GRAHAM, H/0., April 29,1920. FwMHm Havre. Oflaapan MO a. m. toT.tOp. m. homrMO touj»a.«.»odu» totgav.ii H, N. COOK. Portuarter. X LOCAL NBWB. + ♦_ mnn 11 nn i 11111? —Mr. T. C. Mom is remodeling* his residence. —Masonic meeting tomorrow (Fri day) night st 8 o'clock. —The foundation of Mr. Willie A. MoAdsma' residence on N. Main St is being laid. —lf you have s visitor or have any other news Mnd word to or tell T|>e Gleaner about it. —Mr. J. E. Wicker hoe bought the mercantile business of Mr. Jas. W. Holt near Trevors Mills. —A number of yoang people from here attended the Mi. Pleasant School exhibition on last Saturday. * —Take your Third -liberty bonds to your bank at ouce and exchange them for bonds with coupons at tached. —A little frost and ice was seen by early risers this morning, but lit tle or no damage waa done to vege tation. , ' —lt ia hoped the farmers will have more favorable weather for work after another change of the moon. . —The County Commissioners will meet in regular monthly session next llonday, it being the first Monday of May. —With print paper the highest in forty years and going higher it is imperative that all subscriptions be paid promptly. Call on us. „ —The United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Thursday * afternoon, May 6th, at 3 o'clock, with Mrs. Ned Parker as hostess. —All former members of the B. ¥. P. U. are urged to meet at the Baptist churoh at 7 o'clock next Sun day evening. Mr. J. L. Wheat has been elected president. —Speaking of torrential showers, dtd yon take any notice of the per formance of Jupiter Pluvius Monday night? Showers also fell during Tuesday. —May 22-27 is the time set for the ooming of Chautauqua to Ora>- ham. The guarantors signed up for it several months ago. It will be the equal of anything in its class. —The Ladies' Aid Society and - Mission Btady Class of Graham Christian Church will meet Wed nesday afternoon, May sth, at 3:30 o'olock, with Mrs. Walter R. Harden. —Mi— Blanche Shields gave a Rook party Saturday hight in honor of Misses Dewey Sutton and Eliza beth Brown of Gibsonville. All had • delightful time. Afterward Mr. and Mrs. Will Morrison'served re freshments at their home. —The Sons and Daughters of Liberty of Stonewall Council No. 18 Qf Graham are prepaVing for a large -Tiirr initiation on May 26th. All who hare applications are urged to file them as early as possible, as the lodge hopes to show an increase of 50 in membership for the year. Short oa Reading. We are short on reading matter thi« week in order to accommodate advertising coming in at a late hour. Local and news items set for this weak bare been deferred till our next issue. At Virginia-Carolina Game. The baseball teams of the Uni versities of Virginia and North Caro lina played a match game in Greens boro Saturday in which Virginia won by a score of Bto 7. Among those in attendance from Graham were Ur. and Mrs. Lynn B. William son, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holmes, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Barefoot, Mr. and MTB. Edwin D. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson. Mew. E. 8. Parker, Jr., Junius H. Harden and Walter E. Bason, and Misses Josephine Thomas, Mary Weeks, Annie Laurie Fan* 11 and Lorena Kernodle. Funeral and Burial of Mr. Frank L. Feast Last Friday uorniug at 10:301 o'clock the funeral of Mr. Frank L. Foost was conduoted at the Foust residence one and half miles south of Graham by Rev. R. Murphj Wil liama of Greensboro, after which the interment was in Linwood Cemetery. The following friends from Raeford accompanied the remains here: Sheriff Hall, Mess. Neil E. McDonald and Ryan Mcßryde, members of Board of Education, Revs. Meee. Alexander and Robinson, Mr. Law rence Poole, Clerk Supsriour Court, and Mr. W. B. McLaughlin. From Pleasant Garden, where Mr. Foust taught ten years, came Prof. A. L Teachey and Mess. 0. T. Weatherley, Cland and Oliver Roes, Ken nett and Won. Sockwell, who acted as pall-bearers ; also Supt. Eugene Idol and about 80 boys and girls of the 11th Grade, formerly taught by ] Mr. Foost. who brought a wealth of beaatiful flowers, all of which showed the high piaoe he had in the hearte of those among whom he had lived and worked. Landry Work. I will be glad to do the laundry work on your fine bed linens—call or drop me a card in P. 0. and I will call at honr home. Respectfully, 2t | Mas. EMILT LONG, (Col.) Far Sale. Sweet milk, buttermilk, and but ter. C. T. THRIFT. • —Town taxes must be settled. En~>ugh said. Boyd R. Trolinger, Collector. r v- • S .... ; «t- Mill IJ If 111 tl 11 Ml II 11 IM ♦ PERSONAL. + ... ♦ T• Scott left Monday for New York op buainess. Mr. J. D. Vaughn -was a business visitor in Greensboro yesterday. R. N. Cook lesves today for Mullins, S. C., to visit relative#. Mr. A/ 0. Hornaday of Sanford spent Sunday and Monday here. Mr. A. N. Robereon ol Newlin township was here this morning on business. *' Mr. W. E. White of Mebane was here yesterday a short while on buai neaa. Mr. Chaa. Menefee, now living in Wilmington, waa here yesterday and this morning. Mr. Millard Smith of Greenaboro spent yesterday here with his brother, Bernie Smith. ' Mrs. B. F. Trolinger spent Sun day at Elon College with her daugh ter, Mra. H. D. Lambeth. Mr. Otis Thompson of Greensboro spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson Miss Sallie Jones of Saxapahaw spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones. Mr». liettie Pickard waa called to Jamestown Wednesday to attend the funeral of her cousin, Miss Mattie Modley. ' . Mess. Rob. J. Thompson and C. L. Shaw of Patterson township, Rock Creek No. 2, were in town this morning on business. Mr. B. M. Rogers went to Raeford Monday and returned yesterday. His sister, Mrs. Frank L. Foust, re turned with him. Capt. and Mrs. Jas. N. William son returned home yesterday even ing on the 6:20 train. They spent the winter at DcLand, Fla. * Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Rogers o f Manteo arrived here Friday morning to attend the funeral of the former's brotber-in-law, Mr. Frank L. Foust. Mr. Ralph Strayhorn of Durham spent Sunday here with Mrs. Stray horn and their children at the home of Mrs. Strayhom'B parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cooper. Miss Blanche Scott went to Greens boro Tuesday to be present at the Kelley- Williamson wedding last night. Mrs. J. W. Menefee and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilarvey White and Mr. and Mrs. Will E White went yesterday. —Town taxes must be settled. Enough said. Boyd R. Trolinger, Collector. $35,000 Stock of Ready-to-Wear MUST BE SOLD Regardless of Price 4 ET BIG BARGAIN DAYS COMMENCING | C 15 THURSDAY, APRIL 29th. 1 D All these goods must be sold in 15 days time, so don't hesitate—come at once. We have Ready-to-Wear for the entire family from head to foot, and it will all be sold at a great sacrifice as the cash is what we want and we must have it. Remember, these goods will be sold at less than the manufacturers' price to-day. We have got more goods than we have room, and you can buy goods cheaper "here than anywhere in the county, and every dollar s worth will be sold cheap. Read over some of the bargains that await you for the next 15 days. All $5.00 Boys' Shoes, all leather,.sizes 1 to ss, sale All $5.00 and SO.OO Men's Hoa*v V\ ork Show, all price $2.09. sample*, $3.49 a pair. | All SO.OO Men's Pants, all sizes, sale price $3.98. All $2.00 Children's Shoes, 4 to 8 sale price 98c. * All $6.00 Ladies' Oxfords, all styles, sale price, $3.95. 4 'II 7™ u I„« All SB.OO Shoes for Men, all styles, sale price $5.69. ¥ all »' c « All Men's $4.00 Hats, sale price $1.98. Kf i , , , ■ LADIES' DRESSES OHEAP-Come to this sale, _?' ' V T" . lady, while you can save n.ontey, and buy your dress . All SIO.OO Oxfords for Indies, nil newest styles, sale h nn—TOMF price $6.95. c eap " . • All $5.00 Ladien' Oxfords, all styles, sale price $2.48. $1.50 Waists, nice styfes, sale price 98c. AU a „ Htyleg prjce soß# ALL COAT SUITS SOLD AT A GREAT LOSS $9.00 Men's Oxfords, all leathers and styfv-s, sale COME BEFORE THEY ARE GONE. price | 5 fl9 All SB.OO Ladies' Skirts, all styles, sale price $.».!9. A ]j 00 Shoes, all leather*, $2.98. All $4.00 Children's Shoes and OxfordH, during this . ALL LADIES' HATS SOLD AT A GREAT SAC-~» sale only $2.48. 1 * RIFICE. All $3.50 Children's Shoes, lace or button, $1.98. $1.50 Boys' pants, all siz«-s, 89c a pair. All $18.50 Boys' Suits, Bto 18 years, sale price $7.98. - All $5.00 and SO.OO Shoe* for Ladies, all odd. and All 50c Men's Socks, black only, 10c a pair. ends, sale price $2.48. : $5.00 White Oxfords for Ladies' air Styles $2.98. Jj- $9.00 Boys'suits, mile price $5.4' J. Bear in mind that this sale lasts only 15 days, commencing Thursday, April 29th. \V e have the goods and they must be sold regardless of price. If you miss this sale you will miss the chance of a lifetime. Come! The Fair Department Store > .-■ - GRAHAM, N. C. Among the Sick. ' * Mra. J. J. Solder, wbo hah been to St. Leo's Hospital, ia getting along nicely. Mrs. C- R* Mann went to Rainey Hospital s few days ago on account of broken arm. Mrs. Mela Fsucetle ia real sick at Mrs. Ed. Parrish'e. Rev. E. C. Lester was on the aick. list yesterday. Miss Etta Cheek, daughter of Mrs. Sam Cheek of Route No. i, was car ried to Rainey Hospitsl Tuesday for sn operation'for appendicitia. She is getting along nicety. Mr. Sam Bason, who has been siek about three weeks, is much better. He is in Burlington at present. WE BUY, raise, and sell fur-besr ing rabbits and other fur-bearing animate. Place your order with ua, and list whstever stock yon have with ua, elating loweat flat prions on larpe shipments. Address 516-517 N. P. Ave., Fargo, N. D laprSt Fords lor Sale. 1 new Ford with starter. 1 new Ford without starter. 11917 model—price right. Apply to Samet Furniture Co., Phone 626 Burlingtori, N.C. For Sale! flfWe have bought the Curry Moore Til Home Place, and will offer it for sale on easy terms. Possession can be " given within ten days. A good 6- room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. Graham Real Estate Co. 'Phone 544—Office Next Door to National Bank of Alamance GRAHAM, N. C. Catarrhal OMhnt Caanot Be VirMl bjr looal apuiloallons, as Uwjr eanmrt.nut the dlMMiTportion of the «sr. Ttaeie iioply om way to oura catarrhal daMaaaa. and that mnu ssass of Uh nuaouk llnlne of tba Kustaeblau Tuba. Whan tou tubals la flamed you bara.a ram bllar eouml or Imperfect beat Inc. and when It la entirely oioaad. Daafoaaa la tha reeuU. Unless the InriamaUon can be reduoM sod this tub* raatoiad to Ita normal ouDdltlon, heartn* will b* dcs»ro»ed foravr. Many oaaaa of dttftm ara uauaad by ealarrk, aha blood on tha mnoooa suftaoet of tba ajre "we will fire Ona Hundred Dollars for any aaaa of Catarrhal Deafness that oannot ha cured by Hall*! Catarrh Medietas. Utoulara A fuPBS%NBT * oa. Toledo. O. Town Taxes! I have been appointed Tax--Col lector for the town of Graham and the books have be« n placed in my hands. . I have Won directed to collect all delinquent taxes without delsy. See me and save costs. You can see me at the Sheriff's office in the court house. This April 27.1920. -BOYD R. TROLINGKR, 29aplt f Tax Collector. "DIAMOND DYE" OLD " GARMENTS UKE NEW iar woman - can dye faded, shabby wearing apparel, whether wool, (ilk, rot ton, linn or adzed good* to any color, hut like new, by following simple dire* tlona in each package of "Diamond Dyas. Unusual Value-In Tires * for the Smaller Cars ■.. ~ ' '., V ' 1\/ 1 ■» " '?'u';^ l I Not only is characteristic Goodyear merit conspicuous in GoodyearTires for the smaller k/UkJ* \ cars, but ordinarily the first cost is found to be not greater than that of other tires; often o\ it is actually less. irJrQ MR - combination of unusual value in first \SSyC Ml||p cost and very low final cost, of course, is a result of Goodyear experience, expertness 111 111 a nd care employed as insistently in the mak- AA) ||| || ing of 30x3-, 30x3V2- and 31x4-inch tires l|| |i| as it is in the construction of the famous Goodyear Cord Tires used on the highest lAa priced automobiles. |W For this reason more cars using these sizes " were factory-equipped last year with Good year Tires tnan with any other kind. ri\ Get this unusual tire value to enioy on your Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other fIESEw f I car using one of these sizes, at the nearest fi|Y * M I Goodyear Service Station. Get these tires \ m I and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes at this yESfflfiT \M I | station. 30x3V& Goodyear Double-Curo ■'•'l'lqn Goodyear liravy Touriit Tijbcj urc thick, strong tubes that Fabric, All-Weather Tread reinforce casings property. Why rink a ucxxl casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tunes cost little more JO*3'A Goodyear Single-Cure ■• -f -t cn than tubes of less merit. 30x3'/4 watmr- 4,4 50 Fabric, Anti-Skid Trcaa_ ...... /* J.— proof bag —.———— i