THE GLEANER N. PI, March 11, \920. Postoltiee Honra- : f omo op«n 1-Du *. m. taT.OO p. m. Baud* j ».00 toll JO ». m. •nd 4.00 to »M p. a ' K. N. COOK. Po»tmaster. ♦ i • 141"' + innitit| ♦ LOCAL N BWS, + ♦ . -i * —The Burlington Falcon has changed its .name to Borlington Herald. ' —Mr. J. Ed. Moore is building a seven-room residence on N. Melville St., between E. Elm and Harden Sts. It iB well on the way toward completion .- —Mr. John W. Fonville, who lives near Big Fulls, while crossing the railroad track in an automobile in Borlington near the Aurora Cotton Mills, Saturday, was struck by the 11 train. He did not see the ap proaching train. Mr. Fonville sus tained three broken ribs and bruises about head. Injuries not serions. Automobile complete wreck. Circles Meeting. Circles 1, 2 and 3 of the Presby terian church will meet next Mon day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with their respective leaders. Box Party and Supper. A Saturday night, 13th inst, a box party and oyster supper will be given at Hotel Wraham for the' benefifbl Wesley Philathea Class and the Willing Workers of the M. E. church Sunday school. Everybody invited. Death of Child. Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Ilolt have the sympathy of the community in the death of their little 7-months-old son, Julius, who died at au early hour last Friday morning. The lit tle one had been very sick from pneumonia for about four weeks. Service at M. E. Church—Rev. C. T. Thrift, Pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a. m., Rev. W. B. Green, Supt. Everybody urged to be on time. At 11 o'clock the pastor will preach especially to the children. All the children in Graham are invited to bear dys sermon. Epworth League al 0:30 p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. His Ninth Birthday. Master George A. Long celebrated hie 9th birthday anniversary yester day evening. His mother, Mrs. J. Dolph Long, gave htm a supper and he had as his guests his day school teacher. Miss Cenley Albright, his Sunday school teacher, Mrs. J. D. Kernodle, and Misses Josephine Thomas and Mary Weeks. The meal was concluded by cutting a grand cake which Wa9 brought in l>y the young host and upon which there were nine lighted chndtes, symbolic of the event. Book Shower and Supper. On Friday evening, March 19th, from 6 to 9 o'clock, the Parent- Teacher Association will have a book shower and supper at the Graded School building. Any book suitable for boys and girls to read, or a do nation for a book to replace those worn and torn in library, will be acceptable. The funds derived from the sup per will be used to buy equipment for the play grounds. Everybody is invited and will be welcome. Mr. Jesse M. Bradshaw Dead. Sunday morning, a few minutes before 10 o'clock, Mr. Je6se M. Brad shaw passed atway at his home here after less than a week's illness. He followed the business of paper hanging and had been at work in Borlington. He came home Tues day afternoon sick from influenza and went into pneumonia. At the time of his death he was G4 years, 10 months and 8 days of age. He is survived by a widow, his second wife,, and the following children— all by the first marriage: Mr. Thos. F. Bradshaw, Mrs. James Miller and Mrs. J as. E. Black of Burlington, Mrs. Ualph Kiddle and Misses Fan nie, Minnie and Lizzie Bradshaw of Graham, and Mrs. James P. Euliss Of Alliance, Ohio. The latter and her husband were here for the fnneral. The funeral was conducted from the home at 2:30 Tuesday after n'jon by Kev. E. N. Caldwell, pastor of deceased, assisted by liev. C. T. Thrift, and the interment was in Linwood Cemetery. Mr. Bradshaw had made his home in Graham for more than 25 years and was a good citizen and esteemed by all who knew him. The bereaved family have the sympathy of (heir many friends. Dairy Outfit For Sale. I have,quit the dairy business and have for sale a No. 3 Sbarpless Separator, as good as new, four de livery bottle crates, about 100 qt. and pt. bottles, 4 block tin cans. W. H. ALSLEV, llmch2t Graham, N. C. Saleslady Wanted At Fair Department Store, with or without experience. Apply in person. FAIR DEPT. STOKE, llmch Graham, N. C. For Sale. One good Milk Cow, gentle, good dairy cow. For price, etc., see C. C. Thompson, Graham, N. C. It Wanted. 25 men to cut pine cord wood at $1.60 cord. Apply te C. A. Whitte nlore at the Dan Long place at once Break your Cold or LaGrippe with ♦ J ICW OOMS 01 DOO TTTTr>TttTTTftTTt»*tHT»tTt ♦ ♦ ♦ PERSONAL. + ihfii-ti inn tint Mr. J. W. Menefeo spent yester day in (Jreer.sboro.' Capt. S. If. Webh, near Oak*, was in town Monday. Mr. James A. Winningham, near Saxapahaw, was in town Tuesday. Mr. 11. W. Scott left Monday night for the North on a two weeks' business trip. Mr. W. B. Miller, editor of The Mebane Enterprise, was a pleasant caller at The Gleaner office Monday. Mrs. Mcßride Holt returned Satur day from a visit or two weeks to Mrs. J. K. Mebane in Washington, D. C. Mesdames J. J. Barefoot and John J. Henderson and Miss' Annie Laurie Farrell spent yesterday in Greens boro. Mrs. D. F. Kfoyes of Bridgewater is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson, nnd other rela tives. - Mr. Giover Mills of Atlanta, Ga., is spending a few days here. Gra ham had been his home up'to a few years ago. f • Mr. Mike A. Nicholson, druggist at Troy, was here a few days ago visiting at the home of his father, Mr. A. B. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer Long leave this afternoon for the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Peay, near Pittsboro., Mrs, Ceo. A. Mebane of Greens boro visited her pirents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks llolt, here the latter part of last wtek. Graham Welding Co. Welding and brazing of metals by the Oxy-Acetylene process. New and complete equipment, Special attention Riven to broken auto parts. Prices as low as is consistent with high grade work. Your patronage solicited. West Elm St., next to Fire House. 25dec Modern Wooden to Entertain. All members of the Modern W?od men of America are requested to be present and bring a friend at a social entertainment to be given at the Woodmen hall Monday night, March 8 th. Mr. John L. Sundean will be present. C. N. NORWOOD, Clerk. For Sale , Six Brahma hens and one cockerel; also one rose-comb Rhode Island Red cock. Want to buy five loads of well rotted stahle manure. J. W. MENEFEE, 4mchtf Grtham, N. C. Ford—l9l6 Model—For Sale. Oood condition. Well cared for. Price right. A. P. Williams, Gra ham, N. C. THE IDEAL TONIC ARGO-PHOSPHATE The world's greatest tonic for lassitude and all run-down enemic conditions. It just puts pep into the whole system. "It's the best touic I ever used." says a ISoston physician. Dispensed by Ilaycs Drug Co. W ANTED —Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full lines for men, women and children. ' Eliminates darning. We pay 50c. an hour for spare time or $24 for full lime. unnecessary. Write. International Stocking Mill, Noiristown, Pa. '4m':hlot Eggs Are High! If your hens are not laying satis factorily try Reefer's Mure-Egg Tonic. It is wonderful. Two $1 packages (enough for a season) for One Dollar. CIIAS. T. THRIFT, JR , 19feb4t N. Maple St., Graham.N.C. Chairman Hays wants a brief Republican platform. His wish will be gratified if the platform be confined to a recital of his party's virtues. —For $1.05 you can get both The Progressive Farmer and THE ALA MANCE GLEANEH for one year. Hand or maiLto us at Graham and we will see that the papers are sent, :—For 81.65 you can get both The Progiessive Farmer and THE ALA MANCE GLEANER for one year. Hand or mail to us at Graham and we will see that the papers are sent. "liaise your own salary," says a correspondence school ad. The profiteers save us the trouble. They raze it for us. If cleanliness be next to godli ness, the man on small salary ia very near to godliness now for he is cleaned up every pay-day: There is a time for all things and the time to brag of your finan cial success is when there is no income tax tnan around. All the cards d'Aununzio holds in Ibo game at Fiume rnurt be clu'js or spades, as a Serbian has changed bo is a "black hand" leader. When lhey get through with rebellious Admiral Sims, if many more handle him like Congress inmi ByVnes of South Carolina, he will wish that be had modeled his loquacity after that of Colonel House. Fords for Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 1 1917 model—price right. Apply to . Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. Pershing's War Hone Released. Kedron, Gen. Pershing's war horse, has been relaaaed from quarantine at Newport News, Va, Uy the United States Department of Agricnltare. It will be remem bered that efforts were made to have him released immediately after his arrival in order that Gen. Pershing might ride him in the triumphal parades in New Tork and Washington. The Depart ment of Agriculture took the posi tion, however, that the menace to the livestock interests of the country waa Such that the releaae of even so distinguished an ani mal as Kedron could not be joa tifled. While Kedron came through as sound as the day of his departure for France, the wis dom of the quarantine has been established by the fact that other officers' mounts in quarantine at Newport News did develop danger ous diseases and two of them had to be destroyed. One of theae had a contagious disease not known to exist in this country. The other had trypononomiaais, an infectious akin to dourlne, that is more or less prevalent in Northern Africa and Southern Europe. If the quaran tine had not been established and these horses had been allowed to go free in tha United States, they very probably would have been the means of spreading the dis eases to such an extent that it would have been necessary to spend many thousands of dollars to eradicate the maladies, if pos sible of eradication at all. The Chamberlain hotel, famous as a summer and winter resort, at Old Point Comfort, Va, was burned last Saturday afternoon. The property was valned at 12,- 000,000, and carried 350,000 in surance. A hospital at Martinsville, Va., WHS burned last Saturday night. Loss $25,000, insurance 85,000. It had been opened only four months, and was a gift to the town. Fire caused by oil stove exploding. LAST FRAGMENTS OF EMPIRE Romance In Disappearance of R*4 Oou From the Map of West ern Canada. A map of western Canada kept la the offices of the Hudson Bay com pany In Winnipeg la sprinkled with tiny red dots. Two centuries and a half of romance and history focus In these little red dots. When the Hudson Bay company In 1870 surrendered to Canada the vast territory granted to It by Charles II of England, It retained one-twentieth of all the land In the "fertile belt" of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta between the North Saskatchewan river and the International boundary. This one-twentieth waa distributed throughout every township and each of these red dots on the map repre aenta an area of from 100 to (MO acres. These lands are today Juat a» they were when the company's first forts were erected on Hudson bay.- They are Just as they were when the buf falo pastured upon them and Indians and trappers snared or shot fur-bear ing animals in this domain half a century ngo. Though now surrounded by farms, they have never heen touched by a plow. They are still Islands of primeval soil in the midst of rich farming district* The little red dots are disappearing one by one from the map. Each one that disappears means that the land It represents has become a settler's farm. All the dots represent 3,000,- 000 acres. The company Is rapidly disposing of all Its remaining land to settlers. When the last dot disappears from the map, the last fragment of Hudson Bay company's old empire will have disappeared from the North Ameri can continent. INCOME TAX IN NUTSHELL WHO —Single persons who had net income of (1,000 or more for the year 1910. Married couples who had net Income of 12,000 or mors. WHEN —March 15. 1020. Is Bnal dute for tiling returns and mak ing first payments. WHERE —Collector of Internal Revenue for District In which the person resides. HOW—Full directions on Form IOWA and Form 1040; also tha law and regulations. WHAT —Four per cent normal tax on taxable Income up to $4,000 In excess of exemption. Kighl per ceut normal tax on balance [ * of taxable Income. Surtax, from owi per cent to sixty-five per caat on net incomes over sf>,ooo. eg"-**— CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children In Uso For Over 30 Years rsr c&vM NEURALGIA* Dangerous drugs or tonics are of little use. They may , relieve the pain but do not remove the cause. % Tha help that counts moat is nourishment snmmnM rich in purest Norwegian cod-liver oil, feeds the weakened nerves and at the same time enriches the blood. ' Do not take nerve sedatives or nerve stimulants, take sjb is the standard tonic-food that puts strength in place kyfy of weakness. B a turm it*» Scott*9 Emulsion.JM ll ~f ThsocMKßMdcafeod-UKraaßnllaSMlAßa^lniiltelHMai^l V K "«■>!. >iui——d« t» Mornr wa—l >■ —r U (\_ Mbontoric*. BU • •* »wiW «4 Aviator* (hulHkAtiiM In Baglaad ilibm ww« apt to ho ardent boil tars of the fox and to kin what bonwn call "hand*"—a quality which aa aviatora enabled them to know instinctively, aa it were, what an airplane waa going to do Man It did It. And, what wfil he Mwcklag to aome folk, to keep the aviator to boat condition for hta Work aad tor enduring its terrible vtreeoee, he ream ed. according to theoe authorities, to Med "a really rtoteaa evening at leaat once or twice a month." The older mee WON found to aoa alcehot freely, bat the y—ig|T ones required no each atimalanta. aad they aU avoid ed excess, being weU aware that tor then the penalty waa sudden death. Marriage deteriorated the aviator by Increasing hia aaaae ot pirsspsl re ■ponalblltty tor ethers. Courage ha had, ot cowaa, aad a touch ot rock leeaneaa la not undesirable from the atandpoint of achievement to wan— Exchange. • Machinery In Japan. Japan'* rapid induatrtal pmw daring the pa at Ave yeara la aowhere more coaapicaooa than In the develop ment of the machinery trade. Japaa Imported in 1014 machinery to a value of eomewhat mere than 112,000,000 ; to 1018 more than 910.000,000. In, 1914 the United State* farnlahed 30 per cent of the total Import* ot machin ery ; in 1018 80 par cent Japaa'* «- port* of machinery, chiefly to far eaitera countrlea, have increased from $684,000 In 1014 to approximately 17,800,000 In 1918. Export* Include electrical machinery, aplnnlng aad weaving machinery, lathe* and print- Ing machinery. The Lucky Cueo. "Unfortunate man I" we said, aa wo atood by the bedaide and drew our head still farther dowa la the collar ot our overcoat after the manner of a tur tle retrogreaalng In hi* ahell. Ton have oar profoundeat sympathy In yoar af fliction, and —" "Sympathy—the dickens!" chortled the invalid. "Why, dodgaat it. when everybody elte I* ahudderlag and shak ing with the cold I have a raging fever and am as warm and comfortable aa If It were the good old summer tin*. Hl-le I hl-iee I" —Kansas City Star. Freneh Cool Mining, Trench coal miners, replying to the suggestion that they work more than eight hours a day declare that the only remedy Is the Improvement of mining machinery on American Unco. They state that an American minor by ualag mecbaaionl devlcea can dig out thirty tons oi coal a week, whllo the Itoaeb miner can get out bat a tenth of Uls amount HKFOKT OP CONDITION OF Tbe Bank of Haw River, At Haw Hirer, ID the Stale of North Carolina, at {he oloee of biulueee, Feb. 2*. IMP. BKHOUUCBM Loan* and dlsoounta f«l,'tt.7t Demand loao«.. JJOO.OO Ovwdralt* eeo'd, ; uneeo'd ——.... KIM U. a. Honda and Libert 7 Bond* ™_ I,HU( All other Btoolu, Bond* and M0rt gar»».............. 8,000 00 Furniture and Fixture* l^M.tO Caah In vault and net amount* doe from Banke, Banker* aad Trait Companies 'Ojm.'O Cash Item* held over 34 boor* 'J4O.M Cheoka for clearing _ I.IMLIt Total > IIOMtI.M LIABI LITIBH Capital dock ' 110,000.00 Surplus fund _ 2,00040 Undivided profit*, low current ex pen*** - Depaett* subject to obeok W.M.07 Time Certlfloete* of Depoelt M®«> Having* DepoelU. U,*U.t7 Cashier's Cbeok* outstanding WI.M Accrued Intereet due depositor! 40&00 Total.. imjmM Btate of North Caro Una, Countjr of Ala manee, March 10,1)9). I. H. A. Veet, Pre*, of the above named 'bank, do eolemily awear that the above (taument I* true to the beet of my know l edge and belief. H. A. VEtjT, Caahler, Subscribed and aworn to before me, tble 10th day of March, IMO. J. Arohla Long, Notary Public. My oommlselon expire* Deo. a, 1931. Correct— Atteet: KL'OKNK McLABTT. a K. LASLtY, J. A. ALOHIDOB. IX re* tor*. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a* Executor of the will of W. H.Blewatt.dee'd, Um undersigned bertbr nollßoa all penoo* holding claim* *g*l**t aald eetate to preeent tbe same. duly eutben tloated, on or before the nth day of Feb'y, IWI, or thl* aotlee will be pleaded In bar or their recovery. All person* Indebted to aatd eetate ar* requested to make Immediate pet- mh, t»a T. L. HUFFMAN. BIT *' of W. H. Stewart. Wd. lOfabM Boute No. 4. Borllngtob, N. O. Snhoffi Cabinei Shop W*xl»t*rta»ee*f* «*»H* Furniture Repaired. Make Old ,Look Like New. Picture Framing. Upholstering A Specialty. ALL KINDS of CABINET WORK. W. B. QUAKEMBUSH, omAMhU. N c. .• ww w • ' w WHAT WILL MALTOGEN DO? . ■ '. ■ Increase Your Appetite Aid Your Digestion Eliminate Waste From System : ||| Increase Your Weight Make You Feel Better « Two Ladies in Graham Have Gained Eleven and Seventeen Pounds On A Single Bottle We have never seen anything like it, and our personal guarantee is a gain oi from 1 to 5 lbs. on a single bottle or your money cheerfully refunded. Hayes Drug Co. GRAHAM, N. G | 'Phone 97 ;fl Tax-Listing! Personal Property The County Supervisor and his Assistants are listing Personal Property in the vari ous townships of the county. They are following the old appointments, made by the list-takers in May, 1919, and are giv ing notice by notices posted at public places in each township. : : : : : All who do not come out to one of these appointments and list, will be returned to the County Commissioners "unlisted." The books WILL NOT BE OPEN 30 days in each township as heretofore. Watch for the notices in your township. 2 FINE FARMS 2 FOB SALE *-* 28 Acre* one-half mile of Graham, on tho graded road, over half in cultivation. For qnick sale at $3,000.00. 80 Acres two miles from Court House, on good road. $5,000.00 worth of buildingß. Thin is a bargain at 87,500.00. 85 Acres i mile from Sylvan School— , good buildingß, spring and orchard. Half the land clear, balance in timber. Thin one is very cheap at SBS per acr; We also have some nice building lots for sale. We are building a number of houses mid can suit you in size, price and location. If hou have anything to Hell, nee us. If you want to borrow or loan, see UM. Graham Real Estate Co. • Pfcom 544—Office Next Door to Nsti—lß—lt of Alsmsnce CHAB. A. SCOTT, Prest. W. E. 880 BEY, Sec.-Treas. O. ALLEN MEBANE, V ice-Prest. GRAHAM, N. C. Subscribe for The Gleaner SI.OO a year—in advance. PE-RU-NAI brings cheer to all who may be sufferers aa he was. Read it: fa "1 can honeatly ur that I m It Bay ■>'• «o fmu. After torn* of tha beat doctor* tn the country /■* a (■n me up and told in* I could I hmil not livo another month. Parana » .11 Iff 1 aarN ma. Travelling from town to town, throuKhout the country _ _ and having to go Into nil kind* MM !if badly heated atoraa and build- Iflp n (C«. aumellmea atnndlnr up for Av»w loura at a tlma while plying my trad* aa auctioneer, It la only natural that I had ralda fre- jr «a*atlyi *o whan thla would „ Hun I it occur I paid llttla attention to It, ~*l Dr . I until laat Utconbtr whan I con- * Jnl , 1 8 tracted a auvar* cnae, which, bar o( th* Soclaty of Jtwt ,iy IW. through neglect on, my part Auctlonaera. aattlad on my lung*. Wlaea al- m I Mat la* lat*. 1 began larttrlar, haL «ltk»it avail, uatll I heard Mil »aaa|ailw» af Peraaa. II caarad aaaai ao I _ . I cannot pral** It 100 highly." Tawat a* I 'laaa waaaa I Xli. fHMI. KKPOIT OrTHB COHOITIOI OV The National Bank of Alamance. At Graham, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of «|| business on Feb. 28, 1920. ItKtfOURCBH. I/**!»■ and discounts (except thoee shown Id b and e) 04T1,WT.47 , Acceptance of other hanka dlsoounted ~ ■ 10.000J80 .vjj ToUl loans 181,317.47 gift I JK47 Overdrafta secured, 0~~~.—« ; unsecured, OCA 71. tS.7B U. H. bond* deposited to Moure circulation (par value) , $60,000.00 Owned and uopledged, 12^30.00 Total tJ. B. Oovernment Securities 0,8000 (Hock of Federal Keeerve Bank (£0 per can I of subscription). 3^60/tt Value of banking houae.4 owned and unincumbered >,000.00 frjultr In banking houae - MOOufo lawful raaerve with Federal Reserve llank ~~~ ■■■■■ —MftOOJ* Cash in vault and net amounts due from National banks. HMfet* Net amounts due from banks, bankers, anf trust companiee other Uian Include in Itsfne II 18. or ToUl of items U. 14, I*, It* and I). SI«M36JB Clucks on Ijanks located outside of city or town of reporting bank # and other caeh Items *—...— ——........ Redemption fund with U, H. Treasurer and due from U. H. Treasurer SJDIKI Total _ a. JmSSi ■ 1.1 A HI UTIEH. Oapital stork (aid In .. .... 0 SOJOOOJOO Murplus fund . ... , „ SyNOCO Cndivlde>d profit* J.c*s current expeusr*. Interest, and laiee paid. 93U1 MUSS Inten-at end dlacount collected or credited, In advance of maturity and not earn«*d (approximate) SyOS6.SS Amount reserved for alf Intareat accrued - IJWfO (Innlaflng notes outstanding ........... MyOQO.OO (>rtlfl««l rbecka outstaodlng (Sahlrr s checks on own l>ank outstanding l^lUl ToUl of lUfoas 2». ao, 31, tt and S9 ;i 2.971J8 Individual deposlta subject to check.: ' SItgMUM | fXvldends uniald ....■m 11600 | Total of demand deposits aubject to Kaaerve, Itama M, », H. and 9 0«0J54J1 Ortl flea tea of depfwlt (other thau for money borrowed) —„...• 01 JBKffM , ! Other lima dapoalla Total of time depoalts aubject lo Reserve, Items 40,41, 42, and 43 SB4JOUO _ . toui , 9HB * Of lh" total loao* and dlaoouoU ahown above, tha amount on which Intaraat and dlawunt waa cbariad at rataa In axoaaa of Ihoaa parmlttad by law [Mae. lift, Bav. Stat.l aia'.uilra at notaa upon which total okari* not to ameaad M waa made, waa I Bona Tha number or cock loan* waa none suale ol North Carolina, County of Alamane, aa: i.Cbaa. A. .cotl,Caahler of the above narard bank,do wlfmnlyjawear that the above *taM> -M inent la true to the beat of my kaowledge and belief, CHAS. A. SCOTT, Oa*ler. Hubecrlbed and aworn lo before me, thla 10th day of March, IftL . . J. 8. COOK, Notary Public. My Commlaalon expire* 4-l»-lKl. (Notarial Meal) Comet-AtMt: - / C. P. hardm, LYNN B, WILLIAMSON, - j. u hott.jih Director*. • ?

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