ITHE GLEANER taaOW) IVEBY THURBDAT. J. O. KERNODLE, Editor. 11.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. rn* editor will nbt be responsible for vlewa eqprsssed by correspondents. Bntared at toe Foetoßoe at Oralism, N. a, as ssoonS elass matter. GRAHAM, N. C„ July 1,1920 THE CONVENTION. The days of the great Demo cratic national convention up to noon yesterday were taken •up ■with building a platform, a job not y#t finished, but will be fin ished before candidate* are bal loted for. Yesterday afternoon ten can didates were placed in nomina tion, among tliern Attorney General Palmer, Gov. Cox, Homer S. Cummins, Senator Hitchcock and Win. G. McAdoo. There are yet others whose names will be presented. The biggest ovation was given Mc ' Adoo, whose nomination the #l Hners will try to prevent. The hold President Wilwon has on the convention is quite notable, as evidenced by the demonstrations at the mention of his name. It looks like McAdoo, but there is no telling what the con vention will do. Thnt Judge B. P. Long is lit from every point of view to sit as a Justice of the Supreme Court is not questioned by any one. Legal learning, aptitude and application, with capacity and willingness to work, are prime requisites. Judge Long has all of them. Hid being a son of Alamance is another po tent reason why he should have the vote of his fellow citizens in this county. In the primary Saturday you vote for your choice for Demo cratic candidate for Governor. If Morrison leads in the State, ho will be the nominee; and if Gardner leads he will be the nominee. So the primary n6ra inates the candidate and every voter takes a part in the uomi nating. CONVENTION SENDS MESSAGE TO PRESIDENT. The Democratic National Con vention on Monday sent the fol lowing message of appreciation to President Wilson: "In recognition of the fact that the mantle of Jackson and Jeffer son has fallen on your shoulders, aa the unquestioned leader of our party, the hosts of democracy in national convention assembled, have directed me to send you the following resolution of apprecia tion and greeting: "The Democratic party, assem bled in national convention, ex tends to the President of the United States Its admiring and respectful greeting. "For seven of the must fateful : years in the history of our coun f try Wood row Wilson has occupied : and, by bis character, learning and power, has adorned the lilgb- I est office In the gift of his country [ men. "fge has initiated and secured I the adoption of great progressive measures of immeasurable value and benefit to the people of the t . .United States ' "As the commander-ln-ehlef of the army and uavy of the United States he haa led the patriotic forces of his country through the ('*■ most momentous st ruggle in his tory, and without check, reserve or retardation, to an honorable [:% part In the Immortal viotory for liberty and democracy, won by the free nations of the world. "We hail these achievements, ' sir, and are proud that they have p been accomplished under your administration -• "We rejoice In the recovery of your health and strength after months of suffering and affliction which you have borne with ennr-1 v age and without complaint. '•We deeply resent the malig ;>* nant onset which you have most undeservedly been called upon to ' sustain from partisan foes, whose judgment ia warped and whose perceptions arc obscured by a I ]»rty malice, which constitutes a | lamentable and disgraceful page ( in oar history. ;■ "At this moment, when the dele- Eptes to this convention from H every State in the union are about p JtO enter upon their formal pro- EeeedingM we pause to send an ek- Hpression of cheer and admiration ■id of congratulations. Bp'We rejoice and felicitate yon Pppon your st»edy recovery from recent illness and congrat- HgjbLe America that though tem- Hpjf broken in body that you EBKp been able, with unclouded ffiVMon and undaunted courage, to on for* the great reforms '' which you have fathered for the preservation of peace throughout RULES GOVERNING WHO'S WHO ' CONTEST. Any person la eligible to con teat for the gold prises except thorn connected with this paper. Just write your answers in the blank spaces under each question. The person getting the largest number of correct answers will be given |lO in gold. The next best answer will win $5.00. The prize money is on deposit in The Citi zens Bank. Iu event of ties the gold prizes will be doubled. If you don't know, aslcand And out. Qet the information any way you can, but two or more per sons must not combine to create ties. Such cojnbinations are not p^rmissable. After you have answered all the questions or as many as you can, write your name and address on the margin of the page and send it to The Alamance Gleaner, ad dressed "Who's Who Editor." Don't ask for information at this office. No one here knows the answers. Incomplete firm names uud in complete auswers will not be counted as complete Arm names and complete answers Get your answers right. All answers to be counted must bo mi The Gleaner Office not later than Friday, noon, July 9. The "Who's Who" pago will be ruu again July 1, and complete an swers and prize winners' uaines will be printed Thursday, July 15. If you don't win you will lecrn much about your local business men, which alone will be worth the time and trouble of entering the contest. How'. Till»I We offer One Hundred Dollar* He ward foi •ny oaaa or Catarrh tbnt cannot be cured b] Hull's Catarrh Medicine. Il* l » Catarrh Medicine hu Inien taken b) calarrh auffereri for tbt put thirty- B»« roar*, ami bat become known an the noil re liable remedy for Catarrh, Hall'* Oatarrt Mealclne act* thru the Wood on the Muooui •urfacea. expelling the I'olaon from tti lliood and healing the dlaeaaed portloni. After you have taken llaira I Catarrh Medl olne for a abort time you wlllaee a arcat Im Crovement In your aeneeal health. Htarl i kill* Ilall'a Catarrh Mi-dlclna at onoe anil yet rid of catarrh. Hand for teatlmonlala A. J. OHBNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold by all UruMlata. 75c. adi APPLYING VANCE'S ADVICE-OTHER REASONS Durham, N.C., June 16,1020 Editor News and Observer: I nee that my old friend, Mr James I'. Cook of Concord is A can didate for Suite Auditor. If then in any virtue In Zeb. Vance's say ing tiiat "the horse that pulled the plow should have some of th fodder," then it should be appllec in thirinsiance. If long, faithfn and unselfish service to the party when ho was in editorial harnew with a paper that Ifd Democrat! to victory in the past, without re ward, or the hope of reward, cai be counted as a recommendation then James P. Cook has som claim on those he has helped info office, lie has always been work \ ing for others. His greates achievement was the idea, tb planning and the establishment 0 the Jaoksou Training School fo wAy ward boys. The Suite know that work. , lie is fully competent to All tin position to which he aspires - tha of State Auditor. He is deal : morally and mentally. He I - thorough,, painstaking and con > scientiouv. He has the require* f ability to a marked degree, beini i thoroughly familiar with flnau • clal matters. He is the soul o * honor and a friend to the friend ■ less. In all matters affecting tin boat interests of the State, socially - morally and materially, he liai been deeply interested, lendiui > encouragement aud support, will I voice and pen, without stint. give this a* a tribute to a fellon I worker In the Held of Stan - Journalism, by one who knowi I what he has wrought with his pen ! and the unselfish service he hai performed, and I hope it will he the moans of Increasing his vot« in the primary Saturday, July 3rd. Jamkh A. ROBtNSON. (sdv) NOT THE ONLY ONE Thar* Arc other lirakaa People HlaaU larl) Mltaated. Csn there lie soy stronger proof offered than the evidence of Qraham residents? After you have read the following, quietly answer the ques tion. J. K. Hornbukcle, Supt. cotton mtU.W . Harden St, (Jraham, gave the following Matemcnt in Janu ary, 1916: "I had Inflsmmfltion ot thobladdcr and my kidney a acted everylltt |e while.- The secretion* .werea canty snd highly colored ann I wss in mtaery from a hurtling sensstlon every time m.v kidney* acted. I was very nervous, too. After taking Dosn'a Kidney tills s short time I was wonderfully bei dOted ;mr kidneys acted rrgutir- Ivand* my back was fixed up all right." On July 11, 1111, Mr llornhuekls said, u J}oan , s Kidney Pills srr crr talnly a good kidney medietas and i can say they have done me a world of good. I gladly verify my former endorsement," Price 60c at all dealer* Donl simply arte for S kidney remedy get Dosn's Kidner PlUs—the ssme list Mr. Hornbuckle hsd. Poster- Milburn Co., Mfgra.. Bufralo. N. Y. The High Coat of Living is noth ing compared with the High Coat of a Republican campaign. Even the price of delegates hat gone way op. Texas haa declared war on the pink boll worm. This ia another war in which the United States isn't going to be neutral. Senator Hoke Smith wanta to reduce the President's pay. Does it mean tbat Hoke haa at last abandoned his presidential am bitions? , Harding ia far mora reactionary than Taft was in 1912. Who's Who in Graham? ♦.VJ.OOO, and now the directors have authorized an Increase to $189,000, CD I C IN GOLD 1 CJ who to lew thM two SlO First Prto-jS Second Prize " • Read Rales of Contest Printed Elsewhere To lHy . \ 1 " ' Answers MM Be Fled at G leaner Offiee ' -■ By Nooa, July Bth. 1920 Leadtof Store - MoW Beautiful Car in America. ~ "Crack and Joe." Name the moat advertised tslking machine In the world and five —■- w.™« , L . , ... ..... ' V ' of drug More handling »nne; and name a business ranectton which who are A f r,c "' #nd the G ™ Julm "Crack" and "Joe", two Alamance boys, popular merchants, kfcown by place* this store In a 'class with 8,000 other flrst-claas Americas drag the beat - j stores and marks it as a distinct leader This is a it™* of ■»•-»!»? best flipped la Alamance county; gire name of local manager, .tel- thing to the way of dry goods, notions, men's and women's ready-to- i whether l*tbe ££££d£Z£ ofd™ handl « l b * »«• «"»• we« of the better kfad. les, etc., that come, from "Crack" and »J*s" | Windrles, or the serving of cool fountain drinks and refreshments. Name mast be right or they will make it right. Name the firm and tell in what | the manager and gire telephone No., and name a candy famous slloe ' public building their store Is located, Name the Virginia made shoes, for 1H43, sold exclusively by this drug store. ' men and woman, noted for their long wearing qualities, bandied exclu sively by this firm. - ' ■ • ' • ' / " - ' / ' > ' ' ' •: " - ' , . ' "' .j aSffll —. v";$» ! Recreation and Amusement. - Mm •ll W ■».' ' Bettt Aa Otter Fallow to It- " zzizttzzizxzs. ■ ** -«i erly men, snd which is equipped with the most modern furnishings for . 40 y send her if you don't," and the well known and reliable the purposes intended. Comfortable easv seat* am nrnvidntl f„ r S? y nuking llvtog conditions drug Arm of Graham who are exclusive sales agents for later* snd a specially designed livhiine svstem both dtv asd ■itioto " to and who wUlperform the last required service for you when ' same. This is a real prescription store where medicines ars accurately paT™ OiEra llSS nlZiUlZm yOU ®TI UKM * the flnn ' * i ' e ],ne * * bu " compounded by registered pharmacists, aod where service Is the wstch and tele|Aooe No. This la the home of the Claxtonola. Name the word. Name the manager and give telephone No., and don't forget that " kitchen cabinet sold here, and kpown as "The Beat Servant in the House." you are invited to use this phone freely when in need of anything to the dragline. - • j iy. . ' . ; • ■ . Modern Stylish Furniture. Home of Cut-Rate Tires. Welds Anything Wekisble. ing goods of any d«^iptlon > It l^hoi^'otnplele 'a'stnre Name the Arm of tire dealers In Graham, give proprietors'names and Name and locate the Graham iron working flnn that specializes to | you call on and feel tfiatyou were receivln- a "sauare deal"? A com tires are sold at cut rates, and where vulcanizing—the kind that "sticks"— after broken parts of machinery, welding anything that is weldable, the i Jete line of summer Give telephone number and name of manager, aSd the "PhZ™ph name ot Proprietor of this drop, who is an expert mechanic, «d ; with a Soul," handled by this Arm. can guarantee perfect satisfaction. - ' —T— . \ .' v • " •* mmtrnmmmmm,mmmmmmmmmmtymmmmm ' - Graham's Sanitary Market. The Ladies' Store. Who'# Your Grocer. ] - Who is your grocer, and locate the store noted for the general ! solutely essential to the health of meat consumers at all but more * ' P ro P rietor j pstronlzeil by the discriminating ladies of the town, and name excellence of its goods. Carrying at all times a complete and varied as- . | especially In Ibe heat of summer Nsme Graham's leadin* mmt markat swrset witha reputation for general excellence handled exclusively by sortment of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and produce. This Is s J Z3^wlth?iuJL« Srsr: lh), Thl '. U ,or « ne «nd ladies' ready-to- clean, sanlUry .tore, and if your groceries and table supplies come from i provmetl with all these essentials. Give name of proprietor and the tol- wear garments of quality, snd remember that you can do as well or better this establishment you need never worrv over their Dsritv Give tele- ! faCr^^m^^ raOPM rtWHh " COmpW * " De °' »ttW»rtore than in the large city. Fashion's latest creations are to be phone" number, and remember, telephone orders are given toe same pain* j ' round " ere taking care as personal orders. ■ " " - . ■ -ri Dry Goods-Ladies' FurnisUaga. Leading Feed Store. Ready to Boy Your Wheat. Give the name of the progressive Graham merchant offering an ex Name Graham's leading dealer in feed stuffs and locate place of busi- Name the large merchant mllline concern of Graham „Ive name of ? >C I 1? ° .7. * ' ,nd Udle *' furnishings of the ness, where you will always flnd the best in stock feed of all klnda. Name manager and the name of the high-grade flour noted for its Duritv and . kind, including millinery, at prices that cannot be excelled in the the high grade corn meal manufactured and sold to the trade of Graham excellence,- manufactured You are buying this flour and usine itJf you i",'" " Dd VlC,n,ty ' ' nd WWCh y °" Bre b " y, °* lf '° U - ,nterel,ted buUdin « •» iTltrial aily advirtised corset handled exclusively by this store. All ladies are up your town commercially and industrially. Give telephone number. This flrm is nretiarad to nav farmm th« hlrlw«t »k.i. MM to vUlt this store ami Inspect stock and values. Are dfctributors for l,edmLt Patent and Self-B.sin'g flours, 511TSZSSl ~ this mill, the uae of which meana a saving of $4.70 on the barrel to the conaumer. r~ "" "Get The Royal Tailored Look." Gralum's Beat Grocery. Real Estate, lot, Insurance. "im . W^. l d T ed T°[ COmmi,nlty ' Nwno » Dd loc « te the rocery store in Graham. Name Namethe Graham flnn, locate their office, and give die telephone num . , " p " ,e ° U th « "»nsger and give phone number. Remember, this is the store of ber, which Is best prepared to look after your realty transactions, either ill i ,k York and Chicago, who are distinctive- "Quality" table supplies, both in the fancy and staple grocery line, aa, to buying, selling or exchanging, loans money on improved real estate y tin ers n e men s wea ng appare ne. Name the manager, locate well as flne country produce. While you have the phone number In and can supply you with all sorts of general insurance, life excepted' " £ nd ot meu ' * boe * h * Dd,ed b J mlnd J««st call ua and give an order which will receive the same prompt underwritten by the best and strongest insurance companies to the world! attention as aa order in person. Name the president and secretary-manager Plumbing and Electrical Worit. Plumbing And Tin Work. Superior Cabinet Work. Name and locate U» leading plumbing and electrical etfablbhment of If you wanted . Job of plumbing, roofing, tin or aheet iron work done Name the Graham cabinet maker and name and locate his shop who n. ham, where In sMltjon to «fullline of plumbtog and electrical on short notice, and properly and satisfactorily executed, or if you want- when it comas to classy work to his line, will not take his hat off to any o every kind, contraction work In both lto« is ed „y kind of repair work done In this line, orlf to need of guaranteed to North Carolina. The worktogovsr of «tij« *. ™ Nsme the Maxds lamp handled by this firm tobacco flues, what reliable firm could best supply your needs? Locate Ufl* shop. Fine furniture repairs, upholstering and the refltitahtor of ■ h °° W .»op snd Rename of proprietor. Z /- - # Gtaham'a Hot Reataaraot. Graham'! Sankan Gtoten , " UiSw Barter Sfc»-Stomr Batta. -iu„ »• ■-«* The oltl home »tvle of cooklni on»Vail« at tbia mUurmnt and th«ra l« hy the dlacrimlnatiog houte keepers who want the beat when it comet to proprirtora, in addition to getting the rery beat work in the ton noMol trljj worth erery time Nam* ihr orourirtor "elected country produce. Name the proprietor and gire phone number. time °P en * TW® apleodidly equipped and would do credit to a to#n many times Graham's aiae. ■ in 'I ■■ *- - f v ' -Tharoa None So Good." > ■ The Fame* Friend. Grahaa'a Store. There are .-..1 a drinks aod cda drinka. but there Is one cola drink of Nsme the progressive hardware Arm of Graham, and give name of tbe Name Graham's largs* and most up-to-date department store, earrvi.. which may In salil. There s None 80 Good", bottled ia Graham and ex- manager, who la regarded as the real friend of all the fanners of South- the largest and most varied lines of men's.and women's readv-to-wnr tenslvely sold here, in Hurlington and throughout Alamaace county. era Alamance through having supplied them with dependable fanning . goods, notions, shoes, millinery, etc. In fact, everything the well dnZ Name this drink, the concern bottling It. give proprietor's nam and Implements and farm machinery of a high order. Name "The Beat sd man or woman might need, and at pricss ss low or lower than on ha phone number, and don I forge* to give your dealer ai order for a ease Range Built For Family Use" and known aa a great fuel saver handled by obtained at other Hke (tons. Kama the proprietor and rive the tol* or two for the home Ice box. the flnn. Give telephone No. phone number. gm the tele. Em an ncmiT* unit ihrtiforp high. Now it the lime in uae I (refer* More Egg Tonic —two dollar peek age for SI.OO. _ 1 Tjunetf C. T. Thbijct, Jb. . WANTED— Man with team or auto who cu giva bond to aall 187 Walkioa home and farm product*. Biggert ooncern of kind in world. $1,600 to $6,000 yearly itwo*. Ter ritory in thle county o|>en. Write today. J. R Watkiks Co , IVPT 114 Winona, Minn. lOjunHt Old H. O. L. wan evidently wink irg the other eye week before last when he let the price of certain artiolee drop jaat a little. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICS BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL Xttdi pukMi of Dtm" teiaa dlreetieM •• tlapU that uqr kou eu dr» uj wfariil wifkout haTnlv I A SpndIHFIDEICZiXffIB KILL TBS COLO orecs wrra Ultt® CASCAHAQQUININ£ Sgp^jSl JS Town Taxes! I hare been appointed Tax Col lector for the town of Graham sad the hooka have been placed in my ban da. I have been directed to collect all delinquent laxee without delay. 8m me and nave coata. Von can aee me at the Sheriff* office in the court hooae. Thia April 27, 1920, BOYD R. TROLINGBR, 29*p11l Tax Collector. *...■«•* * i Break yoar Cold or UGrippe wit* few doM> of 666 UCUUTVIB. To the Voter* of Alamance County: I hereby announce myself a can date for Representative in the Gen eral A—nihly, aubject to the action at the Democratic party in Alamance county. Very respectfully, 29apltf W. E. HAY. fm Sale. Two wagons, two 2-horae car riagaa, one aat double wagon har um, Am aeta double carriage bar mm- W. C. MOOSE, 3}w»®4t Graham, N. C. CASTORIA yor Infanta amd Children la UM For Ovar 30 YMI» Track Far Hire. Let ua do your hauling of every kind, moving, ate. Haw a new track. Terms reasonable. BajoaHAW 4 FCLLEB, Plw»e6o. Graham, M, O.

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