•*; - • ■ # CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE to Yssrs Afo, Tkkkng Ske Might Die, SeygTensWy, B«t Now SU Is a WsD, Str«f Woauo mi Prut. Cuim Fsr > Her Recovery. Royse Ctty. Tex.—Mrs. Mary Klf man, of tW» ««r«: "After the birth of my little girl.. .my si da com menced to hurt me. X bad to go back to bed. Wo called the doctor. He pleated me...but I cot no better. I C»t worse and worse until the misery was unbearable...l was In bed tor throe month* and Buffered such agony that I waa Just drawn up In a knot... j X told my bnfband If ha would get ma a bottle of Cardul I would try K... 1 CBHimenoed taking It, however, that evening I called my family about me... for I knew X oould not laat ■ear days anises I bad a change Mr HEED OF ISSN! HCIMG A CONTEST Hf ' * ' 1 1 •TATE CONVENTION DECLARED HIS PLAOE ON OBLIGATION » .TO BR VACANT IQUESTION OF JURISDICTION Delegation of Cengreeelonal Conven tlen Hectored Hl* Nam* a* Dele, fata to San Frenelcoo. flea frauclsco.—A contest over th* ■eating of UnlUd Statec Senator Jamce A. Reed, of Missouri, as dele gsU. and raoommendatlons for a com plete change la party a* aa to es tablish deAaltely th* ctalus of womei la th* party organisation, probably win com* before the democratic na tional oommltte* at tu meeting here prepareLery to the national conven tion, party executives eaid. Th* Rood contest possibility da- XPioped whan it wa* learned the sena tor had bee* reetored aa a delegate at • ooavcatio* of th* Sftti Mleeourl f oonffra*sl*nal district delegates, after his aaaie h*4 bee* throws out and his ptaoo deolasred vacant by a sute eon trMftoa- Th* question la one of ]u rledletloc between the state and die trlct convonUcas^ 1 Bpldemlo of Influenxa la Spreading In Japan; 118,000 Deaths Occur. Ev Tokyo—Ths infiqeasa epidemic baa •main appeared In Japan *pd Is ■WgailSP throughout th* c out try. The ■ MM WMNF •( OWN since th* aaal mt flrst broke out tat year Me MMhed MM,*O6, of which 118,68* M|m K|^c ■ ■■ "f Matlenattet Tr V** //' Bfl*S4Mh( tl* OWIRan Refugee*. Loadga>A OMuHSttaoaie message Motived & tte W*tUy Hep*»«h. re- MPtt fltl thp American e*oot a car MBit waa catered by aatloaalletc %oepa oC Muatapka Ketnal Peek* Civilian refbgeec there were mar 6*n4, th* m*a*ag* adds. in M Bituminous Coal la Inereaelng Very Perceptibly. Washington—B turn lneus eoal pro duettos during the week* ended June U deaahed the hlgheet level alnoe the fcf« Mt "ir •* the strike of railroad The oat put thus far In 19*0 it SS.- •04,040 toaa ahead of that for the •aae period last year. Five Railroad Men Are Oonvlcted of a Violation of the Lever Act. boa Angeles. Calif.—Five guilty. II not guilty add a disagreement as to IS, was the report returned by the |a*jr hearing tha case of .*1 railroad • men tried la the United Hiatal dis trict court here on charges of violation 4tf tha Lover act through alleged par tlcipatlon in the awttcbmen'l strike More Japanooe Troope Are Being Bent to Nlkolalevak, Is Reported. Honolulu. T. H/—The Japaneae wa* office haa announced that It will eend additional troops to Nlkolalevak, ac-! ' cording to a Tokyo cablegram to the Nlppa JIJI. Japaneae language news-! paper. A number of Japanese soldiers ; and civilians wore killed at Nlko- : laiovsk by boisharikl last wlatar. Boveral States in Northwest Are In Revolt Agslnst the Old Orde*. Spokane, Wash.—The statoo In tho northweet corner of the union are in revolt asalnst tho old order of polltlca. It looks as If the non-partisan league, composed largely of farmers, tha trinle alliance, which iacludea . tamers and laborers, tho worker*' ooa-partisan league, the committee of forty-eight, and other Independent or ganisations would capture Wisconsin, Minnesota, parts of Montana and Waahington in the fall elections No Immediate Ruling Expected Cither or or Agalnet Palmar. •' Columbus. Ohio.—Justice William H D*y, associate Justice of the r United States supreme court, aa- Br MUieed that It probably would be K several days before ho would make Be a ruling on tha bearing of aa applies [thai tor a restraining order eajoin iim Attorney Oeneral Palmer from Kswaocntion of the alleged profiteering Kmmo against C. A. Wood and Co. and flohuKsabch Co., Buffalo. N. T„ ■ | : ; naiiy Newspapers Will Organise For Co-operative Paper Buying. S' : ' How York. One hnadred tha better. That waa tlx years ago and I am still here and am a well, strong woman, and I owe my life to CarddL I had only taken half tha botCi when I began to fort better. The misery in my side got less... 1 continued right oa taking the Cardul until I had taken three bottles and I did not need any more for I waa well and never felt better In my Ufa.... I have never had any trouble from that day to this." Do yon suffer from headache, back* ache, pains In side*, or other discom forts, each month? Or do yon feel weak, nervoua and fagged-out? If so, give Cardai, the woman's tonic, ■ trial. J. n ' paper' supplies and largely depend ent on open market purcbaiee have arranged to" organize the Publlaher*' Purchasing corporation under the law* of Delaware for the purpose of 1 co-operative buying of print paper and paper mill*, It wa* announced Shore. 4a executive committee to car ry on the work with Jason Rogers as chairman, waa elected. ELECTION RESULTS HUE REPORTED OUT MORRISON AND QARDNER MAKE THE RACE OVER IN SECOND PRIMARY ON JULY S JUDGE HOKE IS RENOMINATED A Second Raee for Aeaoelate Justice la Naeeaeary Between Stacy With M,MB Votes and Adams, 55.141 Cameron Morrlsott led O. Max Oardnar 17 votea In the primary of June i, as shown by the official on vmsa made by the Stale beard of elec tions. The tentative totals arrived at aa the result of the official tabulation gave Mr. Morrison a lead of 187, bat It waa found Itare had b*en a clerical error In transcribing the Richmond county vote of 100. Associate Justice W. A. Hoke Is nominated by a majority, the Brown vacancy will be contested for by Btacy and Long. for Slate auditor, Durham and Cook will run it off In the second primary. The official vote for State officers, outside of governor toilers: United States senator, Overman. 84,806; Brooks, 23.869. Lieutenant governor, Cooper, 64,- 225; Harding. 81.606. Auditor, Durham, 6,461; Cook. 17.180; McDonald. 18,478; Boyd 16,427; Woodley, 13,042. Stat* treasurer, Lacy. 83.914; Hen frow. 30,886 Commissioner of labor nod printing. Shlpman. 71,606; Dslliuger, 36.217. Commissioner of agriculture, Ora ham, 06.192; Thompson, 37.646. Insurance commissions!-. Wad*. 76.110; McClansgan. 16.712; Under wood. 16.174. Cor asaoeiate Justloe, Hoke, 69.741; Oulonr 24.164; Oulley. 14.706; Rous*. 10 711; Long, 11.641; Adams, 33.141; Stacy. 64.363. Miee Oraham Appa'nU Proxy. Miss Mary O. Oraham. aaaoclate ■ember from North Carolina of Na tional Domeetlc committees. haa feund It Impossibls to attend the Dem eeratlc National cpnveatloa In San rranctaco on account of her dutlee at Peace institute Mlae Oraham baa ap pointed as her proxy at the oonven- Mon. Mrs. T. Palmer Jerman Mrs. Jerman will leave with the North Car ellna delegate*. : Sentence for Rope Committed An affidavit made on his death bed by the proeacutlag wltaesa' father to the effect that bis daughter was of a very nervous disposition and had at various limes prevlsusly accused men of committing assault upon her when there was no foundation for bor claims, moYed Governor Blckett to commute the 16-yoar seatence agalast R. H Lanier, con He ted of rape la Forsyth county last September. LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF L: «■,. . hurt! Lift any com or 'cull . » off with fingers ilv 8 Don't suffer ! A tiny l.pttleof Kr.cion costs but n few cents at any drug store 1 Apply a few ir»|ieon the corns, callus''* anil "hard skin" on bottom of feet ami I then lift thin off. When Krci-zone rcmovos nouns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of tho feet I lio skin beneath is left pink and health/ and tender orirrilalod. TSe sentence is reduced to It month*, ud tit* prisoner will Ml lib mM In Dtombir, h* ktrlit Jbrred ntoe month* of the torn already. An Appeal to Service Mm Governor Blck*tt ha* IHM4 an ap peal to the service man of tha flute to keep op their gorernmeMt lniur ance. Tha governor requested that hla appeal be given wide publicity. *e as to reach every aervlc* North Carolina. Thla la hla mat sag* In part : "Soldier*, do you believe In ghoet*? I do. In the daytime we hear their whisperings, and at night their shiv erlng figures drive slumber from our There are ghoeta of evil deeds; ghosts of sudden paaslon; ghost* of dead loves and neglected friendships, but the one that haunts us most Is the ghost of a lost oppor tunity." "Many North Carollaa scalers are In danger of hoariag this ghost while around their bedsldM in tholr declin ing years. Soldiers your government holds out to yon a wonderful opport unity. It Is beseeching you to take advantage o ftbe best end cheapest insurance this world haa ever known. Reorgaililng National duard. The reorganisation of the National Ouard which ha* been delayed la thia State on account of the reatrlctlon* placed on the guard by Congreec, will proceed rapidly now, It wa* announced by Aulitant Adjutant General Oordon Smith. In the army reorganisation bill, changes In the regulatlona aaked for by all tbe national guard organi sation* In the country, have been al lowed and a number of conce**lon* have been granted. The minimum strength for each company ha* bean reduced to 50. Danlele la Principal Speaker. Joiephus Daniel*, leoretary of the navy, lAll head the Mat of speakers of national prominence, scheduled to addreii the opening banquet at the Battery Park Hotel, In Aihevllle, of the 14th annual convention of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturer*' Anoclatlou to be held on June 15 and Z«. President Arthur M. Dixon will pre side, while pa*t presidents will give remlhicence*. Cotton manufacturer* with their friends and associates will be weloomed. „srdn*r and Morrison Confidant. Uoth 6. Max Oardaer and Cameron Morrison, leering oandldete* to th* ry« tor governor war* la Ralegh and bald tang conference* with their man ate ra and friends In Raleigh. relative lo the work (or the aacond prinwr. Lieutenant Ooreraor Gardner, etamp ed aa falsa the suggeetlon that ha had an Idea of dropping out of the con test. Ha believe* the official oomat will (how him in th* lead and bellevee tht he ha* an even chaace of letting a majority of the rote* cast 1b the laat primary for Mr. Page. In fact ha haa already had the aasuranoe of a Urge number of/the leadara IB th* P*S* eampalga, saying that they lataad t* vote tor him en the aacond round. Both of the'oandldatee war* hoping that the ratuns would b* officially tabulated by this time, but understood It waa a mighty big job and conse quently would take time. Morrison was lust as confident of being the next governor of North Carolina as aa the Shelby man. He bellevee ha will lead In the first primary, but la not worry ing n great deal about that tor a tow hundred difference In the number of vote* d**s not matt*r on* way or aa other. What he la thinking about now I* the eecond primary en July J. And unices present Indications go awry the campaign between new and primary day la going to be every bit aa hot aa the weather, if not more so. Neither Mdrrlaon or Oardnar like the campaign tactios of the other and after the Srat speech or eo next week then will be a lot to read about News Notes frem Waehlngton. Washington (Social).—the capi tal stock of lha Flrat National Bank of Roxboro has bna Increaaed from 110,000 to 170,044. The oomptrollsr of the currency announoed Vina Brooks hat been appointed poatmaater at Cham bare, Swain county. Instead of Aills Monlleth. reslgsed. Oertrude 11. flegravos has been ap pointed poetmaater at Walthall, Wake oouaty. Instead of O. F. Mllllgan. re signed Esamlaatlona for presidential post masters wIU bo hold July 14 at the fol lowing places In North Carolina: At North W1 Heoehero, for Elkla. Salary f 1,100 par aaaum; at Rocky Moan*, for Whltaker*, oalary 11,600 per a-- ana. Boats Burs at Son Franolooo. North Carolina Domocrate who at tend the San Francisco convention, whether delegates or not. are reasoa ably oerials of being able to got tick ets of admlaeloa to tho hall accordlag to aaaauaoemeat made by Aagas W. McLoaa, Tar Meol national committee maa. la response to laqalrias from the State. Mr. McLean said that ho would bo glad to arraaga tor tickets for Tar Heels wbe go. A bit of advloo about waarlag ap parel la give* by Mr. McLoaa as fol lows: "At laaat two klada of waalhar will ba Monitml upon thla trip Tha trip from North Carolina to tka fool UIH of tha RoeklM will roqulra tha waarlni of HBnir elotklii. whlla tha trip from tka Kooky Mountain# to San Praaelaco. and probably tka May la 8m rranclaeo will raqalra haarlor clothing Thoaa who am wlaa will taka at laaat oaa wtatar autt and a ligkt ovarcoat for wrap." baminatlao far Drufglata. Of a olaaa of It appllaaata for drag (lata Ucanoa auunlaad by tha BUta Board of Pharmacy la Ralaifh. M paaaad tha axamlaaUon aaocaaafatly aad wara awarded llaaaaaa Aatong Uio tarcaaaful applicant! waa oaa womaa. Mlaa Tkaodora Twltty of Raikarfordtoa. aad two nagroaa. Tho following la tha Uat of aaccaaa ful eandldatai: B. U Bradlay. Old Port; H. L Bla aall, Klaatoa; P. H. Kllaa, Kanaapo- Ua; T. O. Cratckßald. Ralalgh; R. E. Ua Oaaa. Bargaw; T. O. KtkaiidTga. Jr.. Waahlagton; W. C. rarrall. Naak ▼llia; P. E. Oarraa (Colors!). High Point; V D. Hocalt. Hlllaboro; U M. lagraai. High Point; W. R. Joknaon. IJunn; V. D. Laa. Durhnaa; T. P. Lloyd. Chapal Hill; A. N. Martin, Roanoka Raplda; P. 0. Malrln. Roar bo ro; A. R Moora. Wllaoa; W. X Mabana. Mabana; J. 8. Plana. Raehy Mount; P. 8. Patraa. Oraaaahoro; 8. H. Prloa, Charlotta; M. B. Phlllipa. Concord; Mlaa Thaodora B. Twltty. Ratharfonßaa; Irrlag Walkar. Raid a -rtUa; H W. Walkar. NoHlna; R. E Wlmbarly (ooiorad), Ralalgh; a 8. Klrby. Jr., Maiioa. iiSt ,i . ...... M'lV'- I"I IBILSIIM I 1 .. mmammmmmim J _' J—i It—t- - g—r "Felt Like Eating" Man and Wife, All Run-Down from Farm Work, Were Greatly Helped by Ziron. WIFE and I, after a turd JY| spring on the farm, were tired apd run-down," aaya lb. B. B. Mulkey, of Routs 1, Acworth, o*. "We neither felt well. I knew my blood wm bad, as 1 had little boll* on the back of my neck. "We felt we needed a builder. We had heard of Ziron and thought it must be what we needed. It certainly was. We took It faithfully, and after a'week or inch a matter we began to feel better. My wife telt like cooking, ;•+•• +++++++++++++++++• ++++++++**++++**+*+*++-H-M« OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not Upon Promisee, but Upon Performance We are Pioneers in Pry Cleaning and Dyeing In Business Since 1830 Prompt Deliveries Send Goods by Parcels Post THE TEASDALE COMPANY 25-427 Walnut Street. CINCINNATI. OHIO For Sale! flflWe have bought the Curry Moore Home Place, and will offer it for sale on easy terms. Possession cafti be given within ten days. A good Q- Koom house, in good condition at a reasonable price. Graham Real Estate Co. 'Phone 544 - Office Next Door to National Bank of AUmance GRAHAM. N. C. Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. la the Heperlnr Court. Before the Clerk. Hurry Goodman, Receiver Gra liitin Motor Car Company, C. M. Gaut, K. W. Laaley, J tiliiiH F. Thompson and Law n-nee A. Thompson. The defendant C. M. Gant, nbovn named, will take notice that an action entitled aa above hat* been commenced in the Su perior Court of Alamance coun ty, to sell the real property Ite lunging to the Graham Motor Cur Company aud the |mrtner shipofC. M. Gant, H. Goodman, and E. W. Laaley, for the pur pose of creating assets to pay debts of the aaid partnership; and the aaid defendant will further take notice that he ia re quited to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, at hia office in Graham, on July Bth, 1820, and* answer or demur to tho pe tition filed in aaid action, or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aaidj complaint. Thia Bth day of J tine, 1820. U J. WALKER, C. 8. C. ] J. J. Henderson, Att'y. 10j4t ! If 7 out property ia advertised for •ale for town taxes, don't blame tbe, tax collector. 1 "' I BOTH R_ TBOUNGKR, j Tax Collector. and J sure felt like eating. "Ziron sure did us good. It made us both feel stronger and better for the fall work, which everyone know* Is *aome work' on.a farm. My bolls began to dry up, though just at first they seemed worse. "We are much better and can highly recommend Ziron,. and gladly do so for it sure did us good." Ziron is a safe, reliable, tonic medi cine, good for men, women and child ren, when an iron tonic is indicated. It Is easy to take, and contains no habit-forming drugs. Ask your druggist or dealer. Sale of Seal Estate. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made iu the Special Pro ceeding entitled Abdoo Coirry VH. Mamie M. Fitch and Iter liUKliand, Bock Fitch, and Callie C. Bureli, minor, hy her guardian, Aim. Nannie V. (lurch, the Mime l>eioj( No. upmi the special proceed ing docket of said court, the undersigned Commissioner* will, on SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1920, at 12 o'clock, M., at the court hotfee door in Orahitm, North Carolina, offer fur sale to the highest bidder for cash, that de tain tract of land ly iix and living in llurlingtnu township, AUmnie.- county, North Carolina, udjoiu in/ the lands of tho North Caro lina Railroad, T. A. Murphy, J. Alex Holt, tho Rolterfon heir* and others, and mom particularly km follow*, to wit: ItepinninK at an iron lx>lt on Railroad street, with eo'ner of T. A. Murphy's lot; the ce S with the line of said Itailroa l street 51J den E 128 feet to a bolt, J,' Alw dolt's corner; thence N 37J de« E 324$ feet to a bolt, Holt's corner; tneoce N 55 deg W 143 feet to .in iron bolt-, corner with T. A. Mur phy; theuce S f'.J ieg W with line of T. A. Murphy 314 feet to the beginning. This 7th day of June, 1020. H. J. STOCKARD. J NO. R HOFFMAN, Commissioners. —For H. 65 you can get both The Progressive Fanner and THIS ALA MANCE Quuxut for one year. Hand or mail to us at Graham and we will see that the papers are sent. ■** HOADS IN SOUTH SHOW NICE PROFIT PARTIAL SUMMARY PUSUBHED BY THS INTERSTATE COM MERCE COMMISSION. A DEFICIT IM EAST MID WEST V The Railroads IK Southern Territory Showed a Net Balance of (2,388,913 After Paying All Expense*. Washington.—Railroads in the east •rn and western classification territo ries sustained a deficit in net income in April, but the roads in the south ern territory had a net balance of 12,388,913 after paying all expenses, according to a partial nummary of op erating revenues and expenses made public by the Interstate Commerce oommisaion. w .. ■•„ , ~i : \ •• Eastern roads fcao a deficit jof 514,- 729,880, after paying aU expenses, in cluding taxes, while the deficit ot-ihe western road! was (3,284/662. Operating revenues in the eastern district were $127,080,772, .and oper ating expenses, $183,167,076. Payments of.taxe; and other fixed charges not Included ; in operating expenses increased the deficits of the eau' era, wiped out the net operating income of the western roads and de creased the net balance of the south ern road*. OVER-ACIDITY al the stomach has upset many a nlgbfsrest. If you* stomach Is add disturbed, dissolve two or three Ki'HOIDS «n the tongue befois retiring and en joy refreshing sleep. The purity and goodness of Ki-moidt guaranteed by SCOTT ABOWNE MAKERS OF 9COTT3 EMULSION CONDENSED NEWS FROK THE OLD NORTH STATE ■OaT NOTES Or DfIIMCT TO Lumberton.—K. M. Barnes, of Lu oertoD, recently sold three bales .ong staple cotton for f1,501.71, or ihe pound. Klnstod.—Edward Huggins, 14, white, drove a truck over a five-year aid colored girl here killing local white youths also suffered brokf' en limbs in automobile accidents., Greensboro. —Without a single die tenting vote the congregation of the First Presbyterian 6hurch has decided to build a new church, w cost not lass than 1260,000. New Bern.—F. O. Engstrum, senior member of the Newport Shipbuilding Company, this city, who have been constructing eon£pte boats for the government, succumbed to an attack of apoplexy at his heme here. Charlotte.—F. C. Berry, playground executive of Minneapolis, Minn., was selected'by the playground commis sion to have charge of the playground system in Charlotte tor the coming year. Asheville.—Dr. A. L. Tompkins and tils wife, Mrs. Tompkins, with Mis* Margaret Qoforth, of this city, will go to Ylang-Ttk, Chi-a, as medical "mis sionaries of the First Baptist church •f this city. Greensboro.—Eddie Fair and Dewey Dodomeade, two white men, the lat ter the night clerk of the European hotel here, were bound over to su perior court charged with the larceny of $740 from the room of a woman guest at the hotel. Spenoer.—Falling 12 feet from a tree to the ground, Master Luther Tarlton, a six-year-old son of Captain and Mrs. W. O. Tarlton, of Spencer, was dangerously hurt. The collar-bone was broken on both sides, six ribs on the right side and four on the left were also bady broken ia the fall. Mooseheart, 111. —Fifteen thousand New Bern.—"Ap Purlfoy. a well d „i wUl ud wlTe , were here known resident o fthe TruitU section. to op « DIQK the was badly injured and an automobile conTeQtloD of Loy«a order of which he was driving was wrecked at UooM Features of the convention a point near Truitts when a cilf raa , a ln£ ot corner atott „ across the road in front of th ? ma- dMU cation ot flTe new building, at ' national headquarters heje. Winston-Salem. The report ot ths j amaa Hamilton Lewis Disagrees fl7 . °™. cer 2Z* ? e L" w *!! with Wilson on League of Nations. 110 births ID WlDston-Salem last month " de T Ul * ?' Chicago. James Hamilton Lewis, deaths being due to tuberculosis. former United State. Senator from , , _ . . Illlnots and candidate for the demo- High the oldest and esteemed tha platform ha w ,„ adT(y cttlxens ol High Point, died at his H e said he could not agree with Deemed was •» yean of ace President Wilson's statement In a re " yearf a * . cent lnterrlew that the league of na- Hons wss to be the supreme issae. ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Rsys ef Powerful Searchlight Are . teen at a Distsnee ef 77 Miles. Name "Bayer" is on Cenuhn Columbus. Oar—A powerful anay I ill In .... fw»r searchU«bt exhibiting here In the in- Aspirin say Ba> tr tereet et recruiting, hae boot eeea as JK far as 77 miles from here. / A \ /T W Battalion ef the Kasex Regiment IS w Prseood to Constantinople. Malta.—A battalion o the Bases YV I s ? yfr fl *fhaant la aadar orders to w»iit (srthwtth oa the cruiser CardUt tor >. _ ✓ Coaataatiaople. M T .V U( . . Squadron Made Available Per Puty la a "Bayer parage," containing proper ' w *" xio# •"* Central America, direction* for Headache. Colda Paia. 1 ' ' Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Bheumatisaa. Washlagton. A special serrlcs Xiea "Bayer" mean* genuine Aspirin ssasdrsa of cruisers sad gunboau pteserihed br physicians for aiaetosa to be baaed oaths canal ton* sad A.fth'tSfcS anUlaMe for 4uty ia Mexico. -Bayr^"*-^ ct UoaoMStie- Csatralc A»ert°« anded>*»t W asifester of fff««yiu.,ij ~ . la to be orgaalsed about October L Children Cry for Fletchers IT uvuwSTili,! ■ . v HV| ■ J* A ■ ... fli - The Und Ym *gave Always, fought, n--* in tufe for over the signature of and has been made under his per- ST' *± sonal supervision since its infancy. •- f mmfyZ /'CcdcArtt no one to deceive yon in thu. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, j Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidf the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. - | GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Oyer 30 Years • The Kind You Have Always Bought' " " THE OINTAUN COMP»AXV. NMWYOWX OtTV. HOW MUCH DO YOU SHOW YOUR AGE ? A new form of Natural Iron enriches the blood smooths out wrinkles—strengthens the nerves—wards off old age. When you begin to show and feel your age, it is because your blood is thin and weak—it no longer carries life and strength to diiferent parts of the body. The man or woman with warm, rich red blood retains the appearance .and feelings of youth, in spite of the creeping years. To ward off the feebleness and appearance of old age is simply a matter of keeping the blood pure and rich and filled with life and vigor. Iron is the greatest and surest blood maker, but heretofore the diffi culty has been to procure it in a form which the human system would absorb in sufficient quantities to bring satisfactory results. Pills and tonics afid to contain iron have usu ally brought only disappointment. But now there need be no longer any doubt or question, for a success ful ana reliable metnod of getting For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., Students at Summer Seheol. . Many more students have arrived for the Summer school at the State College of Agriculture and Engineer ing and all the rooms will be filled, having already been engaged. A re ception in honor of the faculty and students will be given, at the Y; M. C. A. and will be an attractive social event. The chapel exercises and other meetings are held in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A., because Pullen Hall is being remodeled. Work has begun e nth* new dormitory. Blckett Drives Rivets. Portsmouth, Va., (Speclal).»~Oov eraor Blckett, of North Carolina, don ned a workman's apron and drove two red hot steel rivets into the keel plate of tbe batUeship, North Caro lina, along beside those driven in two months ago by Secretary of the Navy Daniels. Then Mayor McNlneh, of Charlotte, drove a rlret, followed by Adjutant General Roister and C. O. Kuefter, the Chirfotte booster. Mayor Mr Nlnch's young eon was thea given the honor. Great Convention of Loyal Order of Moose at Mgoee Heart, 111. Oohimbu*. Q*-' —A powerful amy eearcbUflbt exhibiting her* 1b the In teract of reera(Uax, hae beei eeca as tar aa 77 mllee from hare. Battalion e# the Keaex Regiment is to Proeeed to Oonettntlnoele. Malta.—A battalion at the Bmi Alkwtt la aedar order* to eatbei* twUiwHh oe the crutoer Cardiff lor Squadron Made Available Per Duty In Mdxlo* and Central America. Washington A special service a—adraa of crnlaera and gunboat* to be baaed on the canal cone and held available tor iuty ta Mexlcaa. CealraJc An erf can and adjacent porta, to to be eraaalsad about October L iron into the blood is assured by the use of a natural form of soluble iron known as Acid Iron Mineral. - There are thousands of cases on re cord that prove this natural iron is a powerful blood and nerve builder. For want of iron in the blood, you may be old at thirty, or you are mora readily subject to the attack-Of dis ease without warning, or you will find yourself growing feebler day , by day. If you want to feel the elasticity of youth in your veins, and avoid au the complications and disappoint ments of increasing age, you will start taking Acid iron Mineral at onee. It contains no alcohol or in jurious drugs, and it will not blacken the teeth like most preparations of iron. Druggists will refund the purchase price cheerfully, if you fail to receive the improvement you se?k, • Distributors. Qraham Cabinet Shop ■ " y ' ' 'y ** Next Door fo Moon's Garage ' \ Furniture Repaired. Make Old ,Look Like New. Picture Framing?. Upholstering A Specialty. ALL KINDS of CABINET "WORK. W. B. QUAKENBUSH, GRAHAM, N- C. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Chnrcb with historical references. An interesting volnme—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.80. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to / P. J. Kernodlk, 1636-40 E. Broad St., , Richmond, VV Orders mav be left at this office. tllltiwilj / I Used 4Q Years 8 CARDUI s 111 WWnrt Thlc C } Sold Everywhere X _ r.i ■ If yonr property is advertised fat sale for town taxes, don't blame the tax collector. Boyd R. Teoliooee, Tax Collector. 'j ■_- - .