VOL. XLV keeps f 1 irvg hair healtky f 5' "Br uaina Wild root reiularl?. I keep 5 a my acalp entirely free from the itching - 3 cruit of dandruff, the cause of moat z S hair trouble. I owe mr luxuriant hair = £ —d» cnry of mr friaoda—to this = g guaranteed dandruff remedy." 2 WlldfOOi Liquid Shampoo or Wlldroot = #»^la?-sSli% , ansS2S' rt t£ = WILDROOT = THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC = = For tale Here under a ~ E money-back guarantee ,5 Graham Drug Co. Hayes Drug Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorneyat-Law GRAHAM, N. C. Dlllee over Natloual Buk oi Aliauci J - , s. coos:, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, N. C Offlce Patterson Building Second Floor. DR. WILL S.LOM . . . DENTIST . . . Qraham, - - - - Nerth Carolina OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING IACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG LONG A LONG, Attorneys and Counaelore at Ll* GRAHAM, N. O Jas. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich I Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day omight Day 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jas. H. Rich 54H-W rrs * Nature's restorative and iq/ short cut to quick relief from stomach ills: Heartburn. Dizzinew, Acid Mouth, Lost Appetite, Sleeplessness, etc. Known, trusted and tried by thous ands the whole Isnd over. lfj\ if* roTn vrFTVTIf^ \/X\4lA/sL UAIXJIACIPV jy* "The Key to Relief" This la to certify 70a that I bare received the medicine 1 ordered from foa. Must aar It la excellent tad la doing me all tbe good. EST. a I* LAWRENCE, Wadley, Ga. Since twin* Dlftatonelne my atomach baa stopped hurting me and I Just can eat anything that I want to. 1 bare had lndlgeatlon for 20 yearn. D. B.WILLIAMS, R1 Box 82, Tlger.Ga. Year [matt if pod mfeT bnta—Ditatandnt M UST uditfy 9T tmney For pmcj, m« HAVES DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C. » rm Summons by Publication North Carolina— Alamance County, In the Superior Court, Eefore the Clerk. Laura Vincent, widow, John Henry Vincent and Sarah Vincent ana others, vs. Marie Johnson, George Ed. Holt, Shelton Moss and Floyd Moss and J. Dolph Long, their guardian ad litem. All of the respondents above, ana more particularly , Marie Johnson, George Ed. Holt and Shelton Moss and Floyd Moss, will, take notice that a special proceedings enti tled as above has been commencea in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, before the Clerk, for the purpose of obtaining an order of sale for division of that tract Of. land situate in the town of Mebane, North Caro lina, containing one-fourth of an acre, and upon which Spencer Vin cent lived until the time of his death, and upon which his widow, Laura Vincent, bas since lived, and which descended upon the heirs-at law of Spencer Vincent, and is now their property as tenants in com mon, subject to the dower estate of said widow. And the said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance ounty, at the court house in Graham, North Carolina, on Mon day, the 27th day of October, 1919, ana answer or demur to the peti tion filed by the plaintiffs in this apectal proceeding, or they will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded therein. Done this the 27th day of Sep tember, 1919. » D. J. WALKER, pct3-4t Clerk Superior Court. THE ALAMANOE GLEANER. Baby Wants a 'Trif' Stamp HOUSEHOLD BUDGETS HELP TO SAVE MONEY Valuable Plan Desertbsd In Polder Which May bo Had for Asking— •yetem Makes Wlaa Spend ing a Certainty. Household budgets with accounting coltaaans attached are new on hand to be distributed to progressive WO mb who dsslre to know where the money goes In order to stay its going. Just as balancing one's meals Is eon ductlvs to the physical well-being of ■ the family, so apportioning ths month ly Income to suit ths monthly expen ditures. njakes a household healthier financially, it Is claimed by experts In heme economics. Trrt-" 1 of the dreaded conference at the end ot each month when hus band aad wife rack their brains to know where all the dollars have gone, -la neat little figures totaled at the bottom of- long columns one finds just hew much went for food, tor clothing, far rent, for recreation, for charity, far doctor's bills. And bsst of all, there is ths savings column which re oords what Is left for tbe education e the boy and girl or for the wash ing machine ,and vacuum cleaner which will eliminate so many weary hows. From the woman's division coinss sncoursglng news that women of the Fifth Federal Reserve District are In rapidly increasing numbers making known their d eel re to place the eon daet of the household on a business basis. Ths day has come, It Is claim-' sd, when the housswlfs ssss the fam ily Income as a whols, and when npon her shoulders Is placed an equal ' share with her huaband of the re sponsibility of making the family in some provide for the family needs. The budget Is based on annual In comes ranging from S9OO to $6,000. It Is prepared for the average family aad since, after all, there is no avsr age family, the Items must bs consid ered flexible, to be bent to the Indi vidual need. An estimate has been made of the amounts of money which a boa 14 be spent for tbe necessities aad luxuries of life. , Announcement has bsen made that budgets may bs had by addressing a request to the Woman's Division of the War Loan Organization, Rich- Mid, Ta. GOING TO THE RHINE Ota a lassie meet a laddie, going te the Bfetae. ■•pa's a lass would hslp hsr laddie, —,. Savings Staaspe I'm buyln'. ■very lassie has a laddie; And I think of mine. But all the lade they smile at m* Whan Savings Stamps I'm bujrta'. Order Of Trag Worn The foaadtng of the "Order ef tike Turning Wer**," by pre*Mt rtetlma of «*• *. C. L. to by Burt Lee ten Tmylw. Cfclcaf* "••Iramlat." Cenelateat thrift and eariag. bMt practiced by lnreat ■Mt U War Sarins* Stamp* aad tAK |«TtnM«l *ecurltlae, will •aabla aay "wont" to rl*e rtght up aad iniu high eoata or aay other enemy. Ttrlf tinea* beget* nlftlneee—A War |a«U|i oertlfloete doea It ~ Better buy thoee W|f Sarlnge while yoo are thinking about I Almoet Unlvereal Symbol. The awaatlka symbol ha* been found depicted on tomba at Hl»*arllk, near j ancient Troy; on Boddhl*tlc Inscrip tlons In India. In Etruacnn necropo ll*es, on coin* of Gaza and Corinth; j on rock carving* In Sweden, and on Celtic atone* in Britain. In America In pre-Columbian time*. It wai Is com mon line by the aborigines. . GRAHAM,-N. C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23,1919 LONE SOLWER HALTS ADVANCE OF GERMANS Plantad Machine Qun In Abandoned Tank and Mowed Down Hune Like Hay Before Sickle. There la a regular loldler (till la France who la going to get the Con grass tonal Medal of Honor. To him waa given the supreme honor ol breaking up a German attack all by himself, an attack, If It had been sue cesfful, that would have decided the fortunes of the battle in favor of the Hun. And ba it noted that be could hare ▼ary wall said to himself on that oc casion that he "could not afford" to remain where he waa, a target for the whole German army. Ha could hare very easily placed himself In the attitude some people hare taken toward the Liberty loam and the War Savings campaign. He was Juat an American army corporal, a Tankoe non-com, but he didn't try to ahlrk any responsibility. It happened near Verdun, In the 17 day battle of the Argonne. Tbe regi ment to which the corporal belonged was pretty badly shot up. The Hunt had thrown out smpkf ..screens and were attacking the Americana hard. The lone soldier was falling back with the others when he sighted a dls> abled French tank and a German ma chine gun. He planted that Hus rapid flrsr In the French tank and gol busy. From his station he command ed a hill top over which the Bochs must advance. As they came on In •battalion formation he "swept them down" to use his own words, "like hay in front of a sickle." He had no one with him to feed that unfamiliar machine gun, remem ber. The water Jacket on the gua boiled dry from the stream of bullets that kept spurting Into the German masses. He emptied his canteen of watar Into the Jacket and cooled It off a bit, and went methodically to work again, killing Germans. All tbe time he was firing German cartridges collected from behind the tank. He waa on the Job and doing what he had been trained to do, and what America sent him over to do. Final ly the Huns called for a barrage to get that lone gunner In the smaahed tank. They aant over aomethlng like 200 all-inch s'jells in an effort to put him and that gun out of action. "None landed," ha reports. That sort of American spirit 1* needed now ta make the coming gsn eratlon a prosperous and thrifty ene. To make America solid before the world for all tine to come, each one of ne meet "stand his ground" and do bis part in this work of reconstruc tion. We can ao more afford to Ignore the principles of thrift and aavlng aad the splendid opportunity onr government off era for aavlag aad Investasnt, than could Ike soldiers of America oa French battlefields We have a taak ta **>» oare of that Is ours and eurs aloaa to this work of reconstruction aad thrift RAVE YOU GOT $24? A M> bought Manha'tan lilaad for ltd The point to Uilf story I* that ha had the |1« There ara aeorai who complain roelferonsly aad frequently that the road to wealth la alwaya blocked. Tat when a amall opportunity open* up. U capital naceaaary to take ad •utaft of It la lacking. Wbara la tha man ao poarly paid in the United Itatee today that he can notaare a fraction of hi* earnlnga? Accumulation of tha amalleat ion* will In tin* provide for the pnrehaae of a War Serine* Stamp, which Im mediately begin* working for yon. Condition to Avoid. : The dungerou* moment In life I come* when men begin to over-value ] the pant at the expenae of the pre*- ' ent. It la the moment of religion* I controvemlea, for ancestor worahlp, I for narrowing In, for exalting one aet of people nnd excluding another. When we reach It. It mean* that we arc growing old. But we peed never reach It.—Exchange. tk Keep an Eye on Carolina, Savannah Morning NCWB. Judge Charles N. Feidelson returned to Savannah yesterday morning from a trip which took him to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he delivered two addresses to the State and County Council on the Practical Work of the Juve nile Court and Probation. He found, he said, a particu larly fine spirit stirring in North Carolina, which, having attain ed a rank next to Massachusetts in textile manufacturing and next to Michigan in furniture manufacturing, is now giving its mind to social thinking, to a consideration of methods for im proving the general life. This trend, he thought, is largely due to the guidance of the univefsity which has extended its- service far beyond its own walls. "This organization," said Judge Feidelson, ' 'seeks to bring into close relationship State de partments and county officials, and plans in this way to weave the various social agencies into an effective unit for the improve ment of the common life of the State. Gov. Bickett presided; the heads of the departments of health, education, public wel fare, highway improvement, were present; there wat a large representation from the coun ties —school men, commission ers, probation officers, and judges of juvenile courts. At the last meeting of the North Carolina legislature a tremend ous amount of advanced social legislation was enacted. I was impressed by the earnestness and enthusiasm which marked the meeting, and I observed with admiration the attitude of Gov. Bickett, a rarely open minded official, eloquent, and statesmanlike in his outlook. "Keep your eye on North Carolina. They have grown very rich there, and now thej are turning their wealth to a de velopment of human values." 80UTH IS TURNING AGAINST CALOMEL Mr. IJodaoii, the "Wver Toue" Man, Heaponalble for Change I'or the Better. Every druggist in town has no ticed a great falling off in the gale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. ''Calomel is dangerous and piople know it." Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed oy every druggist who sells it. A large oot tle doesn't cost very much hut if it fails to give easy relief In every cage of liver sluggishness and con stipation, Just ask for your myney back. Dodson's Liver '"one is n pleas ant tasting, purely vegetable rem edy, harmless to both children an'i adults. Take a sooonftw a*. ii fht and wake up feeling fine; no bil iousness, sick headache, acid s:om ach or constipated bowels, it do '« not gripe or cause inconvenience .ii| the next day like violent c-ilon"! Take a dose of calomi'l to-day an i tomorrow you will feel weak, «i?'( and nauseated. Don't lose a Ily School and Farm Collier's Magazine. It ought to dawn on some of us fairly toon that better educa tion is not simply a matter of finer buildings and apparatus, more pay, more taxes, more organization. These things art all helpful, but there must 1M some active spring of life in the child to flow out through thf growth channels which school ing can set. The teacher builds on the solid foundation of new resources, better equipped homes, biggei cattle, more skillfully attended fields, more productive crops, To popularize gardens, to devise better ways of storing, moving, and selling food, to multiply public markets, to clear the en tire path from the farm to the family supper table—all such improvements help, directly and mightily, to make a more ef fective education possible. In this time of change wi must take account of reajitie* and make sure of our founda tions. The foundatien of thf goxl school is the good farm. Don't wait until your cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. Kill it quick. CASCARAE? QUININE Standard cold rtmedy lot 20 mr —« tablet form—aafc, tan, oo opiatca b»«a*» up a cold ka 14 torn rtiLnm grtp is J day.. Money hack intra*. TW mix bos kaa a Rad top wWi Mr. HHl'i picture. At AS Drag Stem. CHANDLER SIX $1795 Compare the Chandler With Any Car CHANDLER checks with the finest high-priced cars in essential features of design and construc tion. And other car:; selling at hundreds of dollars more than the Chanc 1 tdo not check with Chandler. These are not claims. They are iacts, which we can help you to prove quickly. Chandler is the most fairly priced fine car in the American market. And the faithful pursuance of the Chandler Company's policy to make it that and keep it that, have won for the Chandler Six a place of dis tinctive leadership. Sixty thousand Chandler owners testify to the marvels of its motor, to the sturdy strength of its en tire chassis, to its comfort, and to the economy of its maintenance. Six beautiful bodies are mountod on the one standard Chandler chassis Sivtm-Puitrnttr 7'mrinf Car. WIS faur-Punnfr HoadtUr, 51795 hour I'autn/rr Dispatch Car, 11175 Stvta-I'antmtrr St da*. 12795 lour- /'U U#N rtr (.«■ pt. 52t 95 l.imtmtimi. 1)295 AU Prieu f. •. k. PIEDMONT MOTOR SALES CO. Graham, N. C. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF i Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers i Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store* Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses anil "liard akin" on Iwttoin of feet ami then lift thm off. Wiicn Freezone removes aoans from tlic toes or calluses from the bottom of the feet the skin beneath Is left pink anil healthy and never pofc, tender or Irritated. College Trained Men Less than 1 jx>r cent of Ameri can men are. college graduate*. Yet this I |ier rent of college graduates lia* furnished: per cent of our Presidents. 3fi |K:r cent of the Members of Congress. 47 per cent of the Speakers of the lfouse. 54 ]x-r cent of the Vice-Presi dents. 02 j>er cent of the Secretaries of State. 50 |»er cent of the Secretaries of Treasury. 07 jier cent of the Attorney Generals. C,U per cent of the Justices of Supreme Court. At the present time the Presi dent, Vice-President, Speakers of the House, all but two of the Cabinet, '!!» out of {»« Senators, .'505 out of 435 Itopresentatives and all the Justices of the Su preme Court are college trained men.—Exchange. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Um For Ov«r 30 Y«ars COUNTY OFFICIALS SUMMER SCHOOL High School Football Championship Game in December—Cithen ship Studies For Women. Cor. of The Gleaner. Oct, 21—A Hummer school course ' for State and County Official* in being planned at the University of North Carolina, according to an an nouncement recently made by Dr. L. R. Wilson, Director of the Bu reau of extension. The contem plated course in the direct remit of the State and County Council held at Chapel Hill in September, and the decision to give the course came after a conference in Raleigh between University author tin ami Dr. Brook* Supt. of Public in struction, Dr W, 8 It.'inkin, Sec- State Board of Health K. F, B'-as ley, State Com'r of Public Welf.ire, A. J. Maxwell, Ch'm'n State Tax Commission, P.'KI Frank Page, Ch'm'n State Highway Commission. The exact nature of the work will be arranged In Future conferences with State Officials. The cotirs" will probably last two weeks ana will oe followed by a 3-d ly ses sion of the second St-it,. l and County Council. The elxth annual Nort'i Carolina high school foothill champlons'ilp contest will be played off this year on Emerson Field at th > t'nlvers ly of North Carolina, the d ite bcln J early in December. Announcement to this effect having been made by a Joint committee from th • bureau of Extension and the O neral Ath letic Association, composed of N. W. Walker chairman. K. H K.inkin. Sec'y. C. T. Woollen, graduate manager of athletics, T. J. Camp bell, coach, and D. VunNoppen, as sistant football manager. The final game will b'* played be tween the champions of the east ern and western p'i»i of the Stale These sectional championsh'ps w'li be determined by gam«* arranged between team manager* an'l the championship committee sh irtly af ter November 17. Teams eligible .for the sectional championship se ries include tho*-» who up to and including Nov. li have won threo games and lost none or have, won 75 percent of four or mire 'fames from teams ofe>|ual rank. For the final game in Chapel Hill the com mittee will pay half the nillwav fare and will enter'tin the t'-ams while here. Raleigh high school won in 1«1J, 101 an'l i't, *n>l Char lotte high school in 1916 and 1017. Last year on account of the war there wa» no game. Active preparation bv th" women of the State for the dutle# of clt izenahin is indicated in the pjoll "ation by the Bureau of Extension of the University ol N. C. of a se ries of studies in citizenship for women, prepared by Prof. I). D. Carroll at the request of the civics department of the N. C. Federation of Women's Clubs. "Whatever may be ones attitude toward the enfranchisement of women, the in dications are that it will be an ac complished fact within a very short time," say* Prof Carroll In his preface. Theseries of studies Is designed for women's clubs ana cover* ten meetings on the general subjects of national, state ana local government and the popular control of government. SALE OP REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OP TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale (ontained In a certain D >ea of Tiust cxecu'Od Junt 10, 1918, by J. E. Marietta and wife, which deeu of Trust is (iuly worded in Boo!; Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No 7 at page 117. in the Public Regis try of Alamance f.'oi.nty, default having been made in the payment of the bonds said Deed of Trust was executed to secure, 'he undeisigned trustee will, on MONDAY NOVEMBPR 10, 1919, at i* o'el /ck iio.tn, ofi- r for oilo al i/üblir a iction 'o tha l.l'fhett l/luiler for cash, at the coi.r. house door of Alamance County in Gra ham N. C a certain tcict or par es I of land lying and being ~n .Verb Avfnue, in City >' Bur lington, i la ma nee Coi'ntv North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Eu pi'UU Holt. Waltlr E. Bell a d '-old web J Avenue, and more partlcu- j larly bounded and descii'ied as follows: !ief;innlng at an Iron stake on said Webb Alenue, cornr vlth said Walter E, B--11, aft running theb re with the line of sa-.l vVfilter F. Bell South M detf. SO mm West 12C feet t'i an Iron stake thence South 3t deg. 30 inin. East 62.5 feci to i>i, iron stake, thence Nn th 55 deg 30 min. East 120 t > in iron stake on said Webb Avenue, thence with said Webb \venue N. 34 deg. 30 min. West 82.5 fe?t to the beginning, the same beinjf lot No. 5 In the map and survey of H. Lafayette Ho|t property, made t.y Lewis 11. Holt, County Survey or for AF»m".nc» County. April «, 1919; said lot No, 5 forming a t»ar nllelogram fronting on said Web,» Avenue C 2.5 feet and extendin lark 120 feet a* nnve described.' This October 7. 1919. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co, Trustee E. S W DAMERON, Atty. C. SWARTZ & CO. DURHAM, N. C. DKALKK l> Hides, Furs, Metals, Scrap Iron, Bones, Beesewax, Tallow, Wool. fUgs. Bags, Etc. jf you want tho top market price for any kind of Junk and 11 idea, aak ua for quotation!*. Wc pay tbe very bigbeat price |>oaeible. 'Any abipment gent uh will be givea prompt and careful attention. For reference we refer you to tbe Firat National Bank and Home Saving* Dank of Durham, N. C. C. SWARTZ & CO. DURHAM, N. C. Telphone No. 965-L. ■ to veabs otnyTATioN m m ARNOLDSM A, BALSA n MALL.WMMZR SICKNESSES DY| ORAHAM DRUQ Co. NO. 37 Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— Alamance County. In the Mufctlor Court, Before the Clerk, Mrs. Hattie F. Warren, Plaintiff, VB Gertrude Tingen and her husband, X. H. Tingen; Novella Petti'rew and her husband Lem Petti grew; Mattie Warwick ana her husband, Will Warwick; Georgia Poster and her husband, Mack Poster; Louisa Warrren ana her husband, James Warren; Maael Warwick and her husband, Luther Warwick. The defendants above named, es pecially Luther Warwick, a non resident of this State, will take notice that an action entitted as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance coun ty, North Carolina, before the Clerk, for the purpose of allotting Dower to the above plaintiff, widow of John Warren, late deceased, of Al amajtce county, North Carolina, and the said defendants, espeaially Luther Warwick, will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Alamance county North Carolina, at his office in Gra ttham, on or before the 14th day of November, 1919, and answer or de lmur to the petition and complaint filed in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition or complaint. This October 11, 1919. D. J. WALKER, C. S. C., Alamance County. SALE~OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deea of Trust executed September 2nd, 1916, by W. B. Bacon and wife to the undersigned Alamance Insu rance & Real Estate Company as . Trustee, for the purpose of secur ing the payment at mUcurity of four certain bonds of even date therewith, which Deed of Trust is duly probated and recorded in Hook of Mortgage Deeds and Deeds of Trust No. 71, at page 127, Public • Registry of Alamance County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of said bonds, the undersign ed Trustee will, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Alamance County, in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land in Hurlington town ship, Alamance Coqnty, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Bur lington Coffin Co, A. W. Bos well, A. L. Allen, Morehead Street and others, and bounded as fol lows : Beginning at an iron bolt on Morehead Street, corner with A. L. Allen, and running thence with the line of A. L. Allen and A. W. Bos well 114 feet to an iron bolt, cor ner with A. W. Boswell; thence with the line of A. Wi. Boswell 42X feet to an Iron bolt, corner with A. W. BoswelL; thence with the line of A. W. Boswell and Mary Riley bP% feet t. an Iron bolt; ; thence 3d feet to an iron bolt, cor ner with Burlington Coffin Com ' pany's line; thence with the line of Burlington Coffin Company 20t ifeet to an Iron bolt in Morehead Street; thence with the line of Morehead Street 78 feet to the be r beginning. « This September 26, 1919. t Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., i Trustee. E. S. W. DAMERON, Atty. TRUSTEES SALE! Under and by Wrtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mort gage Deed of Trust, executed by Sidney Poteat and wife, Bertha Po teat, September 17, 1918, and duly recorded In the office of the Reg i»ter of Deeds for Alamance coun ty, in Book No. 77, page 163, default having been made in the payment of the name, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale, to the high est bidUer for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., on , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, all of the foflov/- ing described real property, to wit; First Tract—Adjoining the lands of Thomas Street, lots Nog. 3, 5, 9, 10 and 11, and others, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on South side of Thomua Street, and running thence N. 87 deg. W. 19 feet to a stake on 8. sifle of said street and corner with lot No. 3; thence S. 2 deg. W. 100 feet to a stake, and corner with lots Nob. 9 and 10; thence 87 deg. E. 50 feet to a stake, corner witn lots Nos. 10 and 11; thence N. 2 deg. E. 100 feet to the begin ning. This being lot No. ( in Block D of Graham Land Company lands known as Brooklin subdivis ion. Second Tract —Adjoining the lands of macadam road running from Burlington to Glencoe Cotton Mills, lot No. 2, Hill street and others, bounded as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a stake on East side of saiu macadam road, and running thence S, 11 deg. 15 inin. W. 69)» feet to a stake on said road and corner with lot No. 2; thence 8. 87 deg. K. 182 feet to a stake on East side of Hill Street, and cor ner with lot Na 2; thence with Hill Street N. 2 deg. B. bi% feet to the beginning, this being lot No. 1 in Block B of the Graham Land Com pany lands being known as the Brooklin subdivision, and on which there is a frame dwelling. Terms of SaIe—CASH. This September 19, 1919. GRAHAM LOAN & TRUST CO., Trust 06 J. J. HENDERSON, Att'y. f ROOSEVELT'S i W.l LETTERB JOHN FOX'S Lact Novel iITNiIY VAN DYKE In livery Number j. Arc three of the 1 important featurea in I SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ?übt-r : : s for tht year mow JA-01-JA your local agmt or ttrd $4.00 to '"rribner'a Magazine 597 FIFTH A**-. N«W York cttjr

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