'=== THE GLEANER '• S' 'II »■ , ..I. "I IBStJKD IVEBY THUBBDIT. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. rhe editor will not ba responsible for irlews expressed by correspondents. In tared at the Postoßo* at Graham. M. a, as sseond olass matter. GRAHAM, N. C., June 24,1920 BIG DAMAGE BY HAIL Kington, Lenoir county, was near the center of a most destruc tive hailstorm Wednesday after : noon. Wayne and Pitt, adjoin ing counties, were also hard hit. •The damage is estimated to be |l around four million dollar* by latest account*. Three townships K in Lenoir had their- crops almost completely obliterated. Farms up to 760 acres bad everything in the g • way of crops completely destroy ed. Tobacco, cotton and corn gj fields were completely destroyed. On one farm'alone the loss is esti- P mated at SIOO,OOO. SECOND PRIMARY The next primary will bo hold oil B»tarlay, July 3r.1. The con teat will be between Hons. Camer on Morrison and O. Max Gardner for Governor; Messrs. Baxter Durham and James P. Cook for State Auditor j and Jndfe B. F. Long and W. P. Stacy for Asso ciate Justice of the Supremo Court. The North Carolina delegation to the National Convention, it seems, are for MoAdoo, notwith standing he has announced that he is not a candidate. It also ap peaza that there are many dele gates from othe# States that insist on being for McAdoo. If tho peo ple want him, and appearances indicate they do, it is not believod MoAdoo will turn a deaf ear and flatly refuse. Republican candidate for Presi dent Warren G. Harding so far ha* failed to arouse any notice able enthusiasm, nor has his party papers had much of praise in his behalf. Ills nomination appears to have wet-blanketed the hopes of his party. > The Democratic National Con vention meets ia San Francisco Monday, 88th, to namo a candi date for President. p Typhoid Fever and How to Prevent or Reduce Us Appearance. Typhoid fevor in an acute com municable disease due to the pres ence, first in the intestinal canal a'nd later in the blood of the sick penon of a living moving germ, microscopic iu size, called the bacoillu* typhosus. It is dis tinctively a (11th disease that in a great majority of instances gains entrance into the body through taklngfood or drink contaminated with aoine bodily discharge from a person who- either has or has had It. Certain persons have the rtlsnssn and recover from all sytnp touts of it bnt continue either tegularly or intermltcntly to dis charge the germs from their bodlee. As witft all tho communi cable diseased is most often con tracted from the least suspected penon, place or thing, bucause the amount of huiuau excrement necessary to convey it is so small aa to be unrecognized by the ordi nary aenaee. The typhoi 1 deatli rate is said | to be the best index of the sanl- I tary Intelligence of a community. Aa the health of the State at i latgo ia governed by the health of I the Individual members of its ( population, it ia therefore evident 1 that public health la largely a matter of jieraonal responsibility Aa an individual who should Ire proud o( his citizenship in this State, what are you doing about the conditions which are respon sible for the shameful typhoid * situati&n? You may ask what you p can do, In reply to which it may be aaid that you may do much by t- precept and example. First: as a £ precept, lend your moral support |> to the activities of the State de ft partment of health iu iu cam palgn for aanltary closets and I typhoid vaccination. Second: as ¥ an example, have uothlng les> | than a modern sanitary privy on I any occupied property you may | own and take typhoid vaccine a» W, a protection against tho chance ol Infection from, some insanitary p privy belonging to someone else P who lias leas Intelligence and de- Preo prevention is offorod by I tho Bt*tc, and a list of appoint ed menta is given olaewhere ror those who wish to be vaccinated against Catarrh Caaaet He Cared feffl IflLal »lesa»e. crrsUr InHueacMl by eoaitltu Bat condlt one, and In order to eura it you EST take an InMrnal remedy. Hall'a O* Kirk Med trior U Urkrn Internally and aete ■rathe blood on auesua aarfkee of the 1 ■fijr Hall'a Cstarrh Modl'lne WU WCT br one ot ike beat phyatetaaa In thl« Earrrorrrsni. Ilia composedoftooMor REaettonlce known, oomblnsd with aoaie HICbMt D.ood partner*. The perfect com the Ingredients In Ban.» '"..iftrrh Bs |e What produc« «K-h wonderlul Bte tatarrhal 00. dlUooa. S,-IHI (Or * CO. Props., Toledo, O, PUa for oooaUpaUon. fll&stimates place toe annual loss 10 the South ou sweet potatoes! KllLLo GOVERNING WHO'S WHO CONTEST. Any person is eligible to con test for the gold" prizes except those connected with this paper. Jnst write yonr answers in the blank spaces under each question. The person getting the largest number of correct answers will be given $lO in gold. The next best answer will win $5.00. The prize money is on deposit in Tiie Citi zens Bank. In event of ties the gold prizes will be doubled, *, If you don't know, ask and find out. Get the information any way you can, but two or more per sons must not combine (o create ties. Such combinations are not permissable. After you have answered all the questions or as many as you can, write your name and address on the margin of the page and send it to The Alamance GJeaner, ad dressed "Who's Who Editor." Don't ask for information at this office. No one here knows the answers. Incomplete firm names and in complete auswers will not be counted as xieing with complete Arm names and complete answers. Get your answers right. All answers to be counted must bo In The Gleaner Office not later than Friday, noon, July 9. The "Who's Who" page will be run again July 1, and complete an swers and prize winners' names will be printed Thursday, July 15. If you don't win you will learn much about your local business men, which alone will be worth the time and trouble of entering the Contest. A sudden attack at night of some form of Bowel Complaint tnsy come to anyone. Every family should be provided with a bottle of Dr. BETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM. Warranted by Farrell-Hayes Drug Co., Gra ham, N. C. * - Southwest Alamance. • " Cor, of The 0 leaner. We are having some much needed rain for the growing crop 9, but is uot so weli for the grain that is ready to harvest. Some has been harvested and all is about ready. Gurney Murray and Zora Lin ens of Kimevile were married Saturday. Here's wishing them a long, happy and prosperous mar ried life. A very good crowd attended second Sunday services at Mt. Zion. A number of teachers who ex pected to attend Summer School at Chapel Hill were disappointed when their application was turned down on account of not being able to get board and rooms, as every available place was filled to over flowing long before the opening. I think Alamance should give her teachers at least a two weeks' In stitute for. the benefit of those who are turned dowu for lack of room. Msxieaa Klddlea "Shoot High." Geometry, soology, meteorology and botany are taught na early aa the flrat grade In tt>e achooli of the stats of Chihuahua. Mexico. The atudy of theae sciences Is simplified In the early atages, but there la little attempt to "sugar coat" the hard facts. A visitor to s second grade classroom recently found ths pupils—none mors tlisn eight years old—glibly discussing rhombusses, rhomboids, trspesolds end parallelograms. Whonerer their teach er oaked a question s thicket of llttls, waving srms went upward. When ths history period wss celled, considerable emphasis was plsced on ths vsrious kings thst ruled the Tol> tecs, the sborlglnal Inhabitants of Ails part of Mexico. Ths children hsudled ths sndsat Indlsu proper nsmes with surprising esse. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance Coiftfff!' Is the Saprrlar Court. W C. Thurston, Plaintiff, 8. It. Thompson, l^ofendunt. The defendant above named will take notice that the plaintiff above named has caused summons to be issued against hi in, and has Hied a complaint against said de fendant, and in said complaint hits asked the Court for a judg ment in favor of plaintiff and against defendant, In the sum of 16,442.52. That said claim is baaed upon Ihe alleged failure of tho 'lefeiidaul to ship and deliver to plaiulifT certain cotton of Ihe kind and qualify alleged to have been purchased by the plaintiff from the defendant, and a conse quent loss to the plaintiff of the amount above sued for. At lhe time of the issuing oi «ald summons, the plaintiff sued out, and I hero WHS issued by the Court a warrant ot attachment directed to the Sheriff of Gnilford county, North Carolina, which warrant of attachment »h* duly levied by aaid Sheriff of tluilford county upon 10:1 bales of cottou ueld by tho Greensboro Ware honae A Storage Company of Gull ford county, North Carolina, be longing tw defendant and stored in said Warehouse A Storage Com pany lit the name of defendant. Said suinmoua and warrant-of attachment, by order of this Court continuiug the original re turn day, have beon made return able Monday, July 19, 10 O, and tho defendant is required to ap pear and anawer or demur to the complaint on aaid return day, or the relief demanded will I* granted. Done at office In Graham, this the 11th day of Jnne, 1980 D. J. WALKER, Clerk Superior Court. Parkor A Long Atty's. I7june4t RemsrkaMe Bank Growth is 20 Yean. Name the Alsmsnce County Bank which shows the moat remarkable •growth of any like Institution la thla section. Starting M yews ago with a capitalization of SO,OOO, later increasing to SIO,OOO, tfcaa on up to $90,000, auH now the directors have authorised an Incraaae to $116,000, Just 25 times Its original capital dock. Name the cashier, who since Ha organization baa been the controlling business factor of the bank. Name president and give telephone number. Deposits In this bank now aggre gate alinoet three-quarters of a million. Name date of organization of ttlate Bank which this bank succeeded. Name the moat advertised talking machiss in the world, sad give ■«■■« of drug store handling nine; and name a business connection which place* this store In a cfaus with 8,000 other ttnt-ckm drag, stores and marks it as a distinct leader. This is a store of service, whether In the compounding of prescriptions, the dispensing of drug sundries, or the serving of 000 l fountain drinks and refreshments. Name the manager and give telephone No., nnd name a candy famous since IMi, sold exclusively by this drug store." Recreation and Amusement. Name and locate one of Qnbani's principal recreation and amusement resorts, patronised by young men, middle aged men and sometimes eld erly men, and which is equipped with the most v modern furnishings for the purposes Intended. Comfortable, easy lasts arc provided for spec tators and a specially designed lighting system both day sad night for patrons. Cigars, tobacco and soft drinks are features. Nsme proprietor. Modern Stylish Furniture. If you wanted tbe moat modern and the moat stylish of houaa-funitail ing goods of any description, whether It be for a home complete, a apart room, or a apecial piece for an odd comer here or there, what flna would you call on and feci that you were receiving a "aquare deal"? A com plete line of summer furnlablnga await your Inspection at thla (tore. Give telephone number ond name of manager, and the "Phonograph with a Soul," handled by tbla firm" Graham's Sanitary Market. The utmoat care aliould be exercised In the purchaae of freah meat and fresh flali auppllea In hot weather. Proper care sad refrigeration are ab solutely essential to the health of meat consumers at all times, but more especially In Ibe heat of aummer. Name Graham's leading meat market provided wltb all these essentials. Aire name of proprietor and the tel ephone number. This concern opens July Ist with a complete line of fancy groceries and produce. Dry Goods-Ladies' Furnishings. Give tbe name of tbe prngreaalve Graham merchant offering an ex ceptionally flne line of dry gooda, notions and ladlea' furnlablnga of tbe lietter kind, Including millinery, at prlcea that cannot ha excelled in the larger I owns and cities. Maine the leading shoe for women and a nation ally ad rrrtlaed coraet handled exclusively by this store. All ladles are invited to visit this store and Inspect stock and values. "Get The Royal Tailored Look." If yoil want to be classed with the well dressed men of the community, you will "Oct the Royal Tailored Look." Name the local represents tlvi a of the Roysl Tailor* 01 New York and Chicago, who are distinctive ly leaders in the men's wearing apparel line. Name Uie manager, locate (be •tore. Xante the leading brand of men's shoes hsndled by the firm. Plumbing and Electrical Work. Name sud locate the leading plumbing snd electrical establishment of Graham, where la addition to s full line of plumbing snd electrical equipment of every kind, contract construction work In both lines is glveu prompt sttention. Name the Mazda lamp handled by this firm which Is the seme of lighting perfection. Housekeepers should ssk for a demonstration of the Ape* Suction Sweeper. Graham's Beat Restaurant. Name and kx*te Graham's meat popular restaurant, where the best food la aervrd at popular prices, and when- aervke ia the watchword. The old home style of conking pre valla at thia restaurant, and there Is noUdng "skimpy" sbout the qusntity served. You get your money'a worth every time. Name the proprietor. "There's None So Good." There art cola drink* and nib drinks. but then Is oae cola drink of which may be aaid. "Thetv's None So Good", bottled in Graham aad el tenaively a..ld here. In Hurllngtoa aad throughout Abunsace couaty. Name thia driak. the concern hottllng'lt. gtve proprietor's nanae aad phone number, and doa't forget to give your dealer an order for a cans or two for the home ice box Eg#* are trtirr ami Iln-riforr high. No *is the lime n*e ReeVr's Wore EKK Tonic —two dollar park as* lor 11.00. I Tjunetf C. T. I'mirr, Ja. WANTED —Man with "team or auto who cu gire bond to sell 137 Watkios home and farm product*. Higge-i ooncern ol kind in "mid. • 1,600 to 15,000 ywit income. Ter ritory in thin count? open. Write today.' J. R Wtnixs Co . Di pi . 114 Winona, Minn. H)jur«4t Qu yonr county an ainlcnPuri 1 slogan? How's this one: "When you think of Mecklenburg thiik of Jersey a." | Leading Drag Store. , A DMIMIBTBATOBV NOTICE. . j Having anallM aa UaWMw of the! •WMM Mary J. ■tSasa*. linanl. jatall I ZSaaaaea aa—ly, liToTIW Is to aomjr aU PMauaa having tiataas aaMaM she aetata at ■ satd 4 •mani t*exhibit u> ib« iila •lai-ed aa or baton the IMI to ot liar, 'till, or ibis neMae wfll ha plwM to r bar ot tbelr laaavarr. All )imai t»- f' MM to aaM Mtaia will please aaha la ' BUY "DIAMOND DYES'* DON'T RISK MATERIAL | Each package of "Diaaaaat Djraa" eea- I Mm dlristtoM ao simple that tar 1 ,\ woman oah dva omj aaatarial wllM , ha* mm Mt —Tmta |t tw ayel 'Who's Who in Graham? 1 R IN GOLD (tl D V X O FOP Best Answers VP X O $lO First Prl2e-$5 Second Prize Read Roles of Contest Printed Elsewhere To-Day. , * Answers Most Be Filed at Gleaner Office By Hooor Jo*.Bth. 1920 ■ ' J ' " Mast Beautiful Car in America. Name the "Mart beautiful car ID America," and the Graham dealer* who are diatributora of thfa fltoe car. Locate the parage, wbieb is oue of the beat equipped in Alamance county; jive name of local mil linger, tel ephone No. and name of another flue ear bandied by tlifa Arm. -■ ' ' ■ J- V- ■■ , - ' '' "* . . - —V • " Makers of Happy Homes. Name the buaineaa house of Qraham specializing in the "Making of Happy Homea". The Arm who brings joy and comfort-to tho newly weds, the aettied family, and to the aged, by making living conditions tolerable;and who will perform the last required servlcg. for you when ~ you have cost aside all home cares. Locate the Arm, give lines of i>usi DM* and telephone No. This is the home of the Claxtonola. Name the kitchen cabinet sold here, and known as "The Best Servant In the House!" • ° . ■ - Home of Cut-Rate Tires. - Name the Arm of tire dealers in Graham, give proprietors' names anil telephone number where many leading makes of high-grade guaranteed tires are sold at cut rates, and where vulcaniiiing—tbc kind that "sticks"— is satisfactorily done, and repairs made on short notice. A fidl line of accessories. V S • ■ - - _■ J '• V '' Name and locate the nice modern store of Graham and give name of proprietor, patronized by the discriminating ladles of .the town, and name • corMt with a reputation for general excellence handled exclusively by this store. This is headquarters for fine millinery nnd ladies' ready-to wMur garments of quality, and remember thai.you can do as well or better at this-store than In the large city. Fashion's latest creations are to be found here. * '>. . ~ Leading Feed Store.. . ~ Name Graham's leading dealer in feed stnffs and locate place of busL . ness, where you will always And the best In stock feed of all kinds. Name the high grade corn meal manufactured and sold to the trade of Graham and vicinity, arid which you are buying If you are interested in building »fp your town commercially and Industrially. Give telephone' number. Are distributors for lledmont Patent and Argua Self-Rising Hours. Name sod locate tlie largest and best grocery store ill Qraham. Name the manager and give phone number. Remember, this is the store of "Quality" table supplies, both in the fancy and etaplc grocery line, as well M fine country produce. While you hare the phone number in mind Just call us and give an order which will receive the same prompt attention as an 6rder in person. Plumbing And Tin Work. If you wanted • Job of plumbing, roofing, tin or sheet iron work done on short notice, and properly and satisfactorily executed, or if you want ed any kind of repair work done in this line, or if In need of guaranteed tobacco flues, what reliable Arm could best supply your needs? Locate shop and give name of proprietor. , Graham's Sanitary Grocery Name and locate that nice, neat, sanitary grocery, patronized largely by the discriminating house keepers who want the best when it couifs to hnyiag table supplies, whether it be fancy or heavy staple groceries or selected countiy produce. Name the proprietor and give phone number. The Farmw't Friend. Name the progressive hardware firm of Graham. and give name of, the manager, who I* regarded aa tbe real friend Of all the farmers of South era Abmaoee through having supplied them with dependable farming implement* and farm machinery or* high oriler. Name "The Heat Range Built Tor Kamlljr Use" and known aa a great fuel aaver handled by the Arm. Olve telephone No. 48,000 Viva million on it to KILL COLDS^L HUTS QUININE The Ladies' Store. Graham's Best Grocery. Town Taxes! 1 hare been appointed Tax Col lector for tbe town cf Qrabain and tbe book a ham been placed in my banda. I have been directed to collect all ! delinquent taxes withr ut delay. See in* and aave coeta. Yon can see me at tbe Sheriff a office in tbe court bonae. , Tbia April 27, 1920, BOYD R. THOLINQKR, j2fepltf Tax Collector. Break your Cold or LaGfippe with few doses of 666 Doubles Resources in Two Years. Name the popular banking institution of Graham, the resource* of which are aboutten times the capital jtock, and which numbers among its officers, directors and stockholders a number of the county's most progressive citizens- Name the secretary, who In leas than two yeftrt __ has more than doubled the banks resources by bis conservative manage ment. Name the president of the bank and just remember that rhis is the bank which |rants all wishes of its customers, provided they are In keep ing with sound banking principles. Give bank's telephone No. l . i'*/'-"- "•' . / *- . : "Crack indjoe." , "Crack" and "Joe 11 , two Alamance boys, popular merchants, known by everybody, opeifate one of Graham's largest department stores. Any thing In the way of drjr goods, notions, men's and women's ready-to wear of the better kind; shoes, etc., that comes from "Crack" and "Joe's" must be rigtit or they will make it right. Nfcme the firm and tell in what public building their store is located. Name the Virginia .made shoes, for . men and women, noted for their long-wearing qualities, handled exclu-* •ively by this firm. Beat the Other Fellow to It- Name the high-grade chocolate candy "the other fellow will send her if you don't," and the well known and reliable drug firm of Graham who are exculslve sales agents for same. This is a real prescription store where medicines are accurately compounded by registered pharmacists, and where service is the watch word. Name the manager and give tclephone.No., and don't forget that you are invited to use this phone freely when in need of anything in the dragline. ~ Welds Anything Weldable. Name and locate' the Graham iron working firm that specialises in welding and brazing the "Nu-Way", and is Specially prepared to look after broken parts of machinery, welding anything that is weldable, the acetylene way Q giving equal strength and durability to broken parts. Give name of proprietor of this shop, who is an expert mechanic, and can guarantee perfect satisfaction. Who's Your Grocer. Who is ypur grocer? Name and locate the store noted for the general excellence 'of its goods. Carrying, at all times a complete and varied as sortment of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and produce. This Is a clean, sanitary store, and, if your groceries and table supplies come from this establishment, you need never worry over their purity. Give tele phone number, and remember, telephone orders are given the same pains taking care as personal orders. Ready to Buy Your Wheat. Name the large merchant milling concern of Graham, give name of manager and the name of the high-grade flour, noted for its purity and excellence, manufactured. You arc buying this flour and using it if you are interested in the material welfare and future growth of your town. This firm is prepared to pay farmers the highest market price for their wheat. Give telephone number anil name the self-rising flour made by this mill, the use of which means a saving of (4.70 on the barrel to the consumer. Real Estate, Loans, Insuranoe. Name the Graliam firm, locate their office, apd give the telephone num ber, which is best prepared to look after your realty transactions, either in buying, selling or exchanging, loans money on improved real estate, and can supply you with all sorts of general insurance, life excepted, underwritten by the best and strongest insurance companies in the world. Name the president and secretary-manager Superior .Cabinet Work. Name the Graham cabinet maker and name and locate his shop, who, when it comes to classy work in his line, will ifbt take his hat off to any man in North Carolina. The working over of antiques is a specialty at this shop. Fine furniture repairs, upholstering and the re finishing of costly pianos and furniture are specialties, and the work is guaranteed to be satisfactory. ' Leading Barber Shop—Shower Baths. Name and locate the leading barber shop in Graham, and name the proprietors, where, in addition to getting the very best work in the ton sorial line, you can have a shower bath with hot or eold water at any time the shop is open. This shop is splendidly equipped and wonld do credit to a town many times Graham's size. Graham's Modern Store. Name Graham's largest and moat up-to-date department store, carrying the largest and most vAtied lines of men's and women's ready-to-wear goods, notions, shoes, millinery, etc. In {act, everything the well dreas ed man or woman might need, and at prices as low or lower than'can be obtained at other like stores. Name tbe proprietor and gire the tele, phone t , % MI THE LBGMUTVRB. To the Voters of Alamance County: | I hereby announce myself a cau date for Representative in the Gen eral Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic party in Alamaace county. ' Very respectfully, -Oapltf W. E. HAY. For Sale. Two wagons, two 2-han*. car riage* one set doable wagM kar- 1 ness, three seta double carriage bar- I ness. W. 0. Moan, - 3june4t Giahata, N. C.JI CASTOR IA For Tirfsnts and Children hi Um For Over 30 Years Frock For Hire. Let as do your hauling of tftay kind, moving, etc. Have a new track. Terms reasonable. BKADSBAW A FULLER, Phone 650. Graham, N.Cf, f ■ -• - -■ •

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