THE GLEANER IBSCKD EVERY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor 11.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. th* editor wUI not b« responsible for fSWIUPWH by correspondents. Bale red at toe Postofflce at Oralian>, N. 0., as ssoond olasx matter GRAHAM, N. C., Dec. 11, 1910 . Senator Fall, Republican, withj] Senator Hitchcock, called tm the President one day last week osten aively for the pufpose of talking over the Mexican situation. Fall is froin New Mexico tfnd /avowed u move to break with Mexico. Hut, the real purpose was to confirm the report that Mr. Wilson was tnentully incompetent to discharge his official duties. Fall was "disappointed"— he found Mr. Wilson entirely com petent to handle the situation . This Mr. Wilson proved when he took issue with the war-like ones and they deferred to his opinion. The coal strike is ended aftur a tie-up of five weeks, President Wil son's proposal being accepted. Strik ing miners numbering 400,000 will return to work today and tomorrow. Thoee responsible for the strike should be attended to by the gov ernment under any law that is ap plicable. The material loss to the country has been immense. It will take the remainder of the winter to get back to n normal basis. The fuel administration has an nounced more drastic measures for the saving of fuel thap were in force during the war. Tito time for the operation of non-essential industries has been reduced from 48 hours to 3 days per week in many sections of the country. Many trains; been annulled that will effect a sav ing of 16,000 tons of coal daily. Republicans in Congress are con cerning themselves moro about poli tics than the matters that are urgent ly in need of attention for the real good of the country. The Peace Treaty is on hand and should be passed so that tlio country could start on the road to normal condi tions. It is predicted that Clydo Hoev will burry John Motley Morohead in 9th uader an avalanche next Tuesdsy. The ltepublicuns will not be able to break through the Democratic ranks this titno at that particular point—their money and big guns will fail thorn. Floods in Georgia, Alabama and Miaai aeippi ate doing muoh damage. Yesterday at Columbus, Ga., the Chattahoochee river was the highest on record. Several lives reported lost and property losses of many hundred thousands. Over in Petrograd, according to t news report, the bolshivista stand « striker up before a firing squad. Thai nay not end the strike, but it effect nally enda the striker. . Republicans will hold their na tional convention in Chicago on next Juno Bth, so the national committer decided yesterday by a vote of 44 tc 9 for St. Louis. Out in Kansas for lack of coal the people are burning f 1 fit) corn tr keep warm. Sponsors for tho coal Strike are to blame. Qen. Wood and Gov. I .owden art in the lead as Republican presi dential candidates. Forty cent cotton has been reached and a higher mark is slill ahead. Wanted— Red- Blooded Men! Nipn Ksrrralat Pruplr Hifrj where are Always In UrealllesnnS Keel Frtesls—Hrd>Hliiu4r4 Plpta Mapyma Prodarr« lieller Hlnod— Hold la Uquld and Tablet hys Get into the red-blooded cjass if yoo are not there now. s few weeks' course of that splendid tonio—Pepto-Mangau ami note bow you improve in health and looks. Pepto Xlaugaii is a red blood maker and is for sale at the drag store right near your home. It is pat up in both liquid nnd tablet form. Take which you choose, but see that tho name "Gude*' is on the package. \Vith out "Gude" it .is not I'epto . Mangan. It Is the cry everywhere— " Wanted Red-Blooded Men.' 1 The soldier* and sailors that won the war were red-blooded, two dated fellows. In business it if the red-blooded man that stand# the strain and wins the big sue cesses. The world has no place for the thin-blooded weakling. It la natural, too, that; red-bloode«! men and women should have inor* friends, and they do. They an better human beings than the thin-blooded anemice, . who a« Jikely to b« "grouchy" and irrit Abje most of the time. Research Station At the University« Established by U, S. Bureau of Edu i cation—Will Investigate Educa- I tional Problems, School Qr- ] ionization and Manage ment, Truancy, Pa- . rent Teacher Or ganization. IIM.II MI 11001 I OOTHAIX OHM- ( I'IOSMIIMIIII* TAKKJi PBOM | (.Itr.I'.NWIIOHO. Cor. oI The Gleaner. Chapel Hill, X. C, Dec. Bth. . President Chase or the University . of North Carolinian no uncos that > tho United States Bureau of Edu- CHtiou has established a rest-arch station at the University with Dr. L. A. Williams or the school of' education, as director, and that the University and tho Bureau or Education would co-operate on research studies in educational problems, some of'which will be . published by the Bureau and used widely in its educational work. Besides Dr. Williams, Dean M. (J. i S. Noble and Dr. Edgar \V. Knight, of the school or educa tion, have been named as special collaborators, and all three of them, in addition to their work at the University, will become dollnr . a-year men, working tor tb/gov , eminent. , The establishment or the I'e , search stations rollows the adop , Jion or a new policy by the Hu- I reau which will work jointly with several universities in investi ' gating ducational problems. ' institutions beside the Uni versity of North Carolina at which research stat ions have been placed are the Universities or Pennsyl vania, lowa, Virginia, Texas, and • Minnesota. With special Assistance and co- ; | operation from the National Un real! or Kdcucatiou the university school or education will make in ' vestigations on such subjects as I school organization and manage - inent, the control of tniancy, school budget making, parent toacher organizations, mid special problems of rural schools. This > sort of work isljeing done by the i university now but under the new t plan it can be iWine much easier • and more effectively, and the Bureau will render substantial 5 aid through mailing privileges t HII d in other ways. The research | station will be a fractional part of the Bureau of Education but it will also be a pari of the uni versity. ' Chapel Hill High School won . the high school root ball cliain j pionship or North Carolina byde t renting Greensboro High School , 7H to 0, The game was played on Kmerson Field at the University ' of North Carolina and was the sixth State football championship conducted by the university. , Greensboro had won the cham pionship of the western part of 1 the State anil Chapel Hill of the 1 eastern part The final game was - hard fought in spite ot the large ftcore, and was witnessed by a large crowd ot university students in addition to special rooters from Greensboro. Chapel Hill was 1 much heavier and in Captain B Sparrow and Merritt she had two } backlleld stars that would make many college players hustle for their jobs. " BUY THRIFT STAMPS. ' KEEP THEM VIGOROUS B When a child suffers from ■ the slightest exposure and is thin, listless and easily tired, that child ought to receive plenty of scorn EMULSION regularly. It is an essential factor in the health records ol thousands ol children. Given regularly, with or alter meals, • it helps keep them in normal weight, vigorous and spirited. Ik) SCOTT'S t* yo«r boy r Tb» Norw**Uo codllw oil »>" ' L A la S«xf. EMUM !• « 1 IB k la o«» AntrTirmn I*l otstot i ». >-J)f I |U purity Ud UllsUUr U HIUItfPUK't ' 111 9 acolt&lKxrM.inaamftcld.NJ. HWI -'i-jL Summons by Publication J NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY In tlie HuiwrKir t'oml. . Cluni Piuw hat, I'MnlifT, agaiust J] D. I'itscliul. Defendant. The defendant above twined will lake r notice Unit sii setlnn entit'cl us above Ira* ■ t>cen commenced iu tbe ttttßerlor Court of Alamsnce county to 7>t>lmn ulimlutc «li voree. nnl tlie saiil ilvfotnlmit will further • take notice that he la required to iif>|>cir i Wfofe the Clerk of the Superior com.for the county ,of Alamance at his office at the court tioiise In Uralram, Xortli Cnro lina, on the 12th day ot January, IV2O. t itmi answer or demur to the complaint of I the plaintiff, which wilt IK- deposited in B the office of the mill clerk of the Superior court of wild county on or Vforc im- re ® turn day. of this summons. or the plaintiff » will apply to the court for the relief tie B uiundid iii snail compl tint. n. J W AI.KKR, C s. r. This 10IU day of Dec , mm. ltdsctt £. S W. DAMBKON, Atty. NOTICE : OF * Special Election!; .Notice is hereby- given that a ' special election Ims been ordered . by the Hoard of Commissioners of ' the town of Orahain, North Caro- 1 lints, to be held on Tuesday, Janu- 1 ary 20, 1020, at the usual voting lil ice in the northwest jrbtim of the ' court house in sAid town, for the ' liurpose of submitting to the voters of the Maid town of Gra- 1 haul for their, approval or rejec- ' tion the following ordinances: i lie it Ordained by the Hoard of , Commissioners of the Town of Graham, North Carolina: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the Public Law of North Carolina, known as "A ' General Act Relating to Munici pal Finance" as provided in Chap ter 138 Public Laws of 1917, and Chapter 178 of Public Laws of 1010, and the several amendments thereto, that the town of Graham, North Carolina, ISJUO and sell its bonds for the purpose of erecting and equipping new school build ings for the public schools in the town of Graham by-building ad ditions to, and remodeling the present public school building for the white race, and equipping the name in a modern and up-to-date manner, and by acquiring a new site and erecting a new building for the public school*for the col ored race; the said buildings to be constructed and retnpdeled to be non-fire proof buildings, as de fined in sai' law, the outer walls to be hard, incombustible ma terials, and the probable period of usefulness of the said build ings, for tho erection of which the said bonds aro to be issued, is de clared to be thirty years. See. 2. That the maximum, aggregate principal amount of the said bonds be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($60,000 00). All details as to issuance of saidjionds to be fixed by resolution by the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Graham, as provided by said law. Seiv :t. That a tax sulticient to pay the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and collected by the proper authorities of the town of Gra ham. See. 4. That a statement of the debt of the town of Graham has been filed with the Clerk of Haiti town pursuant to said Municipal Finance Act, and is open to pub lic inspection. Sec 5. The average assessed valuation of property subject to taxaliou by the said town of Gra ham for the throe fiscal years iu which taxes were last levied, as shown by said statement, is 31,- 61«,:i77.u0. See. 0. The amount of the u/jt tlo'it of the said town of'.Graham outstanding, authorized, or to lie aut homed, asshowi) by said state ment, including the proposed isMie of $, r >0,000.00 school I'onds is *201,1-18.:I:L See. 7 That the foregoing ordi nance shall take effect when ap proved by a majority of the qual i iied vottfrs of the tow*i of Graham, North Carolina, at a special elec tion to be held in said town for said purpose, as provided by law, January 20, 1920. He it Ordained by the Hoard of Colli ill issioners—of the Town of Graham, North Carolina: Section 1. That pursuant to the pi'flvisious of the Public Law of North Carolina known an "A Gen eral Act Ueluting to Municipal Finance," lis provided in Chapter 138 Public L:vws of 1017, and , Chapter 17.S of Public of lOl'.l, and the several amendments , thereto, that the town of Graham, North Carolina, issue and sell its bonds for the purpose of laying out, locating, constructiuft, build ing, and equipping a sanitary' sewer system lor the town of Gra ham, North Carolina, and acquir ing all property rights and prop erty, anil paving for same, to gether with all labor and equip ment necessary to construct such a system, all of which is hereby deemed and declared to be a necessary expense for the said town. _ Sea. 2. That the maximiwi, ag gregate principal amount of the oaid bonds lio One Hundred Thousand Dollars (SIOO,OOO 00). All details as to issuance of said boiuKto be fixed by resolution by the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Graham, as provided by said law. Sec. •_. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the wtill bonds shall be annually levied and collected by the proper authorities of the town of (Ira ham. Sec. 1 That a statement of the debt of the town of Graham been tiled with the Clerk of said town pursuant to said Municipal Finance "Act, and is open to pnb litrinspection. Sec. o. The average assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the said Gra ham for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, as shown by said statement, is" H,- li 12,3770 a: Sec. ti. The amount of the net debt of Jlie town of Graham, North > Carolina, outstanding, authorized, > or to lie authorized, as. shown by 1 said statement, including the pro posed issue of $!00,000.00 sewer lionds is 8201,148.33. Sec. 7. That the governing body 1 of the town of Graham deeming it itdvirable to obtaiu the assent of r the voters of the said town be i fore issuing the Said bonds, the said oßtinnuce shall take effect r when approved by the majority of the voters of the towu of Gra ham, North Caroliua, at a special election to be held In said town 1 as provided for in said Municipal Finance Act, on Taesdaj, Janu ary 2D, 19#0. A new registration of the voters of the town of Qrahain is ordered j for the said election, and all per | sons desiring to Vote therein are I hereby notified to register. K. K. McAdains is appointed Registrar, and Saw T.'Johnston and A P. Williams are appointed poll-holders for said election. The Registration book open for the registration of voters each day (Sundays excepted) at the store of Crawford & McAdams on the court iiouse square, from Monday, December 29th, 1919, until Saturday, January 17. 1920, and will close on Saturday, Janu ary 17, 1920, at 9 o'clock p in. This December 10, 1919. R. L. HOLMES, Mayor. I\ A. IIOLT, Town (Jlerk. Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance Countv. In the Huperlor Court. - Daisy Sboflner, I'laintilT, against A. L. Sholtner, Defendant. Tbe defendant above named will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in tbe Superior Court of Alamance county to obtain absolute divorce; and tbe said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Alamance at his office at the court house in Gra ham, North Carolina, on the 12th day of January, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff, which will be deposited in the office of the said Clerk of tbe Su perior Court of saif! county on or be fore tbe return day of this summons, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. I). J. WALKER, 0. S. C. This 9th day of Dec., 1919. E. S. W. Dameron, Att'y. 1 ldec4t WANTED .—Men or women to tuko orders among friends and neighbors lor tl e genuine guaran teed hosiery, full line for men, wo men and children. Eliminates darn ing. We pay 500 an hour for spare time or $24 a week for full timn. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Nor ristown, Pa. 30otl0t YES, This is the Store For the Christmas Gifts You Wish Christmas Gifts! And we all know that it is as big a pleasure to select and give them as it is to receive them. This is the store where your nicest Christmas gifts will be on display; where arrangement is so made as to afford ample and very pleasing selection; where usefulness i? the keynote of all gifts offered; where economy is represented by the fair price on each. Ordinary drug store goods which may well supply excellent gift suggestions, and es pecially selected gifts for sale for this occasion only. Clever ideas for man, woman or child. Come and see what we have for-Christmas. It is a treat just to look and how readily our displays.will solve many a gift-giving problem. SPECIAL Saturday, December 13th WHILE THEY LAST With each purchase oi SI.OO or more, we will give a bowl oi beautiful Gold Fish Free. Hayes Drug Company Tbe - Store - That - Appreciates- - Your Patronage GRAHAM, N. C. V hour* for the / / // \ ' —- who may not arrive in time will hard / j/ Ijr fail to keep on hand a bottle of this effective croup remedy. Vapo / roentha it a certain preventive and specific for cold*, croup, influenia, // pMVTMMa and other respiratory ailments. §VAI»HAS |/ WILL NOT STAIN THE CLOTHES '' _ • '* '* ejteroally to the cheat, throat and noe trill and U quickly abeorbed through the Dorci of (be akin. Ita healing vapora riac and arc inhaled directly ®° ~ ' l c infected membrane*. A double-action remedy, it ia doubly certain to produce miafactory retulti. It haa this characteriitic thai dietinguiehee it from ffW other nlrei, it will not ftain the clothca. Buy a jjjT JIM ' x>,, ' c °f Vapomentha T 'DAY. It ie an invaluable BjJ ' IAMV RJf protection for an inaignificant price. 30c, 60c, and $1.20 Bottle* at '* * '■ ' AS Dial and General Stem, fl *' " your dealer cannot tupply you order from Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with Local Application*, aa they cannot reach the Mai of the tfiaeaaa. Catarrh In a local dlaea««, areatlj Influrooed by coantltu tlonaf ooudlt ooa, and In order to cure It you moat take an Internal remedy, Haifa Ca tarrh Medicine la taken Internally and acl» thru the blood on tbe tuucoun «urf«co or-the system Haifa Catarrh Medicine wa pie •crlbed by one of the beat phydclanrf In tbii country for years. It la cam nosed or tone oi tbe beat tonlca known, combined with «>me or tbe beat b.ool purltterf. The perfect com bination or the ingreillcnls In Hail.a Oslarrb Medicine i» what produce' nuch wonderlui raaulte In catarrhal conditions. Bend for testimonials, > roe. K.J. CHEN BY* CO, Props., Toledo, O. All Druxglsta. T&u, Half a Family Pills for constipation. Summons by Publication. J NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. * In the Superior Court. Clyde M. Lowe, Plaintiff. against Mary Lowe, Defendant. The defendant above named will tlike notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior court of Alamance county to obtain a divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear lie fore tbe Clerk of the Superior court for the county 6f Alamance at his office at the court house in Graham, North Carolina, on the 12th day of January, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be deposited in the office of the said clerk of the Superior court of said county on or before the re turn day of this summons, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in this complaint. . D. J. WALKER. C. 8. C. This 9th day of Dec., 1919. E. 8. W. Dameron, Att'y. l^dec4t Summons by Publication. North Carolina, Alamance County. .In the Superior Court. Bertha Long, Pluintiff. against Roy Long, Jlefendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Superior court of Alamance county to obtain absolute di vorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that hc/1n required to appear befor.) the Clerk of the Superior court for the county of Alamance at his office at the court house'in Graham, North Caro lina, on the 12th day of January, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will lie deposited in the office of the said clerk of the Superior court of said county on or before the re turn day of this summons, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said copiplaint. D. J: WALKER, C. 8. C. This 9th day of Dec., 1919. 1 Ulee4t E. S. W. DAMERON, Atty. m BUY THRIFT STAMPS. PROMPT RELIEF for (he mdd-distrewed «tom«rh, try two or three KMfOIDS after meals, dissolved on the tongue—kcejr jronr Btomach sweet—try Kl-Molds—the new old to (ligation. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION J Z. T.HADLEY Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. . , ;' (i ~ «f -.v. l«,sr iif .ri» ji,n/re Try r~ >.Vi\ fii.e 7Sc i l. (i-> ty GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY. GRAHAM, N. C. Mortgage Sale of Land ! Under and by virmc of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust, executed by J. A. I'ettigrew and wife, Jannie May Pettigrew, Nov. 20, 1918, to Central Loan ifc Trust Company, Trustee, which said Deed in Trust is duly record ed in ihc office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, in Rook of Deeds of Trust, No. 62, at page 120, default having been made in the payment of same, the undersigned Trustee will oiler at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., on , MONDAY, DEC. 29, 1919 all (lie following real property, towit: Tract No. 1. A ceitain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Ala mance County. State of North 'Carolina, being lot No. 54 in _,the plat of Central Heigths, which is recorded in Plat Book No. I, page 1, in the' office of the Regis ter oi Deeds for Alamance County, Gra ham, N. C., and described as follows; Beginning at a corner of lot No. 53 on the North side of Kinics St., thence N. 9 deg. E. 180j ft to "a stake. Corner with lilie of Jos. A. Isley, tlieuce 8. 82(leg. VV. with line of Jos. A. Isley, 50 ft. corner with lot No. 55, thence 8. 9 deg. W. with line of lot No. 55, 191 ft. to corner in Kinics St., tlicncje N. HI deg. \V. 50 ft. to the beginning, containing 9,000 ft. more or less. Tract No. 2. A certain tract or parcel of latrti in Burlington Township, Ala mance County, State of N. C.. being lot No. 53, in the plat- of Central Heigths, which is recorded in Plat Book No. 1, page 1, iu the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County, Graham, N. C., and described as follows: Beginning at corner of lot No. 27> on on the North side of Kimcg St. r t hence N. 9 deg. E. 180 ft. to a stake, corner with line of Jos. A. Islev, thence 8. 82 deg. E. with line of Jos. A. Isley, s(f ft. corner with lot N).'s4, thence S. 9 deg. \V. with line of lot No. 54, IHO It Jt. to corner in Kime St., thence N. 81 deg. 50 ft: -to llie beginning, containing 9,000 Stj. Ft., mo c or less. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the gist day of Nov., 1919. CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO., Trustee. NOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA, AL VMANCE COUNTY. In the matter of the administration of the estate of Samuel William son, deceased. To the next of kin oi Samuel Wil liamson deceased : Take Notice: That -whereas 'he said Samuel Williamson died the 17th day of October, 1919. And whereas, there has been "x --hi'oited before me for probata a paper writing purporting to cori • tain the nun-eupative will of the said Samuel Williamson; And whereas, W. J. Barker, of the aforesaid county and State, has made application for the prooat? of said will, as administrator, c. fc a., thereof; " It is therefore ordered, that the next of kin of 'he said Samuel Wil liamson, deceased, appear before me at my office in Graham, N. C, on or before Wio expiration of six weeks from (lata of *Ms publica tion and show cause to the under signed within said-period whv the said nun-eupative will sliojld not be probated. This November 8, 1919. " 0. J. WALKER, Clerk Superior Court W. S. COULTER, Atty. 20nov6t Summons by Publication' Mlklr ol' Kortti Carolina. County ol' Alamauce. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Eliza Wilson vs. James 11. Wilson The defendant above named will take notice that au action as entitled above, commenced in the Superior Court of Ala uinuce County, North Capolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant: and tbe said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Couri of Alamance County to be held in January, 1920. at the court house of said County, in Graham North Carolina and answer or demur to the complaint in aaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the eourt'for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 21 day of November, 1919. D. J WALKER, C. 8. C. Thos. C. Carter, Atty. 27n0v.4t NEW FORM OF IRON RELIEVES STOMACH TROUBLES . „ Eat What You Like—Stop Suffering From Acid Stomach —Gas, Pains and Other Forms of In r digestion—Results Almost Immediately For years physicians have been searching for a form of iron that could be combined with certain other in gredients like pepsin, etc., for use in treating chronic disorders of the di gestive tract, mal-assimilation etc., etc. This is sufficient evidence that medicine recognizes the great value of iron for stomach troubles when administered in proper form. If you have been disappointed with lack of results from pills and tonics said to contain iron you can now un derstand that the iron was not pre sented in a form that could be absorbed by the stomach into the system. And therefore could not possibly bring you benefit. This new xorm of iron is not pre pared by chemists —it is found in Na ture itself combined with other highly beneficial medicinal ageftts. It is quickly absorbed by the system and in sufficient measure to bring results For Sale by Ail Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., Distributors. Hey! Hey! Boys! Girls! SANTA CLAUS HAS COME - V All kinds of Toys from Toyland—Dolls, X-mas Books, Pictures, Toy Wagons and Horses, Climb ing Monkeys, Vases, Sparklers, Handkerchiefs, Beautiful Water Sets, Rugs, Art Squares, all kinds of Ware—Aluminum, China, Glass, En amel, Etc., Etc. f Come, Everybody, and see the wonderful BARGAINS you can get at The Glad House Southwest Corner of Court House Square IN GRAHAM A. B. NICHOLSON, Prop'r. " ANNOUNCEMENT! ' • Mr. Walter E. Story has just succeeded Mr. Edwin W. Lasley as Secretary and Treasurer of Graham Loan & Trust Co., and it is his purpose to make all transactions between the company . any its clients mutually advantageous. We have at present several nice farms and city property. If you are interested, see us at once. / \ • (MS 10AN &TRUST CO. . GRAHAM, N. C. W. E. STRORY, Sec.-Treas. PENALTY On State and County Taxes After Janqary Ist. During December yon can pay your State and County v Taxes at the face of your receipt After January Ist a penalty of One Per Cent, per month will be added. You are urged to settle NOW and save the penalty. C. D. STORY Sheriff ol Alamance County. Subscribe for The Gleaner that you can feel in a very short time. Just ask your druggist for Acid Iron Mineral. He will also tell you that stomach troubles ars relieved by tak ing a spoonful in A glass of water three times a day. And for acute conditions like "sour stomach" etc., a'single dose will in most cases bring Relief. This natural form of iron seems to neutralize the excess acid in the •stomach as aotbingelse in all medicine. Stomach disorders of long standing* where the patient is subject to dis tress after eating, gulping, headaches, dizziness j? etc., yield positively to steady treatment with Acid Iron Mineral. And don't.forget that the general system is strengthened and invigor ated owing to the iron content of this great medicine. All druggists cheer fully refund the purchase price if the results are not satisfactory to you in every way.