Fthe gleaner K ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. | J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. I.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. n»e editor will not be responsible (or /lews expressed by correspondent*. § Entered at toe Postofflce at Grabam. N. 0., as second-olass matter. K GRAHAM, N. a, July The Gleaner This Week. Without any previous announce ■ ment THE GLEANER goes out this week in changed form. It now car- I riea more reading under various de f- partmente than heretofore—some thing for every member of the family. It has for more than 20 years been a p" four-page 8 columns to the page ' paper. It is now an 8-page paper of 7 columns to the page —in oiher words its size has increased almost percent. The purpose of the change is to give GLEANER patrons a better service. It is hoped you wil like it and tell your friends about it Memorial Celebration at Brick Church. There will be a historical and me morial celebration at Brick Church in eastern Guilford next Sunday, July 18th, beginning at 10:$0 a. m. An elaborate program has been pre pared, and there will be two sessions, morning and afternoon. Addresses, . special music, etc., will be features of the day. Among the speakers are £' Dr. J. D. Gregg, Dr. W. T. Whit sett, Blv. Albert K linger, Rev. James D. Andrew, Dr. Donald Mclver and others. This spot is rich in historic inter est and a cordial invitation is ex tended to all surrounding communi ties to make this a notable day. A special committee has the plans in hand, and is doing much to make it a great day for all that section. Widow of Dr. Geo. W. LOOK Dies in Statesville. » Mrs. Mary Catherine Long, widow of the late Dr. Geo. W. Long, died last .Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock in Statesville at the borne oi her daughter, Mrs. Barnett H. Adams, with whom she had made her home since the death of her la mented husband about five years ago. Mrs. Lang was tbe daughter of the late Dr. John A. Walker of this county. She was 71 years ol age and is survived bv one daugh f ter and one son—Mrs. Adams and Geo. W. Long, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Long made weir home in Graham for near 40 years. Dr. Long* was one. of the State's foremost phy sicians, and he and Mrtir Long were greatly beloved by an extensive ac quaintance. Mrs. Long had been a great sufferer from rheumatism and for 14 years bad been unable to walk. She was a gracious woman, loved 'and esteemed by all who knew her, to whom the newa of ber death will come aa a pei sonal sorrow. A The burial was at Statesville Sun day afternoon. Mr. J. Edgar long, Dr. Will S. Long and Mrs. J. D. Kernodle of Graham and Mesdames , S. K. Everett and J. C. Holladay ol % Shffolk, Va., visiting here, attended tbe funeral. I THE CRACK O'DOOM J FOR NASTY CALOMEL Folks Abaadpnlag 1)14 Drug lor "l>od- I son's Uver Tone." Here Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. I? • It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomor row you lose a day. Calomel is mercury! When it comes into contact with sour bile, it v crashes into it, breaking it up. Then is when you fegl that awful nausea and cramping If you are s'uggish, if liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizzi- I ness, coated tongue, -if breath is bad or Btomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone my guarantee —Go to any drug atore and get a bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone for a few cent*. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous, go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is d stroyiug the sale of calomel because it can not salivate or make you sick. y.£' , * , n■ i i- i ¥ .1..., y?,!* ....> 7 ' CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children * In Un For Over 30 Years Bjjkyt/•, v' f£ ■ ;£| : g£ Remarkable Bank Growth in 20 Vein. Name the Alamance County Bank which shows tbe moat remarkable growth of any like Institution in this section. Starting 90 years ago with a capitalization of $5,000, later Increasing to SIO,OOO, then on to SOO,OOO, and now tbe director* have authorized an increase to $185,000, just 35 times Its original capital stock. Name the cashier, who ainoe its organization bos been the controlling business factor of the bank. Name president and give telephone numlwr. Deposits in this bank now aggre- Sate almost three-quarters of a million. Name date pf organization of tate Bank which this bank succeeded. The National Bank of Alamance. J. L. Scott, Jr., Prest., Chas. A. Scott, Cashier. Phone 530. Organized May 25,1899. Leading Drug Store. Name the most advertised talking machine in the world, and give name of druf store handling same; and narad a business connection which places this store in a class with 8,000 other first-class American drug stores and marks it as a distinct leader. This is a store of service, whether in the compounding of prescriptions, the dispensing of drug sundries, or the serving of cool fountain drinks and refreshments. Name the manager and give telephone No., and name a candy famous since 1842, sold exclusively by this drug store. Graham Drug Company "The Rexall Store" A. K. Hardee, Manager. Victrola—Whitman's Candies—Phone 99 Recreation and Amusement Name and locate one of Graham's principal recreation and amusement resorts, patronized by young men, middle aged men and sometimes eld erly men, And which is equipped with the most modern furnishings for tbe purposes intended. Comfortable, easy seata are provided for spec f tators and a specially designed lighting system both day ( sad night for Itatrons. Cigars, tobacco and soft drinks are features.' Name proprietor. Moser's Pool Room West Harden Street - K. H. Moaer/Propr. Modern Stylish Furniture- If you wanted tbe most modern and the most styliah of house-furnish ing goods of any description, whether it be for a home complete, a spare room, or a special piece for an odd corner b«re or there, what Ann would you call on and feel tjiat you were receiving a "square deal"t A com plete line of Summer furnishings await your inspection at this store. Give telephone number and name of manager, and the "Phonograph with a Soul," handled by this Arm. Green & McClure Furniture Co. The New Edison Phonograph. Phone 251. a Graham's Sanitary Market. The utmost care should be exercised in the purchase of fresh meat and fresh flsh supplies in hot weather. Proper care and refrigeration are ab solutely essential to the health of meat consumers at all times, bat more cHpecially In tbe heat of summer. Name Oraham's leading meat market provided with all these essentials. Give name of proprietor and the tel ephone number. This concern opens July Ist with a complete line of fancy groceries and produce. J. W. Holt - Fresh Meats and Groceries Phone 444 ? \ Dry Goods—Ladies' Furnishings. Give the name of tbe progressive Graham merchant offering an ex ceptionally fine line of dry goods, notions and ladles' furnishings of tbe better kind, including millinery, at prices that cannot be excelled in tbe " larger towns and cities. Name the leading shoe for women and a nation ally advertised corset handled exclusively by this store. All ladies are invited to visit this store and inspect stock and values. J. D. Lee Selby Shoes for Women Warner's Corset 0 ' "Get The Royal Tailored Look." If you want to be classed with tbe well dressed men of tbe community, you will "Get the Royal Tailored Look." Name the local representa tives of the Royal Tailors ot New York and CbiAgo, who are distinctive ly leaders In the men's wearing apparel line. Name the manager, locate the store. Name tbe leading brand of men's shoes handled by the Ann. Crawford & McAdams Cor. Main St and Court Square. J. M- Crawford, Manager. Florsheim Shoes. Plumbing and Electrical Work. Name and locate tbe leading plumbing and electrical establishment of Graham, where In addition to a full line of plumbing and electrical Suipment of every kind, contract construction work in both lines is ven prompt attention. Name the Mazda lamp handled by this firm which Is the acme of lighting perfection. Housekeepers should ask for a demonstration of tbe Apex Suction Sweeper. W. M. Euliss Plumbing and Electrical Contractor Court Square. Buckeye Mazda Lamp. »y !** ,*!-»■ —r- - Graham's Jleat Restaurant Nsme and locate Qraham's moat popular restaurant, where the best food is served at popular prices, and where service is the watchword. The old home style of cooking prevails at this restaurant,' and there is nothing "skimpy" about tbe quantity served. You get your money's worth every time. Name the proprietor. American Cafe Court Square W. W. Phillips, Proprietor. i' \ 1 There's Noae So Goad." There are cola drinka and cola drinks, but there is one cola drink of which may be said, "There's None So Good", bottled ia Graham and ex tensively sold here, in Burlington and throughout Alamance county. Name this drink, the concern bottling it, give proprietor's name aad phone number, and don't forget to give your dealer an order for a case or two for the home ice box. Chero-Cola Bottling Company Chero-Cola-A. K. Hardee, Propr. y j Phone 404J pi SfciV.'. tfc iMk Lr _ ?.♦*& .. "i Who's Who in Graham? mipj IN GOLD CD 1 R Q) X 53 For Best Answers \P X O v PRIZEWINNERS: Lillian M. Lee, Ist Prize SIO.CX) , Mrs. Allen D. Tate, 2nd Prize $5.00 - Most Beautiful Gar in America. Name the "Moat beautiful car In America," and the Graham dealers - , who are distributors of this fine car. Locate the garage, whieh is one of the best equipped in AlamattCe county; give name.of local manager, tel ephone No. and name of another fine car handled by this Arm. Alamance Motor Company W. Harden St. A. B. Thompson, Mgr. Paige Car—Oakland Sensible Six. Phone 728 . v" y W » * > K Makers of Happy Homes. Name t|>e business house of Graham specializing in the "Making of Happy Homes". The Arm who brings joy and comfort, to the newly weds, the settled family, and to the aged, by making living conditions tolerable ; and who will perform the last required service for you when you have cast aside all home cares. Locate the Arm, give lines of busi - ness and telephone No. This is the home of the Claxtonola. Name the kitchen cabinet sold here, and known as "The Best Servant in the House." Rich & Thompson ' ' • ■' Furniture—Undertaking Seller's Kitchen Cabinet. v Phone 357-J , Home of Gut-Rate Tires. , Name tlie firm of tire dealers in Graham, give proprietors' names and telephone number where many leading makes of high-grade guaranteed tires are-sold at cut rates, and where vulcanizing—the kind that' 'sticks"— is satisfactorily done, and repairs made on short notice. A full line'of i accessories. ■ ' r " "... I t Graham Tire Company E. D. Scott, Propr. Phone 107 4 • ♦ , . „ • The Ladies' Store. Name and locate the nice modern store of Graham and - give name of proprietor, patronized by the discriminating ladies of the town, and name a corset with a reputation for general excellence bandied exclusively by this store. This is headquarters for fine millinery and ladies' ready-to wear garments of quality, and remember that you can do as well or better at this store than in the large city. Fashion's latest creations Are to be found here. " ...- k *7 • The Ladies' Emporium* Miss Margaret Clegg, Propr. Madame Grace Corset • . V '\v • +*• Leading Feed Store. Name Graham's leading dealer in feed stuffs and locate place of busi ness, where you will always find the best in stock feed of all kinds. Name the high grade com meal manufactured and sold to the trade of Graham and vicinity, and which you are buying if you are interested in building up your town commercially and industrially. Give telephone number. Are distributors for lledmont Patent and Argus Self-Rising flours. D. M. Johnson Mill and Feed Store West End of Graham. "Quality" Corn Meal , " Pnone 440 Graham's Best Grocery. Name and locate the largest and best grocery store in Graham. Name, the manager and give phone number. Remember, this IB the store of " "Qfiallty" table supplies, both in the fancy and etaple grocery line, as well as floe country produce. While you have the phone number in mind Just call us and give an order which will receive the same prompt attention as an order In person., Graham Grocery Company Main Street Near Court Square. A. Lacy Holt, Mgr. - Phone 187 Plumbing And Tin Work. If you wanted a job of plumbing, tin or sheet iron work done * on abort notice, and properly and satisfactorily executed, or if you want ed any kind of repair work done in this line, or if In need of guaranteed tobacco flues, what reliable firm could best supply your needs? Locate shop and give name of proprietor. \ C« F. Russell ' • Tinning—Plumbing—Sheet-Iron Work, , South Main Street. *'■ - • Graham's Sanitary Grocery. Name and locate that nice, neat, sanitary grocery, patronized largely by the discriminating house-keepers who want the best when it comes to buying table supplies, whether it be fancy or heavy staple groceries or • selected country produce. Name the proprietor and give phone number. y K. B. Poole Groceries and Produce North Main Street Phone 401-W The Fanner's Friend. Name the progressive hardware Ann of Graham, and give name of the manager, who is regarded as the real friend of all the fanners of South ern Alamance through having supplied them with dependable farming implements and farm machinery of a high order. Name "The Best - Range Built For Family Use" and known as a great fuel saver handled by the frm. Give telephone No. - c Graham Hardware Company ' / C. P. Harden. Manager. Cole's "Down Draft" Range Phone 88 v Doubles Resoorces in Two Year*. 4 Name the popular banking Institution of Graham, the resources of which are about ten times the capital stock, and which numbers among its officers, directors and stockholders a number of the county's most progressive citizens. Name the secretary, vflxo in leas than two- years has moire than doubled the banks resources by his conservative manage • ment. Name the president of the bank and just remember that this is the bank which grants all wishes of its customers, provided they are in keep ing With sound banking principles. Give bank's telephone No. The Citizens Bank: of Graham W. J. Nicks, President, J. S. Cook, Secretary. Phone 9 "Crack and Joe." "Crack" and "Joe", two Alamance boys, popular merchants, known by everybody, operate one of Graham's largest department stores. Any thing in the way of dry" goods, notions, men's and women's ready-to wear of the better kind, shoes, etc., that comes from "Crafck" and "Joe s must be right or they will make it right. Name the firm and tell in what public building their store is located. Name the Virginia made shoes, for men and women, noted for thetr long-wearing qualities, handled exclu sively by this firm. J. D. Albright & Co. " , Graham Theatre Building. "Bell Brand" Shoes. / Beat the Other Fellow to It- Name the high-jjrade chocolate candy "the other fellow will send her If you dpift," and the well known and reliable drug firm of Graham who are exclusive sales agents for same. This is a real prescription store where medicines are accurately compounded by registered pharmacists, and where service is the watch word. Name the manager and give telephone No., and don't forget that you are Invited to use this phone freely when in need of anything in the drug line. Farrell-Hayes t)rug Co. Norris Exquisite Candy. x R. D. Farrell, Manager—Phone 97. Welds Anything Weldable. Name and locate the Graham iron working firm that specializes in welding and brazing the "Nu-Way", and Is specially prepared to look after broken parts of machinery, welding anything that is weldable, the acetylene Way, giving equal strength and durability to broken parts. Give name of proprietor of this shop,, who is an expert mechanic, and can guarantee perfect satisfaction. Graham Welding Company, West Elm Street, D. S. Myers, Proprietor. Who's Your Grocer. Who is your grocer? Name and locate the store noted for the general excellence of its goods. Carrying at all times a complete and varied as sortment of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and produce. This is a clean, sanitary store, and. if your groceries' and table supplies come from > this establishment, you need never Worry over their purity. Give tele phone-number, and remember, telephone orders are given the same pains taking personal orders. A. W. Norwood Groceries and Produce / Cor. Court Square and Main Street. Phone 428. Ready to Buy Yohr Wheat. Name the large merchant milling concern of Graham, give name of manager and the name of the high-grade flour, noted for its purity and excellence, manufactured. Ybu are buying this flour and using it if you are interested in the material welfare and future growth of your town. This firm is prepared to pay farmers the highest market price for their wheat. Give telephone number and name the self-rising flour made by this mill, the use of which means a saving of $4.70 on the barrel to thte consumer. * Graham Milling Company C. P. Albright, manager. "Sunbeam" Flour. "Pet" Self'rising Flour s Phone 402 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. v Name tjie Graham firm, locate their office, and give the telephone num ber, which is best prepared to look after your realty transactions, either in buying, selling or exchanging, loans money on improved real estate, and can supply you with all sorts of general insurance, life excepted, underwritten by the best and strongest insurance companies in the world. Name the president and secretary-manager Graham Real Estate Company Court House Square. Chas. A. Scott, Pres. W. E. Storey, Sec.-Treas. Phone 544. Superior Cabinet Work. „ Name the Graham cabinet maker and name and locate his shop, who, when it cornea to classy work in his line, will not take his hat off to any man in North Carolina. The working over of antiques is a specialty at this shop. Fine furniture repairs, upholsteripg and the reflnisliing of costly pianos and furniture are specialties, and the work is guaranteed to be satisfactory. Graham Cabinet Shop W. B. Quakenbush, Propr. Court Square—Graham. Leading Barber Shop—Shower Baths. Name and locate the leading barber shop in Graham, and name the f proprietors, where. In addition to getting the very best work in the ton sorial line, you can have a shower bath with hot or eold water at any time the shop is open. This shop is splendidly equipped and do credit to a town mm; times Graham's size. } I City Barber Shop Tom and George McPherson, Proprs. Court Square. V I Graham's Modem Store. Name Graham's largest and most up-to-date department store, carrying the largest and most varied lines of men's and women's ready-to-wear goods, notions, shoes, millinery, etc. In fact, everything the well dress ed man or woman mi ght need, and at prices as low or lower than can be obtained at other like stores. Name the proprietor and give the tele, phone number. The Fair Department Store C. A. Switzer, Propr. Phone 401-J