VOL. XLV a aKßSfcssssriPsrs •) f« '• "ore; It clauses, softens and Ywtf looseni the acmto im stimulates ft f the hair to normal healthy growth. * fi fit *"*»sLo i I For taU km under a tHotMy'bick jmTmfifgw Grtbam Drag Co. Hayes Drag Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN 4# HENDERSON AttMHWJrt-Uw GRAHAM* N. C. DOto. *r« IWto-IBokdtt— J", S- COOK, Atteraey-et- Law, GRAHAM. V. ( 09m Patterson Building Sooood Tlaor. . , . /. DR. WILL S. LOiN'G, JR. . DtNTIBT . . . QraM«. - - - - Nerth Carolina OFFICE IM RIMMONS BUILDING i AQOB A. LOKO. J. KLKUt LONO LONG * LONG, Attorney* and Ooonaalora at taw OUHIM, N. 0. Jas. H. Rich W. Ernest Thorn peon Rich I Thompson: Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calk answered anywhare day or night Day "Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jan. H. Rich 54#-W - '• DIfiESTONEINE't Nature's Restorative, mitt Up. Not only ufln • nil ncartoam. Lnmnttt, Sleepiest- Best, etc., but builds up sppebte and am lttprorlnc la health sine* I • bean taklaa year medicine. It helped me no mneh. I can't teU trssssrsfz islsF ,lw WILLIS TOWNS, Hanson. Ho. Oar. IHtnkmtu mm mm* BACK For furthsr oooriado« FACTS, ns HAYEB DRUG COMPANY, ORAHAM, N. C.* 1 * rtgi BLANK i BOOKS Journals, Ledgers, Day Books, Time Books, Tally Books, Orderßooks, Large Books, SnukU Books, Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket t Miao., Ac, Ac. Far lalaAf The Gleaner Priattaa OUcc GrahasOsNaC. C ASTORIA Far Infants sad ChUna la Us»For Over 30 Years St-;. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER MIIL KM 10 THEJMS SUBJECTS CHIEFLY TOUCHER UPON ARE COST OP LIVING AND I.ABOR UNREBT. KESSA6E LATER CN TREATY Readjustment of Tariff System If Neceeeary; Recognition and Relief of Soldlera of World War. Washington.—General recommenda tions on legislation to combat the cost o* living, labor unrest, radical ism and readjustment of nation to peace time bpels were the features of President Wilson's annual mes sage to congress. The peace treaty, the President told congress, will be discussed in a sep arate message later, as will the rall ro*4 question. For the second time only, since the President established the practice of addressing congress In person, his message was read by the clerks. "The establishment of the principles regarding labor, laid down in the cov enant of the league of nations," said the message, "offers us the waV to in dustrial peace and conciliation. No other road lies open to Un. * * * Gov ernments must recognize the right of men to bargain collectively tor hu mane objects. • • • Labor must no longer be treated as a commodity." "The right of individuals to strike is Inviolable," continued the message, "and ought not to be Interferred with by any process of government, but there Is a predominant right and that is the right of the government to pro tect all of Its people and to assert its power and majesty against the chal lenge of any class." The President was referring to the government's recent injunction against the coal strike. The message closed with a pointed reference to radicalism and red doc trines, and referred to "Russia today with Its blood and terror" as a "pain ful object lesson of the power of ml noritiee." "There are those In this cpuntry," said the message, "who threaten direct action to force their will upon a ma jority. * * • It makes little difference what minority It Is; whether capital or labor, or any other class; no sort of privilege will ever be permitted to dominate this country." Orderly processes, the message de clared, were the only ones by which relief and reform should be obtained. "Those who would propose any other method of reform are enemies of this country," the message said, e • • "Let them bew.are who take the shorter road of disorder and revolu tion." The text of the President's message follows: To the Senate and House of Represen tatives: I sincerely regret that I cannot be present at the opening of this session of the congress. I am thus prevented from presenting in ae direct a way as I could wish the many questions that Sfe .pressing for solution at this time. Happily, I have had the advantage of the advice of the heads of the several executive departments, who have kept in close touch with affairs In their de tail and whose thoughtful recommen dations I earnestly second. In the matter of the railroads and the readjustment of their affairs grow ing out of federal control, I shall take the liberty at a later date of address ing you. i I hope that congress will bring to a conclusion at this session legislation looking to the establishment of a budget system. That there should be one single authority responsible for the making ot all appropriations and that appropriations should be made not Independently ot each other, but with reference to one elngle compre hensive plan ot expenditure properly related to the nation's Income, there can be no doubt. I believe the bur den ot preparing the budget must. In the nature ot the case, If the work Is to be properly done and responsibil ity concentrated Instead of divided, rest upon the executive. The budget eo prepared should be submitted to Ud approved or amended by a sin gle committee of each house of con gress and no single appropriation shoo)d be made by the congress, ex cept such as may have been included In the budget prepared by the execu tive or added by the particular com mittee of congress charged with the budget legislation. Another and not less Important as pect of the problem Is the ascertain ment of the economy and efficiency with which the moneys appropriated are espended. Under existing law the onljL audit Is for the purpose of ascer whether expenditures have lawfully made under the appro priatlons No one le authorised or to aecertain whether the money has been epent wisely, eco nomically and effectively. The au ditors sbonld be highly trained offi cials with permanent tenure In the,, treasury department, free from obll gatioaa to or motivee of consideration tor thla or subsequent administration, and aathorlxed aad empowered to ex amine Into aad make report upon the SMtbods employed and the reiulte oh *tf*fd by the executive departments 1 °» U»e government. Their reports , ahould be made to the congrees and •• the secretary of the treasury. I trust that the congress will give its immediate consideration to the prob lem of future taxation. Simplification of tho income and profits taxes be come aa immediate aeceselty. These tsxas performed indispensable eervice during the war. They must, however, be simplified, not only to save the tax fayar inconvenience apd expense, bat, certain and definite. •With reference to the details of the revenue law, the secretary of the treasury and the commissioner of in ternal revenue will Jay before you for your consideration certain amend ments necessary or desirable in con nection with the administration of the lew—recommendations which have my approval and support. It- is of the ut most Importance that In dealing with this matter the present law should not be disturbed so far as-regards taxes for the calendar year 1920, pay able In the calendar year 1921. The congress might well consider whether the higher fates of Income and profits can in peace times be effectively pro ductive of revenue and whether they may not, on (,he contrary, be destruc tive of business activity and produc tive of waste And Inefficiency. There is a point at which in peaoe times, high rates of income and profit taxes discourage energy, remove the Incen tive to new enterprises, encourage extravagant expenditures and produce Industrial stagnation with consequent unemployment and other attendant evils. The problem Is not an eaßy one. A fundamental change has taken place wltlr reference to tho position ot America In the world's affairs. The prejudice and passions ongendered de cades of controversy between two schools of political and economic thought—the one believers in protec tion ot American industries, the other believers In tariff for revenue only must be subordinated to the single' consideration of the public Interest In the light of utterly changed condi tions. Before the war America was heavily, the debtor of the rest of the world and the interest payments she had to make to foreign countries of American securities held abroad, the expendi tures of American travelers abroad, and the ocean freight ctyirges she had to pay to others, about balanced the value of her pre-war favorable balan oe of trade. During the war Ameri ca's exports have been greatly stimu lated, and Increased prices have in creased their value. On the other hand, she has purchased a large pro portion of the American securities previously held abroad, loaned some $9,000,000,000 to foreign governments, and has built her own ships. Our fa-, vorable balance of trade has thus been greatly increased, Europe has been deprived of the means for meet ing it, heretofore existing. Europe can only have three ways of meelthg the favorablo balance of trade in peace times: By Imports Into this country of gold or of goods, or by es tablishing new credits. Europe is in no position at the present time gold to us, nor could we contemplate large further Importß of gold into this country without concern. The time has nearly passed for International governmental loans, and it will take time to develop In this country'a mar ket for foreign securities. Anything, therefore, which would tend to pre vent foreign countries from settling for our exports by shipments of goods into this country could only have the effect of preventing them from pay ing for our exports from being made. The productivity of the country great ly stimulated by the war must find an outlet by exports to foreign countries, and any measure taken to prevent im ports will Inevitably curtail exports, force curtailment of production, load the banking machinery of our country with credits to carry unsold products and produce Industrial stagnation and unemployment. If we want to sell we must bis prepared to buy. Whatever, therefore, may have been our views during the period of growth of Amer ican business concerning tariff legisla tion, we must now adjust out* own economic lives to a changed condition growing out of the fact that Ameri can business is full grown nncl that America is the greatest capitalist in the world. No policy of isolation will satisfy the growing needs and opportunities of America. The provincial standards and policies of the past, which have held American business as if In a straight jacket, must yield and give way to the needs and exigencies of the new day in which we live, a day full of hope and promise for American business. If we will but take advan tage of the opportunities that are for the asking. The recent war has ended our great Isolation and thrown upon us a great duty and "responsibil ity. The United States must share the expanding world market. The United States desires for Itself only equal opportunity with the other nations of the world, and that through the pro cess of friendly co-operation and fair competition the legitimate Interests of the nations concerned may be suc cessfully and equitably adjusted. There are other matters of Impor tance upon which I urged action at the last session of congress which are still pressing for solution. I am sure It Is net necessary for me again to re mind you that there Is one Immediate and very practicable question result ing from the war which we should meet !si tte most liberal spirit. It Is a matter of recognlt'on and relief to our soldiers. I esn ill no tetter than ta quota from tay last meisage urging this vary action: "We must soe to it that our re turning soldiers are assisted in every practicable way to find the places for Which they are fitted in the dally work of the country. This can be done by developing and maintaining upon an adequate scale the admirable organi sation created by the department of labor for placing men seeking work; and K can also be doi.e, In at least one very great field, by ' reatlng new opportunities for Individual enterprise. The secretary of the interior has pointed out the was by which re turning soldiers may be helped to And and take up land lb the hitherto undeveloped regions of the country which the federal government has al ready prepared or can readily prepare for cultivation and also on many ot the cutover or neglected areas wblch lis within the limits of the older statiss; and I once more take the lib erty of racommending very urgently that his.plans shall receive the imme diate and substantial support of the •sagrsas." i; GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1919 In the matter ot tariff legislation, I beg to call your attention to the statements contained In my last mae tata urging legislation with reference to the establishment of the chemical and dyestuffs industry In America. "Among the lndustrlee to which spe clal consideration should be given Is that ot the manufacture ot dyestuffs and related chemicals. Our complete dependence upon German supplies be fore the war made the Interruption ot trade a cause of exceptional economic disturbance. The close relation be tween the manufacture of dyestuffs, on the one hand, and of explosives and poisonous gases, on the other, more over, has given the industry an ex ceptional significance and value. Al though the United States will gladly and unhesitstlngly join in the program of international disarmament, It will, nevertheless be a policy of obvloue prudence to make certain of the suc cessful maintenance ot many strong and well-equipped chemical plants. The German chemical Industry, with which we will be brought Into compe tition, was and may well be again, a thoroughly knit monopoly capable ot exercising a competition of a pecu liarly Insidious and dangerous kind." During the war the farmer perform ed vital and willing service to the nation. By materially Increasing the production of his land, he supplied America and the allies with tho in creased amounts of food necessary to keep their Immense armies in the field. He indispensably helped to win the war. But there Is now scarcely less need of Increasing the production In food and the necessaries of life. I ask consider means of enprfuraglng efforts along these lines. ,Tne importance of doing everything possible to promote the production along economical lines, to Improve marketing and to make rural life more attractive and healthful, Is obvious. I would urge approval ot the plans al ready proposed to the congress by the secretary of agriculture to secure the essential facts required for the proper study of this question, through the proposed enlarged programs for farm management studies and crop esti mates. I would urge also the contin uance ot federal participation In the building of good roads, under the terms of existing laws and under the direction of present agencies; the need of further action op the part of the states and the federal government to preserve and develop our forest re sources, especially through the prac tice of better forestry methods on pri vate holdings and the extension of the publicly owned forests; better support for country schools and the more definite direction of their courses of study along lines related to rural problems; and fuller provision for sanitation in rural districts and the building up of needed hospital and medical facilities in these localities. Perhaps the way qflght be cleared for many of these desirable reforms by a fresh comprehensive survey made of rural conditions by a confer ence composed of representatives of the farmers and of the agricultural agencies responsible for leadership. I would call your attention to the widespread condition of political rest lessness in our body pontic. The causes of this unrest, while various and complicated, are superficial rath er than deep-seated. Broadly, they arise from or are connected with the failure on the part of our government to arrive speedily at a Just and per manent peace permitting return to normal conditions, from tIW transfu sion ot radical theories from seeth ing European centers pending such delay, from heartless profiteering re sulting In the Increase of the cost of living and lastly, from the machlnn tlons of passionate and malevolent agitators. With the return to normal conditions, the unrest will rapidly dis appear. In the meantime It does much evil. It seems ,to me that In dealing, with this situation £ongros* should not be Impatient or drastic, but should seek rather to remove the causes. It should endeavor to bring our country back speedily to a peace basis, with ameliorated living condi tions under the minimum of restric tions upon personal liberty that Is consistent with our reconstruction problems. And it should arm the fed eral government with power to deal In its criminal courts with those per sons who, by violent methods would abrogate our time-tested Institutions. With the free expression of opinion and with the advocacy of orderly po- Uclcal change, however fundamental, there must be no Interference, but to wards passion and malevolence tend ing to Incite crime and Insurrection under guise of political evolution there should be no leniency. Legis lation to this end has been vecon> mended by the attorney general and should be enacted. In this direct con nection; I would call your attention to my recommendations on August t pointing out legislative measures which would be effective In controll ing and bringing down the present cost of living, which contributes so largely to this unrest. On only one of these recommendations has the congress acted. If the government's campsign Is to be effective It Is nec essary that the other steps suggested should.be acted on at once. I renew and strongly urge the ne cessity of the extension of the present food control act as to the period of time In which It shall remain in oper ation. The attorney general has sub | mltted a bill providing for an exten sion of this act for a period of si* ! months. As It now stands It Is 11m i Ited In operation to the period of the war and becomes inoperative upon the I formal proclamation of peace. It Is I Imperative that It should be extended at once. The department of Justice has built up extensive machinery for , the purpose of enforcing Its provls j Ions; all of which must be abandoned i upon the conclusion of peace unless I the provisions ot this act are ex ! tended. i During this period the congress will I have an opportunity to make similar, permanent provisions and regulations to sll goods destined for interstate commerce and to exclude them from Interstate shipment. If the requlre- I menu of the law are sot complied with. Some' such regulation Is Im peratively necessary. The abuses that have grown up (n the manipulation of prices by the withholding of foodstuffs and other necessariee ot life cannot .otherwise be effectively prevented. There can be no doubt ot either the necsslty or the legitimacy ot' such measuros. • As I pointed out in my last mes sage, publicity can accomplish a great deal In thla campaign. The alma ot the government must be clearly brought to the attention of the con suming public, clvks organisations aad state officials who are In a position to lend their assistance to our efforts. You have made available funds with which to carry on this campaign, bnt there is no provision in the law au thorising their expenditure tor ths purpose of making the public fully In formed about the efforts ot the gov ernment. Specific recommendation lias been made by the attorney gen eral In this regard. I would, strongly urge upon you Its Immediate adoption, as it. constitutes one ot the prelimi nary steps to this campaign. I also renew my recommendation that the congress past a law regulat ing cold storage as It is regulated, for example, by the laws ot the state at New Jersey, which limit the time dur ing which goods may be kept la ator> age, prescribe the method of dlsposlag ot them It kept beyond the period per mitted, and require that goods releaa ed for storage shall In all casea bear the date of their receipt. It would ma terially add to (he serviceability of the law, for the purpose we now have In view, It It were also prescribed that all goods released from storage far Interstate shipment should have plain ly marked upon each package ths sell ing or market price at which they went into storage. By this meane the purchase would always be able to learn whir profits stood between him and the producer or the wholesale dealer. I would also renew my recommen dation that all goods destined for In terstate commerce should In every case, where their form or package makes It possible, be plainly marked with the price at which they lett ths hands of the producer. We should formulste a law requir ing a federal license ot all corpora tions engaged In, interstate commerce committee and embodying In the 11- cense, or In the conditions under which it Is to be Issued, specific reg ulations designed to secure competi tive selling end prevent unconscion able profits In the method of market ing. Such a law would affor# a wel come opportunity to effect other much needed reforms In the business of in terstate shipment and In methods of corporations which are engaged in It; but for the moment I confine my rec ommendations to the object imme diately in hand, which Is to lower the cost of living. No one who has observed the march ot events in the last year can tall to note the absolute need of a definite program to bring about an Improve ment In the conditions of labor. There can be no settled conditions leading to Increased production and a reduction In the cost ot livt.lg If labor and cap ital are to be antagonists Instead of partners. Sound thinking and an hon est desire to serve the Interests of the whole nation, as distinguished from the 'interests of a class, must be applied to tho solution of this great and pressing problem. The fail ure of other nations to consider this matter In a vigorous wsy has pro duced bitterness and Jealousies and antagonisms, the food of radicalism. The only way to keep men from agi tating against grievances le to re movo tho grievances. An unwilling ness even to discuss these matters produces only dissatisfaction and gives comfort to the extreme ele ments In our country which endeavor to stir up disturbances In order to provoke governments to embark upon a course of retaliation and repression. The seed of revolution Is repression, j Tho remedy for these things must not be negative In character. It must be eonstiuetlve. It must comprehend the treneral Interest. The real antldst* for the unrest which manifests Itself Is not suppression, but a deep consider atlon of the wrongs that beset our a* tional life and the application of S remedy, Congress has already shown its willingness to desl with these Indus trial wrongs by establlahlng the elght bour day as the standard In every field of labor. It has sought to find a wsy to prevent child labor. It haa served the whole country by lending the way In developing the means of preserving and safeguarding llvee and health In dangerous Industries. It must now help In the difficult taak ot flading a method that will bring about a gen uine democratization of Industry, based upon the full recognition of the right of those who work. In whatever rank, to participate la some organic way in every decision which directly effects their welfare. U la with this purpose In mind that 1 called a con fsrence to meet in Washington on De cember, to conelder theee problems in ail their broad aspects, with the Idea of bringing about a better under standing between these two Interests. The great unrest throughout the world, out of which has emerged a for an Immedlete considera tion of the dlfferencee between capital and labor, bids us to put our own house In order. Frankly, there can be no permanent and lasting settle ments between capital and labor which do not recognise the funda mental concepts for wblch febor hae bees straggling through tbe years. The whole world gave Ite recognition and endorsement to theee fundamen tal purposes In tbe league of nations. The statesmen gathered at Ver sailles recognised tbe fact that world stability could not be bed by reverting to ladustrisl standards aad conditions against which tbe average working maa of the world ha 4 revolted. It is, therefore, tbe task of the stateemen ot this new day of change and read justment to recognise world conditions and to seek to bring about, through legislation, conditions that will mean the ending of age-long antagonleme between capital and labor aad that will hopefully lead to the .building up of ~e comradahip which will reealt set' only in greater con ten tas eat smnng the mass ot workmen bat else Mac shout s greater production sad s greater prosperity to business itself. To analyse the particulars In the demands of labor Is to admit the Jus tice of their complaint ia maay mat tore that lie at their baste. The work in aa dssssnds an adeqasts wage, suffi cient to permit him to live in comfort, unhampered by the fear ot poverty and want la hie old age. He demands the right to live and the right to work amidst sanitary surroundinge, both la heme sad in the workehep, surround-, lags that develop and do not retard ' his own health and well-being; and the right to provide for his children's wants In the matter of health and edu- • cation. In other words, It Is his de slre to make the conditions of hie life aad the llvee ot thoee dear to him tolerable aad easy to bear. The eetebllehment of the priaciplee regardlag labor laid down ia the cove nant ot the league of nations otters | us the war to Industrial peace and ; eeaclllatloa * No other road lies open to us. Not to pursue this one is long er to Invito enemltles, bitterness aad antagonisms which in the' end only ; lead to industrial and social dlsastsr. | The unwilling workman Is not a profl-! table servant An employee whoee life la hedged about by hard aad unjust eoadltloas, which he did not create aad over which he hae no control, lacks that flae spirit of enthusiasm and volunteer effort which are tho aeceseary ingredients ot greater pro-1 due lag entity. Lot ae be frank about this solemn matter. The evidences of world-wide unrest which manltsst themselves In violence throughout i the world bid uo pause and consider i tho means to be found to stop the { spread of thla contagions thing before ' It saps the very vitality of the nation I Itself. Do we gain etrength by with holding the remedy* Or Is it ndt tho business of etateamen to treat these manifestations of unrest which meet us on every hand ss evidences of an economic dleorder and to apply con-' structlve remedies wherever necee-» sary, belag euro that la the applica-1 tion ot the remedy we touch not the vital Ussuss ot our Industrial and eco nomic llfeT There can be no recession ot the tide ot unreet until construc tive lnstrumentalltlee are set up to stem that tide. Government must recognise the light ot men collectively to bargain for humane objects that have at their base the mutual protection and wel fare of thoee engeged In all Industries. Labor must not longer be treated aa a commodity. It must be regarded as the activity of human beings pos sessed of deep yesrnlngs and deslroe. The business man gives his best thought to the repair and replenish ment of his machinery, eo that its use fulness will not be impaired and its power to produce may always bo at Its height and kept In full vigor and motion. No less regard ought to bo paKTto the human machine, which after all propele the machinery ot the world and Is the great dynamic force that lies bsck of all Industry and progrees. Return to the old standards of wage and Industry In employment Is unthinkable. The terrible trsgedy of wer which has Just ended sad which lyu brought the world to the verge ot choae aad disaster would be In vain it there should ensue a return to the The Farmer's 1 Bank Account m With both labor and capital falsely branding the food producer as the high-cost-of-living profiteer, our farm ers must fight together under strong leaders if they are to continue to get a living wage for their labor. In our own county this bank will always stand for your prosperity. Nationally—internationally—the strong voice that is speaking for the American farmer today is lße COUNTRY GENTLEMAN J The farmer is not a profiteer, you will get in the next 52 big He hat earned his bank account, issues may make or save for you his credit rating, his home com- SIOO.OO to add to your savings, forts, by saving the world from If you have an account with us, . starvation. But the world is you can instruct us to charge it moving fast, and to keep in SI.OO for your year's subscrip weekly touch with farm condition. If you keep your surplus th* copy tions everywhere—to hold what cash under the old mattress send «very what « he has won—the farmer should us $ 1.00 for THE COUNTRY GEN regularly read THE COUNTRY TLEMAN. Or, better still, come in GENTLEMAN. The information and get acquainted— today. The National Bank of Alamance | Capital $50,000 J. L. SCOTT, JR., Phogc 530 President v Y o»nl»men ' /--It „ (1) Bec«UK- you know roe. enter my name for THK COUNTRY GRN-1 v -- au cn TUIUN for one year and charce the coat, SI.OO, to me. > { Cro^* Cha*. A. ScOtt (J) Here - imy( j o ii„ J**"* The (My Name) > National Bank of Alamance (Mr Addreaa) J Graham, N. C. ■ ~ _ -Ml (City) (State) 1 I conditions of the peat,. Europe Itaelf, whence has come the unrest which | now holds the world at bay. Is an ex ample of standpatlsm In these vital human matte re whleh America might well aceeyt aa an example, not to be tolloared bat studiously to be avoided, tturoye mule labor the differential, % and the price of it all is enmity anA antagonism aad prostrated industry. The right of labor to live In peace and comfort must be recognised by gov ernments and America should be the first to ley the foundation stones upon which Industrial peace shall be built. I Labor not only la entitled to an ade quate wage, but capital ahould receive n reasonable return "upon Its invest i ment and is entitled to protection at the handa of the government In every emergency. No government worthy of the name can "play" these ele ments against each other, tor there le a mutuality ot Interest between them which the government must seek to express and safeguard at all costs. I The right of the individual to strike ! Is Inviolate and ought not to be inter t fered with I>y any process ot govern ment, but there is a predominant right aad that is the right of the gov j ernment to protect all of Its people ! and to assart Its power and majesty egalnst the the challenge ot any claaa. The government, when it aaserta that I right, seeks not to antagonise a class but simply to defend the right ot a whole people against Irreparable harm and injury that might be done by the attempt by any class to usurp | a power that only government Itself has a right to exercise as protection to all. . In the matter ot International dls ' putes which have led to war, states { men have sought to set up as a rem | edy arbitration' for w«r. Does this j not point the wny for the settlement of Industrial disputes, by the estab lishment ot a tribunal, fair and Just silks to all, which will settle indue trial disputes which In the past have led to war and disaster? America, witnessing the evil consequences which have followed out of such dls ' putes between these contending forces ' must not admit Itaelf Impotent to deal with these matters by means of peace ful processeeilurely, there must be some method of bringing together In a council of peace and amity these two great Interests out ot which will come ' a happier day of peace and cooper*, tlon, a day that will make men more hopeful and enthusiastic In their vari ous tasks, that will make for more com fort and happiness in living and a more tolerable condition among all claeees of men. Certainly human Intelligence can devise some acceptable tribunal fqr adjusting the differences between capital and labor. This Is the hour of test and triad for America. By her prowess and strength, aad the indomitable courtge of her soldiers, she demonstrated her power to vindicate on foreign battlefields her conceptions of liberty end justice. Let not her Influence as a mediator be tween capital and labor be weakened and her own fnllure to settle matters of purely domestic concern be pro claimed to the world. There are those In this country who threaten direct ac tion to force their will upon a major ity. Russia today with Its blood and terror, Is a painful object leeson of the power of minorities. It makes llttls difference what minority it Is; wfaeth- NO. 43 •r capital or lalbor, or any other no sort of privilege will ever ted to dominate this country. We oH a partnership or nothing that Is worUjQH while. We are a democracy; wffere tkwH majority are the masters, or all bopes and purposes of the men wtosl founded this government have been jSgl feated and forgotten. In America that* J Is but one way by which great reformat can be accomplished and the relM j sought by claaaes obtained, and that la ' through the orderly processes of rep> resentatlre government. Those who would propose any other method of're. form are enemies of tbis oountryt America will not be daunted by threats nor lose her composure or calmness ia these distressing times. We can afford, c in the midst of this day of passion and unrest, to be self-contained and sure. The Instrument of all reform in Aimer* lea Is the ballot. The road to economic " ' and social reform in America is the straight road of justice to all classes and conditions of men. (Men hare but to follow this road to realise the full fruition of their objects and purpose#. Let those beware who would take the shorter road of disorder and revolution. The right road Is the road of justice, i and orderly process. This Is Better j] Than Lasnthret J One NR Tablet Each KfcHT For A Week M Will Correct Year Ur.Mipstion and T| Make Constant Doting Ufineees aary. Try It. • "m Poor digestion and assimilation mean n. poorly nourished body and low vitality. I'oor elimination me.ina clogged bowels, fermentation, pulri f act ion and tlio formation of poisonous "■ gases which nre abv.rhod by tlio blood "Si and carried through tho body. The result Is weakness, headaches, J dizziness, coated tongue, Inactive liver, , # bilious attacks loss of energy, nerv- 4 ousness, poor appetite, impoverished "M blood, sallow complel! 1, pimples, skin disease, and often times serious ill- ■ I nesa. Ordinary hxatlves, purges and nw 1 thsrti. • —ealts, oils, calomel and the I t like—rr.ay relieve for a fow hours, but real, lasting benefit can only come I ,-i through use of medicine that tonei 1 -;i up and strengthens the dlgcsllvo us , J Well as tlio elimlnatlve organs. i J Get a 2~0 box of Nature s Remedy j (Nil Table tj) and tako ono tablet each ■ night for a Week, Belief will follow the very first d«c, but r. few dayr«j| will c!a-se before you fecLand reuiigo V M tho fullest benefit. WliAl yo i f»fev fl ■ straightened out t>nl fo I ju. i rl;;ht \ I again via need* not tako modicum every day—on oocasion.il !m Tablet i 5 will t!icn keep your rystein In good | '4 condition a-d you t\-lil nlwnyn feel .-) your best. Remember, keeping well ii gS easier ar.d cheaper thin getting well. Nature's Remedy (.N'rt Tablets) ere sold, guaranteed and recommended by your druggist. I iHujUßllMll gitil immmmmMUiPFMl* GRAHAM DRUG COMPAVY,. OHAHAM, Ki C. For Sale. One two-horse wagon nearly n 'jraH One good work horse, cheap. ■ ''"A ply to DR. WILL 8. LONCI, Graham, V. C. f

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