VOL. XLV I STOMACH TROUBLjTI Mr. Marion Holcomb. of Nancy, Kv., says: "For quite ■ a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. 1 would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most ■ I disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything with H butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. 1 began to have m regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but ■ after a course of these, I would be constipated. It juit ■ seemed to , tear my stomach all up. I found they were ■ no good at all for my trouble. I heard , THEDFORD'S I BUCK-DRAUGHT I recommended very highly, so began to use It It cured ■ me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. Ido not have sick headache or ■ stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys- m tem. This medicine should be in every household for m use in time of need. Oet a package today. If you feel ■ sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to- ■ morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE U7S I • '** GRAHAM DRUG CO. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, N. C. Olllce over Natloaal Basic of Alamance J\ 3. COOE, Attorney-«t- Law, "GRAHAM, N, C. Office Patterson Building Seoond Fleor DR. WILL S.LOM.JR. . . . DENTIST ; : . Graham, .... North Carolina OFFICE IN SJMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG LONG & LONG, A-ttorneys and Counselor® at Liw GRAHAM, N. C •'DIGESTONEINE'! Nature'. Re«torative, will help. Not only gives quick, lure relief from indiges tion's ills Heartburn, Dizziness, Sour Ritinp, Acid Mouth, Sleepless ness, etc.. But builds up appetite and entire system. Thousands KNOW. Follow their lead— t WfjaSPg uauoxiy)[" Vsi/ "nMK.ytoß.lUf" I=3 I am Improving In health since I have been taking , your medicine. It has helped me MO much. I can't tell ! foa how thankful I am. I do not think I could grt along without It. 1 • have recommended It to many »lnce It has done me so much good. WILLIS TOWNS, Hanson, No. Car. D/galondne idltfla—t, par mm> RACK Fi* further convincii* FACTS. Kc HAYES DRUG COMPANY, GRAnAM, N. C. # H2ij dandruff mean Vgood'byto i P. Hair If fi, Dandruff literally smothers the -J n c life out of the hair roots and fl eventually bring* baldness. W jlt wildroot ia guaranteed to clean .1 fill up dandruff and remove it—but it n \ll » doea more; it deanaes,softens and '. if looseoa the scalp and atimulatra * Ui the hair to normal, healthy growth. J /•X Wildroot Liquid Bhampooor Wildroot * VP Bkaapoo Hctp, o**d In connwtlim If with Wildrooi Hair Toaio, will hutiin , M the treatment. i WILDROOT ■ THE CUABAKTgED HAIR TCTOC For taU km urnUr a B montj-hack guamUtt Graham Drug Co. Hayes Drug Co.- Jas. 11. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich I Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night . , Day 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jm. U. Rich 544-W THE ALAMANCE GLEANER aaaNn axvasa ivaa ao aivs DEED OF TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deeu of Trust executed September 2nd, 1916, .by W. E. Bacon and wife to the undersigned Alamance Insu rance & Real Estate Company as Trustee, for the purpose of secur ing the payment' at mCcurity of four certain bonds of even date theryith. which Deed of Trust is and recorded in' Book of Mortgage Deeds and Daeda of Trust No. 71, at Registry of Alamance County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of said bonds, the undersign ed Trustee will, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Alamance County, in Graham, N. C., offer for Sale at public auction to the highest bid der for a certain tract or parcel of land in Kurlington town ship, Alamance County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Bur lington Coffin Co, A. W. Bos well, A. L. Allen, Morehead Street and others, and bounded as fol lows : Beginning at an iron bolt on Morehead Street, corner with A. L. Allen, and running thence with t'l? line of A. L. Allen and A. W. Bos well 114 feet to an iron bolt, c >.*- ner with A. W. Boswell.j thence with the line of A. W. Boswell feet t) an iron bolt, earner with A. VV. Boswell; thence with the line of A. W. Boswell and Mary Riley fcP'v fe»t t an "iron b')'.t, thence 30 feat ti an iron br»it, ear ner with Burlington Coffin Com pany's line; thence with t'v? line of Burlington Coffin Company 231 ifeet to an iron bait in Street; thence with the line of Morehead Street 76 feet to th > ba beginnin/j. This September 2G, 1919. Alamance Ins. ft Real Esta'e C ». Trustee. E. S. W. DAMERON, Atty. TRUSTEES SALE! Under and by \irtue of th-* pow t of sale contained in a certain Vf»»i t gage Deed of Trust, execute.l by- Sidney Potent and wife, Bertha Po teat, September 17, 1918. and duly recorded in the ofiict: of the Reg ister of Deede for Alamance coun ty, in Hook No. 77, page 163, default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale, to the high est bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, all of the fofiow ing described veal property, to wit : first Tract—Adjoining the lands of Thomas Street, lots Nos. 3, 5, ?. 10 and 11, and others, and bounded as follows, to-uit: Beginning at a stake on South side of Thomas Street, and running thence N. 87 deg. \V. 59 feet to a stake on S. side of said street nnlt corner with lot No. 3; thence S. 2/ deg. \V. 100 feet to a stake, and\ corner with lots Nos. 9 and 10; thence 87 deg. E. 50 feet to a stalce, corner witn lots Nos. 10 and 11; thence N. 2 de' E. luO feet to th? begin ning. This being lot No. in Block D of Graham Land Company lands known a* Brooklin subdivis ion. Second Tract—Adjoining the lands of macadam road running from Burlington to Gleucoe Cotton Mills, lot No. 2, Hill street and others, bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a stake on East ide of saitl macadam road, and running thence 8. ll riejf. 15 min. W. 69 feet to a stake on said road and corner with lot No. 2; thence H. 87 deg. E. 182 feet to a stake on East side of Hill Street, and cor ner with lot No. 2; thence with Hill Street N. 2 deg. E. b&% feet to the beginning, this being lot No. 1 in Block B of the Graham Land Com pany lands being known as the Brooklin subdivision, and on which there ii a frame dwelling. Terms of SaIe—CASH. This September 19. 1919. GRAHAM LOAN & TIM'S T CO., I Trustee, i J. J. HENDERSON, Att'v. For Sale. One two-horse wagon nearly n *w. One gwo'l work horae, cheap. Vp |>lv to DR. WILL 8. LONO, Graham, N> C. Back the FigHtrng Eagle Buy More Liberty Bond* BUNCO MEN ARE STILL HOT AFTER THE COIN But New Securities Offered by Gov ernment Are Calculated to Oo Far Towards Ending Their Business Farmers are a great deal mora prosperous than they were a few years ago. Nobody knows this any better than that suave and oily gen tleman, the "bunco man." The farm ers' prosperity has made him a shin ing mark In these gentry. The fake security man, the stock company pro moter and the wily sharper ars mighty busy persons Just now and a great many of them are "working the country,' 'and working It hard. Do you recall the "miracle wheat" proposition of a few years ago? May be not by that name, for It had a good many names. One of its aliases was 'Jerusalem wheat." Another was "Egyptian wheat." However, the name doesn't matter much for It was all the same thing. Most farmers will recall It, anyway. When the farmers would not fall for the story any other way they were told that If they would give HO or maybe S2O a bushel for the seed they could sell the whole harvest back In the fall for the same price per bushel that thfey paid for the seed. C course, some people bought and paid for the seed. And they went ahead and sowed It and waited a year full of trustfulness but the sharper who was to take the crop off their hands failed to show up. They found that they had a very poor grade of wheat, anyway, and It dawned upon them that they had been stung and stung hard and deep. Right now a good many farmers are being ofTered all sorts of Invest ments, oil stocks and plantation stocks and a whole lot of other stocks. Borne of these are offered In exchange for War Savings Stamps and Liberty Bonds. Some of them, too, are Just about on a par with the "miracle •wheat" that" came from Egypt or Pal estine. It will pay about such divi dends. It Is likely not to pay a cent one way or another. In a few years It will be valuable only as waste j paper. The same United States govern ment that more than a year Ago promised the American farmer $2.2« | for his wheat, and Is making good every day, Is now offering the farmer an Investment that Is lust as safe as the wheat that he grew on his farm this year after It Is stored In his granary New Treasury Saving Certificate#, simply a development of the familiar War Savings Stamps, can be had These certificates are offered In de nominations of SIOO and SI,OOO on the Identical terms of the War Savings Stamps. Elgbtyfoor dollars and twenty cents Invested In a SIOO Certificate will .grow Into a SIOO bill by January 1. 1924. Multiply these figures By ten and the words will apply to a SI,OOO certificate Or the youngsters, or the peison with limited means to In vest. may pay $4 21 for a War Savings Stamp and on Janukry 1. 1924. It will he a $5 bill. These securtles draw four per cent Interest, compounded quarterly. War Savings Stamps do more than add dollar to dollar They begin to multiply. Vitalise the saving habit. Buy War Savings Stamps. Lend money to your government. Bay Thrift and War Savings Stamps Own a part of the United Ststes government. Buy Thrift and War Savings Stamps A stamp in t'-me saves dimes. Bay was. Opportunity knocks. It's knocking *ow Buy W. 8 8 FOR SUMMER COLDS Catarrh, Aitbma, Hiy-Firtr, etc. Utert •in the DoMrib a imill quantity of wmm ff ill not tuia the Clothei. Aral? drug ftorei 30c, 60c »nd $l2O or nulled direct. ■UK MM COPm. It MUhn. I c GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1919 BAMS GAVE SPLENDID AID IN LOAN DRIVES Public Should Now Help Them In Th«lr Efforts To Make Country Evan More Proaperouo. Dr Carter Olau, Secretary of the Treasury. No croup of men In the Uftttsd Statea roeaaured up to the teat of the great war more admirably thm dM' the bankers. The aucceaa of the dott ed Statea Treasury Department In floating oyer $21,000,000,000 In Liber ty Bonds and Victory Notes during the laat two years was due In no mall measure to the patriotic co-operation of the banks. They took a most ac tive part In «ach of the loan oant paigna. They subscribed generously for themselves, made loans to their cus tomers In order that they might buy bonds, and sold bonds on Installments to accommodate thoss having small savings. In other words, the banks did everything possible to promote the sale and distribution of government securities. The banker can render an equally great service In roconatructlon by co operating with the government In Its movement to teach the people of th>- Unlted States the leaaona of souad fi nance and wlae investment. In pro moting this cause the banker will aid hla Institution and the financial sit uation In general at the same time. Now that the war Is over ths peo ple should be Impressed with ths wis dom of holding tbelr government se curities and alao of purchaalng more, from time to time. The more gener ally the people of the United States absorb government aecurltles ths greater will be the ability of ths com mercial banks to devote practically all of their resources to furnishing adequate credit to ths commsrce nnd industry of ths country. Providing short-tims crsdlt to com meres and Industry la their normal peace-time funotlon The aale and movement of farm cropa, manufac tured products and other commodltlea, na well as the continuous and efficient employment ot labo.-. In fact, the whole Industrial process will be promoted by permitting the commercial banks to devote all their resources to this function. The people of the United States should, therefore, be encouraged fo pay off their Installments and borrow ings on bond collateral as rapidly as pnsalble, and alao to purchase addi tional government securities as Is sued from time to time or In the mar ket. If this U done the people of this country will be benefitted In a two fold way. They will free material and labor for the production of commodl j ties which are now ao r de»p«rately needed ths world over. At the same ! time they will be atrengthening them ! selves financially. HOW THEY GROW Plant a erop Nothing hapy«o« Nothing that one ran aee B« patient. Th# seed sprovta. The nt»lk pushes its way throuffc the earth, Btlll Bo elfrt of fruit. Be patient Leares coma out Buda open Berries begin to form. Still no harreat Be patlant. The fruit All* oat. ft ripens It maturet Harreat at last—mlraculoogly Increased from a little handful of aeed But the War Barings ijtamp beata this. There w no element of risk. There Is »o war to loae: Too must win. Your moner works for yon. It makes more money ;■'! the time War Saving* K tun pa work bank a* I count wonder* Caah Value of Bolt. HMIIBS been eatlmnteil by nn Enr»v pean scientist that the commercial value of the electricity In n flash of IlKhtnlnv lasting one oncttiousandtll of a second Is IS) cent*. Ga* In Scotland. More than 23 per cent of Scotland's Illuminating ga* I* made In municipal plants to more than 51 per cent In Ire land and about 30 per cent In England. BUY THRIFT STAMPS, THE BIGGEST 1 [FALL OPENING j IN THE iftsTORY OF THE | Fair Dept. Store j GRAHAM, N. C. I BEGINNING { Saturday, Oct. 11 1 AND ! Lasting 10 Days Wear GOSSARD j CORSETS (mg§ I THEY LACE IN FRONT jt jt vjgsi- WEAR THE iflßijr Boys' Suits 4to 8 Years—All New Styles 5 m _ . b ..I 4 3 Bali Iw ® And Shades Fit-Ritfi Petticoai fli liA* I * y y y*y SB.OO Boy's Suit, $6.85 8 All New Styles. Boy's Suit, 5.85 j ' $4.00 '' ——' 4,00 B ° yS SUlt ' 2 ' B ° 8 AND up Come and look at 8 , ( Don't fail to visit this big opening sale where you can save money. Mark the date, Saturday, October 11, 1919—10 days of it. • THE FAIR DEPT. STORE I \ GRAHAM, N. C. Next to Hayes Drug Co. Summons by Publication North Carolina A lam ince County, In the Superior Court, Before the Cl'rk. Laura Vincent. widow, John Henry Vincent abd Sarah Vincent and ot her», \a. Marie Johnson. George K.I. Holt, Hhelton Moss nnd Floyd MOM and J. Dolph Long, their guardian 1 a'l litem. All of the rc»f'»nlent» above,and more particularly Marie Johnson, ' ieorge Kd. Holt and Shelton Mom and Floyd MOM, will take notice that a special jiroccedirix* enti tled as above has been commenced in th>- Superior Court Of Alamance County, North Carolina, before the -Clerk, for the purpose of obtaining an order of nal>j for division of that tract of land situate in the town of Mebane, North Caro lina, containing one-fourth o/ an acre, and upon which Spencer Vin cent lived until the time «if his death, and upon which his widow, Laura Vincent, lias aince lived, and which descended upon the heirs-at law of Spencer Vincent, and is now their property as tenants in com mon, subject to the dower e* ale of said widow. And the Raid respondents will further take notice that th-y are required to appear at the office of .the Clerk of the Superior ( our' o/ Alamance ounty. at »he court house In (Jraham, North Carolina, on Mon day, the 17th day of October. 1919, and answer or demur to lb" peti tion filed by the plaintiffs in his special proceeding, or they wilHip ply to the Court for the rt ii • de manded therein. Done this the 2*th day of Sep tember, HH, D. J. WALK BR. oct2-t)t Clerk Superior Court. BUY THRIFT STAMPS. HAI.K OP HEAL ESTATE CNDKR DEED OF TRUST. Under and by \irtur of the power of mile contained in a certain Deed of Trust recorded in the I'ub iic Registry of Alamance county, ill Hook of Mortgage* and Deed* "f Trust No. 77, at page 219, default' having been made In the • pa> meiit of the debt 'secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trust e wil. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31. PI". at 12 n'clock, noon, ofi'er for sale at public auction to ihis hifhest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, in 'lra ham, N. a Certain tract or par cel of laud in Hurlington township, Alamance county. North Carolina, adjoining Holt Street in the City of Hurlington. C. M. Andrews, N. C. Railroad Company and others, bounded as follows: l'eginning at a corner of said. An drews, on Holt 'Street, and running thence with the line of said Holt Street South 36 deg. 36 mln. East NO. 35 78 feet to a corner with the line of Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company South 53 deg. 24 min. \V, parallel with Oraves Street 138 ft. to a corner in the N. CI Railroad Company's line; thence with the line of said Railroad Company K. 36 deg. 3i min. West 78 ftr~fol?. M. Andrews' corner; thenc™ with the line of said Andrews 138 feet to a corner on Holt Street, the beginning: the same being a part of lot No. 219 in the plat] and sur vey of the city of Burlington, upon which lot is situated a modern 5- room bungalow. This September 26, 919. , ■f.aj Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trust ee» E. S. \V. IMMERON, Atty. CASTOR IA For Infants ani Children In Us? For Over 30 Years

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