"Bolshevism Greatest Menace r To Christianity, Says Teusler Direct Attack Upon Crush It. y attack upon Christianity m \ and civilization and must , be fought through Chris- 1 * : WJU tianity, declares Col. R. B. gj |j Teusjer, St. to mobs danced. And 1 have , rescripts formally issued Colonel R. B. T*u«l«r by the Soviet governments Director St. I.uke's Episcopal Hospital, Tokio apportioning the use of and Ked Cross Commisaouaj women among the soldiers to Siberia after the so-called 'nation- .... • T i, alization of women was accom- describe certain theories." 1 ney plishfd, also by Soviet orders. were theories *n Russia, also, until J*This work," said fie, referring Ljnine and Trotzky got into power, tf the Nation-Wide Campaign of g j nce w ],j c h they.have become stern the Episcopal Church, "is greatly rea |; tieg> Bolshevism as practiced needed for ripht here in America d preached here, are as these lSol.hev.st theories are flour- there ana P '° n Bolshevist!) )n &n academic sense to tyranny, chaos. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of M - and has been made under his per- /jr eonal supervision since its Infancy. ' /««***& Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" ore but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is QASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dreps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feveriahness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid* the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of - In Use For Over 30 Years Ths Kind You Have Always Bought THS C«NTAUW SSWMWt. WSWVQSW SITV. Men and Boys! Let Us Fit You Up From Head to Foot We Have For You_ Shoes—Dress and Heavy—to Suit the occasion. Clothing, Overcoats, Sweaters, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Under wear-everything for men. For the Rainy Day let us sup ply you with Raincoats,, Um brellas and Overshoes. We fit up the Boys just the same as we do the men. Crawford & McAdams, Graham, N. C. PATENTS OBTAINED. If jrou bare mi Invention to patent plcue lend u* a model or nki-Übr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, Wi. diacloaure and all buaineae in itrirtly ran. fldmtlal. and will receive our prompt and penoukl attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT UAWTERB. WASHINGTON. D. C. Bfe-, _____ Brafc your CM or UGrippe with lew dwes of 666 LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS Thin book, entitled a* above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church | with historical An interesting volume —nicely print ed ami bound. Price per copy: cloth, *2.1)0; gUt top, $2.00. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be •sent to P. J. K KHNCIiI.K, 1012 K. Marshall St., * Richmond, Va Orders rnav be left at this office. NOTICE OF Special Election! Notice w hereby given that a ♦pccial ejection has boeu ordered . l>y the Board of CotnmlasionerH of * llie town of Graham, North Caro lina, to be held on Tuesday, Janti- * try 20, 1920, at the usual voting l>l(u:e in the northwest room of the '' ;o.url house in said town, for the . purpose of submitting to the voters of the said town of (ira- . >iain for their approval or rejec- ' Lion the following ordinances: He it Ordained by the Board of a Commissioners of the Town of jlraham, North Carolina: Section 1. That pursuant to the iirovisions of the Public Law of " North Carolina, known as "A jieneral Act Relating to Muiiici-j jial Finance" as provided in Chap-'- 1 ter 138 Public Laws of 1917, and Chapter 178 of Public Laws of 1010, aud the several amendments thereto, that the town of Gr&ham, North Carolina, and sell Its bonds for the purpose of erecting mid equipping new school build ings for the public schools in tb town of Graham by building ad- ( ditions to, and remodeling the present public school balkling for 1 the white race, aud equipping ther Name in a modern and up-to-date maimer, aud by acquiring a new siie and erecting a new building for the public school for the col ored race; the said buildings to be constructed and remodeled lo be non-flre proof buildings, as de fined iu sai! law, the outer walls to be hard, incombustible ma- U-rinls, and ihe piobable period of usefulness of the said build ings, for the erection of which the said bonds are to be issued, is de clared to Ite thirty years. Sec. 2. That the maximum, aggregate principal amount of tlie said bonds lie Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000 00). All details us to issuance of said bonds to be fixed by resolution by the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of as provided by said law Sec', a. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and collected by the p.oper authorities of the town of Gra ham. Sec 4. That a statement of the debt of the town of Graham has been tiled with the Clerk of said town pursuant to said Municipal Finance Act, and is open to pub lic inspection. Sec. 5. The average assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by tjie KM id tow.tj of Gra ham for tlitnhifiH fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, as Shown by. said statement, is 9i,- 618,377.00. -■ ♦ M c. (i. The nmouiit of the net de'.tof the said town of Graham outstanding, authorized, or to be authorized, as shown by said state ment, including the proposed issue of $50,000.00 school bonds is $201,11« :i3. Sec. 7. That the foregoing ordi- t nance shall'take effect when ap proved by a majority of the quali fied voters of the town of Graham, North Carolina, at elec tion to be held in said town for said purpose, As provided by law, on Tuesday, January 20, 1920. Jie it Ordained by the Hoard of Commissioners of the Towu of Graham, North Carolina: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the Public Law of North Carolina known as "A Gen eral Act Relating to Municipal Finance," as provided in Chapter 138 Public Laws of 1917, and Chapter 178 .of Public Laws of 1919, aud the several amendments thereto, that the town of Graham, North Carolina, issue and sell its bonds for the purpose of laying out, locating, constructing, build ing, and efplippini, a sanitary sewer system lor the town of Gra ham, North Carolina, and acquir ing all property rights aud prop erty, and payiug for same, to gether with all labor and equip ment necessary to construct such a system, all of which is hereby deemed and declared to be A necessary exjiense for the sAid town. Sea. 2. That the niAximum, ag gregate principal amount of the said bouds be One liuudred Thousand Dollars (SIOO,OOO 00). All details as to issuance of said bonds to be lixed by resolution by the Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Graham, as provided by said law. Sec. 8. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and collected by the proper authorities of the town of Gra ham. Sec. 1. That a statement of the debt of the towu of Graham has been filed with the Clerk of said town pursuant to SAid Municipal Finance Act, and is open lo pub lic inspection. - Sec. 5. The average assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the said town of Gra ham for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, AS shown by said statement, is sl,- 0i«,577.00. Sec. t>. The amount of the net debt of the town of GrahAtn, North Carolina, outstanding, authorized, or to be authorized, as shown by said statement, including the pro posed issue of $100,000.00 se>ver bonds is $201,148.33. Sec. 7. That the governing body of the town of Graham deeming it advisable to obtain the assent of i the voters of the said town be ' fore issuing the said bouds, the ' ordinance shall take effect when approved by the majority of the voters of the town of Gra ham, North Carolina, at a special electiou to be held in said town as provided for in said Municipal Flounce Act, on Tuesday, Janu ary 20, 1980. A new registration of tbe voters of the town of Grahain is ordered for the said election, and all per sons desiring to vote therein are hereby notified to register. E. K. McAtfams is appointed Registrar, and Sam T. Johnston und A. P. Williams are appointed poll-holders for said election. The Registration book will be open for the registration of voters each day (Sundays excepted) at the store of Crawford & McAdams on the ooart houxe square, from Monday, December 29th, 1919, until Saturday, January 17. 1920, and will close on Saturday, Janu ary 17, 1920, ftt 9 o'clock p in. This December 10, 1919. R L. HOLMES, Mayor. P. A. llolt, Town Clerk. 'Near East Situation 1 Now "Most Desperate in World," Says Hoover. Herbert Hoover, wb o I come a mem '■ ' ber of the Ex- S menian Syrian refo- Herbert Hoover. Jj"* » + authority when be tells of hu ms n suffering, says In a formal statement: "In my opinion, the situation n the Near East Is the most lesperate In the world." Afr. Hoover has sent a letter to Cleveland IL Dodge, treasurer Near feast Belief, 1 Madison avenue, New York, In which he jays: . . "In accepting your Invitation to become a member of (he Ex ..outlve Committee of the Near East committee, I do so with reluctance, but out of a sense of duty towards one of the most difficult situations In Europe. Until some political settlement can be obtained for tho Near East and some government es tablished In responsibility for the c-are and .epatriatlon of tliS Armenian population In the Cau casus, this mass of people must live sheerly by the charity of tbe United States. There are In tbe Cnucssus npproxlmstely 1,800,- 000 Armenians, of whom 800,000 are entirely destitute— refugees from Turkey—and amongst them " a tremendous raat>s of children. "1 cannot too strongly urge upon tho members of the com mittee and their, supporters the critical necessity of concentrat ing every possible effort to sup port Colonel Haskell's adminis tration In the amounts that he requires; otherwise we shall witness one of the greatest trag edlea of the entire war." DEATH RATE DROPS WHEN RELIEF ARRIVES Lives of thousands ot Armenlsn children slready have been aaved by the Near East Relief taking over the Armenian orphanages, according to de tailed reports, which have Just reached the headquarters of thst organization. These Institutions hsd been run by the Armenians since tbs beginning of the war to care for the children whose parents hsd been murdered by the Turks. Because of lack of food, clothing and medicine, the death rate among the children In these Institu tions averaged as high as twenty or thirty a dsy In some cases. When Armenlsn funds becsmo In adequate the Near East Relief took charge of the orphanage. Since that time the death rate has been greatly reqneed. Olven good food and care tho children are quickly returning to normal physical and mental condition. It Is estimated by persons who hsve made a survey of Armenia (hat 120,000 children will die during the next year •nlees they are given food and care. Near East Relief Is the only organi sation now operating in Western Asls and It Is making an appeal to sav tfceee Christian children. ALLENBY STOPS GRAFT OF TURK Persecution of Armenians and Confiscation of Property Pre vented by English Offioer. The most arbitrary city boss la the world. It seems safe to say, as well aa the most unscrupulous politician ot modern tinea, haa turned up In Alntab, Armenia, to Judge from an official re port receatly made by Major Stephen Trowbridge, under (Jen. Edmund H. H. Allenby's orders. He Is a Turk named Beelm Bey. Until Ike Near East Belief agent* stopped him, be practiced upon the terrified Armenians each forms of supei-gisft as might well make every ether cor rupt politician In the world green with envy, and such cruelties a* make all ether hsartlses rulers, from Nere down, seem sweet and gentle char acters. His office was that of Munic ipal chief Accountant of Alntab; but, as all dishonest office-holders know. It Isn't tbs Job that matters, but the sogar-plums that go with It. Beslm Bey plucked sugsr-plums with both night and day. Even Inspired city bosses have thet* day. Beslm Bey's came when the Near East Belief agent* found that n* thorough Armenian relief work could be done In that city while such condi tions of terrorisation existed. General Mac Andrew ordered the arrest and removal of the six worst Turks In the ring thst ruled the city, end Beslm Bey qualified, as usual, for first place. Caranaa'a idea of "immediate" is "manana." DECEMBER 18 WILL BE ; RED LETTER DAY HERB Success of Observsnco In North Car*. Una Schools So Marked That Colo bratlon Will Now Aaoumo Wldor Scope. ' So marked hare been the results of "North Carolina Day", which was ot> ierred In about twenty-five of the prin cipalities of this state on November H that oohool superintendents and teachers in many other places in the State have roquet ted that a similar obaerranoe be planned for their schools, and Director W. R. Tlmmoni, ot the Educational Division of the War Loan Organisation of thJs dis trict. has designated December IS as the day. ' * Tho day will be Observed not only In North Carolina but also in South CaLrollaa, and it will be known as "North and South Carolina Day." 1 There is already being shown a friend ly rivalry between the schools of the two sister states for the honor of making the better record. According to the program now being prepared "North and South Carolina Day" will be observed on December 18 in every city or town in this State, which did not observe "North Carolina Day" oh November 24. Savings soci eties will be organized In the schools, and the teachers will be urged to be-1 gin Immediately the use of the Text books In Thrift which are being funtf lshed without cost by the War Loan Organisation and which have proved so helpful In all parts of the county. Many new and Interesting ways art being devised by the boys and girls oi North Carolina by which they can take part In the great savings movement, and reports indicate that they are re gularly and systematically saving con siderable sums of money—some for a college education, others, to buy useful things for the home, while still others are accumulating funds Which will help them in business. Dlreotor Timmons, who has mad* several extended visits to North Caro lina recently, says that the Old North State is rapidly fcrglng ahead and that more and more the people are re ' allzlng the tremendous benefits to be | derived from regular saving. All klnd« of people, he declares, are now savins as they never saved before. They un derstand that money Is now cheap but that soon it may be worth considerably more. Therefore, they are taking ad vantage of this condition of affairs and the State as a whole will reap the ■benefits of the thrift and frugality oi its citlzerns. Wherever Dlreotor Timmons went tie says, ho found growing enthusiasm I Support and cooperation were pledged la every city and town he visited. Men and women, who, when the saving! movement was first launched, appear, j ed to be wholly Indifferent, expressed the greatest Interest In the progresi of tho work and volunteered their In fluence and assistance In furthering It. In short, Director Timmons says, North Carolina, which ha 3 always taken a leading part In patriotic achievement, Is rapidly forging to the front in th« j savings movement, and he hopes thai. ft will soon be one of the banner states. | To assist the boys and girls in th« North Carolina schools to acquire th» savings habit— the surest foundation of prosperity "and happiness—penny and nickel books are being sent to th« teachers for distribution in every room or grade. Also certificates of achieve ment have been engraved and one will fee sent to every pupil as soon as h« has saved enough as to purchase a Wai Savings Stamp. A larger certificate has been engraved for the rooms or grade which have hundred per cent member ship savings societies or thrift clubs Both csrtlficates bear the signatures of Carter Olass, secretary of the United States Treasnary, and Oeorge J. Seay, governor of the Federal Reserve Ban* of the Fifth Federal Reserve District As a result of "North and South Carolina Day" observance Direotoi Tfcnmoni expects that many oertlfl cartes of both kinds will soon bs Is sued. He desires to have a saving! society tn every room or grade in evsry school In tho Old North OtaAs. Dlreotor Ttramons has besn visiting personally as many superin tendents, principals and teachsrs as possible. He has not been able, how ever, to reach every one In North Caro Una, aad he will be glad, he says. II those he haa not had the pleasure ot aeelng will, should they desire further Information regarding tho obiervancs of "North and I^ South Carolina Day" en December 18, write to him at War Loan Organisation headquarters, RlA mond, Va., and all the plans for the day will be given to them as sooa as possible. WHAT QUARTERS WILL DO. Just ons Thrift Stamp after an* other will build a fortune or a hoe pitsl. and the humble Thrift Stamp Is helping to develop a nation of for tune-builders. The government stands back of the theas builders and haa declared ita Intention to continue the ssls of Thrift Stamps, War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certifi cates as a permaaoat part of the aa tlonsl financial policy. It was safe to dsmobollse the amy after the armistice, but It will never be oafs demobilise your hablU el thrift. Keep them In training by regular purchases of War Wvlags Stamps and Treasury Savings CerttS sate I. Nancy Astor appears to have been a regular Nancy Hank* in her seat in Parliament. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genulns Aspirin—say Bayer Insist on "Bsysr Tablets of Aspirin'* a "Bayer package," containing proper direction! for Headache. Colds, Pain, Nemlgi*, Lumbsgo, and Rbsuatatism. Kama "Bayer" msans genuine Aspirin ! prescribed by physlelaaa for nineteen Wars. Handy tin boxea of IS tablets > eoet fsw cents. Aspiria is trade nark ef Bsysr Mamfaeturo o| MfpojWl!!' I MdssteC of Salicylicaeid. For 0 Weak j| Women || In use for over 40 yeartl t/t Thousand* of voluntary 1/1 letters from women, tell- WyM lng of the good Cardui K4 has done them. This Is |/| the best proof of the value ■*] of Cardui. It proves that WyM Cardui is a good medicine I^4 for women. |/| There are no harmful or Wym habit-forming drugs in Cardui. It is composed K/fl only of mild, medicinal |/| Ingredients, with no bad after-effects. . K4 1 TAKE W CARDUI The Woman's Tonic You can rely on Cardui. ms\ MS M e.— wil j ,j 0 j of y OU rJ has done for so V/ 4 Dusands of other |/j It should help. Lj as taken sick, L/l to be . . . l/l rs.Mary E.Veste, l/| on Heights, Va. l/l down so weak, l/l ardly walk . . . l/l gered around. lyl read of Cardui, Kl r taking one hot- Kl efore taking quite Kl t much better. I IvJ or 4 bottles at i/j :, and was able to M rork. I take it in |/| ing when run- Lj I had no appetite, E/1 mmenced eating, l/l best tonic I ever E/1 Try Cardui. E/1 Druggists Kj HAVE HAIR LIKE "20" It's never too late to get rid of gray in the hair. Thousands have benefitted by this scientific diccov ery. Why don't you? Gray, faded, bedrabblei hair can be changed to a uniform, lustrous, beautiful, dark color, so natural in appearnce by applying Q-ban Hair Color Restorer. Safe, simple, ga aranteed harmless—all ready to. use—soc a large bottle. Sold by Hayes Drug Company and all gooa drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Q-ban Liquid shampoo, Q-ban Toilet Soap, Q-ban Depilatory. Oobeat fr • - 1 JlAsk Your Bank's Advice! . i HB\ John Holbrook, a good farmer, was stuck with ■ HI S2OOO worth of wildcat oil stock. "Help me to ® is* g e t out," he begged. "It's too late," his banfker replied. "If you had asked me at first I would gladly have advised you; now your money is gone." .... This bank seeks always to advise the farmers of our county so they will make money. In a broader way, such advice is given weekly by VHe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN Our bank is not merely a place that Great National Farm to keep money. The best part Weekly in every farm home. If 01" our duty is the free giving of you have an account with us, such every ; day advice as our instruct us to charge you SI.OO customers need. We should like for a year's subscription. If you to see prosperity for every farmer keep 'your money elsewhere, Sci(t in this neighborhood. And be- come in, get acquainted, and cause we believe that the in- learn more about THE COUNTRY the copy spiration, the help, to be found GENTLEMAN. The next 52 big everywhere weekly in THE GOJNTRY GEN- weekly issues- may easily show TLEMAN will lead every farmer- you how to make in the coming reader into money-makirilg ways, year an extra $100.00! What we recommend the placing of better investment canyoumake? The National Bank of Alamance S ' *. « ♦ ;c --!*■ Gen t/emmn: (1) Because you know me, enter my name for THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN for one year and \ pa chas «e the coit, SI.OO. to mc. ( or > out (2) Herc'i my dollar. T want THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Sendittome. 1 F (My Narae)_ : 1 (My Addreas) • (City) — LIFT CORNS OR * ■ CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or j callus off with fingers Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezont costs but a few cents at any drug store Apply a few dropß on the corns, calluses and "bard skin" on bottom of feet and ben lift tbm off. When Freezone removes aoans from thetoeyor calluses from the bottom of tbe feet the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. COLDS breed ud^ Spread INFLUENZAVBjf KILL THE COLD ONCE WITH tin .vs CASCARA&>QUININE k fiROMIDt Standard cold remedy for 20 year* —in tablet fbrm—safe, «ure, no p opiate*—breaks up a cold in 24 hour*—relieves grip in '3 dajn. Money beck if it fails. The genuine box hes a Red (rn U 0 with Mr. Hill'a VN fllUßr picture. KB/ At AUDrm r s—»es JUHMtitM* S Used 40 Years j CARDUi ! The Woman's Tonic S [l' - ■>. • X £ Sold Everywhere & —For $1.65 you can get both The Progressive Farmer and THE ALA MANCE GLEANER for one year. Hand of mail to us at Graham and we will see that the papers are sent. You Can Cure That Backache. Palo along the back, dizziness, headache and gennerat languor. Get a package of Mother Gray's Australia Ijfcaf, the pleasant root and herb , euro for Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. When you feel rundown, tired, weak, and without energy use this remarkable combination . f nature, herbs and root*. As a regulator Jt has ns qual. Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf is sold by Druggist* or sent by mail for 60 cts sample sent free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Bov. N. Y Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, _ Alamance County. * In the Superior Court. Daisy Shoffner, Plaintiff, against A. L. Shoffner, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action, entitled as abovd, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county to obtain absolute' divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court'for the county of Alamance at his office at the court house in Gra ham, North Carolina, on the 12th day of January, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff, which will be deposited in the office of the said Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county on or be fore the return day of this summons, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. » I). J. WALKER, C. S. C. This 9th day of Dec., 1919. E. S. W. Dameron, Att'y. Ildec4t WANTED. —Men or women to take orders among friends and neighbors for tie genuine guaran teed hosiery, full line for men, wo men and children. Eliminates darn ing. We pay 50c an hour for spare' time or $24 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Nor ristown, Pa. , , 30otl0t Summons by Publication. North Carolina— Alamance County. • In the Superior Court. January Term, l»JO, Hugh Keck, Plaintiff, va. Meter Keck, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above "has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between the. plaintiff and the defendant for statutory grounds, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Alamance county to be held on the sixth Monday befoie the first Monday in March, 1920, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 28th day of Nov., 1919. D. J. WAI.KER, C. S. C. W. H. Carroll, Atl'y. 4dec4fc Summons by Publication North Carolina— Alamance County, In the Superior Court, Minnie Adkins McKinney against . • ~ Charlie McKinney The defend wit above mined will lake no tice tbat an action entitled 88 above has been eommetced in ibe Ccuit of Ala mance county for tbe dlfiolullon of the bondiof matilmeny between tbe plaintiff aid determent; end tie e'efendant *lll fur ther take notice tbat be la nquired to appear before the t'ieik c f tbe Supoit J t i •* tt hie office in Graham in taid ccumv e i >•« nday, IhefcOth day of December, 11)10, era t newer the com plaint, which will li cer c kited In the efflco of taid link tn ci hi foe (aid 29ih daj of Decealcr. 1910. Aid ft i).e reltodanl take no ilce, that If he tail to amwer paid c( mplaint within tbe tine pietcribeet bylaw, the plaintiff will apply tp tbe court for the relief demanded In tbe ex mplaint. This the 17th day of November. 191 W. D. J. WALK EH, C.S.C. LONG 4 LONG, Attya. 4dcc4w