THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Jan. 22, 1920. Postotflce Hows. 0810 open ». m. t07.00 p. m. Ido o*7 *4O to 11.90 ». m. and U» to M 0 p. m E. N. COOK, PoatmuMr. ♦ LOCAL NBWS. ♦ ' —Mra. J. J. Barefoot entertained i the Bridge Clnb laat Friday after \ noon. \ —This ia regular pneumonia weather and everyone should be Careful about expoaing himself nn woeaaarily. V—On theeveningof January 16th, CO, Miss Effie May Halt became V bride of Mr. William Everett Well. The ceremony that united to in holy wedlock was performed lev. J. W. Holt, at his home, in presence of a few friends. Both Ipa were of Graham, N. C. -1 -ilev. A. Victor Lightbourne of Dover, Del., is conducting evangel istic services at Elon College thia week. Some of the Graham people have been going over to hear him. It will be remembered that five yeara ago thia Spring he conducted a moat intereating service in Gra ham and that the people caine from neighboring towna and the country around to hear him. He has lately been choaen evangelist of the South ern Christian Convention. Superior Court. Court convened Monday for the trial cf civil oases with Judge Calvert presiding. Twenty-one divorce cases, the largest number ever set for trial at an Alamance court, headed the calendar. Some of them were tried, some left open to be heard later and some continued, A large number of other cases were calendared for trial, at this term and many of them will be disposed of before the week ends. -A New Real Estate Co. Graham Real Estate Co. is the name of a new real estate company chartered a few days ago to do busi ness in Graham. It is learned that it will absorb the business of the Graham Loan & Trust Co. It will have plenty of capital to finance large transactions. The organiza tion has not been effected at this writing. A live realty company with ample means can do a large part in the up-building of a town. "Flu" Again. •, v A year ago the entire country was swept with an epidemic of Spanish Influenza and thousands of deaths resulted. It was predicted at the time that there would be a return of it this winter, but it has come two or three months later and in a mild«r form. At present there is much more of in some sections of the North and West than in the South. la Graham in the past week a large number of cases have develop ed. So far as heard none are seri ously sick, but many are confined to their homes. In a few cases nearly every member of the family is sick. Mr. Henry M. Moser Passes. After a confinement of about ten days Mr. Henry M. Moser passed away at his home about 4 o clocck yesterday morning. Heart failure and kidney complications were the immediate cause of his death. Mr. was born April 8,1853, and at the time of his death was 66 years, 9 months and 13 days old. He had lived in Alamance county all of his life and in Graham about 25' years. He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. Minnie Wilson, and seven sons —Wm. M., of Oxford, who attended the funeral, Carl H., of Burlington, A. W., Jas. H., Cairo S., Kenneth H. and Amnion C., of Graham. One son, Edison W., who was in the U. S. Army at the time, died in the Philippine Islands about 14 years ago. A daughter, Gelia Blanche, died 19 years ago at the age of 12 years. Three df his sona — Carm S., Kenneth H. and Ammon C., and his grandson, Cline C , of Ox ford, saw service overseas in the World War. The funeral takes place at 2 o'clock tbisafternoon from the M. E. church, of which decea»ed was a member, and will he conducted by his pastor, Rev. C. T. Thrift, after which the burial will be in Linwood Cemetery. At the grave the service will be conducted by the Junior Order, of which he was a loyal member. Mr. Moser was a good citizen, highly esteemed, and the family have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement. Wanted 25 men to cut pine cord wood at SI.6Q cord. Apply te C. A. Whitta more at the Dan Long place at once Graham Welding Go- Welding and brazing of metals by the Oxy-Acetylene process. New ' and complete equipment. Special attention given to broken auto parts. Prices as low as is consistent with / high grade work. Your patronage solicited. West Elm St., next to Fire House. 25dec Ford—l9l6 Model-For Sale. Oood condittion. Well cared for. Price right. A. P. Williams, Gra ham, N. C. Fords lor Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 11917 model-price right. Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C, PBRJ3ONAL. ♦ O A. A. F. Bm well, Esq., of Son ford attended court herw the first of the week. «. «■- Capt R. G. Foster spent the first of the week in Wilmington and Charlotte. Hon. S. M. Qattia of Hillaboro was hare the firat of the week at tending court. Misses Frances and Margaret Moore apent Sunday in Mabane with their aunt, Mra. Alf. Mebane. Misses Joaephine Thomas and Mary Weeks went to Greensboro Tuesday night to hear the Russian Symphony. Mr. J. N. H. Ciendenin went to Hickory last week to spend a few d»ya viaiting his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Peterson. Mr. and Mr»s Ralph Long of Greenaboro were here visit ing the former'a parents, Col. and Mrs. J. A. Long. Long-Ward Wedding. Last Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in Graham Presbyterian church a beautiful marriage was aoleihnized, the contracting parties being Miaa Minnie Blanche Long, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mra. Wil liam S. Long, Jr., and Mr. Wm. Ira Ward, both of Graham. The church had been tastily decorated for the occasion, the color scheme beiDg green and white. A score of candles supported, by beautiful candelabra threw a mellow light over the scene. Before the entrance of the bridal partv Mrs. M C. Terrell of Buarling ton, standing back Of a bank of ferns and potted plants on the choir plat form, sweetly sung "Mavis" while Mrs. Jas. E. Watson presided at the pipe organ. When the strains of the bridal chorus rippled forth from the organ the bridal party en tered. The ushers, Messrs. John Scott, Herbert 8. Long, Dewey Far rell and Willard Goley, came first and took their places nbout the altar. The dame of honor, Mrs. Junius X. Powell of Washington, D. C.,' dressed in navy blue taffete and wearing a black picture hat entered. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Next came the maid of honor, Miss Annie Ben Long, sister of the bride, prettily dressed in whi'e georgette, wearing a black picture hat and carrying a bouquet of pink roses. /Then came the bride on the arm of her father wl o gave her in mar riage. She was handsomely dressed in a navy blue suit with accessories to match and carried a splendid bouquet of Uride rosea. The bride groom and his bpst man, Mr. F. W. Terrell, met them at the altar. Rev. Dr. W. S. Long of Chapel Hill, grandfather of the bride, as sisted by Rev. E. N. Caldwell, the bride's pastor, spoke the solemn words which made the twain one. "To Rose" was softly played during the ceremony, and this was followed by the joyjus peals of Mendelssohn's Wedding March. The bride is one of Graham's most popular and cultured young womin and never looked better nor happier than on this occasion The groom is a successfpl law yer and real estate dealer of Gra ham. . Immediately after the ceremony they left for a bridal lour to north ern cities, going by automobile to Greensboro to board their train. A host of friends wish them a long life full of happiness. People will not work beoause they do not get enough and they do not get enough because they do not work. A half million dollars appro priated to investigate the in creased cost of living! Increased costs wouldn't bother us if we had the half million. SOME GOOD ADVICE strengthened by Graham Experiences. Ki Iney disease is too dangerous lo neglect At the first sign of back ache, headache; dizziness or urinary disorders, you should give the weak ened kidneys prompt attention. Eat little meat, take things easier and use a reliable kidney tonic. There's no other kidney medicine so well recommended as Bonn's Kidney Fills. Graham people rely on them. Here's one of the many statements from Graham people. Mrs. T. C. Bradshaw, W. Elm St, says: "*1 dont know what would have happened t"» me had it not been for £)oan s Kidney Pill*. Th?y certainly brought me out of mis eny that I was in from kidney trouble and I recommend th?m to anybody who is troubled with weak kidneys. I haven't had any need of Doan's since th?y cured me and I can recommend them very highly as the best kidney remedy I know of." Price 60c, at all dealera. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— zet Doan's Kidney Pills— the same that Mrs. Bradshaw had. Foster- Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Trustee's Sale oi Real Estate. 0. der and by vtr'ueof the power of rale contained In H deed of trust executed by Brown Haynrs ami wtf •. Mary Bargee, on April 10. J»IS. and recorded In the office of the Register of I> eds for Alamance enunty. in Book No. 71 of Deeds of Trust, page 3H, t£e undersigned T.u»tee wIII offer for sale at Ssb?lo£tSyeiU.Tblg best bidder for cash, at tlie court house door In Graham. Ala mance county. North Carolina, at Yt o clock M., on Maturday, Heb'y 21.1« M). tbe following described property: A certain piece or tract of land In Ala mance county. Stale of North Carolina, Ift Burlington lowosblp sod defined and de scribed as follows, to-wtu Adjoint l * the lands ef Alvls F'oranea, Dan Hnlpes and AO. Batne*. and i ounded as follow*: Beginning ata rock, corner Florence *nd Barnes line; ibence 8. li% deg K. wito Hav ties' line i chains f". links to s rock on alley; thence ». 87%* K. « chains IS Unks to rock; tlienc* N, y, deg. W. 4 chains to a rock. Alvls Kioranue 1 n-; thence with Flor ence line . S7J4 dog. W. . chaln and 66 i links te,tbo beginning, containing I U a ere", wore or lees « Oils Ja-yiary 21. 183 p. _ « _ Alamance Ins. Si Real Estate Co.. Trustee. School and Sewer Bonds Carried Graham Votes to Issue $50,090 School and 1100,000 Sewer Bonds. RETURN OF REGISTRAR AND JUDGES. The undersigned duly appoint ed, qualified, and acting Registrar and poll holders for the special election held in the town of Gra ham, North Carolina, on January 20, 1920, in accordance with ordi nance duly passed by the Board of Commissioners of the said town of Graham under and by authority of a general act relating to mu nicipal finance as contained in Public Laws of 1917, Chap. 138, and Public Laws of 1919, Chap. 178, have held said election as directed by law, and have can vassed the votes cast therein bnd the voters registered and qualified to vote in said election, aud have, judicially determined the same and hereby declare the resnlts to be as herein shown: The voters register ed and qualified to vote in the said election is—3ol. The nnmber of votes cast "for the ordinance" providing for the issuance of $50,000.00 school bonds is—26o. The number of votes castagainsc the said ordinance is—7. The number of voters register ed for said election and not vot ing upon passage of said ordi nance is—34. ' The number of votes cast for the] ordinance providing for the issuance of $100,000.00 ftewer bonds is—2so. The number of votes cast against said ordinance is—l 7. The number of voters register ed and qualified to vote in said election and not voting upon pas sage of said ordinance is—ll4. It is hereby declared that the ordinance providing for the issu ance of $50,000.00 school bonds for the town of Graham, has been approved by the voteis of said town, and has carried by a ma jority of 219 votes. It ii hereby declared that the ordinance providing for the issu ance of $100,000.00 sewer bones for the town of Graham, has been Approved by the voters of said town, and lias carried by a ma jority of 233 votes. We, the unpersigned Registrar and judges of the said election, declared the result thereof as herein shown at the close ef the said election; and we met on Wed nesday, January 21st, 1920, at 12 o'clock, tioon, at the Mayor's office, and after taking the oath prescribed by law, astheßourd of Canvassers of the said election, we canvassed the results of the said election and judicially d •' termined and declared the results to be as herein shown. Witness our hauds, this the 21st day of January, 1920. E. E. MCADAMH, Registrar. A. P. WILLIAMS, SAM T. JOHNSTON, Poll Holders and Judges. Filed with me, this the 21st day of January, 1920. ~ - \ P. A. HOLT, Clerk to Board of Commissioners. How's Thin I We offer One Hundred Dollarn tie ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hfc.l b Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the pant thirty-five years, and has become knowu as the most re liable remedy for Catarrh, flail's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Muooua surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood snd healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's (Catarrh Medi cine for a short time you wtlisee a great im provement in your general health. Htart taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at once and fet rid of oatarrh. Send for testimonial, ree. 4- J. CHENEY A CO,, Tolodo, Ohio. Bold by all Drugginta, 75c. adv Billy Sunday is going to Hous ton, Texas, in March, but he can not locate hell in Houston with Mexico so close at hand. This Medicine Recommended by a Doctor When a doctor uses a medicine hlm- Igelf besides prescribing It to his patients, he mutt know that It ha* merit. Thli li what Dr. J. H. Wagner, a prom inent physician of Skate, Kentucky, baa to lay about Or. Hartman's well-known remedy, PE-RU-NA: "I have usod PB- ; RU-NA myself. tor catarrh and have glren it to others for catarrh, bloating after eating and other ailment*. It ha» proved a success in all esses with old and yonng men and women. All speak well of PB-RU-NA. It Is the beet of all tonics." Dr. Wagner, ont of the fullness of hi* own personal experience, for the good of all *lck and suffering, recommends a medicine which he knows to be good. Ton may be sare a doctor would not en danger his professional reputation by endorsing PE-RU-NA unless satisfied be yond a doubt of Its value. Whether your trouble be a cough or a I cold, or a more subtle catarrhal affection '■ of the stomach, bowels or other organs, n « i u WARMER give PE-RU-NA a trial. The Immediate "* improvement which you will see will sat. |afy beyftnd a doubt that PB-RU-NA Is what you need. PB-RU-NA may be purchased anywhere In tablet or liquid form. \ Calomel ,is J H dangerous drug. It is f • ' \ mercury—quicksilver; and attacks .your \ 1 \ bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel to- V' 1 day and you will feel weak, sick and nau \ seated tomorrow. „ Don't lose a day's ' work. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I Here's my guarantee! Ask your back to the store and get your money, druggist for a bottle of Dodson's Take a spoonful of harmless, vege- Ltrer Tone and take a spoonful to* table Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and ■igfat. If it doesn't start your liyer wake up feeling great. It's perfectly and straighten you right up better harmless, so give it to your children than calomel and without griping or any time. It can't salivate, so let you sick I want you to go them eat anything afterwards. •» If the Pence Treaty is tfc wTme issue this ye ir, most logical will be the selection of Lodge to pre side over the O. O. P. convention nnd wake its keynote address. He CHII key note alright, but can be get tbe convention into harmony with tbe note he sounds? The' Philadelphia Record wants to know what B tbe matter whh William Qibbs McAdoo for Presi dent. Some millions of people would like to hear the answer. Needed Protection Keep your body well nourished and strong and there is little danger. It's essentia/ that you keep vp your resistance. There are I thousands of families who would not dream of being without the protection that SCOTTS EMULSION affords. The right idea is to start in the fall with Scottit Emulsion and be protected for a strenuous winter. Ifs Scotfc you ask for. The Norwegian cod-liver oil used TT If la Scott's EnwUort is super-refined A 111 £ our own American Laboratories. IU purity and quality is ur.surpassed, BcoU&Bownc,ftown2cld.N.J, 19-2? Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale coutained iu a cer tain deed of trust wherein the nudersigned, Alamance Insurance & Real Estate Company is trus tee. said deed of trust being re corded in the office of theitegister of Dee l b for Alamance county in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 78, at page 77, default having been made in t he payment of the indebtedness secured there by the said trustee will, on MONDAY, FEB. 23, 10'20. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction lo the b»t bidder, for ca*h, the fol lowing described property, to-wii: A certain lot or parcel of bind in Burlington township, Alamance county aud State of North Caro lina, being on the East side of the city of Burlingtou: Facing 50 feet on Grace Street and running back 170.5 feet, the same being Lot No. 9 in Block A, described in the map of the Real Estate Investment Company made by J. D. Harding, Civil Engineer, and recorded ill book of plats No. 1, page 38, of the I'ublic Registry of Alamance county, N. 0 This 22nd day of Jan , 1920. Alamance Ihb. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. W. S. Coulter, Att'y. f^' 1 iSuyelqL without queitlontf fails in the treatment of «t*ema, Trtter Ringworm.ltch.eie. Don't become dißCOuraftd becaute other treatment! failed Ifunl'iSaUa hat relieved hundred# of such ratet You can't lote on our Morttv Back Guarantee. Ttf it at oui ritk TODAY. Price 7Se For tale locally by GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C. PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have nn Invention to patent please send us a model or xketcbr with a letter of brief explanation for lire liininury examination anil ailviee, You, disclosure and all business is strictly con fidential, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., I PATENT LAWYERS. WASHINGTON, D. C F6R RENT —Rctom suitable for st&re or business office, court house square, next to A. B-Nicholson. See W. H. Holt - . .Jjan4t Break your Gold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666 Mortgagee's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of thu] power of sale contained iu a cer tain mortgage deed of trust, exe cuted by W. It Ilall and wife, Frances G. Ilall, dated August 14, 1912, said mortgage deed be ing recorded in the ofllce of the liagister of Deeds for Alaiuanue couuty in Book of Mortgage Deeds and Deeds o£ Trust No. 57, at page 300, default having been made in the payment of the debts secured thereby, the undersigned mortgagee will sell at public auo tion te the highest bidder,- for cash, on SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1920, at twelve o'clock, noon, at th, court house door in G rahain, N. C. the following described real prop" erty, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land iu the town of Graham, North Carolina, fronting on Maple Street, and adjoining the lands of the colored Baptist chnrch, Louisa Thonwn, James Bamm and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock, corner with tbe snid Baptist chtirch lot on the west side of Maple street at the junction of Maple und Main in sai'l town of Graham, and run ning thence west with the line of said Church lot l(?tt feet to a rock in Jaincs Bamm's lino; theuco S 36 feet to a rock; thence East with said Louisa Thomas' line JO9 feet to a rock on Maple street; theuce North with the line of said street 42 feet to tho beginniug and coti tnining the lot and residence, a two-story seven-room house, oc cupied by tho said \V, It. Hall.. Terms of Sale: Cash. This 29th day of Dec., 1919. GRAHAM LOAN & TRUST CO., Mortgagee J. J. HENDERSON, Atty fIS Z.T.HADLE\ Jeweler and Optician GRAHAM, N. C. Goodyear Leadership— and Tires for Small Gars Enormous resources and scrupulous care JzS£m\ have produced in Goodyear Tires for small fyQf'r A cairs a high relative value not exceeded even in the famous Goodyear Cords on the (/vTy Bj|o\ world's highest-priced automobiles. s /xar\ JV> In addition to its larger sizes, Goodyear manu yyV jlfl;1 factures an average of 20,000 small car tires f Yyr\ Ell a day in the world's largest tire factory tYV Hi devoted solely to the 30x3-, 30x3 and /o\i 1 31x4*inch sizes. /yA/ 'a were factory-equipped widi Goodyear Tires ; / Vj\r\ 1 than with any other kind. I B Their extreme worth is available for your I S I Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other / a I small car, at the nearesj; Goodyear Service IB Station. Go there for-these tires and niiiv' w/ / year Heav v Tourist Tubes. 30xlVfc CoodytarDouble-Cure SJ(\OO Goodyear Heavy TourutjTube# are built to protect eatings. Fabric. All' Weather Tread . Why endanger a good eating with a cheap tube? Goodyear ... e . , ... , r .. • Heavy Tourist jTl'ubea co»t little more than tubea of on 30* V/g Goodyear Single« Cure $1*765 , . _•«# , . » , , „ * -tSK Fabric, AnU'Skld Tread *l7 ~ 30 * 3 '/l in wattrproo/bag J no'arrive will hard l( ly fail to keep on hand a bottle of thi« effective croup remedy. Vapo /ff mentha ii a certain preventive and specific for colds, croup, influenza, yl grippe, pneumonia and other respiratory ailmeoti. {§w&mnm |7 WILL NOT STAIN THE CLOTHES ' V It i* applied externally to the chest, throat and noa ■ trila ana is quickly absorbed through the porea of the EKr "kin. Its healing vapora rite and are inhaled directly to the infected membranes. A double-action remedy, j WB— •' '• doubly certain to produce saliifactory results. I* ha» this characteristic that distinguishes it from 1 1 ?! I " MMIIK °'^ er it will not stain the clothes. Buy a IST II j—l )M bottle of Vapomentha TODAY. It is an invaluable rrfj H ®' * i protection for an insignificant price, j I \ 30C, 6OC, » WnffiJvLkitW AU Drug and Gaosral Starw. Wtmsm 11 your de,l ' er cannot supply you order from Their Medicine Chest For 20 Years IT is characteristic of folks after they pass the allotted "three score years and ten," to look back over tho days thai are gone and thoughtfully, lire them over. I find myself, at seventy-one, frequently drifting back a quarter of a century, when 1 »ee myself In the little drug store I owned at Dolivar, Mo., making and selling a vegetable compound to my friends and customers—what was then known only as Dr. Lewis' Medicine for BUCmaoh, Liver aud Bowel Complaints. Fov many years while I was perfecting my formula I studied and investigated the laxatives and cathartics on the market and became convinced that their main fault was not that they did not act on the bowels but that their action was too violent and drastic, and upset the system of the user; which was due to the fact that they were not thorough enough In their action, some simply acting on the upper or small iutes tlnes, while others would act onlv on the lower or large Inteetlnes, and that they almost invariably produced a habit re quiring augmented doses. I believed that a preparation to produce the best effect must first tone the liver, then acton the stomach and entire alimen tary system. If this was aceompllfthed, the medicine would produce a mild, but thorough elimination of the waste without the usual sickening sensations, and make the user feel better at once. After experimenting with hundred* of different compounds, I at last perfected the formula that is now known as Mare** KsaMhr, which I truly believe goes further I . W Tonight - | I Tomorrow Fool Ritfht R aud does more than any laxative on the maiket today. The thousands of letters from users have convinced me I was right, and that ths user of IMn'i RssMiy as a family medicine, even though he may have uned it for twenty-Ave years, never has My knowledge of medicine and the re sults of its use in my own family and among my friends, before I ever offervd it for sale, caused me to have great faith in Mitsi'i Hiiiiy from ths very first. And now as I find myself n earing the age when 1 must bow to Uie inevitable and go to another life, my greatest pleasure is to sit each day and read the letters that each mall brings from people as old or older than I, who tell of having nsed ■stare's Rsm% for ten, fifteen and twenty years, and now they and their children and grandchildren have been benefitted by It. It Is a consoling thought, my friends, for a man at my age to feel that aside from his own success, one has done something for his fellow man. My greatest satisfac tion, my great«nt happlnc«s today, Is the knowledge that tonight more than one million people will take a Retort's ftsawtff (Nit Tablet) and will be better, healthier, happier people for It. I hope you will be ono of them. A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., Trustee's Sale of LuNgf! F% -iffv.' Under and by virtu* ot»4gMß power of sale contained in *WO&a certain deeds of troat executed u£9 P. D. Everett© and faia wife, 8. t#&i Everette, said deeds of trnsttoMH ing date 'of March 2, 1910, Wm| being recorded in the office of thmjm Register of Deeds for Alam»n|ea county, in Books of Mortga&p§| Deeds and Deeds of Trust No. '*% at page 60, and No. 71, at page 71, m default having been made in the Jj payment of the debte Hecured | thereby, the undersigned trustee will offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, on SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the conrt house door in Qraham, N. 0., the following described real property, to-wit: A certain tract or lot of land lying and being in Graham town* ship, Alamance county, North and described as follows: . Beginning at a stone center of the road and in Walker's line and • ; running thence with sai£ road N 44 deg E 3 chs to a stone in said road; thence N 70 deg EBS Iks to a stone and Walker's corner; thence S 35 deg E 7 chs and 12 Iks to a stone; thence 870 deg W 2 chs 50 Iks to a rtone, W. F. Jones' line; thence N 48 deg W 0 chs 35 Iks to the beginning, and contain ing two (2) acres, more or less. On this tract of land there is a two-story frame dwelling. Terms of Sale: Cash. This 29th day of Dec., 1919. ORAIIAM LOAN & TRUST CO., . 5 Trustee. J. J." HENDERSON, Att'y." Trustee's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the U power of sale contained in a cei> M tain deed of trust executed by jffp Chas. Holt and wife, Pattie Holt, v which said deed of trnat is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance coun ty, in Book of Mortgage Deeds sad Deeds of Trust No. 65, at page 193, default having been m adein ibe payment of the debta second 'hereby, the undersigned trustee will offer at public sale .to the highest bidder, for cash, on jj «J SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1920, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the court houfcedoor in Graham, N. G., the followiug described real prop erty, te>lvlt: A certain tract) or parcel of land in Graham towuship, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Harvey White, Daisy Walker, Dan Walker and others and described as follows: Being that certain tract of land described in Book of Deeds No. 35, at page 454, in the office of the lte'isterof Deeds for Alamunce county, and reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description thereof. And on which said lot there is located a new frame dwelling. Terms of Sale: Cash. This 29th day of Dec., 1919. GRAHAM LOAN FC TRUST CO., Trustee. J J. J. Henderson, Att'y.