- i r M', 4 / ' » v#, YP j ■ ? v » > % '' 'rP' \~" *Vy TW' 4 ■ Ww™ * C: > * Jr ■ * fT r^ 7 ?fn $J?$ *•• f * : i& ' ,s - - ■ .' ? ,, , "'» ,&*isL •' 1 '• ".$. ™ '* ■'■ ■ !-i*j *' • tV « f* \' v£■. -j, S" d^.'-f4 /A y !' j"■'.'! ' % -'t ■* . B kaoS-i w; s*/•§« * * v ( - «* *•"■ * . 1 -v ~; :" • -"V' ; n ■"' ; ' ' ■•■ .* •■ . . '-• * • , r \ - if . *-^ v . : Vi . » _ ■• ; • -»• :. - * "v* THE ALAMANCE GLEANER VOL. XLVI fwifcDitoo'n i will improve i ! hair or we 1/ { pay you f = wteorttaiOTM i Z this crust—allows nature to produce = z the thick lustrous hair normal to any - _ S healthy scalp. v S Wlldroot I.lqald Shampoo or wtldrpoi ; I = - treatment. Z WILDJtOOT E TOE HAIR TONIC S Far gale ken under a § ' ~ money-back guarantee E Graham Drag Co. Hayes Drag Co. If Burned Out would Your Insurrnce Pay the Loss? Examine your Fire Insurance Pol icy and see if you carry enough Insurance. Prices of materials are very high and you would be a very heavy loser in case of fire. We can protect you from such loss. Graham Real Estate Co. FOmwc 544 GRAHAM, N. C: KEEP SETTING HENS FREE FRMIUOE * ■—* Enormous Baby Chide' Less Caused Annually by Lice / - and Vermin. ' . «• would not try to keep Poultry without Dr. LeGear's Poultry Rem edies,'" says Mrs. L. •V. Rose, of Cuero, Texas.* "We have never bad any of them'fell to do-even more than you claim for them. I **- 4 4 Every « year, - millions of Baby Chicks are lost because setting bens are not kept clean * and free of lice, yDr. lice Killer quickly rids your flock of lice and vermin. « .4 Through his advice and remedies, Dr. LeGear has helped thousands of Poultry JBalsers. during his 27 fears' experience g as an Expert ooltry Specialist.' It will pay yon also to . take . advantage of Dr. LeGear's advice just as Mrs. Rose did and increase your poultry profits. Get a can of Dr. LeGear's Lice Killer from yonr dealer, use it according to directions. If you are not entirely satisfied withresults return the empty can to your dealer and ha will cheerfully refund your money. —Dr. L. D.i LeGear Med. Co- &! Lonis. ™. PATENTS OBTAINED. If you have an invention to patent pleiise send us a model or sketchr with a letter of brief explanation for pre liminary examination and advice, You, disclosure and all business Is strictly con fldentlal, and will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT ,& CO., PATENT LAWYERS, WASHINGTON. D. C. Town Taxes! I have been Tax Col lector for the town of Graham and the books have been placed in my hands. I have been directed to collect all delinquent taxes without delay. See me and save costs. You can see me at the Sheriff's office in the coutt house. This April 27. 1920. BOYD R. TROLINGKR, 29apltf Tax Collector. Mrs. Eliza Potter Settle, widow of the late Thomas Settle who died in Asbevilie in January, 1919, died in a Baltimore hospital Mon day morning. She had been in declining health since her hus band's death. Her age was 46 {ears. Wilmington was her girl ood.home, where she was buried Tuesday. A sister, Mm. Tench C. Coxe of Asheville, survives her. Mr. Sam Thompson Dead. On Wednesday afternoon, June 30th, about 3 o'clock the com munity WHS saddened to hear of the death of )ir. Sam Thompson, so well known throughout the county. He had been in declin ing health for several years, but until about two weeks ago was able to go about the home. He was stricken with paralysis sev eral days ago and was unconscious up until his death. Until this time he was cheerful and bore his suffering patiently, without a murmur or complaint. In the year 1875 he was happily married to Miss Henrietta Arm strong Sharpe, who, with eight children, survive. They are as follows: Messrs. Eli and Joe Thompsou of Burlington, W. A. of Columbus, Ga., and Sam J. of Columbus, Miss., Mrs. EdO'Dapiel of Hawfields, Mrs. John Whitesoll of Eton, Mrs. Sam T. Johnston and Miss Bessie of Graham. Miss Bessie, the youngest daughter, gave up hdr school work and de voted her time nursing her father for the past year. Everything that loying hands could do was done for him, but it seemed that God had called him, and nothing move could be done. He was a kind father, affection ate husband and a good neighbor, ever ready to help in tbe time dt need, and one whom we shall all miss. "A vacant chair is left that never cau be filled; A voice we loved is stilled, I call it not death —it is lite begun, For the battle is fought sad home is won. The ransomed spirit hath reached the shorq Where they sorrow and suffer no more; To depart from a world of sin and strife To be with Jesus, yes, this is life." Bureau for Home Demonstration Work Otianfaed. A meeting of great importance to Alamance county took plaoe in the office of the Home Demonsti»>, tion Agent, Miss Inez Ward, on Friday, July 2nd, when a repre sentative woman from each town ship met for tbe purpose of organ izing an executive council of the Home Bureau. Miss Ward, Home Demonstra tion Agent, explained interesting ly and fully the purpose of the organization, which is, in brief, to furnish effective 00-operation for the home demonstration work and to effeot in each district some kind of community organization through which the various inter ests of theee communities can be ail UQnppfl Mrs, Cornelia Morris, Dstri6t Agent, was present and added 1 enthusiasm and gttve valuable suggestions for carrying on the work. The officers elected went M fol lows: Mrs. J. F. Homewood, President; Mrs. Chas. F. Cates, Vice-President; and Miss luez Ward, Secretary. The time for the meetings of the executive council was fixed for the first Mondays. ' % After business was finished the ladies were served a delightful salad course prepared by Miss Ward and served by Misses Fount, Watson, Phillips and Holt, part of ' the court house ring." Atlantic Coast Inventors. The following patent* were just issued to Atlantic Coast clients, reported by D. Swift A Co., Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. 0., who will furnish copies of any patent for ten cents apiece to our readers: Virginia Hiram H. Herat, Ocean View, shin; Earl W. Howe, Norfolk, griddle. North Carolina —Charles M. Heck, Raleigh, multiple record repeating phonograph. South Carol i na-r-J oh n Dunlap, Camden, footrest. The Republican party is a party bossed entirely by reactionaries, and a progressive is in "strange company" among them. Fact is the Republicans are much more concerned over how California is going to vote than how (he Armenian* air-going to lire. GRAHAM, N. C.. THURSDAY. JULY 15. t9i«) Southwest Alamance. Cor. of The Gleaner. Effie Spoon, oue of Gilmer's Central girls, is spending a few days at home takiuv; a rest. Tom Robertson, who has been in the mercantile business at Kimevllle, will move to Greens boro in the near future. Mrs. I. P. Frazier organized a VV. M. S. at Mt. Zion Baptist chfirch on last Saturday. A large crowd attended the Fentress singing at Mt. Pleasant Ihsi Sunday. Our community is very busy layiug by crops and threshing grain. Tne community in requested to meet at Mt.-Ziou on Friday before the second Sunday in August to do Nome much needed work on the cemetery. We hope everyone interested will Jb« present. Jurors (or August Tern. The following named persons were drawn on first Monday to serve as jurors at the Augbst Term of Ala mance Superior Court: Patterson township: J. 11. Wood, A A. Wicker, O. M. Alexander, C. A. Hinshsw, j. L. Spoon, J. W. Isley, Lacy Workman. Coble tp : J, K. Isley Bnon Station tp.: John T. Fau cette, B. W. Low, J. P. Westmore land, H. J. Pritchette, W. H. Truitt, Paul C. Clapp. Morton tp : S. A. Lewis, W. T. Bowles, C. M. McCrsy, J. T. Wrenn. Faucjtte tp.: W. t\ Sartin. Graham tp : 11. M. Rogers, John M. Crawford. * Albright tp : Ed. H. Steele. Newlin tp : W. L. Holt, M. T. Hargrove, R. Q. Marlette, E. P. Perry, J. M. Mcßane, W, H. Stock ard, C. F. Coble, ClanJ H. Thom son. v Thompson tp : J. P. Brsdshaw. Melville tp.: N. H. Sykes, R. W. Scott. Burlington tp.: R. W. Barnwell, C. D. Moore, J. D. Strader, J. B. Cheek, D. O. Sellers, J. T. Me Adams, 11. C. Stout, J. W. Laaley, C. M. Horner, J. VI. Coble, M B. Smith. 'Only German Spy Sentenced to I forth to Serve Prison Term. Lotha Witsche, the only Qer man spy sentenced to death dur ing the war, was received at the federal prjpon at Leavenworth, JCansas, recently to begin serving a prison sentence. The deaih sentence was commuted by tbe President. Witsche wxs a lieu tenant in tbe Qermau army. Dur ing a naval engagement in the Atlantic ocean, in which the Teu ton warship which he was serving was sunk. Witsche waa cast adrift. He waa picked up by a vessel bound for Mexico and later made his wa.N acrons the inter national line into tbe Uuited Statue. He aueceeded in making a number of maps and drawings of harbors and fortifications along the Pacific coast and returned to Mexico. There be became confl* dontial with an American of Uer man descent, who induced him'to return to the United States for further espionage work. 11s walked into the trap aud at No gales fell iuto the hands of federal officers. ..Harding spent his Sunday in New Jersey, but tli« wms of that wet State neglected the tippnr tuuity to picket him. NO REASON FOR IT When ;rmbia Cltliea* tthaw ■ Way. There «an be no reason why soy rea'ler of this who Buffers the tunnies of an aching back, tlm annoyance ol urin iry disorders, the pains and dangers of kidney ills will fail to heed the words ol a neighbor who has found relief, (bud what a Ura hum citizen says: W. P. Pouftt, So. Miple St., »ly», U4 My back waa ao »ore on J linw / had a hard time getting up In the morning. The pain 'jot wt bid du ring the day that I was in misery. My kidneys didn't act right and gave me no end of troubl». Things have been different tinea f ttirtcl taking Doan's KiJney Pil l*. Mv back Ts better, my kidneys now act ■ regularly, and I am* in fine health. !It is a pleasure to recom.nend I Doan's. Price Nc, at all dealers. Dtn't simply ask for s kidney remedjr get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mr, Fount had. Poster-Mil burn Co„ Mfgra, Buffalo. N. Y. Pork ia Terms if Range tin Acre. W. W. Shay, Office of Swine' Ex tension. There are very strong Indica tions that at last Marth Carolina la abont to assume her proper position among the pork produc ing States. For too long pork production has been thought of in terms of price nf corn per bushel aa com pared with the price of, in stead of pounds of pork per acre of forage, supplemented with a proper amount of suitable eon ceutrate. When so u«ed, corn will bring a satisfactory price, and acres de voted 10 crops other than corn, and requirtng less labor, may be proflVably used. It may be entirely true that a hog raised in lowa, freighted to Chldago, dressed, cured and re shipped to North Carolina may furuish cheaper pork than is raised by the farmer buying it; but if suoh Is the case, it Is not due to any advantage oh part of the lowa farmer, either cli matic or Insurmountable. 1 Perk to Acre ef Perage. When it is figured that after de ducting 100 pounds of pork for each 600 pounds of corn, or its equivalent, fed, there is left an average of between 350 and 870 pounds of pork per acre of forage, at a labor cost of abont one-half day per hundred pounds of pork produced, this method of using land appears more attractive dur ing this time of labor shortags; and more, farmers are looking at tbe matter in this light 'than ever before. One thing is oertain: corn thus used will be well paid for. Harvesting oorn, peanuts and soybeans by bogs will reduce tbe amount of labor and tend to in crease the prioe of that portion of those products sold on the market as such. Wheu pork rained on the farm is nicely on red before selling, there is an additional profit which pay* well for the extra lime con sumed daring a seaeou oI the year when the rush ia over. This operatiou also oou verts the bog KEFOIT OP 1 CONDITION The Bank of Haw River, At Haw Hirer, In tbe Stale of North Carolina, •t Ike alow of buetneea, June (Otb, IHD. RMODIOBt Lotus and dlaooante...... ......tHJTIM Demaad loana fOOOOt Overdrafts seo'd, 1 unaae'd I.«Mt U. 8. Bond* and Libert/ Hoods Mfe.oo Furniture and fixtures IJMMO OHbln vault and oat amounts due from Banki, Banker* and Trait Companies ... IMAM Caab items beki over at koura tut Cheeks for elearlne a Mt.KI Mat- 1 •lOT.THJt LIAUIUTISM capital atook ...—tio/nato tfurplua fund .. .... ifiOIM Undivided proflte,' laaa current ex paaaea aad lazes paid 1,114.01 Wile payable.. ~~~„ UHMK) ' Depoelta sub)eot toabaek HjMII Time CerttSaalee of Oapoall 7,7*eo Havlors Deposits....... 47.aa.1t Ouster's Cbaaka ouUtandloa - ol.l* Aaerued lataraat dee depositors — low# Total bL~~.~iiS.mM •Hate of North Carolina. Coaaty ot Ala maaae. Maw Hirer, M. C., July Nk HOP, I. H, A, Veel, free, or lAlko'e aaeied baak, do eolemnly awaar MS tda ebova statement la true to Ike beet Of ay knowl edge MS belief. H. A. VEST, Pnet Mubairlbed end sworn to be fare me, Uile IMb Say Of July, HMO. J. Arable leaf, Notary Public. My ooamiastae expiree Use.«. HOOi ' Oorraet—Attest i J. A. ALIIRIMIR. SUOKItK McLAMTV. a K. LAS LIT, Hreetore. ZTcS® ' KlllkeCsM. AttbaM^k """"ijjw I CASCAwgQUININt W At AKOnm trnm • into a finished and imperishable product, and widens the market, thus making the producer inde pendent of the local butcher, who may not be able to take his offer ing in the shape of live or fresß dressed pork, when it ia ready to go, nud it must consequently be held at a loss. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for any ease of Ostarra that oanaot be eured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hk.i i Chtarrh Medicine has been taken br catarrh suffsren for the past thirty*Ave years, and has beeosse known a* the most re liable remedy for Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Medio!Be sets thru the Blood on the Mucous •urfaces. expelling tbe Poison from the Blood sad bsallas the dlssassd portlona. After you' have taken ItaU's ICstarrh Medi cine for a short tine you wlllsee a neat Ina provemeat la your ceoeeel health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at onee and sot rid of eetarrta. Send tor testimonials, M. J. UHKNEV A 00„ Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drujrslsts. T&o.- sdv With W. Dourke Cochran lead ing oqjp fuel ion and W. J. Bryan another, the national convention was wise to adopt a time limit on oratoty. ' ■ In offering Tiffin Candiee, we give I assurance that they contain the fin ■ eat materiala that money can buy— II blended with exceptional skill, and I ■ handled with particular care, in ■ ■ every detail of manufacture. Their I individuality of combination and as- I ■ aortpieut of flavors, make them M Dis« I tinctively Delicious 1" ' ■ I "Candies of Distinctive Quality" ■■ I . FarreU-Hayes Drug Co. I GRAHAM* N. C BnraßiaßttßKKiZMßlßßglll 3 This Is It! B Cjjj F • *j¥ IRON is th« tonic you need if you HHHHpMrt . M*4 are run doWn, pale, weak, nervous, | W suffer from lack of iron in your Igfl ■■■■■■ > blood, lack of strength in your system.\ M H MM" ZIRON IRON TONIC B | I rSFm -gf a preparation of pure iron salts, combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda,V W and other valuable ingredients, 9 BSs wiu Buad Yoa u p B M ; VtipBHUMl '•& Men and women who have used MraKmll Ly Ziron, unite in its praise as a strength PW |g4 M y builder and general tonic for the blood I and nerves - " is mi in action, harm ■Bl £ less and contains no habit-forming drugs.' |og ¥ %■ #Jj ZIRON is not a patent medicine or secret 3.9 remedy. The ingredients are printed on W f / the label., Eminent physicians agree on i lY their therapeutic value. Fulltdirections M M for 'use accompany every, package. Try a bottle today I I SoU by Druggists in sl. Bottles. ' n H your druggist cannot supply you, send us the money and we will'Ship'direct P 161 1 CHATTANOOGA DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., Chattanooga, \Tenn. 'M v That Missouri who gave Senator Jim Reed his proxy apt! a neat iu the convention "to secure har mony" hns peculiar ideas as to those ingredients essential'to a discord. The Socialists ar» plotting "to tie up Uermatiy," according to nablfedlsontches Tnia must make the kaiser feel that his royal pre rogative is being .usurped some more. Villa has li-td many temptations to become a polit cai leader but has up 10 thia time preferred to jog uioiirf as a humble, hard working brigand. Wonder how many who bonght overalls made ouly a couple of ex hibition appearandbs in them. Emerson asked "Whit has he done?" as tbe lest of a mail, but in these profiteering days "whom" is substituted for "what." NO. 23 A big army gun and carriage han been sec a red by Greensboro hm » war relio. It will be station ed in front of the new conrt house. BANISH GRAY HAIR Don't look old and gray—dont (all behind in life'* procession Brinfc back a natural, even color to your hair in a perfectly health ful, simple way oy using guaran teed Q-ban Hair Restorer. -h You ought to have beautiful h«dr; dark, lustrous aud silky. Q-ban is all ready to use—money back if not satisfied. Sold by flaye* Drug Co., j and all good drug stores, 50c per large bottle. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, Liquid Champoo, Soap, also Q-ban rlepilatory. . 'Pi CbVak PROFFSBIONAL CARDS JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM. N. C. Olttec ov«i **— -• J* - s. c o ok; Attorney -«t-La # K, C oaioo Psttcnoo Buiidiac ■Wortiid »K. WILLS.MM),JR. . . DENTIST i . . , """ m .... N»rtfc Carallaa I >FKIPK IN "iIMMONB BUILDING *OOB A. 10*0 J, KI.MKR ION LONtf * LONG, I vtf>r,in]rß»nil Counaalora al L» I CRAHAM. u. O. HON IT BACK iCA without queat ionlf Hunt '• Mm ML fiili in the tre«tin»n( of Icatmi, f , Tetter. Ringworm, Itch, WfTf JI Don't become ditcourajsd be- /•If f M I caow other tmtmrati failed. lAi / I Hunt'* Sal*• ha*relieved huo- |B # I dreds of ouch cooes. You cao'fe V # I .1 lo»e on our Mmnmy Beth , I ' r dm Cucr«nfw. Try it it oar mk t j TODAY. Prtoo7S««t GRAHAM DRUfI COMPAVY, «? OR AH AM. S. C.