THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., July 15,192 ft Postolfice Boars. Offlo open T.OO a. m. t07.00 p. m. > Bnud«y 9.00 toll.00«. m. and t.OO tO CUW p. m K. N. COOK. Portmutw. ♦♦mt'Hf ++++++++++> * t 4.++ + LOCAL NEWS. * ♦ ♦ —On July 3rd, at the home of Mr. T. P. Bradshaw, the officiating Jus- the Peace, Mr. Eddie Bosch end Miss Lalah Christopher, both of Graham, were united in marriage. —Mrs. H. W. Scott gave a de lightful porch party yesterday morn ing. Mrs. 0. B. Irwin was the goest of honor. About twenty-five ladies were present. Dainty refreshments were served. —The three Circles of the Presby terian church will meet next Mon day afternoon, July 19th, at 4 o'clock with the following; No. 1 with Mrs. Claud D. Moore, No. 2 with Mrs. Frank Moore, No. 3 with Mrs. Mc- Bride Hojt, and it is earnestly de sired that all the ladies will attend these meetings. . Among the Sick. ' * Mr. James Cooper, who has been sick several weeks, is very much im proved. Mi6s Mary Weeks, whose critical illness in a hospital at Goldsboro was mentioned last .week, ie still very sick. Mr. Will H. Albright went to Asheville a week or so ago on ac count of his health, and it is learned that his condition is qnite unfavor able Pension Board Meets Again July 21st. The Countyt Pension Board, com posed of Messrs. J. N . H. Clendenin, J. H v Watson,and W. A. Hill, were in session on the first Monday. They met again last Monday to consider applications and will hold their final meeting on next Wednesday, July 21st, to finish up their work for the year. Mr. Wm. I. Ward Moves Law Office. Mr. Wm. L Ward, who has had his law office next to Alco Theatre for 'a year or more, has moved to the Holt-Nicholson building at south west side of Court Blouse Square where he has fitted up a nice office on the ground fioof. Graham Party Land at San Francisco. Mrß. J. L. Scott, Jr.. /rnd party, who left here May 31st ior a visit to the-Hawaiian Islands, landed at San Francisco Tuesday on their return, according to a dispatch. They ex pect to reach 'Graham the early part of next week —about Tuesday. Mr. George T. Jones Dies Herfc While -•on a Visit. •« \ Mr. George T. Jones from near Mebane died suddenly from heart failure Saturday, July 10th, at 6 o'clock, here at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bradshaw, where he was visiting, aged 72 years, 2 months and 3 days. He was a son of Allen P. Jones who died several years ago. He is survived by his widow, three daughters and one Bon —Mrs. Ben B. Mills of Haw River, Mrs. t. W. Kirkpatrick, near Meb ane, with whom he had been making hie home, Mrs. W. A. Brkdehaw of Graham and Jew M. Jones of Griffin, Ga., also two Bisters and one brother —Mrs. Martha Nicks of Richmond, Vs., Mrs. Annie Smith of Mebane and J. S. Jones near Mebane. He leaves many friends to mourn his death. The funeral services and burial were at Hebron church near Mebane, Monday at If o'clock in the presence of a large congregation of relatives and friends, and were conducted by Rev. Mr. Surrett, pastor of Heliron church, and Rev. C. T. Thrift, pastor - of the M. E. church of Graham. Prize Winners ni Who's Who Contest The first prize of fclO in Gold goes to Lillian M. Lee, her answer being almost perfect, only three errors be ing noted. Mrs. Allen D. Tate wins the ssl Gold piece, her answer, barring a few very unconsequential errors, be inga close second, but had J. D. Lee exercised just a Httle more care in two particulars, that of the Grah am Cabin et Shop, a regular advertiser, and the Ladies' Emporium, he would! have been second winner. Elise Thompsan is deserving of special mention. . * The "Who's Who" contest creatr ed much interest, and were it pos sible we would like to hand each and every contestant a piece of gold. If the prize winners will call at THK GLEANER Office they will be ' given an order on The Citizens Bank of Graham for their gold. > • , ,;v ♦ PERSONAL. + ♦ ■ ' ♦ Capt. S. H. Webb, near Oaks, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Jas. E. Boyd of Greensboro spent yesterday here With, relatives. Miss Mary Bellow is visiting her brother, Mr. John W. Estlow, at Schoolfield, Ya. Mr. Willie P. Harder returned to Greensboro Tuesday after spending ten days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H.|Geanee of Raleigh arrived here the latter part of last week on a visit to relatives. *■ Mess. J. L. Scott, Jr., and H. W. Scott left Monday evening for New York on a business trip. Mrs. J. D. Kernodle, Jr., left last Friday fo' Lumberton for a visit of ten days to Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor, Mrs. J. D. Lee, Miss Emily and Master J. D., Jr., left Saturday for Fuquay Springs to spend a week. Mr. Lacy B. Bradshaw, with the Southern Life. fc Trust Co. of Greens boro, spent Sunday at his home here. Mess. Edwin D. Scott, Dewey Far reil and Wilson Williamson return ed Monday from a ten days' outing at Wrights villa. Mr. Lovick H. Kernodle, who has been living in Washington for the past year, returned yesterday morn ihg to his home here. Mrs. R. C. Hunter and daughter?, Misses Annie and Mary, left last Friday for Shelby to visit relatives at Mrs. Hunter's old home. Mr. and firs. A. L. Henley and llrs. Thos. R. Foust of Greensboro are visiting at Mrs. Thos. C. Foust's, two miles south of town. Mrs. B. M. Rogers and children, who hasve been spending some time at her old home at Merrimon, Car teret county, returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Clark and little daughter of Monroe arrived here the latter part of last week on a visit to Mr. Clark's sister, Mrs. Ben B. Holt. and Mrs. Ewell MoAdams, of Greensboro, have been here for a few days visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. Mc- Adams. Miss Anbie Watson Moore left last Friday for Wilson to visit Mrs. Jack Bissett (Miss Annie Rice, who had visited here}, Miss Moore returns this evening. Mrs. 0. B. Irwin, who has been here for the past few weeks visiting at Mrs. E. S. Parker's, leaves today for Atlanta, Ga., to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Crichton. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Miller of Goldsboro, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Katharine, spent the latter part of last week here with their daughter, Mrs. Willie A. Mc- Adams. Mess. A. K. Hardee, R. E. Hunter and William Scott and Misses Mary Hunter and Elise Thompson spent last Sunday in Oxford. Miss Mar garet Hunter, who was visiting there, returned with them. Mrs. Robt. E. Harden of Grems boro spent from Friday till Monday at Mr. and Mrs. James P. Harden's. Mr. Harden came down Monday and they returned that day accompanied by Master James, the latter's brother. First aid for all attacks of Bowel C omplaints is Dr. SETH ARN OLD'S B A lis AM. Known for 75 years. Keep a bottle in the house.* War ranted by Farre 11-Hayes Drug Co., Graham, N. C. W jf w ca will soon be here and k- IjpJ flA* will be in /Mr/X vogue among | V 97 V • well dressed II M A men. Wheth- \y /I er you discard IA/ your vest or Ir or not, yon will want a watch chain to suit your summer attire. Drop in and let Ina (bow JOT oor taatafal new .patterns in cfeMhs Chains an noted for their wwrim qn«Hti— am wall ee for their •xqniaita ijaalpi and Wniah, They are not wastml or plated good*— the awfecs of each chain to a heavy ronedtaheo t—UgM Come in eariy' and make yoor choice wbPapemsw —intiinnilaraiplete. Z.T.HADLE\ Jeweler and Optician GKAHAM, N.C (ft * ■ " : "The Vallerof the Ghats." This is the title of a thrilling story woven about the giant redwoid trees of the West, the forthcoming of which in the columns of THE GLEANKB was announced several weeks ago. It begins with this week's issue. It is of surpassing t interest. Look it op, read it, and follow it through. We have a few apart copies for (hose who want to read it all. Peaches for* Canning and Preserving. We will have nice peaches of-gpod size and quality for canning and the season. Some ready now. Apply to Melville Farm, Haw River. Phone 2612. Card of Thanks- We wish to thank oar many friends for theiirkindnees rendered during the sickness and death of our husband and father. MBS. S. J. THOMPSON AND FAMILY. Commlssoner's Re-Sale of land. Under an order ot the Superior Court, made in a Special Proceed ing .entitled, "Mrs. W. L. Romley, Adininistratix of W. L. Ram ley, deceased, Ex Parte," the under signed Commisfbner will sell at public auction at the eoart house 'door in Graham, on . SATURDAY, JULY 24,1820, »t 12 o'clock, noon, the following real property, to-wit: Tract 3—Beginning at a stake on the moantain, Henderson Coble corner, and running thence E 31.35 chs to pointers, corner of lot No.. 6; thence N 9 chs to pointers; thence N 70 deg E 4.75 chs to a stake on the Graham road; thence with said road 16 chs to a sassafras on the west side of the said road; thence S 04 deg 46 chs to the beginning, and containing 41.60 acres, more or less. Tract s—Adjoining the lands of Laban Payne, Thomas Gibson, Geo. Thompson and others, «nd bounded as follows: Beginning at a rook and nerslin-. mon tree in Laban Payne's line, corner with said Williams and running thence S 59£ deg W 6.85 chs to a rock, sorner with said Payne; thence 8 60 deg W 3.60 chs to a rook, corner with said Payne; thence S 46 deg W tot rock hi fence line with John C. Payne; thence with thd line of John C. Payne to the north aide to a rock and corner with said John C. Payne just west of old flab pond; tbenoe N 46} deg E to a rock, corner with said Williams: thence S 37 2-3 deg E 10.43 chs to the beginning, *nd containing IS acres, more or less. . This being the east one-half of the land conveyed to M.4. and John C. Payne by the heirs of Patterson Payne by deed dated March 17,18.89, reference to which is hereby made. Tract 6—Adjoining the lands of D. A. Ramley, M. I. Payne and others and described as follows: Beginning at a rock, D. A. Rum ley's corner and in the line of the said M. I. Payne and running thence with the line in a norther ly direction to a gum and corner with the said D. A. Rum ley; thence southeasterly with the said Ram ley's line to a branch, said Payne's old line; theuce with a straight line in a southeasterly direction to the beginning, and containing one-fourth acre, more or less. This being that certain tract of land conveyed to said M. I. Payne and D. A. Rumley by deed record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Deeds Na 60, at page 558, reference to which is hereby given. * Tract 7—Adjoining the lands of S. P. Holt, Patterson Payne and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock in said Payne's line and running thence N 28 deg W. 23 chs to a matple tree in said Holt's line; thence with said Holt's line 552 deg W 13 50 clis to a rock; thence 8 38 deg E 24 chs 25 Iks to a rock in said Payne's line; thence with said Payne's line N 48 deg E 13 chs 50 Iks to the beginning, and contain ing 33 acres, mote or less. This being that certaiu tract of land heretofore conveyed to Peter Kenney by deed of Wm. H. Holt Hnd wife and by said Kenney to M. I. Payne, which said deeds are of record acd reference is hereby made thereto. * Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one-third in three months, and balance in six months. This is a re-sale of these tracts, and bidding on tract No. 3 is to commence at $687.50, and on tracts 5, 6 and 7, at t1,32p.00. Sale subject to the confirmation of Court. This the 30th day of June, 1920. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Commissioner. Mrs. W. L. Ramley, Adm'x. . . ' **- 4. » ' ' I ttfui- QjuJfaJfc I H On the morning of 2nd inat. at the Presbyterian manse in tbepreeonqe '•I it few relatives nd friends, Miss Leuna Bennett* Clapp, daughter of Mr/ and Mrs. W. F. R. Ciapp, and Mr. Eroeet A. SLuffuer, an excellent young buaineea man Burlington, were united in marriage, Rev Ed ward N. Caldwell officiating* -The bride ia one of Graham's most es timable young women, and ban the beet wiahea of many friends tor a happy wedded life. For Sale ! * ■' / ' '' : . * v . ti - > V"'*'' • 0 \#i yi > ~v '£* j • jf* -., flllWe have bought the Cuny Moore TJlHome Place, and will offer it for sale on easy terms. Possession can be given within ten days. A good 6- room house, in good condition at a reasonable price. A•' . - , L ' ' -KV* > Graham Real Estate Co. Y 'Phooe 544—Office Next Deer to Natioaalßaak of AlawMt . GRAHAM, N. C. Which Would You _% - — v n I Rather Do? 7 ' , --^1 :»• • J■ * ;\3s Pay cash and carry your groceries and fresh meats home I and safye 10 to 15 per cent., or have them charged,deliver ed and give it to some one else.. ' On and after July Ist I WILL SELL FOR CASH and * MAKE NO DELIVERIES—in other words a CASH and . T CARRY STORK - ;-J H '' Do you know what you are paying for groceries and ; ■ \ fresh meats ? Lots of people don't, just gfct it and charge II it. You should know what you are paying and BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY CHEAPEST. ' 1 I pay cash and sell for cash —save extra clerk hire, track ~ and delivery man—that's why I can save you money. If , . '' . I can't save you money I don't expect your business. Get ,; my prices and gee for yourself. " ~ Don't be afraid to sand the children or servants to \ ! my store. I will give them as nice cuts of meat as n T you fould get yourself. > As soon as our cash register comes you will get a re- ( , ceipt and correct change with each purchase. J. W. HOLT Fresh Meats—Groceries . PAYCASH CASH PAYS 1 ! « " It i. as i. as., . mm . ■■ mm » as.. mm 1M ■■ ■ +• n ** ■ tfcn » —HI »« KiSuurimoii' bttifMt ef ■^wihmaW Scott's Emulsion . II VMU'IHW tmk'hU, •i «B.y «*■**■* Real Estate! Are YOll Interested? Banking on our faith in the future of this com munity, we have acquired, in fee simple, an at tractive list of real estate, both farm and wty 3 property. We are in a position to offer attract ive prices and the very best of terms on any of our noldings. It is easy to do business with us. WE BUY, SELL, SWOP What is your proposition ? Think about it and see. R. N. COOK or E. P. McCLURE Graham, N. G. . , 1 tut Mm leacktrs' Iniaag StM A. State school to train teachers for public schools of lotth Carolina. Every energy » directed to this one purpose. Tui tion free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begias Stftem her 29* 1922. For catalog and other information addicas jBOBT H. WEIGHT, Prwrt. GreenriDev 111 C. Fords for Sale. • T«kfoftt L, 1 S [ 1 new Ford with starter. ■nnit j i lmFm ifi i j 1 new Ford without starter. n__ . ___ 11917 model—price right. Furniture Co., j Phone €26 Burlington, N.C.