THE GLEANER ISSUED KVE&Y THURSDAY. 1. O. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. yfj|>lroVfWtru~iririr i~ r-i - - - 111* editor will not be responsible for flaw* eqprasaed by correspondents. IP . Inured at toe Postolßee at Graham. N. 0., as second clu§» matter. • £ ORAHAM, N. C., Jan. 1. 1920 The year 1919 is gone—passed into history. It recorded some of the most momentous events in his tory. It saw many of tho closing events of the world-war. In mate rial prosperity America has never jL witnessed its equal. Hero in hoping that 1920 will witness continued prosperity and that real and lasting peace will spread throughout the world and make it a better placo for men to live in. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Ranka Show Up Well And Pay Divi deads, The National Dank of Alamance had the beat year of its history du ring 1919. The resources at close of buaineaa on Dec. 3 1st amounted to $745,836.05. The depoaits du ring the year increased 25 percent and the volume of business about 50 percent. The directors at their last meeting declared a aomi-annual dividend of 5 percent and on extra dividend of 5 percent, and paaaed $5,000 to the surplus fund. The Citizens Bank of Graham also bad its best year. Depoaits in creased about 40 percent and the volume of business nearly 100 per cent. A dividend of C percent and 2 percent additional waa declared by the director*. The officers anil management of these institutions have every reason to feel proud of their progress. Gooper-Fricke. At 8 o'clock Tuesday night, Dec. 80th, Miss Julia Cooper, one of Gra ham's most popular, amiable and ac complished young women, was united in marriage to Mr. Richard F. Fricke o! Plattaburg, N. Y., at the Baptist church in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. Rev. L. U. Weston, Pastor, impres sively spoke the words which made them husband and wife. The church was beautifully decorated for the oc casion. The chancel waa banked with ferna and candlea shed a mel low light over the beautiful bridal ICODO. A At 9 o'clock tho briilo and groom left for a bridal tour and after the 13th will be at home at Plattaburg, N. Y. Mrs. Fricke has a large circle of frionda whose good wishes follow her for every happiness life can give. (We have at our command a splendidly written account of the marriage which will appear in our next iasne and hence wo refrain from writing more in detail ) Southwest Alamance Cor. of The Gleaner. Christmas In past and gone, and everything in our community lias been very during th« holiday* ; no drunkenness at till. Oakdalo and X Roads schools cloned for the holidays, each with a nice Christmas tree. J. K. Foster's family, which is very much scattered, all met at the old homo with him oil Christ mas Day. We understand the old Kune vlllo Cotton Mill has been sold and the buyers are taking down the machinery and will ship it to Japan. Grover Sboffner's little son is improving. Lola Smith has come to spond the winter. She has been work ing in Burliugtou. Win. Foster of the Mt. Hope section Visited relatives near Oak dale during the holidays. "Pa, what was a pre-glacial man." "Why a man before he had to pay ice bills, I suppose." It is a reproach not to have friends; it may be even a greater not to have enemies. DODSON WOULD STOP SALE OF CALOMEL My* Uharl I* Mercury «»' *'»• IJk » Dyuslti os Your liver. Dodson is making a hard light agaiost calomel in the South. Every drugifist htm noticed a Kreat \ fulling off In tho sale of calomel. They all give the name reason, Dodson's Liver Tone in taking iu place. •'Calomel is daugerous and peo ple know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safo ami Rives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every dmirgist. A law liottlft costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every ease of liver sluggishness and con ?. • atipation, yon have only to ask B. for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tono is a pleas ant-tasting, purely vegutaWe remedy, harmless to both chil dren and adults. Take a spoon ful at night and wake up fecline I fine; no biliousness, sick head ache acid stomach or constipated , bowels. It doesu't gripe or cause inconvenience ali the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow YOU Will feel weak, sick and IS nauseated. Don't low a day s b _ n _ k J Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor Healthy, Robust People Popular Everywhere Ciood Health Creates an Attractive, Magnetic Personality aud Wlu Admiration Healthy People Are Happiest Pepto-Mangan llat Put Thousand* Into the Healthy, Full ■ Hooded Clan How the red-bloodod, energetic, and attractive man or woman is envied by those who feel that it will always be their unt'ortuuate lot to be thin, pale, and weak bodied ! And yet why continue to envy men and women who possess a vigorous, healthy physical condi tion and an attractive, magnetic personality? Poor health and lack of vitality are often merely the result of impoverished blood. Glide's Pepto-Mangan is for peo ple whose bodies suiter from lack of proper blood nourishment. Pepto-Mangan enriches the blood and increases the number of healthy red blood cells,.which are so necessary to carry the proper nourishment,* vigorousness, and strength to every part of the body. Physicians introduced Gudo's Pspto-Mangan to the public be cause tliey knew that it contained the very properties that are so sorely needed to build up thin, watery blood. For your conven ience Peto-Mangan is prepared in two forms, liquid and tablet, lloth contain exactly the same medici nal value. Insist on the genuine Pepto- Magan. To be sure you are buy ing the genuine Pepto-Mangan, ask your druggist for "Gude's." And be sure the name''Glide's" is on the package. Scouta Keep the Law. Every now and then some judge or juvenile court worker beurs testi mony that scouting keep* bojn out of tnl«rhlef, that scouts keep the law nnd are good citizens In embryo. Recently V. B. Hartnen, an attorney of Tacorna, Wash., made the following statement: "Of all the boy* passing through the juvenile court In the Inat year, not one was an active scout." Thero are 700 boya affiliated with the Tacoma conn ell. so this statement renlly means something. Not one boy who came up as a case before the court was an ac tive scout, and upon Investigation It was Shown that In only two enses were the offenders boys who had had any connection whatever at any time with scouting.—James E. West, In Boya' Lira. _ A Hybrid Mariner. "An old salt, eh?" , "You might call him that." "He's the sort of sailor, X presume, who feels sorry-.for u*\poor landlub bers when there'a a storm at sea, "knowing that chimneys are tumbling about our ears and roof* being blown off while he'a snug and safo In his berth aboard the Many Ann or the l.l*a Janer "Ho Isn't that kind of BB old salt He's employed on a liner, one of those big floating hotels, and he dAean't see much more of the ocean than the aver age baggage man In a land hotel."— Tllmiingliam Age-Herald. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children In Um For Ovar 30 Years from your fertilizer if you use ROYSTER'S TWADC MASS ,r>g r>, r-oiv RC.OISTCKC.O —- The Fertilizer Fish Scrap . F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington,N.C. Columbia, S.C Spartanburg, S.C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Go. Cotumbua, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio * ' ' N, . ■ RESULTS TELL There Can lie No IlouM About the Re •ulti In fJrahaai Results tell the talc. All doabt is removed. The testimony of a Graham citizen can be easily investigated What better proof can be had? J. N. H. Clendenin, retired farmer, S. Moin St.,says: "Some years ago I was bothered a great deal by weak kidneys. I had lit tle control over the kidney secre tions and had to get up a lot nights. My back was so sore and lame, I could hardly straighten. In the morning I was so lame I could hardly get out of bed. I read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I got a supply at the Graham Drug Co. and taking them. A few doses rdevtd the pain in my back and one box cured me. I can now go to bed, sleep well and my back is sttong." Price 60c. at all dealers Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy —g t Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Clendenin had Foster Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buf falo, N. Y. Trustee's Re-Sale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on January 2(ith, 1918, by Mrs. Sallie Sum mers Harrison and husband, H. J Harrison, for the purpose of se curing the payment of four certain bonds of even dato therewith, which deed of trust in recorded in the Public Registry of Alamance county in Hook of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, No. 73, at page 204, default liaviug been made in the payment of said bonds aud the interest thereon, the under signed trustee will, on MONDAY, FEB. 2, 1920, at, twelve o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, at tho court house door of Alamance county, in Graham, N. C., a certain tract or parcel of laud lying in Boon Station township, Alamance coun ty, North Carolina, on the south west side of Haw river, aud bounded as follows: lleginniog at a loeust tree utor near Haw fiver at the bridge, a corner between Peter and George Hummers, and running thence north (>7 J dog \V 9 eha to a thence N 87 deg W 35 elm toi a Cherry tree; thence in a direct line to a whiteoak; thence N S7i deg E l 'i elm and 7 to a t(tak« in tlie big road; thence S ] deg I£. 11 elm and 4Q links to a stake;' thence N 87j deg H 22 elm to n.gum on Haw river, a corner on Mary Walker's (formerly Abner James' corner); thence up said river as it meanders to the beginning, making by estimate one hundred acres, more or lens. Under the advanced bid placed upon aaid laud as allowed by law since the last Hale, bidding will begin thereon at 147.25 per acre; Haid laud having been previously Hold December Ist, 11)19. The trustee reserves the right to sell only a part of said land sufficient to satisfy said deed of trust. This Ist day of Jan., 1920. Alamance ln». & Real K»tate Co., Trustee. K. 8. W. Dameron, Att'y. Land Sale! Under and by virtue of an order of tlio Superior Court of Alamance county, State of North Carolina, iiittl» in tho Special Proceeding entitled Sarah J. Cates, widow, et al., vs. E. J. Cates, minor, the being No. 004 upon the Special Proceeding Docket of said county, the undersigned Commis sioner will, on SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1920, At 12:00 o'clock M., at the court liouee door in Graham, State and county aforesaid, offer for a»le to tlie highest bidder, upon the terms h«reiuafter mentioned, that cer tain tract or pircel of land lying and being in Thompson township, Alamance county, adjoining the lands of G. T. Jones, J. W. Small, K. P. Crabtree, W. E. Cooke; J. T. Albright, J. R. Minor and others, containing one hundred and fifty-one and 38-100 acres; this being the farm owned by the late Jatnes M. Cates, upon which lih died, and was purchased by the 4/iid .1 nines M. Cates from Harry Gooditutn. Upon this farm are a number of acres in fine timber. For n more complete description see Hook of Deeds No.fi4, page 256. Terms of Sale: One-half cash on day of sale, the balance in six mouths, the deferred payment to bear the legal rate of interest from the date of confirmation, and title is reserved until all the purchase money is paid. This December 24, 1919. J. ELMER LONG, Commissioner. Trustee's Sale! Un-fer and by virtue of the pow er of Hii'e contained in two cer tain detds of t'ust each bearing date of October 16, 1916, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of D.edi for A'amance county," in Book of Mortgage D-eds and D.-eds cf Trmt Nor 171, page 152, and No. 69 at p ge 112, sa?d deeds of irui-t being executed by William Al'ison and his wife, Lou Dora A lison, and default having been made in the payment ol the debts secured thereby, the undersign ed, the trustee in said deeds of trust, the Graham Loan & Trust Co will, on SATURDAY, JAN 24, 1920, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door iq. Graham, N. C., ell at public auc'ion. to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol fowing described tract or lot of land, situate in the town of Gra ham, and described as follows, to-wit": * Being lot No 38, and being the one sold at public auction on May 30,1903, and fronting on Washington Street 93 ft. and tunning thence back west 159 Vi feet, and containing thirty-five one-fiundredth acres, tnoie or 'ess. Being lot No. 38 in a pl«t cf lands duly lecorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance county, N. C. in Book of Deeds No. 25, on pages 94 and 95, and reference to said plat is herein made for a more com plete description thereof. Terms of sale: CASH. GRAHAM LOAN & TRUST CO., December 13, 1919. Trustee J. J. HENDERSON, Atfy. HOW TO REACH RHEUMATISM THROUGH THE BLOOD Powerfd Iron in licraid form makes rich, red blood and drives uric acid out " > V of the system forever. It is now generally known that Rheumatism is caused by uric acid which is formed in the blood and de posited through, thousands of little capillaries and nerves in different, parts of the body. If yoo have healthy, rich, red, strong blood, you will never have Rheumatism. Healthy blood elimi nates uric acid, and does not allow it to stay in the body to cripple and pain. The successful and reliable method of getting this great essential into the Dloovts through the use of a nat ural form of soluble iron known as Acid Iron Mineral. The nerves are immediately strengthened, bodily vigor is restored and the general im provement of all ailing conditions prove that the blood is getting the iron it must have to maintain perfect health. With the blood thus made healthy, uric acid is eliminated and For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., > V ' ' (A TMt amount of work now remain* to be done which tha *"*- intervention of war haa necessarily delayed and acenmtt- - la ted, and the result is that • • • • • very large capital . j i expenditure* ought to be made to make op for DM inter i ruptions Inevitably due to the war, and to prepare the rail- > V roads to serve adequately the increased traffic throughout . I x tha country. WALKER D. BINES. Dintfr Gtmtral of Rallr+*dt. ~ j I I ~ I Work more — .j Produce more — "r! : - ft Save more — i But we can't continue increasing our production unless we continue increasing our railroad facilities. * The farms, mines and factories cannot increase their output beyond the capacity d of the railroads to haul their products. Railroads are now near the peak of their f carrying capacity. |j| Without railroad expansion—more en- "> gines, more cars, more tracks, more ter i minals —there can be little increase in production. But this country of ours is going to keep right on growing—and the railroads must grow with it. To command in the investment markets the flow of new capital to expand railroad facilities —and so increase production there must be public confidence in the future earning power of railroads. The nation's business can grow only as fast as the railroads grow. Shity adwtiAcment il pubiiJied by tfic Slteociatipri of%ulwcuj Those desiring information concerning the railroad situ- j ation may obtain literature by writing to the Aesocia- Hon of Railway Executives, 61 Broadway, New York. j ' " .zr- I I "N. xy age-long hnur« fnr the phy«iciin 111/ x - who may not arrive in time will hsud j if |y fail to keep on hands bottle ol thi* effective croup remedy. Vapo /jj roentha ia a certain preventive and specific for colda, croup, influenza, // grippe, pneumonia and oilier respiratory ailmenu. V WILL NOT STAIN THE CLOTHES M' It i* applied externally to the cheat, throat and nos (till and ts quickly abtorbed through the pore* of the akin. It> healing vapors riae and are inhaled directly to the infected membrane*. A double-action remedy, it it doubly certain to produce satisfactory retulti. It haa thia characteriitic that distinguitbea it from other ealvea, it will not atain the clothea. Buy a IfjllU j! UJK bottle of Vapomentha TODAY. It ii an invaluable Sj M ffij. protection for an inugnificant price, ffll SBHinwf 30c. 60c, and $1.20 Bottlaa at J* " n> ***' **•"•*** Store*. iiBF U your dealer cannot nipply you order from Subscribe for The Gleaner I'.* . t i driven out of the system, even in cases where the trouble is of long 'standing, and. has feiled to respond to other methods of treatment. This new way of driving Rheuma tism out of the system through the blood made pure and strong with this natural soluble iron—Acid Iron Mineral —is Being adopted by thou sands asrfast as the story can be told. There is no need to suffer longer— you can be on the road to recovery today. And in driving rheumatism from your system, this remarkable liquid Iron blood maker will give you stronger nerves, more power in every way. If you suffer from Rheumatism in any form, no matter of how long standing, you owe it to yourself to start using Acid Iron M ineral at once. Do not miss this opportunity. Call at your druggist today. Why suffer any longer? Distributors. An Ordinance. An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of $50,000.00 School Bonds of the Town of Graham. Be it Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Graham, North Carolina: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisiona of the Public Law of North Carolina, known as "A General Act Relating to Munici pal Finance" as provided in Chap ter 138 public Laws of 1917, and Chapter 178 of Public Laws of 1919, and the several amendments thereto, that the town of Graham, North Carolina, iuue and sell it* bonds for the purpose of erecting and equipping new school build ings for the public schools in the town of Graham by building ad ditions to, and remodeling the present public school building for the white race, and equipping the same in a modern and up-to-date manner, and by acquiring a new Bite and erecting a new building for the public school for the col ored race; the said buildings to be constructed and remodeled to be non-fire proof buildings, as de fined in said law, the outer walls to be hard, incombustible ma terials, and the probable period of usefulness of the said build- ings, for the erection of which the said bonds are to be issued, is de clared to be thirty years. Sec. 2. That the maximum, aggregate, principal amount of the said bonds be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). All details as to issuance of Baid bonds to be fixed by resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the town of Graham, as provided by said law. Sec. 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually levied and collected by the proper authorities of the town of Gra ham. Sec. 4. That a statement of the debt of the town of Graham has been filed with the Clerk of said town pursuant to said Municipa- Finance Act, and is open to publ lie inspection. Sec. 5. The average assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by the said town of Gra ham for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last levied, as shown by said statement, is sl,- 612,377.00. Sec. 6. The amount of the net debt of the said town of Graham outstanding, authorized, or to be authorized, as shown by said state ment, including the proposed issue of $50,000.00 school bonds is ,$201,148.33. Sec. 7. That the foregoing ordi nance shall take effect when ap proved by a majority of the quali fied voters of the town of Graham, North Carolina, at a special elec tion to be held in said town for said purpose, as provided by law, on Tuesday, January 20, 1920. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the Ist day of Decem ber, 1919, and was first published on tfie 11th day of December, 1919. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordi nance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publi cation. P. A. HOLT, Town Clerk. NOTICE ! NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. In the matter of the administration of the estate of Samuel William eon, deceased. To the next of kin oi Samuel Wil liamson deceased : Take Notice: > That whereas, the said Samuel Williamson died the 17th day of October, 1919. And whereas, there has been ex hibited before me for probate a paper writing purporting to con tain the nun-cupative will of the said Samuel Williamson; And whereas, W. J'. Barker, of the aforesaid county and State,• has made application for the prooate of eaid will, as administrator, c. t. a., thereof; It is therefore orderfed, that the next of kin of the said Samuel Wil liamson, deceased, appear before me at my office in Graham, N. C., on or before the expiration of six weeks „ from aate of this publica tion arid show cause to the under signed within said period why the said nun-cupative will should not be probated. This November 8, 1919. D. J. WALKER, Clerk Superior Court. W. 8. COULTER, Atty. 20nov6t PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent please send ua a model or sketchr with a letter oi brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, You, disclosure end sll business Is strictly con fidential, and will receive our prompt and |>eraonal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON, D. O. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as" above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Churcb with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Pzioe per copy: cloth, $2.00; gi]t top, $2.60. By mail 20c extrd. Orders may be sent to P. J. Kkrnodlk, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va Orders mav be left at this office. The war gave us broader vision. Perhaps that is the reason we overlook the need of reforms here at home. *AnOrdlnanfce. An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of $100,000.00 Sewer Bonds of the Town of Graham. Be it Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the - Town of Graham, North Carolina; Section 1. That pursuant to the previsionsof the Public Law of North Cartftina known as "A Gen eral Act Relating to Municipal Finance," as provided in Chapter 138 Publio LAWS of 1917, and Chapter 178 of Public Laws of 1919, and the several amendments thereto, that the town of Graham, North Carolina, issue and sell its bonds for the purpose of laying out, locating, constructing, build ing, and equipping a sanitary sewer system for the town of Gra ham, North Carolina, and "acquir ing all property rights and prop erty, »nd paying for same, to gether with all labor and equip ment necessary to construct such a system, all of which is hereby deemed and declared to be a necessary expense for the said town. Sea. 2. That the maximum, ag gregate principal amount of the said bonds be One Hundred Thousand Dollars (SIOO,OOO 00). All details as to issuance of said bonds to be fixed by resolution by the Board of Commissioners of the town of Graham, as provided by said law. \ Sec. 3. That a tax sufficientlo, ' pay the principal and interest of the said bonds shall be annually 1 levied and collected by the proper 1 authorities of the town of Gra ham. Sec. 4. That a statement of the debt of the town of Graham has 1 been filed with the Clerk of said town pursuant to said Municipal Finance Act, and is open to pub ' lie inspection Sec. 5. The average assessed valuation of property subject to I taxation by the said town of Gra i ham for the three fiscal years in L which taxes were last levied, as • shown by said statement, is sl,- l 6154,377.00. Sec. 6. Tfyie amount of the net 1 debt of the town of Graham, North » Carolina, outstanding, authorized, ■ or to be authorized, as shown by i said statement, including the pro i posed issue of $100,000.00 sewer ■ bonds is $201,148.33. Sec. 7. That the governing body 5 of the town of Graham deeming it > advisable to obtain the assent of > the voters of the said town be - fore issuing the said bonds, the I said ordinance shall take effect i when approved by the majority of the voters of the town of Gra - ham, North Carolina, at a special ■ election to be held in said town ■ as provided for in Baid Municipal . Finance Act, on Tuesday, Janu ■ aty 20, 1920. : The foregoing ordinance was 1 passed on the Ist day of Decem ber, 1919, and was first published i on the 11th day of December, . 1919. I Any action or proceeding ques . tioning the validity of said ordi - nance must be commenced within ■ thirty days after its first publi i cation. P. A. IIOLT, Town Clerk. Mortgage Sale of Land! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust, executed by 'J. A. Pettigrew and wife, Jannie May Pettigrew, Nov. 20, 1918, to Central Loan & Trust Company, Trustee, . which said Deed in Trust is duly record , ed in the office of the Register of Deeds . of Alamance County, in Book of Deeds of Trust, No. 62, at page 120, default having been made in the payment of same, the ■ undersigned Trustee will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the ' court bouse door in Graham, N. C., on I MONDAY, DEC. 29, 1919 r all the following real property, towit: Tract No. 1. A certain tract or parcel ' of land in Burlington Township, Ala mance County. State of North Carolina, being lot No. 54 in the plat of Central Heigths, which is recorded in Plat Book No. I, page 1, in the office of the Regis ter oi Deeds for Alamance County, Gra ham, N. C„ and described as follows; Beginning at a corner of lot No. 5# on the North side of Kimes St., thence N. 8 deg. E. 1801 ft to a stake, corner with line of Jos. A. Isley, thence 8. 82 deg. W. with line of Jos. A. Isley, 50 ft. comer with lot No. 55, thence S. 9 deg. W. with line of lot No. 55, 191 ft- to corner in Kimes St., thence N. 81 deg. W. 50 ft. to the beginning, containing 9,000 ft. more or less. Tract No. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Ala mance County, State of N. C.. being lot No. 5», in the plat of Central Heigths, which is recorded in Plat Hook No. 1,« ; page 1, in the office of Register of Deeds " for Alamance County, Graham, N. C., and described as follows: Beginning at corner of lot No. 27i on I on the Nortn side of Kimes St., thence N. 9 deg. E. 180 ft. to a stake, corner with line of Jos. A. Isley, thence S. 82 deg. E. ' with line of Jos. A. Isley, 50 ft. corner r with lot No. 54, thence 8. 9 deg. W. • with line of lot No. 54, 180J ft. to corner • in Kime St., thence N. 81 deg. 50 ft. to - the beginning, containing 9,000 Sq. Ft., I mo-eor less. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 21st day of Nov., 1919. CENTRAL LOAN & TRDBT CO., _ Trustee. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE i Nunc "Bayer ' is on , Aspirin— say Bayer Insist on "Barer Tsblrts of Aspirin" k a "Bayer package," eontaiaing praps* directions for Headache, Colds, Paia, 1 Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Bhmmatlsm. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin . prescribed by physicians for nineteen I years. Handy tin boxes of IS tablets I coet few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mottoaestjt aeMester of Sslicylteaeid. ~