VOL. XLV F WILDROOT* i will improve i I hair or we i f pay you | Z Wildroot is a guaranteed preparation - Z which goes right at the hidden cause = Z of coming baldness—the valy, Itchy z Z crust of dandruff. Wildroot removes ~ - this crust —allows nature to produce : - the thick lustrous hair normal to any - Z healthy scalp. Z Wildroot Liquid Shampoo or Wildroot « - miampoo Soap, used in connection with - - Wildroot Hair Tonic, will *——f- the - Z treatment. •* _ WILDROOT = THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC = E For tab Inn nadir a r Z tunny-bock guonmttt 5. Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drag Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON AttOrneyat-Law . GRAHAM, N. C. Office over National Bank of Alamance j", s_ coo sf, Attorney-At- Law, GRAHAM, .... - N. C Offloe Patterson Building Seoond Floor. • • • • . * DR. WILLS.LONG,JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham, - - - - North Carolina OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG LONG & LONG, A.ttorneya and Counnelorn at Ltw GRAHAM, N. C. Jaa. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Eich 1 Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night Dav 'Phone No. 80W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jaa. H. Rich 54H-W IT'S YOURS—USE "Dltalontlne." * Nature's restorative and short cut to quick relief from stomach ills: Heartburn, Dizziness, Acid Mouth, Lost Appetite, Sleeplessness, etc. Known, trusted and tried by thous ands the whole land over. eT^gjgTnirgTTj^ "TheKar This la to certify jou that J hare received the medicine i ordered from you. Mont nay It la ezcellaof aaa is doing me all the good.' 1 REV. C. L. LAWRENCE, Wadley. Ga. Since using Dlgestooelne my stomach ban stopped hurting me and I Just ran eat anything that iwaht to. I have had Indigestion for 20 years. D.B.WILLIAMS, R1 Box 82, Tiger,Gs. Yottr fault // you mffer knstt—DttuUm*tnt M USTudbfy or money bul(. For proof, m HAYES DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C. BLANK BOOKS j Journals, Lexers, , Day Books, Time Books* Counter Books* , Tally Books* Order Jiooks* Large Books* Small Books, Pocket Memo* Vest Pocket Memo* Ac* Ac. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham* N. C CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean ,-V9 at THE, ALAMANCE GLEANER. I TO RAISE HEALTHY CHICKENS i Lack of Vigor In Newty Hatched Chick* la Often Traceableto Weakness of Parent*. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) To be successful in raising chickens It is accessary to bare healthy and vigorous breeding stock, for the lack of vigor In the newly hatched chicks is often traceable to weak parents. Only the most vigorous and tbe best grown birds should be pat In the breeding yards. Bach bird ahould be fall of life and energy and free from any serlons deformity. Tearllng hens are usually better than pnlleta for breeders, for the reason that the hens are more mature and do not lay so many eggs during the early winter, and consequently do not reduce their Vitality so much before the breeding season. Vigorous hens 2 to 4 years old call often be advantageously retained In the breeding yard. The male bird chosen should be youiw and active. An early hatched, wel^evel- Healthy and Vlgoroua Farm Flock. Oped cockerel Is usually satisfactory, or a good vigorous yearliag er 2-year old Mck may be chosen. The hens use* for breeding purposes should be given the best oare possible; they should be provided with large runs, and should not be forced for heavy egg production during the early win ter. Revival Pl For Entire South ■• . , Widest Evangellstlo Effort Ever Made Will ft* Lauched Soon. Nashville, Tenn.—Plans for an evan gelistic movement Which will covet - the entire Seath and operate In 20,000 churches at the same time are being f emulated by the Centenary Com mis sloa and the evangelistic committee ol the M. E. Church, South. Bishop U. V. W. Darlington Is the chairman of the joint directing com mittee and Dr. O. E. Ooddard Is th* executive secretary. Standard Plan Made. The movement will opeiate accord" Ing to a standard plan. This plan pro vides for a preliminary survey of the entire South to diicover what peraon* are not affiliated With any rellglou* denomination. Dr. A. C. Zumbrunnen Is in charge of the survey, and' he ha* made pre liminary Investigation* in a large number of typical section* a* lamplei 'to guide pastors in surveying thell own field*. tL " When these surveys are completed the evaWgWtstKT movement Vie be launched' Ih an effort' to Interest all non-chnroh members whoie name* have been secured. It has been estimated that halt « million workers will be enlleted t* personally "fßTUrrlew the person* wbt havi' tie chtirdl membership, nWT- •! Pennlllon Singing. Pennlllort"'Mriglng W quite common th Wales, and peculiar to the princi pality. It consists of an Instrument play ing over a tune in strict time nnd re peating It over and over again, while the singer or singers extemporise words to It In rhyme. The Impromptu poetry must lit In with the mtislc and Is generally of an amusing character. The custom Is quite common among the people, and the Instrument used 1* their national Instrument, the harpi The Bible and Women Preacher*. Women preachers are taking com fort from the fact that one champion has discovered what they think is bib lical recognition for them. In the prayer book version of Psalm Irvlll, occurs the verse, "The Lord gave the 'Wo*i4: grerft was the company of the preacher*." The revised version of the Bible translates fhe pa**age thus: "The Lord glveth the word. The wom en that publish the tidings are a great host- - ... ■ at- Appropriate Gardens. Much that hat ben ttld in regard to the house applies equally well to the garden. Let Its style be deter mined by locality. Formal gardens with neat hedges snd direct paths are more and more appropriate as we ap proach the conventionalities of rlty life. Leave the picturesque gardens to spacious, picturesque surroundings. Winding path* and other features of the natural garden require to be close to nature. An orchard Is both more useful and more beautiful In the prox imity of the small bouse that Is not far from town. The cost of main tenance Is least In the orchard garden with paved paths, flowering shrubs, and borders of perennials. Do not overcrowd the houses, brood coops, brooder or colony coops. —e e e Everything must be kept clean In warm weather to keep vermin down. • • e Turkey hens usually lay about fif teen eggs before beginning to get broodv. ■" Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. GIVE ME SOME WAR SAYING STAMPS MANY PERSONS HELD BY HYPNOTIC SPELL Erroneeuely Imagln* That Value of Money Llee Within Iteelf and Not In Thoee Thlnge It Will Buy. Thousands of Americans are under the hypnotic spell of money. With distorted viewpoint they have come to regard money as'a great treasure In Itaelf whereas money has Its real sig nificance only in what it buys for us. A man'* reward for his work doo* not depend merely on what he earn*. For the true reward of labor is tie ser vice the worker I* able to obtain with the money he earn*. It 1* evident that a man may earn twice a* much as he once did in money and yet be no better off if the goods he needs cost twice or three times what they formerly cost. But it is apparent to all that apart from Increase or decrease In wages as ex pressed In money, there Is a wide dif ference In the real value earned by person* receiving the same In aotual cash. What a parson gets out of the world In return for what he gives it, de pend* finally on tbe choice made in disposing of his Income. One man by wise buying, careful and consistent saving and safe and profitable Invest ment in such securities as War Sav ings Stamps, Treasury Savings Certifi es te* sad Liberty Bond*, may trani form th* reward of hi* labor into all the necessities and comforts of life that be requires and even Its luxuries. Another, gaining exactly the same sum In aotual caah, may,, through wait*, extravagance and failure to aave. find himself unable to secure even the ne cessities. * Whether or not a worker earns a sum which fulfills his estimate of what "Should be hi* Just reward for labor, the responsibility for the way he •pends what he gets remain* with him and with him alons and cannejt be transferred to any other person. (Prices of necessities and wages may ebb and flow like the tide but the fun damental fact unchanged that 7 apart from the nature and volume of his earnings every man can, within limits, determine the richness of the reward .of his labor. He can a-com -1 pllsh this by the amount of restraint \ and intelligence ho exercises in spend ing What he ha* to spend and in sav i tag and inveitlng what he has to save. SCALPER OF WAR BAVING BTAMPS ARRESTED. From every Federal Reserve Dl*- trlot in the United States information 1* being received by the Treaaury De partment la Waahlngton that a deter mined war 1* being waged against ijorions, who, by preying upon the unwary, are trafficking In W»r Saving And Treasury Certificates. The latest information regarding the activity of the "Scalpers" come* from St. Louis, where two arrest* have been made by Deputy I'nited States Marshals. Both prisoner* were re- ] leased on s.ooo bonds and are now waiting for a hearing before the Fed eral cemmleeloner. One of the men I* said to have al tered registered numbere on W*r Saving* Certificates, It being alleged ! tor St. Louis postal authorities that In ■ the man's office were . fqtm{ $875 in War Saving Certificates from which the leglstratlon numbers had beea re moved. It Is charged that the other accused msn had In his possession $866.90 worth of altered government securities. One of the (uspect* I* Employed by a St. Louie brokerage concern; the other la the proprlttor of a hotel, urase. Straw, 8 talk* and Leave* Should Be Plowed Under for Humus-Making Material. According to the Ohio experiment ststlon, vegetable matter, such as grass, straw,' stalks and leaves, loses in six months fully 50 per cent of Its carbon or humus-making material. In other words, these materials plowed under In the fall are twice as valuable for humus as when plowed under In the spring. Here Is an excellent rea son why every day, when the ground is dry enough, should be utilised In plowing under the dead vegetation on oar fields. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27,1919 WHY CERTIFICATES ARE SO ATTRACTIVE Unususl Festuree Msk* New Govern ment Securltlee Splendid Medium In Whloh to lnv**t Saving*. Details of the feature* which make the new Treasury Saving* Certificates of SIOO and SI,OOO maturity value at tractive investments have been com piled In pamphlet form by the Saving* Division of the Treaiury Department. In addition to the regulations govern ing the *ale of these "baby" securl tles, the pamphlet contains tbe rulings of the Secretary of the Treaiury on various questions concerning the new Issue. One of the Interesting features r# these certificate* that make them unique inveatment* Is that tbey may be Issued and registered In the name of an Infant. Every certificate Is Is sued and registered as a means of ab solute protection to th* purchaser. Certificate* may also be Issued and registered Jointly to two persons and may be made payable to either of tha two purchasers or to both. Ruling* govermlng payment of cer tificate* to deceaied owners are also contained In the pamphlet, With spe citl mention made for each legal re quirement according to law* efr vari ous states regarding wills, etc. At discretion of the Seoretary of the Treasury, In event of ne other legal obstacle*, payment will be made in fte following order of claeaea: First, husband, wife, next of kin or other peraon who pay* th* reasonable funeral expenses of the laet Illness or other preferred claim* agalmt the decendent* .state; second, creditor for funeral expenses, sxpense of last Ill ness or other preferred claim*; third husband or wlf*, child er children, father or mother, any ether of the next of kin of tbe decea**d. UNCLE SAM SAYS HERE'S LIBER TY BOND'S SMOTHER. Treasury Savings OertlSoste* are a new issue of United State* govern ment securities. They are of SIOO and SI,OOO denomination*. Tbey run for five years and hear 4 per cent In terest, compounded every three fnoaths. They are little brothere of the Lib erty Bond and big brother* of the War Havings Stamp. A SIOO Saving* Certificate coet* SB4 40 this month. It will bo worth $l9O January 1. 1914. It le cashol le any time with aocrued Interest at any poatoffloe on ten day*' notice. It I* a government obligation. A $1,900 aavlng* certificate cost* ss44 tbl* month. It will be redeemed by Uncle Sam January 1, 1934. lor SI,OOO. It is cashable wltb accrued Interest at any time at any postofflce on ten daya' notice. Treasury savings certificates ure : registered in your name, thus lniur lng against loss. BRITISH NOW SAVING LARGE SUMS OF MONEY. In spite of the exigencies of war, the volume of saving deposits In Fng- Isnd has grown tremendously In the last five years according to the comp troller of the Drltlah Poet Offce Sav ings Bank. Only twice, the comp troller states, was the flow of saving* deposit* Interrupted: once by the war loan of IBIS and onoe by tbe t per cent loan of 1917. Total depoelt* increased despite the tact that depositors transferred over $1,090,000,000 from their postal savings into th* various issues of the govern- ' ment. The recent figures show con clusively. the comptroller asserts, '.b# I power of saving of tbe British publle ' for the amount diverted to the gov- j emmen» war Issue i has not been wast- j ed or dissipated but must still be In cluded In the saving* of Lbe natlaa. Cannot Photograph In Color*. ft seems a rcumrkuble tiling, cotuld arlng tbe progress of the science it j photography and cinematography, that i color photography I* still an undl*- | covered secret. There are processes by ! which a very natural camouflage of ] Nature can be produced, but the plate ! Is yet to be made which will produce j a landscape In autumn in all Its won drous tlats, or take a portrait of a lady ! with the natural coloring of the hair, 1 eyes, and complexion, with the various colors of her costume "In tbe manner as she Uvea," ... =r „J* Six Small Farms AT AUCTION SATURDAY November 29, 1919 LAST CHANCE To get a small farm in the edge of j the town of Graham, on good road, and about half a mile from the Court House THE CHAS. A. THOMPSON FARM OF 63 ACRES Divided into 6 small farms, ranging in size from 6 to 20 acres—good land, suitable for trucking and Dairying SALE AT 2:30 O'CLOCK Answer this question for yourself: How many people do you know who have lost money buying land like this ? It will bring more the next time —do not worry about that. The man who does not make money in real estate is the man who does not buy! It is better to look ahead and be happy than to look backward and be sad. Easy Terms - Fine investment -- Buy and Make Money Music by the Band-Valuable Prizes Given Away R. L. HOLMES, Owner The Old Way Our Way " Let Us Solve Your Laundry Problems PIEDMONT POWER & LIGHT CO. Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebane, Elon College, (iibtonviOe. iIH 'Hi Hi HHP \ CaloWfciJlsfaTdaiiferoui 'dm£, It Ij IT \ mercury—quicksilver;• and attacks your VI \ bones.* Take a dose of nasty calomel to- V 1 day and you will feel weak, sick and nau seated tomorrow. * Don't lose a day's Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead! JTere's my gutrtnteef 'Ask yotir back to the atort and get your money, druggist for a bottle of Dedaon's Take a spoonful of harmless, vege- A Liver Tone and take a spoonful to- table Dodaon's Liver Tone tonight and ® a%h*.#lf it doesn't start yostr liver wake up feeling great. It's perfectly and straighten you right up better hannlesa, 10 give it to your children than calomel and without griping or any time. It can't salivate, so let I ■IMH r>H skk I wast yon to go then eat sayO!* afterwards. * Their Medicine Giest For JT is characteristic of folks after they (iua the allotUd I three •*ore year* tad Inn," to look I.ark oti r th« day* that are gone ' and thoughtfully life them ottr. I find rnyaelf, it aerenty-one, frequently drifting back a quirtrr of a Centura, wbtn I Me mvulf In the little drug more I owned at lloilvar, Mo., making And veiling a vegetable compound to mv friend* and cuatomere—what «m then known only a« , f'r Ixwia' Medicine for Htoruach, Liver and Jiowel Complaint*. For many year* while I wu {perfecting my formula 1 studied ati'l In*e*U gated tbe lax at I tea ari'l cathartic* on thu market and became convinced that their main fault WM not that they did not act on tbe bowela. bat that their action WM too violent and draatic, and upaet the ayntrrn of the uaer; which wai due to the fact that tbe/ were not thorough enough In their action, aome •imply acting on trie upper or imili Intes tine*, while oth« r* would art onlv on the lower or large Intaetinea, and that they ! almo«t invariably produced a habit re quiring augmented doaci. I believed that a preparation to produre tbe be«t affect muat flrat tone the liver, then acton the atornarh and entire alliwic 1 tary eyatem. If tbi* wa* a/oompiiahed, the j medicine would produre a mild, hut thorough elimination of the wast* without tbe uaual alrkening aenaatlona, and make the uaer feel better at oorc. After experimenting with hundred* of different compound*, I at )a«t perfected tbe formula that la now known a« Hetera'a which I truly believe goes further | GRAHAM DRUG CO. WANTED .—Men or women to take orders among friends and neighbor* for tlio genuine guaran teed hosiery, full lino for men, wo men and children. Eliminates darn in#. We pay 50c an hour for spare time or f2t a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Xor ristown, I'a. iktotlOt See the Sheriff before Decmber Ist and pay your State and County Tax and get the discount. BUY THRIFT STAMPS. I NO. 42 | end doee more than any laxative on the maikei hHiuy. The thousands of ieUer.i front u»»r« have convinced tue I right, and that thnuaer of Mater*'a Remedy ia n family medicine, evi n though he may have used It for twenty five yara, never hat to Increaae the d>ae. My knewledg-i of medicine and the rc ■ulta of ite uac in my own family and am' ng my friend*, before I ever offered it for vale, caused mo to have great faith In Materi a W—i if from the very Art. And now an I And inv««lf marine the ago when I muat bow to the inevitable and g * to another life, my gr*atent pleaaurc Is 11 •it each day and roan tho letter* that each mall brine* from people ae old or older than I, who tell of having Oaed Natural W*eia#y for ten, fifteen and twenty yearn, and bow they and their children and grandchildren have been benefitted by it. It ia a conaoling thought, my friend*, for a man at my ago to feel that aaido from his own •nccoae. ouo has done •omethlntc I for bia feilow man. Mr greatest aatiafac tion, tar greatest happim »* today, is tho | knowledge that tonight more than ono j million people will take a Meters'* R«flat#/ | i Nft'l ablt t) and will bo better, heathicr, , happier i>eo|d > for it. I boj»e you wiil be ono of them. A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., BT. LOUIS, MO. ' —For $1.05 yup can get both Tho Progressive Farmer and The Ala mance Gi.kanku for one year. Hand or mail to us at Graham and we will see that the papers are sent. Wanted! To buy or rent Farm with neces sary buildings. VV. G' Tlll'bstoXJ ICoctCt liurlington, N. 0L " "V-.l li See the Sheriff before December Ist and pay your StatJ and Coanty; Tax and get the discount.

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