THE GLEANER jffigkj;. • J GRAHAM, N. 0., Dec. 11,1910. ' Postofflee How. Offlo op*a T.OO *. m. toT.OOp. m. . anudayMS t«U.OO a. a. tndut to tM p. *1 K. N. COOK.Foitmuter. ♦♦MlMtrftWtlllltMMt ♦ LOCAL NEWS. ♦ TI nn I IJI 111111111 U 111 n* —Two weeks from today to Christmas Day. —The sugar lid will be taken off January Ist, then the prices will soar. i -•-A number of ladies met Tues day afternoon and organized a Bridge .Club for the winter. —The supper and bazaar at Hotel Graham jjsaturday afternoon and night bi'ought in over SBO. ' —Cfrclea 1, 2 and 3 of Graham Presbyterian church will meet with -their respective Leaders at 3 o'clock, Monday afternoon, Dec. 15. —Mess. Allen B. Thompson and Glenn Hoffman went to Wilson Mon day and drove two Oakland cars back Tuesday for Alamance Motor Co. —Graham Baptist church with its 129 members has pledged 17,157.40 on the $75,000,000 campaign just ended. Its quota was (5,000. Well done. , —Mr. Henry Hsll, a highly re spected citizen, died at his home in Burlington on 28th alt., in his 83rd year. He is survived by his widow and six children. The /interment was at Long's Chapel. —The weather man sent out a warning Tuesday night that a cold wave would reach here yesterday afternoon. It came and is several degrees colder this morning than on any other morning this winter. —Mayor R. L. Holmes informs us that the town ordinance in regard to shooting fire works will be sus pended from 12 o'clock of the night of 24th to 12 o'clock of the night of 25th. Violators before and after will be prosecuted. Among the Sick. - Mr. E. L. Henderson is able to be out on the streets. Mr. J. R. Harder is slowly im proving-from the effects of an opera tion. MP. W. J. Nicks is out after a week's confinement. Parent-Teacher Monthly Meeting. Graham Parent-Teacher Associa tion held its regular monthly meet ing at the Graded School building Monday evening. The attendance of parents was encouragingly large. After a short business session, Mrs. Wiley H. Swift of Greensboro, who had been invited to address the an spciation, was introduced and made a most instructive address that should have been heard by every parent. After the address a very delightful social hour was spent. Miss Annie Folger gave some beautiful piano selections and the ladies served sandwiches tea and coffee. All pa renta are urged to join the associa tion and attend the Meetings and help in the welfare work for the children. Southwest Alamance. Cor. of The Gleaner. A Miss Ilinbhaw of near Liberty and Dacie laley of Kimesville were quietly married a few days ago. Homer, the little son of Graves Shoffner, is critically ill with bronchial pneumonia. Leonidas Smith is ditching, grabbing, planting pine trees top downward; cedar and oak he is trying to get Jess to sell for first class nursery stock, and if he is not stopped by some one he will not have a tree left on his planta tion. It is a ten-pound boy. Oakdale school has opened np again after a short stop for whoop ing cough. —COURSE in Stenography com plete in six weeks. Applications roust be in by Januury Ist. Address communications to Box No. 16, Bur lington, N. C. 3t —I have just received a nice line of lufant Ruben Shirts and baby Vests, also a line of Childrens' Union Suits, sizes C to 10. THE LADIES' EMPORIUM. MISS MARGARET CLEQO. Christmas Suggestions. Permit mo to suggest an appro priate and practical Christmas gift to be sent to your friend: The Ladies' Home Journal for one year 11,75. The Saturday Evening Post for one year $2.00. The Country Gentleman one year SI.OO. The Cosmopolitan, 1 year $2.00. ~ Harper's Bazaar, 1 year, SI.OO. Good Housekeeping, 1 year. $2.00 Hearst's, 1 year $3.00. Motor, 1 year, $3.00. Motor Boating, 1 year, $2.00. If you will 'phone me or drop roe a card, I will arrange to have the first copy of your magazine mailed to reach your friend on Christmas morning, and at the same time a beautiful gift card will be mailed to your favored friend. Make certain that you are on time by sending your order to-day to MRS. J. J. HENDERSON., Graham, N. C. —WE WILL PAY a straight salary $35.00 per week and expenses to man or woman with rig to intro dace Eureka Egg Producer. Eureka Mfg. Co., EaatSt Louis, 111. ♦ • ♦ ♦ PERSONAL.. + Til MM 11 II II II IIIMI II I M Mr. Chas. G. Maynard, near Cross Roods, is in town today. Mr. and Mrw. Bert Kenyon "t Greensboro spent Sunday here with relatives. Ur. Engena McCracken of Wins ton-Salem spent Saturday and Sun day here. . Mr. J. F. Turner, Mayor of Hilis boro, visited Mr. B. N. Turner Tues day night. Mr. John W. Stockard, near Saxa pahaw,.is herevisting It's son, Mr. H. J. Stockard, Mr. J. M. E. Wyatt and son, Walter L. Wyatt, of Long's Chapel community were in town Tuesday. Mi, and Mrs. Clyde 11. Hunter of Raleigh spent Sunday here with the former's mother, Mrs. C. S. Hunter. Mr. A. N. Roberson of Saxapa haw, Route 1, with members of his family, was in town Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Ralph Strayhorn of Durham is spending a few days here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cooper. Mrs. Cornelia Morris of Hender son, one time County Demonstrator for Alamance, was the guest of Mrs. J. J. Barefo it yesterday. Mrs. Eugene Knight, who had been here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. P. Smith, returned to her home in Durham Sunday. MYSTERIOUS PAINS AND ACHES Hake Lite Hard to Bear tor Many Gra ham Women. t Too maDy women mistake their pains and aches for troubles peculiar to the sex. More often disordered kidneys are causing the aching back, dizzy spells, headaches and irregular urination.* Kidney weakness be comes dangerous if neglected. Use a time-tried kidney — Doan's Kidney Pills. Hosts of people testify to their merit. Read a Graham case: Mrs. W. T. Ezell, N; Maple Street, says: "I was almokt disabled with pains in the small of my back, ana I suffered all the time. I was so nervous and had such headaches,! could hardly endure the misery. One of our family had used Doan's Kidney Pills with good results and told me to try them, f took this remedy and.the pains and all other troubles, disappeared." Price BOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidrtey remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Ezell had. Foster-Mi burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Christmas Suggestions Victrolas $25 to sllO Manicure Rolls $42 to $lO Toilet Sets S2O to $8 Ivory Pieces, Mirrors Combs, Brushes, Etc. Kodaks $4 to $22.50 Whitman's & Llggett's Candy Cigars and Pipes Cut Glass Ever Sharp Pencils Fountain Pens Stationery Holly and Tissue Papers Flash Lights Bibles Saiety Razors Fine Periumes, i Toilet Soaps P •n Graham Drug Co. GRAHAM, N. C. Oyster Supper AT The Fire House - FriiiayasiSaturdayNi|bts December 12-13 - , Oyster Supper and Bazaa£ for the benefit of Graham Hose Co., No. 1. * Oysters, Ice Cream, GuessinglCon test, Fish Pond, Etc. : : ; j : : Everybody come and help a good - cause : u ::::::: : M iss Marce Goley spent tbo. week end in High Point with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Scott, Jr., spent the week-end at Whitcville. Mrs. Tavie of Winston--'alem, with her two children, was IK re the latter part of last week visiting her aunts, Mrs. Mcllride Holt and Miss Ada Denny. Mrs A. H. Graham and little son, who have been visiting her parents, Col. and Mrs. J. A. Long, returned to their home in liillsboro Tuesday. Cspt. Grtfham came up Sunday and returned with them. • REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. W, * . " At Graham ID the State of North Carolina, at j the close of business, Ifov. 17,1910. RESOURCES Voans and ._ $60,010.04 Demand loans 16,075.72 Overdrafts seed, ;unsed, 6.9.12 639.12 U.S. Bonds and Llborty Bonds 7,800.00 Advanced for Llborty Loan Bonds..**. 347.00 All other Stocks. Bonds and Mort gages.. 816 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,281.44 All other real estate owned 1,908.36 Cash In vault and not amount due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Co.'s 12,280.68 Cash Items held over 24 hours 88.70 Checks for clearing 1 ,»28 66 Totals $92,1 "4.66 LIABILITIES Capital stock ...» 10,000.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 Undivided profits, less current ex penses and taxes paid 1,672.46 D.vldends unpaid 33.00 Hills payable »..**• 2,000,00 Certificates of Deposit representing money borrowed 1. 880.00 Deposits subject to check - 67,884.62 Time Certificates of Deposit.. 4,121 29 Savings Deposits-...! 8,076.74 Cashier's Checks outatandlng 4,663.30 Certified Checks A*. 600.00 Due to National Banks—unearned dlscouht .. 290.C0 Trust Deposits :L. 288.36 Accrued interest due depositors 376 00 Total $92.174 66 State of North Carolina, County of Ala mance, Dec. Ist, 1919. I, J. S. Cook, Vieoretary of the above named bank, do solemnly swoar that the above statement la true to the best of my kuowledge and belief. J. S. COOK. Secretary. a - Subscribed and sworn to beforo me, this Ist day of Dec., 1919. W. E. BASON, Notary Public. My commission expires Sept. 17, 1924 [Notarial Setl.] Correct—Attest: W. J. NICKS. \V. B. OKEKN, H. N. COOK,'' • Directors. iS® ' sstf km ' " °yj>m x i » ' • • |f| - j- -" T " *. —»—j--~w-fß^ - ' * *'.- ,j^' "~ r HH I 'J - ' "* ; J |l^p?S^pF'Al R ' DEP'T J ! if' STORE "i __ •w.mM As the Holiday Season approaches our hearts are filled with joy of liv ing and giving, which is the true Spirit of Christmas, and who dares to '■■ say there is no Santa Claus as long as the worhkhofds love and faith of • little laughing children and the memory of our own happy childhood? Not since that first Christmas Day in Bethlehem, two thousand years a ? 0 ' w^en J esus of Nazeretfi, born in a manger, came with His gift of, Life Eternal, has the season carried with it such meaning as it does this pT • year. A year of the safe return of our army from over-seas, and triumph those things for which He lived and #ed, has put the heart back into the Christmas Season, and filled us with the joy that comes °f forgetting ourselves in the happiness of others. ' Wrapped in the sweetening power of (/f Christmas, we seem to hear already the mu & sic of childish voices, with their joyous un- jJKa tra:ined melody, as they clasp each new and 1 Yes, it's going to be a wonderful Christ- This store has tried to the fullness of its W°H ability to anticipate the Holiday needs of MP\ the buyers of this community. How well we have succeeded we leave to the' judg ment of our many friends and customers. Brepgy We have endeavored to procure for you a full and attractive assotment of sensible, ap propriate and altogether desirable gift goods —gifts that will reflect your good taste and tKL i .lasting pleasure to the one who re t ; We wish you and yours the best that the season has in* store— happiness, . A Very Merry Christmas Fair Dept. Store Jgrg Next Door to Hayes Co. - ■. ■ GRAHAM, N. C.

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