VOl#. XLVI j J IWILDPOOT j = tms ooMuamap HAIR TOXIC = ; Far talt htn ttndtr a E I momy-backgnaranU* 5 Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drag Co. ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' Is * "Bayer package," containing propel directions (or Colds, Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. Kama "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed bv physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes oP 12 tablets 'cast few cants. Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic acideater of Salicylicacid. * .. : - t BLANK BOOKS Journals, Ledgers* Day Books, Time Books, Counter Books, Tally Books, Order Books, Large Books, Small Books, ■ Pocket Memo., Vest Pocket Memo., &e* Ac. For Sale At The Gleaner Printing Office Graham, N. C. LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fjneera Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freexonl eosts but • few cents at any drug store Apply * few drops on tbe corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bottom of feet and theft lift tbm off. When Freezone removes aoans from tbe toes or calluses from the bottom of tbe feet the skin beneath Is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or Irritated. f«*fchout qvntioalf Huni'*Se|»« fade In the treatment Of Krwma, Truer ftfaf Ofm,ltch.dc Doo't become diKoura|(d btcauic other treatments failed. HimfaSelts has refiaved hundred* of ouch ram Yoo can't lorn on our Btfrny tec* G varan tea. Try It «t ear rt* TODAY. PrkaTJe For Mia locally hy ORAHAM DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N. C. T«a Caa Cwe That Backache. Fata alone the hart. dimness, beaded.* aad sooner ai laoruor. Oet a package of Mother amy's Australia Leaf, the pleasant root and harb cure for IMssr, Bladder and Urinary trouble*. When TOU feel all ran down, tired, weak and without ensrir; BN thia remarkable combination of nature. r ' herb* and roots. As a regulator tt ha* m Mai. Mothei Gray's Australian-Leaf I* sold by Druggists or sent by mall for 10 cts S UnP a>*La Bor'tl $ ***"• Th * ■ I ■ B » A ■ *-W { H m- £~ 'iW' I / m .1 ' . JB . Jjjfl fl• BT* ■ | «m_ x>*_..a a ■> m... M.a m i f a.4— m 1 ■*»' * '\i/:" 5 mNIIIIRMIB v i* w ■m S * A % mm ft . 1. Fighting In the streets of Berlin. 2. Street scene at Freeport, Fa, where the Ohio river overflowed Its banks. 8. General Von Luettwltz, commander of the forces wlbch temporarily overthrew the Ebert *®v erament In Germany. NEWS REVIEW OF i CURRENT EVENTSj , Senate Kids League of Nations 1 Covenant in Final Vote on Peace treaty. , ! I SENT BACK TO PRESIDENT j _______ i German Revolution a Myatery, the j Undercurrents of Which Are a , World Puzxlo—Chaos Seems to Pre- , vail—How It Affects Treaty Status i —The Presidential Nomination Race. By E. F. CLIPSON. The League of Nations covenant is dead, for the present at leijst, so far as this country Is concerned. The 1 final vote on the ratification resolution stood 40 for ratification and 35 against tit Twenty-eight Republicans and 21 'Democrats voted to ratify with the 'reservations that had been adopted, and 12 Republicans and 23 Democrats voted against It. The following Is a poll of the votes: FOR RESOLUTION. REPUBLICANS. Ball, ' Jones Pace, Calder, (Wnh.), Phlpps, Capper, Kellosv, Smoot, Colt, Kea/oa, Speacer, Curtis, Kfjfi, Sterllar, > Dllllagham, Learoot, Sutherland, Mge, Lodge, Wadswortb, Elkla*, Mcl.eaa, Warrea, Frel'hnysea, McNary. Watsoa—3B. Hale, New, DEMOCRATS. Aahharst, Myers, Smith (Md,) Beckham, Nngeat, Traaumell, Chamberl'D, Owea, Walill Fletcher, Phelaa, (Mass.), Gore, Plttraaa, Walsh .Henderson, Pomereae, (Moat.), ,Kendrlck, Ransdell, Wolcott—3l. i King, Matlth (fia.) TV! for—4». 1 AGAINST RESOLUTION. ; REPUBLICANS. ■ Borah, Johnson McCormlck, 'Braadegee, (Cat), MOM*. ; Perasld, Kaor, Norrl., France, La Follette, Sher'n—lS. , Groana, | DEMOCRATS. IComer, Hitchcock, Smith (S.C.) ! Culberson, Klrby, Sfaaley, * ■ Dial, McKellar, Swansoa, 'Gny, Overall, Thomaa, | Glass, Reed, Uaderwood, 'Harris, Roklasoa, Wlll'ma—S3. Rsrrhoi, Nheppard, Total Jahaaoa Shields, ag'st—Bß. j S. D.) Slmmoas, i Twelve senators, nin *• Republicans land three Democrats, were paired. IThey were: I Newberry (Rep.) and McCumber ;(Rep.), for, with Fall (Rep)., against. Nelson (Rep.) and Harding (Rep), with Penrose (Rep.), against. Cummins (Rep.) and Townsend (Rep.), for, with Polndeiter (Rep.), against. Qerry (Dem.) and Jones (Dem-, N. If.), for, with Smith (Dem., Aril.), against. • • * The final defeat of the treaty was accomplished by a combination of ■Democratic senators who followed the president's command to reject the treaty as It had been modified by the senate, and the group of both Republi can and Democratic senators who were opposed to the League of Nations In any form, and these latter are the only ones who are satisfied with the result. Following the rejection of the treaty the senate passed a resolution return ing the tiVaty to the president with the formnl notice of Its failure, and It can not now come before the senate again unless the president returns It to that body. It Is not expected that he will do this. Senator Knox Introduced a Joint resolution for the purpose of declaring the war at an end, and this resolution follows the terms-of the Versailles treaty exclusive of the league cove nant. The action of the senate In defeat ing the treaty means that It will now become a leading Issue In 'the presi dential campaign. That the majority of th® American people had hoped to see the treaty adopted, some wilh and »ome without reservations. Is clearly evidenced by the expressions of the great mass of the newspapers, and both parties will attempt to make capital out of this sentiment by an effort to convince the public that the other side was responsible for the d# fent of the treaty. America's entry Into the league of Nations Is still s possibility. The treaty can he returned to the senate oouncement comes from his govern ment that the present rioting and com munistic demonstrations will lie con trolled as easily as were the Sparta clde outbreaks. Observers who have been warning that a renewal of war In Europe was Imminent and that It needed but a spark, are firm In the be lief that the spark Ins been applied. Meanwhile the kaiser lo his Holland Mtreat, Is sawing wood literally. The erstwhile crown prince Is reported run ning around In circles alternately buoy ed and .depressed by the course of events, llyliand has doubled the guards surrounding the residences of the two. Firm In her determination not to abate the right of sanctuary to which she clnlms they are entitled, she also seems | equal ly disposed not to permit them i to escape or to become active partici pants In any of the affairs of the dis turbed area. In the race for presidential nomina tions theaMlnnesota primary furnished n test of strength and a new basis for forming theories. Unless verified re turns change the figures Wood will be shown to have carried every county In the state but two. His lead appears to be 50 per cent over his nearest com petitor, Senator Johnson, with nearly four times as many votes as Lowden. although Minnesota Is the native state of the Illinois governor. This disposes of a prediction that A soldier candidate would be defeated In an agricultural stnte, which though traditionally Re publican, President Wilson almost car ried In 1910, the claim being made that the "kept us out of war" Issue contributed largely to his strength. Much significance Is also attached to the comparatively large vote In the primary for Herbert Hoover, whose name It was necessary to paste or write upon the ballot. It Is taken as an evidence of his strength with Inde pendent Republicans. The Wood forces regard the Minnesota result as an au gury of success in South Dakota. Mr. Bryan has announced himself In favor of primary Instructions while Mr. McAdoo Is against them. The former thinks that general opposition to Instructions savors of reaction against the Bptmary system. Inciden tally, not a amdldate for the Democratic nomination, neither Is he running away from It. His attitude seems to be that he Is not seeking It, but that the nomi nation may do all the seeking It wants In his direction. In pursuance of plans to stop massa cres and enforce upon Turkey fulfill ment of the terms of the peace treaty. Constantinople was occupied ,|>y allied forces under Gen. Sir George F. Milne of the British army. The ancient city returns to Christian control for the first time In nearly five centuries. This long anticipated military demonstration was accomplished with but slight resist ance. At the war office an exchange of shots occurred In which two British soldiers were killed and four wouDded. Nine Turks were killed. The city whlclf has withstood so many sieges and been the grave of so many expedl tlons sent against It, hap never before In history surrendered so quietly. The allied high commission has announced that In the occupation there was no Intention to permanently destroy the Sultan's authority or deprive the Turks of the city. 0 Mexico continues to be a point of most absorbing Interest. As a prob lem It will soon call fdr something like definite settlement. In the present condition of the world, the dearth of materials, especially minerals, oil and foodstuffs, this natural treasure house must be opened. Ju/t how It. Is to be accomplished Is not exactly evident. America and American Interests have been listening to the claims of rival candidates for direction of affairs In that country. Obrcgon has put forth n statement of his qualifications, plain ly Implying that he Is the only man who has the ability to grapple with the problems of that disturbed nation and restore It to tranquility or at least comparative safety for agricultural and Industrial pursuits. There Is n famil iar sound to his assertions. Just like those of others who' have aspired to the task and failed signally. President Deschanel anil Premier Mlllerand of France hive united to op pose misconceptions concerning tho' country which they fear are formlnir In the United Slates. Deschisnel ha« tens to combat the charge th:tr Franc. I* either militarise or lritt>criell«He either before or after the next elec tion, and If ratified at such time we would become a part of the league. If this Is not done the nation can apply for membership In the league Just as any nation not a party, to the Versailles treaty may do and be ac cepted by tlii; nations that are now in embers. Although Germany has occupied eminence conspicuous In the center of the stage of world events during the week and considerable light has arisen from the conflagration raging within her borders, much mystery rules as to the true state of.affairs. Dark areas exist which the, aputllghts of anxious International Interest Snd the tele scopes of publicity cannot penetrate, jpne thing certnln Is that the revolu tion Instigated by Kapp, I.uettwltz and others with Kapp as self-appointed dic tator, has heen overthrown jifter five days of hectic, febrile existence. The active agent In bringing about this speedy dendse was n general strike of .workmen centered In BerMn. GRAHAM, N. 0., THURSDAY. MARCH 25.1980 Whether me offspring of mlHtaristie designs, an effort to administer oxy gen to the gasping hopes of royalty, a cunning machination of bolshevlsm, or a deeply laid plot involving all partlea to muddy the waters of International ' affairs and se defeat the terms of tbe peace treaty at affecting Germany, ts not yet evident and may not be clear for a long time. At any rate, the rev olution appears to have been a feeble child. When the railroad workers quit and also those of the public utilities Including gas, water and electricity, the life-giving and distributive facili ties ceased. A lustier Infant could have lasted longer, bat eventually would have succumbed. Has the Ebert government been mere camouflage? Ebert seems to hare known what was Impending and at th« first sound of alarm deserted Berlin after calling upon the proletariat to support him by the strike. Earlier ad vices Indicated that Noske, his minis ter of defense, the man who has re cently been proclaiming hla acceptance of the principles of the treaty and Ma determination to help work them ouC had an understanding with the revoln tlonaries. Time alone will demonstrate the truth or falsity of this Indication. With the and eastern situations what flW' are, added to the complications of the Adriatic situation and the internal affairs of France and England, It would seem to be • fairly opportune time for Germany to stage a muddling and distracting demonstra tion. There are elements aplenty In Germany committed to such Intentions. That which now seems likely is that the various groups could' not work to gether harmoniously. Ludendorff was In Moscow Intriguing with Lenlne and Trotsky/a case Indeed of politics mak ing strange bedfellows. At home there was a movement, If Ebert and his fol lowers could be rendered sufficiently complaisant, to set up Hlndenburg as a candidate for president Notwith standing that Ludendorff, tbe embodi ment of reactlonlsm, was flirting with the personification of advanced radi calism, and Hlndenburg'a supporters were endeavoring to make friends with the socialistic adherents of Ebert, a re actionary undercurrent was prevalent throughout all the plotting. If the revolution went off half cocked, aa seems fairly evident It was due te hu man nature and the Impossibility of combining antagonistic elements and soothing Individual ambitions. Through out the whole affair there has been de celt, subterfuge and recrimination, a heritage from the teachings of knltur; proving that German leaders cannot be honest with each other and can scarcely face their own visages In k looking glass. Out of the whole mess has come the renewed menlce of bolshevlsm. Har nessmaker Ebert Is the one figure In Germany who carries sny Indications of Influence and strength on tbe side of law and order. He ordered the strike and It remains to be seen wheth er or not he can control It Just now tt looks as though he might have cre sted a Frankenstein destined to crush him and throfcr his nstlon—perhaps the whole of Europe—lnto chaos. Soviets have been proclaimed In certain places In Germany. It Is true that these man ifestations are confined largely to Sax ony and other industrisl centers where radicalism has been strongest. Ebert has confidence In bis military resources and In the sober Inclinations of the people; thoroughly sick of war, nnxlous to heal Internal troubles and let back to work. Tbe optimistic as- Kin ston,—Local baseball fans have under consideration a proposition from Greenville, sporting Interests that Klnston supply a club for as Bast Carolina baseball league the coming season, suggesting ae the etk> er towns to make up the slx-teata cir cuit Washington, New Bern, Tarbono, and Ooldsboro. Washington. N. C., —One of the moat' Important events In looai church history took place at St Peter's Epis copal church at tbe dedication of tbe new Nathaniel Harding Memorial or gam, which was played for tbe Crat time at tbe morning services. Durham, —The nest annual cAwo tlon of tbe North Carolina Merc heats Association will be held Hi AahevtUe instead of Raleigh. That was the de cision of representatives of the asso . elation from all sections of the State in conference hers. Ashevllle. —Tbe influensa eltaatiee in Transylvania couatjr la very acute, according to reports reach tag here. Up to the latter part of last week more than 400 cases were resorted from Brevard aa being in that Immsi late section. Charlotte, —One hundred aad thirty ssven applications were filed feat we— S and S o'clock In response to a 1 "house for rent" advertisement. Th* house m rented within six minates after the frst edition of Tbe Neva kat been run off the press. Lasiaaiaa AIJJ HAT i MESS CUT ;1 Mi IKE PEACE CONCURRENT RMOtUTIOMK BY ' HOUSE AND SENATE WOULD M UNCONSTITUTIONAL. " PRESIDENT WIT \k RIGHT To Congress le Delegated Fewer to De> .clare W.ar, Rut Negotiation and Agreement for Peace Making. 4RgJist«>, On.—ln aa Interview bore Senator Hitohcock says: "There Is a disposition among cer- . tain aenatora to attempt te terminate , the Mr with the adaption by tbe ssn- | ate aad tbe boose of a concurrent resolution, deelarlag that a state of peace exists, this resolution to be signed, by the preeldent, bat I am of the. eplalsa that thla cannot be done becanae In the framing at the ooaatl tution of the United States," tbe war making function jua delegated to oon gceaa,-tat. the .sight to terminate war by the nsgbtlatton of a peace treaty waa vested la the ehlef executive. "My opinion Is that the frame ra of . the coasUtattoe acted wisely in that teapeot, tor, while the declaration of war regalraa action by hat one part to the conflict, there muat be negotla i tlon aad agreement between both par ties when peace is effectuated. Duehesa of Mar!rough W«ats Divorce from Duke Losdon.—The application of tha Duehees of Marlberoagh, formerly Conaeelo Vanderbllt, tor a decree tor the reetitutioa of eoajogal rights, waa granted by the eeort. The petition of the ffuchees is the asnal prsmilinary to divorce In ChlX "country. The court ordtr* tbe ddoree to be obeyed within 14 days after its service. The coaple were married In New Fork Jn IMB and have two children. , ~■> ■ . J. i . Civil tuvlaa Commission Now Has Woman Meaaber I '* Waahln*ton.- Helsn Hamilton Gard i aner, of tbla city, author aad lecturer, ' was nominated by President Wllaon to be a member of the civil service commission. She will succeed Chas-1 : M. OaUoway, of Columbia, 8. C., who I ' waa "ousted" from ths commission | last year after the president had de termined to reorganise it. Mrs. Gardener Is tbe first woman to | be appointed to the commleeion. i Nona Begin Propaganda Hoping to Pores Revision of Peaee Treaty. Paris.—Germans are preparing a | formidable world propaganda in fa vor of a revision of the Versailles treaty and the holding of a new inter national conference at which van , quisbed nations might be represented , for the object of ahaaglpg or elimi nating many clausss of the present # treaty between tbe allied nations and I Germany, according to a Geneva de . spatcb. Relief Ships tor Imie- WW be Ueed Alee tor Pope ting Soviets. New York.—Relief ships to be sent ' by the United States within the next i month with flour for needy countries of Europe also are going to be soviet i arka, according to information ob i tained from Immigration officials hers. More than 400 Russians, Finns and Poles from sll parts of tbe coun try will be shipped on them. Eight Jhoueand Persona Hsvs Been Killed Since Gormen Revolt Began. Paris. Eight thousand persons 1 have been killed sines the Oeiman ' revolt broke cut on March IS, accord ing to advices received here. Of the 1 number, (60 were killed in Berlin : alone ' ' Recommendation Senate Committee | ss to Bain bridge Colby Is Confirmed Waabington. Tbe nomination of ( Balnbridge Colby aa secretary of , state waa confirmed late by the see j ate. a It was understood that no objection m waa raised to confirmation of the I, nomination, which baa teen the sub r Ject of extended secret hearinga by , the* foreign reiatlous committee. It ts stated also that no record vote was taken on the matter of cooflrm # Ing the nomination of Mr. Oolby. J Greet Demonstration Meeta m Poeel bio Mexican Preeldent |V rt Mexico City.-—Thousands thronged the atraets to greet Tgnaclo Bonlllaa, Mexican smbasssdar te the United j, Statea, who baa snaaaarsil bis willing . nsaa to become tha presidential can # dldate of the civSiaa party In the gen- oral elections JHy 11. The demon > stration waa considered aa a first red m proo Idea lie I campaign gathering and as marlrfne the climax of the preliminary canvas. A tow slight-disorders were m welled by mounted police. *" Lumkss tua, —Of goers are trying te £ locate T. 1. Newell, formerly enables £ of She leeal sfSoe of the Setberm Bx , prees osmpaay wbeee account with tha company le said te be mere than IUM short. Ashevllle. WayaasvlUa. ooaaty seat of Haywood county, claims the h—or sf being the drat oOaaty ta North OaroUaa te ergaalae a oemplete . j ffaMoaal Ouard company of 100 mea j under the aaw piaa. PMTK FOB 1 GfBTBOi ISSUE ALLOTMENT OF THC FROCttM TO ■■ BASED ON MILCAOK ARIA NEW DEPARTMENT IS CREATED Interest on $50,400,000 Imui Will (e Paid out of Stat* Automobile Lloeneee as Par aa Possible A summary at tfce bill to be la trodaced at the apaclal session of the legislature thle lamntr, providing i the manner of allotlng tha proceeds I at tha proposed 150,000,000 Issue of boo da tor hard surfaced highways, na mad* public bjr 001. T. L. Klrk patrick, president of the Aahevllle- Charlotte-Wilmlngton highway asso ciation, who framad thla tnaaaura and tta companion authorising tha iagua. Tha allotment of tha procaada wIN ba baaad on tha population, arsaand mil sags of roads of aach county con necting oounty aaata. All procaada of tha proposed bond laaae will b« expended under dlrec tloo of a atate highway department, created by the bill, which will con alat of three members, glvlag their (Oil Unta. Thla department will be raqulrad to paaa upon all estimates and programs of tfcs Various counties. First authority will ba given for the oonatructlon of roads which will oon nect tha principal towns aad village! from county seat to county ssat by the most practicable and dlreot reute. Weman Would he Notary Miss Mattle Hlggs, of Raleigh, has •led an application with Oorerher Btekett tor the "offloe" of salary pub lic to be considered immediately upon the ratification of the Susan B. Anth ony amaadment by the required thirty-six States. _ 'ln the event that Mrs NMan Knight applies fer before that data," Atlas Hlggs wrote, "I do not wlah to take precedence over her applica tion. Mrs. Nolan Knight, of AihevUle, was tha first weman notary appoint ed in this State under act of tha Gen eral Assembly of 1916, and the ap pointment was nullified by tha flu preme court. I New Plu In Only Two Counties | Only two counties In the State ars continuing to report Influents, and heallh authorities believe that the laat of the epidemic has been seen untH nest fall when a recurrence is expect ed. Qountlea reporting ware David son with 17 cases and Wilson with | eight. Many counties have reported that the epidemic is deSnltely over, Conway's Band Is Coming . Fat Coawny's band and soloists, a musical organisation of International fame, has bean booked aa the feature attraction of the Carolina Automotive Exposition in this city April 11-17. Tha management of the big motor exhibition considers Itsstf very fortu nate In booking this mualcal at traction. Cat Lsada the Way Orangemouth, Firth of Forth, Scot land,— Nine men of the crew of the American cargo • learner Lake Ellke, ' were aaved from drowning recently by the Inatlnct of the ahlp's cat to swim toward the steamer In a storm and darknesa when their small boat floundered at midnight between the •hip and the shore John Bhortnee 23. • sailor, of Marlboro, Mass., and QC mer Stroud, 17. mean room boy. of "North Carolina, were drowned. Ne Equipment from U. #. Waahlng|fn. (Special)— l North Car olina la one of the few statea that have not secured any of tbe material or eqalppment for the construction of roads under tha act of February SO, 1(20. Twenty atates received 20- ton tractora. 11 15-ton tractora and 14 five-ton tractora. Tenneaaee re ceived 40 20-ton tractora. 70,000 New Cltlssns Daring the year lilt there were ' (0,7(1 little Tar Heela ushered Into the world, the mountain section of | the state leading In percentage. s I Clay county claims the banner wltii 41.4 per hundred thousand, while Cur , rl'uek is 11.4. Meskleaburg shows 21.7; Csbarroa, 11.8; Davidson, 20,4; Gaston. 22.7; ! Union, 24. t; Iredell, 2« «; Lincoln. 29 i J; Cleveland, 21.2. Wake'a percent ■ . age was 2(4. , Tbe other counties in the state show s gradually decreasing proportion. ' Value ef Our Farm Lands I Market raises of farm lands ta North Carolina, particularly la those I sections where tobacco Is grown, - have advanced tremendously la price ' during the past year, according to a • haHetU. Issued by the Cooperative * Ore* Reporting Service, seme of it I bringing as high as 1(00 per acrs. i Lands ' evenrwbere have shown en ' hanced values and there Is a demand l for farm lande that has never been equaled In the State's history. Ths unprecedented demand and 1 the unprecedented pricee that are ' paid for farm land la not surprising ' to the director of the aervloe in view 1 ef Ac prices that have been reoetved 1 (or tobacco and ether (arm products thla year. Many tobacco farms, par ticularly ta the bright tobeoco belt ' at (be eastern ceenUee, average up ' wards of 11.040 per acre last year. 1 Thla year there premise* to be aa ' Increased acreage ef tobaeao. Many 1 hundreds at acres of wtm lands will [he spiail ap aad planted to bliiii. high prices, there lui tm in U j vnnce in tbe mnrkst value at all farm land#. Cotton ta rnata couatiee' (arm lands are selling at and HO® 1 par MM. Ilmmnii In Tha Limelight Waahlngton, (Speclal)-Senatar ] Blmmoos la heldtac tha limaltcbt ta 1 tbe German peace traaty. Hla pluck, persistency and good senae ta deal ing with tha unusual situation ta tha aanata la attracting nation-wide at tention and admiration. Collage laae Ball Sehedule The North Carolina Btate college baae hall achadule announced by Manager R. P. Stacey, oaUe for M gamaa, jrtth 11 conteata scheduled on foreign toil. In addition to tha nanal gamaa with other North Carolina laatitu tlolgWftate will play tha Baltimore ■«flp(kyit Ooldehoro and Raleigh, an(KValifc' v ''aryland States" and University of South Carolina at Raleigh. % Phyelelan Break a the Law" For failure ta comply with pro*l alona of atata vital atatiatlca Dr. Hen derson Irrtn, of Eureka, Wayne coun ty, waa conTioted in court at Free mont In two and fined $lB in addition to coaU of 17.50. Dr. Irrln had persistently refuted to file berth certificates In caaae where ha had been the attending phyelelan. Judge Council Secure Llcenaa Washington, (Special)—W. Council, of Hickory waa (worn ta to practice In the supreme court. He will appear in the cue of Kenneth B. Steer, truatee. agalnat W. W. Beat ty, at al. i Soldiers Identlflcetlon Carde Former «err ice men, holdera of Uncle Sent'a War Rlak Insurance hare received from the Bureau of War Risk Insurance an Identification card bearing their names and lmur ance number,for ready reference, such as they carried While ta the service. This card will enable the men to give their correct Insurance number serve* for IdeaSScatkm ta «a»« « sickness or accident whan coaaaaonl catlng with the Bureau of War Rlak Inaurance. Many of these cards are being re turned to the bureau by former ear ▼ice men. Instead of being retained. The director requests all farmer eer ▼lce men wtoo received theee Identi fication cards to keep them. Smith field Sale of begs North Carolina hog raisers from nine different communities boaght most of the regletered Poland Chtaaa cold at Raleigh by the American Po land China Record Association on March », although llveetock men from South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were on hand and took acme of the animals offered. Thirty-three head were sold bring ing In a total of $3,672.(0. 820,000,000 Pound Tobaoco Crop. The teaaon's tobacco salee, estimat ed by the Cooperative Crop Report ing Service, reported In December aa 110,00#,000 have already gene over 111.C00,000 pounds, according to fig urea complied by Mr. Frank Parker, head of the reporting service. The eatlmatee of tkoee falling to report make the tola! 514,*76.000 pounds and tha final toUl la expected to run cloae to 120.000,000 1 "During February there were aeventy-tbree warehouses operating on twenty-one markeU In counties. f Btate School Conference To give representative c ill tens an opportunity to confer with teachera • and other school officials on the edu t cation of the children of the State a I conference has been called to meet i at the North Carolina College for Wo r men May 4 and 6. The call for the ■ conference waa Issued, at the request I of Dr. E. C. Brooks, State Superint • endent of Education, Governor T. W. Blckntt, and other prominent cttlsena of Nort» Carolina. It Is one of a se riee of conferences by the United i States Commissioner of Education. ' Winston-Salem, —An estimated loss of 1146,000 pa* entailed by the burn ■ 'tag of the two-atory brick building occupied by 8. H. Kress ML Co., here. •' Charlotte, —The will "of I)r. E. C. l'. Register was Mod for probate. He t . | left a library of ten thousand volumes, n largest personal llbsry In the Slate, f to Trinity College. L Marlon* —Tho McDowell post of tha American Legion held a memorial l service In the Methodist church for the McDowell boys who made the Stt ' preme sacrifice In the world war. 1 Shelby.—A post of the American 1 Legion was formed here. ' It was nsmed the Warren F. Hoyle post In honor of a young marine, tha firat Cleveland county man to make | the supreme sacrifice. Winston-Salem.—The Hayaea Rub- I bar Company, which are manutact i urera of automobile tlrea, has In , creased Its capital stock to U. 000.000 for tbe purpose qf expending Ita busl- I ness. Wilmington.—Departure of tbe City 1 of Omaha, second steal freighter com pleted at the Carolina ahlpyard, la ex pected within the week. She has 1 .been leaaed by tbe shipping board to r the Oreen Star line, of New York, and 1 j will ply between San Francisco and _ I the Orient. Liquid Champ>&,'lßoap, PROFESSIONAL |MH Attoraey^Aa^P otflee ever NaMeael Offloa Pattersan Ben^lsf . Second Pleor. . irsksai, - - - - OFFICE iHfllMMOtBll^(i^J ' a cob A. io*a. LONG * LOH«, ■ attomsya and C(nuaWlaNi|ttMH GRAHAM, M. C. »■» »' « TTT ' jnunssippi woman JBr fi \Egga for Foot MtmHEl Hens Now 1 Regularly. "I wish to praise Dr.UQdj|H| Poultry Prescription to Raisers. 1 have 28 ham no eggs from thea tor «r9R9 months. After I fad tfcsst one-half packages of fUUfH acription I fathered over tmH egga from them. This Is fact, and I advise all poultry jfEB to use Dr. LeGear's PoiraHH acription, if they wish their fIESH lay.—Miss Carlfaa n ismsiTßH riston, Miss. 'jl« . Dr. LeGear'a advice and a pennies wisely spent have mafiSMfl era ont of loafers. «• Yon eaa cMsSjiii the same results. Get apaekaccifEi Dr. LeGear's Poultry IrsßßifitiSm from your dealer. Use it as dtnctaSl It is a tonic which builds cp ttSH strength and vitality of bens, wfifcHi out overstimulattas» or |Hh|H en producing organs. If xesottssrw'fl not entirely satisfactory, rsttrrn the mf empty carton and reeitVß a of your money.—Dr. L, IX tmiimrM Med.4Co. St, Louis, Kck LIVES OF CHRISTIAN HINISTUU:^ This book, entitlod as abov», 1 contains over 300 DMiROIM inters in the Christian C9lta4i^| with hiHtorical references. An ' Interesting volmne—nieety prtwlr |l ed and bound. Price ne^Miii^M cloth, 12.00; gilt top, mail 20c eztm. Orders may nt P P. J. Krrmodu . 1 1012 K. Marshslt 8i» J • Kichmond, Va . Orders mav l»e leftat this offleflfl PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an iuVeatiefl to (latent please lend us a model or ikrUilS with a letter of brief explanation for pre ■■ llmlnary examination and advice, You, 9 dlacloaure and all buaineaa is strictly con *? fUlentlal, and will receive our prmnpt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., PATENT LAWTERS. WASHIMOTON. D. O. What the Kaiss? .1 Told Roosevelt THE FULL ACCO Jf. ? j of Roossvelt's reception th« various courts ol Euro »t. dr wribiag ialimataly bin reniark I able iatsrvlew* with the Kciier. are told In Rcotevelt's una word* exela*ivety la SCRIBNER'S 1 MAGAZINE ! At year dealers or send SI.OJ " Jwj sow to SCRIBNER'S MA JA- " ZINB, New York C3ty, fur y three aaaiber* eoataiaiaJ Roosevelt's Own Letters j ml* fl — Clothing is made in New Yorfc"^ in lofts, which may account fatj| , its lofty price. , It is against precedent to do in | - the Senate today what c.in be FR'Mj ' off till tomorrow. If Sir Oliver Lodge will prog|||ff a medium who can . John Barleycorn, he will get lots J of Americans to bellMKßggH power to procure the > The inability of oil > to mix does not 1 j stocks and water.

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