H Ifealto V About k N Gone || Many thousand* of I SJ women suffering from womanly trouble, have kl beta benefited by the we VI of Cardul, the woman'* tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V. Spell, II of llayne, N. C. "Icould VI not stand on my feet, and Just suffered terribly," - she says. "As my sur- M taring was so great, and be had tried other rcme- I get Cardul. . » I began Improving, and it cured me. 1 know, and my Iw doctor knows, what Car ml dul did for me, for my nerves and health were M 1 TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic M| She writes lurthert "I pa am In splendid health ... can do my work. I feel 1 owe It to Cardul, for I was In dreadful condition." VI If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands of women praise this medl- cine for the good it has VI done them, and n>any physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medl dne. Think what 11 means to be In splendid health, VI like Mrs. Spell. Qlve IV Cardul a trial. jl All Druggists R UDO IB FRMIKHII •AYS MEXICO HAS PROVED TC ■ E TROUBLESOME NEIGHBOR BUT ASKS FOR TIME SOOO MEN SUFFER ANGUISH Enormous Riiourctt of Country Mud B« Plscsd at Ssrvlos of Human ity or World Will Take Thorn El PasO, Tsxss.—Admlaalon thai Mexico la "a troublesome neighbor" •nd a plan that tha world "have n lit tie patience and wait a trifle longer" are contained In a statement to the American people by Salvadoro Alvaru do, provtatonut minister of finance fot tha revolution. The statement, a copy of which wai received here, followa, In part: 'The m«n of good will In Mexlcc anffer an Inexpressible anguish at thli time, because wn know that the world la tired of our disorders, because wo •V a troublesome neigh bor. We know fdll well our dutiea If we wtah to b roe pec ted ltke a civilised people; w« A know that nje have to protect the llvei Band property of nationals and foreign W ere, we know we have to pay out! | 'debts, as gentlemen; we know that the I difficulties of Mexico affect many parti I of the world; that we can not live be I htnd a Chinese wall, and that, due tc I the swiftness of means of commtinl | cation, Inter-dependence of natlona li a an actual and positive thing, andHha' ■so country ran act as »be herself de V Si re a. ■ "We also know that If we are not B capable of placing at the service of hu manlty all of the enormous resourcei •that exist In Mexico, the world wit Ssjeome end take them. W'rench Soldiers Have Withdrawn From Frankfort and Other Cltlsi ® Mayenco —The French troopa which I have been In occupation of Frankfort jjparmstadt and other cltlea on th '•Sat beak of the Rhine have evacuate (lose cltlea It Is announced here. | Ne Attempt to Suspend the Laves en Immigration at this Session ( Washington—No attempt to enae legislation. aaapendlng Immtgratloi feT a period of years, will be made a this eeeaion of congreas, Chalrmae Johnson of the houae lmmlgratloi announced. Interest la Welfare Work The de)e#ntes ret urn tag' from the Wsllaael Conference of Social Work In (few Orleans apeak ontkuslaetlcally «bout the recognition aceordad North cjarollaa at the conference Tke North !, ißMollnn plan aC public Welfare has gieiaat the latareet at leadlag peaple ttttls work all aver the Ualon, and MM develepmeat la Nerth Oerellaa Wis fra* neatly referred te by the g;Bi> ei lat the eoafereace. The dele IgStae (tram the State ware eeaetaatly piled Wtth questions by thoee eeeking Ifnformstlea tram other States JlivioK the league meet in Rome Ijdltesn't tickle the Jugo-Slav. He afraid it will do as the Ro lf Hoover and W»ood should be - the men to fight it out in Chicago, It Will be the food -ontroller | Furthel Ceneua Reports. Washington, (gpeelsl)—Census , figures fer North Cnrellnn tewne | 1 were anneuneed ee follows: Conevee, 881) Inoreaee 290, or •14 per oent Orenlte Palls, 1,101; Increaaa 720 1 or IM.O per sent. | Llncellnton, 8,890; Incresse 977, ee 40.6 per eent' ' Marlon, 1,784; Increase 288, or 17,4 per eent. 1 Merge nton, 1,8471 Increeee 186, I op 1.7 per eent | Newton, S£B1; Incrssse 706, or M.4 psr eent I Franlelln, N. C„ 775, Inoreaae *94, I er 104.0 per oent. , Wlleon, N. C-, 10,858, fnersaee | 8,988, er 88. • per oent. Maxton, N. C., 1,1*7, Inoreaae 7B | or 8.8 psr oent. Lumberbridpe, N. C, 202, In cresse 87, er 72.4 psr cent. Parkten, N. C„ 882, Inereeee 188, i or 74.4 per eent St Pnul, N. C„ 1,147, Inereeee 728, or 178.7 per cent Durhem, N. C„ *1,719, Inoreaae 3,478, or I*.l per oent LONG SEASON OF SUEM SHORTAGE I ■ HOOVER EXPLAIN* WHY PRICI IS HIGH AND QUANTITIES 80 INADEQUATE. I HE SUGGESTS RATION SYSTEM | Immediate Government Action Should be Taken to Control Through Com mercial Not Legal Methods. I Washington.—Herbert Hoover, for mer food administrator, gavo his | views to cougrsss on the sugar and I Industrial situations. I Appearing before a houae commit tee Investigating the suger situation, Mr. Hoover declared that the world (shortage of the product was likely to continue two or three years. The pressing nsed was rationing, he said, | with Immediate government action to ' control the supply through commar- Ictal, not legaJlatlc methods. In making reply to members who I wanted to know what has been done to keep the preeent high sugar ooet off the people, Mr. Hoover reiterated » that the government should hsve - bought the Cuban crop as wsll aa the Louisiana crop and that «vea now there waa a chance to help by limit ing tho supply to non-essential ladua trlee. J Unlawful to Rsquirs Purehsse of Other Goode When Selling Sugar. 8t Louis.—Tha practice of some grocers In requiring that a certain j amount of other commodities be pur chased with each pouad of sugar Is a violation of tha federal trade com mission set, according to InatrucMona recslvsd from Attornsy Oenersl Pal mar by the local deportment of Jus | tloL I Houss Wsys and Mesns Committee Plssss Limit on Soldiers' Bonus. 'j Washington. —Republican members lof the houss ways aad meaas com ' mlttee deolded to lisnit the maximum ' cash bonus under "the propoeed sol- I dler relief leglslstlon to *BO9 snd to ' limit the grants under the other pro . visions to 9626. ' Qsrman Cabinst Is Unsnlmous In Dsol'lon Not to Bond Delegates. I London. —The Oerman cabinet, af -1 tar a full discussion with the minis ters of the federal states, decided : unanlmoualy that Germany should not ' send repreeentatlves either to the • Spa or I)russets conferences unless ' the French troops are entirely wlth -1 drawn from the Huhr district by May 1 18, according to a Central News die | patch from Berlin. ChanUuqua IVogram Includes Bud REPEATED BY REQUEST Every one srill be glad to bear thai this year's Chautauqua program la-1 eludes Colangelo'e fiend. Ha Is repeated I over this sircult bscauss of the almoet unanimoue appeal that has soaaa to the Chantauaua management from tha towns which were oa this circuit la 1917. Bscause of ths war It has besn lsa- | I possible up to this time to grant tha > rsqusst of .ths towns that be be (•■! turned to the circuit. Signor Golan gslo hlmtelf, and the majority of hie men were In the service of the Allies. They vlayed their parts wall la thle I more heroic organisation, aad most of them came thru. Blgnor Colangelo'e brother, whom Chautauqua patrons will remember aa ths Isader's partner la cornet dusts, laid dowa his lifs on the field of honor. During ths past few months Signor Colsngelo has been reorganising and rehtarting a new band. He has, for , tunately, s numbgf of his former men as s nucleus, and baa now perfected ss orgsnizatlon that aurp asset even his bend of 1017. This It the benf which I will eppesr here. A number of spenal features win. amplify the programs of the hand thle year, and Its appearance will easily be ' i the outstanding muelcel feature of the ' week. Mlaa Myra Louise Eekhoff will be the , soprano eoloist with ths bead. Organ ehbnss will bs a speaial lusts u , aantal feature A saxophone quartet' trill! fnraMh melody aad Tna. The third day Is band da»-lM» V i » open. \ GraWm, May 22-27 It is said tbat tho Setrbiana arc , overrtinninif Montonetrro. SerUi*' ( is now a KOod-aiErd nation and not j . averse to growing a Uttta more Henry Ford is saying nothing but it in easy to imagine that he i 1 feels satisfied. , I The great increaso in drag ■ prices ought to much improve the 1 general run of health. OTlrr ■fiHRRBM l 1 • SOUTHERN SECII | UTTERLY IGNORED SENATORS OP SOUTH PKeLINO INDIGNANT OVER SCVBRAI. RECENT APPOINTMENT*. DOUBTS US TO CONFIRMATION I ■ ; Princeton Profeeeor ef Politics One I I Nominee to Ssrvs on lateeetate Commerce Commission. i Washington.—When President Wll-- ' eon eent to the senate the nomination of Mark V/. Potter, of New Torn, to bo a member of the Interstate Com merce Commission his cotton caused much indignation on the part of Southern senators who havo begged | fer some recognition to the South eastern classification territory. A few days ago the President ap pointed a professor of politics from Priaceton and a granite cutter from Massachusetts to the existing vacancy and one of the new berths on the commission and his failure at that 1 time to ehow recognition of the claims of the Southern ports and mlddle-weit cities brought many protests from ssnators representing these sections. Vigorous protest against the ap pointment of the three wUI J>e made In committee Senator IS. D. Smith, ranking democrat on the interstate commerce committee, said. I "I expect to vote against them and I to make a fight against thsm," Sena tor Lee F. Overman, of North Caro lina said. "The three men appelated I all come from the section that seems bent,on delivering a body blow to the export trade of Southern ports and mlddlewestern cities. ' Prices W Loaf Bread Have Been i Advanced by Chicago Wholeealers. I Chicago/—An Increase In the price of broad from 10 to 11 cents a pound loaf wholesale, was announced by one large baking company. ————————— Pre el do at Wilson Condoles with King of Sweden on Death of Daughtsr. Washington.—President Wilson has sent a message of condolence to the king of Sweden on the death of his daughter, the Crown Princess. Hollsnd Net te Trsds with Rusels Until Aotlen le Taken by League. , ' The Heuae.—Holland will not re sume traft with eovlet Russia uatll the leagus of natloas acts In regard to resumption of relations with ths bol shevik!, ths forslgn minister announc ed la pari lamest. In reeponss to quss tlons relative to the altutlon. Clothing Firm In Topeks to Sell All Suits for Men Without Profit Topeka. Kas.—An eld established Topeka clothing store advertleed that all msa's sulU fer 24 days would be sold without prett to the store. B. T. Hsskney. Stats fair price eommleslon er, will sudit Us store's books to as certain whether the suits ars sold at' cost. Rsvsnus Celleotor Reporte a Collection of Extra 8287,280,000 Washington. Additional taxes amounting to $167,180,000 have been assessed against big corporations In | ths last nine months as a result Of an audit of their lax returns. Internal Revenue Commissioner Williams In formed congress In baking for 91,809,- 000 to pay tha expenses of this woyk. Two Priests fn Florence, Italy, Heve Been Arreetad for Theft Florence, Italy.—Two priests were arrested on a charge of having atolen a bust of Antonio Canova, tha cele brated Italian sculptor; an altar by Lncla Delia Robbla. the 16th century sculptor, and other art treasures from the Abbey of Arcevla. Copies of the original treaaures were substituted by the thieves, ths police having recover ed the altar. Qlft ef 88,000 Hat Is Dscllned By Wife ef Prosldsnt of Frenoe New Tork. —President Descbanel of Prance has refused to permit Mme. Descbanel to accept the 18,000 hat of fered her by 3,000 American milliners for her endorsement of the "four sea sons for millinery." I This was announced when a letter was read from Ambassador Jusaerand declining the American creation made from materials supplied by each of the 48 States and decorated with nine paradlae plumea, each costing 1600. Pinal Tset of Suffrage Amendment Booked to Come Later In Delaware Dover. Del—Despite the efforts of antl suffragists to force a vote In the lower honae of the Delaware legisla ture oa the reaolutlon to ratify the federal amendment, adjournment waa taken nntll May 17 without any ac . tlon on the meaaure. Suffrage leaders ' admitted they lack at leaat three votes to paas tho meaaure. Buffraglst leadsrs declared they would continue their fight dnriag tha recess with renewed vigor. Ex-Governor Glenn le Found Dead ! In Bed at a Hotel la Winnipeg Winnipeg, Canada.—Robert B. Olena. former governor ef North Car ollaa aad a member of the Interna. r tlenal Rouadary oemmlaalon. waa fonad dead In bed at the Jtoyal Alexan dria hotel bore. Death was dne to heart disease. A trained aurae. who had been la constant attendance aa the governor I for the paat year, waa the only per j eon with him when he died. Froneh Urge Great Brttala Net te Further Compromise with Germany j Hythe. Snglaad.—The Preaeh mla totem oeme te the oosrforeass hrtd here wt* their British oolleagnee chiefly for the nuriisss ef pusafcg two points oeeoerntng whisk Pranee | was deeply enniouo. The first waa I that there be ae ohangea tn the peace treaty fererlag the Beraaaas. am« fee eeooad to obtain name immediate pay aaeat oa eoeeaat ef indemnity «er re viving industries of the devastated re- 1 . 'se»lir''iia . ' > 480. iT WOTM Or INI MMMTf " I 1 111 Newton.—City CtltM MtUe, tat Imi Incorporated with an uUurM capital stock of 9MO.M*. Otarktou—Snowdea Btngletair n> oently dlad. Ho M a velerau of the Confederate army and la Uw «M yca» of kl» ace. Albermarle. —The Sallebury dUtrlol ssnftrm-T aompoaad of about 10# members will conveus hara Mar M with Blahop Darlington p^aldlng. ' Wilson.—J. H. HIU, aged W, toifmar ly ot Clinton aad Klnston. Pleaded tuiUy to attempted criminal assault on a famala and waa sentenced tot twa years on tha roada. Rocky Mount.—A thoroughly appra alatlre audleaca haard Colbnal Albert Coi. returned war hero of Radish, deliver the Memorial Day address al tha opera houao h«re. , Goldsboro.—Confederate Meinprtal day exerclsss were held' hare tipdef tha aueplcee of the local U. . C. chap ter aad were largely attended. The orator of the occaalon waa 8. M. Btia aoa. Durham.—Mill Ivle Rogers, Itfyeai •Id daughter- of Mr. and Mr». U W. Rogers. of Trinity Halfhta. aad a, at» dent at Trinity Cellsgs, Is In the Tfatti hospital aa tha reauK Ot a serious automobile accident Wake rorait—Tha Alumni" banquet will be one of tha features of fee oorn meneement weak at Wake Pereet CoV lge, taking plaae In Forest Inn Tfcurs day evening May J7. Oougfeeeman fl. M. Brlnsoa, of the Third district will deliver tha alumni address. China Oreve.—A aarman by Prssl daat J. U Morgan and Public eoafea ,alaa and holy cammualon ware feat urea of tha opening session here ol tha lXTth annual convention of th« Bvaagollcal Lutheran syned and Ml» | latarlum of North Carolina. I Mount AJry.—The eounty beard ol | commissioners far flurry county art replacing aa faet aa possible all th» 'old wooden brltgee with modern iteel structures. Ooatraata tor four n">u aSeei brttgee hare already been let and work on thaae ia under way. - Salisbury.—Jabn L. Henharrier, well known tanner ot Franklin tornsblpi went over a tan foot embankment .when hla automobile nslsed a creek i bridge near tewn on the new Mocka ▼tile road. Ha eußered a (raoturad akull broken rib and other lnjurtea. Oraenaboro,—Bankera of the 4ft) dlatrlet group of the North Carolim Bankera aaa eclat lon will hold a meet lng here on May 11, clotlng with i banquet at the O. Henry hotel thai night Klnstoa,—James 1 Route a formei 1 police ahlef. la in a hospital hara aut faring from imrt ln)arlea sustained whan an automobile, otrnok hla fcuggj In nerthwoet Ktnoto*. Wilmington,—Wilmington la to bo come one ot the Western Union Tel* graph eompaay'e big relay offlcss Is tha aovthaaatarn atates, aoordlag to sasonaaameat by John Bhlaberger 1 local manager. I Charlotte.—Stating that ha would •how Mr. MorrlMß tha eaa*e eeurtsey that Mr. Morriegp haa tor him O. Max Qardaer, candidate for the democratic nomination for governor, naked while here If ho expected to speak la Jteoklerturg oounty, replied that he wwdt not. Ruthertecflton,—The chamber ol oomMOrca doeMed to hold a oounty wide mammoth eoldler eelebratlos hare thie eufluaer, the data to he an raaged oooe. Vice PreeMeat Thomas R Marshall ot Washington. will be Invited. A tying machine w« go us la the afteraoea. It will tha mesl elaborate eolobratlea over bald ia this eounty. Aaherllle. —The world conference ol boy werkera of the T. M. C. A. will gaUer at Mae Ridge. N C, May II te 11, when T. M. C. A. wotfcMa from maay parte ot the globe win meet to gether ia their trat ooafereaoe la all yam Atlanta, Oa. —latormatloa waa r» oairad at tha headquarters ot the Cal vatlon Army la Atlanta, that Beeufsrt aouaty la tha fleet county la North CnroUaa to ralae lu quita la the Sal vatlon Amy's aacond homo aervlca tuad ajpnal. Waahlagton, —The population oi •waa, N. C., baa Ineressed by two pavaana la the laat tan yeara, accord ing to the census bureau. Th« popu lation aa recorded la the lIM censua U 4,014. Aaheville.—The Bingham ackrol, grounda aad bMMtage nave boon of fered. through Mra. R T. Ofinnan, daughter ot tha owner ot the eefcool, Cal Bshsft Bingham, aa a camp fori tha tratalng ot warn en. aa proposed l by Miaa Susanna Coarott, acoardlag to aaaouaaemant j Peat of Honor Awe-Ued I Mr. ft. ». W. Conner, Bigltpry ot the North Carolina RlaWioal Oantmia •lon. haa boaa reqaeated by Wire from Uw Secretary ot IMa, Batobridge Calby. to aarra aa a eammlMga to leak Into Ue eare aad peroervatlM e tha orglnat aoplee ot the Dealaraßaa ot Ta dapoadoaoe. the Ceeatitottee ot tho Vrnmi Btataa. aad ether fuadamanul dinamaau ta the aara ot tha #apart meat ot State. The wtoo ataeed that ta taia ftr. Ooaaer a»a«pt»d. tha oom mittaa would Meat ad a pear ante ta Washington. D. 0. Carranxa la a Fugitive hemewhere Between Mexlee and Vera Onm- Waahlagtoa—Venaatlaao Oarraaaa, aoaatltutloaal praeldeat ot Mazlca. waa p4atarad by Alvaro Obragon, who fOrcad him from the capital a week ago. aa a fugitive la tha wuialia •omawhera betwaen Mexico City aad' Vera Crua. OClelal report* ot tha ] | diiaahawa»i at Oarraaaaa armp ware i i lacking. .. 1 Children Cry for Fletcher's fl IrAid I 11 Z4 V A I i IV7 ml mm W ■ L 1 The Kind Ton Have Alwnyi Bought, and which haa been 1 1 Irs fa for over over 30 jftM, haa borne tha algaatara of ! /9 ■ and haa been made under hla per- „ fJT • OIUII »np«virion alnce lta infancy. a Allow no one to deceive yon In this. dU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of and Children —Experience against Experiment. What IsCASTORIA , Castoria la a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Paregoric, r , Drops and Soothing Syrupe. It is pleasant. It contains a neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic subatance. Its h age ia its guarantee. For more than thirty yeara it haa h been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, * i "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidf I i the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS j In Use For Ova* 30 Years . The Kind You Have Always Bought TH« CINTAUW COMPANY. 94 WW VOWK CfTV. | NEW FORM OF IRON RELIEVES] STOMACH TROUBLES I Eat What You Like—Stop Suffering From Acid Stomach —Gas, Pains and Other Form* of In digestion—Results Almost Immediately For yeara physicians have been searching for a form of iron that could be combined with certain other in gredients like pepsin, etc., for use in treating chronic disorders of the di gestive tract, mal-assimilation etc., etc. This is sufficient evidence that medicine recognize? the great value of iron for stomach troubles when administered in proper form. If you have been disappointed with lack of results from.pills and tonic 3 said to contain irop you can now un derstand that the iron was not pre sented inafcrmthat could be absorbed by the stomach into the system. And therefore could not possibly bring you benefit This new t'orm of iron is not pro pared by chemists—it is found in Na ture itself combined with other highly beneficial medicinal agents. - It is quickly absorbed by the system and in aufficient measure to bring results For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burw.ell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., ! Distributors. CENSORSHIP OVER A BUFFALO PAPER 1 PONCED TO CHANGE A REPORT OP | THE OARV TESTIMONY BE FORE COMMITTEE I k ', " / ONLY FOUR FREE NEWSPAPERS I No Names Ware Given by tha Teatl fylng Witness, Nor Old the Senate Committee Ask for Them Washington.—The charge that the International Typographical Onion ex ercised a censorship over part of the American presa waa made before the Ue aenate newsprint Investigating committee by ft- J. MoCone, general manager ot the Buffalo Commercial. Called upon for a specific Instance ia support of his charge, Mr. He- Cone declared that only four news papers printed last October certain parts of albert Oary'a testimony be fore the senate steel Investigating ' committee, and that the Buffalo News after putting the story In type was forced to change It under pressure from the union's shop chapel. Although the witness htated that only four newspapers were free of union censorship, he did not give the names, nor did members of the com | mlttee aak for them. Supreme Court Recesses Without Deefding Prohibition Amendment Waahlngtoa.—The supreme court has recessed until May 17. without haadlag down a decision on the con. ■Mtutlonality of the prohibition amendment or the enforcement act Anti-Saloon League Har Stamped Approval Upon Seven Candldatee / r * Wsatervllle. OU».«-The Anti-Saloon League of AmWnca. through Dr. B. Baker, Its general superintendent, placed lta etamp of approval on seven presidential candldatee. They are Hoover. Wood. Lowden. McAdoo. Unshoe. Potadexter and Bryan. Highest Cost of LNlng Prevails In Cities ot Detroit end Norfolk Washington —Cost of living figures ta feuHeen American cltlee. obtained . hr the deaartmaut of labor for De cember. till, aa compared with D» } eeaaher. Hit. put Detroit at tha top of thp wltb an inoreaae of 101 per Vgb. make s*ooo4 wtffe U7. that you can feel in a very short time. Just ask your druggist for Acid Iron Mineral. He will also tell you that stomach troubles are relieved by talc ing a spoonful in a glass pf water 1 three times a day. And for acute ( conditions like "sour stomach" etc., | a single dose will in most cases bring relief. This natural form of iron seems to neutralize the excess acid in the ' stomach as nothingelse in all medicine. t Stomach disorders of long standing j where the patient is subject to dis tress aftereating, gulping, headaches, dizziness, etc., positively to steady treatment with Acid Iron Mineral. And dop't forget that the general system is strengthened and invigor ated owing to the iron content of thia great, medicine. All druggists cheer fully refund the purchase price if the results are not satisfactoiy to you in every way. j&rsham Cabiut Shop N*l Door to Moon's Garage Furniture Repaired. Make Old ,Look Like New. I Picture Framing. Upholstering A Specialty, I & ALL KINDS of CABINET " WORK. W. B. QUAKENBUSH, GRAHAM, N- C. "ALL 0. K, i FOR THE BLOOD" Is Wba! a Citizen tf Geoffli Sap if ZIRON, the New Iraa Telle. Iron is needed by the Mood to keep men and women strong arid healthy. Iron Is needed by the nerves to keep thea. toned up. Ziron, the new Iron tonic, will put iron into your blood aad should h«!p renew your fagged nerve forces la tM way it has done it for many others. Read what Mr. j. R. Bell, Rt. 2, Oconee, Oa.. says about the effects of Ziron: "1 think Ziron Is all O. K. for the Wood. That was what I have been taking It for— my blood. I liked Ziron so wen that 1 went back to the store and got two mora bottles of it" Ziron Is a combination of a pore medi cinal inorganic iron salt, mentioned in the U. S. Pharmacopeia, with thehypophos phites of lime and soda, and other valu able tonic ingredients, endorsed aad re commended by the best medical authori ties and mentioned la the medical text ' -oks. All druggists sell Ziron on a money ck guarantee. Look for the formula the label. Oet a bottle today, aad eit a fair trial. Your Blood Needs KlttOHl in tbctjeet—rat of If. N MU M Tmtr, *to«»ocni, Itcfc. rtt Vayf JI Don't become dtveouraged W- M /1 " MUM odw treat mean (ailed I f\l /I II H«M»«'esal»el»aarrfW»»dl>uo- V B / I n ditds dt -ck cm. *•""»« / I lot* on oar Mrnnmy &mmm w rX/ I Ul CwaranfM.TrrhttOWrkk I hi TODAY. Plica ?Sc at qi GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, K GRAHAM, N. C. 5 Washington.—Oa a «to TSto, MM mmOttr shaai&BiipahMoonjrni^r^ itter nM legislation la kt hosae nXjU uw committee loot their igM feral* peroeat levy, ntnwtlM to last Hare* 11. Lost Llvlna Bx-Vle* Prssldaa* Dead at Rip* A#s sf Ninety*!* PoHkkNfril, K. T.~Levi P. Mor too, lonur vise >mlll»t of UM Unit ed fltatee and! former foremor of New Tork State, bi at kta home, Bllers- 1 11a. Rhtaabook-on-tha Hudson on Us Mth anniversary of his birthday. Btsaaiteaaa nf MtoSS ® rUrxniifr wT vvHiov n»»on nMS Bseome Km Ownar sf 1,000 Heueee i Ifllford Baren, Wales.—MaJ. H. J. P. Tkosuo, by purskaslsf this saaslds roeart at amotion tor |I,WO,OOS, ba aossaa the sosssssor of a thousand kossaa, three ■unri. a eaetle, a Manor houss sad Dm right 10 nostra market tolls from tks part of Mllford. Ssirthar>> Stat** Load the Nation In Registration sf Autsmobltss Now Tork. awstm false in regis trattoa of antemehaes war* shown In flte Sostkarn Stats a. tks National Aa taaoM* obuiksr of Ootnmarea re- Sorts la a rorlsw of tks automobile In dnatrr tor last y*ar. Nsrtk Carolina ladT all Btates in tka »srssats#s at gain is rscistalton with W far aant Seteth Carolina shewed tka seoond largast sain with U psr eeat. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freesooa . costs only a few cants. > Don't suffer 1 A tiny bottle of Freezont eosts but a few cents at any drug store Apply a few drops on "the corns, calluses and "bard skin" on bottom of feet and then lift thm off. When Free zone removes aoans from the toes or calluses from the bottom of the feet the skin beneath is left pink and healthy and never sore, tender or irritated. 24 EGOS FROM 28 HENS Mississippi Woman Had No Eggs for Four Months. Hens Now Laying Regularly. "I wish to pratae Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Prescription to Poultry Raisers. 1 have 28 hsns and had no eggs from them lor over 4 months. After I fad thsm one and one-half packages of your pre scription 1 gathered over 2 dozen eggs from them. This la a positive fact, and I advise all poultry raisers to use Dr. LsOear's Poultry Pre scription, if they wish their hens to lay. I '—-Miss Carlina Freeman, Hsr riston, Miss. Dr. LeGear'a advice and a few pennies wisely spent have made lay ers ont of loafers. You can obtain the asms results. Get a package of Dr. LeGear's Poultry description from your dealer. Use it as directed. It is a tonic which builds up tha strength and vitality of hens, with out overstimulating or injuring the '•gg producing organs. If results an not entirely satisfactory, return tits empty carton and receive a refund i& D - timely Lecture at ChiKtisqu * i flit Nf fldsj Hat Imlihhil is tks Wait" Dr. Ellis is a war eorreeporideat Sal Journalist who is wilHag to sUke Ms reputation oa the outcome of his llction*. The rsssoa for his snatsssftj ualyses of world poUUes lies is tie fact that he is a keen observer at M> kaad of the conditions which underlie the problems that be analyze*. Ik 1 . Ellis' experiences duriag the War live a fairly good idea of his Irst-haad knowledge of the thiaga be talks about. He went Ave times thrash the sab marine sons; worked en six battle fronts; was nader Ire front China to Fraaos and Egypt; covered between If tesn and twenty tbousaad milse in Russia under the revolutionist* aad Bolsheviks; Interviewed the Saltan ef Turkey; traveled screes Asia Miaor to a box car; iatervieved Hm- Ums. and Christiaas, to PalsMtaai saw the Armenian destitution far kismlf; watched the intrigue* .of the Great Powers ef ths Levnni; aad taked with hundreds of failßW-Anerieaae afl tow ths East. Dr. Ellis knows, frees iret-fesad ex rwisasea. that the H*ar,laet to'tW t*«m aeater of the ssrth, aad he wfl| teU tha whole trstk about what ttoto ""dirt— *"** to Aaeriea. Graham May 22-27 Yon Can Can That Bsdtacfce. Polo along the back, OxHnees, keartsebe > sad teoaerai languor. Get a package of I Mother Glare Australia Leaf, the pleasant ! root sad herb cure for KMaey, Ifleflilrr snd Urinary trouble*. When roa faal *ll run down,' tired, weak and without easssr 1 sse this ressaifcabte eoaMaatlon of aatars. 1 beibs aad root*. AM a regulator it hae n* i lual. Mother Ofay's Australian-Leaf is ■old by Druggist* or seat by mall Cor MeM w • Jas. H. Rich W. Ernest Thompson Bich 2 Thompson Funeral Directors and Embalmers MOTOR AND HORSE DRAWN HEARSES Calls answered anywhere day or night Day 'Plione No. 86W Night 'Phones W. Ernest Thompson 2502 | J a*. H. Rich 54H-W 1 Used 4Q Years • CARDUi J Tbs Wontso's Tonic 2 0 Sold Everywhere Z •Wiifiii If Burned Out Would Your Insurrnce Pay (be Loss? fiamine yonr Fire Insurance Pol icy and see if yon carry enough Insurance. Prices of materials are very high and yon would be a very heavy loser in case of fire. We can protect yon from anoh loss. Qraham Real Estate Co. P*hOHC (44 GRAHAM* N. C Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY, la the Superior Court, Otis Kernoble vs. Rosa Lee Kernodle. The defendant above named will take notice that nn action entitled as Above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamanee county, North Carolina, to divorce the plaintiff above named, Otis Kernodle, from Rosa Lee Ker nodle, the defendant, on the grounds of desertion aqd adultery; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county on the 7th day of Jane, 1920, at the court honse' in said county and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in Baid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 22nd day of April, 1920. D. J. WALKER, C 8. C. A. H. King, Att'y. 29apl4t MR CHILDREN ORLY swMsass _ It looks* ss thof the*boys~aad gMsr ,wsre gois* U hare th* beet of the mod ssrawssxr*® iggjevattarsays jnsaMlea esosl, wtth JotaeT new sssg% atoMt, aad stosto. Aad thee the leat hfteraooa looks fstosr to net what they hsve kaew MMf tor to lose a real Mewa.' They say that JoDv>ofly wtl to sat •S7 aoaee of the fussiest things yeW ever saw. Oneos none of the jeenv stor» win niss that par* sf the fn-' Aad when Idee KBzabeth Rehsrto esses oa after MB* Polly they woat Stops either. lOm Betorto kaews the soafs aad nadlur that the ehfl-l drsa'Bce tost. Ttodkjfirea wffl wSat toctostoyjJ afteeaeoeunta they re "A Wether Ooeee Party- hy the soass ssrstlsss too. Jack aad JIB, Bo- Peep, little Boy Bine, Hneptp waiS , tsir w,n *—. If anybody but a ehUd hae read thle tof there last aay toobt het that he wlll-tosl hs is stffl ysetec ess# to fjff thie afterasiM eiedha Is,lea. Graham, May 22r2T1

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