■ Helps li 9 Women K D Cardui, the woman's K tonic, helped Mis. WO- |E nam Evenole, of Hazel K P> tch . Ky. Read what J the writes: "I had a HF general brealdng-down 1b MM of my health. I was in MA bed for weeks, unable to |H| PH get np. 1 had such a I wealneas and dizziness, mm ... tad the pains woe IA vary severe. A friend Mk ■m loM aw I tod tried every- MM thing else, why aol MM Cardui?... I did, and Wj M soon saw It was helping VHfl ■K me... Alter 12 botttes, MM lin strong and weH." MM * TAKE ® CARDUI The Woman's Tonic jm Do you fed weak, dlx zy, worn-out? 1* your MM lack of good health caused ml ■V from any of the com plaints so common to mM women? Then why aot WMm VI give Canlui a trial? It M should surely do for you what it has done for ao Hi many thousands of other ' V. women who suffered—it I H should help you back to I ■% health. Ask some lady Mead * JM who has taken Cardui. Bk MM She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. |V K AD Druggists M Summons by Publication* North Carolina, • Alamance County, In the Superior Court. Bank of Haw River vs. C. M. Gant, SJ. W. Laaley, H. Goodman, et als. C. M. Gant, one of the defend ants above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced the Su perior Court of Alamanee eounty, and that summona has been issued in said cause, and the plaintiff has filed a complaint in said ac tion, wherein it praye judgment against the defendants for the sum of $447.3» on account of over drafts drawn by Graham Motor Car Company against Bank of Haw River, which said overdrafts were paid by said Bank, and are now due and owing it by defend ants. The said C. M. Gant will farther take notice that he iB required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county. North Carolina, at the court house in Graham, on or be fore Monday the 9th day of Au gust, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint which will be filed in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said oom plaint. July 2, 1920. D. J. WALKKR. C. S. C. J. J. Henderson, Att'y- Bjuly4t ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin—say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablet* of Aspirin* in * "Bayer package," containing nropei direction* for Cold*, Fain, HeadacW Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. neiiu genuine Aspirin Helping the Finn Home. E. T. Meredith, Secretary of Agri cultuie. A condition must be diagnosed befbre it can be successfully treat ed. The United States Depart ment of Agriculture and the State agricultural colleges made a farm home survey, not for the sake of the survey itself but as a prelimi nary to the cure oi some of the disorders exposed. For some time past statistics have shown that an increasing number of farm families are mov ing to )own. If those who left were surrounded by conditions as unfavorable (ts some of them brought out in the survey, their exodus is not surprising. The whole body social will tuffer with the abandonment of any consider able number of farms' On the other haud, if conditions were as satisfactory on the whole, as the majority wrote of, it is doubtful whether iu the end they will find themselves happier or more pros perous in town than they would have been if they had stayed in the country, In those localities where the conditions on the farm* are such that the occupants are dissatisfied, \ ~~ ' [PSA- • .> a , " "*' ' J j--w^ 1 — JpgH ' * wmmm 1 SjHP — 1 %, • v ~lV' % , . Give Your Motor Truck Driver 1 4 ■.*■.'• ' ; . ' a Tire//e Can Depend On ■° • 9 » THE man who tells , been able to prevent base sen you that motor truck aratlon * " drivers are not interested As representatives of the old in the efficient and eco- f^^ff."?^ # - . ;; £ - in the world it is Our privilege nomical operation O intrpdw't this new tire to their trucks Has liev€r g owners driven of thfa been in a garage when dty. the truckß were com- The first solid truck tire ever ing in from their day's 'made that will neither split nor hank. separate from its base - Tire splitting arid base «ve your driver a tbe that . . .i * he*can depend on —that he separation are not things that truck drivers thought tllinking the time-and up to annoy their em* watch how much more ejfici ployers. your trucks operate. Until the new U. S. Grainless And how your tire costs go Rubber Solid Truck Tire was own - r created, no way had ever been- In purchasing a new truck found to prevent solid tires from consult us about {he type of splitting. Nor bad anyone ever tires to specify. United States Tires - - • !• * : "v ■ ■ l " : . - X. • # * GRAHAM TIRE CO. • f' «• J . ~ * •• i-i iimniiillf rii'i'i riiii iili i -inn- si.-.Tti win t. • remedy must be found, for the' farmer and bis family ar* entitled to ILving conditions which »re the equal in cdmfort and healthful ness of those he would find in a town or eity. The Department of Agriculture means to brfag to bear octhlsaSase all the curative power it pqm WMM. It asks tjhe sympathetic aid of all those other agencies which can be of such great assistance—the church, the school, tne community organization, and tne press. Most important of all is the help which the farm home Itself can give, for our efforts can accomplish no great thing unless the members of the farm families arewilflng toco operate. Help Your Digestion •KwioiDS lift off 6brns! i— ; - Doesn't hurt a bit and Freeaona .. costs only a few cents. Doesn't hurt a bit ! Drop H little Freczone on un aching corn, iratantly that corn atops hurting, then you lift it right eut. Yea, magic; ! * A tiny bottle of Freeeone costs - but a few cents at any drug store,.b.ut is Suffi cient to l remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, aw! the calluses, without adreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational discovery of a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666 Scientist* in thl Department of Agriculture in Washington have announced that birds have di vorce laws of their own and often take advantage of them. If the learned gentlemen will only tell ns how many worms are awarded as alimony he would satisfy. a heartfelt eHrioeity. , General Wood's campaign in -West- Virginia was 'Mike a circus," says a witness testifying in the Borah probe. Certainly. General Wood showed the crowd how the G. O. P. eiephaut could si ay on the fence with regard to'the league question. A correspondent in San Fran cisco Informs' us that *'the Cdx boomers umde the most unise." So the con million decided to nomi nate th 6 big noise. So it was 60 Turks instead of a thousand that thi»* British killed; tnore's the pity. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DONT RISK MATERIAL Each package ot "Diamond Dyes" con tains j directions so simple that any woman cart' dye any material without streaking, fading or running. Druggist has color card—Take no other dyel Children Cry for Fletcher'* The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been in U9 for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been niade under his per eonal supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in* this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with And endanger the health of infanta and Children —Experience against. Experiment.- What isWASTORIA^ Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind .Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid# the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend. v GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i ■ ' . ■ s • . the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE C«NTAUW COMPANY. t NIW YORK PITY. NEW FORM OF IRON RELIEVES STOMACH TROUBLES Eat What You Like—Stop Suffering From Acta Stomach —Gas, Pains and Other Forms of In , digestion—Results Almost Immediately For years physicians have been aearclyng for a form of iron that could be combined with certain other in gredients like pepsin, etc., for use in treating chronic disorders of the di gestive tract; mal-assimilation etc., etc. This is sufficient evidence that medicine recognizes the great value of iron for stomach troubles when administered in proper form. If you have been disappointed with lack of results from pills and tonics said to contain iron you can now un derstand that the iron was not pre sented in a f 6rm that could be absorbed by the stomach into the system. And therefore could not possibly bring you benefit • This new form of iron is not pre pared by chemists— it is found in Na ture itself combined with other highly beneficial medicinal agents. It is quickly absorbed by the syßtem and in sufficient measure to bring results FoisSale by All Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott & Co., Charlotte, N. C., Trustee's Sale ol Real Estate. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed of trust executed by Mamie Lee and husband Allen Lee on the 13th day of April, 1916, and" re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance county, in book No. 71 of Deeds of Trust, page 39, the under signed trustee wilt offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon, on MONDAY, AUG. 9,* 1920, the following described prop erty: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington township, Alamance copnty, North Caro lina, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Brown Cooper, Henry Browning, John Chamber* and others, and be j ginning at a nock, corner with said Browning; thence S 87i deg £ 4 chs 23 Iks to a rook; thence 2J deg E 4.82, chs to a rock, corner with said Cham bers; thence N deg W 4.44 chs to a rock, corner with said Chambers and Cooper; thence N 31 deg S 4 chs 82 Iks to the be ginning, containing 2 acres, more or lees. This July 6, 1920. , Alamance IDS. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. L. C, Alton, jLtt'y. I * ■ *L that you can feel in a very short time. Just ask your druggist for Acid Iron Mineral. He will also tell you that stomach troubles are relieved by tak ing a spoonful in a glass of water three times a day. And for acute conditions like "sour stomach" etc., a single cfose will in Vnost cases bring relief. This natural form of iron seems to neutralize the excess acid in the stomach as nothing else in all medicine. Stomach disorders of long standing where the patient is subject to dis tress after eating, gulping, headaches, dizziness, etc., yield positively to Steady treatment with Acid Iron Mineral. • And don't forget that the general system is strengthened and invigor ated owing to the this great medicine. All druggists cheer fully refund tfce purchase price if the results are not satisfactory to you in every way. Distributors. S Used 40 Years J CARDUi 1 Hit WoWs Tonic 1 8 Sold Everywhere 2 •ittiiittiWi But two candidates will pass tbe entrance examinations for the electoral college, and only one will gradaate. A small appetite is not con sidered a blessfng and its for tunate possessor does not rnsh to the doctor for a tonic. Johnson doesn't want the vice presidency, but tbe vice-presi- 5 iency beat him to it, showing in « 1912 it did not want him. Tbe United.States now owns approximately 2,000 merchant vessels, says a shipping board official. That's one great achieve ment of President Wilson's. -- Mr. McAdoo got a big vote in Pennsylvania* though his name was pot on the ballot. The Frisco convention is going to take notice, " ....

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