CASTORIA |Q2EJ®OJ For Infanta anil Children^ W liuerrißli Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria SK}||f L ALCOHOL-3 PEH CENT. / . - M wqg i' AVc4elablcrrcpafatioD6r ; \» AIWcLVS W %. «*:S|B ! similatimiUicF»«lbjrßcg« ta ' » M+f II Bears the. /M 1 SSrSSS Signature//jJT neither Opium, Morphine n* _r» #l\ jtfjgi'g Mineral. NOTNAHCQTIC U1 |LV)\f BflJ, 11 Bs£j[ jl JhunpHnSoU \ |l# V KfSßg* , vl/-I Srttna ■ 1 I I V J JhnMUSJh I \M If ! (\ .n» In HW'.l panMS*pr 1 .11 1/1 xfgjjff | *>*l""*^. —' 11 VI n m icjsisessaj-; Use SjSslli ui"i Fi'vcrlshness w*! I l^lT H| rcS uiij^fy» IJf fnr Over S M 1 / w Simile Sinat^ of j Exact tkjpy ol Wrapper. TM« »o»« orrr. 1919 TAXES DUE The County Commissioners have turned over > to me the Tax Books for 1919. The last Legislature passed a State-wide law allowing a discount of 1 per cent, on all taxes paid before Dec. Ist, a flat rate for December, and adding a penalty of 1 per cent, per month after January Ist. Pay and get the discount and avoid the pen alty. 1919 Dog Tax Due Dog license tax must be paid before Dec. Ist. The penalty is SSO for failure to pay. Every dog must wear a tag. Respectfully, jvCHAS. D. STORY Sheriff of Alamance County. October f>, 1919. i-° - Men and Boys! Let Us Fit You Up From Head to Foot We Have For Yon Shoes—Dress and Heavy—to Suit the occasion. Clothing, Overcoats, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Under wear-everything for men. For the Rainy Day let us sup-. ply you with Raincoats, Um brellas and Overshoes. * We fit up the Boys just the same as we do the men. Crawford & McAdams, * Graham, N. C. Ilillifitif r I 1 Used 4Q Years | CARDIii 1 The Woman's Tonic J X Sold Everywhere 2 P»jr yokr Dog Tax on or jefore: WhtlTftrrlst and save the $50.00 / Carter Glass Named As Virginia Senator Itirhmond. V.»„ Sov. tS.— Appo'nt raciii •■( Secretary Gil** to the I'niit-il States Sen it>'t > eueceelthe late '1 human 8. Martin. nnl the ao ieeptance »f Mr. Olias wore an- jnouneed tonight hy LrKov | affile to Oo ernor Dnvii, . Senator Mar'ln has Just h??n. r"- 1 elected and hi* erm does iluL ex i pire > nlil 1925. "riie tic', mi of Sen ators by popular vot •, ho.i'e\ err,, leaves the flovernor ftiii power t r Ull the vacancy uti'il the elerlura'e fan do NO. Mr. UI:I»H in Lvnehburji in the western part .f the Sf > l >n , far from Mr. Ala; tin's home in Ohar j lottesville. He was n rf*. ... . i Congrr-fs before taking the Treas ury portfolio," and as riiHi.-m m .t? 'the House banktnt com nitte? toV' I a leading part In framing and i passing the Pederif reserve law. ! His business is that of publishing a 1 newspaper. ONE GAME raonSs CAITT PUY " ' STEEL MASTER IEGAN TO SAVE WHEN YOUNG r~ — That Succeee Lay In Sound Investment—Safest Security in World It Now Offered By Government. Androw Carnegie died not long ago. leaving behind him $30,000,000. He had given away about $300,000,000 In an effort to avoid the reproach of dying rich. It I* probable that the high cost of living gave the "steel master" little worry during the latter half of his llfx, but It is certain that to his boy hood the prices of the nin—aries of life were vital factors. Am 4 Andrew Carnegie In his early year* met the cost of living with the same remedy which America's leaders, headed by President Wilson, are now patting forth as the bislc principle of the fight lo withstand the menace that lurks in the soaring prices of today. That remedy Is thrift—the practice of eavlng, the elimination of waste and Round Investment. In the days when Andrew Carnegie, 14 years old, earnet $1.20 a week as n bobbin boy In an Allegheny City cotton mill, and later when he earned $11.25 a month as a telegraph mes eonjor boy, the cost of living meant rauch to him. He had little margin for saving. Rut be did save. There were few opportunities for the small saver to make safe Investments. Se curities were not issned in small de nominations. There were no Thrift Stamps or War Savings Stamps, barked kf the »ev*mment, Into which ♦he meager proceeds of the Scotch boy's thrift could be ennverted, Ilut Andrew Carnegie at the age of *0 determined upon safe investment. The soundest securities that offered ware 10 eliare* of stesA in an express oonipany werth SOOO. Carnegie had to borrow part of the money be paid. Ilut he wan convinced that savings ly ing Idle were not performing their proper function. The American man or woman, boy* or girl of today does not have to bor- M( to add lo the savings fund in or -4* to And safe Investment. The gov ernment makes seund security In the torm of Savings Stamps, Trtasury Savings Certificates, and war bonds available to every saver who will be gin to practice thrift by the regular In vestment of supis as small as 25 OSDtS. Hvery American today has a better opportunity for suecess than lay be fore Andrew Carnegie when he faced the world. NOW AND THEN Wbit I* a dollar? Foollah jue»- Nnu —jrou say? Not at all the** day* of H. C. L and profiteering. ('•Plainly a dollar Isn't what It wa* tan yearn ago. It lan't what it will be five runes from now. A dollar fa what you can g*t for It In beans, butterflle* or bunk—no more, no IMIB. A dollar wouldn't be worth anything If you oouldn't get anything for it. Ten year* ago you bought, aay. bunk at one dollar a portion. Now bunk roaU two dollar*. That dnein't mean It ha* doubled In val ue It. mean* that your dollar I* worth halt what It wai ten year* ago. Thl* I*, therefore, not the time to spend too many of your dollar*, They will bring you only half of what they aro worth. Thl* is the time to are them. They will bring more later on. That I* the hl*tory of dollar*. Val ue* run In cycle*. A* *uraly a* yon live (Ire year* a dollar will be worth more than It I* now. Maybe twice a* muh 80 wh*n you *ave a dollar now you are perhap* saving two dollar*. Treat dollar* a* you would any other commodity. Bwy them when they are cheap. Btick every dollar you can Into War Saving* Stamp*. Carrying 4 per cent Internet compounded quarterly, a War Having* Stamp bought thl* month for {4.2! will be worth 15 Janilary 1. 1524. By IM4 If the lollar la worth twice aa much a* It U not you will teally have ten dollar* for the 14 COLDS breed Spread INFLUENZAVM) KILL THE COLD ONCE WITH BILL'S CASCARA^QIJININE L fiHOMIDt Standard cold remedy far W nin —4a HUM lorm—u4«, raff, aa optei*"brwk* up a cold la M boim—reliern (rip in S dart. back it it fail*, taa K«aula« boa hat a *«d I f I. II '"P with Mr. Hill'a AWIMw picture. si/ At Attthm Bm ■■ Pay your Dog Tax on or jefore Decom>er Ist and save the $50.00 Penalty. BUY THRIPT STAMPS, SAVING GROWS EASIER AS HABIT TAKES HOLD Young People Must Be Brought U Realization of What Future Means to Those Who Bpend Wlaaly. It Is easier to spend money than It Is to pave. It is also more fun—at first. But money that ii spent does not work for you. It Is gone, and la working for somebody else. It is as hard to make young people realize the necessity of saving as It is to make them realize that they are not always going to be young. It Is so easy to be young and reckless. But habits of thrift have to be taught. They also have to be formed by practice. That means that the ris ing generation must be taught to cap italize Its youth, and In childhood shown how to distribute and allot such income as It may have. " That Indeed, is a large part of civ ilization. The savage lives today. The civilized man lives today with an eye upon tomorrow In order that tomor row may be as secure as today he saves some of today's goods for to morrow's uae. The war taught many people how to save; it taught other people how to spend. The wise spender Is tha wise saver, but the emphasis la on the "wise" and not on the "spending." Education In thrift Is an education In good citizenship and In good mor als. The person who la being taught j I* save Is also being taught to fore cast the future and to make tomorrow better because of wise living today. The government of the United States is offering to men, women and chil dren the opportunity to threat savings In safe and profitable securities. ARE YOU A CAPITALIST? j The dictionary defines a "capital ist" as one who has a "pecuniary surplus." The dictionary is wrong. A capitalist is one who has a pecu niary surplus "which is Invested." Are you a capitalist? You are If you are buying War Savings Stamps or Treasury Savings Certlflcatea. Thay represent "pecu niary surplus" or, In simple English, "savings," and thay make your money work by bringing to you 4 per cent In terest, compounded quarterly. Are you a capltalst? Secretary of Commerce Redfleld re cently said to the Cleveland advertis ing men, "There are 84,000,000 sub scribers to our Liberty Loans. I sus pect that many a factory is manned, as I know somo government service* are, by a force from top to bottom of capitalist*, In varying degrees, but not the less really." Doa't kick about the high cost of living. Beat It by trimming your aalls and buying War Savings Stamps. The oapltallsta are not kicking about the high cost of living. Why? Because they have moifey at work. Cut your expenses to the bona. In vest In War Savings Stamps. Be a capitalist SCOTCH 80NGS TO DATK If a body meet a body Coming through the rye: If a body save a dollar i Why, than, bya and bye, When the shiftless people ho'.'.e* "Money's Scarce and tight!" . He who saves the nimble dollar, ' Will coma through all right! . Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never come to mind? Why, aol unless he la a sot I And better left behind. | But one thing you must not format. 1 A thing more true than funny: "When your mind on eavlng's aet It's easy saving money!" Knowing War Savings Stamp* art a good Invaatmant won't do you any good unless you back up the know! j edge with your money. : Follow the example of rich men II ; you would be rich. They make theli ; mono/ work tor them. You can do II jby buying War Savings stamps NO GRAY HAIRS NOW I You need not have abit of gray ' hair now. You can do Just as ; thousands ot our best people have, 1 nnd bring a natural, uniform, dark I shade to your gray or faded .resses ' in a simple and healthful manner by applying Q-ban Hair Color Re storer at once. Have handsome, soft, luxuriant hair. Aoply Q-ban; ready to use; guaranteed harmless —only 50c a large bottle at Hayea Drug Co.'a and alt other good drug stores. Money baek If not satis fled. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Soap. Q-ban Liquid Shampoo. /\l Try See the Sheriff before December lat and pay your Btate and County Tax and get the discount. . Rounding Up the "Reds." I Seattle, Wash., Nov. 14.—Federal ] officers today raided the offices ol the Seattle Unijn Record, seized | the entire plant and arrested sev eral'employees, E. B. Ault, Che eJl tor among them. United States District At orn?y Robert C. Saundera saiJ ths ofuce 1 was raided on instructions" from Washington, D. C. •' The Record, editorially, ycsterd.iy said the rlot;ng at Centralis wu •'the result of a long series of ille gal" acts by the dead former sol diers themselves. Federal officials also seized ths plant of the Equity Printing Com pany and arrested Wal'or C. Smith, editor of the International Weekly, which Is printed at the Equity shop. Smith was charged with violating the espionage act. Governor L. F. Hart of Washing ton jinnffunced ha would stdrt a ■fltsrte-xyide campaign to wipe- out Industrial Workers of the World, Bolsheviki and other radicals and called upon all state officials to co operate in the work with Federal and county officials. The governor received messages asking him to . convene the legislatjra to pass stringen' aiiti-Indi-striai Workers of the World laws. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with V. /infer? & Doesn't hurt a bit ! Drop a little Frcezone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yes, magic ! A tiny bottle of Freczone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is suffi cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful. See the Sheriff before December Ist and pay your State and County Tax and get the discount. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' in a "Bayer package," containing propei direction for Colds, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cast few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture af Monoacetic acidester of Salicylicacid. Pay your Dog Tax on or oeforo December Ist and save th™ sso.t)o Penally. You Can Cure That Backache. Pain along the back, dizziness, headache and gennerai languor. Get n pscknge or Mother Qray's Auntmltn l.oaf, the pleasant root and herb oure tor Kldnoy, Illsdder and Urinary troubles. Whon you feel uII rundown, tired, weak and without energy use (his remarkable combination frature. herbs and ruoU. As a regulator It han na qual. Mother Orxy's Australian Le»f Is sold by Druggist* or sent by mall Tor Mcgi sample sent free. Address. The Mother Uray Co.. Le Kov. N. V Condition to Avoid. The dangerous moment In life comes when men begin to over-vulue the past at the expense of the pres ent. It Is the moment of religions controversies, for ancestor worship, for narrowing In, for exalting one set of people nnd excluding another. When we reach It, It means thnt we are growing old. But we need never reach It.—Exchange. Croup Threatens Quick (elief of baby'i croup often forMtall* ■ wrioui ritouion when thu dreaded diicre comet in the Lite houii of nifht. ©VA®HH§ WILL rtrj sum mz aoma iae Ul'f cMfiwiM. When Croa TfcriMwu. iki 4thf btt«J aht nbM «*Q Imo bttbr'i tkrwm. IwtliWmliniwwii.ij.. T*. L >■«•' o» ««t HTV innlli^n^i ■OtPf MtHtatlLMl >ll 4nt MM ar MM I'rcatl bf g Helps 1M ! Women mm Cardui, the woman's H jta tonic, helped Mrs. WU- I liam Eversole, of Hazel V Patch, Ky. Read what j she writes: "1 had a B dfm general breaking-down of my health. I was In HVi bed for weeks, unable to Mpfl 'jfl get up. 1 had such a BP Mm weakness and dizziness, uW ... and the pains were 11 ■A very severe. A friend AH ■m toid me 1 had tried every- Yl %l thing else, why not Cardui?... I did, and WM* soon saw it was helping Wttm me ... After 12 bottles, lam strong and well." JMM ® TAKE The Woman's Tonic M Do you feel weak, diz- mmm Mm zy, worn-out? Is your l« MM lack of good health caused Hr from any of the com- yl plaints so common to WM a|H women? Then why not wK* give Cardui a trial? It rSM should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands ot other women who suffered— it I |B should help you back to P®r! MP Ask some lady friend H| ■H who has. taken Cardui. Hajj ■0 She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. b2^ K AD Druggists F « 111 111 ill! i noosEHiri CWrj IETTERB JOHN FOX'S Last Novel ;| lIHNRY VAN DYKE In Every Number A: e three of the | important features in SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE ! Subscribe for the year mow through your local agent or send $4.00 to r- b ner'i Magazine ."if h Ave., New York City BUY THRIFT STAMPS. Three Years of Test on Every Kind of Road Men famous for their success in the great automobile industry, men experienced in the design and building of the finest cars, are tne men who conceived and developed and are now manufacturing in large numbers the new Cleveland Six. Their skill and sincerity are built into this car. The Gevcland Six, new to the We want you to get acquainted general public but tested for with the Cleveland Six. We . nearly three years in the shops want you to know what a car it and laboratory and on the road, is. We want you to realize, to andbuiltnowinthemostmodern convince yourself, before you of automobile plants, brings order a new car, what unusual power and comfort and beauty value in power, comfort, beauty, of design at a price others have endurance and economy this car not approached. offers. * pfiJfe&L—- 1 CF. O. B. Factory.) PIEDMONT MOTOR SALES CO. Graham, N. C. «/ CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO Summons by Publication NORTn CAROLINA— Alamance County. In the Superior Court, - Before the Clerk. Mt£. Hattie F. Warren, Plaintiff, vs . (Gertrude Tingen and her husband, X. H. Tingen; Novella Pettijrew and her husband Lem Petti grew; Mattle Warwick ana her muband, Will Warwick; Georgw Poster and her husband, Mack Foster; Louisa Warrren ana her husband, James Warren; Maoel Warwick and her husband, Luther Warwick. The defendants above named, es pecially Luther Warwick, Mitt' Warwick ana Will Warwick, 110,1- residents of this State, will take notice that an action entitiad aj above has commenceJ in the Superior Court of Alamance ty, North Carolina, before tha Clerk, for the purpose of allotting Dower to the above plilntiff, widow oi John Warren, late deceased, of A 1 • amance county, North Cflroiinl. and the said defendants, espeaially Luther Warwick, will further take notice that they aft Required to appear before the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Alamince county Nprth Carolina, at his office in Gr 1- ham, on or before the 12th day of December, 1919, and answer or de- Imur to the petition and complaint filed in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition, or complaint. This November 12, 1919. D. J. WALKER, C. S. C„ Alamance County. W. H. CARROLL, Atty. Summons by Publication North Carolina— Alamance County,; In the Superior Court, Eefore the Clerk. ■ John Pinnix, Adm'r of Mint Pinnix, dec'd vs. Emma Pinnix, Miranda Pinnlx and others, and James-Walker. All of the above named respondents, and especially James Walker, one of the heirs, will take notice that a special proceeding, entitled as above, has been commenced In the Superior Court of Alamance' county, N. C., before the Clerk, for the purposo of ask ing an order of the said court decreeing the sale of the real property of which said Mint Pinnix dlod seized and possessed, sHuate In Alumanco county, North Carolina, and being the lot known as his home place, near Bur lington, N. C., for the purpose of creating assets to pay the debts of his estate. And the uald James Walker will further ' take notice that he is required to appear at 1 the oflloe of the clerk of the Bupeilor Court of Alamance county, at the court house In Qrabam. N 0., on Monday, Dec mber Btb, 1919; and answer or demur to petition tiled in this cause by the plaintiff, or he will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. Done this the otb day of November, 1919. D. J. WALKER, C. tt. C. I'AHKER At LONG, Atty a. 6nov4t —For 81.65 you can get both The Progressive Farmer and THE ALA MANCE GLEANER for one year. Hand or mail to us at Graham and we will eee that the papers are sent. For Sale. One two-horse wagon nearly new. One good work horse, cheap. Ap ply to DR. WILL S. LONG, Graham, N. C. PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent please send us a model or sketclir with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business is strictly con fidential, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS, WASHINGTON. D. C. BUY THRIFT STAMPS. Trustee's Sale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on January 261h, 1918, by Mrs. ( Bailie Sum mers Harrison and husband, R. J. Harrison, for the purpose of se curing the payment of four certain bonds of even date therewith, which deed of trust is recorded in the Public Registry of Alamance county in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 73, at page 264, default having been made in the payment of said bondß and the interest thereon, the under, signed trustee will, on MONDAY, DEC. 1, 1919, nt twelve o'clock, noon, offer for tiale at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, in Graham, N. G\, a certain tract or paieel of laud lying in Boon Station township, Alamance coun ty, North Carolina, on the south west side of Haw River, aud bounded as follows: Beginning at a locust tree at or near Haw River at the bridge, a corner between Peter and George Summers, and running thence north deg SV 9 chs to a stone; thence N 87 deg W 35 chs to a cherry tree; thence in a direct line to a whiteoak; thence N 87£ deg E 13 chs and 7 links to a stake iu the big road; thence S £ deg Ell chs and 40 liuks to a stake; thence N deg E 22 chs to a gum on Haw river, a corner on Mary Walker's (formerly Abner James' corner); thence up said river as it meauders to the beginning, making by estimate one hundred acres, more or less. This Oct. 30th, 1919. Alamance Ins. & RealJSstate Co., Trustee. E. S. W. Dameron, Att'y. Land Sale! Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court made 111 a special proceeding therein pend ing, entitled Vincent and others vs. Marie Johnaou and others, whereto all the tenants in common of tie real property hereinafter described, are constituted par ties, the undersigned commissioner will offer for tale to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, at the court hunse door, in Graham, on SATURDAY, NOV. 29, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described real property, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land situ ated In the town of Mebane, North Carolina, adjoining the lands or the late Calvin Tate, W, H. Lasley, and others, and containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less; and upon whloh Snencer Vincent lived at the time of his death, and bis widow, Laura Vincent, has since lived upon stJd lands. For a more complete description see Hick of Deeds, Al amance county. No. 10, page 656 Terms of Bale : Purchaser to pay one-hnlf of his bid in cash and the other half within six months from date of confirmation. De ferred payment to bo evidenced by the bond of the purchaser bearing interest at six per cqut. from date of confirmation. Hale subject to confirmation by the court, Title to b* re talned until tiie purchase price is fully paid. Tbis October 27, 1919. J. ELMER LOfcG.ComT. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Chnrch with historical references. An interesting volume —nicely print ed and boand. Price per copy: cloth, s2.oo;gilt top, 12. 50. By mail 20c extra. Orders umy be sent to P. J. Keiwodlb, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, V*. Orders mav be left at this office.

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