VOL. XLVI dandruff meah J I lm loosens the scalp and stimulates J aI the hair to normal, healthy growth. f'i WlldfootljtaaktßhampooorWlldroat '3 If I M tbetnetmeat. ,1 G THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC | For tale here under a I money-hack guarantee B Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drug Co. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE HUM "Bayer" is on OntilDß A»pirin— say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablet* of Aspirin" la a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Hanay tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoetio acideatei' of Salicylicacid. BLANK I BOOKS j Journals, Ledgers, i Day Books, Time Books, , | Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, I Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &C«f &c. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. \ THE BEST NOVEL OF THE YEAR " ERSKINE DALE, PIONEER" by JOHN FOX, JR. is mow running in SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE also ROOSEVELT'S LABOR LETTERS Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. Ci der and by vlriueof the power of sale contained In a deed or trust executed b) novo Baynes aod wit , Mary Baynes, on April 10. It It, and recorded In the offlcti ft the Register or 1) «*1» for Alumari e county. In BOOK Ho. 71 of Deeds of Trust, pave 38. the unneralxned Trustee will otter tor sale ai public outcry to tbe highest bidder, for casu at the oourt bouse door In Grabam, Ala manoe county, North Carolina, it II u cl -ck M*ou Saturday, Feb'y 31,1020, the following described property: A oertalo piece or tract of laud In Ala nance county, State of North Carolina, in Burlington township and defined and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Adjoint: g the lands of AITIS Florence, Dau Mulpes and Ab Baynea, and > ounded as follows: Boa tuning ata rock, corner Florence and Baynes 11ns; thenoe «. lIK deg K. with Baynea' line 4 cbalna 91 Units to a rock on alley; thenoe a nfi'- B. « cbalna 18 llnas to rock; Uienoe N, deg. WT 4 obalus to a rack, Alvls Flormnoe line; thenoe with flor anoe line . 87X deg. w. 1 chains and if links to the beginning, containing 1M acres, more or teas Thl. January 21. MM. Alamance Id*. & Heal Estate Co., Trustee. -SSry mowir aacilt II ahhoui qurttiootr Hunl'iSalte Wnv l)J in th * irratmcnt a( BctroM. Cm f rf *rti«.Rh»pw»w,ltcketc Don't I VJ J A become diacooraard because other V §fj treotmenu failed Himt'iSal** VJn haa rttteved fc—»>i of eurh caaaa You can't toaa on our N«n«y J \mch Cumrmntmm. fry ■ It at oofrlak TODAY. M»7Se JBHHr ra» salo locally by GRAHAM DRUG COMPAN Y, GRAHAM, N. C. AN OFFER IS MADE J ro lira MISER HOLLAND ANXIOUS TO OOMPLY " WITH ANY RIQUIST THAT COMPORTS WITH DIGNITY. DOORN IS CITY SELECTED Situation Blngularly Advantageous, Being Remote From Any Large Cities, Place Easily Ouarded. The Hague.—The latest allied not* to Holland with regard to extradition of the former German emperor re verse* the original demand for his sur render and only aslot his Internment, with the suggestion that the former monarch be sent, perhaps, to one of ' the Dutch islands In the Bast Indies, It became known. It is learned on excellent authority that the Dutch government has al ready determined to reply with an of-' fer actually to Intern Wllhelm at Doom. Holland would accept the full responsibility of preventing him from endangering the peace of the world, 1 establishing a guard over him and a strict censorship. ! Holland, it is pointed out in diplo matic circles, Is anxious to meet any i request of the allies which is compat ible with her own dignity and does I not conflict with the nation's laws and | traditions of long standing. More ■ than anything else, as far as can be ( I learned, she desires to bring to a , close the issues over the presence of ■ the former emperor, which has been [ a thorn in her side since the Hohen- | , zollerns sought refuge here in 1918. : That the ex-ruler is undoubtedly | '• , willing to spend the rest of his life In j Doom is the belief In official circles, where it Is also believed that the al- , I lies will accept the proposal to place , ! upon Holland's shoulders the respon- | Isiblllty for keeping him there. They point to Doorn as being a particularly j advantageous place to Intern him, as the village is not near any large city and the house which the ex-emperor I haa bought is so placed as to be easily | guarded. PREMIER LLOYD GEORQE IS NOT TO COME TO AMERICA London. —Premier Lloyd George 1* not contemplating any trip to Amip lea It was stated, authoritatively in Downing Street. VISCOUNT GREY IS TO BE SUCCEEDED BY £ARL READING London —Viscount Grey has definite ly decided not to return to Washing ten as British ambassador, but will be succeeded by Sari Reading, ZEMBTVO REGIME RECOGNIED BY RUSSIAN ORGANIZATIONS » Berlin. —Severe weather, blizzards, and snow storms in the last few days have crippled outdoor revolutionary demonstration. All government organi sations are acclaiming their allegianee to the Zemstvo regime. I COMBINATION OF LUMBERMEN 18 RESPONSIBLE FOR PRICES i Memphis, Tenn.—The government moved to lower the price of lumber when the department of Justice filed a petition In the United States district oourt here asking for an injunction against 333 southern lumbermen. KIY TO OFFICIAL RESIDENCE OF LORD MAYOR IS RETURNED London. —The large key of the door of the Mansion house, official resi dence of the lord mayor, which was I missed last summer after an enter- I tainment given to American sailors, bfea just been restored through tho American embassy. Census Takers Needed. Ashevllie and Raleigh will be head quarters for the chief special agent sent out from Washington by the census bureau to supervise the taking of the industrial census In North Car - olina, which starts on March 1. There will be thirteen special agents located In the following seven cities: Wil mington, New Bern. Durham, Greens boro, Winston-Salem, Raadleman, e Charlotte, Statesvllle and Shelby. J, The census starting March 1 will 'i Include the manufacturers, mines and e quarries, and oil and gas wells. II More than 1,000 special agents will I be needed by the census bureau. k Judge Pell may be Named. Washington, (Special)— North Car k olina, seeking anew a seat on the In n terstate Commerce Commission, has * presented the name of Judge George J J. Pell, of the North Carolina corpora d tlon commission, to its represents t> tires In Congress with the request " that Judge Pell's name be offered to a President Wilson. S« Already the Pell boom is In such "• shape that a delegation could, with propriety, appear before the Presi dent just as soon as be feels well I. enough to receive callers. I Bankers Want Branch Bank. I About 800 letters have been sent ont by ten of the leading bankers M I North and Botlth Carolina" to tbs banks of the two states regarding the establishment of a branch bank at aome point In one of the states, the location to be designated by Rich mond and Washington. Enclosed also Is postal card on Which Is an expression favoring the establishment of a branch bank, with the re,qae*t that It be signed and sent to any one of the ten men signing the 1 jtter. i , ■ GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19.192U PRESIDENT IS MOT HI ALLSATISFIED DISAGREES STRONGLY IN' THI PROPOBED SETTLEMENT OP ADRIATIC QUESTION. REPLY TO NOTE IS DRAFTED ; Another Delay In the Adrlatlo Settle ment as Result of the Ineldent Foreseen In French Circles. Paris. —Hugh C. Wallace, the Ameri can ambassador, delivered to the for elgn office a memorandum from Pres ident Wilson, according to The Temps, in which the president said he could not approve of Premier Lloyd George's proposed settlement of the Adriatic question which has been submitted to the Jugoslavs. The Temps says President Wilson allowed it to be understood that the UnKed States would find It impossible to continue in conference If the al lies settle the Adriatic uestion with out consulting the United States. The premiers have drafted a reply to President Wilson's note on the Adriatic question, which will be trans mitted through the American ambas sadors at London and Paris, accord ing to a member of Premier Miller and's staff. GEORGIA FARMER PRODUCES COTTON WITH GREEN FIBRE. Dalton, Ga. —C. P. O'Brlant, a far mer residing In the Pleasant Grove district of this county, claims to have produced cotton the staple of which is a pronounced green. The samples of this "Vlridescent cotton" is of beautiful green color and of very fine texture and fibre, resem bling lambs wool. ♦32460,000 WAS OFFERED FOR 21 OF 34 HUN VEBSELS. Washington.—The morning session of the auction of 34 seized German ships closed with a total of $32,360,- 000 offered for 21 vessels. The Indi vidual top bids were 114,060,000 by the International Mercantile Marine for nine ships for service to the United Kingdom and northern continental porta; a bid of $13,100,000 by the same corporation for six vessels for service to Hamburg and Bremen; $4,600,000 offered by Moore and McCormack for Ave ships for South American service. ANOTHER AMERICAN CAPTURED BY BAND MEXICAN BRIGANDS Washington.—Wilson Welsh Adams, American, has been captured by ban dits in Zacatecas, Mexico, and is be ing held for 60,000 pesos ransom, the state department was advised. The American representatives at Saltlllo and Monterery, in reporting the incident, said the authorities in Zacatecas were endeavoring to learn the whereabouts of Adams and his cap tors and that three columns of Mexi can troops had been sent out. STRIKE OF MAINTENANCE OF WAY MEN OFF INDEFINITELY Detroit.—The strike of 300,000 mem bers of the Brotherhood of Mainte nance of Way Employes and Railway Shop Laborers was Indefinitely post poned by A. E. Baker, international president of the union, in accordance with the request of President Wilson that action be delayed until after the general conference of railway union oommitte men on February the 23rd. Notice of the decision was commu nicated to Director General Hlnes. RED CROSS MOBILIZING ALL NURSES IN THE SOUTH. Atlanta, Oa.—Mobilisation of all Red Cross nurses in the Southern divis ion was ordered at headquarters In an effort to combat Influenza which Is •aid to be spreading rapidly In South Carolina and to a lesser degree In Tennessee and Florida. ARIZONA HAS RATIFIED WOMAN BUFFRAGE AMENDMENT Phoenix, Ariz. —Ratification of the woman suffrage amendment to the fed eral constitution by a special session of the Arisona legislature, was com pi ted when -the senate adopted the ratifying resolution following similar action by the house. Arizona Is the 21st state to ratify. NEW NOTE ON EX-KAISER HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO HOLLAND | London.—A new allied note to Hol land regarding the extradition of according to The Evening Standard, former Emperer William desptaehed The note, says the newspaper, makes a strong appeal to the Dutch govern ment "not to create greater difficul ties la Europe by Insisting on the right of asylum for the man cbaracterled as the author of the world's present trou bles." POINDEXTER VERY SEVERE ON AMERICAN FEDERATION LABOR Utlca, N. T.—Charges that behind the announced plan of the American Federation of Labor to obtain the elec tion of a congress and a president favorable to Its policies existed a sin ister movement of a small coterie of labor leaders who have grown power ful by the constributions they have levied upon labor to set up a "govern ment • r:t>.ia a government" were made bere by United States Senator Miles Potndexter. THE OLD NORTH STATE ■MKIT Noma OF INTEREST TO CAROLINIAN®. hi Durham. This city's $660,0|)0 school bond election carried by a ma jority of 226. Statesvllle.—lnfluenta haa spread i like wildfire in Statesvllle tor aev eral days. j Klnston. Mrs. Bmmeline Panic i burst will come here to speak It waa announced. Greeneboro.—Mr. Leon J. Brandt, prominent cltiaen and former mayor o this city, died from Influenza-pnett moula. Lumberton.—W. H. Capps, 81 years old and a Confederate veteran, died •t his home in East Lumberton, of paralysis. Bessemer City—The' flu situation has become so serious that the au thorities have closed the schools and theaters. Lenoir. —Henry Powell, an aged and highly respected colored man, was found dead in a room of his home here with a .46 caliber bullet hole through his head. It was a case of suicide. Rocky Mount—Earl Murray, three year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Murray of thle city, met almost In stant death on Falls road near the outaklrts of the city when he waa struck and knocked down by an au tomobile. Washington. (Special), Sena tor Simmons haa been urged to have an investigation made of treatment to soldier patients in the hospital at Oteen, N. C. He has asksd for affi davits. Statesvllle. —Deputy Sheriff O. I* Woodsidss and other officers captur -»J a still la New Hope township, near Myers Hill. VThe still was of the steamer type Bnd was about 60 gallons capacity. Wlneton-Salem.—A goal of 19» Christian workers will be eought by the Southern Presbyterian church in the synod of North Carolina, Feb-u --ery 28, tt was announced at synodlcal headquarters here. Salisbury.—(Miss Adna Edwards haa sucoeeded Mlse Llda Olive as heme demonstration agent for Rowan, Mlse Olive having resigned on account of 111 health. Ashevllie.—A motor corps has been organised by young women of thia city who have volunteered for the work, and Miss Rachael Howland, in charge of the corps, has Issued an ap peal for more automobiles. Gastonia. —Gaston county'a 86th cot* ton mill was chartered when certl/V cats of Incorporation was granted by tha secretary of state to the Stowe Spinning Company, of Belmont, with an authorised capitalisation of $1,800,- 000. Charlote.—About 300 former service men have been enrolled In the Hor nets' Nest post of the American le gion during the membership campaign according to the report of Lane Ether ldge chairman of the membership committee. ( s. Red Springs.—A South Carolina girl. Miss Vera Coe of Richland, was choc en president of the freshman class of Flora Macdonald college here. The s'udent body is the largest In the his tory of the college with over 100 in (he entering class. Hamlet.—On acouut of the crowded condition of the Hamlet public schools the town commissioners have called an election early in March to vote on a bond issue of SIOO,OOO to build a new school building. The sentiment in the town seems to be that such a building is neces sary; CAROLINA. CLINCHFIELD AND OHIO BECUREB A GUARANTEE. Washington.—The railroad admin istration signed a contract providing for $1,839,266 annual compensation to the Carolina, Cllnchfleld A Ohio rail road under government control. AMERICAN LEGION IN FAVOR OF COMPULSORY TRAINING. Washingtonr—A bonus for ex-ser vice men and compulsory military training were announced as the prln -1 ctpal alms of the legislative oomrait tee of the American Legion, members of which were bere for a series of oo»- ferences with congreesmen. ONI SON OF THI IX-KAISIR HAS NOW TWO LIVINO WIVIS New York.—Oscar, the fifth son of the ex-kaleer of Oermany. haa two wfree. In July, I*l4, bis merganaUc marriage to Mile. Ina Maria Baase wit, who took the title of Countess of Ruppla. waa announced. In 1(14 he married Princess Marie Augusts of Anhalt. And It has never been re ported either that his first marriage was annulled or that the Countess of Rupppin was dead HANGMAN OF LINCOLN MUROIR SUSPICTS DIES IN MICHIGAN Jackson, Mich—Christian Rath, veteran of the Confederate war and executioner of the alleged conspirators convicted of being Involved In the as sassination of Lincoln, died bere. He was born in Freidenatadt, Oermany. « mm i TO BE ABANDONED ; 1 CALEDONIA FARM PRISONERS I ARK TO U TAKEN PROM THERE TO RALKIOH. FARM WIS SOLD IT (UCTIOI 1 f Plana Have Besn Discussed by Whlefc Several Hundred May Be Detailed to Highway Construction Work. ——— Raleigh. Several hundred prisoners oonflae4 i at the Caledonia Farm la Halltaj county will be brought to Releigb 1 and placed In the state prison hers : until new quarters planned tor all i state prisoners on the prison farm i eight miles from the city are mads ready, probably some time later lp th« I summer. The Caledonia farm will be abandoned by the state and turned I over to the purchasers who bought It 1 at auction laat December. Details of the abandonment of the i Caledonia farm and the plana for ths i new prison in Wake county were dla -1 cussed at the regular monthly meet ing of the prison board. Nothing of definite nature haa been announced by the board except that the work at the new prison will be prosecuted as rapidly ad circumstances will permit, and that plans have been discussed for employing several hundred of the prisoners on highway construction work that have heretofore been ena ployed on the farm and In other oon- i etruction work. I ■ I Beware the "Something Bettor." I Although there are practically >O4 companies and organisations licensed i to do business in North Carolina, hav ing complied with the law respecting i such privilege, still there are many | from outside the state who want to i reach the people, and try to evade I the law, never failing to eo present i their claims by latter as to main the I Impression they are offisring some thing better than licensed operators are offering. In such casee. Commis sioner James R. Young at the North 1 Carolina 'lnsurance Department, gives specific notice, that these contracts > are not allowable under the law and 1 cannot be enforced. Among this i class, he says, ths "Clergymen's Ben eficial Association of Pennsylvania" ahould be rated. i i Questionnaires Framed and Reedy. I The State Federation of Labor : wants to know how candld&tee for state offices in North Carolina and 1 candidates for state offices in North Carolina and candidates for the state i legislature stand on the proposed con- i stitutional amendment greatly reduc- ' Ing the constitutional limitation on! i taxation. This query Is included In the questionnaire of the State Feder ation, framed by authority of its laat : , convsntlon in Raleigh, to define for : , the benefit of organized labor in the . state the attitude of various candl- ■ ( S sg=c==== (3W& The Power I of Money I i When William Payne, the banker at Bisonville, decreed that no farmer who did not raise cows as well as wheat could borrow money t from him, the angry grain growers almost lynched him. But they had to do as he demanded —and today 1 his county is an oasis in a blowaway desert, his de positors and borrowers are prosperous farmers, his \ bank is looked upon as the agricultural father of the whole countryside. Such is The Power of Money for Good. Herbert Quick, formerly a member of the Farm Loan Board, tells the story in the February 7th issue of TEe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN It is the first article in a great your money on deposit with us. new scries about country banks. Let us advise you what to read The business of a bank —of this about fanning; let us. in fact, oank -and the prosperity of its send in your subscription for fanner customers are closely THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. related. That is why we stand For only SI.OO you can read th* copy ready at all times to give to you Herbert Quick's series and all s aomrywhmrm whatever service is in our power, the other splendid articles that N Consult with us about your will appear in the next 52 issues 1 farming plans. Let us help you of the Great National Farm 0 in your financial plans. Keep vVeekly. : • i f 1 1 The National Bank of Alamance i Q»ntUm»n: V» t (1) Bccauae you know me, enter my name for THB CoutrTKY QKMTUMAM For on* YEAR ad J I ' charge the coat, 11.00, to inc. _ (2) Here'* my dollar. I want Tint COUNTOYGBNTIXMAN. Bcndittome. J " , ( (My Nam*) ] (My AAAM*I • / ■ ... ' ' - I " n . =t=BS=Sßas=t^^^l^^Jr dates tor office toward questions of interest to labor forces. The ques tionnaire to now ready (or dlstriba tloa. j jEfffe ■ - s**.. . From $1,800,000 to 16,500,000. The Rosemary Maaotectartag com pany, Roanoke Rapids, operating sar sral or the largest cotton mills la that •action of the state, filed an amend ment to Its charter, trebling its capi tal atook, Increasing It from $1,800,- 000 to 91.t00.000. The corporation oon template# a Urge expeaaloa of ha buslnsss there. Carrying on Income Tax Work. Pending the reorganliatlon of the Internal Revenue Department in the state, necessitated by the reeignatkm of Supervisor A. D. Watts and a number of revenue agents who have entered the field as advisors In come tax matters, the income Ui work in North Carolina will be car ried on under the supervision of Cap tain Prank L Boyd, collector of the Lenlsvlile. Ky„ district. Captaia Boyd has reached Statesvllle and as sumed charge at the office vacated by Colonel Watts. Much Flu and Pneumonia. A total of 4.T41 new caaea of in fluenza ware reported for the state board of health. Included In the report were 81 new eases of pneumonia and 20 deaths for the preceding day. To date there have been 20.184 cases reported to the state board at health with 121 deaths. For the month of October. I*lß. the first month of the epidemic in "■-* year, a total of 103.000 casee were re ported with a total number of deaths of 8.06«. No Slap at P real dent. Washington. (Special) —Leading democrats denied that the caucus ac tion last night against universal mill tary training was Intended to be a slap at President Wilson. Representative Claude Kitchen Mid: "The action of the democratic cau cus in going on record against com pulsory universal military training of service was not taken to sptte the Prssldeo* or because of him. It waa limply an expression of the convic tions of a majority at the member* litnuenxa ■ axes new nolo. ' Influenza has taken a aew hold a* the state, according to reports from 1 many dtiee and counties reaching the office of Dr. P. M. Register. Early reports totalled 1.481 new casee at ta flueaza, 34 of paeamonta and sts dsaths. Few additional reports are expected in the night mails. Theee flguree do not include reports coaaiag from mayor of Stateavtlle and tho health office of Guilford county The Stateeville mayor writee that lafiuenaa there has reached the epidemic stage and asks for help. He does aoc state the number of eases. The Guilford officer statee that there are one thou aand cases of influenza in the county, south of High Point and Greensboro. This is the first report received from Oullford county. A health officer has been sent to Xlkta. Surry county. In response to a request for aid in the light since so many local doctors were 01 that it waa impoeslble to handle the sttua "I —— J Strannth G» Cmi 111) Wtttf m of a g—board Air Ltw lull Vtew-1 wl down an mbuimiMt, mmr Baraa I nth, and four others Mr* l«n)U. | llt is sot thoagfet that aar fitelltteg wffl ret alt. I Among tha lnfrrtd ara tk* lußa* , tag: , South Carolina—Mm T. V, Tl—» i date, Kerthaw; Mra. W. H. aad W. T. t Ollrar. Matthews; J. f. Mathews, , Bock Hill; B. B. Quarteraaa. Ttsst . r!ek t | North Carolina —Mr. aad Mia. B. 9. - Johnaoa aad Mra. 1 S. Daaghter. a> - of Charlotte; C. D. Taekar. BaMfk; ) W. H. rut, Hamtet; Mia. J. A. Kat ; 17. Henderson. _ Tha following are Bate' aaseag tha > tafcred without addresses: Batay Icl »r too, lota Eraaa. WaOua Carr, | Charles Palter. L. Laadraa. W W. i Golden. Jao C. Watlar, "Aaaia Cheat j ham aad Coadaetar L I—h I 0. A. R. Electa Rtgafit ' Mtea Mary HlUlant Hfastoa. -rf Bat elgh, waa elected reseat of tha I)aioto tars of tha BetutaHu* at a auu aaaf ' tag held at tha Wooaa's CM*. at Uphleh tha uifailiilM aada tUm (or tha year's work aad adavtad aa i ( Hotels Ferae 4 ta Cliaa. Prodtabte at ta tha hotel M*«> ' two Worth Carolina hoetsirtaa win go oat of baataaaa at tha and of •'jtarv I r ary at tha behest of tha Ma Piwid • | of Health, aateaa taaedtaae steps an > • takaa to l»pre>va tha taattary th- I ad. Tha Xaw Central Hotel, at B*m-1 i tot. aad tha Hotat Aberdeen. at itor I deea. are tha placea Oat hm fti ffar red tha diafaror at tha hotat ta*i»«- tor. Mr. John P.. Oortoa. r LOMDOM PAMM TAUNT M OH •PRESIDENTIAL AMOLUTWM.* | Leadoo —"President WBasa aaV destly tataada no taka aaata lha L t ralgaa of gowernsasat ta a iglrt* tlmt I win brook ao oopcattinn," said Tha i Pall Mall Gajatta. "Ha haa aaothar r fear ta offlte aad tha hnttaaflnnn at* - that it ta goto* to b* t 'iTalf ana* f l Tha newspaper rater fad ta baatW.ag ■ » way to ""Preaideat WLL-Mn't aatendbt i Isolation" Soma of tha aaaivaoara l I taast tha rsited States for il» "prtef- I I daatial abeelatieia." i the LEAeue or nations won • IN It SCENT MISSOURI CONTEST * I I law City. Ma—What la i i»a i ißa » ta a com plate rtetocy tar PraalJant ' Witooa ta kla Ighc tar tha leegna of ! oatione covenant aad tha peace treaty I ta lean Here whaa Incomplete returns I I dlatrtct thow that th« democratic ua , I late tor tha vacancy mada by tha ga» , I cnotloa rf Joahna V. Aleaandar, haa t aukjortty of aogvaalniately I.SM aear jUa repQbiieaa oggoaaoL = = NO. 2 JOTW i. ■EWfSBBw 3RAHAa. ~* ° W. WILL UAM, it orrKXn*mwom9&aat** j _ * unto _* L 1 ** j ncerest xh a rate mtts imcßßc ' )£ 9' per tnt for pwr* ' ! *bl«s 3emiraouuukllijr r aoaiiflßti *»>- oe«i& of tikft aaD» ut' ■ be naei for* mißiidiiliita gf j liiK« of tk» ofii Seflhae m ante Sn» r aal fimi pßjwiii ' j poee ot! bmiktimg: amM nii—tiim i a^2s^| l tt2r*w™^e^ it a pcitrt teh liw'ijjjinltaii few tins CkpßniMMapili of said bcrnitt. I iioa a zu#w ij a orrienfii. Tk» ngstww books so be oaadMk off votes» for twenefcy pf) 3|jn' j nrwwiiwy _ iiojli dhdiMh. i»trar r ami J. Sl Cteak aad CjHj ; Sartlm. ir i[ij;i inttniljjiirfjx.ii Said, electioa ta all rwjpecte a» ytmfifcdl ta 1 Chap, ti'i mi t&» raMk Laws ' ot !»13w aiui the atri» aowNU&a- Cory thereto. Saai aieetioa wiH be held at tha rngßit fflSlNc place for general eiaetwaa m iaicl Grtham SowoahqK By artier of iWßkwrftfCea imtSHioaum j£ Alaataace wumttj* at a regular Via lay. January Bv 31. ROGERS Clerk of the Board. UVXSOff CKBDAK MMSXIBS Th» teek, aatitiai m afcetre, wataiaa »va* SOO BHMhitf )Ha •m ta tha ChirtiHaa Cterrh with hkrtoncal Aa «d aad hoaaiL Pctea Bar tan: etoth, ta.OO;pK ta* feML sail SOe extra. CMan My ha wl ta P.J. KUMOMXt rlwatt ha UftatthteoJiea. PATENTS^ OBTUBSI It TO* haeaaa teraatfaaf to ptUMk Bhwtt mm VM MiMotikMvhr With a totter ol brief aspteaattoa tecjM^ dtoctoaue aad all haabatta to tencUy oga *" . ikl«iti»l. udritt lacaire aupnmpltaJ D. SWIFT ft QOs# pamtT uarcM, WABHIWOTOM. ft q the Bolntiou oTIU Plane dUU CU,rtd i 8 ™ 1

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