THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Oct. 9, 1919. Postoliice Boars. Offlo open 7.00 •. m. t07.00p. m. Bctldmr 9.00 totIJXI *. m. »n(J 4.00 to LOO p. m _B. N. COOK. PoitmMter. ♦++♦++++♦•. +++++++++*++++++ ♦ LOCAL KHWS. + ' Tltl II I I 11111 llt 111 1111 111 —lt is still dry, but prospects for rain are good. —The Doris Shows at Harden Park have some very interesting features —among them the animal show, the high dive and the tight wire .walker. Buriied by Gasoline Explosion- Yesterday atternoon Charley Evans was badly burned on the arms and face while at work at Saxapahaw helping Walter M. Euliss with elec trical wiring. A gasoline blow-torch which they were using exploded and the flaming gasoline fl-;w over his arms and iuto his face. He is pain fully but not seriously burned. County Commissioners' Proceedings. The Board met in regular monthly session Mi nday, all members pres ent, and transacted the following business: v The «um or $25.00 was appro priated to pay transportation on car of live stocic and other exhibits County Agent Jas. P. Kerr and County Demonstrator Miss Irma Coble are preparing far the State Fair at Raleigh. Mr. W. L. Spoon, Federal govern ment road engineer, laid before the Board the plans and specifications of the proposed road from the Holt farms in Coble township toward Kimesville. The proposed road was ordered to be built, and that sealed bids for the construction according to specifications will be received and opened at 2 p. m. on first Monday in November. This to be a sand clay road. The Board ordered the sale of six county mules to be made at court house door at 12 o'clock, Oct. 18th, to highest bidder. The stairway in County Superin tendent's office was ordered torn out, provided expense be born by Board of Education, and that it is permis sable under State law in regard to fire escapes. The Board voted to build a road from Mebane towards the old Griffis place as set out in the petition, the county to pay in the proportion of two dollars to every dollar raised by the community up to a maximum of two thousand to be paid by the county; the road to be built under supervision of County Road Super visor. Supt. Lutterloh was appointed a committee to confer with John A. Ireland as to damage to his lot by concrete road. R. A. Lutterloh was appointed a committee to buy truck for the county. Dr. P. 11. Fleming, Supt. Public Welfare, was requested to furnish to the Boards of Commissioners and Education a copy of report sent to the State. Letters from chairman of State Highway Commission and State Highway Engineer in regard to kind of road to be built from Trolinwood to Guilford were ordered to be spread upon the minutes. (They will be published in The Gleaner next week.) Six Mules at Auction. Six good mules will be sold by Alamance county to the nighest bid der, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturday, Oct. 18th, 1919. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. B. M. ROGEKS, 9oct2t Clerk to Board. It is easier to make complaints, Mr. Senator, than it is to make » bet ter league. SAVE 20 to 40 Percent By Buying Your Tires From Us. Steam Vulcanizing Plant—Repairing Casings and Tubes A Specialty - Full Stock of Tires Now On Hand Bring your Storage Battries to us lor Repair—Also New Battries For Sale. COME TO SEE US * GRAHAM TIRE CO. 'Phone 629-W GRAHAM, N. C. ♦ PERSONAL. + Ti 11111111 ninlllllllll it Mr. H. L. Cranford of [Greens boro spent last Saturday here. Misses Blanche Scott, Marce Qoley and Minnie Long spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. John A. Turner, living in Norfolk, arrived' Tuesdays spend a day or two. Mr. R. H. Powell of Whiteville was the guest of Mr. J. L Scott, Jr., Tuesday night. ' Mr. Ralph Coble of the State Highway engineering corps was here the first of the week. * Mra.W. R. Courtney and daughter, Miss Winell, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mrs. J W. Holt. First Class Seaman Dewey Fogle man arrived Monday. He epent 27 months overseas and lately received his discharge. Mr. Allen B. Thompson, accom panied by Mrs. Thompson, spent yesterday in High Point and Lex ington on business. Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr., and daughter Miss Blanche, attendod the marriage of Miss Helen Simmons and Mr. Junius K. Powell in Durham Tues day. i Mr. W. L. Spoon, Federal Gov ernment Road Engineer, was here the first of the week in interest of the Federal-Aid roads to be built in this county. Mr. P. S. Dixon returned last Fri day night from Rushville, Ind., ac companied by his sister, Miss Ida Dixon, who will spend the winter at Whitsett. Miss Iruoa Coble, County Dem onstrator, left yesterday for Wilkes county where she will act us judge at several community fairs being held in that county. At State Meeting U. D. C. The State convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is meeting in High Point tlis week and the following members of Graham Chapter left yesterday morning'by auto to attend, viz: Mesdames Jacob A. Long, W. R. Goley, J. N. Taylor, J. Dolph Long, J. D. Kernodle, Robt. L. Holmes and J. J. Baerfoot. Temporary Restraining Order Dis solved. At the hearing in Greensboro last Saturday the 'temporary restraining order issuing by Judge Boyd against the Commissioners of the town of Graham and the Mutual Power and Light Co. was dissolved. The com plainants, J. R. Paschal and Warner Moore, tho holders of the bonds of the Piedmont, Power and Light Co., gave notice of appeal. The Judge held that the franchise of the Pied mont Co. was not exclusive ; that the bondholders had no right to main tain the action; that the necessary parties in any event would be the Piedmont Co., the mortgagor, and the trustee. Items Omitted. Besides other news of interest we have had to defer till next week notice of the untimely death of Judge W. 11. Clendenin of Emory, Tex., a native of this county ;~of the dinner given by progressive busi ness men cf Burlington last Friday in honor of Dr. P. H. Fleming, Supt. rf Public Welfare; and of the very interesting Fordson tractor demonstration given by the Kirk Holt Hardware Co'. A TWO-FOLD DUTY Many thoughtful mothers first give their children Scott's Emulsion regularly —and then take it themselves. It is a tonic-food that contains elements as needful to an adult as to a child. Bhild up your strength—try Scotfs. Scott fit Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 19-4 NOTICE! There will %e an adjourned meet ing of the Board of Town Commis sioners Friday evening, October 10th, at 8:00 o'clock, in the Court House for tjie purpose of dis cussing the advisability of revoking the ordinance, recently passed, clos ing drug stores and cafes on Sunday. The Board at this time would like to hear the views of the public on this question. ROIIT. V L. HOLMES, Mayor, NOTICE! I have been authorized by the Board of Town Commissioners to take orders for what is known as sanitary can privies for the citizens of the town. These are made of con crete tank with a metal can inside. Price in car lots at $13.50. Will have a sample in a few days and for those who are interested will be glad to place order at wholesale price. These are approved by the State Board of Health. P. A. HOLT, Sec'y. Long on Ads This Week. THE GLEANER'S space is given over largely to ads this week. Thi3 is so unusual that wp are sure our readers will pardon the shortage in reading matter. The judicious reader will not fail to profit hy reading the ads. Lots of men would be good hus bands if they had better wives. $ Z. T.HADLEY Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. 1919 TAXES DUE Th& County Commissioners have turned over to me the Tax Books for 1919. The last Legislature passed a State-wide law allowing a discount of 1 per cent, on all taxes paid before Dec. Ist, a flat rate for December, and adding a penalty of 1 per cent, per month after January Ist. Pay and get the discount and avoid the pen alty. 1919 Dog Tax Due Dog license tax must be paid before Dec. Ist. The penalty is SSO for failure to pay. Every dog must wear a tag. Respectfully, CHAS. D. STORY Sheriff of Alamance County. October 6, 1919. * Some Senators would .rather be wrong Mian right if there'B mow tuouey in it. SALE OK HEAL ESTATE UNDK.I DEED OP TRUST. Under unU by virtue of the power ot Bale contained in a certain U.-ea of 'i*i uHt cxecu'eil Junk 10, J. 318, by J. E. Marlette and wile, wnieii Ueea Mortgages and Deeds ot Trust No 7i at page UT. in the Public Regis try oi Alamance County,' default having been made in the payment of the bonds said Deed of Trust was executed to secure, f he underpinned trustee, will, on MONDAY. NOVKMBFR 10. 1919, :t i* o'clock iio.m, offvr (».• uile at public ajction o the U-Juer ior cash, at tire c-»urt mmse door oi Alamance County, ii: •Ira ham N. C. a certain tract or par ent oi land lying and beinjj ji «VfCj Avenue, in th-> City »: tiur luiUton, rln ma nee Corntv North Carolina, adjoining the lands 6f Eu gene Holt. vValter IS. Bell a:.d kiia vV'ebo Avenue, and more particu larly bounded and descuoed as follows: Beginning at an iron stike on said Webb Avenue, corner with said Walter E, Bell, ami running ihcL-.-p with the line of saj \Valtjr E Hell South 55 dejj. 30 inui West 12C feet to nn iron staku thence S'julh 31 deg. 30 liiin. East 02.G feei to an iron stake, thence North a> deg 30 min. East 120 feat t > u> iron stake on said Webb Avenue, thence with said Webb Avenue .V 34 deg. 30 min. West 62.5 feet to the beginning, the same being let No. 5 in the map and survey of H. Lafayette Holt property, maue Uly Lewis If. H"lt, County Survey or for Alnmn.nce County, April ii, 1019; said lot No. 5 forming a par allelogram fronting on said Web.) Avenue C 2.5 feet and extendi:* bock 120 feet as aoove described. This October 7, 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co,, Trust i' E. S. W. DaMERON, Attv. C.' SWARTZ & CO. DURHAM, N. C. DEALKH IN Hides, Furs, Metals, Scrap Iron, Bones, Beesewax, Tallow, Wool. Rags. Bags, Etc. If you want the top market price for any kind of Junk and Hides, ask us for quotations. We pay the very highest price possible. Any shipment sent us will lie given prompt and careful attention For reference we refor you to the First National Bank and Home Savings Bank of Durham, N. C. C. SWARTZ & cor DURHAM, N. C. Telphone No, 965-L. The Early Bird Catches The Worm .... i"-' ,1 \ So we want you to not fail to come to this opening + sale. Each day will be a hummer. Miss it, and you'll be sorry. *' . ♦ We guarantee to sell you good, clean mer- l chandise at a great saving. C-O-M-E! I X Remember the Date 1 Saturday, October 11 th - x Men's Pants to fit All Men. Men's Shirts | $12.50 Pants, this sale, only .... $8.95 For men we have one of the most beautiful lines | 10.00 " " 6.95 of shirts we have ever carried—all the newest | 8.50 " " 5.95 shades and fancy weaves and patterns—price | 7.00 '• " 5.45 $1.65 and up. | 6.00 " " 4.85 Silk shirts $4.50 and up. I 5.00 " !' 3.95 Crepe de Chine shirts, sls value for $lO each. | 400 " " 2.95 Come and see them at this sale. | 3.00 " " 1 95 % n , , ' Ladies' $1.50 vests, all sizes, good grade 95c. X Cheap enough, come. , f Men's Neckwear-all the newest styles—7sc Q ». .. 7 "T7 ♦ i ca *i en i pi aa &ci a a i 01 ca Soft collars for men and boys value 50c, $1.50 value SI.OO, $2.00 value $1.50. T . „ , , J Come and look them over. Lmen collars for men and b °y s ~ $ ' All new fall styles 20c each. I 100 Children ( s Coats, ages 2to 6 years, wool . J flannel, worth $4 ea h, sale price $1.48. Children's Coats—Coats for all Girls—Prices f cheaper than elsewhere. Come to see them. Come I Overalls for Men—best made, Union Jack; all to The Fair and save money. | sizes, only $2.45. Come to see them. t T Hosiery for men and boys—anything you want, •; $2.75 Ladies' Union Suits—all full cut—extra and at prices cheaper than elsewhere. Come to ;; good grade, only $1.75 each. this sale. ;; Ladies' Fall and Winter 1 COATS We have one of the swellest lines of Coats to be had. All the newest |j Fall styles, and our prices are much lower than anywhere in the county. • Come and see how cheap we are selling coats. Don't buy unless you ■ want to; just come and see. Prices $9.85 up. Come to this opening • Saturday, October 11, 1919. We dress the entire family—Come to The Fair ! We satisiy and please—Fair enough • j THE FAIR DEPT. STORE S GRAHAM, N. C. Next to Hayes Drug Co. j Read Next Page What The Fair Offers ! SALE Of Personal Property Having sold my Farm, I will sell on Saturday, Oct. 18 at 1:30 p. m. To the highest bidder. My entire farm equipment: A Wheat Harves ter, Corn Harvester, Grain Drill, Mowing Machine, Hay Rake, Sheep Shearing Machine with Horse Clip ping attachment, Plows, Harrows, &c, &c. Two good Horses, Berkshire Brood Sows and Pigs. EDGAR LONG, Graham, N. G. The Old Way Our Way 0 Let Us Solve Your Laundry Problems • 11 •• • . PIEDMONT POWER & LIGHT CO. Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebane, Elon College, , Gibsonville.

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