tOolviiiCr HOITB - apsn 1M a. m. toT.Otp. au Inudsy tM toll Ma .m. »odCOO a. N.oooK.nMMwrtCT. ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»■ ♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦»■! MIX ♦ ♦ ♦ LOCAL SEWS. ♦ ♦ ♦ —Winter seems tp want to linger in the lap of Spring. —Mr. Chan. A. Scott ia luring residence repainted. —A aomber of Graham young people attended the dance in Bur lington laat night. —Pay your poll tag if yon wiah to vote at the next election. Only lit tle more than two weeks remain in which to pay. May lat ia the laat day. —Mr. Hal Farrell, who hat been ' helping in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for nearly • year, haa accepted a position frith The National Bank of Alamance. —The household and kitchen furniture of the late Geo. Council man will be sold Batnrday at 2:30 S. m. at hia late hofiie, near Rev. R . Trailer's, to the highest bidder for caah. —Plenty of ice and yesterday morning. It began turning colder about the middle of the afternoon before. Reports are not in, bnt it IB belived the fruit fared badly. Ice and frost again thia morning. Parent-Teacher Association to Meet A call-meeting of Graham Parent- Teacher Aaaociation will be held at the Graded School anditorium next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. The regular meeting waa to have bean held on laat Monday night. At the meeting next Monday night officers will be elected for the coming year and a foil attendance ia desired. Service at M. E. Church. Bonday School at 9:30 a. m., Rev. W. B. Green, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. C. T. Thrift. Subjects: 11 a. m., "The Peril ous Times of the Last Days;" 8 p. m., "Leproey and Bin—a Deadly Parallel. ,r A cordial invitation to everybody to come. Epworth Leagues meet at 7 p. m. U. D. €. District Meeting. On Tuesday at 11:30 o'clock the district meeting of the United Daughters of the Confederacy eon yened in Burlington and was royally entertained by the Chapter of that city. Thia diatrict ia composed of the Reidsville, Spray, Greensboro, Burlington and Graham Chapters. The State president, Mrs. Felix Hsrvey of Kinston, was present and addressed the delegates. It waa a one-day session. A large delegation waa present from Graham. Mr. Geo. W. Councilman Dead. After an illness of some three weeks, following a stroke of paraly sis, Mr. Geo. W. Councilman passed away at his home here about 9:20 o'clock Friday morning, April 9th, aged about 60 years. For several yean deceased had not been in very good health. Mr. Councilman had lived here a good many years and had many frienda and acquaintances who will regret to hear of hia death. Deoeaaed ia aurvived by his widow, one brother and five aiatera. On Saturday the remains were laid ti rat in Lin wood Cemetery. injunction Dissolved. At Oxford laat Friday a hearing waa had before Jndge Calvert on tbe injunction proceeding brought by the Piedmont Power & Light Co. against the Mutual Power A Light 00., enjoining the latter from inter fering with the lines of the former. Maj. i. J. Henderson, attorney for the former, and Mr. £. S Parker, Jr., attorney for the latter, were present. The restraining order wa dissolved, from which ruling it is nnderatood the Piedmont Power A Light Co. will appeal to the Supreme Court. Marriage at Christian Church Tonight. Tonight at 8:30 o'clock Miss Mary Ruth Johnston of Graham and Mr. El wood N. Pea roe of Dunn, N. C., will be united in marriage at Gra ham Christian church, which has already been prettily decor ited for the oocaaion. The maid of honor will be Misa Lncile Johnston, cousin of tbe bride; ring bearer, little Miaa Sarah John aton, aiater of tbe bride; bride's maid, Miss Frances Moon; "est man, Dr. John A. Jeraigan of Dunn; grooms man, Prof. ¥. F. Myrick of Elon College; ushers, Meaa. Warren Mc- Culloch of Greenaboro k ßen. G. John ston of Burlington, brother of the bride, Lewis W. Strickland and George ▲. Pearce of Dunn. Last night a rehearsal was held at the church, after which the bridal party waa entertained at the bride's home. ' After the marriage the bride and groom will leave on the 9:15 train for Asbeville. Hkh School Debate Fridsy Night Baifiagtoo Debaters go to Chapel HM far Finals. Last Friday night in the triangular debate on restricting immigration Graham'a team lost the affirmative to Burlington at home and tbe nega tive to Chapel Bill at the latter place, while Burlington won the affirma tive at home against Chapel Hill'. Burlington having won both the affirmative and the negative, her de batata will go to Chapel Hill for the finals. The winners are Ferry Lee Gibba and Miaa Katherine Martin, affirmative, and Trygve Laraen and Augustus Bradley, negative. Hen's hoping the Burlington de bates* will win the Ayoock cup. >*♦»♦«♦ Mr. Gene Hunter want to Raleigh Monday. ' * . Mrs. Ernest Thompson is visiting relatives in High Point. Mrs. Ollie Brown of Raleigh ia visiting Mrs. J. J. Barefoot - Mr. Alfred N. Roberson of Saxa ' pshaw N. 1 waa in town yeetsrday. Mr. Jaa. A. Wianingbam, near Saxapahaw, was in town yesterday, Mrs. O. S. Hunter ia visiting Mr. and Mra. Clyde Hunter in Raleigh. Miaa Lerlene Brown pf Wendell is visiting Miss Mary Ruth Johnston. Mr. W. D. Marc bison of Plessant Hill community waa in town Monday. Mra. Mcßride Holt and Mrs. Arm strong Holt went to Greensboro yes terday. Mr. J. Harvey White has returnsd from a business trip of several daya North. Mr. Boyd Harden, in school at Chapel Hill, spent the week-end at home. Rev. P. T. Klapp, on the Elou- Gibsonville road,'waa in town yee terday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harden snd children visited relatives in Guil ford Sunday. Mrs. H. W. Scott and Master Billie and little Miss Bettie went to Raleigh Monday to visit relativee. Misses Adelside Taft and Berla Bryan of Greenville are visiting Mrs. J. J. Barefoot. The latter goes from here to Asheville. Mrs. Roy Long snd baby daughter Ora Holt of Hickory are bere visit ing Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Lacy Holt. Mrs C. B. Irwin arrived here Tueeday on a visit to Mrs. E. S. Psrker. She is making her home in Fayetteville now. Mr. and Mra. Lynn B. Williamson returned Tuesday from a visit of two or three days in Fayetteville. They made the trip by auto. Mr. Haywood Henderson, in school at Elon College, spent lest night at his home here and had as his guests Mess. Marvin Gray and Jake Thomas of Elon, snd Hob Doughton of the University. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Holt of Glen Cove, N. Y., arrived here Monday on a visit to tbe former's mother, Mra. Sidney B. Holt, and other rels tives. Mr. Uolt was married a few , months aga. His bride is a Michigan lady and this is her first visit here." Entertains in Honor of Prospective Bride. One of the moat brilliaus affairs of Graham was that given on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 0 o'clock by Miss Blanche Sco't, in honor of Miss Ethel Williamson of Greensboro, ' whose marrisge to R. C Kelley, prominent lawyer of that city, takes place n April 28. For this occasion the home was decorated lavishly with carnations, 1 wisteria and other flowers, tbe colors of pink and white predominating throughout, and the refreshments * also carrying out this color schema. In the receiving line were Miss ' Scott, Misses Ethel and'Bonna Wil ' liamson of Greensboro, and Mrs. J. I Mel. Thompson of Mebane, a sister I of the hostess. > Seven tables bad been attractively ' placed (or bridge, and upon arrival i of the guests they were given beauti > ful little score cards, these being > decorated with a bride and groom. After the games a silver tray filled with dainty psckages was brought in and given the honor guest, &nd 5 all repaired to tho drawing room, 3 where Miss Williamson opened her j shower-packages. These gifts were many and very handsome, one es t pecially attracting attention waa that . given by tbe hostess This was s handsome piece of lingerie. t In the dining room elaborate re freshments were served, consisting of I a salad course with accessories and , pink ices with cakes. , 5 Among the guesta were Mrs Man t ley Baker, Misses Jessamine and 9 Corinna Qant, Mrs. Roger Oant, Mrs. L. S. Uolt, Jr., Mra. Ben Lawson, Mist Augusta Freeman and Miss Minnie Williamson of Burlington. f Eggs Are High! If your hens are not laying aatis ' factorily try Reefer's More* Egg Tonic It is wonderful. Two $1 packages (enough for a season) for One Dollar. Thia offer holda good nntil April 15th. CHAS. T. THHirr, JB., ' 25mch4t N. Maple St., Graham, N.C. Fords for Sale. I 1 new Ford with starter, a 1 new Ford without starter. h 1 1917 model-price right. £ Apply to Samet Furniture Co., - Phone 626 Burlington, N.C. >t il It cost $2.94 more a hundred a pounds to produce pork from lousy hogs than from hogs free d from lice, according to govern n ment experiments at Beltsvllle, Md. George Washington waa also d first In farming, an£ he tried out new ways of doing things at Mt. v Vernon. n , ■ e Higher prices for vegetablea are k predicted —more reason for uaing () a hoe in the backyard garden. I"' Building up the dairy Induatry ie is more than a matter of good t- cows and profits—plenty of milk ie means healthier children. . m ), There are still a few home d garden bulletins left. A postal tc the Agricultural Extension Ser s- vice at Raleigh will bring yon one. v List year plans and specifications and an estimate of the odet ware mads for remodeling and enlarging Graham Graded School building. Since that time $50,000 in bonds have bean voted to provide the neoee saryfunds for the work snd to build, a suitable building for taking care of the colored children. Lately the School Truateea have been endeavor ing to get eatimatea on the proposed improvements and to have a time named when the work would be com pleted. What they have been able to get is not altogether encouraging. They can get an jatimsle for the construction but no assurance as to the time when the work wonld be oompleted and ready for use. At thia time the estimated ooet is almost twice ss much as when tbe plana and estimates were first furnished tbe Board. This condition has created a doubt in the mind of the Board ae to this jrisdom f proceeding at this time. If the present building should be partially torn down and improve ments not completed in time for the opening of the fall term, it might mean that there would be little or no school next year. The Board is deeirousof the school going on without interruption, but feels that the preeent building in ite present shape ie insufficient for the' neede of the children entitled to at tend. No final decision has yet been reached, but whether the remodeling is undertaken now or not, some pro vision will have to be made for the increasing attendance. Card of Thsnlu. I desire to thank the kind friends and neighbors for every help in word or deed during the last illness and death of my husband, Mr. Geo. W. Councilman. May heaven's bless ings be the portion of esch. Sincerely, MRS/DOHA COUNCILMAN. Spraying Irish Potatoes is the name of a new circular irsued by the Agricultural Extension Ser vice at Raleigh. . A postal card will bring you arcopy. MS?AS DANGEROUS ImijjtfmMWi Calomel salivates! It's mercury," Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel copies Into contact with sour bile It crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea* Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I - If 70a feci bilioui, heidxchy, con stipated and aU knocked oat, jut go to your drugglit and get a bottle of DwUta'i Uver Tone for a few eenta, wkich it a harm lew vegetable tab ■titaU for dangerou* calomel. Take a spoonful and If it doean't itart jvor Uver and etraighten you up hotter and quicker than aaaty calomel ["RESULTS MORE THAN CLAIMED" mo tmmttffm Mr. J. P. AMKMDT, Box 44, Bomllg, Tmxaa PE-RU-NA TIE IEMEBY FOI EVEIYIAY ILLS j - ■ , "I have used Pe-ru-na for years in cases of colds and catarrh. The results have been good, in fact, more than you, claimed. Have also taken 8 | Lacupia and can easily say it 1 I Jj | i* one of the best blood puri # er * * have ever used" For Catarrh and Catarrhal Condltlona The evidence ol one man like Mr. Arendt 1» more coevinciaff yrool flo yoa of the merits of Pe-ru-na than any written words of oars. For fifty yean Pc-runa has been the standby of the American iamily lor r diiesTS doe to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes lining i the organs of the body. Thousands, like Mr. Arendt, have proved the effectiveness of Pe-ru-na for coughs, colds, nasal catarrh, stomach, bowel and llver«disorders or any dlsesse characterised by a catarrhal condition. If yoor suffering Is the result of • cstarrhal disorder try Pe-m-na. It Is a true, tried medicine. Bold Everywhere Tablota or Liquid ■aety-aevM per Mat el fte pMfte ken eeten* hi man km. . — m : Sunshine Soap Powder Washes Everything and o Is a Good Cleanser. * Strongest and Weakest Made. Every Package Guaranteed. g Sold at all Grocery Stores. y Made by— d * ! Sunshine Soap Company 0 * 1 GRAHAM. N, C. e OH MY STOMACH "I had stomach trouble so badly that nothing I Ate would digest as it should," Mid Badls E. Hamil ton, Port In nd, Me., M she began a remarable story of the relief she has secured from Argo-Phoephate, the new reconstructive, stomach tonio and system purifier. - "Every thing that I ate would lit in my stomach like a lump," she explained. "Gas would form and I woold suffer distress all the time. I got so I could hardly keep any thing down, Trying to get relief, I had Ay stomach pumped'out, hot even this did not help me as I oontioued just as bad. "I kept hearing so much about ArgOrPhospbate that I thought maybe it might help me and I de try it. I have taken two bottles and to my surprise I am already feeling fine. I can eat any thing and I am not troubled at all. "I am completely rid of my old stomach trouble that I had.for three years. I have not felt so well for years and I am certainly glad to endorse Argo Phosphate because I want others to be helped by this wonderful medioine." "The spirit of wanting to help others is what makes suffering - men and women give these splen did public endorsements of Argo- Phosphate," said a local druggist. Dispensed by Hayes Drug Co. Graham Welding Co. Welding and brazing of metals by the Oxy-Acetylene process. New and complete equipment. Special attention given to broken auto parts. Prices as low as is consistent with high grade work. Yonr patronage solicited. West Elm St., next to Fire House. 25dec WE BUY, raise, and sell fur-bear ing rabbits and other fnr-bearing animals. Place your order with us, and list whatever stock you have with us, stating lowest flat prices on large shipments. Address 515-517 N. P. Ave., Fargo, N. D. IsprSt and without Mafclnf jai tick, you Ju«t go back and got four paom»j. If you toko calomel today youU bo oiek and nanaaatad tomorrow; ba« ■ldoo, it may ikUrrU yott, wkUa if you will waka up foaUng gnat, full of ambition aid ready far work or play. It ia barmloaa, plaaaaat aad aafo M giro to eUldron; tbey Ilka it 111 Hi Tires for the Smaller Cars— Built With Goodyear Methods In using its immense resources and inventive skiU to the highest relative value pos sible into tires, this company has never made Mol its work more effective than in Goodyear IjQrV MU Tires for the smaller cars. Ji/Ow fflHiP These have the full advantages of Goodyear Mi competence and care, plus the modern facili- . (a/V1 II ties of the factory we are devoting to the Hi world's largest production of 30x3-, 30x3Vi-, I and 31x4*inch sizes. I The sum of this extraordinary effort is avail* I able to you, as the owner of a Ford, Chevpo- H|X> I let, Dort, Maxwell, or other car using tfiese I I sizes, at the nearest Goodyear Service Station w Byr I j Dealer's place of business. &M/ I Go to this Service Station Dealer for these Mil 1 m | tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. * \Slilr lS reac^to v ou * 30«3V4 Goodyear Double-Cure l5O Goodyear Heavy Touri* Tube, an thfcfc. Hroaf [tuba* that 1 abric, All-Weather Tread LJ — reinforce cadiw properly. Why rUk a food eating with a cheap rube ? Goodyear Heavy Touri* Tube* com licde mora 30x3% Goodyear Single-Cure &-> -t 50 'ban tube* of leu merit. 30x3ft *i*m in watmr- S,J 50 Fabric, Apd-SklJ Tread Al~" proof ... ■ - , T_ isSß=^======= ===== f a= ■ > To Our Customers and Friends! On account of the increased amount of wprk necessary to handle our business we find it necessary to observe regular banking hours and close our doors for transactions with the public to enable us to do our work. Beginning Monday, April 19th, 1920, we will open for business each day at 9:00 a. m., and close each day at 3:00 p. m., except on Saturdays we will close at 4:00 p. m. We are always glad to render every accommodation, but find this step is absolutely necessary to enable us to do our work properly and promptly, which is essential in success ful banking. We ask that our friends aid us in observing this regula tiort by transacting their business with us within the hours named. Very truly yours, NATIONAL BANK OF ALAMANCE, CHAS. A. SCOTT, Cashier. THE CITIZENS BANK, J. S. COOK, Secretary. Graham, N. C., April 7, 1920. For Sale or Exchange 116-Acre Farm 81-Acre Farm 70-Acre Farm 47-Aere Farm 35-Acre Farm 21-Acre Farm . And several smaller tracts 43 Business and Residence Lots. All of this property is variously and desirably located in and around Graham. Home of it in well improved with building*, and some ia very choice vacant property. We own thin property. There is not a scratch against any of it and the title in every instance is perfect. We are not agents—we buy, sell, trade. If you are interested in either proposition, see ■R. N. COOK or E. P. McCLUKE Graham, N. C. ;OUR CLIENTELE GROWS j Not Upon Promises, but Upon Performance | > We are Pion*-r« in 1 Pry Cleaning and Dyeing \ ; > In Business Since 1830 - Prompt l>elfVerie* t ' '• Bend Goods by Pared# Post t THE TEASDALE COMPANY f US 17 Walail Street. CINCINNATI. OHIO 4-f++ »♦»»»»»♦♦♦■»♦♦♦+♦■» t++++++++++++++++++++->+++++++Z Subscribe for The Gleaner ILOO a year—in advance. . ./• THE BIG "3" | You demand three things from a tire dealer— -1 The immediate delivery of the tire you want # when you want it 2 The most economical tire I v available—a quality tire at a fair price. t3 A convenient service that will aid you to get all the mileage; With a complete stock of Goodyeare and our proved service we offer you Moon Motor Car Co. \ Graham, N. C, Phone 558 They Make Yo«r Ttrw Uil Uipr-UO«4J»« Hmij Toartt Tlk« For Sale! »• - J > fflWe have bought the Curry Moore Place, and will offer it for sale 1 on easy terms. Possession can be given within ten days. A good 6- r room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. . • / Mlm i Graham Real Estate Co. 'Phone 544—Office Next Door to National Book of Alamance GRAHAM, N. C WANTED—?Men or wvmtn to i take orders among friends and neigh bore (or the genuine guaranteed hoeiery, (all lines (or men, woapen and children. Eliminates darning. Ws pay 50c. an hour (or spare time * or $24 (or (all time. Experience unneceeaary. Write. International Stocking Mill, Norriatown, Pa. I ' 4m!hlot I I "DIAMOND DYE" OLD , GARMENTS LIKE NO# Any vaaaaa can 3y» faded, ahabM wear&g apparel, whrfl-r wool .Ilk, «•* too, linen or mlxtd goodt to any fM|yg| Break jrow Cold or few doses of 666