IBS USD BTKBY THUMDAT. J. P. KERNOPLE, Edltoir SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. rir*MW*i"i%"ri" r ft»«Utor wlUnot bs.MtponalMe (or rtswa tqprMMd by eorrMpoudenU. Intend St toe Po.tofflw »t Gr*h*a. N. a, u aeoond clan matter. President Wilson has appointed . Bainbridge Colby ol New York Secretary of State to succeed former 'Secretary Lansing. The appoint % ment was made yefcterday and if a y surprise to both Democrats and Re publicans. Colby was formerly a • Republioan and a strong Bull Mooeer when Mr., Roosevelt bolted in 1912, and later, la 1918, when Mr. Roose velt turned to Chas. E. Hughes, be quit and joined his fortunes with the Democrats. lie is spoken of as "an amisblo gentleman, a skillful lawyer, splendid after-dinner speak er, remarkable orator and spell binder, and a charming peraonality." Mr. W. E. White of Mebane re ceived a boost for Republican can • didate for Governor a few days ago, 'and in aOftrd in the Sunday Daily Newii l>e decline* to be a candidate. .Mr/White is one of the foremoet business men of Mebane, one of the . leading Republicans in this section ot the State, and one of Alamance's 1 beet citizens, liis Democratic friend* would not. mind seeing him have tbc • honor of such a nomination if he wiehed to contest for it. I4te reports'" indicate a decided . improvement in the flue situation in this State. Many towns where the disease was epidemic roport con • ditions much improved. Immunity to Hog Cholera Lasting. A series of recent experiment# on duration of immunity to hog cholera following simultaneous ' inoculation of young pigH sup ports the conclusion that the protection is lasting. The in veatigations were conducted at Ames, lowa, by specialists of ' the United States Department of Agriculture. Altogether 171 pigs, inocu lated when a week to six weeks old shd exposed to hog cholera, at tftaes varying from 0 months to 9 months and 20 days later, were found without exception to be immune to that diseaso. ' Three of the pigs, however, died during the period of ex posure from causes other than hog cholera. There was no apparent ill effect from the simultaneous in oculation in any of the pigs. There was no difference in the immunity of pigs from immune and non-immune sows. Pigs that were approximately one week old received 10 cubic oentimetem of . anti hog hog cholera serum and i c. c. of virtu. Pigs that were three weeks old or more received from 16 to SO c. c. of serum and from i to } s. c. of virus. Immunity was tested .by in jecting So, c. of virus into the animal? when they had attained weight* exceeding, in many cases,' 800 pounds. None of the hogs contracted cholera. The experiments appear to disprove amnions by some observers that simultaneous inoculation of young pigs is not lasting and that immunity disappears at stages of growth variously placed from weaning time up to fBO or 60 pounds in weight. jjr Sain Gompers says work is tho f best medielne Trouble is. too ' many fellows are soared of an oveidose. St. Louis folks are fortifying to make home safe for democracy by storing their liquor in burglar proof safes. jfrance would like to uke au ax to Woodsman Hoheniollern for refusing to spare the world as bis ehopping block. It having been revealed that tioviet Russia has abundant food, it most be emptiness of head and not of stomach that is causing all that row over there. Bad Jones Mks what's a fellow to do with his bands If those pocketless pants fad eomos into fashion. NO REASON FOR IT WkN GrUw Cttlwa. "ho* a Way. There can be no reason why any mder of this who suffer* ibe tori urea . of an aching beck, the auDoyance of I urinary diaordere, the paina and I daugera of kidney ill" will fail to fap the worda ol a neighbor who K| found relief. Read what a tira- Knm fiitjyon eSVi: r V p. Fouat, 80. Maple St.. says, back waa ao aore and lame I Jfetea a hard time getting up In the RCKMIDV. The pain got ao bad du- B» the day that I waa In mlicry. kidneya didn't act right and cave me no end of trouble. Things KM been different aincc t started Doan'a Kidney Pillla. Mv back la better, my kldneva now n t BUrly, and I am In fine health. MET a pleaiure to refcftmmend ' PtUm Wc, .at all dealers. Don't sah for a kldnev remedy - Tet Doan'a Kidney Pills—the aame that Mr. Pouat haa.' Poster-Mil burn Under the heading "Ghoula"— a good name for It—the Greens boro News says the following: While. th 4 world might say that theft resting place in France these, months is the most appropiate palce for the bodies of oar Ameri can lads who gave themselves a living sacrifice or the Great-Ideal, and while this view is attractive to us, nevertheless one ean readily. Understand the feelings ol those whose loved ones left la all the pride of raagnlAoept manhood— and never came hack; who yearn to know and feel that their dead Bre in home roll, near them, where they may go to weep and pray. We appreciate and" respect these feacred feelings, and the govern ments of America and France are callous in the extreme to delay for a day the arrangements where by such as wish thetr dead brought 'home" can gratify their'deslres. Young James Devera, of Chi cago, found it easy enough to go to France. His country was clam orous with its calls for men. He went and gave his all. His mother desired that his body be brought .hotaie, and she went to France, sotile time since, to get it. French men, for whose national existence Devera die*, profiteered shame lessly whenever this mother de sired anything doae looking to the removal of tho body. French Officials, in the absence of legal provisions regarding the removal of bodies, were bribed to release the bones of the youth who had died for them. His mother liber ally bought his way back home with tips and bribes. After a weary time, during which the American Red Cross and the Knights of Columbus gave what assistance they could, she reaehed New York with tho son who had marched away for his country and tho world, and in the American metropolis an undertaker, with the heart of a ghoul, demanded $45 to transport the body from pier to Station. Fortunately there are human beings left in the world, and she was not subjected to this extortion. A mother, with the bones of her sot), seeking a resting plaeo for him in his native soil—begging, pleading, paying her way—is it not a picture, lords and gentle men who sit in high places and run government? In it this that has inspired French officials to delay exhuma tion 1 Can America do nothing to bring home the dead she sent forth, living? Bereft of his life, cannot a mother have the bones of her son without being preyed upon by the beasts abroad and the beasts at home ? Free 1920 Calendar and Book for Our Readers. We take pleasure in announc ing that any subscriber or reader of this pater can secure a vest pocket memorandum book with 1020 calendar and much useful information by sending the post age therefor, three cents in stamps to I). Swift A Co., Patent Attor neys, Washington, D. C. It con tains valuable information about past presidential elections, show ing how each State voted in each presidential election during the last forty years. It also shows the population of each State dur ing the census of 1890, lUOOand IWIO. Stales the amount of corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, tobacco, hay and cotton produced by each State in lull). Gives a brief synopsis of business laws, patent laws and much other useful in formation. For four cents in stamps we will send a nice 1920 wall calendar 10 by 11 inches. Send 7 one cent stamps and get i the calendar and book. tf CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Us* For Over 30 Years The best ticket to a better world is au honest effort to make this a better world. A dog can only lie on one side at a time, but some people have no such limitation. Wonder if thero is perfect agree ment between Bible and census statistics as to female ages. MR. DOD3ON WARNS USERS OF CALOMEL Urujj Acta Uke ll)>inll« on Uver n4 Von Uw a !)»)'• Works. l There's no reason why a person | should take sickening calomel when 1 a few cents .>uy* a lir/i b rttle of Dodson's Liver Tone—a perfect suostitute for calomel. It is n pleasant, vegetaole li piio which will start your liver Just as surely as calomel, bjt it d.o»s not make you sick and tannot saliivate Children and grown folks can take Dodson s Liver Tone, because it Is perfectly harmless Calomel i* a dangerous dru ft la mercury and kttacks your >one.i Take a aose of nasty calomol to day and you will feel weak., pl"k ana nauaeated tomorrow Don't lo»? a day's work Take a spoonful of Dodson'a Liver Tone instead ana you will -wake *P feeling zrcat. N'o fnore olliouSness, const'.pnt .on,M 13- gishness, headache,' coated ton Me or sour stomnch. Youe says if you don't' find Dodson S Liver Tone acts oetter than horrj ole calomel your money la waiting for yon. Social Workers' Summer School. ONLY ONE OF KIND IN SOUTH. ► Twelve Weeks' Course for Training in all Kinds of Spdal Activities. Cor. ot Chapel Hill, N. C., Feb. 24.-~i The southern division of the American Bed Cross and the Uni versity of North Carolina have pooled interests and equipment and will establish at the 192(1 summer school at Chapel Hill a school of public welfare offerings It-weeks' course for social work ers of every kind and a special 6-weeks' training course for North Carolina county superintendents of public welfare. Btaff specialists of the -Red' Croee, who have been training workers during the war, will be sent to the summer school where they will co-operate with N. W. Walker, Director, and members of the University faculty, aud be tween them the courses In the new school will be Arranged. Three specialists will be at.Chapel Hill for the full time, a survey director aud b'is assistants will come for part of the time, and special lecturers of national ex perience and reputation will come from time to time. "It will be the only school of its kind in the South," said Presi dent Chase, in making the an nouncement, "and it marks an important .«tep in university de velopment. The rising tide of social consciousuess which has been sweeping over North Caro lina aud the South have brought our people face to face with new problems and new conditions. The demand for trained Social workers is more insistent in this State than ever before, and the University, with the co-operation and assist ance of the Red Cross, is making this effort to supply the need." The school this summer will serve two classes of persons. The full course of 10 weeks plus 2 weeks of field service will i e for social workers of every kind, com munity workers, playground direc tors, workers in schools, in indus trial plants, in Red Cross home services, in Y. W. C. A's. In struction will be the class room method aud also by special methods in case work and in sur veys. In additiou to these general courses a (i-weeks' training course for the county superintendents of public welfare is being planued. Recent social leglslatiou in North Carolina lias developed a large group of social workers without previous training or experience, This group the University is try ing to meet with this course. Special systems of instruction are being arranged by the officials of the Red Cross and of the Uni versity aud it is their declared in tention to Jay before the county super{ntendents the best experi ence that can be found. Aiding and supplementing both of these couises will be the second annual State and County Council which will be held again in Chapel Hill during the summer. It is expected that this conference will attract a large number of social workers of national reputation. SIOO Heward, SIOO Tl»e reader* of this paper will be pleased to learn that Ihere It at least one dreaded die ease that science ha* been able to cute In all It* Bta«e« and that It catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced bjr constitutional condi tions reuulres constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medlolne Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the MucoOa Murfaeea of tho Hystetn thereby destroying the inundation of the dtaeasn, giving the pa tient strength by bo'ldlng up the constitu tion and assisting nature fn doing Its work. The proprietors have so mush faith In the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Mi*dlrtnc ti.«t they offer tine Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure Mend for list of tes timonial*. Addreaa Y. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Bold by ail Druggist. 75c. adv TH lit PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Xsja nothing like plain Argo-Phospbate la put on drai, •olid, itky there nnb end muscle end lnrrri«r •trengih. tin, vigor end nerve lorcc. Physicians claim tlicre is nothing tlwl will Incrvnae weight, strength noil undiir ance like organic phosphate commonly known by druggists as argo-pbosnhate; It I* Inexpensive anl ia aolil by ill lead ing druggists everywhere under a guar an tee to give satisfaction or monrv re f 1111II Weak DIM and thinness are usu ally due to starved nervoai conditions. Our liodiea need more phosphates than ale contained in the foodi we eat. If you wfah a more rounded figure and pluuip well developed arms, neck and bust in place of hollows you should siui ply take plain ergo- phosphate as it builds ui» and restore# run down nervous con ditions by phospbatizing the system- It transforms the appearance and an In crease in weight Is often times quickly produced. The increase in weight also aids in Itn pruving the general health. Sleepleas nrsa, nervousness, lack of energy und am bit lon quickly disappear. l*al« cheeks are changed to rosy ones and dull eyes become bright. Mis* 1-ena Brnwn of Atlanta, Ua . who only weighed VO pounds reports tlml she gained 10 pounds In two weeks time and says argo phosphate lias made a different person of ber and she has never felt bet ter in ber life. SPECIAL NOTICE:—Owing to the fact that so many physicians and drug gists an recommending argo-phosphate for relieving all nervous, worn-out debili tate*) conditions and the unusually large sale for argo-phospbate there will be found in the uiarket numerous aubslitutea for the genuine article. All imitations are inferior preparations sod owing to its unusual flesh producing qualities it should not tie used bv any one unless they deiire to put on flesh anil increase in weight. Dispensed by Hayes Drug Co. Before any more Democrats are read out of the parts hadn't we better make sure that we have en(£gh of 1 hern as it a tan da. The battle of the naval tpedala grown hotter and hotter. A little more and it wiN be hot enough to melt all the medal*. r HAS WITHDRAWN IN,FAVOR OP J MAXWiLL (N OIIOCR THAT OFFICE MAY COME HEM. j MUSS Jk SflflEWl PREBfenON I A Proper Regard Far the Inter** W > the State Alone Impelled Him to > Taka Mm Map Ha Haa Taken. ' Raieigb. • Judge George Pall announced that ' h« had withdrawn from the race tor a I place op the Interstate commerce com- I mission. The itatement (otlow's: i "1 am Informed from Washington ; tbat the Prealdent refugee to consider i the names of Mr. Maxwell or myaelf i for appointment to the interstate com merce commission as long aa both , names are before bim and our aenit torn are divided. This being the caae t and notwithstanding my name waa flrat presented and at least had the right to expect no opposition within my official family, and notwithstand ing the fact that Benator Overman, Secretary Daniels and eight out of ten of the North Carolina congress men Indorsed me, I feel tbat a proper regard for the Interests of my state should compel me to withdraw I have done. 'The appointment is of such vital Imjfortance to the state that I trust every effort will be made to land Mr. Maxwell. I have some Information which causes me to predict his ap pointment within 48 hours after my withdrawal reaches Washington." Manning Rule* on Liquor. Although legal opinion Is at variance ai to the right ot Federal agents to Issue permits to sell liquor In North Carolina, an Informal- opinion, ex pressed by Attorney General J. 8. Manning is to the effect that no law Is violated in the state by selling liquor as medicine. Presbyterians Nssd SIOO,OOO. The carefully compiled figures at the headquarters of the "million dol lar campaign for Christian education of the synod of North Carolina," which Is located at Greensboro show that to the present time $900,000 has been pledged during this compalgn, thus making It necessary for addi tional pledges to the amount of SIOO,- 000 to be secured between this date and March 1, when the campaign will come to a close. New Revenue District Formed. North Carolina has been taken out of the Virginia revenue district and a new district composed of North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennes see created, with T. H. Vanderford, director of prohibition, for the three atates, with headquarters at Salis bury. Net Candldatea For Governor. Washington (Special)—A. W. Mc- Lean and Secretary Josephua Daniels denied report* to the effect that they would be candidates for governor of North Carolina in 1924. County Agente to Assist. Dr. B. W. Kllgore, director of exten sion service of the Department of Agriculture, who Is also a member ot the state council of the Interchurcb World movement, has authorized the home and farm demonstration agents to aid in making the surveys of their counties, and some of these agents have already signed ap for the work. Changes In Treasurer's Office. Mr. R. L, Mauldln, formerly book keeper for Mr. W. S. Boyd, has ac cepted a position as Institution clerk In the office of the State Treasurer to succeed Mr. Henry R. Williamson, who bas been promoted to teller. Mr. Wil liamson succeeds Mr. Homer Poole, who recently resigned. Madleel Association Adjourn**. Dr. John P. Munroe, of Charlotte, one of the leading physicians of the three states, was elected president of the Trl-Stat* Medical association and presided over the float session. Spartanburg having been seelcted as the meeting place for 1921. Florence and Columbia extended an Invitation to the 23rd convention of the association, which, according to the rotary plan, goes to South Caro lina next year, but the Spartanburg delegation would not be satisfied with •ut acceptance. Flu Will Spread to the Atlantic. Wl'.h double the number of eountler reporting, and many of them sending ! In the accumulation of several day* | development of Influents, the total* given ont at the State Board of Health reached but a few hundred be yond those of the previous day. Counties In the eastern section are reporting with consistently large to tals. and Indications are that the epi demic will spread, however with grad nall»* 4«treaalng violence as it con tinues. until It reaches the Atlantic ocean and then die ont. Tebaeeo asles In January. Tobacco a ale* la 103 North Caro lina warehousee during January total ad more Uaa eleven million pound*, bringing an average price of 135.40 per 100 pounds, according to the re port leaned by Mr. Prank Parker, di rector of the crop reporting aervlce. The January sales practically cloee the season la North Carolina, al though there is yet a considerable fcuanity of tobacco la the hand* of predatete *UU to be placed on the market. Pair Southern Repreeentativee. Waahlngton. (Special)— Mrs. Ed ward C. Gregory of Salisbury, repre sented the south in the navy league pageant. She was one at four, the Other* representing the north, eaat aad weal, to carry torchee Miss Mary Henderson of Salisbury, earrted the North Carol lea flag aad MUs AdeiaMa. Caldwell at Charlotte, the Wlaoooalc flag. Mrs. Emmet Oudger took part la the Montana role. North Carolina waa well aad hand ooßitly represented. , , favorite sons^ ? -w' t'l.ij .I i i'n *. ,■ Pleasure Produces Partial Value. With a copious Ma of Ulsstrative •sample. Governor T. W. Bickett, an swer* the resolution drafted by the State Farmers' Union, agrees with them In thslr contention that proper ty should be taxed on the basis of Its earning capacity, but goes farther with the assertion that either earn ing capacity or pleasures derived de termines market value, which should ha the basis of taxation. Pastor's Conference March S-10 Dr. "E. N. Orr, field secretary for the Interchurch World Movement In North Carolina, announces that the prstoi*s conference, to which all the pastors la the State |ave been Invit ed, will be held In Charlotte March (-10. These dates have been tenta tively agreed on for two weeks, but they have Jusf been confirmed by the committee In charge of the general conferences of this nature in all parts of the country. Comment on Msxwell Boom. Washington, (Special)— Comment In Washington regarding the boom launched for Commissioner Allan Maxwell to be a member of the In terstate Commerce Commission has been highly favorable to the North Carolina officials. The fact that sev eral Influential agencies in the south have been set to work In his behalf has given the two senators much en couragement and resulted in bringing about an optimistic feeling. Politics at University. The aludent body of the University of North Carolina, through its campus cabinet, is inviting canldates for Gov ernor ot the democratic and republi can parties to address the university community during the winter and spring. Political talk Is already brewing, as is natural where youth gathers It self together. Among the 1,400 here 300 are voters. In June these 1,400 scatter to 98 counties. No where In North Carolina will the ▼olce of the candidate reach a more North Carolina group than the Univer sity group representative, as it Is, of all the religious, all the parties, all the Industries, and all the regions of the state. Director for 64 Counties. Fred A. Sweet, director for 54 coun ties in western North Carolina in the approaching Salvation Army home service campaign to be conducted May 1-10 all over the country, has arrived in Charlotte and opened his offices preparatory to the organisa tion of the forces in his territory. Haynes and McDowell placed Washington, (Special)— It was an nounced that conferences between Senators Overman and Simmons and Commissioner of Revenue Daniel C. Roper had resulted In an adjustment on a reasonable satisfactory basis ot complications that had arisen in North Carolina. Former Sheriff C. M. Haynes will be appointed chief field officer, with headquarters at Statesville. Former Sheriff " Manley McDowell will be revenue agent in chargo, with headquarters at Greensboro. Certainty Rather Than Severity. Modiflcatoions of the sentences of fifteen men convicted of rioting in Winston-Salem in the attempt to lynch a prisoner in 1918 were announced. The action of the Governor follow ed a personal visit to Winston-Salem and a conference with the Mayor, Sheriff of county, the solicitor of dis trict-and chief of police of W' nst °n Salem. "The efficacy of the law depends mora c* the certainty than on the severity of the punishment,"" eald the Governor In a statement of leasons. Influenza j And Weak - Blood . Kun Down anf Llttleu Condition May Mahe You * Target For the "Flu" lire auw Blood I* Probably Thin AT Till* TIMi: OF IMM.DH, TAK.K PHPTO*MANGAN—IT BUI 1.1)11 KICH, Hi:i> HUMID J No matter how well you usually . are, if temporarily you're run down, you're it target for the in , flucnzit. Contagion always gels listless • people first. Whether they real ize it or not, their blood is thin and uudornourisbed —in no con : dition io fight off the j erms il meet* everywhere. It is a wise precaution to take a good ionic at this time of danger —some well kuown builder of ml, vigorous blood, like Pepto- Mangau. And if yon did not thiuk of this in time—if you are now recover ing from a light with influeu/.a your blood will need help for weeks after you think the danger is past: Take no unnecessary chance. Get Pepto-Maugan and start tak ing it today. Fepto-Maugau is an effective blood builder that has had the endorsement of physicians for years. Pepto-Mangan is told by drug gists in either liquid or tablet form, just as preferred. There is no difference in medicinal valuta 1 But be sure you get the genuine' Pepto4i.iugan. Ask for GudeV Pepto-Mangnti and be Bure the naitie is on the package. adv 1 Even tbo "wets" think it wise te keep their feet dry. hi!ltiiheU..rrK I I Iff 1 FU m m®BlJ I ImmHm jeopardize hia entire crop since the materials tiped in such a fertilizer may either leach out before the crop can utilize it or fail to become IIMIM available in time for the needs of the crop. Many a farmer has lost ? valuable crop from this cause, while others have suffered stagger- KJTEj&gijffl mg losses from shedding and premature development 'i '^H^™ite^BtSks UC, d loBßeß ' l" 1 are without an equal, -and they ar«Tmade to hurry Graham.N. C. / * \Hill ' JBf&New» n miff WIW m I 1 I I 111 I UJ"111 1 Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance couney, made in the Special Pro ceedings entitled Bertha Bethell et al. vs. French Moore et al , the undersigned commissioner, being thereunto duty appointed, will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920, |at 12 o'clock M, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., sell to the highest bidder or cash, the following tract of val uable land, to wit: Lying and being in Mamance county, Haw River township, adjoining the lands ot the late Abel Griff is, George Row and others, and bounded as follows: beginning at a stone on the Grillis line, and cormr with said Row ; thence N 30 deg E 7 chs to a store; thence N GO deg W 18 chs and 38 links io a stake; thence S 7 chs and 60 links to a stake; thenre S6O deg El 5 chs to the beginning, said to con-' tain 12 aeres, more or less. This sale is being made for partition among the heirs-at law and parties succeeding to their interest in the same. This February 10, 1920. W. H. CARROLL, Commissioner. 24858S Fttti* 23 EOS Mississippi Woman Had No Eggs for Four Months. Hens Now Laying Regularly^ "X wish to praise Dr. LeGear'u Poultry Prescription to Poultry Raisers. 1 have 28 hens and had no eggs from them for over 4 months. Alter I fed them one and one-half packages of your pre scription I gathftred over 2 dozen eggs from them. This Is a positive fact, and I advise all poultry raisers to use Dr. LeGear's Poultry Pre scription, if they wish their hens to lay." —Miss Carlina Freeman, Har riston, Miss. Dr. LeGear's advice and a few pennies wisely spent have made lay ers out ef loafers. You can obtain tha same results. Get a nackage of Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription from your dealer. Use it 83 directed. It 13 a tonic which builds up the strength and vitality of Jien3, with out overstimulation or injuring the egg producing organs If results are not entirely satisfactory,- return the empty -arton p.nd receive a refund of your mnr.ey.-sDr. L. D. LeGear Med.. Co., St. Louis, Mo. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having ijualittod u Kxecutorof the will of W. It.Mtewatt.dec'd, the undersigned hereby notifies All persons holding claim* against said estate to present the same, duly authen floated, on or before the 30th day of Feb'y. lilil, of this notice will be pleaded In bar or their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate set tlement- This Dec. Wtb, l#„t) T- L. HUFFMAN, K**r of W. H. Htewurt, dee'd. 10ft Ut llouto No. 4. Burlington, N. C. I_____ Sneezed and Got a Shave Wilson, Feb. 23.—Saturday afternoon a farmer entered a Wil son barber shop and on taking in the actuation found all of the chairs full and a long line waiting for'the tontforial artist to call "next." Seeing no chance for a quick "scrape" and having a long way to go he resorted to strategy. Placing hia hands on hia hips he •hambled up and down the ahop muttering: "This flu will kill me yet; I should have taken my wife'a advice and remained in bed Ibnger." Then rapidly he sneezed, three times —kerchew! Kercheo!! I Ker-che-ah-h!! 1 The crowd rush ed out and four chairs were j emptied of men "half raked over." | Turning to the few who remained he remarked: "Gentlemen, lam 'thankful to aay that neither my seif or family have bad the dread .malady." HOW TO REACH RHEUMATISM THROUGH THE BLOOD Powerful Iron in liquid form makes rich, red blood and drives uric acid out of the system forever. It is now generally known that Rheumatism is caused by uric acid which is formed in the blood and de posited through thousands of little capillaries and nerves in different, parts of the body. If you have healthy, rich, red, strong blood, you will never have Rheumatism. Healthy blood elimi nates uric acid, and does not allow it to stay in the body to cripple and pain. The successful and reliable method of getting this great essential into the Dlood is through the use of a nat ural form of soluble iron known, as Acid Iron Mineral. The nerves are immediately strengthened, bodily vigor is restored and the general im provement of alt ailing conditions prove that the blood is getting the iron it must have to maintain perfect health. With the blood thus made healthy, uric acid is eliminated and For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., Distributors. / Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of power of pale contained in a mortgage deed executed by Jessie Snipes and wife, Lula Snipes, on Decem ber Ist, 1915, and registered in the office of Register of Deeds of Alamance county in Book No. 60 of Mortgage Deeds, page 557, tne undersigned Mortgagee will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Oraham, Ala mance county, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., on SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1020, the following described property : A certain piece or tract of laud lying and being in Alamance county, North Carolina, in Bur lington towrship, and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Beginning a rock or iron bar, corner with Stephens on east side of an alley; running thence N 2 deg £ 1 chain 80 Iks to a rock on east side of said alley; thence S 87£ deg E 7 chs to a rock; thence S 2$ deg W 1 chain 80 Iks to a rock, corner with said Stephens; thence N deg W 6 chs 99 Iks to the beginning, containing one and twenty-five one hundredths (1.25) acres, more or less. This 3rd day of Feb., 1920. CLAUD CATES, Mortgagee. Z. T. HADLE\ Jeweler and Opttcian GRAHAM, W.C. If the ex-kaiser is finally jailed he will agree that the pen is J mightier than bis sword: driven out of the system, even in cases where the trouble is of long standing, and has failed to respond to other methods of treatment. This new way of driving; Rheuma tism out of the system through the blood made pure and strong with this natural soluble iron—Acid Iron Mineral—is being adopted by thou sands as fast as the story can De told. There is no need to suffer longer— you can be on the road to recovery today. And in driving rheumatism from your system, this remarkable liquid Iron blood maker will give you stronger nerves, more power in every way. „ If you suffer from Rheumatism in any form, no matter of how long standing, you owe it to yourself to start using Acid Iron Mineral at once. Do not miss this opportunity. Call at your druggist today. Why suffer any longer? Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— Alamance County. In the Superior Court, March Term, 1920, The Dixie Milling Company vs. Sikes-McMullan Grain Company, and Walter D. J lines, Director General Railroads The defendant in the above en titled action will take notice that on tho 4th day of February, 1920, a summons in the said action was issued against the defendant by D. J. Walker, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Alamance county, plaintiff claiming the sum of five hundred and sixty dollars due it By the defendant for breach of contract in sale and delivery of certain wheat and for damages re- - suiting therefrom, which summons was returnable at the next term of the Superior court of Alamance county, held in Graham, N. C., beginning on the first day of March, 1920. The defendant com pany will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk of the Superior Court on the 4th day of February, 1920, against the property oft tbe said defendant, which warrafltis returnable at the next term of the Superior Court of Alamance coun ty, at the time and {ilace named for the return ol the summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the re lief demanded will be granted. This February 4th, 1920. D. J. WALKER, C. S. C. W. H. Carroll, Att'y. sfeb4t Mr. Marconi thinks he has been receiving some signals from the planet Mars, but Sir Oliver Lodge can beat that with out half trying. The Pacific ocean is mentioned in Australia as the probable scene of the next war. If there is any next war it will be too large an affair to be accommodated by one ocean. Deported "reds" all talk about going into diplomatic service and coming back here as ambassadors. None of them appear to have any Isste for the soviet army. A Chicago chemist says wood alcohol should be ablished. Some folks are already abolishing some of it and themselves at the same time. Russia is said to be boarding gold, thereby setting a dangerous example to the world.