BEWARE OF HESSIAN FLY. Sow Wheat at Safe Dates to Avoid This Insect. The Ilessian Fly is a standard peat of American agriculture, and by its ravages on wheat has cost the country many millions of dol lars. ' It is a wheat pest, not seri ■ ously attacking any other crop. During the recejit war a care fully, worked out plan was bailed from Washington whereby dates for planting of fail-sown why at could be ascertained, taking into account the Hessian Fly, t li«- danger of winter-killing, and that most essential part, the Hecnriug of the highest general yield. Mr. Franklin Sherman, Chief in Entomology, North Carolina Ex periment Station, at once enleu latel the dates for all parts >l North Carolina, and* wen published in a bulletin, which is now available to farmers and conn ty agents on application, li gives dates for about SfXJ localities, an averago of eight per county for the entire Slate. These have been submitted to thousands of good farmers and have their general approval. A ten-*ay period for sowing wheat is specified for eaeh locality. Examples of s iine well known localities are; Jeflferson—Sept. 21 to Oct. 4. Asheville —Oct. 2 to Oct. 12. llryson City—Oct. 11 to Oct. 21. Mount Airy—Oct. !> to Oct. 10. Statesville—-Oct. Hi to Oct. 20. Morganton—Oct. 13 to Oct. 21). Charlotte—Oct. IK to Oct. 2K. Asheboro —Oct. lti to Oct. 2>. Hftleigli—Oct. In to Oct. 2K. These are only a few, smaller places are [included, every one, o( whicli the elevation (which was essential) could be ascertained. All the localities are arranged by counties, the- counties in alpha betical order, and tho localities in alphabetical order under the coun ties. Any farmer will find either his own locality or some other locality near him specified with explicit dates shown. The intention Ims been to set a standard, a mark at which to aim, to standari/.e wheat sowing prac tice, to get wheat sown at the time which will, in the average of The Most Welcome Tire That Ever Came to Market I Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick In every great tire factory, .the among them has spent less than chief question is: "How much can 20 years in handling rubber, we give for the money?" And the Eadl „ , his , product depends on the policy And thc nc „ „: oa , , hey brjng 2P c the attention of Brunswick direc- Evcry man who has become ac- tors receive sincere consideration, quainted with Brunswick Tires fevery proved betterment is knows that Brunswick standards ado , unanimously . are again evident. This famous con- . . cern noted as a leader in every The Brunswick Tue is a combi line it entered since 1845 has once nation of acknowledged features more proved that its policy is right. P lus Brunswick standards of manu a f , . . . facture. A perfect tire is simply a matter , . ..... of knowledge and standards and The result is a super-tire, the like skill. No secrets nor patents pre- ?' whldl y° u havc MCver known be vent making an ideal tire. f ° rc :, T he . luncl of a . tire y° u w,n But standards come first. For in we cornm S* tire making there is vast room for Yet Brunswicks cost no more , skimping, for subtle economies, for than like-type tires, hidden shortcomings. Makers with- Try ONE Brunswick. Wflfpftrm out the highest standards don't ise a surprise. And we feel'certain build high-grade tires. that you will want ALL Bruns- The Brunswick organization of wicks, tire makers includes a brilliant staff Then good tires will have a new y of technical experts. Not a man meaning to you. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY Baltimore Headquarters: 107 Hopkins Place There's a Brunswick Tire for Every Car Cord — Fabric Solid Truck Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads Fabric Tire, in "Plain," "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-Not Tread. Solid Truck Tires in all size, authorized by the Society of Automotive Engineers W. W. GARRETT years, give it the best chance to make a maximum yield. If a farmer has not this bulletin and cannot get it, from his county agent, lie should -apply to Mr Sherman or to the Agricultural Extension Service, Kileigh Look out for Span ish Influenza. At the first sign of a cold take CASCARAE? QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 year*—in tablet form—eafe, eure. no oftatr* —breaks up a cold in 24 hou/a—rrlirven grip in 3 d.i y%. Money back If it fall*. The genuine hat a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Store*. What lias become of ilie presi dential 1100111 of Oe/icral Leonard Wood Love knows nothing about phi losopiiy anil cares less. Hair Gray? Read This ! Thin is a message of i *1:. »rt 'nee to all who have gray hair. .Scienee haH made a grout discovery in Q-ban. fJray or faded hair c t» ;i natural, uniform. lustrous, beauti ful dark shade simnly by applying O-ban. Works gradually and d» 'i *s detection. Safe, nure. and guaran teed harmless. AH rea,dy to use. M)c a large bottle, money back if not satisfied. Sold by Hayes Company and all good drutf stores Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, S«»ap M mi f shampoo, also Q-ban Depilatory. Try Is it possible that Speaker (Jil lett believes that by ordering the House chaplain not to pray for the League of Nations he can pro vent the Lord helping > hat move ment for peace on earth, good will among men'! Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa been In use for ever over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per fs sonal supervision since Its Infancy. SSUXSTX '■«*% Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imltatiems and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drtps and Seethiag Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Merphine nor other narcotic substance. Its Age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has bees ia constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wi»d Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidf the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Dse For Over 30 Years Th« Kind You Have Always Bought The more Home people tell you the lean you remember. Yo|i Can Cure That Backache. Pain along tbe back, dl/.zlncM, headache snd Renncrai languor. Get a package of Mother Oray's Australia I,«'af ( the pl*a*at t root and herb euro for Kldoey, llladder and (Jrlnarv trouble*. Whan you feed all rundown, tired, weak and without energy u*e thin remarkable combination f nature, herb* and root*. Ah a regulator It ha* mi qtial. Mother Gray's Australian I*sf IR Hold by DruKfrlntt or sent by mall for 50 cU *i in pie scut free. Address, The Mother (irmy Go.. I,e Hov. N. Y TRUSTEE'S SALE Of Real Estate in Graham. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cere | tain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned trustee by A. W. llollie and wife on March Ist, 19} C, for the purpose of securing tho payment of four certain bonds of even date therewith, default having been made in the pay ment of said bonds at maturity, tho undersigned Alamance Insu rance and Ileal Estate Company us trustee will, on MONDAY, OCT.. 20th, 101'J, at 12 o'clock in., at the court house door in Crahain, North Carolina, offer for sale at public autcion to the highest bidder for cash certain tracts or parcels of land in Graham Township, Ala j inance County and State of North ] Carolina, adjoining the North | Carolina Kailroad Company right jof way, C.. W. Whitfield, Will Freeman, Mary Long and others, bounded as follows: Tract No. 1. Beginning at an iron stake on tho right of way of (NCR R Co, running thence J with the line said N C li R Co. S 7!!j deg E GO feet to an iron stake; j thence N 1 deg W IDO feet to an J iron stake; thence N 88 deg W 40 j feet to an iron stake; thence S 0J deg E. 181} feet to an iron stake j and the beginning, being Lot No. I 4 in the survey of the Walker I property. Tract No. 2. Beginning at an 1 iroustake on Iloilie's line, run ning thence S 88 deg E GG feet to an iron stake on Wliitfied's line; thence with the line of said Whit field N 1 deg W 90 feet to an iron bolt; thence N 88 deg E GO feet to an iron stake; thence S 1 deg E 90 feet to the beginning, being Tract No. 6 in the survey of the Walker property. Tract. No. Beginning at an iron stake on corner of Lot No. 5 and C. W. Whitfield lot, running thence with the line of said Whit field and Freeman N 1J deg E42 feet to a rock ;"thence N 1 j deg E 124j| feet to an iron bolt; thence N 80 J deg W 117 feet to an iron bolt, Mary Long's corner; thence S 3 deg VV with said Mary Long's line 119 feet to an iron bolt; thence N deg W 00 feet to an iron bolt; thence S 2j deg W 43 feet to au iron bolt; thence S 88 deg E 197 feet to the beginning and being Lot No. 7 in the survey made by Lewis H. Holt, October 18th, 11)13. This Sept. 6th 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co.. Trustee. I.SND SALE ! Under and hy virtue of an order of the Superior Couri, made in a special proceeding therein, enti tled VV. hi. Mann an- others vs. C. K. Turner, the Com missioners will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, at 111 o'clock noon, on Saturday, octobmr is, i?i9. th>- following described real prop erty, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of lind lying ana jeing in Thompson town ship, Alamance county, North ar olin.i, containing six and one half acre*, more or less, an/ Known as the l'atton Mill piopertv. For a full description of said property, see deed from Robert W. Scott ' -ind others to W. M. Kai.ce'tc. recorded in Deed Book No. 11, page 651,. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county. This tele Is made sul.jeet" to ad vance tid» and confirmation t>v the C oi.rt. This September 18.19:.". J J HENDERSON, J PVuPn T.ONO, Commissioners. ■ _to vcaos cjputation m m ARNOLDSM GRAHAM DRUO Co. Big Shoe Offerings Yes, we have anything you want in the shoe line, and' they are going higher. Why should we care, we bought them right and we are going to sell them right. . . . a __ We Fit All Feet—Any style you want / p / ~~ • : We take great pleasure in announcing the lamous Star Brand Shoes, all leather, for men, ¥ women and children, boys and girls. $5.00 free for each pair not leather. Come, buy you a pair, Mr. Man—stronger than the law. : : : : : WE GOT THEM—WE SELL THEM. Read Our Shoe Specials For This Sale —————— jr Au/ A nr\ TA TI l r 011 A r nII\/ r n $2.50 Childrens' Kid Button Shoes $1.95 WORD TO THE SHOE BUYER We carry shoes to fit everybody chihwsshoes, an leather, *2.4.-, and can fit all feet with all grades $3.00 Misses' Shoes, all leather, $1.95 of leathers and all styles. Come, Baby shoes, ia Ce or button, sl.lO bring your friends, we will treat • JO » $3.50 Bovs Shoes, all leather, $2.65 you Fair and Square. : : : m • m ■ l SO.OO Star Brand Shoes, $4.85 V/wOl iJUIW AUI LADIES' SHOES ARE HERE—the newest and fWT| T| * latest styles we are showing, all of the fancy styles and B| widths, and our prices are the cheapest, $15.00 Shoes, all leathers, $11.45 We are showing the newest New 12.50 " " 9.45 York Style in Coat Suits. Our Prices Are Right—Call on us 1 7.00 « « 5.25 For Coat Suits. fi - 00 >' " 1 5.00 " 3.05 4.00 " " 2.95 I o Llofr All Conie toHeethem ' Visitthebigopeuingßale LuUICO naiO-'liaiO lUI fill MEN'S SHOES FOR ALL MEN—Our Men's Shoo De- Yes, we have one of the biggest and most partment is com P lete -. A »ythin g you want, any style complete lines of ladies' Fall Millinery and 18here . an(l tho pnce 18 r,ght - Roa3 thcse P rices; also for Misses and Children, at prices that shoes for Men, ail leathers, $8.95 will make you open your eyes. We guar- 10 00 " " " 7.65 antee to save you from $1.50 to $2.50 on 8 -Jj w C - 3C your hat. Call and see the styles—prices "- 50 " " " 485 to Suit VOU 5.00 " " " 3.85 y Come, bring your ieet here. SKIRTS FOR LADIES Yes, lady, we have them, a beautiful line cf skirts, all neat fall num bers. All the newest styles and at prices during this sale to suit you. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. The Fair Dept. Store GRAHAM, N. C. SALE OP HEAL ESTATE UNDER ! DEED OP TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the Deed of Trust recorded in Book of Mort gages and Deeds of Trust, No. 77, at page 821, Public Registry 01 Al amance county, default having been made in the payment of the bonds said deed of Trust was executed to secure, the undersigned Truste? will, on PRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale at public auctiou to the highest b'.d der for cash, at the cojrt house door of Alamance County, North Carolina, at Oiaham, N. C„ a cer tain tract or parcel of land in Ala mance County, North Carolina, ana in Burlington township, adjo nin; the lands of W. R. Garrett, A. 11. Compton, Webb Avenue and oth ers; the same being lot No. 1 of the Jane Cates property, according to the survey made by Lewi* 11. Holt, County Surveyor for Ala mance County, April 6, 1918, ana duly probated and recorded in th" office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, at Graham, N. in Plat Book No. 1. at page si>;s.ii.l lot adjoins the lands of W. R. Gar rett and others, as aforesaid, front ing on Webb Avenue 62 feet ar.n extending back in the shap? pre cisely as a parallelogram l«n feet, as shown by said map and survey. ' On said lot is situated a o-ro >m (lwenntT. This r>ptember 26, 1919. Alamance Ins. & Keal Estate Co , 1 Trustee. E. S. W. DAMERON, Atty. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE GLEANER j ■ SALE OP HEAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OP TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained HI a certain DeeU of Trust, recorded in Book oi Mort gages and Deeds of Trust No. 77, at page 82, Public Registry oi Ala mance County, default having been made in the payment of the debt said Deed of Trust was executed to secure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, to the highest bidder for cash, at the co'urt house door of Alamance County, in Gra ham, N. C., two certain tracts or parcels of land in Alamance Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows : LOT NO. I—Lying and being in Graham township, being farm plot No. t of the A. T. Walker land, as showu by blue print recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County. N. C., in Plat Book No. l, at pagu 2, and containing €-ight and fifty-five one hundredth acres, more or less. LOT NO. 2—Lying in Burlington township, same being Lot No. 5 farm plot of thv A. T. Walker lands, as shown by blue print recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, N. C., | in Plot Hook No. 1, tU pag'e 2, and . containing 11.1b acres, more or ' less. * This September 26. 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., ' Trustee. | E. S. W. DAMERON, Atty. Where nre the strike benefits coming from when everybody goes I on a strike? | PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent please send us a model or sketehr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice. You, disclosure and all business is strictly con fidential, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON. D. C. { Used 40 Years J CARDIIi S The Woman's Tonic 1 Sold Everywhere X Siiiiiniiiii Break jrour Cold or LaGrippe with few dotes of 666. MORTOAGE SALE OP REAL 1 ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust to the Alamamce Insur ' ance & Real Estate Company, as 1 Trustee, and recored in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance county, in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 71. page 297, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the said Alamance Insurance & Real Bstate Company, as Trustee, of the aforesaid, will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1919, at 2 O'clock p. m., at the court house door in Uraham, North Car olina, offer for sale at public auc . tion to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Uraham township, Alamance county and State of North Carolina, ndjoining the lands of J. B. Stout, |J. C. Cotton and others, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at the corner on the street in the rear of J. C. Cotton; thence with the line of said Cotton West 168 feet to corner in Stout'a line; thence with the line of said . Stout 84 feet to corner on Culler's line; thence with the said Culler's line 130 feet 8 inches to the said street and the beginning. bein£ a part of that tract of land conveyed to J. C. Cotton by Alamance Insur ance & Real Estate Company, under date of February Ist, 1913, and A part of the lots in the Avenue Land Company. Upon the said lot is situated a four-room cottage. This September 18, 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trustee,

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