Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of | - and has been made under his per- Slr 7 Bonal supervision since its infancy. >+UX~/K '■&4CM4/V! 1 ow no one to deceive you in this. j All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" axe but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its Age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising ther*from, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels,' aid the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacea-jßjtic Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought VALUABLE CITY and FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE DECEMBER 20th AT 10.30 A. M. The W. J. Riddle Farm in Newlin Township, subdivided into five tracts. Farm consists of 220 acres. Good buildings. One of Alamance's Best Grain Farms. AT 230 P. M. Capt. E. S. Parker Home Place in Graham. Divided into desirable city residence lots and con veniently located for residences and near Graded School. Wait for this sale. ... free IWnls ami (Id Music... wTT. WARD, Owfier GRAHAM LOAN & TRUST CO. SALES MANAGER W. E. STORY, Sec.-Treas. Men and Boys! Let Us Fit You Up From Head to Foot We Have For Yon ~ Shoes —Dress and Heavy—to Suit the occasion. Clothing, Overcoats, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Under wear-everything for men. For the Rainy Day let us sup ply you with Raincoats, Um brellas and Overshoes. We fit up the Boys just the same as we do the men. Crawford & McAdams, Graham, N. C. PATENTS OBTAINED. If you lihVc «" Invention to patent please »enil u*a model or skeu-hr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination anil advice, ion, disclosure ami all business I* con fidential. auil will receive our prompt ami personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO.. PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON. D. O. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled an contains over 200 memoirs of Min ister* in the Christian ("hnrcls with historical references. Ar interest inn volume —nicely print ed and hound. I*rice per copy tto(h,f2.oo;Ki?? fSpl B) mail '2oc extra Order* may hip tent to " I'. J. KICKNOUUt, P)U K. Marshall St., I Kichmond, V* Orders mav be left at thix office. Hra Thia Is the potter aeleetad by th» the National Tub«rculo»l» A»aocl»- tlon ofllclala for the Red Crotf Chriatmae Seal sale. It will appear throuflh out the country on the eve of the seal sale—Dec. 1-10. SALE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS OPENS DEC.I Army of Volunteer Salespeople Await Call to Their Posts In Nearly Every City and Town In tho Country. $6,500,000 IS THE GOAL Fund Needed to Meet Expenses of the National Tuberculosis Association and Its Allied Societies Dur ing 1920 Educational and Preventive Campaign The 1919 nale of Red Cron» Christ man Seals will begin cjn the first day of December. With the opening of business on that day an army of vol unteer salespeople will sound —"Buy Red Crtion Christmas Seals!"—the call to arms In the war of extermination njruiuHt tuberculosis. The sale will erten>l through idth. Th« annual Hed Cross Christmas Seal snln provide* the chief Income of the National Tuberculosis Asso ciation and Its one thousand affiliat ed associations which are In the very forefront of anti-tuberculosis organi zations. Tho 1920 programme of the allied organizations calls for greatly Increased activities. To meet this extension of effort a combined bud get of more than $8,600,000 Is re quired and with this goal In view the Intensive sales appeals will be made. A recent health survey resulted In startling disclosures. Until the- sur vey tuberculosis experts were, to a large degree. In the * dark as to the real extent of the ravages of the dis ease In this country. All doubt on thin point haa been cleared up and (he estimated total of active cases la placed above tho 1,000,000 mark. To iieurch out every case of tuberculoma !n tho country IH tho ultimate aim of the National Tuberculoala Aasocla- Hon and Ita allies. Tennis are being formed lji every community. BnslneM men are form ing HHle* organization* anjl similar boriloa are being organised by former eervlcu men. INVEST IN HEALTH BONDS Dividend* In the Form of a Reduced Tubarculoals Death Rata will be Paid The National Tuberculoala Aaaocla tlon and Ita 1000 affiliated organlxa tlona offer thla year. In addition to the Red Croaa Chrlatma* Beala, Health Honda on which annual dividend* In the fonn erf fewer new caaea of tuber culoala and a reduction in the white i plago death rate will be paid. The bond* have been laaued. for the con venience ot thoae who cannot use the number of anala their contributions will rail for. It ""t Do not watt to be URGED „ to buy Red Croee Christ mil Seals Qo to the local campaign , headquarter* and make your donation. Every eeal •old la a blow at TUBER CULOSIS. 1 f ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genutua Aspirin—say Bayer j Insist on "Haver Tablets of Aapiria" In a "Bayer package," .ont'ainiag proper directions for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and RheUßatkra. Name "Bayer" mean* genuine Aspirin preeerihed br phyaiciana for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of IS tablets coat few cent*. Aspirin la trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mnnoacetie acidealer of Salicy licacid. _ BUY THBIPT STAMPS. URGE RED CROSS SEAL DAY IN ALL SCHOOLS Surgeon General Blue A»k» That Churche* Alao Join In Move ment to Further Sale Surgeon General Rupert Blue has Issued an appeal to observe Christ mss Seal Day In the schools and ID all places of worship In the United States, December t, S and 7. The ap peal follows: "Over one hundred and fifty thou sand Americans die annually from tuberculosis. This li an appalling waste of life when we consider that tuberculosis Is classed as a prevent able disease. Moreover, because this loss of life occurs almost entirely In the ranks of the young adult popula tion, health authorities the world over have come to consider the con trol of tuberculosis as still the most pressing health problem confronting them. Every year the National Tu berculosis Association, by selling Red Crotchrlstmas seals, raises a consid erable sum of money to be used In a nation *lde campaign to combat tu berculosis. This year a special ef fort Is being made to Interest sohool children In this work and December fifth, sixth and seventh have been deal (mated as days on which the reals are to be Bold In the pnbllc schools, and churches. Becaase of the seriousness of the situation, I trust that the campaign this year will be particularly suc cessful. "RUPERT BLUR, Burgeon General, United States Public Health service". CHRISTMAS SEAL FUNDS WHhln two weeks over a billion Red Croaa Christmas Seals will be on sale In every nook and corner of the United States. These seals are sold to finance the campaign against tu berculosis tn this country. Of every dollar received from the sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals, 91.7 c remalna In the a tats where the seals are sold for the benefit of the organised anti tuberculosis campaign In that statA Out of the remaining 8.3%. the ex penses of running the campaign are first deducted, and whatever la left la then divided between the American Red Cross and the National Tuber culosis Association. Til* Red Cross Christmas Seal cam palcn la not tor ttae purpose of financ ing the work of the American Red Croaa or It* chapter*. It I* tor th« purpose of financing the National Tu berculosis Association and the various ■tate tuberculosis association**. The Red Cross Christmas Seal, launched In IMS by the American Red Cross, has been Issued In the name ot the Red Cross sines that date. In March lilt the American Red Cross agreed to allow th* Nation*! Tuberculosis I Association to uae lta name and em i blem on Aha usual Christmas seal. This y*ar the Red Cross ha* no other part In the Tuberculosis Seal Cam palgn. The Red Croaa Seal Is a Tu bercoloals Baal. Thoss who buy It are supporting the tuberculosis work In their own too inanities. To support the program* ot work outlined la the forty-eight state* and Insular possessions tor UK) in rack a manner (feat results la ths saving or thousand* of lire* may be realised. •11l demand the sal* of at laast 650. 000, MO R*d Cross Seals at one cant each. Tuberculoma can be suppressed. The Rad Cross Baal offer* an oppor tunity tor ths widow'* mite or the rich nan's thousand*. Do your ihani today. ' . BANISH GRAY HAIR | Don't look old and gray—don't I fall behind in life's profession Bring back a natural, even color to yfnir hair in a perfectly health ful. simple way. :>y using guaran- I teed W-ban Hair Restorer, j You ought to have beautiful hair; ; dark, lustrous nnd sllkv. O-ban is I all ready td use—money back if not t Mtisfied,' Sold by Hayes Drujj Co., ! and all good drug Mores, 50c per j large bottle. Try O-ban Hair Tonic, | Liquid Champoo, Soap, also Q-ban I depilatory. —For $1.65 you can get both The Progressive Farmer and THE ALA MANCE GLEAN EK for one year. Hand or mail to na at Graham and we will aee that the papers are sent. In Grip of Winter. . - Kansas City, Nov. 29.—With a thin coating of ice over every thing and snow or sleet falling in nearly all sections, the southwest today was in the grip of winter. Under the weight of the too, telephone and telegraph wires snapped and communication was paralyzed throughout the section. Railroad traffic was interfered with, bnt it was said trains were running within a half hour to two hours of schedules. Snow flurries were reported gen erally from Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and 'the Texas Pan handle. Temperatures ranged well altove zero, but no reports had been received at the weather bureau here from western Kansas. GO NO FARTHER The KWdcuce In at Your. Door/ Graham proof is what you want and the statement of this highly re spected resident will Lannish all doubt. A. T. Webster, l'oplir St., Gra ham gave the following statement in December, 9107: "'X suffered se verely from pains across tha small of my back and there v*s a sore ness through my kidneys. The kid ney secretions were unnatural, too. Finally X used Doan's Kidney Pills and soon wag much better in every way. I have had bat little pain in my back since and the kidney secretions have cleared . up." On July 12, 1918, Mr. Webster added, '"X would not be without Doan's Kidney Pills for anything as I think they are the bsst kid ney medicine on the market. They put me on my feet when X had kidney complaint a"hd I advise anyone who has this trouble to take them." Price 6(le, at all dealers. Din't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the c.imt that Mr. Webster had. Poater- Mflburn Co., Mfrs., Buffato, N. V. Courting Trouble. The habit of many automobile owners and operators of filling the gasoline tank while the motor u running is a most dangerous one and there should be* most rigid regulations forbidding it. The Kansas State Fire Marshal re ports many fires which originate in this manner, saying"Wedoubt if many people realize just how dangerous the operation is. Far the individual who has never had the matter brought to his atten tion, there maybe au excuse, but with the garage man who knows the danger of tho practice, there is none. A lighted cigar or cigar ette is nlso a mighty dangerous proposition to have near the tank while it is being filled, pnd yet there nrp thousands who take the chance daily." Pneumonia often follows u M'n 'nj) Neglected KILL THE COLD! HILL'S CASCARA^QUININE k ' SROMIOt Standard cold remedy for 20 yeara in tablet form—aafe, aure, no opiate*—breaks up a cold in 24 hours—relieve* grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Trie geimine bo* baa a Red (^DUl^^pict^ h Mr Hau VaF At AUDnt Sfrn Concrete on the Farm A fine lot of improvements can be made around the farm with concrete. It is not hard to get a good job with the farm help, if a few vital points are kept iji inind. These are pointed out by Mr. Deane G. Carter of the Agricul tural Engineering Department. Use only clean materials for concrete work. Sand and gravel ought not to contain vegetable" matter or *dlrt, and the water should be clean. Any brand of Portland cement is suitable if it has not been wet. The common proportions for most farm work are 1 part of ce ment to 2 parts sand aud 3 parts of gravel. This material is thor oughly mixed dry and enough water added to make a jelly like mixture. If ungraded sand is used, the proportion is 1 part cement to 4 parts sand. These proportions can bo used for troughs, water tanks, floors, dipping vasts, foundations, side walks, steps and such structures. If a smooth hard surface is de sired a top coat should be added to sidewalks and floors. The top coat is Tnade of 1 part cement and 2 parts of sand, The Agricultural Engineering Department of the North Caro lina State College will he glad to give detailed information about concrete to any one interested. Isaac Davenport of Pennsyl vania, was fatally injured iu Lenoir county Thursday when a stump puller at high tension broke iu two, a piece striking and badly mangling him. He was 40 years of age. U»d 40 Years | CARDUI ilia Woman's Tonic J Sold Everywhere 2 1 Life | llWasa Hi I Misery I Mr*. F. M. Jones, ol II I Palmer, Okla., writes i ■ I D "From the time I en.- IKUJ jj U tered into womanhood If m I ... I looked with dread I I from one month to the 1 ■ next I suffered with my I B R back and bearing-down E R V pain, until life to me was jut a misery. I would think II ■ I could not endure the II I pain any longer, and I If) gradually got worse. . . iff ■ ■ Nothing seemed to help M ■ I me until, one day, ... I I J decided to IB TAKE BH BARDIII 1 The Woman's Tonic "I took four bottles," IHI Wrs * J ones goe3 on III] lIJSUI 831,1 and was not only RU ■ U greatly relieved, but can ° U fJ I truthfully say that 1 have I "It has now been two I I years since I tookCardui, I IJj and lam still in good fjWj I health. . . I would ad- I vise any woman or girl I to use Cardui who is aI | I S Eufferer from any female H If you sufferpain caused I I I from womanly trouble, or R I if you feel the need of a I R I good strengthening tonic R I Ty to build up your run-down jJj system, take the advice I of Mrs. Jones. Try Ca- Bl dui. It helped her. We nj ffj believe it will help you. IW I All Druggists r :;J [LITERS . FOX'S L..£t Novel :Y VAN DYKE - "7 Number A. .. l.'r ce of the >riar-.t features in : .'RSBNER'S MAGAZINE i-v e for tho year mmo on j S your local agent *r.r,d $4.00 to bner's Magazine h /.ve., Ne \v York City I —For $1.65 you can get both The Progiessive Farmer and THE ALA MANCE G !;KANEU for one year. Hand or mail to us at Graham and we will I nee that the papers are sent. CH AN DL E R S(X Famous For Its Marvelous Motor There's No Time Better to Buy Your BUILDING more than a hundred cars a day, the Chandler Motor Car Company is still unable to supply the demand for the greatest of Sixes. And this is November. There are no automobile seasons any more. Any time is the time to buy your car, ii you can get it. The earlier vour order, the earlier your delivery! The Chandler Si*J ap&z GO distinctly because it offers so much more for so much less. Other cars which perhaps might be compared with it list at hundreds of dollars more, andchean cars sell for almost ns much. p SIX BEAUTIFUL BODIES ARE BUILT ON THE STANDARD CHANDLER CHASSIS Seven-Pattenßcr Touring Car. Sl'iS Roadtter. SI79S Taur-Pattcnccr Di . ;ch Ccr, SIB7B " Seven-Patten ger Sedan. S27SS Four-Pa* :cn£cr Coupe. 93603 Umousine, Ml prices f. 6. b. CUvetaml PIEDMONT MOTOR SALES CO. Graham' N. C. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAIv IK CORNS OR ~ CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any com or callus off with fingers oC if Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezont eosts but a few cents at any drug store Apply a few drops on the corns, cailusi-s and "hard skin" on bottom of feet and hen lift thm off. When Freezone removes aoans from thctoosor calluses from the bottom of the feet the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. PREVENT/A PNEUMONIAE Neglect of a simple cold is often the direct cause of pneumonia. Chil dren do not like to take nauseating medicine but do like the soothing effect of the external remedy; SVaEM WILL HOT SlAlit mi CLOTHES Rrame's Vapomentha Salve it ap plied by rubbing this delightful salve into the chest and tinder the arroi. Tbe result la almost lam at relief from croup b. It Is not animal for of paramenia to snccomn after a few spplicationt. Recom mended by doctors for tbe ronnrest babe as well ac for CTOwn-ups. SOtV 60c and 51.20 ct all drug and reaeral stores Free sample upon reqoe* to IRAME DRUG iwawtw^it. You Can Cure Tbat Backache. Pain along tbe back, dizziness, headache and gennerai languor. Get a package of Mother Gray's Australia Leaf, the pleasant root and herb cure for Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. Whan you feel all rundown, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination . f nature, herbs and root*. As a regulator It has ns qual. Mother Gray's Australian £eaf Is sold by Druggist* or sent by mall for 50ota simple sent froe. Address, The Mother Gray Co.,.Le Kov. N. Y Wanted! To buy or rent Farm with neces sary buildings. W. C THURSTON, IGoctGt Burlington, N. C. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA- Alamancc County. In the giftritr Coart, Before the Clerk. Mrs. Hattie P. Wirren, PlainUU, - v« : -( i>j{ Gertrude Tiogen and her husband, t X. H. Tiugen: Novella Pettl/rew and her husband JUem Petti grew; Mattie Warwick *nd her husband, Will Warwick; OtotgU Foster and her husband, Mack Poster; Louisa Warrren *na her husband, James Warren; Maoel Warwick and her husband, Luther Warwick. .The defendants above named, es pecially Luther Warwick, Mattie Warwick ana WiU Warwick, non-. residents ot this State, will take notice that ah action entitled as above has oejs commenced In the Super!jr Court ot Alamance coun i ty, iNorth Caro'.ina, before the Clerk. ! for the purpose of allotting Dower Ito the above plaintiff, widow of Johft Warren, late deceased, of Al amance county, Carolina, and the said defendants, especially Luther Warwick, will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the 8u- * perior Court of Alamance county North Carolina, at his office in Gra ham, on or before the 12th day of . December, 1919, and answer or de lmur tD the petition and complaint filed in said action, or the plajn* tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said petition or - complaint. This November 12, 1919. D. J. WALKER, C. 8. C., Alamance County. W. H. CARROLL, Atty. Summons by Publication. North Carolina— Alamance County. In the Superior Court. January Term, IKM, Hugh Keck, Plaintiff, vs. Meter Keck, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamaoo* . county for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant for statutory grounds, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at tt>6 term of the Superior Court of Alamance county to be held on the sixth Monday befote the first Monday in March, 1920, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 28th day of Nov., 1919. D. J. WALKER, C. 8. C. W. H. Carroll, Af'y. 4dec4t Summons by Publication North Carolina— Alamance County, In the Superior Court, Minnie Adklus McKinney against * Charlie McKlnney Tbe defendant above named will take no tice tbat an acilon entitled as above tintw comme cvd In tbe Superior Court of Ala mance cgun>r (or tbe dtuolullon of the bonda of matrimony between tbe plaintiff and defendant; and tie defendant will fur ther take notice that be Is rtqulredito apnea* before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office In Graham In aald countv on M mdar.' tbe 29th day of December, I*l9, and uosiaa - the complaint, which will be det* »lu*i in tbe offloe of said Clerk on or before said 29! h day of December, 1911k And let the "etendant take notice, that if he fall to anawer aald complaint within the time preacrlbed bylaw, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In tbe complaint. This the 17th day of November. 1919. D. J. WALK EE,C. S. C. LONG & LONG, Attys. 4deo4w

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