HI Was a HI II Misery II Mn. F. M. Jones, of (II I Palmer, Okla., writes i I■ j 188 J "From the time 1 en- MrSUI H a tered Into womanhood | a I i . , 1 looked with dread I I I from one month to the I UI next I suffered with my I I K n back and bearing-down I I |M| pain, until life to me was [ |U] I a misery. I would think I IH 1 could- not endure the I II pain any longer, and 1 II IflNj gradually got worse. . Il«> | Nothing seemed to help HI ■ I me until, one day, . • • 111 I I decided to ■■ TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic >mw * Oo ' c tour bottles," [J Mrs. Jones goes on to I IHI I gay, "and was not only II HI I Urn greatly relieved, but can U U I truthfully say that 1 have I 11 "It has now been two I I I years since I took Cardui, I I Rtl and lam still in good MmT health. . . 1 would ad- ■ vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who Is a I II IH sufferer from any female fIW If you suffer pain caused I I I from womanly trouble, or I I If you feel the need of a I I ■ 1 good strengthening tonic JH I |yj fobulldupyourrun-down jJ) System, take the advice H Of Mrs. Jones. Try Car- ll dui. It helped her. We I lljj believe it will help you. 11l j| I AO Druggists II Lota of men would have back yard gardens if they had wives willing to work them. A mere man cannot flgure out whether dresses have become gowns or gowns dresses. EVERY BLEMISH RE MOVED IN A FEW DAYS fly a Mew Mi-thud, and Thin, Hale I'rn '■* pie lnrre»«e Weight ttulrkly by •limply I'olng a I'ew A-iraln Argo- PhMph»te Tablet". «They \rt I.lke Maglr. Kv'U in mwiy stubborn aw* Unit Imvr Ittflled physicians anil U-auly spreiulists for year*. Yon Iwvc never In your life heard of anything like 11. Tliey make muddy complexions, pimple*, eruption*, red *pot«, ItlnekliiMtil* vanish quickly. Your complexion enu lie clear and you ran liave a tM'UUtlful roundfld IlKiire. Your face, IMIHIS. urm* ami shoulders ran IMI mado beautiful beyond your fomle*t dream* in a few day* liy ifiimwonderful niiW discovery which {iliospbiitlr.es the ■yftteni. Itseni'ct many claim I* marvel oua. Till* treatment i* absolutely hiirm leM to the molt delicate person itml plea* ant to use. Br*cl-W. NOTllK: —l Millie* wishing tn InciflHw htlit development should secure on© or two ounces of l{o*e*tone from their druggist and apply onco or twice daily. This Is a most effective remedy and per feet I y harmless when used in council ion With argo phosplmte. It will round out your form and increase your weight like magic; unless you desire to Increase your weight do not use nrgo phosphate. Dispensed by Hayes Orug Co. Talk about "carrying coals to Newcastle," the Dublin Zoo is ex porting lions to Africa. Nature is wearing Winter clothes for Spring this year anil lots of us-are following Nature. MYSTERIOUS PAINS AND ACHES Make IJte Hard to Hear fur Many «.r»- tiaiu Women. Too many women tnintukj their pains and aches for troubles (Peculiar to the sex More often disordered kidneys are causing the aching back, Jis*y spoils, headaches and irregular Urination. Kidney weakness lie OOraea dangerous if neglected Use • lime-tried kidney remedy—Dan's Kidney Pills. Hosts of people testify to their merit. Itoml a Urahain raw: Mrs. W. T. Kiell, N. Maple Street, ■ay*: "I wan almost disabled with * pains In the small >l my li:irk. an i ;'"■* suffered nil the tiirtv I wan * i nervous anil hart such hendaehe* f could hardly endure th » inlser.\. On® of our family hid used Dnan's Kidney Pills with good results and told me to try the n. I t> >k this remedy and the pains and all ether troubles disappeared." Price COc, at all tie iters. TVrn't • simply ask for a kidney remedy - Si Doan'a Kldnev Pill*—th" mm • at Mrs. Kscll hid Foiter-Ml hum ■ f Co., Mfra.. Buffalo. N. Y. The price of men's hats has . Climbed to where the price of wo t inen's bats used to roost, fib'. New York women were CA tight 5 'trying to smuggle in whiskey eon troealod in hollow dolls. That should give a new meaning to "all op" saying. Resolve now to keep that garden busy *1! summer—e»t from it now •nd next winter, too. fC ASTORIA For Infants aitfkChfldren In Um For Ovor 30 Yoars - *= Vegetable Varieties for North Caro lina Gardens. ] Success with gardening de- ■ pends to a large degree upon the j planting of satisfactory varieties of vegetables. The N. 0 Divisiou of Horliculfare of the Extension Service, recommetu)* the follow- 1 ing varieties as desirable ones for his State: Beans: bush—Bountiful. String lesa Green Pod, Black Valentine, Red Valentine, Ward well - Wax ; pole—Kentucky Wonder; bush lima Forahook Bush Lima; pole lima—Dr er Pole Lima. Beets:' Early Eclipse, Crosby's Egyptian, Detroit Dark lted. Cabbage: sprinif—Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield, Succession, Copenhagen Market; winter—Danish Hull Head, Drum head, Flat Dutch, Buncombe. Cantaloupes: Eden Gem, Em erald Gem, Salmon Pollock. Carrots: Chantenay, Early Scarlet Horn. , Cauliflower: Early Snowball. Celery: Golden Self Blanch ing. Chard: Grant Lticullus. Col lard : N. C. Short Stem. Corn : Early Adams, Country Gentleman, Golden Dantlam, Evergreen. Cucumber: Davis Perfect, White Spine. Egg Plant: Black Beauty. lettuce Head : Big Boston, Wonderful; LuttnceLeaf: Grand Rapids; Cos Lettuce: Trianon. Mustard: Giant. Curled. .Okra: Perkins Ix>ng Pod. Onions: Pri/.etaker, White E'earl, Danvcrs Yellow Globe. Parsnips: Hollow Crown. Parsley: Moss Curled Peas: Thomas Laxtou, Sur prise Ameer, Alaska, Ainoriean Wonder; Peas: pole—Telephone, Champion of England. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, Peppers: Huby King. one-third in three months, and Potatoes: sweet —Porto Bico, balance in six months. S»>je sub- Nancy Ilall, Norton \am, lri- j e( .| to conflrinat on of the Court, umpli; Potatoes: Irish—lrishCob- This April 0, 1920. bier, Carman, Hural New Yorker. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Radishes: French Breakfast, Commissioner. White Icicle, Crimson Grant, Scar- jjrs. w j, Kmnley. Adni'x. let Glove. Salsify: Sandwich island. Squash: Mammoth White Hush, The peace treaty, meant as a Hubbard, Crookneck. white hope, seems to have proved Spinach: New Zealand, Nor- itself a white elephant, folk. Tomatoes: Karliaua, Acme, itud Jones says about the only Hlono I'onderosa. "cheaper cuts'' of meat lie's found Turnip*: Karly White Milan, at butcher sbo{>B are smaller ones. Purple Top, Strap Leaf, Seven ________________________ Top. Watermelons: Kliekley Sweet, Florida Favorite, Tom Watson. I'e Tsai: Chinese Cabbage. Commlssoner's Sale of Land. Under an order of the Superior Court, made in a Special Proceed ing entitled, "Airs. W. L. Humley, Adiniuistratix of W. -L. Jtumley, deceased, Kx Parte," the under signed Comuiisioner will sell at public auction at tlio court Jiotit* door in Graham, on SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1920, ~t 12 o'clock, noon, the following real property, to-wit: Tracl 1 —A certain tract of IHUII adjoining tlio landa of Georgo Thompson, Charles Payne, M. I. Payne ami others ami described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at H coiner with HH il M. I. Payne and running thence \' lil den W !i.60 chs to a rock; thence N 45.'{-S deg to a rock just west of an old fish pond and cor ner with said M. I. Payne; thence with the line of the Raid M. I. l'ayne south to the heg'iining, containing lit .6 acres, more or less, this being the west one-half of the t)ld Patterson l'ayne tract as conveyed to M. I. l'ayne and John C. l'ayne and divided by a fence between them. Tract 2 Adjoining tho lands of William Clark's widow, I). A. Ruinley and others, and described as follows: Adjoining the lauds of Thomas Gibson, John C. l'ayne and others, and beginning at a white oak on the said Gibson and Payne line and ruuning thence K 120 feet to a rock; thence N 1170 feet to a postoak, Thompson and Gibson (iu** i thence southwest with Thompson and Payne line 540 foet to the beginning, and containing 1.25 acres, more or less, this l>e ing a part of the tracts of hind conveyed to the said W. L. Kuin le\ by John C. Payne. Tract .I—lic|;luning at a stake on tli'* mountain, Henderson Coble corner, and running thouce K .'ll 35 chs to pointers, corner of lot No. (i; tbunco N'J chs to pointers; thence N "0 deg E l 75 chs to a stake on the Graham road; thence with said road 10 clis to a sassafras on the west side of the said road; thence S 51 (leg 45 chs'to the beginning, and containing -11.50 acrjes, more iy less. Tract I —Adjoining the lands of Thomas Gitisou and others and tioiinded as follows: On the North by the lands of John C. Payne, on the West by the landa of Thomas Gibson, on the South by the lands of George Kumley, and on the Kast by ihe lands of I .a ban Payne, and coiiflfKiinu one-half acre, more or less. Tracl s—Adjoining the lands of I.a ban Payne, Thomas Gibson, Geo. Thompson and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock and persim raon tree in Laban Payne's line, corner with said Williams ait*) running thence 8 .V.'} deg W 6.85 cbs to a rock, corner with said IVy clc; thence S 00 dog W 3.60 chs rock, corner with said Payne; thence S 45 deg W to a rock in fence line with John C. Payne; thence with the ltno Of John C. Payne to the north aide to a rock and corner with Raid John C. Payne just west of old lish pond; thence N 45f deg E to a rock, corner with said Williams: thence S 37 2-3 deg E 10.43 chs to the beginning, and containing 15 MTCS, more or less. This being tlie cant ono-half of thd laud conveyed to M. I. sod John C. Piiyne by the heirs of Patterson Payne by deed dated March 17,1889, referooce to which in hereby made. « Tract C—Adjoiitiugthe lands of I). A. Haiuiuyi M. I. Payne and othors and described ns follows: Beginning at a rock, D. A. Hunt ley's corner and iu the lin»» of ilje said M, I. Payne and rnitnin thence wllli the line in » norther ly direction to a >{tnn and corniM villi the HA id I) A. Rum ley; th«*nct HOIII lieaMerly with the said Ituni ley's line to it branch, sni.l Payne's old line; thence with a HI raisin line in a noutheasterly direct io.i to the beginning, and containing ono-louith acre, more or lex*. This being that certain tract of j land conveyed to said M. I. Payne j and D. A Ruinley by deed record-1 ed in the office of the Register of | Deeds for Alamance coumy in Book of Deeds No. 00, at pag 558, reference to which is hereby given. ' . Tract 7—Adjoining the lands of 8. P. Holi, Patterson Payne and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock in said Payne's, line and running thence j N 28 deg W 23 chs to a maple tree in said Holt's line; thence with said Holt's line 562 deg W 13 50 chs in a rock; thence S 38 deg E 24 chs 25 Iks to a rock in said Payne's line; thence with said Payne's line N 18 deg E 13 chs M) Iks to the beginning, arul contain ing 33 acres, more or less. This being that certain tract of land heretofore conveyed to Peter Kenney by deed of Win. 11. Holt and wife and by said Kenney to M. I. Payne, which said deeds ars of record and reference is hereby made thereto. THREE YEARS WITHOUT HOPE A Story of Sickness and Suffering with Final .Return to Health It will do yo:i good to read It No matter how long nor how uiuch you hare ■|i|i||i^^4^feii|iw suffered, do not Rive up hope. Do not decide g - there In no help for you. There Is. Make up s .^K your mind to get well. You can. Thore Is a = = remedy in which you may p'laco full reliance as did Mrs. Rozalla Kanla of 39 Silver Street, f New Britain, Conn. Tills Is what she says: "I had cramps for three years and thought I would nover bo any better. I could itot cat § TK3o|' ,mW~. without distress. Slept with my mouth open ~ ™ and could hardly breathe. No medicine helped S rfc *rrm roe. I had catarrh of tho stomach. Now I g f&B&WmIL | have no cramps and am foellng welt and m I wish every dufferlng person would Catarrh effects tho mucous membra nos in any organ or part. I'E-ItU-NA, by 1 ;gulatlng • ~ the digestion and aiding elimination. Bonds a rich, pure supply of blood and nourishment to the (tick and Inflamed membranes and health returns. For coughs, colds, mtarrli and catarrhal conditions generally, I'B-RU-NA Is recommended, [f you are sick, do not wait and suffer. The sooner you begin uaini? Dr. Haitman'B nell-ltnown PE-RU-NA, the sooner you may expert to bo well and strong and In full.possession of your health. A bottle m' f'K-RU-NA i i the finest emergency, ready to-take remedy to have |-» t!io house. It Is fourteen ounces of pre vention and protoctlon. * _ Sold everywhere in tah!«t or liquid form. 100,000 "Ju l - Five months ago We first called your attention to the opportunity of obtaining a great weekly farm service for less than 2 cents a week. Mean while, through 1600 different newspapers, 1600 other progressive banks all over the country have likewise t been telling their friends and patrons about this great opportunity. During these five months MORE THAN A HUNDRED THOUSAND "new" farmer readers have accepted the opportunity —have sent in their dollar subscriptions—have assured themselves ; for a whole year ahead of getting all the helpful, en tertaining things that will reach them through We COUNTRY * GENTLEMAN Are you one of the 100,000? If should you delay longer? Sooner --not, the odds are 100,000 to 1 of later you'll - subscribe; and that you ought to subscribe then, like the 600,000 other . NOW. farmer-readers, you, too, will CC We'll tell you about modern say, "I wouldn't be without iJ' banking. THE COUNTRY GEN- THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN." If thm COD TLEMAN will tell you about you have an account here, in tverywher* everything that vitally affects struct us NOW to charge it your {arming business. We SI.OO for a year's subscription, might keep on forever printing If not, send in today your dol "make-it-easy-to-buy" cou- lar, with the coupon below. Or, pons—but we won't. For why come in and get acquainted. The National Bank of Alamance f Cr*nllmmtn. (I) Because you know roe, enter my name for THX COUNTRY CttHTLBMAN far one year and ) c_ charge the cost, (1.00. to me; l^ai (1) Here's my dollar. I want TH* CoUTfTBY QSNTUUIAN. Send it tolas. 3 *"* (My Name) (My Address) ' * ; AMkhea4 Highway President. Hot fiprtafl, At*.,—Bennehaa Cam eron, of gtagrHle, N. C., was elected president and Oreenabore, N. C„ was eelectedas the Mat meeting piece ot the Bankhead National Highway asso ciation, which held tts annual ocmrmf tloa here. Retirement of Judge Brown The retirement of Associate Justice Qeorge H. Brown from the race Car re election after 1« years on the mprone court toeaefc of service leaves the field open at present to Judge C. H. Oulley of Wake foreat For sometime U has Imm known that Judge Brown contemplated let ting his present term he the las* and his declelea came as ao surprise to Ms pereonal frieads. Teste for .postmasters Washington, (Special)—A civil eer ; vice examination will be held on May I'll for preeldentlal poet matters at he | following 'places In North Carolina: Clayton, salary $1,700; Mt. Airy, sal ary 11400; Btreeter, salary 11,000; Benson, salary $l,t00; Duke, salary $1,300; Laurenburg. salary $4,200; Baden, salary $1,500. Louis Smith has been appelated postmaster at Icard, | Burke county Instead of Labon F. Pro put, resigned. Surmons by Publication son rn CAUOUXA ALAM.YXCE COUNTY lii tlie Superior Court, Otis Kernoble VS. Itosa Lm Kerriodle. Thedefendantabove named will take uotice that :iu action entitled an above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, to divorce tho plaintiff above named, Otis Kernodle, from liosa Lee Ker nodle, the defendant, on the grounds of desertion and adultery; and the sald» defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county on the 7th day of Dune, 1920, at the court house in said county and answer or demur to tho complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 22nd day of April, 1920. D. J. WALKER, C S. C. A. If. King, Att'y. 29apl4t Children Cry for Fletcher's | The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been In UM for oyer over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per />■ » 80,1111 superyision since its infancy. 'Wv* Allow- no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are big Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health Or Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR lA_ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fererishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid* the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI C K NTAUW'COMPAMV. N»W YOWK CITY. t~ - .-y lr r w r'~T'"'' * ■ ■"* -• HOW MUCH DO YOU SHOW YOUR AGE? A new form of Natural Iron enriches the blood smooths out wrinkles —strengthens the nerves —wards off old age. When you begin to show and feel iron into the blood is assured by your age, it is bec.use your blood is the use of a natural form of soluble thin and weak —it no longer carries iron known as Acid Iron Mineral, life and strength to different parts of There are thtiusands of cases on re the body. cord that prove this natural iron is a The man or woman with warm, powerful blood and nerve builder, rich red blood retains the appearance For want of iron in the blood, you and feelings of youth, in spite of the may be old at thirty, or you are more creeping years. To ward off the readily subject to the attack of dis feebieness and appearance of old age ease without warning, or you will is simply a matter of keeping the find yourself growing feebler day blood pure and rich and filled with by da£ life and vigor. . .T . If you want to feel the elasticity Iron is the greatest and surest of youth in your veins, and avoid all blood maker, but heretofore the diffi- the complications and disappoint culty has been to procure it in a merts of increasing age, you will form which the human system would start taking Acid Iron Mineral at .absorb in sufficient quantities to once. It contains no alcohol or in faring satisfactory results. Pills and jurious drugs, and it will not blacken tonics said to contain iron have usu- th° teeth like most preparations of ally brought only disappointment. iron. But now there need be no longer Druggists will refund the purchase any doubt or question, for a success- - price cheerfully, if you fail to receive ful and reliable method of getting the improvement you seek. For Sale by~Xll Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., Distributors. jCanada must be fixing to go dry. She is going to sell those war ves sels which bear wet names such as Niobe and Rainbow. Man Cabinet Shop Next Door to Moon's Garage Furniture Repaired. Make Old .Look Like New. Picture Framing. Upholstering A Specialty, ALL KINDS of CABINET WORK. W. B. QUAKENBUSH, GRAHAM. N- C. "ZIRON IS A . ~ GOODMEDICINF' Sans Rock City, Ala. Butiiaa, Afla Having Siren It Consdutlois TrlaL Ziron is a new scientific combination of pure, inorganic, official, U. 8. Pharmaco peia iron, with the hypophosphltesof lime and soda and other valuable tonic Ingred ients, recommended by the best medical authorities in the treatment of anemic conditions. Ziron helps to put Iron Into your blood and this helps to build strength for yoil, when you are pale, weak, nervous, de pressed. Read what Mr. Sidney Fry. of Rock City, Ala., says, and then try ziron. Hi makes the following statement: "Something over a week ago 1 used Ziron for the first time. I was troubled with indigestion and liad a spell of weak ness. Ziron helped both troubles. I felt stronger and my stomach quit hurting. I really feel that Ziron fa a good aedkine. It surely helped me." Your druggist will sell you Ziroo on • guarantee that If the first bottle does not benefit you, he will refund the money you paid him. - Oct a bottle of Ziron today! ZM.w \our Blood Needs , - TJ wtthunt question4f Hum'i Salt* 1 til UIU tf! »h« tffilmnt o( E. irma ■* I Fv T 'ttc* Jtingworni.lich.rtc Don't , I ; | t--*-o«md»«courncrd brc«u«e other \ -y rc 'imrnli failed Hum'i Sa| N ' ,* *» i*t»ev-d huvlrrdi of »w«h i - t * ,5 «•««• « Y«yj cir»*t lot* on out . «■ • " /l.c* Cnnoh. Tr> 1 !• -uw .t.fe TOUAV. Pi Urn Jfc I F .» «•(« by ( GRAHAM DRUG COMPAVY, ' GRAHAM, W. C. i ooMue bureau Include: UlUury, M. C, IMH Incfoaie 4,7* or P4.1 pec ooa* Burlington, N. C-MM. Increase 1,144, or BtJ per ent Statesvllls, N. C, 7,tM, Hicreaae UN, or 71.7 per oent The rat* of growth of «he Isrger southern oltloo whose population* havo boon announced range from* 7* p*r cont to 114.1 P* cent, Krtoxvllle showing the largest rata, and N. C» 11W par cont Tha percentage of ln aroaaa of other oltloa waa: Mam phla 2M por oont; Naehvllle, 7JI; Chattanooga til; Augusta 2M; Charlette, US; •hrevsport #«.8; ColumWa, 42.• | Wilmington, N. C., 20.4; and Aehevllle, 81.4. * Graham to bo Opposed Cnninl««lnnrr of Agriculture Wll ium A. Graham, against whom It was thought ncfrody was golpg to run, Is to bars opposition in H. B. Thompson of fftantonsburg, who filed notUjo. ElgMywSlx Plaoomonte Made - Mfhty-sta placements oat of a total of 107 registrations was tho record far fee week 1> the United States Em ployment service socordln* to flgureo from Federal director, Mr. If. L. 6hlp •fefcty-slx placements included tfcaee from AsherlUe, *alelgfc •«* WUmtagtoa offices. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and freezona costs only a few cents. Don't suffer ! A tiny bottle of Freezont eosts but a few cents at any drug store Apply a few drops on tho corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bottom of feet and then lift thm off. When Freezone removes aoans from the toes or calluses from the bottom of the feet the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. VALUABLE HORSE ' WJ§>T-%s. »*ED ErpecteilHorse Would Dfe-4 Now Sleek and Healthy. In his experience. Mr. J. C. Haste, of Bock Bridge Baths, \V, stated: "My hor»e is the beet advertisement you would want for Dr. Leaser's Stock Powders. He *" in t run down fix and poor and *1 thought he would die soon. I cot some of Dr. LeGesr's Stock Powders —end today he is as fine a looking: horse as you can see in this section. I only used a few boxes of Dr. Stock Powders. 1 * Mr Haste benefitted by the advice ef Dr. LeGear, Graduate Veteri nary Bmm of 27 years' expert, ence. By following the Doctor's treatment, you can keep your stock sleek and healthy. Here's his offer *> yon. Get a package of Dr. LeGesr's Stock Powders from your dealer; feed it to your horses, milk cows, steers, hogs, and sheep as per directions. If srter a thorough trial, ' the results are not satisfactwy, Just return the empty carton and your money will be cheerfully refunded.— Dr. L. LeGear Med. Co,, St Louis, Mo. " SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OP TRUST Under and by virtue of the po«er of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust dated the 28th day of February, 1918, and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, in Book of Mortgagee and Deeds of Trust No. 73, page 290, wherein the undersigned Alamance Insur ance it Real Estate Company is trustee, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness secured thereby as therein provided, the said trustee will, on MONDAY, MAY 17, 1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., ottfk for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, the fol lowing described property, to-wlt: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington township,'Alamance county and State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of J. P. Smith, Oak Street and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner with J. P. Smith on Oak Street, running thence with the line of said Street N 29 deg 40' W to corner on line of No. 17; thence with line of lot No. 17 N 55 deg E 150 feet to cor ner with lot No. 30; thence with line of lot No. 30 529 deg 40' E 50 feet to corner with aaid Smith; thence with the line of said Smith S 55 deg W 150 feet to the begin ning, being lot No 18 of the sur vey of the Pickard and Trogdon lands near Tucker Street and known as Witherdale Heights. This 12th day of April, 1920. Alamance Ins. ft Real Estate Co., Trustee. W. 8. Coulter, Att'y. You Gaa Cm* That Backache. Pals along the back, dluineaa, haadaeLa and sennerai languor. iet a paekace of Mother Ofay's Australia Leaf, Um R ' root and barb cure for Kidney, Blartrtw and Urinary troublea. Whan von faal all mn down, tired, weak and without energy oaa Ula remarkable combination of nature, harbaand roota. As a regulator It has m jual. Mother Gray* Australian-Leaf la sold by Drugglata or seat by mall for 10 Ota o-5r P '«£r*. • - 4 ■nH» takt , lk«^^ 4 i5S5JS^2^ i®L. w SS^3S« e !riLtfs kJS? • ' BvUll 1 I (ll«iw I>l|l M • «wl> Hm '* \Lis7 m'/MIISruAn, *— 1 .1;, ' Jas. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Rich H Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night Day 'Phone No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 Jas. H. Rich 54U-W ' —" ' ' ''' J Used 4Q Years J CARD lii £ Tin Woman! Toole { Sold Everywhere Z If Burned Out Would Your Insorrnce Pay the Loss? Examine yonr Fire Insurance Pol icy and see if yon carry enough Insurance Prices of materials &re very high and you would be a very heavyloser in case of fire. We can protect you from such loss. Graham Real Estate Co. F*hone 544 GRAHAM, N. C: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa AdmloUtrator of the aetata or Jeese M. Dredsbaw, (ieceaeed. the undereltrned hereby notirie*all persont hold ing alalms against the mid e»ta(e tflpreeent be plehded In bar ot tlielr recovery; and all persons Indebted to aela estate are request ed to make Immediate settlement. This March 11th, 1830. J, H. BLACK, Adm r 26mchftt or Jesse M. Uradshaw.deo'd. Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. Under and by virfcae of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed from Ivewon Mebane to Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, dated Au gust 23, 1912, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No, 57 of Mortgage Deeds, page 411, the said mortgage deed and the note secured thereby having been duly assigned to the undersigned Ala mance Insurance and Real Estate Company, and default having been made in the payment ofthe indebtedness evidenced by said note and secured by said mort gage, the said Alamance Insur ance and Real Estate Company, Assignee, as aforesaid, will, on MONDAY, MAY 10,1920, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Alamance county, State aforesaid, in Melville township, and defined and described as fol lows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of George Williamson, P. Tioe, John Mebane, J. E. Latham and. others and de fined and described as follows: Beginning at a rock Northeast corner of George Williams, run ning thence 8 69 deg S. with linea of Tioe, Mebane and another 12.9 cbs to a rock, corner with Ed. Foust with his N W corner; thence with his line 8 7 deg E 24.60 cbs to a rock, Foust's 8 W earner; thence N 86 deg W KM chs to » corner of first lot purchased by party of first part; thenee N 86* deg W 7 chs to a stake or stone; thence N with line of said pur chaser 2.96 chs to a stone; thenee N 85i deg W 2.29 cbs to a white oak; thence N 8 deg W 3.50 cbs to a rock; thence N 6 deg W 17 M chs to the first station, containing 31.5 acres, bnt to be the sane be there more or less. See Registra tion Book No. 29 at pages 469 and 471 and Book 42, page 301. This 4th day of April, 1920. - | Alamance Ins. & Beat Estate Co., A—lgntffl W. S. Coulter, Att'y. The ex-kaiser is said to have worn out six pairs of pants since he began wood-sawing. Bnt how can he saw wood sitting down?