______ MjHelps B Women g Ip Cardul, the woman's ll| tonic, helped Mri. Wil- t|L liam Eversole, of Hazel F Patch, Ky. Read what J the writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. 1 was in Wma bed for weeks, unable to kgjß FBI get up. 1 had such a MM weakness and dizziness, WM ... and the pains were M IA very severe. A friend AB ■m told me 1 had tried every- Y1 thing else, why not mJS Cardul?... I did, and WMTj M soon saw it was helping Ewafl me... After 12 bottles, MM lam strong and well." mM ® TAKE ® CARDIII The Woman's Tonic wm Do you feel weak, diz- H Mm zy, worn-out? Is your UM lack of good health caused Iv from any of the com- wfl plaints so common to MM women? Then why not Hfj VI give Cardul a trial? It Iw should surely do for you vR what it has done for so 2 Many thousands ot other I women who suffered—it mjk should help you back to Ask some lady friend Ml ■M who has taken Cardul. Hm MtM She will tell you how it U| helped her. Try Cardul. K All Druggists Sj CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE MOOT NOTES Or LNTKIOwr TO CAROLINIANS. AeherlUe, —Not to be outdone by *Jhelr neighbors In Alabama, the Aslio- Vllle hi Kb school boys bonded to B«ther and formed au "overall" club among themsalveii ROidrvllle, - Hobert H. Hall, u wo It known oitlicn ot Reldsvllle and Con tod erata veteran, died at the bonie of Ma daughter, iMri. J. a. I>wtiaxa ia Richmond. Washington,—Population ntai Ist toe announced bjr the census bureau In cluded: , Lenoir, N, C., 3.718, iui lncrcsaa atnee XIIO of 3(4, or 10 8 pur cent. Rutherford ton, —Rutherford will have a county (air tble (alt. The au thorised capitalisation la 1160,000 "with $1,500 stock subscribed ui4 aaore kerpa coming tn. "Salisbury, —>Salisbury merchants bare organised a local association that will be affiliated with tbe state association. Officer* elected were authorised to employ u paid tecretary. -/ Asbsboro,—With a crowd that over flowed the Randolph couaty court. Muss hare, French diplomas were presented to 31 relatives vt young men who made the sacrifice from this count jr during tbe war. Rocky Mount,—Mr. Joseph G. Wbe also, St years old, tor mar sherifT ot Nash county and prominent citizen and to bee ©on Ist, died at his home tn NaahvHle, following a brM Illness trow a complication ot diseases Wtnaton4ieUra. —A a overall club 1a being ergealsed here. Several hun dred names have been secured from ■mployeee working In offices ot kxiU laaauteoturlng plants The promote ars declare that the membership wIU •stal severs 1 thousand. Btatesvllle,—The entire plant of the Liberty Hosiery mill was destroyed ky lira shortly after midnight. The ■tain building was struck by lightning during a severe electrical storm which struck this sort ton. Plttaboro,—Tbe Hotel Hl.nr was •old at public auction by Ohathaia * Realty Co., and brought $41,7&0 & Lumberton, —More than 100 dele • gats* attended the 31st annual see atoa of the prasbyterlal of Fayette vtlle presbytery which was held ta Ska Lumberton Presbyterian church. KlßttO*. —Thomas Ballance. white, I John Kaaaedy, Woolard P. *arr, I Laßoy Hutchlna and William M® R Mile, negroes, arrested here for evad ■ lag the draft, have been uken to K Camp Jackson for trial before a mill- I-, gary court martial. P ■ Chapel Hill.—Mora than 4.0*0 per> ■coal tavltatiena, nearly all within (he State, have bees seat aut for the Inauguration of Harry Woodburn fhns aa president of the University Plnehuret-—S. 8. Pugh of Asheboro wen the Amartoan fox hound class In ghe dag show here with his dog. Rex. ' Other North Carolinians whose names appeared In the prise lists were: 1.. L. Will taker, C. S. Ridge and W W. Llßdlay af Asheboro. LsoMld Tufts of Plnehurst, J. M. Hadgeoock of High jfoinl and T, H. Powell of Bdantoo. ... « *. *-—■. | ■ SENATOR SIMMONSs ; FILES HIS NOTICE NO REPUBLICAN HAS A* YET ■ ENTERED Hit NAME WITH ! THE STATE BOARD M SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO VOTE Pa«e and Gardner, Democrats, and J. M. Parker, Republican have also Become Qualified Candldatea X Raleigh. Furnltold M. Simmons, senior Sena tor from North Carolina, filed notice of bis candidacy for tbe DemooraMo nomination (or President of the Unit ed States, and if no other candidate entors tbe lists agalmit him, tbe State 1 Board of Elections will certify htm as 1 the choice of tbe Democrats of the j (Mate, which with It the vote of the entire Stato delegation None of tbe Republican candidates have as yet tiled their names with the •tate Board of Elections. Tbe prl mary Is held June 6, and the Republi can convention meets in Chicago, June 8. Tbe returns from the pri mary will not bo officially canvassed by the board until June 24, too late for the returns to be certified to tbe Chicago convention, and but barely time for the certification to reach the Democratic convention. Attorney General Jatnes 8. Man ning ruled that soldiers or sailors still In tbe service of their country until after tho time for listing poll tax in 191 •. are exempt from payment and may vote In the coming primary with out payment of tax. Other entries for office filed with She Statu board iaoluded Robt. N. Page and O. Max Gardner, candidates for the Democratic nomination for Governor; John M. Parker, of Wades feoro, Republican nominee for the aame offtce and B R. Lacy, Stata Treasurer and candidate to sucatad himself Another Census Repert Washington, (Special)—Winston- Salem made a great stride in popula tion during the laat 10 years, accord ing to reports made public by the - eeneus bureau. Her population is 4«.39S which makes aa Increase of 111.3 per cant Ot ; the 12,700 shown in 1110. Wemsn te Pay no Pell Advoeatee of woman suffrage whs have been etudytag the question 4 whether women will be required ta pay poll tax whsa they become voters say they will not have to pay and that the taatter can be easily understood stmrply by reading the constitution. r 'Rie argument of tbe suffragl*u» is ; somewhat as follows: "Under the constitution of 18(t there was a poll tax required never te * escsed 13 and to he applied to educe-1 tkin and the support of the poor. The , poll tax was authertsed to be levied, I however, only oa every male inhahl ■ tent of the state aver at and under 5S t years of age. There was no authority l ta levy it on males uadsr >1 nor ever , SO. nor on female of aay age. There 1 Is no authority therefore given te any , officer 'o collect poll tax on any one except males between tl and H. , May Return Without Pear. In order that, arter having married a North Carolina woanaa, he may re- . turn to this state,. Governor Blekett I pardoned Albert Thompson, of Bun ' combe, sentenifed te serva one year tn 1 Jail and pay a fine of M.OOO for con ' eplracy and bribery. When the case was dtaposed of tn May, 1118, Thompson paid the fine i aad was given the optloa of serving l the Jail sentence or leaving the state, i He preferred freedom la South Caro i llna and took up his abode In Spar , tanburg. He has stace marrlsd a North Csroltna woman and wants to , return I , Psvered by Ex-toldlsrs Mr. C. A. Goeney, adjutant and it | fiance officer ot the American Legion, Department nf North Carolina, iuta written to Congrsasman Clauds Klt ehtn asking that he support the bill . Introduced In the bouse by Mr. Ford aay. of Michigan, In wblch provision ' ta made for the ex-soldier U> sat a ' home en easy paymenHs This. Mr. ' Ooaney aays. esproeees the wishes o* the vast majority of csservlce men of North Carolina. The bill will give to ' the ex-soldter aa opportunity ha will 1 sever have again Bebtlst Wsnt Mors Light '' A committee appointed by the last ' naptlst Slate Conventtoo to Investl- I gate end report on the feasibility of I consolidating the work ef the various 1 convention hoards—missions, educa ' tlon and mlnaters' relief -met In tbe ' office of the Biblical Recorder and I ~ discussed the problem through o 1 . lengthy nesslon. No declstos was reached, the opinion prevailing that | It would he l>etter to get more light I on the before reaching a ooa k I ckislon us to the nature of the rwport j to make to the convention. h Blggeat Month In History March was the blggent month lb the history of the Slato Highway ICommissloo, according to figures given eut by Commissioner Page, la tbe past month surveys were com . pleted for ISO miles of new roads. ' project slsteaents approved by the Federal government totaled 88U 0 miles of highway, agreements signed for 7 miles and eontracts let tor M i miles of roads. | New projects were surveyed In ! p. eleven counties. The total approprla a tlon approved by the Federal govern s ment was f1.107.1U. Agreements a ware signed with the Federal Depart y ment of Agriculture totaling 11,104,- 81C.M. Contracts Ist were for 3» a miles of road Is sevsn counties, ap u proxlmatlng $48,131. Actual con u gtruction was begun on stx new pro ■ Jects. A numbsr of roads wsre glvsa their final Inspect lon. accepted sad r. paid for. s* > ' ■ II Mars Papulation SUtlstlcs 1 TVaehtagton, sutistlcs ~6y the csasus bursas cludad: • Fayattavtlla, N. X., 8.877 lncrsass 1,818, or M psr , Lexington, N. C., »,25*, iasraaaa L- . 091, or MJ par cent. Thomasvllls, N. C., I,I7(, Increase 1.7 M, or 46 4 par cant The governor Entertains Bbidsnts - . Governor and Mrs. T. W Bickett gava a reception at the Executive Mansion, complimentary to Meredith Collage and the band of the Btate College of Agriculture and Engineer ing. The mansion wss decorated with flags of various North Carolina regiments la the recent war, and with wistaria, lilac, tulips, hyacinths aad Psrslan peach btoasoms. ' Prefltesrs te be Proseeuted Special Agent Handy of the depart ment of Juatlcs, stattoaed at Raleigh, whose duty is to supsrvlse activities against profiteering and combinations to flx prices throughout the state, an nounces that oasss are peading which will bring the workings of ths govern ment along this lino nearer bams. i _ I Prssldsnt Wilson Owns s Pord | President Wilson owns a Ford automobile In North Carolina and has been duly Issued a license that e9* able* blm to drive it unmolested ths commonwealth. So also doos Woodrew Wilson own a similar vehicle, duly licensed. No; the pretest chief magistrate of these United-Slates has net been motoring by stealth over this province. The aforementioned President Wilson Is an Afro-Aaisrioaa agriculturist dewa east who has waxsd wealthy rasing tobacco and bought an automobile. I Woodrow Wilson Is a white cltlssn. living at 114 Prlacees street In Wil mington. He owns sn Oakland. Colored Sohssls to Bsneflt North Carolina, Virginia and Mis sissippi- schools will receive $400,000 I of the million aad a halt New Era in crease of the board of Mlselons for Fieedmen of the Presbyterian eburch in the United States v Ia addition ea ten live Improvements ere oontem plated In other schools of tbe board, which will Increase facilities for work In practlsally every stale in the south. Improvements In Ohio and Mloblgaa are alse contemplated. The Tar Heal eeheels benefiting un der the" $«00,»00 appropriations are: I Diddle University, Charlotte, Scotia Senviaery. Concord, N. C„ Albion Academy of Fraahll&ton, N. C., and the Mary Potter Memorial, of Ox ford, N. C. Blddle University will gst lIOt.OOO. Kitchen's Heslth Improvss Washington, (Special)—' Further Im provement was noted in ths oondltton of Rapreeentatlve Claude Kitchen, who was strlckea with paralysis. North Carolina is practloslly at ths bottom of ths list of statss In Its psr esntage of Increase In the enlisted strength ot ths National guard, ac cording to a* announcement male by tbe War Department, j Authorised to ealist 2.581 men, tbe ' figures show that so far osly 114 men have been Interested snough to enroll. ' Increass In Tobacoo Asreage , Twelve tobacco warehouses report ed a total ef >41.020 pounds of tobacco lor March, aocordlag to the figures Just glvsn out by Frank Parker, North Carolina Crop Reporting Ssrvloe. | The profiteers sales amounted to 18,731 pounds; reealee to 11I.M*. The average pries M.42 psr hundred. Sales after this will he teeooctder {able. Mr. Parker points oat, since tbe j March aaleo amounted te only .0007 per cefit of ths seassa's sales. The tobacco aorsage In 1(20 shows aa Inorease of fifteen per cent. Suppossd Dssd Msn Appears Richmond, Vs., (Special)— Mourned as dead for many years, Howard .801 l now 21 years old. vetorah of overssss service, living at Raleigh, N. C., turn ed up bore and hsd a happy reunion with his mother, Mrs. R. H. Berry. He was supposed U> have drowned In 1907 when he drifted out Into Chesa peake Bey In a row boat Rspestsdly he tried to get in touoh with hli parents who were living In i Norfolk vhen he dlssappearsd but | his letters alwsys cams back aade Mversd. Amsrlcsn Air Unit, Working With Polish Army, Raid Bolshevik Line With the Polish army at the front.— Tho Kosciusko squadron. the American air uatt operating with the Polish forces, flsw »0 miles behind the bolshevik lines and raided tbe Jlt orlm railroad Junction, southwest of Kev Ths Nation-Wide Rallread Strlks Apparently Nesr Utter Cellspsea The nstlon-wlde railroad strike apparently has collapssd. Except In a few Isolated ssctlons. railroad official a rspertsd ths bulk of ths men who followed the lesdsrshlp of Orunau, a Chicago trainman, had rsturned to work. Score Are Killed and Many Hurt by Storm In Northwest ArtcanSSS i Little Rock. Ark.—A score of psr •oae were killed and maay Injured In storms which swept several counties In aorthweot Arhansas according tc meagre message* received over da 'moralised wire service Another Revolt Is Organlssd in the Mealosn State of Mlehoaoan ' Mexloo City.—A revolt In the state ef Mlcboacan. engineered by Oenera! Pasqual Ortta Rublo. governor of the state aad a strong aupperter ef Lieu tensst Coloael Alvaro Obregon, Is anaounoed In the government's sec ond wsr bulletin Comprehensive Legislation te be Demanded fer Waterway Improvement St. Louis. —Kepublloan and deno j cratlo national convsntions will bs called upon to insert planks la their , platforms demanding that Congress ' easct comprehensive legislation for watsrwsys Improvements, aooordlng ta delegates arriving for ths third aaaaal convention of the Mississippi Vail ay Watsrwsys Association. 'DERMIC STUTf > GOWEMTIIM MEETS 1 COLONEL COX AND W. A. CELF 1 MADE DELEOATEt AT LARQE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION PLATFORM ENDORSES WILSON Senator Simmon* Selected as State'* I . Favorite Son for The PreoHential Nomination at San Franoiaco lUlalfh. The two presidential elector* elec tors elected are Col. Albert L. Co* and W. A. Self. The delegate* at large to the demooratlc convention are J. 0. Carr, of Wilmington; Wade H. HarrU, of Charlotte; J. D. Warren, ot New Bern, and Julian 8. Carr of Dur ham. The four alternate* are A. R. I McEachern, A. H. Boyden, Joseph A. > Brown and Ed. H. Williamson, while * Mrs. Cunningham goes a* an honor- I ary delegate. > The platform endorse* Wilson's ad k minstratlon and the reforms that hare come under democratic rule; also, re > valuation and the budget system, and t pending reforms in North Carolina > taxation laws. > There is a good roads plank which I I deals In generalities, I>ut one on which t; the special session can well take up - the constructive program that Is be > ; lng advocated. * I • Senator F. M. Simmons was select ed as candidate for presidential nom ination as North Carolina's favorite son and his name will "bo entered in the June primary. J | By vote of 686 to 428 V, the conven tion adopted a plank In the platform recommending that the democratic members of the special session of the | general assembly which meets in July vote In favor of ratification of the con «tltutlonal woman suffrago amend , ment. * , I The suffrage question was the out- I standing feature, the platform com- I mlttee recommended in a majority re- I port that the matter of suffrage be I left 0 the ▼oters of the " tate who would decide on an amendmetn to i the state constitution at the general election ne*t November. March Rsvanue Collectlena Internal revenue collections In the North Carollaa district In March to talled »10,7»7, M 1.3«. Nearly ten million* came from to bacco. Income taxe* amounted to 19,237,631.10. ' Steadman for Relcctlon 1 Washington, (Special)— Congres sman Steadman filed hia formal state -1 ment with the State Board of Elec tions at Raleigh a* a candidate for re election. It is not anticipated that 1 Major Steadman will have opposition 1 in the Democratic primary, although an opponent is expeoted in the elec tion from the Republican rank a Mr- Jor Steadman is serving hi* fifth term la the lewer house. _ SHlpman has Sold Out M. L. flhlpman, State commissioner of la/bor and printing, haa disposed of his laat newspaper In Western North Carolina, The Brevard New% Mr. Skipmaa, a native of Henderson county, fermerly owned The Hender sonville News and The Brevard News. Veuna'a Neelgnatlen Imminent CoL James R. Young, State Insui -1 aace Commissioner, may resign hi* Job bsfore the end of this yelr. ac cording te reports from hi* home twon, Henderson. The Henderson Dtepatoh say*: "Colonel Young is a Vance county 1 cltlsen, and made hie home here be fore he went to Raleigh as Insurance Comraistioaer when Us department was created. He has served for twep ty-eae year* In that capacity, and Is retiring at the end of a long period of aoceptable service. It la uaderetood he has had a- number of flattering offers. Cotton Association to Sue Atlanta, Oa., (Special)— Permission for the American Cotton association and the IS individuals to Join with 1 J. J. Brown, Oeorgla commissioner of agriculture and others in a suit ' against Oeorge McFadden and Broth -1 ers and other large cotton buying con ' cents in thi* aectlon was granted In 1 federal district court here. The new lntervenors declared In a ' petition that they also were damaged by the alleged conspiracy charge in the orglnal suit to depress the price of low grade cotton. 'l > Episcopalian Conference , The local eh airman from the var ious parishes throughout the Diocese ef North Carolina gathered at the campaign headquarter* of the Univer sity of the South, at Raleigh, to con fer on the movement which 1* being conducted la behalf ef the EpUcopal University at Sewaaee, Tsonessee, known as the Uahrerrftjr of the South. This movement waa launched la thla Dlocale la February, and a local ; chalrctftß ha* been appointed to every community where there la aa Episco pal parish. Te Reduce Clerk Hire. Washington (Special.) A par ty of southerners, headed by W. C. Alexander oI Charlotte, have applied for a patent on a piece of machiaery ( that may revolutionise the mercantile I buslneee so tar as It relates to home supplies. The "Liberty" self-service 1 corporation would operate the device 1 In a system ot chain stores. ') The parpoee of the proposition to to redaee the high cost of living by mb -1 j stltntlng machinery for clerks. Dissolution of Corporation m Articles of dissolution were filled with the Secretary of State by the ' Hope Milla Maaufaoturlng Co., of Hope Milla. The coaapaay operated •" four laige eottoo milla on Rock fish ' creek in and near Hope Milla. One of r , the factories was the first cotton mill "|ever erected to the State. Several ' years ago the company was taken ■ over by Northern cepltaHsta, who * have recently dlspoeed ef their M* 1 togs. Children Cry for Fletcher's | mi ■ iiiiimi .si |S||||,|| I iiiiiiii II ■BMIIWIII II 111 111 Will « SM Mb W eJi mm A * fe ■ V " a m ■ H I m M Wk w| t ■ m ■' I W ■ ii « wl_ ■ v J ■ mm wt HMMBIIIRIiSHi BBS c I The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has beea { In «Ks for over over 30 yean, has borne the signature of [v /p - and has been made under his per- a aonal supervision since its infancy. ' ■ , Allow no one to deceive you in this. ' d All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but * Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of k Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ;i Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, ■ Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its 0 age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, | Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid* the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. , The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. t GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS j Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought t TM» CIHTAUW OOMPANV. WSW YOWK CITY, I HOW TO REACH RHEUMATISM ] j THROUGH THE BLOOD j Powerful Iron in liquid form makes rich, red blood and drives uric acid out of the system forever. It is now generally known that driven out of the system, even in Rheumatism is caused by uric acid cases where the trouble is of long ' which is formed in the blood and de- standing, and has failed to respond ' capillaries and nerves in different, tism out of the system tnrough the s e parts of the body. blood made pure and strong with ' 1 If you have healthy, rich, red, this natural soluble iron—Acid Iron strong blood, you will never have Mineral—is being adopted bv thou- t Rheumatism. Healthy blood elimi- sands as fast as the story can De told, nates uric acid, and does not allow it There is no need to suffer longer— to stay in the body to cripple and pain, you can be on the road to recovery I The successful and reliable method today. And in driving rheumatism • of getting this great essential into from your system, this remarkable the blood is through the use of a nat- liquid Iron blood maker will give you ural form of soluble iron known as stronger nerves, more power in every Acid Iron Mineral. The nerves are way. immediately strengthened, bodily If you suffer from Rheumatism in vigor is resturedcand the general im- any form, no matter of how long provement of all ailing conditions standing, you owe it to yourself to prove that the blood is getting the start using Acid Iron Mineral at once, iron it must have to maintain perfect Do not miss this opportunity. Call health. With the blood thus made at your druggist today. Why suffer healthy, uric acid is eliminated and any longer? * p For Sale by All Good Druggists. [ Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., ! Distributors. Old Bony Scrub. Goodbye, old Brindle, bony scrub, The time demands a better bleed. You eat enough, but there's the rub, You never pay for half your feed. So after ail these years we part,; But pray remember as you go, If this should break your bovine heart, You broke my purse long, long ago. —Virginia Extension News. DODSON WOULD STOP I SALE OF CALOMEL r ' Hay* Calomel la Mercury unit Acta I.lke Oynamlte on Your Liver. i Dodson is making a hard tight 1 against calouiel in the South. 1 Every druguist has noticed a great 1 falling off in the sale of calomel, 1 They all give the same reason, Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and peo , pie know it, while Dodson's Liver , Tone is perfectly safe and gives L better reiiults," said a prominent . local druggist. Dodson's Liver I Tone is personally guaranteed by l every druggist A largo bottle i, costs but a few cents, and if it . fails to give easy relief in every t case of liver sluggishness and cou- I »ti pinion, you have only to ask ' for your money back. ■ Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleas ant-tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both chil dren and adults. Take a spoou . ful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head- I ache, acid stomach or constipated r bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause » inconvenience all the nest day t like violent calomel. Take a dose » of calomel today ( and tomorrow » you will feel weak}' sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's » work! Take Dodson's Liver Toue - instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. m Wife and daughter ought to I know the home demonstration i agent. Homes where she calls are t happier homes. 1 The hog is often called a "ma -1 chine for making feed into pork" ' —lt is poor policy to let a machine J run tinpty. k Thirty farmers' credit unions o with a membership of 1,198 and total resources of $87,179.51 are In operation in North Carolina. torn Cabinet Shop # , „ Next Door flo Moon's Garage Furniture Make Old .Look Like New. Picture Framing. Upholstering A Specialty. ALL KINDS of CABINET WORK. W. B. QUAKENBUSH, GRAHAM, N- C. TENNESSEE LADYJUN-DOWN And Hirt li Side Of Her Hud. b Bhk filed Br Till Use of ZIRON Iron Tonic. After severe illness, overwork, worry, grief, accidents, etc., the greatest need of the weakened system it a tonic that gives quick, dependable strength, la such cases, try Ziron iron Tonic. Ziron Is a pleasant medicine, having the strengthening effects of iron with other valuable building ingredients. Read what Mrs. Emm* Manua, oTLaa cassas, Tenn., says about It: "I was weak and run-down, not able to do my work. Mv trouble was all la the side of my head. I heard of Ziron and got a bottle, and 1 am glad to say il has done me more good than anything. Ziron is a splendid tonic." Try Ziron. It may be frist the medi cine you need. Ziron contains no habit forming drugs. It is a safe, reliable tonic, good for children, men and women. Sold by druggists on a money-back guarantee. ZMtl Your Blood Needs Itiiowl ECZEIUB MONIT BACK without quntwaif SJ." tmU lt»U* tre#txo««t oflcirrn# f jr. -jlfl Tetter. Biagwera. Itch. i Don't booau dterooracedb«- fU / / HUM other trMtmeote f.iled 1 f\l / Hunt '.S«l».h»« relieved bu»- \ / 4r«fa ofaoch CM. VonCM't V»» / lot* on oar mrnnty »«» . Cuaranfw. Try it It OOf rUI TODAY. hWlklt GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, GRAHAM, N, C. V " ssr-^ss-'sSsrr —«■«■» V. *. 4. returned to ohiM«o NM aa',*•£». M'PWy l«v twill of the Insurgent strike _| ulk il l «ctbn, said lie did net Bad "IW evidence OC connection b* tweea the railway nw'i Strike and Industrial Workers U the Wortd ac tivities." Condition* In RallroadClreles In Now York Are Looking Seller New York—lndications that the un authorised railroad strikes war* moating all ond In tklo vicinity woro docUrod to bo visible bjr railroad of ficial i aad officers of tko "big four" brotkorkood*. They Mild the ultimatum of tbo railroad Maaacera, Slvlng tko mon 48 hour* to report baok for work on pen alty of bo lug dropped from conalde ratlon, waa a body blow to tko moralo of tho otrlkori. Official Government Roooffnltlon Apparently Olven Overall Clubo Washington.—The "overall olnb" , ldoa obtained wkat amounts to of ficial recognition by the navy de partment Member* at a ohib formed fcgr oivlllaa ompioyoos at tko Nor folk aayy yard and M—njtoc Roads base kayo boon granted permission by tho aaral aathorltlos to parohaso the nooossary habttmonts from tho airr at cost prloo. Two suits of oysralls of tho standard typo worn by mm JUnorioan "JaoWo" aro allowed. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona costs only a few cents. o^l Don't suffer I A tiny bottleolFreezont eostg but a few cents at any drug store Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bottom of feet and then lift thm off. When Freezone removes aoans from the toes or calluses from the bottom of the feet tho skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. 24 EGGS FROM 28 HENS Mississippi Woman Had No Eggs for Four Months. Hens Now Laying Regularly* "I wish to praiso Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription to Poultry Raisers. 1 have 28 hens and had no eggs from them for over 4 months. After I fed them one and one-half packages of Jtour pre scription I gathered ovar 2 dozen eggs from them. This Is a positive fact, and I advise all poultry raisers to use Dr. LeGear's Poultry Pre scription, if they wish their hens to lay." —Miss Carlina Freeman, Har riston, Miss, Dr. LeGear's advice and a few pennies wisely spent have made lay ers out of loafers. iYou can obtain the same results. Get a package of Dr. LeGear's Poultry Prescription from your dealer. Use It as directed. It Is a tonic which builds up tha strength and vitality of hens, with out overstimulatlng or injuring tha egg producing organs. If results aro not entirely satisfactofy, return tho empty carton and receive a refund of your money.—Dr. L. D. LeGcar Med..Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust dated the 28th day of February, 1918, and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 73, page 290, wherein the undersigned Alamance Insur ance & Real Estate Company is trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness secured thereby as therein provided, the said trustee will, on MONDAY, MAY 17, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Qraham, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington township, Alamance county and State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of J. P. Smith, Oak Street and others, bounded as follows: % Beginning at a corner with J. P. Smith on Oak Street, running thence with the line of said Street N 29 deg 40' W to corner on line of No. 17; thence with line of lot No. 17 N 65 deg E ISO feet to cor ner with lot No. 30; thence with line of lot No. 30 529 deg 40'E 60 feet to corner with said Smith; thence with' the line of said Smith S 55 deg W 150 feet to the begin ning, being lot No 18 of the sur vey of the Pickard and Trogdon lands near Tucker Street and known as Witherdale Heights. This 12th day of April, 1920. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., W. 8. Coulter, Att'y. You Can Cure That Backache. Pala along tbo back, diulDeaa, beodaobo aad cennerai languor. Oct a package of Mother Oray'i Australia Leal, tbo pleasant root aad herb our* (or Kidney, Bladder and Urinary trouble*. When rou (eel all ran down, tired, woak aad wltboat si'gf Die thla remarkable ooMbtaaUoa of nature, berbeaod ruota. As a regulator It boo no qual. Mother Gray** Australian-Leaf la j Jas. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich I Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night j Day 'Phone No. B}W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jas. H. Rich 54U-W I Used 40 tow I CARDUI { Hie Woman's Tonic 2 { Sold Everywhere I wwwiwwi If Burned Out Would Your I nsurrnce Pay the Loss? Examine yonr Fire Insurance Pol icy and see if you carry enough Insurance. Prices of materials are very high and you would be a very heavy loser■ in case of fire. We can protect yon from such loss. Qraham Real Estate Co. GRAHAM, N. C ADMINISTRi TOR'S NOTICE, 2&moh#t of Jeee* M. BndtUw; deeU. Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed from Iverson Mebane to Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, dated Au . gust 23, 1912, and recorded in the . office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. 57 of Mortgage Deeds, page 411, the said mortgage deed and the note secured thereby having been duly assigned to the undersigned Ala mance Insurance and Real Estate Company, and defanlt having been made in the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said note and secure*! by, said mort gage, the said Alamance Insur ance and Real Estate Company, Assignee, as aforesaid, will, on MONDAY, MAY 10,1930, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. 0., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain ' piece or tract of land lying and [• being in Alamance connty, State 1 aforesaid, in Melville township, ' and defined and described as fol : lows, to-wit: 1 Adjoining the lands of George s Williamson, P. Tice, John Mebane, ' J. E. Latham and others and de * fined and described as follows: • Beginning at a rock Northeast corner of George Williams, run ' ning thence 8 69 deg E. with lines > of Tice, Mebane and another 12.9 6 chs to a rock, corner with Ed. I Foust with his N W corner; thence 1 with his line S 7 deg E 24.50 chs to a rock, Fonst's 8 W comer; thence N 86 deg W 4.65 Jchs to • corner of first lot purchased by party of first part; thence N 86+ deg W 7 chs to a stake or stone; thence N with line of said pur chaser 2.95 chs to a stone; thence N 85$ deg W 2.29 chs to a white 1 oak; thence N 8 deg W 3.sochs to a rock; thence N 6 deg W 17M chs to the first station, containing 31.5 acres, bnt to be the san* be ' there more or less. See Registra tion Book No. 29 at pages 460 and 471 and Book 42, page 301. This sth day of April, 1980. Alamance IDS. & Real Estate Co., W. S. Coulter, Att'y. Governor Edwards of New Jer sey has discovered a way of get ting his name in the papers sad keeping it there.