a scratch ration conalatlng of equal part* cracked com •nd Oata abould be ted twice dally. When no table acrnpa are available It will take about one quart of scratch grain dally for twelve to fourteen fowla. However, this can be reduced when table scraps are fed uml a cer tain amount of natural green foed, ■Uch a* era**, I* available. In providing the fowl* with a suit able house It ahould be remembered that the essentials of *ueh n building are fresh air, dryness, sunlight and nflldent apace *o that the fowl* will not be crowded. Usually each fowl ahonld be allowed four square feet of floor apace. If available, scrap lum ber from dry-goods boxes, etc., can ho utilized to conatruet such a bouse. The coat will be considerably less than when lumber Is purchased. If mtill clent lumber Is not aVnlinble for the entire house a rough framework well covered with ordinary rooting or tnr {taper will answer the Immediate needa. When the heavier fowls (Plymouth Rooks, Wyandotte*, Ilhode Island Reds, etc.) are kept all females should be disposed of at the end of their sec ond year. Inasmuch as In most cases they will cease to be profitable at the end of that time. The lighter breeds (Leghorns, etc.), however, can be prof itably kept as long ns three years. By disposing of the hens In this way n part of the flock must be renewed erft-h year. Consequently, considering that the percentage of cockerels and pullets la anally about tho same, nnd that a certain percentage will die beforo reaching maturity, It is customary to luitch more chicks each year than I there are hem In the flock. AWFUL CHANGE IS SEEN MMM •TATE OF TERROR EXIBTB IN FATED CITY AMONG PEOPLH OF ALL CLASSES. NO LONGER ANY SOCIAL LIFE Recent Execution* No Longer Conalat of One* and Two* But of Whol* Group* By Machine Gun*. I j Holxlngfor*.—lt In hardly possible to recognize Petrograd owing to the terrible change within a month. Ter ror hn* *o Increased that nobody speaks in the street, trains or public place*. People only regard one anoth er suspiciously, (earing Informers. Sol dier* especially avoid prevalence of provocators of the red army. 'Social life to all intent* has ceased, fn every house there l» only one en try, either the front or back door be ing silently shut or at whichever Is open a communist sentry is posted. Ho demands of all Incomers first-place Identity papers; also their right to walk In the street, and then questions as to whom they are going to see, who lives In the family, what they do, what Is the builness of the visitors. If the answer Is satisfactory, they pass in; If unsatisfactory, they are arrest ed, taken to the commissariat and thence to the fortress of Peter and Paul where they generally are shot\ without question. The recent executions carried out st Peter and Paul are no longer In one's and two's but In group* by a special machine gun detachment Tho bodies are mostly thrown In tha Neva. BEER QUESTION NOT NOW ONE OF LAW BUT MATTER OF FACT. Washington.—Contending that no eourt* may say, as a matter of law, what percentage of alcohol In liquor makes It Intoxicating, the Judiciary committee. In a report to tho house on prohibition enforcement legislation de clared this was a question of fact and not law, and as such wa* clearly with in the province of Congress. Tho committee held that the right of * Congress to define "Intoxicating li quor" as a beverage containing more than one-half of one percent alcohol was In full accord with Its constitu tional powers, and that every state, In dealing with alcoholic liquors, had named product* of that percentage as Intoxicating and had either prohibited use of such liquors or subjected tliera i to heavy tar. \ "To define what Is Intoxicating doe* not trespass on the province of the court," said the majority report pre- I pared I* Chairman Volstead EARTHQUAKE SHOCK CAUSED CONSIDERABLE LOSS OF LIFE. Rome —Earthquake shocks In Tus cany Sunday caused the deaths of 127 persons and InJurleA to several thous and, according to the latest advices from Florence. The center of Relsmlc movement apparently was Vlcchlo, a town of 11.&00 Inhabitants. IB tgllos northeast of Florence. Among the victims at Vlcchlo. which suffered severely were the locnl doc tor*. Tho railway station, Ivorensri, north of Vlcchlo, churches and fac torle* at San Bor»o were destroyed. Alrplanos have been sent In all di rections along the Appenlne moun tains soeklng Information. It Is fear ed some regions may have been liolat •4 by destruction of all means of com munication. HOLLAND WARNED NOT TO LET KAISER GET AWAY. Tendon—The allied governments have represented to the government of Holland the necessity f taking steps to prevent the depnVture yf the former German emperor from Holland. C. B. llarmsworth. under secretary of «tato for foreign affairs, announced In tho house of commons. Overfeeding kills mure chicks than underfeeding. • e e I.lttlo nuil often In a good feeding rule for newly hatched chirks. • • • Eggs for Incubator hatching should bo fresh, tho fresher the better. • • • This Is the time of year when poul try quarters need to lie made safe from ruts. • • • Ducklings should be ready for the green duck market at from ten to fourteen weeks of age. • • • A good, well-regulated Incubator will hatch eggs with fnr more crr»iltity and do It more cheaply tltun can be douo with hens. see Much'nf the trouble often found In brooding chirks Is due alone to feed ing too early; or In excess during the Brst few days. • • • Scales on chicken's legs are caused by a inlte. This mite mn Mt be con trolled and disponed of by tho use of heavy black crude nil. • • • 111 tho lc.nl ion of the poultry house. If It !s t.npnictlcoble to select a soil that l» naturally dry It should be made Iry by thomn rh umlcrUn.itni'c. Looks Years Younger- No Gray Hair. It seems so unfile to have .fray, failed or lifeless hiir theo (lays now that Q-ban Htnlr Color Restorer will a natural, even, dsrk shade, uitho it detection to gray or lifelesa hair. Have handsome, s 'ft lustrous hair in abundance without a trace of of gray. Apply Q-ban guarantee:! harmless— jOt a Inrgo bottle—money back it not satisfied, sold by the Hayes Drug Co , and nil good drug ' stors. 'Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Li- ' 3Uid Chanipoo and Soap. „ WATCH HIM GROW H*re Is ■ "baby" who will give you no trouble—on* who sat* sxtra ordinary food. Taka habits of Thrift and Savlnga.. Put In Thrift Stamps and Peed Regularly. Then Just watch W. 8. 8. grow. You'll find him a wonderful Joy. SAVINGS MADE SAFE FOR SMALL INVESTOR Uncle Sam Provldea Protection for Thrifty Cltlxen Who Wlehes to Lay Aaid* Part of Earnlnga. This la tha day of the imall Inves tor. The war opened the eye* of some 60,000, e00 Americans to the benefits of investing in government securities; It minimised to the aame extant the menace of fraudulent promotions l» which many Ufa's savings have been sunk. War Savings Stampa ire mak ing Investing safe for the saiall saver. Every small Investor should realise , that a dollar saved while money is .Xtho chnapest commodity offered will purchase twice as much of almost any other commodity within four or live year*, so that. In addition to the In terest that War Saving* or other gov ernment securities yield, the Investor really ha* earned 109 per cent In the purchasing power of the dollar saved. Small sum* certalrtly are worth aav- Ing. Amounts that seem Insignificant soon pile up Into figure* that are Im pressive. i A great French banker was once asked the secret of French thrift, ana he replied, "Compound Interest" Ju*t as constant waste, even in little things, may changa one'a life from success to failure, so the Rteady sav- I Ing of money will eventually bring Independence, If not actual wealth. There are very few persons who , cannot, without Inconvenience, lay aside 10 cents a day. Within ten years one's daily savings of this In significant sum will amount to $366. In addition to (80.36 compound In terest, making a total of $445.36. Dy saving IS cent* a day for ten I years, with Interest compounded at 4 1 per cent, one will have the comfort able sum of $668.18; 20 cents a day will net SBOO 89, Save 60 cents a day for ton years and there I* $2.527.76. A dollar a day will make a total of $4,465.74 for tho ten-year fcerlod. All these figures ar* based on the savings being put out at 4 per cent compound Interest. War Savings Stamps yield more than 4 per cent. LESSONS WILL TEACH THRIFT IN SCHOOLS > Pamphlet* Giving Outline Course May Be Hfd by Writing War Loan Organization. The War Loan Organisation of the Fifth Federal Reserve Dtartrict at Rich mond. Va . has Juat faauod an outline of a course of thrift for elementary school*. It Is designed especially to meet the needs of teachers, beginning with chapters for the smallest young ster* and continuing to those for pu pils up to the eighth grade. "Thrift In the Schools" contains fascinating suggestions for the teach ing of thrift to the little ones at the "Mother Oooee" age. Then for the older children there are many other ways of bringing the lesson home. Oaography, hyglone, English reading, budget making and problems In arith metic adapt themselves to the teach ing of thrift Resides these Items the pamphlet contains suggestions tor nrarnln* talks for all grade*; tentative read ing lists, with the namee of the pub llehers of book* Included; and. In each chapter, a paragraph on the practice of thrift The summary of the alms of the leaflet will probably give the best Idea of tho outline 1 To give the child a broad under standing of the specific facta and underlying principle* of thrift. I 2 To train the child In the habits M conservation and the wl*e use of 1 all his resourcee. 8. To create through the echools a public sentiment in favor of thrift and economy, and through thia public sen timent. to cultivate the national habit of thrift. ' The War Loan Organisation ta Richmond will fumdah these leaftete In any quantity, free of charge. ' If the frog hadn't slid back he , would have gotten out of tha welt. Dont he a frog Keop on buying War Ravings fit amp*. Do you wont to take a real vae» tloaf Br.y W. S S i Best be c«rlMn and not gueaa Ton n atra Uimtch W 8. 9. BOMBARD IRIBH TOWNS. CHARGE AQAINST BRITISH Pari*.—lrl*h American delegatee heco In tho lntere*t of the Irish Inde pendence movement sent a new note to Premier Clemenceau In which H-ey rharged the British with bombarding Irish town* from airplanes, "wanton ly murdering women and children." They laid also the British are Issu ing frequent orders of banlshmeot They asked tha appointment of a special Investigation commission. DRS. MUELLER AND BILL ARE BACK AT BERLIN- Berlin —Hermann Mueller and Dr. Johannes Bell, the German peace treaty authorities, have arrived here. Members of the party said that Just before arriving at Complegne occw pants of the dining car were startled by a stono or a piece of flreworks | thrown Into the car. Both the peace delegation which eondmrt*3 the negotiations at Ver satile* and the Armistice commlssln st Spa will be dissolved LEARNING TO MAKE MONEY ONLY HALF Wise Spending Is Also Essential According to War Savings Organization. Learning how to mske money Is, only hulf. It Is learning how to spend wisely snd save Judiciously that counts. Even saving does not necessarily mean wise spending, since the proa ent day offers so many equivalents tot our monsy. It Is only by making a careful, systemstlc study of the house hold administration thst a proper bsl ance msy be found between the dif ferent Items In tbe average budget of the home. There are Items in every household on which too much money Is spent The fact must be faced that If too much 1s spent on clothing, for In stance, less must be spent for other nocesiltles of life. Saving, however, Is the item that should b* most emphasized. Poor houses are full of people who did not have a savings Item on their budgets Unemployment, sickness, old age and many othei- demands necessltats a call on tha ressrvs fund, ths lsck of which will result In suffering and want. Every going enterprise Is conducted on systsm. If the home Is to be a suc cessful Institution it must also com ply with this wise rule of economics Systematic household accounting wIU mske a home more cheerful and pros porous. Household accounting alone, however, will never return Its full ben eflt until It is backed by an Intelligent family budget. One must consider tbe problem ol whether it is wiser to pey rent or tc build a home. In a large measure thlt depends on local conditions as well at the size of the Income. Amusement and recreation are es sentlsl In family life. The child and the adult should have an allowance for this, though ths total be very small, averaging from 4 to 5 per cent of the Income of the family. Ths wise spender plans the needs ol the family so that the amount spent In the "miscellaneous" Items will be as small as possible. This item should not be a "catch all" la home records. MUCH JUNK FOUND BY VIRGINIA COMMUNITY Thrift ami Juak buataeaa are boom Ing at E>mporta, Ya. "It keeps mi busy running to iha poat office to (el Thrift Stamps to par tor all the aal ▼ace that U coming la now," ial! the proprlator of one at tb* Junk ■hops. "Where all the Junk comei from >• a con• taut wonder. No on( would hare believed that eo mnct ■tuff oould have been hidden away It a town of tkli «lxe Under the voluntary organisation of Mr*. W. B. Ooodwyn, of Emporia all the houiewlres of the town havi been conducting an organized aalvagi oampalgn, In accordance with th« plana outlined by the War Loan Or gaaliatton of the Fifth Federal Re terra Dlatrlct Salvage «o collected la told to th local Junk dealer for Ita full value li Thrift Stamps. According to arrange menta already made with moet deal era In waate materlala In tha Fifty Dlatrlct, wagona will call for Junl wherever a "Salvage" card la dlai played. Theae carda have been 41a trlbuted all over the State. Not only haa Emporia found tha; thla organized campaign la rosultlni In a highly beneficial town "eleaa-up." but a eourca of economic -velfar« hardly known featore haa thua oomi to light. The aalva«e campaign has proved ao aatlefactory tn Emporia that Junk wagona are now being ran oat to thi aurouading towns. MONfY MAKING MONEY. One dollar put aalda every week foi •ve years will five yon over »t«7; foi tea years tt wm tnaka Kit Of coarse tl a week will ctve yon about doubl that or for Ave jears $87109; aad at oa. Buy a lead pencil and figure or that. It will be ane of the beat Inveat menta you ever made. Safety. Inrreaae and ready none.' are all provided by W. S. S. The* ran always he ootivertetd Into caah ot ton daya' nolle* at the ne&reatt post t office DEMONSTRATION AGAINST GOVERNMENT IN ROME. Rome!— Serious disorders marked anti-government demonstration la Rome. The demonstrators attempted to reach the residence of Premier S'ltll, but were driven back by large forces of military police. Order final lly was restored after midnight. Don't trifle with a cold —it's dangerous. You can't afford to risk Influenza. Keep always at hand a box of" cascara Quinine Standard cold remedy for 20 rear*—in tablet form—safe, lure, no opiates—break* op a cold In 24 bouf» nlkvee grip In 3 day*. Money back if It fails. The genii** boa haa a Red top with Ifr.HUTe picture. At AD Drug Store*. SHEEP CLUB BOY S PRORTS Investment Paying 200 Per Cent In duced Farmer* to Take Renewed Interest in Induatry. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Late In the fnll of 1917, George Ir win of Henry county, Indiana, and nine other boys In his neighborhood !organized a sheep club. A few Inter ested stockmen and the local bnnk made It possible for the club boys to secure one pure-bred ewe apiece. Kaeli boy gave his note to the bank for the purchase price of his sheep. In the summer of 1918 George Irwin presented the- following statement of his work and Investment: Disbursements. Cost at 1 ewe 118.00 ' I Feed 8.25 _ Interest on note 72 Total cost 124.97 ' Receipts. 1 ewe (Inventory) SIB.OO 1 lamb (sold) 26.00 : 1 lamb (sold) 22.50 Wool (sold) 6.60 | Total receipts $72.00 i Total cost 24.97 , Profit $49.03 Investments paying 200 per cent , were worth looking Into decided the 1 'fnrmers who lived In the locality of tills club, and Interest In sheep rais ing lncrensed. Another boy In the Htnry County ' :club has developed n flock of 30 ewes, i [and plans to have more. His futlier jhaa become so Interested In his son's [work that, although the boy Is rather 'young, he Is allowed to go to sales ■ and to do his own bidding on pros 'pects for his flock. Practically all the Sheep Club Members Exhibiting Their Animals. | hoys engaged 111 the sheep-club work nre keeping their foundation animals 'and at the same tlxtc ur# adding to [their stock. I Previous to 1918 there were but few i hoys and girls organized into sheep jclubs under the supervision of the de partment of agriculture and the state (agricultural colleges. With the high price of wool and mutton, the sheep project, however, has become Increas ingly popular. Last year 257 such ' ORANGE-CRUSH THE zest of the west, the sunny smile of the south, gleam in the golden of Orange-Crush. You can be certain of the purity or Orange-Crush because it is made from the fruit oil, pressed from fresh ripe oranges, and such other wholesome ingredients as pure granulated sugar, car bonated water and citric acid, which is a natural acid found in oranges, lemons and grapefruit. We suggest that vou order a case of Orange-Crush todav for the home. Obtainable wherever soft drinks are sola. The product of our modem bottling establishment, Orange- Crusn is the perfect family drink. 0 Graham Chero-Cola Bottling Co. eluhs were organized wlt*i an onrofl ment of 8,013 members. Doling the year 8,005 lt»nihn were rained by these young people and 2,000 pounds of wool I were marketed. The total value of the flocks at the end Ihe year waa ,$131,173.40; the Initial cost of the sheep, together with (he expense of [feeding them, was $37,082.82 ; the total profit made by the boys and girls who wore members of the sheep clubs and 'who continued the work throughout [the year was $94,090.58. The results jthe boys have been getting have [opened the eyes of their fathers. The | boys and girls in the sheep clubs are [demonstrating In every -state that sheep nre profitable If well handled. I'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllifllllllllllllllllj: I LIVE STOCK NOTES | niiiiiiiiiMiimimiiiiimiiiiiiimimimji; A self-feeder assists In economical pork production because It prevents waste. • . If there nre no trees In the hog lots, It will be necessary to provide artifi cial shade. • • • There is no way we can make pork fnster than to turn the hogs out Into a field of clover. • * • A permanent, well-built flehornlng chute Is much more satisfactory than u portable one. • • • When pigs "are kept free from par asites It Is not hard to get them to grow at weaning time. • • • It would be a good Idea for each farmer to raise a few calvdfe and get the benefit of higher prices likely to prevail. • • • Tobacco dust or stems chopped fine and plp.jeil where sheep and lambs can always have access to them will help prevent stomach worms. NEW QUEEN AT BELTSVILLE Calamity Wayne Pauline II Completes Year Teat, Producing Eleven Tona of Milk. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) A new queen reigns In the herd of Ilolstelns on the government experi ment farm at Beltsvllle, Md. She Is as unassuming and peace loving as any of her subjects, although she bears the name Calamity Wayne Paullne\n, and has Just completed a test In which she produced In a year more than 11 tons of milk. In 805 days she pro duced 22,. r >47.8 pounds of milk which averaged 8.805 per cent butter fat, the total fat being 855.4 pounds. This animal was selected by dairy specialists of the United States de partment of agriculture from a Michi gan herd In July, 1917. She was brought to the Beltsvllle farm, where she produced a heifer calf, and was started on her test December 7, 1917, at the age of eight years. The test ' was run through the coldest winter that section had experienced In 40 Calamity Wayne Pauline 11. years, and a summer that was extreme-, Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Too Bars Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per* rjf' - ' sonal supervision since its Infancy. '*'" c*™w Allow no one to deceive you In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTO RIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM» CINTAUW COMPANY. NEW VORK O ITV. y hat. The test for advanced regis try was conducted under the rules of :he Holstein-Frlesian association. During the year the animal was handled by two different herdsmen. A son of Qalamlty Wayne Pauline II hn been placed at one of the govern nent substations, and one of her half dsters Is making a fine record at the Ulchlgan Agricultural college. Calam ity's 805-day record was 19,256.6 pounds of milk, averaging 3.7 per cent butter fat, making a total of 718.13 pounds of fat. All the dairy cattle oh the Beltsvllle farm are used for experimental pur poses, and will be given at least two advanced registry tests to determine their capacity for production. Founding of Siberia. In 1582 Yermak, a Cossack chieftain, with chosen warriors set out to subdue a powerful Tartar tribe east of the Urals. Tsnr Ivan IV sent orders for the expedition to return. But it was too late; Yermak .and his men cap tured the city of Slblr, the stronghold of the Tartar chief, and this city be come the nucleus of Siberia. Natural Curiosity. Nature has placed one of her curi osities on the location of a former sugar mill on the island of Trinidad. The plant has since been reduced to ruins and Is overgrown with vegetft tlon. The old solid chimney Is Intact and up through Its center one of the quick growing trees of the tropics has sprung, spreading its branches out of the top of the huge chimney and is now In full bloom. ■ ftH>. tul model, sketches or photos end do- H H script ion for FREE GZArJCH *»d report H H on patentability. Hank reforeneta. I PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES fot ■ ■ you. Our free booklets tell how, what to invent B IjOWIFT & CO. I PATENT LAWYERS, Seven Hi St., Washington, D. C. JB S Used 40 Years S CARDUI S The Woman's Tonic * Qi Sold Everywhere £ BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &c., &c. For. Sale At The Gleaner Printing Oillce Graham, N. C. I don't wonder there is a print ing strike in Germany. Just think how badly the public would feel to have to tfead every morn ing of the price Germany must pay for being naturally Germanic. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the back, dluineaa, headache ami gennerai languor. Oet a package of Mother Gray'a Auatrxlia Loaf, the pleasant roo . t »" rt . ht ' rb . oure for Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troublea. Whan you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination f nature, herbs and root*. As a regulator It baa na qual. Mother Gray'a Australian Leaf la »old by Druggist* or sent by mall for fiOcts sample sent fro*. Address, Th»» Mother Ormjr Co., Le HOT. N. T Foteign Minister Uauer of Aus tria gives us the startling informa tion that the people of Tyrol love liberty above life. Did this fond ness for liberty develop after the fall of the llapsburgs? Public opinion seeins to view the proposed peace treaty with increasing favor despite Repub lican "Knox." Ebert is a harness maker,' but he couldu't make a check rein that would hold back the peace sentiment in Germany. The Carranza-Villa controversy has been prolonged to a point that has become positively tiresome. How will we know the German signatures are genuine now that the study of German has been banned in the schools ?

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