THE GLEANER GftAHAM, N. 0., Nov. 27,1819. Postofliee Honrs. 107.00p.rn. SaudarfcOO t«ll.00».m. and 1.00 to 1.00 p. ■ R. N. COOK. Poatmaater. ♦++++♦+» • I U MM + LOCAL NBWS. + tiniii'm'miiiiMiiiiiii'j —Many fine porkers have been killed here in the past few days. —The attendance on court has not been very large this week. —The County Commissioners meet in regular monthly session next Monday. —-The fine weather continues and the farmers are still busy with their farm work. —Mr. John R. Harder underwent an operation at Rainey Hospital Sunday afternoon. He is getting along well, —The merchants of Graham by common consent have closed their places of (business today—Thanks - giving. —Mess. W. K. Edgeworth and B. S. Benson, two of Pleasant Grove's good made us a pleasant call Tuesday. —Mr. D. S. Meyers is fitting up an up-to-date machine shop in the old Christo-Cola building on W. Elm St. He comes here from Dur ham and is an expert machiniat. —lt's a fine day. Some will at tend Thanksgiving services some will go hunting, and many will go to Chapel Hill to see the Carolina- Virginia football game. —Mr. L. C. Fogleman has opened a Roller Cover Shop in the up-stairs of the Holt-Nicholson building. He moved back here with his family a week or more ago after spending several months at Selma. —The Chas. A. Thompson farm, just south of Graham and less than a mile from the conrt house has been divided into six small farms and will be sold at public auction at 2 o'clock Saturday. —Rev. L. U. Weston moved Mon day to the Gant home on Long Ave., vacating the Dr. Geo. W. Long house on N. Main St., which was purchased a few weeks ago by Mr. W. L. Cooper, who will move in the latter part of this week. Mr. Cooper and family will be a welcome ad dition to Graham. —Cortez Clapp, mentioned in our Southwest Alamance correspondence as having been hurt in a fall while playing basket ball, died Tuesday and was buried at Mt. Zion yester day. Rev. It. U. Weston of Graham conducted the funeral service. The young man was 16 or 17 years of age. He was severely injured at a saw mill last summer and* had not recovered from the injury when he fell at the basket ball game a few days ago. Struck by Automoble and Killed. Mr. Nathan Nelson of Burlington, aged about 75 years, was struck by an automoble last Thursday evening about 7 o'clock and killed. It hap pened in the western part of Bur lington. He stepped out of one car and in front of another. It was Mr. W. K. Holt's car driven by his son, Glenn Holt, that hit him. Mr. Nel son was a highly respected citizen and well known here. Hia widow, two daughters and one son, Mr. Shubal Nelson of Graham, survive him. Court Notes. The Court close'! late yesterday afternoon after disposing of the docket. Business was dispatched quite rapidly. Monday morulng Judge W. P. Stacy and Solicitor S M. Gattis were on hand to perform the functions of their office. The grand jury with Mr. D. H. Lashley as foreman was charged by the Court as to their duties. Judge Stacy made some timely remarks concerning such enemies of the gov ernment and peaceful society as the I. W. W.'s and the bolshevists. Among the cases disposed of were the following: L. P. Gerringer and Dan Williams, manufacturing liquor; the former sent to the for 18 months, and as to latter prayer for judg't cont'd to next term upon payment of costs. J. M. Crutchfield, assaulting wo man; plea of nolo contendere; judg't susp'd on payment of costs. v Lewis Garrett, concealed weapon; plead guilty; fined (50 and costs. I'earl Jones, selling liquor; 12 months on roads. C. W. Hunt plead guilty at former term of having liquor on hand; fined $25 and costs. Doc Bass plead guilty of receiving more than a quart; 12 months on roadß. R. L. MePherßon plead guilty of receiving more than one quart; 4 months on roads. Thomas Kussell, asrault with in tent; plead guilty; SIOO fine and * costs. Robert Morrow, larceny; « mos. on roads, Dosie Burnett plead guilty of re ceiving more than a quart; SSO fine and costs and report to Sheriff every Monday till next court. Augustus Allison plead of man slaughter; 12 moe. on roads. George Allen, pickpocketing, 12 moe. on roads. Lewie Newman, assault with d.w.; $lO fine and costs. James Davis, Robert Owens and Kempt McCauley, trespass; fined $25 each and costs. John Mcßroom, concealed weapon; SSO fine and costs. Willis McNeal, larceny; 30 days on roads. W. W. Rush, concealed weapon; SSO and coats. Charlie Browning, concealed weapon, S6O and costs. ♦ 1 "J rl "' HI " • 111111 M ♦» PERSONAL. + tl 11*111 It 11111 111 I 111 111 it Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Scott have returned from Baltimore. Mrs. Farr sh of Oxford is visiting Mrs. Lynn B. Williamson. Mrs. Louis Brown McCoy of Char lotte is visiting h'er si iter, Mrs. Will E. White. County Supt. M. C. Terrell is at ttending the Teachers' Assembly in Raleigh. Judge H. C. Strudwick and Col. John A. Barringer of Greensboro were here at court Monday. Mr. Mcßride IJolt left for Ashe ville yesterday morning to spend a day with his daughter, Miss Mortha Holt. ( Mr. and Mrs. Warner Moore of Richmond, Va., are gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Juniua 11. Harden for Thanksgiving. Mr. Farrior Powell of Whiteville spent from Saturday till Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr. . , Mess. S. E. Tate and W. B. and J. E. Sellers of Cross Roads com munity have been here attending court this week. Mr. Wm. I. Ward, Dr. Herbert S. Long and Misses Annie Folger and Minnie long spent last Sunday at Madison. Mr. Gary S. Thompson of Greens boro spent yesterday here. He form erly lived in Graham, but is now with J. W. Jones & Co., wholesale grocers. Mrs. J. C. Foust of Liberty, on her way home from Durham, arrives here today to spend a day or two visiting Mrs. B. M. Rogers. Mrs. A. P. Williams and children returned Sunday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs* Cey R. Williams in Win ston-Salem. 1 Mr. x Williame went after them Saturday. Supt. F. W. Terrell and Misses Josephine Thomas, Mary Weeks and Estelle Brown left yesterday for Raleigh to attend the Teachers' As sembly. Dr. Graham Harden, assistant surgeon in the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, rtrived Mon day to spend Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Junius 11. Harden. Mrs. E. X. Proctor and daughters, Mrs. R. G. Carlyleand Miss Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Proctor and little daughters, Elizabeth and Mary Catharine of Lumherton arrived yes terday evening on a visit to friends and relatives and go to Chapel Hill today to see the Carolina-Virginia football game. Baby Prize Uncalled For. Baby Burton Mcßane was one of those examined at the Mebane Fair, and he won a prize of SI.OO in the baby show. Mrs. J. Melt Thompson of Mebane lias the dollar and wants the baby's parents to call for it or tell her where lo send it. Home From Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. Henderson returned from St. Leo's Hospital yes terday afternoon. Mr. Henderson went there ten weeks4go and was operated on for an injury sustained several weeks before. For some time his condition was serious, but he has greatly improved and is looking un usually well considering what he has] gone through. Mra. Henderson went to tbe hospital with him to as sist in making him comfortable, and three weeks ago she had to have an operation. She is now well on the road to recovery and is feeling quite well again. Their friends and neighbors are glad to see them at home again. ' Marriage Licenses. The Register of Deeds has issued marriage licenses as folio vs: Nov. 20: White—Willie'Azie Kel son and Rosa Warren, both of Cm well county. Nov. 21: White—William Henry Keck and Dessie Holt, Alamance county. Nov. 22: White—Al Carden and Lala Conklin, both of Burlington; Roy Alexander Dodson and Estelle Jonrs, both of Mebane. Nov. 23: White —Marvin Perry and Ora Poster, both of Haw River. Nov. 24: White —Willio Herbert Blackley and Minnie Edith Rans dell, both of Franklin county. Nov. 25: White —McKinley Mc- Daniel and Nina Brown, both of Graham; Obed Middleton Debbs and Nellie Oakley, both of Caswell county. Nov. 20: Wliite—Ernest Hawkins Rudd and Lets Alama Loy, both of Burlington; colored—John Miles and Callie Burton, both ol Union Ridge. NATURE'S WAY __ Alcohol and dangerous sedatives are fast (ailing into disuse. When the body is debilitated the effectual means of restoring strength is ■ B - 111 111 |v| -which does what your regular food should do but all too often fails to dor— nourish** and strengthens the whole body. It is the results that follow the use of Scott's Emulsion that have made its multitude of friends. T*» Mmju cnMHcr oU wd CvfiK ID SMW. EI lln U npcraflxd VFFL E am mmm American labonMa. Till g»—to !»»»■■»»■.«■ AU| —na»u»»l.«ii'— iM.WJ. IMP . Church Social Last Friday Evening. \ Last Friday evening at 8 o'clock tbe membership of Graham Presby terian church gave a social at the church for the purpose of having them meet Rev. Mr. Caldwrll and his bride, who arrived-foebday after noon before. They wer- married at Midway, Ky., on the 11th. Mrs. Caldwell, who was Miss Mary Clark, is a very charming young woman. The evening was one of real enjoy- and it were well if the mem bership of every church would occa sionally have such a gathering that the membership could get better acquainted and cultivate bonds of fellowship and friendship. A feature of tbe evening was the music led by Miss Annie Folger, assisted by a chorus of young ladies. DuriDg the evening a dainty salad course and coffee were served. A large part of the [membership of the church was present,'besides a number of invited guests. ITS UNWISE to pot off to-dar's doty until to morrow. It your stoMseh Is add-dlstarbed take Ki-HOIDS the new aid to digestion eopfort today• A pleasant relief from the dwcomfort of acid-dytpepsia. MADE BY SCOTT * BOWNE MAKERS OP SCOTTS EMULSION Z.T.HADLEY Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. "RESULTS MORE THAN CLAIMED" y mo tmmtlftmm Mr. J. r AmmmoT, ' Box *4, momllg, roitoa PE-RU-NA THE REMEDY FOB EVERYDAY ILLS f"I have used Pe-ru-na for years in cases of colds and catarrh. The results have been good, in fact, more than you claimed. • Have also taken Lacupia and can easily say it is one of the best blood puri figft I have ever used." Mr. J. F. Arendt For Catarrh and Catarrhal Condltlona The evidence of one man like Mr. Arendt is more convincing proof to you of the merits of Pe-ru-na thin any written words of ours. For fifty years Pe-ru-na has been the standby of the American iamily for diseasctdue to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane* lining the organs of the body. Thousands, like Mr. Arendt, have proved the effectiveness of Pe-ru-na for coughs, cblds, nasal catarrh, stomach, bowel and liver.dlsordcrs or any disease characterized by a catarrhal condition. If your suffering Is the result of a catarrhal disorder try Pe-rn na. It Is a true, tried medicine. or' Bold Everywhoro Tableta or Liquid Mnaty-Sevan par cent, at the pMfta havs catarrh la nil farm. See Our Line ol Holiday Goods Before You Buy WE HAVE SOMETHING APPROPRIATE *** FOR EACH AND EVERY FRIENDv*** v , Candies, Flowers, Kodaks, Cameras, Ivory Combs, Brushes, Hanicure Sets, Toilet Kits, Safety Razors, Cigars, Cigarettes, * Tobaccos, Water Bottles, Invalid Cushions, Toilet Waters, Extracts, Powders, I I Flashlights. Hayes Drug Company The - Store - That - Appreciates- - Your - Patronage I GRAHAM, N. C. Mortgage Sale of Land! "" • Under anil by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed In Trust, executed by J. A. Pettigrew and wife, Juunic May Piltigrew, Nov. 20, 1918, to Central Loon & Trust Company, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust is duly record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamauce County, in Book of Deeds of Trust, No. 62, at page 120, default having been made in the payment of same, the undersigned Trustee will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., on MONDAY, DEC. 29, 1919 all the following real property, towit: Tract No. 1. A ceitaiu tract or parcel of land iu Burlington Township, Ala mance County. State of North Carolina, being lot No. 54 in the plat of Central Ilcigths, which is recorded iu Plat Hook No. I, piigo 1, in the oflicc of the Regis ter oi Deeds for Alamance County, Gra ham, N. C., and described as follows; Beginning at a corner of lot No. 58 on the North side of Kimes St., thence N. 9 ileg. E. 1804 ft to a stake, corner with line of Jos. A. Isley, thence 8. 82deg. W. with line of Jos. A. Islcy, 50 ft. corner with lot No. 55, thence 8. 9 deg. W. with line of lot No. 55, 191 ft. to corner in Kimes St., thence N. 81 deg. W. 50 ft. to the beginning, containing 9,000 ft. more or less. Tract No. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Ala mance County, State of N. C.. Itelng lot No. 58, In the plat of Central lleigtlis, whiclr is recorded in Pint Hook No. 1, pago IHn the otllec of lU'glstejvof Deeds for Alamance County, G.raiitfm, N. 0., and described as follows: / Beginning at corner of lot No. 274 on on the Norili side of Klmos St., thence N. 9 deg. E. 180 ft. to a stake, corner with line of Jos. A. Isley, thence 8. 82 deg. E. with line of Jos. A. Isley, 50 ft. corner with lot No. 54, thence 8. 9 ileg. W. with line of lot No. 54, 180jt ft, to corner in Kiine St., thence N. 81 deg. 50 ft. to the beginning, containing 9,000 Si|. Ft., mo e or less. / Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 21st day of Nov., 1919. CENTRA L LOAN & TRUST CO., Trustee. Summons by Publication. Mtate of North Carolina, County of Alamance. In the Huperlitr Court. , llel'ore the Clerk. Eliza Wilson / vs. James 11.-Wilson The defendant above named will take notice that au action as entitled above, commenced in the Superior Court of Ala ■nance County, North Capolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the said defendant will further, take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Couri of Alamance County to lie held in January, 1920, at the court house of said County, in Graham North Carolina and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu said complaint. This 21 day of November, 1919. D J. WALKER C. 8. 0. Thos. C. Carter, Atty. 27u0v.4t Pay your Do£ Tax on or opfnre December Ist and save the $50.00 Penalty. fgjr HURRY!! Only 7 More Days . V • OF THIS • - V - 1 Big Money. Saving Sale COME BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Everybody is Coining to This Bargain Feast Which Commenced Friday Morning November 21, 1919, ' At 9:00 A. M., Sharp j| Everybody is coming to this, the greatest sale of the season, Which will take place at the Fait* Dept. Store GRAHAM, N. C. We want you to come. We want you to look. This is no catch sale, but a plain, clean sale of fresh, clean, seasonable merchandise, fresh from the world's greatest manufacturers, and will be sold cheaper than the present wholesale price. Mark the date of the opening, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, at 9 a. m., sharp. Read Over Some of the Big Bargains Boys' Suits Must Go Dresses Must Go—Sale Prices. SIO.OO Boys' Suits $6.89 $40.00 Dresses $29.50 I 12.00 " 8.98 . 32.50 " 21.45 8.50 " 6.42 27.50 " ° 19.95 7.00 " 5.98 22.50 " ' 14.95 6.00 " -4.24 18.50 " 13.48 5.00 " 3.69 15.00 " 9.95 We can fit any boy, come to this sale. 12.50 " 7.89 Come and see them. 50 Doz. Men's Fleece Underwear. $1.50 is the price—Yuu can Ladieß ' Skirts Goin « Cheap Buy them here at this sale During this sale. Come, ladies, and get you for 89c. Just think of it! a skirt during this sale cheap. Sale price from $1.98 up. Star Brand Shoes Sold Cheap. SIO.OO Star Brand Shoes only $6.98 Coat Suits and Coats Cheap K.OO « ' 569 At this sale. Come and pick you a suit 7 Q() " " 4.94 while you can save money. Every suit has Guaranteed all leather. ~ got to go. Every coat has got to go. We don't want the goods. We need and must 40 doz. Men's 25c Socks, at 10 a pair. have the money-the cash. p 15 doz. Turkish Towels, 75c kind, this sale 44c. All Ladies' Hats sold cheap during Men's 1.50 Caps 89c. ths sale * Come lad y« to this sale where money will be saved in your pocket- All $2.50 men's shirts, fancy patterns, all sizes, book- - 1 5 days only, only 44c. , ' All $2.50 children's shoes 1.69. ' $14.50 Ladies' Brow* Kid Boots, all sizes, sale . All 2.00 children's shoes 1.39. P r ' ce 10.24. All 3.00 misses'shoes 2.24. ~~7~ ~ _____ v'.>e Ladies Hose, white or black,. 16c. $4.00 Ladies' Shoes, all styles, 2.98. 3 pairs to a customer. This entire stock of $20,000 worth of Ready-tc-Wear for the entire family has got to be turned into cash, and turned quick. Xtome —mark the date, Friday morning, November 21, at 9 a. m. sharp. Fair Dept. Store Next Door to Hayes Drirg Co. - ■ - GRAHAM, N. C.

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